Dungeon Crawl

I'm going to go against the grain here, and say that it's just an empty ruin, and that Hiver will encounter no enemies, and only see birds and other relevant small animals in it.

Loot will also be light, but he might find a momentous clue or something, like it actually being a ruined city in LoTR, or some other popular midevil style fiction, leading to pages of speculation, and foreshadowing a return trip in the future once he figures out the wand more.
The sounds of birds is actually a good thing, as that means there's probably not anything around to scare them off/eat them.
The inside of the house was trashed. Somebody had searched the place.

I kept my sword ready, though.

I could have sworn I had seen this movie. Sooner or later something was going to jump from a closed wardrobe and try to eat my face.

And that damn, cold, white light from the magelight floating above my head made the scene look even more creepy.

Not that it didn't need help. The table that once been the center of the room had been upended and was against the wall, the paintings had been destroyed or torn down.

The blood splatters... or at least what looked like blood splatters didn't help either in making me more comfortable with the entire setting.

"I should have picked a fucking dungeon again..." I muttered to myself as I slowly moved through the room, keeping an eye on the closed door at the other end as I slowly pulled the first drawer out and checked inside.

Nothing. Well, nothing useful. Looked like a sewing kit.

I guess I could get maybe a silver from that if I'm lucky. I left it where it was and kept up my search. The fact that I had to do it with one hand and put down my shield to do it slowed me down quite a bit but there was no damn way I was putting down my sword.

Moving to the next container, a chest by the wall, something caught my eye and I turned back towards the dresser.

What was that?

It wasn't movement, something metal had glinted in the light when I moved. It was gone now so I shifted again until it caught my eye again.

Ah, there. There was something behind that dresser.

Moving back, I grasped the sturdy furniture and pulled. The damn thing didn't move so I sheathed my sword and used both hands with a groan, putting my weight into it.

Bloody hell, they built furniture sturdily in the age before IKEA. No wonder they were popular, no matter how confusing the instructions could be at times.

The heavy dresser scraped across the wooden floor, the sound cutting into my ears and in the silence it sounded like as loud as a angle grinder to me.

I froze, half expecting a horde of those red little bastards from the forest to descend on me at any moment.

Nothing happened.

Letting out a sigh of relief, I relaxed slightly before reaching in to pull out a candlestick before I stood up and held it up in the light, looking it over.

Now what do we have here? It must have fallen behind the dresser during the fighting. Was it really silver or was it pewter or something?

How the hell would I know?

Even so, it went into my backpack. Maybe I could get it sold even it turned out to be tin or something.

Pulling my sword again, I continued to check the chest. Sadly, it was revealed to be a waste of effort. Other than some cloth at the bottom it was empty.

Glancing at my wristwatch, I headed towards the door further inside. Still had another twenty minutes to my safety limit of forty five minutes.

On the way I picked up my shield again before pushing the door open to reveal a narrow wooden staircase leading up into the dark.

Oh fucking hell.

Slowly making my way up the creaky staircase I was on high alert. Damn this thing was loud! Well, it likely wasn't, but it felt like it to me.

Carefully, I used my shield arm to push the other door at the end of the stairs open to reveal a dark corridor.

Oh bloody hell, I don't like this!

Swallowing, I held my sword at the ready, slowly moving along the corridor to push the first door open to reveal a room with a bed and a window.

It was trashed, the window broken. A bird had built a nest on the bed.

A quick look around showed that there was nothing valuable I could quickly see so I moved on.

The next room was similar, but with two beds and no window. Also wrecked and it stank of decay. Something had died in there.

That door I closed again behind me before moving on. Just because something was dead didn't mean it was dead enough. Sometimes you had to redead it. To make it deader.


I pushed the last door open to reveal another room, this one larger and with a small fireplace. A large bed as well.

More blood splatter.

It seemed to me that the city had not just been sacked, but outright exterminated. But what was really bothering me was... where were the bodies?

Hell, even if it'd been a couple of years and scavengers had gotten to them, where were the bones?

I kept my sword pointed at the closed wardrobe, and after a quick check behind the door I slowly approached it.

If there was something in here... it was in there.

Slowly, I reached out with my shield hand to pull the door open to reveal... a wardrobe with some old clothes in it.

Letting out a sigh of relief I sheathed my shortsword. I was in the clear for now, unless there was something undead in that smelly room.

Now I just needed to give the place a good search and then move to the next door and rep...

A sound caused me to pause.

Was that a voice?

I quickly hissed the counterspell to the Magelight and pressed my back against the wall next to the broken window before peeking outside.

AN// Many thanks to Grey Rook for dissecting this sectiod.
The inside of the house was trashed. Somebody had searched the place.

I kept my sword ready, though.

I could have sworn I had seen this movie. Sooner or later something was going to jump from a closed wardrobe and try to eat my face.

And that damn, cold, white light from the magelight floating above my head made the scene look even more creepy.

Not that it didn't need help. The table that once been the center of the room had been upended and was against the wall, the paintings had been destroyed or torn down.

The blood splatters... or at least what looked like blood splatters didn't help either in making me more comfortable with the entire setting.

"I should have picked a fucking dungeon again..." I muttered to myself as I slowly moved through the room, keeping an eye on the closed door at the other end as I slowly pulled the first drawer out and checked inside.

Nothing. Well, nothing useful. Looked like a sewing kit.

I guess I could get maybe a silver from that if I'm lucky. I left it where it was and kept up my search. The fact that I had to do it with one hand and put down my shield to do it slowed me down quite a bit but there was no damn way I was putting down my sword.

Moving to the next container, a chest by the wall, something caught my eye and I turned back towards the dresser.

What was that?

It wasn't movement, something metal had glinted in the light when I moved. It was gone now so I shifted again until it caught my eye again.

Ah, there. There was something behind that dresser.

Moving back, I grasped the sturdy furniture and pulled. The damn thing didn't move so I sheathed my sword and used both hands with a groan, putting my weight into it.

Bloody hell, they built furniture sturdily in the age before IKEA. No wonder they were popular, no matter how confusing the instructions could be at times.

The heavy dresser scraped across the wooden floor, the sound cutting into my ears and in the silence it sounded like as loud as a angle grinder to me.

I froze, half expecting a horde of those red little bastards from the forest to descend on me at any moment.

Nothing happened.

Letting out a sigh of relief, I relaxed slightly before reaching in to pull out a candlestick before I stood up and held it up in the light, looking it over.

Now what do we have here? It must have fallen behind the dresser during the fighting. Was it really silver or was it pewter or something?

How the hell would I know?

Even so, it went into my backpack. Maybe I could get it sold even it turned out to be tin or something.

Pulling my sword again, I continued to check the chest. Sadly, it was revealed to be a waste of effort. Other than some cloth at the bottom it was empty.

Glancing at my wristwatch, I headed towards the door further inside. Still had another twenty minutes to my safety limit of forty five minutes.

On the way I picked up my shield again before pushing the door open to reveal a narrow wooden staircase leading up into the dark.

Oh fucking hell.

Slowly making my way up the creaky staircase I was on high alert. Damn this thing was loud! Well, it likely wasn't, but it felt like it to me.

Carefully, I used my shield arm to push the other door at the end of the stairs open to reveal a dark corridor.

Oh bloody hell, I don't like this!

Swallowing, I held my sword at the ready, slowly moving along the corridor to push the first door open to reveal a room with a bed and a window.

It was trashed, the window broken. A bird had built a nest on the bed.

A quick look around showed that there was nothing valuable I could quickly see so I moved on.

The next room was similar, but with two beds and no window. Also wrecked and it stank of decay. Something had died in there.

That door I closed again behind me before moving on. Just because something was dead didn't mean it was dead enough. Sometimes you had to redead it. To make it deader.


I pushed the last door open to reveal another room, this one larger and with a small fireplace. A large bed as well.

More blood splatter.

It seemed to me that the city had not just been sacked, but outright exterminated. But what was really bothering me was... where were the bodies?

Hell, even if it'd been a couple of years and scavengers had gotten to them, where were the bones?

I kept my sword pointed at the closed wardrobe, and after a quick check behind the door I slowly approached it.

If there was something in here... it was in there.

Slowly, I reached out with my shield hand to pull the door open to reveal... a wardrobe with some old clothes in it.

Letting out a sigh of relief I sheathed my shortsword. I was in the clear for now, unless there was something undead in that smelly room.

Now I just needed to give the place a good search and then move to the next door and rep...

A sound caused me to pause.

Was that a voice?

I quickly hissed the counterspell to the Magelight and pressed my back against the wall next to the broken window before peeking outside.

AN// Many thanks to Grey Rook for dissecting this sectiod.

Curse you cliff hanfer
For some reason the last couple of chapters were very funny to me, i just cant point to a particular thing though - exept the deader bit :rolleyes:
A young, sorrowing girl sadly seeking succor?

It probably isn't. It's probably something Hiver will have to hide from and/or fight, and which will then never be seen again. It'd be nice if I were right, though--one thing this fic is lacking is human interaction, and getting Hiver someone who depends on him would be a good way to ratchet up the tension a bit.
Mocking Jay? Perhaps a parrot. Or it's just his ears playing tricks on him through his paranoia. I'm still betting on the city being empty of threats.
There were four of them. Dark grey skin, hairless from what I could see. Three of them were short, one of them taller than the rest.

Three of them were wearing leather armor, including the large guy, but he also had a large chestplate made of dark metal with a matched helm, both of them spiked. The two guys in leather had a one handed axe each and the big guy was carrying a large double-sided battleaxe on his shoulder. That thing had to be horribly unbalanced.

The last... goblin or orc or whatever they were... was wearing a dark dirty robe, carrying a wooden staff with a human skull bound to the top end. Whoever it was that was their leader it seemed like he shopped from the same store as Sauron.

The robed one was conversing with the large one in a guttural language as they slowly moved down the streets. From the way they kept looking around, to me it seemed like some sort of patrol.

Letting out a small sigh I rested my back against the wall. They passed by. I really didn't want to fight any of them, especially not the large guy or the one in the dress.

One of the small guys I might be able to take, but I kind of doubted those two others couldn't hand me my arse on a silver platter.

I liked my arse where it was.

...Wait a second, which direction where they going at?

I peeked outside again and then bit back a curse. Fucking hell, they would run into the portal, it was just around the damn corner in that direction!

Even worse, my survival bag was laying on the ground right next to the portal! Fuck, fuck, fuckitifuck!

Why didn't I hide that damn thing!

I might risk closing the portal if it was just that, I was reasonably sure it would bring me back to the same place as it was in last after my previous testing, but there was no way they would miss my stuff.

Not only was every single part of my survival pack irreplaceable, quite a bit of it was also somewhat fragile.

I couldn't let them get their hands on it.

Which meant confronting what almost seemed like a goblin adventurer party. Was my shit worth risking my life for? It contained all my data, all my findings, almost all of my advanced technology.

...Yes, Damnit.

Or everything I done so far would be useless. Without my laptop I would need to record my findings by hand, in text, without photographic evidence.

I thumped my head back against the wall for half a second, my eyes closed.

For once. For fucking once... why can't I find a place to safely loot and explore without having to risk my life to do it?

Second over, I pushed away from the wall to run as silently as I could along the corridor and down the stairs down onto the lower floor before sneaking over to look out the open door.

They were almost at the corner. When they reached it, one of the smaller guys let out a yell and pointed down the path towards my portal.

Turn away. Go get more people to examine it. Don't go round the corner. Don...

Why do you have to go round the corner!

Letting out a frustrated groan I exited the building and carefully snuck over to the corner to peek around it before I froze.

The one in the robe was less than three meters away, one of the small guys next to him as the large guy and the other small ones was slowly and carefully approaching the portal and my stuff.

Flames was already flickering around the right hand of the one in the robes, his left hand holding his staff.

Even worse, they seemed smart and ready. Meatshield and support was investigating while robe guy stayed back with support to give fire support if needed.

Now when I was closer, I could see that the goblin that stayed back with the mage in the robe had a shortbow along with his axe. He had it out and a arrow notched already.

Close range fighters moved in, ranged guys stayed back. Yeah, that's what I figured. Smart enemies.

I hate smart enemies.

Now, assuming they wanted me dead might be a bit premature, but considering one of them had a fucking human skull on a stick and their weapons and armor matched the style of that battering ram, I kind of figured that they wouldn't invite me for tea if they found me.

Which meant having to fight them if I wanted to keep them away from my stuff and the portal.

But there were four of them.

I was outnumbered and outgunned by enemies that might be as smart as I was.

Their close range fighters had almost reached the portal and my bag. If I was going to do something, I would need to do it soon.

Silently and carefully I sheathed my sword before using my right hand to pull the Crystal Device from my inner pocket, passing it to my shield hand before pulling my sword again.

I couldn't let them through the portal. It was the same as with that monster... they would reap too much havoc before being put down. Innocent people would be hurt.

Even if it meant me being trapped here with murderous goblins, I couldn't let that happen. At least the button was still blue and would likely open back to where it was when I closed it.

AN// Many Thanks to kinglugia for betaing this section. For those that ask for it, yes there will be character interaction later in the fic. Not a ton, but it will be there. Mind, this thing was mainly written to be a experiment platform.
One word of advice, geek the mage first. Close the portal on top of the two short range fighters and the run the mage through.
To be completely honest with you Hiver, I'm not really finding this story interesting. There's not much plot. It's like watching someone play a roguelike, with a day between each turn.
To be completely honest with you Hiver, I'm not really finding this story interesting. There's not much plot. It's like watching someone play a roguelike, with a day between each turn.

Wait like two parts and there will be a bit more story. But yeah, I agree. It's not one of my better works and mostly because it wasn't meant to be. I just wanted to write something that was mindless and fun to write to clear my head between real stories. But what's fun to write is not always what's fun to read.

If you want to skip this one, it's perfectly understandable and I hope you will enjoy my next story more.
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The large goblin/orc thingy was looking at the portal while the smaller guy picked up my pack, turning it over.

Come on.

Be just a little more curious.

The small goblin started to open the pack. No! Not you! The other guy!

The guy with the robe, staff and fire called something over to the big guy who answered in the same guttural language before moving forward. He leaned from side to side to see as much of my room as he he could through the hole in space before he stepped forward to walk through.


I rounded the corner at full sprint as I pressed the button. The portal snapped shut, cutting the big goblin in half and causing the rest to step back in shock and surprise, the one holding my pack dropping it onto the cobblestone street.

Kill the one in the dress first!

I swung my sword as hard as I could at his neck and it hit home with a meaty thunk, causing him to drop, bringing my sword with him.

Fuckitifuck! It's stuck!

The archer turned towards me and I didn't bother trying to pull my sword free before the archer gave me another breathing hole with his notched arrow.

Instead I stepped close, hitting the bow with my shield while pulling my half meter crowbar from my belt and clobbered him over the side of his jaw with the same motion.

The goblin cried out in pain, dropping his bow but he didn't drop so I stepped forward and hit him again.

This time the goblin dropped. Dead or unconscious.

Panting, I turned towards the last one. It was about halfway between me and my bag but had stopped. Its weapon was drawn but it seemed to hesitate.

I couldn't blame it, it did just see me take down three of its companions. Still, it wasn't running away either, looking like it was on the fence about what to do.

Well, I did have viking ancestors. Let's put those genes to work.

Stepping forward, I roared at it, beating my shield with my crowbar in a challenge.

That made its mind up and it turned and ran.

Oh thank everything. That went way better than it had any right to do. I had to stop using this damn thing, sooner or later my luck is going to run out... but I need the money so badly.

Trying to catch my breath I slid my crowbar back into my belt before putting my foot against the back of the goblin in the robe and jerked my sword out of its neck.


I'm getting way too fucking used to this. I dried my sword off on his robe before heading over to close and pick up my supplies pack.

Before all this started, I had barely been in a damn fistfight. Now I'm ambushing goblin/orc/whatever bloody adventuring parties.

I really should have just closed the box and put it in a bank vault. Skipped all this shit.

But no, it was too interesting and I was curious.

Sheathing the sword in the scabbard I knelt down to check my backpack over, finally taking the time to take the Crystal Device from my shield hand and sliding it back into my pocket. Holding both that and the shield handle at once was tricky, but I kind of had to if this was going to work.

I was damn lucky I didn't drop it.

At least everything looked intact when it came to the pack, even if that was the last time I ever leave it out in the open again. .

I couldn't carry it with me though, it slowed me down to much and I can't leave it in my room, that would kind of defeat the point.

I would need to start finding hiding spots close to the portal in the future.

But things were starting to get very dangerous. A skeleton or two and a couple of zombies was one thing.

They were slow, clumsy. But now I was running into fucking mages, multiple goblins and necromancers.

These last two times... if I had made even a single mistake, if I had been even a bit unlucky, I would be dead or worse.

Letting out a slow breath I stood back up, throwing the strap of the supplies pack over my shoulder.

Maybe I could do something else to get money. I needed enough for the mage school and somewhere to stay and eat until then.

Perhaps there was work as... what the hell did I know to do that was relevant in a fantasy society? I guess I could become a scribe or something. Math, I knew math.

Maybe I could get a job at a bank or something.

The sound of a horn being blown in the distance pulled me from my thoughts. Damn, I shouldn't have been in them in the first place. In a place like this, wool gathering would get me killed.

Pulling out the Crystal Device again I raised it, aiming at the same place as it was before, just in case it mattered.

Here goes bloody nothing.

I pressed the button, causing the yellow portal to snap open and reveal the inside of the room at the inn and half of a dead goblin.

Oh. Fuck.

Even if I threw the goblin back through, that was a lot of blood.

AN// Bucket. BUCKETS of thanks to Grey Rook for betaing this section!
I pressed the button, causing the yellow portal to snap open and reveal the inside of the room at the inn and half of a dead goblin.

Oh. Fuck.

Even if I threw the goblin back through, that was a lot of blood.
I wonder if he's yet considered what his apartment is going to smell like if/when he gets home. You know, cause last I checked there was half a mutant bear monster inside it.

I haven't seen evidence of D&D-style levelling yet.

Yet; that is the thing. its subtle but its there. as he gain experience in suing his sword and shield and other stuff to battle he use them better.

And even if he is scared shitless almost every fight. the portal never send him against stuff he can't fight and win against.
And even if he is scared shitless almost every fight. the portal never send him against stuff he can't fight and win against.

It's already thrown him at stuff he couldn't win against. He's mentioned that repeatedly. All that's saved him so far is luck, tactics and at least some semblance of wisdom enough to realise "hell no, screw those odds, I'm gonna try my luck somewhere else".

The biggest problem is that we - and he - still don't actually know what power curves/rules it's playing by. For example, D&D enters the realms of the truly superhuman about level six (well, in third edition anyway). If the wand is expecting him to continue "levelling up" like a fantasy hero and instead he's still constrained by the mundane human limitations of our world... he needs to retire or find a third option.
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