Drifter Adrift [X-Men/MCU][Psyren!SI]

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So, I've been considering this for a while. I always wanted to do an MCU story of some sort-...
Chapter 1
So, I've been considering this for a while. I always wanted to do an MCU story of some sort- this is that story. I always wanted to do a fusion of two universes, and explore that fusion. This is that story also. And I also wanted to do a Self Insert with Psyren powers. Now, if you haven't read Psyren - don't worry, basically all you'll see of it is the first chapter, and the SI's powers. I have planned this out... Decently far, but I'm just getting back into writing, so please, feel free to point out any mistakes!

Without further ado, I give you...

Drifter Adrift

A Psyren SI into an MCU/X-Men Fusion

"Question 30: Have you ever killed a living thing larger than a human? Dial Yes or No."

I sighed, already regretting having started this, and pressed '2' for No. At this point I just wanted it to be over, but I'd already spent too much time on this shitty phone quiz to give up now.

"Question 31: Have you ever poured water hotter than 80 degrees Celsius on your face? Dial Yes or No."

The fuck kind of question is that?!
I thought, pausing in bewilderment for a moment, before shaking ym head and pressing 2.

"Question 33:" The female operator on the other end began again, and I barely kept myself from groaning aloud. Your shitty quiz is way too long, lady!

"Have you ever wanted to press your feet into someone's face without stopping? Dial Yes or No."
I pressed 2. Honestly, I didn't know why I was surprised any more. These questions had only been ramping up in weirdness as they went on, but I wasn't going to give up now, dammit!

The questions continued, and at this point I was half-tempted to just start randomly pressing 1 or 2 without listening to the question. Why did I pick up that ringing payphone in the first place? What kind of weirdo calls a payphone and expects someone to pick up?

Well, I had picked up, so maybe I was the idiot. After all, I'd just taken that weird red card without even thinking about it - it probably belonged to the guy who'd just used it, and forgot to take it back. There were no distinguishing marks though, what was I supposed to do? Just leave it? Stop making me feel guilty, damn conscience!

"Question 61: You don't think anything of the future. Dial Yes or No."

What's there to think of? We'll all be underwater or dead in a couple of years, anyway... I dialed 1.

"Question 62: You're going to sneak out to that party tomorrow, despite your parents explicitly telling you not to."

I paused.

"You constantly worry that you're wasting your life by staying at home so much, and are desperate to get a more active social life. You want nothing more than to be like every other teenager, and spend time with people your age instead of doing things that will help your future career."

What... What the fuck is this?!

My eyes were wide, my mouth was open, wordlessly forming questions that I could never answer. What the fuck is going on?! What is this crazy fucking quiz?!

"You would do anything to have a girlfriend to spend your time with, even if you get mocked for it."

I carefully, slowly, placed the phone back on the box, hanging up. I took a step back, and then another, my back now pressing against the glass door of the payphone. I deliberately and glacially pushed it open, keeping my eyes on the phone, still talking, for as long as possible.

Then I was gone, racing off into the distance and away from that fucking payphone, ignoring the glances from the few people still out at this time. What is this... Is this some kind of hoax? Are there hidden cameras filming me right now? What the fuck?!

I ran until my breath came short and ragged, until I felt like throwing up and I was as fucking far away from that payphone as possible!

I bent over double, resting my elbows on my knees, and trying to catch my breath in desperate, heaving gasps. I am far enough way now? Because I would really like to know what the fuck is going on!


I stopped. My breath caught in my throat. I swallowed thickly, feeling bile build up at the back of my throat, and hesitantly, gradually, turned my head to the side.

A payphone. The door open. And...


It was ringing.

I straightened up. There... There's no way... There's no way it's that same person, right? It has to be some other random person... Right? So... There's no harm... In picking up the phone... Right?



Entranced, I moved towards the payphone. My legs moved of their own accord. I looked down, blearily. Am... I... Doing that? I... Don't remember... Telling them to walk over here...

I walked into the cubicle. The phone was still ringing. My hand moved out to answer it. Wait... No... Stop, don't do that...

I picked up the phone, and brought it to my ear.

"Question 63: Do you want to go to Psyren? Dial Yes or No."

My finger hovered before the keypad.


When my eyes opened, it was to a vista of horror.

What the fuck is this...?!

A wasteland stretched out in every direction. Sand, mountains, rolling dunes and rocky outcroppings were the only features of this dry and dustly landscape.

Where the fuck am I...?!

The sky was covered by smoke and ash in every direction, the barest vestiges of light protruding through the cloud cover to provide a gloomy, dirty illumination over everything.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?" I screamed as loud as I could.

Everything that had happened finally caught up to me- the weird red card, the questions, the lady on the phone, and now this?!

I couldn't take it.

I collapsed, huddled into myself and curled up into a ball. Tears leaked form eyes and snot ran down my nose.

"Why... Why is this happening to me?" I muttered, as sobs wracked my form. "I didn't do anything... I didn't hurt anybody... Why..."


I lay there for a while, numb, waiting for my body to tire itself out. I didn't have an exact duration, but it was at least an hour. Surely.

I only came out of it when I heard a voice, faintly. A male voice- not that fucking operator, thank god.

"Oi!" They called, from a distance. I uncurled and rolled into a sort of sitting position, wary of anyone I might encounter in this horrifying place. "Hello! You there!"

I stood up, looking at the figure walking towards me from a couple dozen meters away. He was tall, brawny with a short scruffy beard. He was wearing some kind of martial arts robe - a gi, I think? - and a pair of sandals, as well as sunglasses atop his head. I waved, cautiously.


"Gah!" I yelled, and stumbled back, falling onto my ass. "What the fuck...?"

The man had blurred forward, reappearing with an audible BOOM right in front of me. Jesus Christ, can things get any weirder?!

"Shit," he said. "Another newbie? Dammit, Q, we don't need any more fucking drifters..."

"I-I'm sorry, but I would really appreciate a fucking explanation right about now!" I yelled, my voice cracking halfway through as tears threatened to reappear. Dammit, you fucking crybaby, stop being a pussy! Man up!

"... Right. I suppose that's the least we can do." He sighed and looked around, a strange hardness in his eyes. "Alright, let's get somewhere safe, and then we can talk."

"Okay, where do you- woAAAAHHHHHH!" I was cut off mid-sentence as the man threw me over his shoulder in a fireman's lift, and leaped 20 feet into the air.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" I'm sure he didn't appreciate the constant wail in his ears, but you don't just grab someone and leap away!

We landed without much ceremony, though I did feel like throwing up as my whole weight was slammed into the guys shoulder, and slammed into the roof of a half-sunken skyscraper, the bottom half of the building swallowed by sand.

I dropped onto my side, wheezing uncontrollably as the guy skimmed his eyes over the horizon, staring deeply into the distance. Stop trying to look cool, you asshole! I feel like my guts just got a baseball bat all over!

"Alright," he spoke up finally. "We should be safe here."

"You gonna-" I broke off to deliver a coughing fit. "You gonna explain this shit now?"

"Okay." He said, sitting down and crossing his legs, before cracking his neck. "I'm Vito, by the way."

"... Adam." I replied, after a brief pause.

"Okay, Adam." He smiled slightly, the scruff on his chin writhing briefly. "It's nice to meet you." He closed his eyes and released a deep, heavy sigh. "Okay, how to explain this... Alright, let's start from the beginning. A few days ago, you got a red calling card that said 'Psyren' on it, didn't you?"

I nodded, cautiously. Mostly I was watching him - he seemed extremely tense, his shoulders tight, and his whole body ready to leap up at a moment's notice.

"Recently, you put the card into a payphone, and started a phone quiz, right? And then the operator started asking some very odd questions, before she got more and more specific to your exact situation?" Both questions were accompanied by a nod from me, even as my horror grew - this was a fucking replicable occurrence? It had happened to this guy, too?

"After you finished the questions, they lady asked you whether you wanted to go to Psyren - no matter what you answered, you then ended up here." By this point, my mouth gaped open, my eyes were wide and staring, and a frown was deeply embedded on my face.

"You're telling me... This has happened before?!" I all but yelled, and I could feel my body flush with indignant - and impotent - rage.

"Yes. The one who did this - the one who brought all of the Psyren drifters here - is Nemesis Q. Some mysterious creature, that can travel anywhere without difficulty, and calls at random for drifters to return to Psyren." He pauses, then holds his arms out wide, gesturing to the wasteland around us, a bitter smile tugging at his lips. "This place... All around us... Is Psyren." He stopped. "The future."



You're kidding. This isn't the future. There's no way my fucking city can go from bustling capital of England to

"You think I'm joking." He chuckled, wryly, but I could see both resignation and sorrow in his eyes. "I wish I was. But I've seen the landmarks, sunken and broken beneath the sand."


He leaped to his feet as a distant sound broke the momentary silence between us. I jumped as well; both from the sound, and from his movement. He moved way too fast for a human... That was supernatural speed, his body blurred it moved so quickly.

After a moment of staring, he heaved another sigh, and collapsed back to his seated position. "That..." He murmured. "Is the other thing you need to know about Psyren. Monsters called Tavoo roam the place, looking for any human stragglers to pick off, kill or take back to their towers. Where... We think that humans are being turned into more Tavoo."

I was speechless. This was just too much information, all at once. I couldn't-

"There's more." He continued, and I practically gaped at him. His constant stream of information was fucking physically exhausting me. "Now that you've been to Psyren, you've been exposed to the atmosphere. Pretty soon you'll have a fever, you'll feel ill, your nose will start bleeding, and you'll pass out."

"What the fu-"

"It's nothing to worry about-" he cut in, a slight smile tugging at his lips. Nostalgia I'd bet, you old fart. "It happens to all the drifters when they first come here, it's how they awaken their PSI."

"I'm sorry, can I just- cut in here?" I asked, getting to my feet. My stomach was bruised, I was sweating like a fucking pig, and I was absolutely exhausted, both mentally and physically. "Do you not think that maybe we should be figuring out how to get back to our own fucking time?!"

He sighed, but levered himself to his feet - albeit clearly reluctantly - and placed his hand on my shoulder. He smelt much like I imagined I did, sweaty and gross. "Believe it or not, there is a point to everything I'm telling you. We'll be able to leave once we find a payphone, that'll tell us where we need to go to get back to our own time. But, Q will call us back to Psyren again and again - this is my eighteenth trip to this place, and it only gets worse over time."

I felt tears well up, and I quickly scrubbed a hand over my face, to clear it of any excess moisture. You fucking wuss, crying's not going to change a damn thing, except make Vito think you're a worthless weakling!

"When you come back, we may not be close. And you may be found by Tavoo, and if that happens you'll need to defend yourself. Once you've awakened your PSI, you can use it to fight back - it's a power that can grant you so much power, and you need to learn to use it. Okay?"

"... Okay." For now.

"Okay, I'm going to run over the three basic types..."

Vito went through everything step-by-step, explaining it as he'd been taught when he first came to Psyren. The three basic types were Burst, Rise, and Trance, which I mentally dubbed 'Spiritual, Physical, Mental.' Burst was to do with using PSI to affect the outside world - manifesting energy, using telekinesis, any number of uses, including bizarre specialties that people could gain. Rise used PSI to affect your physical body, enhancing your senses - i.e. Sight, hearing, etc. - or your physical attributes - strength, speed, and so on. A vital use of Rise was enhancing your reaction times and healing factor, which would let you fight so much more effectively against the mindless, unrelenting Tavoo. Trance, meanwhile, used PSI to affect the mind, whether it be your own or someone else's. Telepathy, Mind control, Remote viewing, Prediction, Illusions - the list went on. Trance, Vito said, was the most difficult aspect to learn.

"Using PSI is about three things." Vito told me, holding up three fingers. "Concentration, Visualization, and Projection. So you want to Concentrate on your intention, Visualize what you're trying to do, and then Project the energy within you into completing that task. So first we'll focus on- Oh."

"What?" I blinked, startled out of my enraptured state. Hey, it's not every day someone tells you how to become a wizard. "Is there something on my face?"

"Yeah." He smiled, softly. "Blood."

I touched my fingers to my face, and they came away with a thin layer of wet crimson. "Huh." I said, and collapsed.

When I woke up, it was to see Vito standing and arguing with another woman, decked out in a ragged dress, torn sleeves and bare feet. I blinked wearily - it looked like we'd changed location as well, we were inside now, rubble strewn across the room and the roof slanting down fairly severely.

"We don't need some kid tagging along, Vito!" The woman was yelling, her arms crossed in a clearly confrontational manner. "W.I.S.E. is out there! They are hunting for us right now! If we have to take care of another inexperienced drifter then they are going to catch us."

"Yoko, we can't just abandon him. If the Tavoo don't get him, W.I.S.E. will, and if they don't, then he'll die of thirst." Vito explained, his hand touching her upper arm. That's some emotional manipulation shit right there, Vito. "If we leave him behind, we're giving him a death sentence."

"So what do you want to do with him then, huh?" 'Yoko' seems to be losing patience. Kinda callous, lady. It's not like I asked to be put in this fucking nightmare! "Take him to the Root, introduce him to Granny Tenjuin? What if he's a humanoid Tavoo, huh?!"

"Do you see any Illumina on his body? It's kinda hard to miss a giant, glowing sphere embedded in someone's skin!" Vito retorted, growing a little more irritated. "I just want to brief him on PSI - he's already awakened, we just need to teach him how to use it, and then he can practice the rest on his own!"

"..." She was wavering. I could tell. Please... Please... "Fine." Yes! "But if he slows us down, we drop him immediately."

Vito smiled at her. She remained stern. "You get all that, Adam?" !

"Oh, um, yes, sir, ma'am." I blurted out, jerking into a seated position from where I had been, apparently unsuccessfully, been trying to appear asleep. "... Sorry. I didn't want to interrupt, and screw things up."

Yoko sighed. "It's... It's fine. I'm just stressed out because we've had a W.I.S.E. on our asses the last few times we've drifted." She cleared her throat, looking embarrassed. Because she was so resistant to helping me out? Or... Vito? "I'm Chiyoko."

"Adam," I replied, clambering into a standing position and shaking her hand. She nodded.

"Well, Adam, I hope you're ready." She smiled slightly. "I've taught a lot of drifters and PSI users how to use Burst successfully, and that ain't gonna change now."

It wasn't a nice smile.


The rubble fixed itself in my mind. The world around it disappeared, that one chunk of jagged stone becoming the only thing I knew.


In my mind's eye, the stone wavered. The top corner lifted, and the whole thing stood upright on a single point. Then, slowly, it lifted into the air, trembling like a leaf in the wind as it did so.


I saw the power in my mind. It suffused everything. It flowed out of me, along the sharply defined path I had visualized, into the specific pattern I had envisioned- and enforced it's will upon the world.

The stone rose eight centimetres into the air.

I remained in my position, half-kneeling on the floor, gaze focused utterly on that single stone, sweat pouring down my face like a waterfall.

Then Yoko let out out a cheer of happiness, and I fell to my hands and knees. "Oh my god! It worked! It actually fucking worked!"

"Well done, Adam! That was pretty fast - you sure you're a newbie?" Yoko said, grinning. The stress lines on her face had disappeared, and her whole visage was so much softer. She could forget about the constant stress whilst she had a specific goal to focus on... ... ... She's actually very pretty.

"You did well, kid." Vito smiled, resting one massive hand on my shoulder. "You did good."

I sighed in relief. "Alright what's next?"

"Next," Vito straightened up, stretching out his arms above his head. "Is-"


Instantly, Yoko and Vito were on the defense. I was backed up against a well, both of them facing out, looking through the various holes dotting the walls to get an appraisal of the situation. Vito had fallen into a martial arts pose, while Yoko had her hands raised in front of her, some kind of weird vapour crystallizing before her.

The front of the building was shorn entirely off, torn from the rest of the building by enormous talons, that cracked the stone between them. The talons were connected to an enormous hand, an enormous arm, a body shaped like a whale but much, much bigger - supported entirely on what looked like fins.

"Adam," Vito said lowly, dangerously. "Stay back. Yoko and I will take care of this- don't try to help."

"O-Okay..." I murmured, my gaze fixed on the enormous thing before me. Please... After all this... I don't wanna die!

And then Vito was gone, blurring before my eyes and darting towards the thing. He left an audible sonic boom in his wake, and I caught sight of a punch landing on things torso - he left a visible dent, and I could feel the force of his blow vibrate through my entire body. Is this... The power of PSI?

"It'll be okay, Adam." Yoko smiled at me softly. "Vito is a strong Rise user, he won't be beaten by some giant Tavoo."

I nodded, still shaken- but reassured. "He'll be fine..." Yoko murmured, continuing but looking now at Vito, as though unsure. "He'll be-"


She was gone.

Yoko was gone. She'd just disappeared. She was just- just- gone.

No... Yoko...!

"Hm." A new voice mused, behind me. "She looked strong. It's a good thing she was too focused on the other maggot to notice that I was preparing my teleportation."

I froze, my joints locking up. Then, inexorably, my head creaked round to stare at the voice in wide-eyed horror- a tall blond man, in flowing silver and black robes, wearing bizarre, angular headphones, a look of apathetic disdain locked upon his features.

"You, on the other hand, look very weak." The man said. "How have you survived so long without strength?" I said nothing, remaining still and frozen as the man stared down at me. "Well, whatever. I don't care, so goodbye."

He raised a hand in my direction, and all I could do was stare at as I felt power begin to gather around him, his hand beginning to glow softly-

And then he stopped.

"You know..." He said, casually, conversationally. "There is a little trick I've been considering for a while, but I haven't tested it out." He shrugged. "Just stand still, I don't want you to mess this up."

He held both hands out straight in front of him, palms facing each other. I watched with growing trepidation as a hexagon of pure energy grew between his hands, almost meeting his hands. The sheer, metaphysical weight of the thing was immense - I could practically feel it tugging at my PSI with it's gravitational pull.

And then it cracked, and everything changed.

Reality ruptured, time ceases to exist - everything ceased to exist. The world blurred and shifted, and I along with it, morphing into 4-dimensional shapes unfathomable to the human mind.

And in the midst of it-

"Dimensional Rift"





And everything snapped back into focus, just in time for me to double over and void my guts over the gorgeous red carpet, dizziness and nausea hitting me like a fucking truck.

Jesus Christ, will this nightmare never end?!

I straightened up slowly, awkwardly. Two men in dark suits were facing me, alongside a scantily-dressed blonde woman. Damn, this is a nice clubroom. Is that a bar?

"S-Sorry there, gents..." I mumbled. "I think I... Might be a bit lost..."

I didn't get a chance to hear the woman's reply, as the ground rushed up to meet my face and darkness clouded my vision.


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I awoke in a bed, my entire body one big aching mess. I groaned in pain as my senses came alive, sending messages to my brain that I imagined were along the lines of, AAAAAAHHHHHH! IT'S ALL ON FIRE! AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!

Well fuck you, body, I'm getting up!

I began to try to sit up, but the strain placed on my poor, poor muscles was too much, and having barely reached a forty-five degree angle, I collapsed back to lie flat once more. Okay, maybe I can lie down for a little longer.

I closed my eyes, and contented myself to rest.


I was dreaming of darkness. Absolutely nothing. A totally empty void - except for one teenager floating in the night.


I couldn't see depth. There was no light, but I could see my own body. There were no shadows cast - everything was perfectly lit in the same brightness, despite the lack of light sources.

No, wait, there was light... Behind me...

My body turned, heedless of whatever logic applied in this place. Behind me lay a sphere of pure white, perhaps the size of my head, glowing faintly in the darkness. It gave off an odd sort of... Pressure, as well, pushing up against my body in whatever this magical dream place was. It felt almost like a buffeting wind blowing against me, despite the lack of sensation here.

I floated towards it with a thought, a strange sense of wonderment filling me up inside. Could this be... PSI? It's... Incredible...

How impressive.
A woman's voice said from behind me. Not the phone operator - no, this was someone else. I whirled, and before me stood a crystalline, diamond-like figure of a woman, smiling at me.

Maybe. The transparency made it hard to tell.

What... What's going on? Who are you? I asked, feeling frantic. My day today had just been a constant stream of weirdness, so at this point I wasn't even surprised.

The glass woman observed me for a moment, then shimmered and became a normal, flesh and blood person. She was wearing a white robe draped almost haphazardly over her body, blood hair immaculately positioned to look simultaneously beautiful and accidental.

A property of this weird dream? Or was just the kind of person who actually did that?

A little bit of both, I think. The woman smirked. Her mouth didn't move, but I heard the words loud and clear. Emma Frost.

What the fuck?
I thought. Fucking hell, I just want to know what's going on!

So would I.
She replied, drifting closer.

Oh, shit. You heard that? I blinked wildly, waving my hands in front of my face. Um, I mean, uh, sorry, I wasn't trying to be rude, I just-

You can't hide your thoughts in this place.
Emma said, smiling and gesturing around her. It's why we're here, after all. I want to ask you some questions.

I started. She can... I mean, you can read minds?

Yes. My mutation grants me telepathy and the ability to transform into living diamond.


Yes. I'm surprised you don't know - my colleagues and I are all mutants, the next stage of human evolution, having been granted extraordinary powers.


Emma smirked, and I felt a momentary flash of indignant annoyance, before a rush of guilt.

I had to remember this lady could read my mind. I can't let my temper get the better of me... Um, I mean-

Don't worry about it,
she said, her smirk softening into a smile. I don't want to antagonize you- I just want to ask you some questions.

Okay, okay.
I replied, letting out a heaving sigh. Go ahead.

To start with, who are you? What's your name?

I'm... A guy who's very, very lost.
I replied with a heavy heart. Adam.

Adam, then.
Emma smiled. Welcome to the Hellfire Club.

Chapter 2
"Show me." Sebastian Shaw said, sipping from a squat glass of burgundy liquid.

I nodded, and let out a shaky breath. Concentration, Visualization, Projection. Just remember that, and you won't fuck this up, Adam.

I didn't raise my hands- it would have been an unnecessary distraction. Instead, I focused on the wine glass, letting everything else fall away. I visualized the glass lifting into the air, doing a single rotation, and coming back to rest on the varnished wooden table. Then I projected my PSI along the PSI along the path I had set.

Projecting PSI was a... Difficult feeling to explain. I could already feel it inside me - a kind of comfortable pressure, boundless energy, that just rested at the back of my head. When I Visualized a path for my PSI, I was kind of... Inducing that energy in the air around me. The power didn't flow from me, per se, instead I created it where I wanted to use it. Projecting, then, was manipulating that energy into the form I desired - in this case, lifting a wine glass into the air, rotating it vertically, and... Having it come to rest.

I felt a clap on my back. "Good work," Shaw said, a smile on his face. "Good work, Adam."

I felt a little overwhelmed. Riptide and Azazel had already shown me what they could do, and in comparison to the simple and fairly small-scale things I could do? I felt... Inadequate. Is this what's called 'Mutation Envy?'

Riptide could generate whirlwinds. It was something to do with spinning, I knew that much, and if he wanted to create a really massive one he could spin himself, otherwise he could just rotate his hand a get a fairly decent gust blowing. Azazel was a teleporter, which didn't sound necessarily impressive, (what, did I want him to breathe fire and solve world hunger too?) but the way he had - apparently - used it was devastating. I was reminded briefly of the man I had encountered in Psyren, and an involuntary shiver wracked my body. Just forget it about it, Adam. What's important now is figuring out where the hell you are, and how to get home. If that means cozying up to these 'mutants?' So be it.

I froze, and glanced over at Emma. Fortunately, she seemed involved in some conversation on the phone, so I didn't have to worry about her overhearing my thoughts.

"Really?" I asked Sebastian, hesitantly. "It seems so... Weak, compared to what the others can do."

"I'm sure, Adam." Sebastian's grin widened. "You're still young, your mutation has yet to mature. The key is practice - you have to do it whenever you can, as often as you can. If you're talking to the others, try levitating something at the same time. If you're reading a book, hold it up with your powers. Anytime you can."

"I just..." I began cautiously. "I feel like there's more to what I can do."

Sebastian's eyebrows raised. "More than just telekinesis?" He paused, rubbing a hand over his chin contemplatively. "If your mutation is broader than merely telekinesis, that would make you a powerful mutant indeed." He seemed to concentrate for a moment, his eyes narrowing in contemplation. "For now, practice your telekinesis. If you feel something more develop, let me or Emma know, and we'll develop it together. Okay?"

"Okay." I smiled at him, relief filling my body, even for such a small gesture. "I... I just want to thank you, Mr. Shaw. You don't even know me - and I literally appeared out of nowhere in your club - but you're still being so nice to me, and letting me stay here, and..." Holy shit, I am getting choked up? Come on, man, thank the guy properly!

"Don't worry about it." Shaw clapped me on the shoulder. "Us mutants have to stick together, right? It's not like the humans will." He moved away, heading over to where Emma was still on the phone and smoothly swapping his brandy for the device. I smiled, nervous and a little guilty, at his back. I don't want to lie to the guy, but... I just can't buy into his hate of humans. If I don't pretend to, though, is he gonna kick me out?

"Feeling guilty?" A voice behind me said. I turned to see Riptide, leaning against the doorframe to the upper floor, arms crossed.

"Uh..." I replied, eloquently.

"I did, too, when Mr. Shaw first picked me up." He shook his head. "i couldn't really wrap my head around hating humans - I still thought of myself as one of them, just with a little extra. But time went on. I participated in a lot of Mr. Shaw's missions, his various political dealings- I've been his bodyguard for a long time now. And one thing I've learnt, is most humans just... Don't understand us." He paused, and his face took on a darker visage. "And they fear what they don't understand. And they hate what they fear." He flicked his eyes back up to me. "Don't worry about the morals of the Hellfire Club, at least for now. Mr. Shaw doesn't care if you don't hate humans, but... I think that you'll find out what they're really like, soon enough."

I hesitated. Riptide had been trying to reassure me, even if his message was... Odd. And a little scary. "Thanks, Riptide." Hey, at least the guy was genuine.

"Just call me Janos," he replied, a smile turning his cheek. "When we're not on a mission, at least."

"So, Riptide is just, like, a codename?" I asked, a little confused. I mean, I knew intellectually that Riptide and Azazel probably weren't their real names - I guess I just hadn't really grasped that they served some other purpose.

"Yup." Janos smiled slightly. "It's what Mr. Shaw calls me whenever we need to intimidate someone, get a donation from someone, get someone to visit the club - he's been stepping up those kinds of things recently, and he likes to have backup when he does. You'll probably need one at some point."

"A codename?" I murmured, turning the idea over in my mind. "Like a superhero..."

"Hm?" Janos asked, having not quite heard what I said.

"Uh- Nothing," I replied, flashing him a smile. Superhero, superhero... Why does that sound so... Strange? Familiar, even?

"Well, anyway, like Mr. Shaw said, you'll need to practice. Follow me." With that, Janos pushed off of the doorframe, and walked back into the stairwell. I stood as well, hesitantly, glanced over to where Emma and Mr. Shaw were still absorbed with the documents and phone call, then walked after Janos. I noticed Azazel's eyes follow me as I left, unreadable and mysterious.

Janos took me round some side passage, through a doorway that I somehow hadn't noticed before, and down a set of stairs. As we descended, the light become harsher and less warm, fluorescent white rather than a soft yellow. The ground transitioned to concrete, leaving behind the lush red carpet of the clubroom, and darkening.

Finally we emerged into a large room, extending in every direction to a fairly ridiculous amount. The room was enormous, hewn from rock and sparse - decorated minimalistically with dark walls and floors, of some smooth and unidentifiable material. Vinyl, or lino, or something? Maybe?

There were mannequins strewn across the surface, leaning against walls, standing free, or scattered in pieces. It looked like a storm had come through and wrecked this place. Wait... A storm?

"You like?" Janos asked, having moved into the centre of the room and called across it to me. "Me and Azazel come down here sometimes to practice. Even Mr. Shaw uses it sometimes. And now we're gonna use it for you."

"What, for my telekinesis? I... Don't think I can lift up a whole mannequin quite yet." I professed, flushing a little in embarassment.

"That's fine," Janos reassured me with a smile. "When Mr. Shaw first picked me up, I could barely knock over a few pieces of paper. And now?" He smirked, turned towards the majority of mannequins, and flicked one hand out straight. From nothing, lashing winds whipped out, curling into a vortex of wind and rushing air, whipping Janos' hair this way and that and practically deafening me, as noise like a jet engine or thunder rumbled across the space. After a moment, the cyclone tore itself free of his hand and barreled through the cavern, catching mannequins in its wake and either trapping them in the tornado or flinging them out, where they smashed against the walls and shattered into their composite parts. After only a couple of seconds, the barrage of wind had reached the other side of the chamber, and Janos turned his hand over, settling the winds and flattening the turbulence.

I was left standing there, hair windswept and blasted straight back, clothes ruffled from the intense gusts.

"Woah." I breathed, my eyes wide. I could lift objects with my mind, but... This?

This was something

"Soon enough," Riptide said - and how could I think of him as anything but a Riptide, now? - strolling over to my position near the entrance. "You'll be able to do something just as impressive. Imagine lifting up every single one of these mannequins, carrying them around and flinging them wherever you please."

"... Awesome..." Was my response. The only possible response at the thought. "When can we start?"

Janos grinned. It wasn't a smirk, or a softer smile this time- no, this was a grin of savage pleasure. "Right now," he replied.

Why do I feel like I'm going to regret this?

Because you do fucking regret this, you idiot!

I lay back, gasping in exhaustion, a sheen of sweat coating my entire body, a burning headache pinching at my brain, and a desperately dry throat burning for attention.

Yet despite all of that, my body itself didn't hurt. I had no aching muscles, no burning limbs- I wasn't even cramping. None of the symptoms I usually associated with the rare visit to the gym - no, this exercise had been purely mental. Flinging around mannequins with my mind might not have sounded tiring in theory, but in practice, the constant strain at my head was far more taxing than any physical exercise could ever be.

"You alright there, Adam?" Janos asked, leaning over me and blotting out the fluorescent bulbs hanging overhead. Bright coloured spots danced in my vision regardless. "It's only been..." He checked his watch. "Four hours, and you're this tired? Yeesh, we're gonna have to step things up tomorrow."

"Step... Things... Up!?" I gasped incredulously, half sitting up to gape at Janos. "Are you... Fucking kidding me?!"

The session had started pretty well, all things considered. Janos had started me off with something relatively simple, picking up limbs and moving them as far as I could, then picking up something else and repeating. Once I'd been able to move things a decent distance across the room - about three-quarters of the way from one side to another - he had moved on to getting me to move things as quickly as I could. At first, it took me a full ten seconds to finish moving one thing and go on to the next, but as we went through, I was able to strain myself faster and faster, cutting it down to a three second delay before picking up another item. By that point I was already sweating heavily, gasping for breath despite not having moved from my spot.

That was when things got difficult.

"Mutations," Janos began. "Often reveal hidden depths when the mutants are under a lot of strain. Danger can bring out hidden aspects of your power that you never knew existed."

I was sceptical, in part because I wasn't sure my powers actually counted as a mutation, and in part because that sounded like an excuse to do dangerous shit without repercussions. But- and it galled me a little to admit it- his methods worked.

He started tossing me things, getting me to catch them in midair. The first item - a head - I didn't catch in time, and it hit me square in the forehead.

After that, I started catching them with more consistency. Pain was a powerful motivator.

He would throw the mannequin limb, I would catch it with my mind and drop it to the side, he would throw another. I cut down the time it took to grab something even more, dropping it to less than a second in order to catch the limbs he was tossing at me. Then Janos stepped it up again.

The limbs came faster, two at a time, three, and it was all I could do to stop them before they hit me. A pile of limbs started up in front of my position at the end of the chamber, as I robbed them of their momentum before I got hit again. I wasn't perfect - I received quite a few smacks to the face before I got the technique down pat, flickering an invisible wall of force in front of my face at the exact moment before I would be hit. The effort and concentration required to do so meant that I didn't notice the other limb fly out of nowhere into my left side, right from the blindspot.

It smacked me in the side of the face and fully bowled me over, knocking me flat on my back. I propped myself up on my elbows to see Azazel standing there, arm outstretched.

"More concentration required." He said, and something akin to a smirk fluttered across his face, before he was gone in a puff of black and red.

"... What an asshole." I muttered, and Janos let out a startled laugh.

"Azazel isn't an asshole." Janos replies, a small smile still on his face. "He just likes making sure everyone's prepared."

"Hnnn..." I grunt in pain as I maneuver myself to my feet. "Fair... Enough. Let's... Let's get back to it."

Janos nods, and we return to practice.

"Riptide." A feminine voice spoke up from the entrance to the cavern, a note of amusement in her voice. "Don't you think it's about time to finish?"

I turned to see Emma standing at the entrance to the clearing, arms folded, and in some kind of casual white robe. I stay where I am, slightly hunched over, my clothes soaked through with sweat, and pool of it forming between my feet, and my whole face bruising from the repeated knocks to the face. Janos, however, immediately nods, and walks over to the stairwell, silent. He bowed ever-so-slightly to Emma, then ascended the stairs.

"Come on, Adam." She said. "I'll show you to your room."

"Alright," I replied, heading over to the stairs laboriously. I was exhausted, and the prospect of falling into bed to rest my weary... Mind... Was a fairly attractive one.

We walked up in a... Somewhat awkward silence. Awkward for me, at least. I wasn't sure what Emma was thinking.

I'm thinking, the voice in my head said, that you have a surprising psychic presence.

"Uh-" I started, and then paused. Are you listening to my thoughts?

She replied, still sounding weirdly amused. It's much easier for me to access your mind than any other's, mutant or human.

What does that mean?
I wondered... Aloud? She could hear it, so... It's so weird to have a conversation this way.

Emma replied, and I cursed at forgetting again that she was in amongst my thoughts. To answer your question, though, it may mean you have the potential to be a telepath.

I stopped. Furiously, I focused on the wall in front of me, not thinking about that unmemorable event that may or may not have happened in the past.

... You're avoiding thinking about something. Emma noted, the amusement gone, and annoyance now present in full force.

You can tell? I asked, legitimately surprised. Can't you just read my memories or something?

Emma said, still sounding a little annoyed. I know basic mental etiquette. If someone doesn't want you looking at something, don't look at it. I'll trust you for now, and not dig deeper.

... Thank you.
I replied, surprised by her sincerity.

We walked in silence to my room.

The weird thing I'd noticed, over my time in the Hellfire Club, was a distinct lack of technology. There were no televisions, no computers, barely any phones - Emma and Mr. Shaw had been using one of those old-timey landlines, where you have to pull the ring round to dial the numbers. I'd kinda assumed at the time it was just the vintage aesthetic they were going for - sipping scotch from thick glasses, lush red carpeting, a kind of traditional, high-society vibe.

But now? I wasn't so sure. There hadn't been a hint of any technology, modern pieces at least, so I was left to wonder... Where was I? When was I?

I had so little information about my situation that I'd kinda put off thinking about it, but it was unavoidable now. All the shit that had happened over the past few days... It was like something out of a fucking nightmare. A woman on a payphone, disappearing to some wasteland hellscape, getting fucking superpowers (and why did that sound so weird?) and then being shunted to some weird, backwards, antiquated club run by genetic mutants who also had superpowers.

Was I on drugs? Was I dreaming right now?

I could have denied it. Rejected the whole situation, everything that had happened recently, consigned it to some far corner of my mind where it could never emerge and bother me again. Huddled up into a ball again and ignored everything around me.

But that's what I had done in... 'Psyren,' and look where that had gotten me. Displaced to some new and different place again, this time in the past rather than the future. And I was no closer to figuring out how to get home. Not that you've even been trying, idiot! How exactly have you been searching for a way home, huh? How?

Maybe I couldn't get back home. The one that had sent me here - the guy in the silver robes - was still in Psyren. And I was here, a world away. Maybe there was no way to return them - maybe it was a one way trip.

If it was, could I accept staying here? Among these strangers, who believed me one of them? As a member of, 'the Hellfire Club?'


I drifted off into an uneasy sleep.

So tell me, Emma said. Why did you try not to think about that memory the other day?

We were in town. And I had finally figured out where I was - it would have been difficult not to, what with the name strung up in gaudy, brightly-lit letters all over the place. Las Vegas, Nevada.

1962. The fucking sixties, in America.

I was a British teenager! I knew nothing about how to act damn near sixty years ago! In America!

Emma was accompanying me. Apparently there was a tailor in town that she trusted, and I needed a change of clothes. I had to admit, the ratty, dusty, torn clothes I had been wearing were beginning to look like they were in need of a wash.

And by that, of course, I meant that they were basically unwearable. Janos had been kind enough to lend me some of his old, casual clothes for me to wear into town, so Emma and I had set out to procure a suit - Mr. Shaw likes his employees looking as professional as possible of course.

I'd nearly objected to being called an employee, but thought better of it at the last moment.

Well, I replied, letting Emma pick up on my thoughts. I was thinking about what someone told me... About my powers.

What someone
else told you? She asked, surprise being conveyed across the mental link. Where they some kind of expert on mutant powers?

I paused. Hard to explain.

She responded, a hint of steel conveying itself. I understood that she might have been willing to not pry herself, but if I wanted them to trust me, I knew I couldn't hide everything.

... Ok. I took a breath, trying to organize my thoughts - a difficult task when you knew a mind-reader was watching. So... I don't know how most... Uh... Mutants find out about their powers, but for me it was... Very sudden.

I paused, wondering if Emma was going to interrupt and tell me how the average mutant did, but she seemed content to let me finish first.

I... Was transported from my home to... Some ruined, deserted wasteland - maybe a desert - without warning. Once there, I encountered another... Mutant, who seemed to know that I had powers. I paused, trying to figure out what to say next. He, along with another woman, taught me how to use my powers at all, though obviously not any intense training, just how to activate them. However... Before I could continue my training, we were interrupted by some giant... Lizard, worm, dragon... Thing, controlled by... I suppose, another mutant. Whilst the man who had trained me was fighting off the worm, the woman disappeared - and I mean literally, just vanished - and the man confronted me. He said he wanted to... Try out some technique he'd learnt, and when he used it, I... Ended up here.

Emma was silent. Whether that was because she didn't believe me, and was wondering how best to take me out and present my head to Mr. Shaw, or because she was just processing it all? I didn't know.

After a silence a little longer than thirty seconds, during which I very much non-awkwardly observed the daylight Vegas landscape. It's a lot less sexy when the sun is pounding down on everything like a ton of bricks.

You are telling the truth. Emma finally... Thought. But you're also holding things back. Unfortunately, I can't tell which, so I suppose whatever you're hiding will stay hidden, unless I want to seriously damage you.

... Thanks?
I replied, a little confused as to whether to be grateful or insulted.

You're welcome, she replied, amusement creeping back into her voice, and I felt the tension drop several hundred degrees. So! What does that have to do with the 'not thinking about this' that was going on yesterday?

I began, wondering how to pull this off successfully. The only strategy I could think of, was...

Feign ignorance?


The guy who taught me about my powers... He seemed to think that there were a bunch of ways I could develop them, and that my telekinesis (and holy shit, even thinking 'my telekinesis' is the most incredible feeling) was just one facet of them. He... Apparently... Identified three directions they could go in - further down this, 'external force' route, where I could develop control over other sources of energy and forces, down an 'internal force' route where I could enhance my own physical capabilities... And down a 'mental force' route, wherein I would become capable of telepathy, remote viewing, prediction... You get the gist.

Emma was silent once more, and this time I could tell it was a stunned one. I found myself observing the numerous casinos and restaurants awkwardly once more.

The tailor was an odd fellow. A short man, ruddy-faced and with a bad comb-over, who took my measurements and then showed Emma the possibilities. Not me! Emma Frost. She then, obviously, chose the best one of the bunch, but that was besides the point. A man should be able to choose what suit he gets, right?

It was as we were leaving the shop, and turning the corner to cut through an alley, that something incredible happened.

Emma was searching through her purse, looking for some item or another, and I was patiently waiting for her to be done. Out of the shadows, though...

"Give us the purse, and we don't have to hurt you." The first guy said, his voice guttural and menacing. In one hand he held a snub-nosed revolver, held low and pointed in our general direction. He was tall and thickly built, with broad shoulders, a nine-o'clock shadow, and a prominent gut. His hair was dark and cropped short, and he glared with a distinctly frightening gaze directly at me. I mentally dubbed him Gutsy.

The other guy was reedy, but just as tall. He had a knife, not a gun, and his hair was gelled almost vertically up, his thin face marred by an intense expression of anger. I mentally dubbed him Reedy.

I glanced at Emma, who had stopped rooting through her purse, and was looking blankly at Gutsy. I caught her eye and grinned.

She snickered, and that set me off into a full-blown chuckle, which gradually developed into a loud gout of laughter. Holy shit, out of everyone in this city, we get robbed!

This is too funny. Please, please tell me this a joke.
Even her mental voice sounded breathless with laughter.

Let me take them. Please. I begged, twitching still with now muted laughter.

"Ya think this is funny?!" Reedy snapped out, practically vibrating in place. "We're threatenin' ya life here!"

"Oh, please, you couldn't threaten your way out of a paper bag." I smirked at him, challengingly. The knowledge that I could so easily overpower him just rendered the 'threat...' Insignificant.

Go ahead. Emma replied, mirthfully. It'll be good practice, anyway.

"You don't seem to understand your situtation, here," Gutsy growled, but I interrupted.

"No, you don't seem to understand." My smirk widened into a full-blown grin. "You just tried to mug two of the least vulnerable people in this entire city. Look, I'll show you."

I raised my right hand, and unleashed hell.
Chapter 3
"You know where Azazel gets his name from?" I asked, a little breathlessly, as I caught and juggled three mannequin heads with my telekinesis.

Janos launched two more at me with his surprisingly powerful throwing arm. "Uh, I'm not sure. It's biblical, I know that. Was it the name of some demon, or something?" I launched all the heads - five, now - directly at Janos, single file, hoping to catch him with sheer numbers. He whipped up a zephyr and caught all of them, flinging the heads behind him without any difficulty. He used the gust to buffet himself to the side, starting into a sprint parallel to my stationary position.

"No, actually." I replied, backing off without taking my eyes off the guy. He was a slippery sonuvabitch. Did I get the lingo right? That's how Americans say it, right? "Azazel was one of the Watchers, an Archangel of God. The Angel of Sacrifices, specifically." Janos launched another pair of zephyrs that zipped toward either side of me- I flashed a wide, solid wall of force in front of them, catching most of the gust, letting the remaining winds buffet me ineffectually. I kept up my retreat.

"Huh." Janos paused, thoughtful. I stopped too, breathing heavily, wary of Janos but unwilling to enact a counterattack. "Y'know, I guess that kinda fits. Azazel has sacrificed a lot to get to where he is now."

I paused at that, briefly wondering what kinda things he'd done. But Janos didn't elaborate, so I assumed he wasn't going to continue. I opened my mouth to ask, and suddenly Riptide darted forward, winds building up in his palms and pushing him like a jet. I balked, throwing myself to the side, but he loosed one of the whirlwinds and caught me by the foot, flinging me around and into a wall. I repulsed myself with a blast of telekinesis at the last minute, but my arm grazed the wall at high speed, causing me to hiss in pain.

I landed in a crouched position, shaking my arm even as I could see a welt begin to form, the surface of my forearm becoming shiny and stretched. I glared at Janos in faux-shock.

"Why'd you bring it up, anyway?" Janos asked, folding his arms as he waited for me to finish my posing. I straightened, now a little embarrassed.

"Well," I started, rubbing the back of my head and half-turning away. "It got me thinking. Azazel didn't, y'know, trademark the Biblical theme... And since my real name is Adam... I was thinking I could go by Genesis?" It was dumb to be embarrassed about this stuff, I knew that, but... Hey, I'm young, I can get embarrassed over lots of things unnecessarily.

"You want that as your codename?" Janos asked voice guardedly neutral. He also didn't sound judgemental, which I counted as a good thing. "I guess there's nothing to stop you from taking it... And it's suitably pretentious, too." He chuckled, and I flushed red at his reaction.

"Whatever." I muttered gruffly. "Let's just get on with the training, okay?"

I turned to look at Janos, only to see a pair of enormous, interlocking vortices whirling towards me faster than I could react, ready to trap me between them and whip me in two different directions. Oh, shit. I thought. Not enough time to-!

I poured PSI inside my own body. I didn't know where the instinct came from, but I just knew I needed more time. The PSI coiled inside my gut, pausing momentarily, before flooding into my head. I could feel it flowing inside me, a curious pressure and energy marking it's passage. And as it expanded to fill the inside of my skull, everything slowed down.

The spinning gales slowed to a crawl, inching towards me at with the barest hint of speed, turning lazily next to each other. Janos' superior smirk froze on his face, the smug look in his eyes ceasing it's twinkle. Everything had decelerated - including myself. My eyes tracked around the room at a leisurely pace, but my mind buzzed with possibility and activity. I needed to get out of the way of Riptide's storm, but by the time I could bring my telekinesis to bear and launch myself away, I would be caught between the bluster and slammed against the wall again.

I needed a more immediate solution. So I gave myself one.

I crouched in an unrushed movement, seeing my knees bend at a snail's pace. With a thought, the PSI in my brain coursed down my spine and into my legs, wrapping around my thigh and calf muscles. The world around me quickened, but enough PSI remained in my mind to keep it from moving at full speed. All at once, I straightened my legs, flexed my PSI, and soared.

I flew at least twenty feet, jettisoning my own body at enormous speed out of the path of the winds. At the same time, Even as everything began to speed up once more, I twisted my PSI externally, and flicked a mannequin head with my telekinesis into Janos' gut.

I landed heavily on my legs, half-collapsing to my side, to the sound of Riptide letting out a hacking cough. I heaved heavy breaths of my own, sweat pouring down into my eyes, and I massaged my legs with a grunt of pain - they suddenly ached with physical exertion, and the cramps were fucking real-!

"What-" Janos coughed again. "What was that?!" He stared at me with no small amount of shock, rubbing his stomach. I barely stopped the victorious gloat from escaping my lips.

"That..." I began, with relish. "Was, I suppose, another facet of my powers." With that, I grinned, panting and sweating, but still victorious.

Janos stood there a moment.

"You know, all you did was knock the wind out of me." He pointed out. "Other than that, I'm basically fine, and you're exhausted.

I paused.

"Let me have this, okay?" I retorted weakly.

Another aspect of your powers? Emma asked, a slight expression of amusement and annoyance leaking through in her tone. You're becoming quite the enigma, Adam.

I replied, then shook my head. Anyway, isn't that what we're trying to do here? Bring another dimension of my... Mutation to the forefront?

Ever since the incident in the alleyway a few days ago, Emma had been tutoring me in the mental characteristics of my powers. Or, at least, trying to. All she could really do was share her own experiences with psychic events, and how her own powers emerged. We were currently sitting on my bed, cross-legged and facing each other. She'd been trying to tease the capability out of me, in a complicated mental manoeuvre of probing deeply into my mind, and then drawing out whilst catching as much as my mind as possible in her psychic net. It sounded pretty dangerous to me, but, hey, Emma was the expert.

Now, though, I had an idea. The use of PSI earlier today on my legs and brain had left me with a pounding headache, yes, but it had also given me an idea as to how PSI was truly meant to be used. Using it externally was totally different to using it internally. Externally... The energy came from me, yes, but there was no interaction with my own body. Internally, it was as if the energy was between my skin and my muscles, wrapping around their exterior, but still on the interior of my own body. An intermediate layer, almost. So, maybe if I wanted to use this 'Trance' part of my powers, I had to work on an even deeper layer of my powers.

You're considering something, Emma transmitted, breaking me out of my reverie. Something that will help us here? I could tell she was somewhat annoyed my attention was elsewhere.

... Maybe. I replied. Let me try something.

Emma made a mental gesture of affirmation, and disconnected from my mind. I smiled at her, and shut my eyes. Deep... Deeper... Deeper... I focused inward, trying to tap the deepest well of my PSI and bring it forth from within my mind. There-!

A tendril of PSI writhed from within my mind, twisting at a layer of subconscious I hadn't even realized existed. I coaxed it forth, pulling gently at the protuberance with my mind. Slowly... Slowly... It inched outwards, towards the surface of my mind. Finally, it breached the thin layer that separated my mind from the external world, and I felt everything around me open. Even with my eyes closed, I could see everything - 360 degree vision was bizarre; it was like seeing the entire world through an enormous fish-eye lens, or like I'd massively upped the Field of Vision on a video game. Still thought, it was incredible. In fact... I could see my own head, eyes closed and bowed slightly, to point at folded hands. I shifted them, self-conscious, and saw the change.


I noticed the gasp of Emma, though, here eyes widening comically, her gaze fixed on whatever I was using to see in this way.

I opened my eyes, and instantly regretted it. The sudden disorientation of having two separate fields of vision, in some endlessly fractal overlay was incredibly unnerving - not to mention painful. There wsa an instantaneous pounding on the inside of my skull, as a migraine burst into full fruit at the reaction. God fucking dammit! Gah! Why is nothing ever painless!?

I closed my eyes - both sets - and pressed my palms into the sockets. Ahh... Blessed darkness and lack of stimulation.

Emma asked mentally, her psychic probe gentle and non-invasive. Are you okay?

I replied, with no small amount of hesitation. I guess I figured out one part of this mental stuff - remote viewing. I just wish it didn't have to literally split my skull in two to do so.

Emma chuckled, a little uncertainly. It was certainly odd, seeing that. A white cord emerged from your head and started hovering in midair, before a black sphere formed at the end of it. She transmitted a mental image of it, a perfectly round and black sphere about the size of a golf ball, connected to a white cord by what looked like a mock-optic nerve.

Huh. I replied. I... Guess I'll have to practice with that, right? I let a sigh echo across our mental link. Another thing to add to the list.

Do you feel up to continuing, Adam?
She asked. We still haven't actually managed to reach telepathy, or any degree of psychic actualization.

... Right.
I replied. Sure, we can continue.

We settled back into our cross-legged positions, and I resumed trying to get a hold of that mote of PSI residing within my mind.


The session continued for another hour and a half, me trying desperately to make contact with Emma's mind unaided, while she tutored me as best as she could. Ultimately, I didn't achieve anything even near telepathy, although I was also able to project my hearing through one of those thin white strings of PSI. Emma theorized that I must have some form of Clairsentience, the ability to project my senses outside of my body, to far distances or hard-to-reach places. No actual psychic progress, though.

Which was, I admit, a disappointment.

Mr. Shaw was entertaining a guest tonight, apparently. A fairly famous guest, apparently - a Colonel in the American military was visiting the Atomic club. Colonel Hendry, though I didn't recognize the name.

I admitted, I hadn't paid much attention to the everyday workings of the club. It was open every few nights, generally to the attendance of several important people, and during this time both Emma and Mr. Shaw were, 'otherwise occupied,' entertaining guests of one sort or another. I listened to the music and the party sounds that drifted down to the sparring chamber or up to my room, but the three of us - Azazel, Janos, and I - were banned from entering. Shaw didn't want to 'tip his hand,' apparently.

Tonight, though, was different. Sebastian was expecting his guest to be recalcitrant, about something or other, and we were on hand to be intimidating as necessary.

"You're not expected to seriously hurt the guy," Mr. Shaw explained to me, a slight smile on his face. "Just follow my lead, and rough him up a bit if needed. Don't be afraid to use your powers - if we can scare him off with a show of force, then we've achieved what we want to achieve." With that, he clapped me on the back and went off to prepare.

I wasn't exactly attracted to the idea of hurting the guy - although, admittedly, a small part of me was looking forward to using my powers, after the rush I'd gotten in that alleyway - but what could I do? I owed Shaw, a hell of a lot in fact - the guy had put me up in massive bedroom, taken care of me despite not giving even the slightest explanation of who I was - for nothing. The least I could do was help him out with this.

And so Shaw had taken us into a lustrous clubroom, gorgously decorated and playing some delightful, timely tune. Janos and I were dressed in tuxedos, lounging at the bar and looking on, although Azazel was nowhere in sight. Emma was in just lingerie, a fact that I had desperately tried to avoid blushing over.

She had brought Hendry in through, and seated him down on a plush couch, placing herself beside him. Hendry was a stolid man, with a close-shaven head and a bit of a gut, alongside small, piggy eyes deepset in his face. He looked fairly disgusting, all things considered.

Sebastian strolled over to the couch, a glass of amber liquid held loosely in one hand, and a bright smile fixed on his face. "You sure we can't get you a refill, Bob?" His grin widened, if that was even possible.

Hendry looked at him, distrusting. "No," was his short and, in my opinion, a little rude reply.

Shaw took the step down to the slightly lowered seating area, pointing at Hendry as he did so. "So, I hear you blocked the proposal to position Jupiter missiles in Turkey." He paused to take a seat, lean back, and sip at his drink. "I expect you'll reconsider."

I followe the conversation with narrowed eyes, Janos remaining steadfast beside me.

"We've had this conversation," Bob replied in a condescending tone. "You put our nukes in Turkey or anywhere that close to Russia, and you're looking at war."

I fought to keep a neutral expression. Nukes? War? What the fuck have I gotten myself into?

"Nuclear war." Hendry finished, a little unnecessarily.

"I don't ask for favours, Colonel." I could tell Sebastian was starting to get annoyed. "I express my expectations." He took a breath, and reaffirmed the smile on his face. "So let me say it again." He paused to add gravity to his word. "I expect you'll reconsider."

"The only thing I'll reconsider," he replied, his lips twisting into an irritating smirk. "Is having another glass of that delicious champagne."

Smug prick.

Hendry stood, and I could feel Sebastian's exasperation. He turned to Janos, and made a quick circling motion with his index figure. In response, Riptide lifted a hand, and summoned a small vortex between his fingers, circling his hand to add spin to the zephyr. He flicked his fingers and sent it spinning across the low table towards Hendry.

"What the hell did you put in my drink...?" The Colonel began, just before the winds caught him and sent him flying into the back wall of the clubroom. I winced internally.

Ouch... I've been on the receiving end of that manoeuvre a fair few times. Doesn't get any less painful, mate.

Hendry grunted in pain as he dropped to the floor, but Shaw, Emma, Janos and I were already moving towards him. Emma transmitted something to him psychically - I could feel the mental energy echo across the room, but I wasn't privy to the words. Shaw nodded to her, and she took on that tantalizing crystalline form that I'd only seen in my mind's eye. It was a lot more intimidating up close like this.

"Magnificent, isn't she Bob?" Shaw said, his voice guttural in a way that I knew signified his feelings towards the majority of humanity. "Genetic mutation. The evolution of the human genome." He paused, and looked at me. "Genesis, why don't you help the gentleman up."

I breathed. That was an order, I knew, to use my powers. Alright, Adam, time to step up. You got this.

I gestured - an unnecessary motion, really, but it felt right - and took hold of his entire body with my PSI. I lifted him casually, but not gently, positioning him into a slightly crumpled, but upright stature. Hendry already looked terrified and confused - the feeling of losing control of your limbs could do that to someone.

"Oh, where's Azazel?" Shaw turned to Emma expectantly, and I think only I caught the slight eye-roll at the implied order.

Emma pursed glass lips and whistled, but I could tell she was really reaching out psychically to Azazel's position just outside. With a burst of smoke and a flash of red, the crimson-skinned mutant appeared just behind and to the right of Shaw, awaiting his instructions.

"Ah," Sebastian said, nonchalant. "We don't want the Colonel to be late."

Azazel nodded, and stepped forward, holding a hand out to the uncertain man. When he didn't take it, Azazel uttered one of the few words I'd heard him speak. "Comrade," he said, and took hold of Hendry's hand before disappearing in another flash of black and red.


Later, when we had retired to a more casual setting, Sebastian took the time to hand as all glasses of champagne, and clap us on the shoulder for a job well done.

"Well," he said, "I think that went well. To mutants!" He raised his glass, and the five of us clinked glasses, echoing his cheer.

I... Could get used to this, I thought, a small but honest grin appearing on my face.

Did.... Did you forget about the nukes?

For the purposes of the story, the SI has never watched, or even heard of, X-Men or MCU. Or Psyren, for that matter. Right now, to him, the Hellfire Club is just a group of pretty cool people who took him in and helped him when he had nowhere to go.

Thank you for enjoying it, too! I wasn't sure about this, I thought putting in so many pieces of fiction in the title might have been offputting, but I didn't want to mislead anyone, since the first chapter takes place in Psyren.
For the purposes of the story, the SI has never watched, or even heard of, X-Men or MCU. Or Psyren, for that matter.
True, but wouldn't you have an inkling at least about the whole upcoming Cuban Missile Crisis, what with the talks of Jupiter Missiles in Turkey that you overheard? (Unless your SI was complete crap at history lessons).

edit: Oh wait, your SI is British I forgot about that, do they cover the finer points of the Cuban Missile Crisis overseas?
True, but wouldn't you have an inkling at least about the whole upcoming Cuban Missile Crisis, what with the talks of Jupiter Missiles in Turkey that you overheard? (Unless your SI was complete crap at history lessons).

edit: Oh wait, your SI is British I forgot about that, do they cover the finer points of the Cuban Missile Crisis overseas?

We do one section on the Cold War as a whole, so the Cuban Missile Crisis was a relatively small part of a course I did three years ago. I understand the basics of what happened, true, and real-me knows how things will play out.

The main issue is that the SI is experiencing a bit of cognitive dissonance. Intellectually, he knows it's 1962, and intellectually, he knows that's the year of the whole conflict between Russia and America that culminates in the crisis, he just hasn't connected those facts in his mind.

There will come a point somewhere down the line where he realizes, 'oh shit, America might be nuked this year.'
Chapter 4
After the incident with Colonel Hendry, things changed very quickly. The very next day, early in the morning, Shaw had us bundled into cars and off to the airport, onto a private jet bound for Miami. He seemed strangely urgent, eager to get to Miami - he walked with purpose and speed, unlike his usual casual stroll. It was... A little unnerving, honestly- I'd never seen Sebastian like this, so out of sorts, so uncontrolled. Janos, Azazel, and Emma didn't seem to regard it as anything out of the usual, though. If anything, they seemed exasperated, like this was a common occurrence that they'd had to get used to.

When the cars finally showed, Shaw and Emma took the first one, and me, Janos, and Azazel took the other. Azazel took the front seat, next to a deeply agitated an anxious chauffeur - a youngish man with cropped brown hair. He sweated throughout the whole journey, shooting quick glances at Azazel out the corner of his eyes. It would have been comical, if he wasn't essentially terrified of someone because they were different to him.

I asked Janos about Sebastian on our way to the airport.

"Ah, that's just how Mr. Shaw gets." He replied, a small smile on his face. "He only ever feels at home when he's in Miami, on his boat. We can stay in other states for a time, on business, but eventually... He has to get back to the only place he feels at home."

I was surprised. Shaw didn't strike me as the sentimental type - more like the calm, collected, constantly in-control type. I wouldn't have guessed he'd get so anxious over being homesick. Still, he was human, after all.

Well, that's debatable, right? Heh.

We passed the rest of the journey in silence, though it was only a short drive from the Hellfire Club to the airport. We were hurried through security with minimal fuss, bypassing most of the typical deal by driving round to a private airstrip. How rich is Shaw, anyway? He owns, like, a shitton of private stuff!

Once we were out of the cars, Sebastian dismissed the chauffeurs with a wave of his hand, and a new tide of attendants joined us, loading bags into the cargo hold and offering the five of us anything we could ever possibly need.

I hadn't had anything much to take with me - I had my custom made suit, and a few other changes of clothes that Emma had helped me pick out, but other than that? I had nothing.

Wow. That actually... Felt fucking bad.

I shook my head and took a breath, climbing the steps up to the plane with ease. I'd left everything else behind, so I could move on, now.


The plane ride was... Uneventful. Shaw's anxiety had built up to a fever pitch, to the point where he just sat in the main body of the plane, staring out the window and sipping scotch. Emma, exasperated, had taken me to he back of the plane and sat me down opposite her for more practice in my 'Trance' abilities.

She'd taken my explanation of Vito's naming system without much comment, and seemed to buy that I'd come up with it on my own. She seemed amused, if anything - I guess she found it cute that I'd gone and named the different parts of my power, or something.

It's not cute, dammit! It's cool! I'm badass, I swear!

Unfortunately, we didn't make much progress. I was getting better at projecting my other senses through that cord of mental force, but I just couldn't connect it to actual telepathy - it looked like mind-reading was out of my reach for now. Still, I'd pulled ahead with the projection; sight was still the most effective, and I could project it further, but hearing and smell were coming along. I was having the most trouble with touch - it felt utterly bizarre feeling objects that weren't anywhere near me, with sensors that weren't even shaped like hands. It felt so alien to my mind that it was almost like my mind was rejecting the feeling of doing it.

Another aspect I'd found interesting, though, was the integration of 'Rise' - using PSI to enhance the physical - into my senses. After all, all of those were actual, physical faculties, weren't they? They were the interpreters of the external mind to my world, but we'd mapped out just how sight worked scientifically, at least. So... If I could use Rise to enhance my strength, and reflexes- why not my senses?

Something to think about at least.

There was another pair of cars waiting for us when we arrived, with another pair of chauffeurs who couldn't keep their eyes off of Azazel. It was... Depressing, how predictable every one was. He wasn't a young guy this tme, but he had the exact same reaction - surreptitious glances out the corner of his eye, an excess of sweat, and a total and utter silence.

Janos was the first one to break the awkwardness.

"So," he said. "I hear Miss Frost been bumping up your psychic training. How's that going?"

"It's..." I paused. "Going. Just not where I want it to go. It feels like, whenever I try to focus on the aspect Emma's teaching me, my powers only want to bring out the other parts."

"Is it easier or harder than your 'Rise' training, would you say?" Janos replied, a sly grin on his face. I rolled my eyes. Ever since we'd been practicing Rise in the practice chamber, Janos had seen me get a real workout; using Rise was a hundred times worse than actual physical exercise, and I finished every session soaked in sweat and barely able to move, not to mention the cramps. He got kicks out of exhausting both my mind and body.

Fuckin' sadist.

"Harder," I groaned, instead. "Much harder. With Rise, I feel like I'm covering loads of bases and training them all at once. With Trance... It feels like I can only work on the things I don't need to work on." I sighed, and shook my head. "It's frustrating, to say the least."

With Rise, I'd been using essentially all the aspects I'd discovered constantly - speed, strength, endurance and healing - to survive against Janos, especially now that he'd stepped up the training, fighting me at apparently his full strength.

I wasn't necessarily convinced, but it would be a pretty severe blow to my pride if he was still holding back and winning.

The aspect I found myself using the most, however, was reaction time. It was just so useful- having so long to take my time and decide what I wanted to do, pausing the action around me so I could think. And, I found that if I combined it with my sensory projection, I could get a practically omniscient view of the field of battle. It was a combo I was abusing intensely, in regular life as well as in training.

Still, though...

"Did..." I hesitated, wary of asking. I hadn't known Janos for too long, a few weeks, but I felt like we'd become close over that time. I wanted to ask him questions, ask for his help, but... Would it be appropriate? Would I be making myself seem weak? Fuck, I hate these kinds of situations, where I have to honestly bare my thoughts without it being a complaint or a joke...

"Did you ever have trouble with your powers?" I asked, finally. "Like, feeling them out, understanding them, using them?"

"Hm." Janos hummed. I winced- he was going to reply with some scathing comment, I just knew it. Here it comes... "Well, you're a lot stronger than I am, so it's a difficult comparison."

"... What?" I asked, frowning deeply. "I- Is that a joke? You beat me literally every time we spar."

"Sure," Janos replied, his tone matter-of-fact. "But that's 'cause you're not using your powers together. Your powers... They're absurdly broad. They cover so many individually strong powers that, adding them together makes a monumentally strong mutant. But you're not used to using so many aspects at once, you just move from one part to another too slowly. Me? I just throw wind around, but you have super-strength, speed, telekinesis, healing, maybe telepathy - you're so much stronger than I was at your age."

I sighed. "So it's not that my powers are too complicated, it's that I'm too stupid to use them." I muttered. "Great."

"No, that's not what I-"

"When I was your age, Genesis," Azazel began. "I had no control over my powers. I was travelling my country, Russia, staying out of sight of people who feared my red skin. I had heard of a youth hostel that catered to people like me - mutants that scared most people. When I arrived, though, it turned out to be a myth. Instead a group of Russian охотник, government mutant-hunters, were waiting for me, having drawn my kind in with the false promise of safety. Surrounded by twenty men with guns and nets and cages... I panicked, and disappeared. I reappeared in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean." Azazel's Russian accent had grown thicker of the course of his speech. "From then on, whenever I would get worried, or scared, or excited - anything that provoked strong emotions would make me teleport. I couldn't control my destination- I was luck I didn't reappear inside a volcano, or at the bottom of the ocean." He paused, shook his head slightly, and seemed to get back on track. "My point is that you shouldn't be worrying about controlling your powers. Every mutant is unique, with their own individual set of circumstances. I had less control at your age, Riptide had more, and Mr. Shaw... Who knows? It might have been more, it might have been less."

With that, he turned back to face forwards again, lapsing into silence. The rest of the trip passed in a certain quietude- but I found myself reassured.

"Welcome!" Sebastian said, arms spread wide as he welcomed us aboard. "To El Caspartina - the true home of the Hellfire Club. Here is my most secret base of operations, where I meet the most important members of our cause, and plan my most world-changing operations. Now-! Emma, Azazel, Riptide, you've all been aboard before, but Genesis - this is your first visit aboard the ship. Now, there isn;t anything complicated you need to know, but there is one rule." A smiled curled at his lips. "Have fun, and don't get caught."

I barked out a laugh, perhaps a little forced, but I think Shaw bought it. It had been surprise, mainly. "Other than that..." Mr. Shaw trailed off for a moment, taking Emma by the waist. "Do whatever you like! Head out into town, stay here, take the motorboat for a spin- no limits." He smiled widely, then turned and walked off to the bow, Emma accompanying him. "Oh, and if someone sees you using your powers... Take care of it!"

Janos and I laughed, more naturally this time, and Azazel at least smirked, I was sure.

"Hey, Adam." Janos spoke up, even as Azazel disappeared off to god-knows-where. "I've got some things to take care of in town, so I need you to stay on the boat- just for now, at least. You can stay and do your meditation thing if you need to, or use the TV- whatever, just don't leave the boat. Okay?"

"Uh, sure." I replied, a little weirded out by his insistence. "Whatever you need, man."

He nodded, clapped me on the shoulder, and set off down the gangplank. I was left standing there dumbly, with nothing but time on my hands.

What was I supposed to do for the next eight hours, huh?

El Caspartina was surprisingly bland. For all that Shaw called it his 'home away from home,' it was... Basically empty. No photos on the walls. All the rooms were completely spartan, no personal effects. I couldn't even tell which one belonged to the boss himself, they were all utterly identical. It was kinda weird, actually. There were no chefs or staff aboard - I assumed we'd be going out to eat. Sebastian had a fondness for communal dinners, if only so everyone could get updates on his plans.

Not that I ever understood them. It was always, 'talk to this guy,' 'introduce these people,' 'gather info on this politician,' and so on. I had no idea what it was all for.

In the end, I just picked a room and tried to meditate. It was a skill Emma had bee drilling into me, to practice my telepathy, or at least try and trigger it. I'd been using it on and off ever since she'd suggested it, but, honestly? I hadn't had much luck with actual telepathy yet. Sure, it had done wonders for my sensory capabilities, but not much more than that.

I crossed my legs, in an admittedly uncomfortable lotus position and rested my hands on my knees, index finger and thumb touching, but all other fingers relaxed. I closed my eyes, and focused.

My perception drifted out of my body, silver chords unfurling and unraveling like a spool of thread. My viewpoint bobbed at the end of the leash, curling and twisting through the air in disorientating three-sixty degree vision. Or rather, it was the lack of disorientation that made it unnerving. Even though my location changed, everything remained in my field of view, nothing dropped out of sight in my periphery. I didn't have a periphery.

As the sphere of projected sight drifted out of my door and through the hallway, I considered Janos' words from earlier. He was right, wasn't he? My problem wasn't a lack of power, it was an abundance of it. I had so many options that I always defaulted to my first- telekinesis.

And sure, that power alone was versatile and strong, but if had combined it with my reaction-enhancing? That was instantaneous, long-range response to any threat. Or with my sensory projections? Omniscient power.

Hell, I could give that a go right now. The orb drifted down the hall, and I took note of a door slightly ajar. I took a deep breath - unnerving, since I couldn't actually see myself - and pushed.

It wasn't immediate. It took a few seconds to actually kick in, the mental wave of force travelling across the distance between me and my perception. I felt like there was an easier way to project that force- perhaps along the Trance cord itself given that it was composed of pure PSI?

Nonetheless, I pushed against the door with my telekinesis and the door opened, letting my orb wander in. I cancelled the telekinesis and tried again, this time sending the package of PSI boiling down the cord connecting my mind to the projection, and it moved much more swiftly to it's destination, before unfurling into a fully-powered telekinetic force.

I could move things around the room much more easily, binding my connection into the Trance cord like this. I floated a lamp across the room, enjoying the way I could watch it drift completely around me constantly, no need for turning or moving.

I stayed like that, practicing long-distance telekinesis for a while. Even now, I felt giddy using my powers - just the knowledge, the feeling that I was literally moving things with my mind, was... Incredible. Mind-blowing, pun unintended. It was captivating.

I was still in the cross-legged position when Janos came to collect me. I'd moved on from just one sight projection, though. Practicing with my telekinesis had lead me to another neat conclusion, though; multiple sightlines let me correlate my perceptions, giving me true limited omniscience. It was a fully mapped-out, three dimensional image of the room. And I could manipulate everything inside it.

Talk about a power trip, right?

"Hey, Adam- woah." He stopped in the doorway, eyes widening at the tangle of Trance cords and drifting objects about the room.

"Hey, Janos," I replied. Woah, seeing myself talk is weird. Do I really look like that? "What do you need?"

"Uh..." Despite seeing my capabilities in the training room, he still seemed surprised by what I could do. "We, uh, we're having a group dinner upstairs. Mr. Shaw ordered some of the local cuisine sent up, so... Whenever you're ready."

I set all my levitated objects back in their places, and allowed the cords to re-spool themselves, retracting into my forehead. With a sigh - partly of relief, partly of exhaustion - I opened my eyes once more. It felt strangely... Limiting to be back to two-dimensional vision.

Huh. "Well, I'm ready now. Let's go." I smiled and got to my feet, finally unfolding my crossed legs. I groaned a little as they finally untensed after hours of being in the same position. I felt a cramp in my left thigh, but after a moment of stretching it faded. I was used to them by now, anyway.


"Huh, I didn't know there was a phone on this boat," I stated, looking around for the source of the sound.

"What?" Janos asked, apparently confused.

"I looked around, couldn't find a phone." I explained.

"That's because there isn't one..." Janos replied, slowly. "Are you feeling alright? Maybe it wasn't such a good idea for you to stay cooped up in your room all day..."


"But if there's not a phone, then..." I froze.

My blood froze.

My everything froze.

PSI flooded my body, slowing everything down to a crawl and pumping my muscles to unimaginable strength.

And still.


I went into a flat out sprint, each stride carrying me the length of a hallway, each footfall an explosion of kinetic energy that left craters in the floor.

I burst onto the deck, nearly blowing the door off it's hinges. Emma, Shaw, and Azazel were seated at the table, about ready to tuck in.

"I'm not ready!" I yelled. "It's too soon! It can't happen again!"

"Genesis, calm down, what are you-"


I was gone.

Another world?

You did say you only wanted Psyrrn for the cool power so I doubt you will keep that world in particular.

But maybe you are gonna use Nemesis Q as the powerful random ass force that moves your character all over the place.
Probably back and forth from X-men First Class, and the Marvel movie universe.
And I bet Adam will only go back to the X-men world when he finds a Payphone.

And I also bet that he will only appear near Emma as she is a focus point to him.

Edit: MCU and X-men. Hmm.
Last edited:
Another world?

You did say you only wanted Psyrrn for the cool power so I doubt you will keep that world in particular.

But maybe you are gonna use Nemesis Q as the powerful random ass force that moves your character all over the place.
Probably back and forth from X-men First Class, and the Marvel movie universe.
And I bet Adam will only go back to the X-men world when he finds a Payphone.

And I also bet that he will only appear near Emma as she is a focus point to him.

Edit: MCU and X-men. Hmm.

I don't particularly care for your character. He's just ignoring some blatantly bad shit. Supremacy, threatening that guy about the nukes etc. pretty shady and he just goes along with it.

Also if he sticks around in the 60's for any length of time he's going to run into a fair few problems. Shaving for example, cartridge razors weren't invented until 98, he's stuck with straight and safety razors(though they apparently weren't called that then). Better stick with going to the barbers.

I owed Shaw, a hell of a lot in fact - the guy had put me up in massive bedroom, taken care of me despite not giving even the slightest explanation of who I was - for nothing.

No, no you don't.

if he wasn't essentially terrified of someone because they were different to him.

He work's for a supervillain he's probably seen or heard of some of what Azezel does.
I don't particularly care for your character. He's just ignoring some blatantly bad shit. Supremacy, threatening that guy about the nukes etc. pretty shady and he just goes along with it.

Also if he sticks around in the 60's for any length of time he's going to run into a fair few problems. Shaving for example, cartridge razors weren't invented until 98, he's stuck with straight and safety razors(though they apparently weren't called that then). Better stick with going to the barbers.

No, no you don't.

He work's for a supervillain he's probably seen or heard of some of what Azezel does.
Why should he care beyond the fact that they are helping him?

Not everyone has to be Mother Teresa with a bleeding heart and care about bigotry and other crap like that.

So they are Human racists, good for them. Adam maybe doesnt really care about their political or peoples inclinations.

We cant always keep writing about the superheroe when using xmen or marvel, there are villains and neutral people too. And heroes are becoming cliche and predictable
For the purposes of the story, the SI has never watched, or even heard of, X-Men or MCU. Or Psyren, for that matter. Right now, to him, the Hellfire Club is just a group of pretty cool people who took him in and helped him when he had nowhere to go.

Yeah, but you heard about and reacted to the nukes earlier in the chapter.
I fought to keep a neutral expression. Nukes? War? What the fuck have I gotten myself into?
Chapter 5
White, armoured fingers flickered in front of my face, reaching out to grab me. Every few seconds they would latch on, pull me forward, then flicker out of existence again.

I was being pulled through a dark place, a bright place, sideways and up and down and left and right and back and forth.

I had no control over my direction. I had no control over my movement at all. But intermittently those white fingers, a sphere around the wrist, a crumpled white sleeve, would appear and seize my skull, forcefully dragging me to god-knows-where.

I would glimpses of a head, sometimes. More like a helmet, really - a beaked front, swept back behind itself like a parody of cyclist's helmet, some tribal pattern painted in beige on the sides.

But I couldn't talk to it. I couldn't interact with it, save for my head being endlessly yanked onward, the rest of my body trailing behind, limp.

Not even my PSI could reach it. I didn't have PSI, in this moment, in this place. When I reached for the power, the power ignored me.

Concentration - I couldn't focus.

Visualisation - I couldn't picture it.

Projection - There was nothing to project.

There was nothing except me, being endlessly moved through the darkness.

Finally, finally, after hours of endless, constant movement - or perhaps only seconds - I caught a glimpse of light, of a world.

A barren wasteland, ruined buildings scattered across great plains.


No! I screamed. No! I don't want to go back! Get off! Get off me!

I writhed, my body coming alive once more, slapping uselessly against the powerful fist of the strange being. But my spasms, my desperate contortions were enough in this strange place. I slipped out of the grasping fingers of the thing as it flickered, desperate to seize hold of me, and I dropped through the darkness, falling in directions incomprehensible to my mind. Or was I falling? Was the being moving further away?

Where was I going? I could feel a destination, somehow, a movement towards an end goal, travelling to some unfathomable place that no one could possibly hope to ever-

I dropped onto a stainless steel floor from a height of about three feet, on my side, slamming into it without a moment to breathe. My shoulder hit the ground first and creaked disturbingly, followed by the rest of my body slapping against the ground unceremoniously.

My bound bounced, and I groaned. I rolled onto my back, still in severe pain, and opened my eyes-

To stare right down the barerel of a gun. Pointed right between my eyes, close enough that I could barely focus on the end of it, never mind identify who was holding the damn thing.

"You better explain what in the hell is going on, right now, unless you want a really bad headache." A voice proclaimed, deadly serious and very threatening.

"Um," was my eloquent response. "I can explain, if you'll just excuse me for one moment-"

I rolled onto my side again, and a ghastly brown liquid exploded out of my throat, coating a pair of very nice boots with bile and chunks of food unidentifiable to any normal human.

Is that toast? I wondered briefly.

There was an awkward silence, as I rolled onto my back and looked up again. The ceiling was surprisingly high, actually, with glass that displayed a nice view of blue sky and fluffy clouds. I turned my head the other way, to look down onto some kind of high-tech work-station, with many disgusted-slash-surprised looking men and women in uniform standing at various panels, each decorated with blinking lights and lots of buttons.

I looked up again to see the disgruntled face of black man with an eye patch, lips pulled back into an expression of disgust.

I cleared my throat, turned my head, and spat the last remaining remnants of my stomach onto the side. "Sorry," I said, finally. "I think I might be a bit lost."

"Security!" The man finally yelled, stepping back and holstering his gun.

I didn't resist as six men holding assault weapons of some kind charged into the room, visors covering their faces, and surrounded me. Four of them took cardinal positions surrounding me and raised their weapons, while the remaining two grabbed an arm each and dragged me out of the room.

Through the pile of sick still on the floor, I noted, annoyed. Great, now my knees are gonna be all soggy and gross. Ugh.

The parting remark I caught from the man with the eyepatch was, "Can somebody please get me a new pair of shoes?!"


I ended up handcuffed to a chair in the middle of a brightly lit white room, literally untouched by dust or dirt of any kind. Imagine the most sterile place in existence- then imagine someone had taken a microscopic toothbrush and scrubbed every inch of it with acid. That's the kind of sterility I was seeing here.

One wall was dominated by an enormous mirror. A two-way mirror, I assumed, so that they could watch me without me watching them. I wasn't sure what they were expecting, though - it's not like I was gonna just reveal my powers and break out, no, they'd be expecting that. Besides, there wasn't really anything I could use my telekinesis on - the door had melded seamlessly into the white walls, not even the faintest trace of an outline obvious, and I really didn't want to try and use my Trance right now.

So I was stuck here, in this featureless white room, waiting for whoever this mysterious organisation was to decide what to do with me.

Man, these guys are assholes.

"Could I get some music in here, or something?" I asked, directly to the mirror. "You know, just something to pass the time."

No response.

"Assholes." I muttered, and tried to catch some sleep.



I was unsuccessful. You know how difficult is to sleep handcuffed, upright, in a really uncomfortable metal chair? Really difficult.

Really really difficult.



Passing the time in this place was... Difficult. I'd already tried counting sheep in my head, but it didn't help me drift off any quicker, so it was fairly pointless. And since I wasn't willing to practice my powers with these goons watching me... I was stuck. Stuck and bored.

Fucking kill me.



It seemed like an age had passed, before I heard the hiss of a door release, and one innocuous panel of wall slid smoothly open. Not the wall I had thought the door was on, actually. Damn, I gotta work on my observation skills. Or memory. I can never remember which.

The open door bore admittance to a man - late-forties, early fifties, maybe. His hairline was receding somewhat, but still dark, and naturally so. He was wearing a dark suit- but a normal one, not like the weird black trenchcoat Eyepatch had been wearing. The lines on his face were faint, but definitely there - he was getting on a bit, but still in his prime.

"Hi there," I said. It would probably have been smarter to remain silent, but the sheer boredom of being in this room for so long had burnt out the last vestiges of common sense.

Honestly, I was just getting tired of being yanked to places I didn't want to go so often. My last fucks have been given, so to speak.

"Hello," he replied, a small smile quirking at the edge of his lips.

We lapsed into silence, as I waited for him to get to the point. I couldn't be bothered with any pleasantries.

"Do you know," the man finally asked. "Where you are?"

"Haven't the foggiest," I responded brightly, immediately. "Last thing I know, I'm having dinner in Miami, then, I'm throwing up all over the nice man's shoes."

The man nodded, thoughtfully. "So what's a young Englishman like you doing in Miami, anyway? Vacation? Visiting relatives?"

"You know, I was actually just there from Las Vegas." I paused, just to be slightly more annoying. "But if you want to know how I got there... Well, I'll let you know when I know. I didn't choose to go there - pretty much the same thing happened from Miami to here, as from my previous place of residence to Las Vegas."

"Really." He sounded skeptical. I shrugged my shoulders - as best as I could, given my handcuffed state - and smiled widely. I'd never been in an interrogation before, but I doubted I could pull off the whole, 'silent and stoic' act so many action heroes had. So I went with the next best thing- tell as close to the truth as I could, without giving anything actually important away.

Not that I knew what qualified as important, anyway. I didn't know any secrets about... Anything, really. The existence of mutants? That whole thing with Shaw intimidating that asshole Colonel? The... Nukes. Right. Nearly forgot about that. I'd meant to ask Janos about it, but with the sudden move to Miami, it had just... Slipped my mind.

Man. Nukes slipping my mind. I would be terrible at being in charge of anything.

"So then, where were you before being sent to Las Vegas." He phrased it as a question but it was really more of an order. I think he's getting tired of me... I'm wearing him down. That's good, right?

"Funny story," I said, shuffling in my chair to get more comfortable. My arse was beginning to seize up. I finally settled, and glanced at the man's face- were his teeth grinding? Was that my imagination? "I was actually kidnapped, from my home in London. Some lady was talking to me over a payphone, and then I was... Knocked out, or something, because I ended up in a desert. I still don't know where it actually was, but after a... Brief period there, I was teleported to Las Vegas."

"Teleported." He stated dryly. I could tell he didn't believe me. He seemed to pause before speaking again. "... What's your name."


"Your full name."

I rolled my eyes whilst I searched my mind for an appropriate last name. I didn't really want to give him my real last name, so... "Frost. Adam Frost." Sorry, Emma. I winced, internally. Yours was just the first I could come up with. I saw the man open his mouth to ask another question. Quick, deflect! "What, uh, what's your name? What do I call you?"

"..." He was contemplating it, I could tell. "... For now, you can call me Agent Coulson."

"Coulson, got it." I smiled brightly at him, pretending ignorance of what he was trying to do.

"We're going to take some blood now, okay?" Coulson said, gesturing to te people behind the mirror. The door hissed open again.

"Not much I can do to stop you, is there?" I shrugged my shoulders again, ignoring the way my wrists chafed against the restraints.

A man and a woman, both in long white lab-coats entered, wearing blue latex gloves and... Protective goggles. Really? As far as they know I'm just some guy. Do they expect em to have acid blood or something? The woman was holding a syringe with a - fortunately - small needle. Still, I winced a little as she closed in, not looking forward to her taking blood. I'd hated getting my shots.

When she laid the very cold needle against my skin, I flinched a little, jerking my arm just as she slid the thing in to the inside of my elbow. It entered at a weird angle, missing the vein, or artery, or whichever she was taking blood from, I could never remember the difference. The result was that, as she took the blood, and removed the needle, a small droplet of red bubbled up at the hole and leaked out, painting a red line down my forearm. She swabbed it with a cotton bud, but remained silent and ducked out swiftly, followed by her male companion. What was the point of him even being here?

I tutted at the wound, and diverted a tiny bit of PSI to knit the thing together without thinking.

"Thank you," Coulson finally said, and I glanced up at him. "Once we figure this all out, I'm sure you'll be free to go."

"Cool." I said in response, nodding my head as Coulson turned to leave, the door hissing shut behind him.

I sighed at his departure, and closed my eyes once more. Not to get to sleep this time, though - Coulson's interview-slash-interrogation had made me come to a decision. The way he'd asked if I knew where I was, as if he expected me to know, had gotten me curious. Where was I, actually? And why was it full of so many shady-looking 'agents'?

The floor was white, so the cord of Trance I'd extended was not particularly visible. Once the door had opened, I'd snuck the sight projection out, but kept it from giving me input until Coulson was gone, and I could focus on the visions.

So far, it seemed... Well. Like the base of a shady, clandestine organisation. All the halls were the same white, sterile, balnk surface in this interrogation room, but there were windows into various different rooms. Most of them were empty, at least the ones around me, but...

Stairs! So this place had multiple floors. I was guessing this floor was holding cells, in case someone like me appeared, or they captured someone they needed to keep away from the important stuff. The projection snaked it's way underneath the stairs, avoiding obvious paths and keeping out of sight as best it could. On this floor... Huh. The same white halls and windows, but... Research labs? Each room was dominated by machinery and computers, and... Were those... Holograms?!

Holy shit, this was not 1962. Had I been transported into the future, as well as away from Miami? Fuck...

I kept exploring. The research labs were neat, but I was looking for information on where, exactly, I was. I kept high, out of people's peripheral vision, sticking to the brightest places to avoid being spotted. After a while of winding my way through a maze of corridors and laboratories, I... I found...

The bridge? This was a... Plane, of some kind? How? The enormous windows decorating the front of the... Hull, I guess, gave me a very clear and distinct view of clouds and blue sky. Eyepatch was standing in the central... Platform, surrounded screens reporting on various things that I'm sure made sense to someone, somewhere.

I couldnt get over the, 'on a plane,' part, though. I'd not felt any turbulence, not even any movement. How...? No, never mind the smoothness, this was apparently the future. How did they fit all this stuff onto a plane? Surely they had to take weight into consideration? From everything I'd seen so far, there was no way a normal plane could have multiple floors.

Okay, okay. Calm down. Recap. I've apparently been transported into the future, where technology is so advanced they don't need to worry about weight, and flight is so stable that someone stuck in the same place for hours wouldn't notice a thing. Also, I'm currently the prisoner of some shady, possibly governmental going by the whole 'Agent' thing, organisation.

I considered my position. I wasn't getting out of here in the foreseeable future, even though I probably could. I needed something to bargain with so I could get the fuck out of this chair. What can I offer them? I'm just a fucking kid, caught up in something way bigger than me. I didn't have anything they wanted.

It also hadn't slipped my mind just how convenient this whole thing was. That... Thing, whatever it was, that had been dragging me back to Psyren, it had failed. Obviously. But somehow, it's failure resulted in me landing, however high up we were, on the bridge of a plane? Out of all the possible places I could have emerged, I emerged here? Right in front of the guy who looked increasingly like the head honcho. No way was that an accident. So... Outside interference? Something had wanted me to land there? Or had That Thing just decided at the last moment, eh, if he's not coming to Psyren, these guys can deal with him. Whatever it was, it had to be intentional.

My sight projection caught sight of something, and I redirected my attention towards the construct. I didn't have sound, and I couldn't read lips, but apparently there was some kind of alert being raised. A picture of a pale guy with slicked-back dark hair was displayed on most of the monitors in the room. The room was instantly in a panic, and as I turned to survey, I caught sight of another guy I had apparently missed. Blond hair, really beefy, and fairly attractive. For a guy, y'know.

Wow, he is tall.

He was having some kind of discussion with Eyepatch, before a redheaded young woman gestured for him to follow. Well, why not, right?

My construct retracted slightly, pulling back into the hallway, before giving chase to the pair. The woman was dressed in some kind of skintight suit made of an indiscernable material- lycra? No, no, that would be stupid.

Regardless, the dark bulb of my vision followed, snaking round corners, and descending another flight of stairs in pursuit of the two. After a decent few minutes of traversing the endless, painfully white hallways, Redhead brought Beefy to a halt in front of a door. She had a short conversation with him, then swiped a keycard, and allowed him to enter, remaining outside. I snaked my Trance cord in, barely slipping through the rapidly-closing doorway to survey the insides. And the insides... Boy.

Racks upon racks of weaponry, tactical gear, ammunition, body armour- you name the fighting-related item, they had it.

And, at the very end... A costume. Blue chest, dominated by a star at the center, red and white stomach, thickly armoured and displayed on body model. Behind - a shield, red, white and blue, again with a star at the center. Really going for the patriotic theme there, huh.

It was unmistakeably a superhero outfit. Hell, I already knew superpowers existed - I had them. Was it such a stretch to go from that, to using those powers? Probably not. Back home, the only superhero comics I'd been familiar with were DC and... Um... Well, I couldn't think of any others. Just DC, I guess. But I'd never thought anyone would actually use their powers, if they had them.

Guess I was wrong. Still, though, at least now I knew what I had that they wanted. I had something to negotiate with.

I terminated the Trance cord, cutting it off at the base.

Big mistake.

A surge of pain signified the cessation of my sight projection, as I realized that this was the longest I'd ever had one up, and the furthest I'd ever sent one out. It was amazing I'd been able to put off the pain that long, but now that I had finished, the strain on my PSI was too great to ignore. I was basically running on fumes here. The migraine that slammed into my skull left spots dancing in my vision, painting the world in pretty colours while my brain throbbed and pulsed against the inside of my cranium.

I am never, ever, doing that again, so long as I live.

I breathed out a sigh, and opened my eyes, wincing as the bright lights assaulted my poor retinas.

"Hey." I called out to the mirror, immediately wincing at my too-loud voice. "Do you think I could get some food in here? I haven't eaten in ages."

No response. I sighed and rolled my neck, again wincing at the way it clicked from staying in one place too long.

The door hissed open, and I jumped in surprise. In walked two agents, one holding a plate of some... Indescribably nasty-looking gruel. A thick, chunky paste that looked like it had oozed out of a rotten hunk of meat.

I salivated at the sight.

The other agent knelt behind me, placed a second pair of handcuffs on one wrist, and chained me to the chair itself. Then he undid the first pair, letting my right hand go free so that I could actually eat. The first agent placed the plate of gruel - cold, I noted distantly - on my lap.

They both turned to leave, but just as the door was beginning to shut, I spoke up.

"By the way," I said, mouth already partially filled with the disgusting, but surprisingly filling, gruel. "Could you fetch Coulson? I'd like to let him know that I'm a mutant."

They both paused. Agent Number One turned to look at Agent Number Two, both of their faces frozen in stoicism. I could see the tension in their bodies. Agent Number Two nodded, and the door closed behind them.

I grinned. Now, I just have to find a way to convince Coulson I wanna be a superhero so I can get the hell outta here.

Guess we are going back and forth in time in the Marvel Universe. And anything we change in the past will change the future. And I doubt Dr. Strange will be able to stop us time traveling.
Guess we are going back and forth in time in the Marvel Universe. And anything we change in the past will change the future. And I doubt Dr. Strange will be able to stop us time traveling.

Oh, I haven't seen Dr. Strange yet, so if there's something in that movie that could potentially affect these events... Well, consider it non-canon at least until I've seen it and found a way to work it into the story.
I like how you aren't a hero too over done that is.

Thanks! I'm not specifically trying to write a villain protagonist, but I am trying to avoid the traditional, 'SI reveals everything and joins the hero team.' Hopefully I've made things decently realistic, in that regard.
Yeah, but you heard about and reacted to the nukes earlier in the chapter.

That was totally intentional and it definitely did not slip the author's mind, no sirree.
I don't particularly care for your character. He's just ignoring some blatantly bad shit. Supremacy, threatening that guy about the nukes etc. pretty shady and he just goes along with it.

Hopefully I can clear this up in-story, but just in case... The SI wanted to get the full story, before he began throwing accusations around. He figured, 'I'll wait til it's just me and Janos in the training room, so that I don't accidentally say something insulting and get kicked out.' Unfortunately, Shaw then takes them across the country to Miami, and Emma takes his time training the whole way, then he's stuck alone on a boat for a the day, and somewhere along the way it just... Slips his mind.

Hopefully that clears things up.
Truly the epitome of brilliance. It's not like anybody else has ever tried to do just that in the history of SHIELD. Wouldn't they be able to tell that the Main Character wasn't a mutant because of his blood sample?