I 'awoke' abruptly, to the sight of a smallish cave. Embedded in a natural pillar was a sphere of purple glass, or something much like it, which was also glowing faintly purple. I myself was a featureless humanoid made of translucent purple mist, and I got the feeling most wouldn't see me. The odd
awareness of a large amount of cave and the floating menus-
these ones helpfully labeled, thankfully.
The fact that they were labeled 'minions' 'rooms' 'features' and 'spells' was a bit of a giveaway, as was the large mana bar floating to my left, with two numbers above it in green- 0/4, to be precise. The mana bar itself was also labeled '300,' and was about half full.
I was a freaking Dungion core.
To quote team fourstar: oh, crapbaskets.
Well, first things first. I didn't have a clear path to the surface, but instead appeared deep in a cave system. This was both good and bad. On the good side- anyone trying to get to me would need to dig through a bunch of rock, or navigate the cave system outside.
Bad news was, a lot of magic systems had spells that could do just that- or simply teleport right in and ruin my day.
Worse news: a
lot of fantasy settings had all sorts of highly disagreeable things living underground, none of which I wanted anywhere near me.
My awareness, equally, was not 'just' of my claimed area, or even something as simple as a sphere, oh no, that would be too
easy. Instead I could 'feel' a cylindrical volume I estimated to be about three hundred feet tall, with a radius of
about nine hundred feet or so. It was a
I could, however, only get the general 'shape' of the terrain within that radius, unlike the 'claimed' area I currently possessed, which was a small cave no more than fifty square feet or so in size and a short 'hallway' on the far end of the cave from my Core.
It was also clear that I was pretty far under the ground, at least half a mile or so, according to my weird new geo-sense, so at least it'd take some serious work to actually get at my for most wanna-be adventurers.
On the other hand, as a minute passed and my mana went up to '304,' I had a pretty shrewd idea of how to work things from other Dungeon Core stories I'd read before this- and, if my guess was correct, a ready-made set of technologically-adept minions to go full magitech awesomeness with.
Next, I looked at the 'rooms' tag. These consisted entirely of empty spaces in various shapes, with a cost per square foot of space in mana- a very, very low cost. 'Features' seemed to have the stuff that actually went
in the rooms, and opening both tabs got me a tutorial popup labeled '1/6 - Rooms.'
Reading it, it seemed I operated a little differently than most Dungeons- I wouldn't get any pre-made rooms, but would instead have to construct each room and its features manually, using a builder interface. I could then save a template of a given room to use again later, or to copy elsewhere.
The mana costs looked painful, but pressing 'next' got me a window labeled '2/6 - Summoning and Building.' this window explained I actually had two options for building things- I could summon a completed object instantly, for a large amount of mana- empty rooms didn't cost all that much, but some things- like the very promising-sounding 'Mana Generator' actually cost more mana to summon than I could have total at the moment.
Alternatively, I could choose to have my minions construct it for me- this would summon materials near my core, which would then be transported to the build site and used to assemble the device, at negligible mana cost. The downsides were obvious- first, there'd have to be an accessible path from my core room to wherever I was building something. Second, I'd need multiple minions dedicated to the task, both to transport materials and do the actual building. Thirdly, it'd take time- to both move materials and do the actual assembly. And then, of course, it could be disrupted fairly easily, either by blocked passages, parts that wouldn't fit through an accessway, or hostile action.
That said, building things was obviously more efficient in the long run, at least initially, since the mana cost was so small- apparently, mana costs for non-living things was a function of complexity; the more complex the object, the more mana it cost to summon outright. Summoning parts and raw materials, however, cost almost nothing- some quick math told me I could summon something like twenty tons of pure gold for a single point of mana, which was
insane, but definitely explained why someone might raid a dungeon.
'Spells' got me an interesting list- 'mana bolt,' which cost 5 mana and seemed to be magic missile in all but name, 'Magic wall,' a 15MP spell that would seal a corridor for an hour and 'Absorb,' a 20MP spell that would let me drain mana from mages.
This got me another tutorial popup, explaining that I could learn new spells by having them cast in any area I controlled, or by having minions research them once I had facilities to do so. I wouldn't be able to cast spells outside my own control area, but I
could teach them to certain minions, who could leave said area just fine. It also helpfully explained how mana regeneration worked- first, I got some mana from rooms, this was the number on the right, above my mana bar. Second, certain room features or minion types would generate mana for me- this was the number on the left. Recurrent expenditure, I learned, would be shown in red directly above the gain numbers.
Lastly, 'one-time' mana gains would simply be added to my mana bar- these could come from various sources, such as my 'absorb' spell, magically-inclined minions with the own mana channeling it into me for a boost, or, naturally, having a living thing die inside my control area.
Interestingly, the last one included my own minions, which raised certain questions about what counted as 'alive,' given it explicitly included otherwise 'non-living' minions like clockwork robots or automated sentry guns.
But the 'Minions' list was likely the most important- I, after all, was a big ball of glass or crystal or something, and lacked little things like
As expected, this got me another popup. Much like Rooms, Minions could either be summoned directly- though that cost was considerably more affordable, for some reason- or created 'naturally' using room features at no cost (other than that of the feature itself.) living minions would require somewhere to rest, food to eat- this could be summoned directly for a small mana cost (though it warned my that such meals, while filling, were bland and would eventually effect the morale of any minion smart enough to actually
have morale,) provided by room features, or imported from outside the Dungeon, whether by hunting or trade with other powers.
Intelligent minions would possess considerable loyalty, but
could be driven away by poor treatment. Making sure to provide support for my minions, such as housing, food, and recreational spaces, would be important for long-term health. Mine, that is. It seemed Minions had a real symbiotic relationship, providing things I couldn't do easily or at all, while I helped ensure they were provided for and protected. I honestly wasn't sure who got the better end of the deal, on that one.
When I looked at the minions list thoroughly, I smiled. Because, as I suspected, I had two tabs, each with a short description of the type of minion and a list of several available types.
First, I had Gremlins- these, of course, would be my go-to minions. They were smart, agile, and had an affinity for machines that would come in handy for the sort of industrial magic I was planning. That they had excellent night vision - to the point they usually wore hoods or goggles to protect their eyes from bright lights- was also a factor, given my location.
Interestingly, the list of summons in the other tab included several Gremlin-built constructs, which cost quite a bit more mana to summon, but included tags indicating they could be built independently.
First up I had a small spread of 'combat' units- specifically, 'Thwackers,' a basic troop type armed with a large warhammer and backup knife. They also had partial plate armor, and rugged, padded garments offering a fair amount of protection. Thwackers were meant to jump in and hit things, and their gear reflected that. Each Thwacker would cost me 15MP to summon, and given I had no facilities at the moment, around 6-8 MP a day in upkeep.
Next were 'Gunners,' a more expensive trooper armed with a longarm- from the description, it was actually a sort of super-sized magic wand, set in an ergonomic grip with a stock and trigger, powered by 'clips' that held a small crystal containing stored mana. It would apparently fire a derivative of the mana bolt spell. They lacked the armor of Thwakers, but had a sort of poncho-y thing with camouflage patterns on it instead. They also carried a backup knife, and about a dozen spare clips, which they could recharge themselves in about half an hour per clip.
Gunners cost a whopping 35mp, and around 15mp a day, so I doubted I'd be using them soon.
Lastly were Menders. Menders wore concealing hooded robes and carried a sort of wrench-staff thingy, which they could cast a number of support spells from- 'Repair' would fix machines and equipment, while the expected 'Heal' would mend wounds easily. Interestingly, they had a couple other spells that were of immense value for support specialists. 'Purify' could be used to cure disease or poisons, but also to make drinkable water out of even the most contaminated sludge, and 'Summon Meal' would produce one Gremlin-sized meal identical to the ones I could provide using my core.
It was clear that any excursion outside the Dungeon would have to include several Menders to ensure my troops had edible food and drinkable water, no matter what- an
incredible asset morale-wise and a boon to logistics.
Naturally, Menders were fairly expensive- 30mp each, plus about 10mp a day in upkeep. Given their incredible utility, though, that seemed almost cheap.
Next were four less combative Gremlins.
First was a generic 'Gremlin' summon- from the description, these were basically civillains. They could operate room features, help build things, and so on, but came only with a rugged cloth outfit and had no special skills. These cost a mere 5mp to summon, and actually gave me
two generic Gremlins per summon. They also only had 2mp a day upkeep, so I could support a
lot of them if I wanted to.
However the three
other 'non-combat' summons were… very interesting.
The 'Gremlin Builder' wore a sturdy-looking apron and tool belt, with various tools and handy widgets hanging on loops or stuffed into pockets. Completing the look was a instantly recognisable 'hard-hat' that was actually purple, with thick yellow 'caution' stripes on one side, and a small clipboard and nametag. These guys apparently specialized in building Features- according to the description, they were worth four of any other gremlin type when it came to that sort of task, and could double other Gremlin's ability to build things by overseeing them on the job. While a slightly hefty 20mp each, they only needed 3mp a day in upkeep.
Next were 'Gremlin Diggers.' These were, according to their description, expert tunnelers- sporting a hard-hat like the Builder, but equipped with a small, crystal-powered lamp, and a selection of picks, shovels, and other digging tools, Diggers could tunnel out a room to within a tenth of a centimeter of specifications, and do so in a shockingly small amount of time. And they were only 8mp each, with the same small upkeep as Builders.
Lastly was the big one- the 'Gremlin Machinist.' While good builders and okay fighters in a pinch, the Machinist's greatest strengths were in support. A Machinist could study and improve mechanisms, replicate any that were understood sufficiently, and even invent entirely novel machines with enough work. Additionally, they came with two spells- 'Inspire' would give all Gremlins nearby a big boost to speed, toughness, and strength- useful for both natural disasters and as a final defensive measure if an enemy got past my actual toops. Second was 'Summon Scuttler,' which would summon a small robotic minion with a short-ranged but potent mana-blaster built into it.
Combined, the Machinist was a second-line support unit of great versatility and potency. Which was good, since at 60mp a pop they were the most expensive unit I could summon at the moment, though their upkeep was much lower, only 5mp a day.
I also had two mechanical minions, though they averaged more expensive than Gremlins did.
Scuttlers were small, weak robots with a powerful but short-ranged magical blast attack- they wouldn't be much use on their own, but as expendable harassers they were just dangerous enough that one couldn't afford to ignore them. The 15mp cost was kinda painful, though they had no upkeep cost, but the description did state they would need occasional maintenance.
The other was the Tech Knight- and Tech Knights were
expensive. 45mp each, and another 30 a day in upkeep without constant attention by a Mender or Machinist. They were, however,
also the most powerful combat unit available to me, with thick plate armor, a six-foot stature, and a large sword and thick shield. Combined with their mechanical nature making them tireless and incredibly strong, easily able to smash boulders, and they were a nightmare for an opponent. Unfortunately, they had a distinct tendency to rapidly break down if not serviced constantly, and were not well suited to use in any seriously poor conditions- even a hard enough rain could shut them down, to say nothing of, say, a swamp or something. This meant I'd likely stick with Gremlin troops, at least to begin with, and I'd likely spend some time improving the temperamental machines before using them seriously.
I decided that the first thing I wanted to do was design a few support rooms, so I went back to 'features' and looked at it more closely. There were three tabs here- 'Function' 'Theme' and 'Deco.'
'Deco' held a large amount of 'clutter'- railings, conduits, catwalks, flooring and support pillars, lights, draperies, and so on. Most of this stuff was free, a few things cost one or two mp, and all of it was quote-unquote useless. Oh, I could do a
lot with it in combination with other things, but it didn't do much by itself.
'Theme' was also interesting- apparently these were templates that could be applied to a room as a whole, giving it a basic appearance in walls, floor and ceiling to build off of. I currently had a few. 'Industrial' brought to mind a factory from any generic shooter, 'cave' was a natural styling that would round out sharp corners and looked like a perfectly natural cave, 'bunker' gave me a concrete-slab-looking styling, and lastly 'stone' gave me a sort of 'classic dungeon' look with stone brick walls and slab floors and ceilings.
'Functions' was the real meat of things. There were several traps in their own little sidebar, which were all pretty generic stuff- pitfalls, crushing walls and ceilings, doors that shut after someone goes through them, spikes that pop out of walls, that sort of thing.
The other column was much more interesting.
First, it had a large segment of Gremlin-related structures- houses for them to live in, a marketplace for trading, a barracks for troops to stay in, the 'Machinist's workshop' which would help with reverse-engineering and could produce Scuttlers and Tech Knights for free, several entertainment structures, including a junkyard for some reason, and various shops for foods, clothing, and assorted other accoutrements.
Then there was a segment with various farms, all very Gremlin-y in appearance and designed for indoor use- some were just a relatively normal-looking farm with artificial lighting, but others were straight-up hydroponics, and three were apparently for different sorts of mushrooms. Gremlins had also apparently domesticated pigs, goats and a bird much like a very large orange-feathered chicken, which came with their own farms.
Lastly was a section I mentally labeled 'Dungeon Machinery.' there actually wasn't all that much in here, but it
was very, very important stuff.
First was the 'Relay.' This was a chunk of the same purple crystally stuff my Core was made out of, mounted in a sort of column-pedestal thing with pipe connections and valves and a couple hatches at the bottom. This could be used to do all the same summoning stuff as my Core, if it was closer or more accessible to where I wanted the summoned thing. This was incredibly useful, since it meant I could maintain subordinate locations without them being directly connected to my core facilities. There was, of course, the
small matter of its cost and restrictions, though. First, it was one of only a handful of structures that could
only be summoned directly. Secondly, said summoning could only take place within a certain distance of my Core or an active Relay. Relays would also need to maintain a link to my core to function- meaning that I'd need to set up a chain of relays to reach distant locations, and that chain would be vulnerable to disruption.
Lastly it cost
three thousand mana to summon a single Relay. I wouldn't be getting any of these anytime soon, given my current max was a mere six-hundred.
After that was the 'Power Crystal.' This looked a lot like a protoss pylon done in purple crystal and floating rocks with glowing runes on them, and was apparently how I increased my mana capacity. Like the Relay, it could only be summoned, but it had a much more reasonable price-tag of 200 mana. Not unfeasible, but quite pricey at the moment. It also came with a warning that, if it was destroyed, it would release all its stored mana at once in the form of a spectacular explosion, so putting them somewhere they weren't likely to get damaged, or, failing that, where nothing else important would get destroyed if they did blow up was recommended.
Then there was the 'Focus Orb.' This was the first structure I could build with minions, and would apparently enhance a single spell for me or my minions. They were expensive, 1500mp to summon, but I could build them with minions much cheaper.
The 'Boss Totem' would apparently let me design a special, unique Minion with impressive abilities, and would automatically resurrect it regardless of whether it died in my area of influence or not- apparently, if a minion died in my control zone, I could revive them for free, but if they died outside I'd need a relatively intact body and a hefty amount of mana to bring them back. The totem cost 2000mp to summon, but was another buildable structure.
The 'Barrier Crystal' was in interesting widget as well- it was another chunk of the ubiquitous purple crystal that seemed to characterize my magic devices, mounted in a sort of bracket thing, with little chunks of the crystal orbiting around the larger one. When active, it would project a
conceptually impenetrable shield over a single Dungeon Feature. They required a line-of-sight from the crystal to the projected object, and couldn't be further than a few hundred feet away from whatever they were protecting, but given the list of things they could protect included doors and
my Core, that was an extremely useful device. Of course, given they needed 5000mp to summon, and the shield would guzzle down 500mp for each minute it was active, they were hardly any sort of 'ultimate defense,' but as an emergency measure it was quite useful.
The 'Mana Generator' was the most personally interesting feature to me. It consisted of a short rod of the purple crystal, surrounded by four quarter-circle stone obelisks, which had glowing runes lining the edges of their outer surface. It cost 1500mp to summon, but could be built by minions. Their
only effect was to provide an additional ten mana each minute.
The 'Mana Turbine' was also interesting- it was little more than a frame, a ring of rune-etched stone around a disc of the purple crystal, with a thick metal rod stuck into the disc mounted on a bearing-bracket. It was, apparently, a device that could convert rotational motion into mana, or vise-versa, and could be constructed in almost any size, from enormus to small enough to power a handheld device, though I would have to invest in research to scale it much larger or smaller than the 'default' three-foot-diameter wheel. The biggest advantage of this is, since I could summon any basic material for negligible cost, I could run, for example, a coalfired steam turbine to spin the thing and get a very impressive net MP gain out of it. The 1000mp pricetag put it out of my reach for the moment, since it was summon-only, but once I could use them I'd likely prefer the Turbines over a regular Mana Generator.
I decided that I wanted to get a few things done for my minions before I even started anything else, so I pulled up my room construction interface. I decided to go with a natural-cave theme for the first room, and expanded it to a large cavern, about one-hundred fifty yards wide, eighty yards tall and about twice that long. This would be the 'main town' for my Gremlins, at least initially, so I wanted plenty of room, and figured a floorspace of sixteen acres or so to be sufficient, since I planned on have a significant amount of verticality.
The basic room was essentially a large ovoid dome with some stalagmites and stalactites, but I wanted something a bit more interesting. I raised the height of the 'floor' at one end of the cavern by a hundred feet, bringing about a third of the cavern to that height, then pulled a narrow 'rim' along about half the remaining cavern to the same height, with a slight slope from one end to the other. Then, I carved a deep, twisting ravine across the center of the cavern, leaving only a quarter of the raised end free of the massive crack. I then raised a twenty-foot high and thick stone ring around the raised end of the cavern, and carved an eight-foot-wide arch in the center. These would be the base of the fort I intended to build on the raised segment. My core chamber would be connected to this fort, and I designed it to have an artificial river flow from the core chamber outward. I'd summon the water, then a clever system of pumps would return it to the spring-pool I built in the core chamber. This would meander through the fort in a series of canals, then drain into the ravine from a spout right where the fort's wall met the ravine, to become a deep and slow-moving river below, draining out into a lake at the far end of the cavern. The steep, near-vertical walls of the ravine were where I built the bulk of the town- whole neighborhoods were nestled into carvings in the rock, Elegant arched bridges of brass and steel spanning the ravine at seemingly random heights. Near the bottom, I added smaller sub-caverns, embedded in the mass of stone raised up from the floor- these were filled with the more compact farms- hydroponics, mushrooms, pigs, and fowl found their homes here. Around the shores of the lake I marked out where larger farms went- their dangling lighting rigs would look
spectacular, I thought.
The upper citadel got more important structures- a couple of barracks, places for entertainment, a workshop or two, but I left much of it empty for later improvements.
I also modified my Core Chamber- rather than a simple cave, I sculpted it into a gallery lit by great brazirs filled with fire, each at the base of a massive statue of a Gremlin in plate armor, six in total. In between each, backlighting a massive purple-and-gold tapestry hanging, I placed a Mana Generator, and just below the arched stone ring supporting my Core was a pool of water, flowing into a canal out the far end of the gallery. Further canals joined it as it made its way across the chamber, each with a small stone bridge allowing passage to the core.
Naturally, I saved this whole arrangement into 'planned' and then simply roughed out the broad shapes of the two features- the main cavern's gross geography, and the rough columns in the Core Chamber that I'd have carved in the likeness of gremlins later.
All this took about an hour and a half, which filled my mana bar to capacity. Which was good, since I was about to expend about five-hundred mana shaping the large cavern and moving my core chamber back far enough to accommodate it. This would likely be the largest room in my control for a good long while, after all.
Watching the actual process was suitably impressive- the stone began glowing purple, then started to move like water,
flowing into the shape I'd specified, leaving me with a dramatic, sixteen-acre cavern with a canyon in it.
That my mana regen also jumped to 0/15 was
verra nize. Equally, I could see a sort of ghostly purple overlay of the things I wanted to build later.
It was time to summon some minions. I had 100mp to work with, and I knew I wanted a few combat and non-combat types. I opted to summon a pair of Thwackers, Two Builders, and six lots of generic Gremlins to do fetch-and-carry work.
In short order I had fourteen small, fuzzy Gremlins standing at attention. Interestingly, the generic summons were randomized, sporting a variety of soft-colored clothing and with a variety of garment cuts that were recognisably 'civilian' wear, while the pair of Thwackers looked smart as they stood at a sort of parade-rest, the heads of their warhammers resting on the stone floor of the Core Chamber as I gave out orders.
"Right." I said, gesturing the small pack of Gremlins to follow as I stepped out into the main cavern. I felt like smiling at a few 'oooohs' from the regular Gremlins and the speculating looks of the two Builders as the assessed the valley, and wavering images of farms, houses, and bridges that would, with luck, one day fill the chamber. "So, this is the main cavern. Not much to look at right now, but it's got plenty of room for expansion as I summon up more of you. Right now, I want to put you into to teams- one builder and half the regular folks, and get a pair of Mana Generators up in the core chamber. That should give me enough mana output in a reasonable amount of time to start to
really get to work on the cavern here." I turned to the builder pair, who perked up. "How long you guys think that's take?"
The one on the left, whose nametag read 'Fix,' nodded. "Yaboss, mana Generator will take about two hours with this lot. Easypeasy." he gave a toothy grin. "Maybe faster if we had a few more hands, but not much."
I nodded. "Great. You and-" huh, the other one was a girl. "-Pix, get these organized. I'll mostly be saving up for more combat types, so work with what you've got." they both saluted- a sort of fist-to-chest thing, I noted- before waving the bunch of generic Gremlins over and launching into an animated presentation, pointing at various places around the chamber.
I turned to the pair of Thwackers, who hadn't moved an inch. "As for you two- for now, at least until I can summon up some backup for you, your job is to stand on either side of the core chamber door and hit anything that isn't a Gremlin that comes through it. Hopefully, that won't be necessary until you've got some backup, but I'd rather at least have a paper-thin defense than none at all. We'll have plenty of warning, at least- I put all the cavern entrances on the far side of the lakebed, so they'll have to go nearly twice the cavern length
uphill to even get here, assuming there aren't magic users with fly or teleport or something of equivalent unfairness among them."
The one on the left looked quizzical, and then asked "but won't WE eventually have finger-wigglers of our own?"
I gave of the impression of a smirk. "First rule of warfare, minion- it's only unfair, unsporting or cheating if the
other side is doing it."
I drew solemn. These were
my minions, and I intended to keep them. "I fully expect you two, and every Gremlin soldier I summon or train after this, to do your
absolute level best to fight as unfairly as possible, and keep in mind always that your job is
not to die for me or any other person or cause, but to make the
other poor bastards die for
theirs." they both puffed up a bit, becoming quite attentive "Failing that, take as many with you as you can. Those hammers aren't for show."
They both saluted, then slung their hammers over a shoulder and departed to watch the door.
a/n yes, that is a huge freaking cavern. yes, those
are Spiral Knights Gremlins, or based on them anyway. yes mana conjuring is stupidly powerful for 'simple' elements or basic materials and parts.
despite that, the setting will make all that necessary, especially given just where Dungeon-me is located
in said setting.