Legends, stories scattered through time...
You've heard the story before, the heroes and villains, their pasts and their futures, the folly of Wizards, Gods, and Witches. Monsters in the dark and the Dust from which man was born and will return to.
You've heard it before, you know there isn't any victory in strength.
But that isn't the only story is it?
No, you've heard a different one, one about Worms and Whales, Shards of infinity, a war against entropy fought with pieces so small they might as well be bugs.
They're all so very small in the end.
Two stories, both old as time, two shapeless epics drifting through the void.
But rarely does a story stay constant.
Deep in the first drafts of the world, something new flowers, brought upon by ancient seeds of change.
This new flower, once delicate and needing has become something more, a fractured blossom with powers unseen but rippling outward.
New heroes and villains will rise, the story continues as Remnants of one world flow into another.
(For those that aren't as interested in Flowery vagueness, this is a RWBY Worm fusion. Characters from Worm dropped into Remnant as if they've always been there, now armed with Dust, mechashift weaponry, aura, and semblances to boot! But the buck doesn't stop there, as the story continues, we'll find that certain things have melded more completely, almost seamless and other things... well, other things don't quite belong like they should.)
You've heard the story before, the heroes and villains, their pasts and their futures, the folly of Wizards, Gods, and Witches. Monsters in the dark and the Dust from which man was born and will return to.
You've heard it before, you know there isn't any victory in strength.
But that isn't the only story is it?
No, you've heard a different one, one about Worms and Whales, Shards of infinity, a war against entropy fought with pieces so small they might as well be bugs.
They're all so very small in the end.
Two stories, both old as time, two shapeless epics drifting through the void.
But rarely does a story stay constant.
Deep in the first drafts of the world, something new flowers, brought upon by ancient seeds of change.
This new flower, once delicate and needing has become something more, a fractured blossom with powers unseen but rippling outward.
New heroes and villains will rise, the story continues as Remnants of one world flow into another.
(For those that aren't as interested in Flowery vagueness, this is a RWBY Worm fusion. Characters from Worm dropped into Remnant as if they've always been there, now armed with Dust, mechashift weaponry, aura, and semblances to boot! But the buck doesn't stop there, as the story continues, we'll find that certain things have melded more completely, almost seamless and other things... well, other things don't quite belong like they should.)