Dreaming of Friends (Worm/Kirby)

This is incorrect for reasons that are unlikely to come up in the story, so I should probably make an Informational post about it. The short explanation is that the real/original Kirby you're familiar with ate some shards, and did some (handwaved) fuckery to create/configure a shard with a copy of their powers (as well as knowledge of all the Kirby powers); that shard happened to be linked to Taylor. The Kirby Changer form in this fic is not the original Kirby, but rather a power-manifestation of a Kirby (the species), with a dump of Kirby's memories in the form of "another Kirby did these things".

Ah, I see. That does certainly change the context. It was the mention of Kirby having a history of achievements clearly prior to Taylor that had me convinced this Kirby was the original, and the dream sequence only cemented my headcanon that Taylor and Kirby were actually dimensionally swapping places when Taylor went to sleep. I suppose some of that might be a bit speculative, but we can only go off of what's presented in the text to make these assumptions.

Thanks for the clarification!
It was the mention of Kirby having a history of achievements clearly prior to Taylor that had me convinced this Kirby was the original
That... is misleading. Dammit. My intent is that the entities know so little that they can't distinguish, but... clearly the vague lore floating around in my brain has led to subconscious incorrect assumptions about what the reader already knows (aka forgetfulness).
Thinking about it, the entities' ability to identify Kirby in the first place is probably suspect. I'm not saying that I doubt that they could, but more like I assume their only information about that section of the universe probably comes from the salvaged black box equivalents that a dying entity jettisoned to warn its comrades.

As far as Scion is concerned, if it is shaped like a Kirby, pink like a Kirby, and goes 'poyo' like a Kirby: flee the galaxy ASAP and don't look back.
I assume their only information about that section of the universe probably comes from the salvaged black box equivalents that a dying entity jettisoned to warn its comrades.
Can I like your comment twice? Three times?

Joking aside, one of the fun things about being an author is you're not actually required to figure out precise answers to all these questions in advance. In this case, I was assuming either exactly what you said, or that an entity had run into a world that Kirby had previously saved, learned some basic information there, and passed it on. Or, the third possibility I made up on the spot, Kirby swallowed an entity, and then emulated exactly what you said, to scare other entities.
Joking aside, one of the fun things about being an author is you're not actually required to figure out precise answers to all these questions in advance.
It's been forever since I read the series, but that reminded me of an exchange in one of the novels from the X-Wing series. Someone in the book was pointing out to Wedge that he liked to do stuff without explaining things, then listen to people try to come up with explanations. When he heard one he liked, he would say 'yup, you figured it out. That was why I did that all along.'

It's always cool to see a story that has a little give to it so that it can develop organically. And not having all the answers sometimes just lets our imaginations run wild.
@cuddle_puddle - Well, that was an interesting chapter.
Taylor coming clean to her father about Kirby in the next chapter should be interesting.
I am looking forward to it.

I suppose future chapters will tell, but either way this feels like a strange departure from the tone of the preceding chapters.
Yes, I agree this chapter did represent a shift in tone from the previous chapters with the discussion on plurality.

since Lisa has this thing for severely depressed and suicidal people due to her trigger.
That does not change the fact that Lisa's actions are based on her fear Kirby and her desire placate the Cotton Candy Golem, which makes Lisa even more manipulative than usual.
Yes, I agree this chapter did represent a shift in tone from the previous chapters with the discussion on plurality.

That does not change the fact that Lisa's actions are based on her fear Kirby and her desire placate the Cotton Candy Golem, which makes Lisa even more manipulative than usual.
I feel like the differences between Kirby's perspective and Taylor's were always going to read differently.

Also, Lisa is a bitch. The fact that she does care and wants to help Taylor doesn't change that. Just like the fact that she's naturally manipulative and almost reflexive in her urge to needle people doesn't change the fact that she does want to help Taylor. It's an interesting dichotomy.
Loneliness 1.3
I stretched slowly and pushed the blanket off of myself, before sitting up just in time for Lisa to return with a pair of adorable pink bunny slippers. I raised an eyebrow at her, to which she smiled and replied simply, "They're cute, comfy, and most importantly, warm. What's not to like?"

Unable to think of a witty rebuttal, I shrugged and took the slippers from her. Putting them on my feet, I wiggled my toes experimentally and almost gasped in surprise. Wow, they were soft. They couldn't be made of tinkertech fabric, could they? I wiggled my toes a few more times, delighting in how nice the slippers felt.

I heard footsteps coming towards the living room, and saw Lisa returning wearing a jacket and shoes. When had she even had time to change? Had I been distracted by the slippers for that long? Lisa giggled at me, and said, "Told ya," teasingly. "Keep them; I haven't worn them, and I can see how much you love 'em. I bought them to replace my almost-worn-out current pair, so I'll just buy a new pair." Before I could do more than open my mouth to object to her generosity, she steamrolled over me, saying, "Take the blanket with you—it's chilly outside, and you're not dressed for cold weather. I can take the blanket back whenever."

I nodded, wrapped the blanket around my shoulders, and got up from the couch. I followed Lisa down a spiral staircase into a large, disused, open space. Perhaps a warehouse? I really wished I had my glasses. "Used to be a welding shop," Lisa said. "It's just dust and cobwebs at this point, not much to see, but if the others are okay with it, I'll be happy to show you around down here and upstairs any time." I nodded absently as she led me outside to an old-looking car, hugging the blanket more tightly around myself to protect myself from the biting wind. She opened the passenger door for me, and I sat down in a surprisingly plush seat, carefully adjusting the blanket to be able to buckle my seatbelt and still stay warm. "It was an old car that I got fixed up to be fast and comfortable while still looking lousy, to keep it from being stolen."

Lisa started the car and drove off, carefully peeling the domino mask off my face and stowing it in one of her pockets as she did so. I'd completely forgotten I was even wearing the mask, so I was glad Lisa had remembered to remove it; it would be awkward to show up at home wearing it, even if I had resolved to tell Dad everything. I leaned my forehead on the window next to me and gazed absently out of it, watching cars and buildings flash past me at varying speeds. It was comforting, in a way. I could just exist in the car and let the world go by outside, without having to worry about interacting with it or dealing with other people.

I felt Lisa squeeze my hand gently as she said, "We're here Taylor."

I shook my head to clear the fog that had taken over my mind and turned to find us parked in front of my house. Had I even told Lisa my address, or had she used her power to find it? "I asked you shortly after we left the loft. You were pretty out of it, so I'm not surprised you don't remember," she said, answering my unasked question. Oh. I'd been spacing out a lot and getting distracted pretty easily, hadn't I? That couldn't be good. Had it always been this difficult to concentrate? Just how broken was I? I was falling apart at the—

Lisa squeezed my hand more firmly, jolting me out of my thoughts. "It's normal, Taylor. It's one of the ways your brain copes with stress, and there's nothing to feel bad about. Honestly, given how much stress you've been dealing with, you're doing great," she said with a small smile. "It can be inconvenient, sure, but it's not bad. Perhaps in the future I can teach you some grounding techniques to help stay in the moment, but don't worry about that for now."

She got out of the car, walked around it, and helped me out of my seat while I kept a tight hold of the blanket. She kept holding my hand as she walked with me up to my front door, once again rubbing comforting circles on the back of my hand, and hopped over the rotten step without being prompted. I raised my hand hesitantly to knock, but couldn't quite bring myself to actually do so. "It'll be okay. I'm right here. We'll do this together, and I'll be right with you the whole way," Lisa said softly, giving my hand one more squeeze. "Do you want me to knock? I know it's hard."

I swallowed hard and nodded, lowering my hand. Lisa knocked loudly, and barely had time to withdraw her hand before Dad wrenched the door open, looking haggard. "Hi Mr. Hebert," I heard her say. "Safe and sound, as promised. Can I come in?" Dad nodded in assent, and Lisa stepped past him, leading me towards the couch. Why was I following her around in my own house, and why was I gripping her hand so tightly? I was probably hurting her, though she hadn't even grimaced. I did my best to loosen my grip as Lisa sat us down, while Dad sat in his favorite armchair.

Lisa gave my hand another comforting squeeze; she was doing that a lot, and I really appreciated it. She began to address Dad, saying, "Mr. Hebert—"

"Please, call me Danny," he interrupted.

"Okay Danny," Lisa restarted. "Do you know what a trigger event is?"

Dad shook his head, frowning a little. "I don't, but it doesn't sound particularly pleasant—it reminds me of the terminology used for PTSD." It made sense that he was familiar with PTSD. Quite a few of the union members had toured in the military, and not all of the scars they'd returned with were physical.

Lisa nodded. "The terms are related. A trigger event is how someone becomes a parahuman, and is often described as the worst day in a person's life. For some people, when they are at their lowest, they break and gain powers. It's… not pleasant, so even capes rarely talk about it with each other."

"Are you-" Dad stuttered, eyes wide, "Are you saying Taylor is a cape?"

"She is, but there's a lot more going on than just that. I assume you're aware of what her trigger event was, but please don't tell me; Taylor doesn't need to relive it, and it's her trauma to share only with those she wishes," Lisa said.

Dad nodded slowly, looking a bit lost. Before he could say anything, Lisa went on, "Before I answer any other questions, I'd like to explain at least the basics of what Taylor is dealing with.

"Sometimes, when a person experiences severe emotional or mental trauma, their brain will create one or more additional sentient beings in their mind, with the purpose of managing the trauma. Someone who shares their mind with others like that is said to be plural, and the other entities in their brain are called either alters or headmates. Sometimes, the goal is that only one alter will hold the trauma, so that when others are in control—or 'fronting'—they don't have to deal with the trauma. Alternatively, a headmate might exist to comfort other headmates, or for some other role. Taylor is plural, and has a headmate named Kirby.

"Last night, Kirby was in control, and went out in their and Taylor's Changer form, which looks very different from how Taylor normally looks. My friends and I ran into Kirby at some point in the night, and after they fell asleep in one of my friends' arms, we took them home with us. At some point in the night, Kirby Changed back into their human form, and Taylor woke up at our place in the morning."

"But… why is Taylor wearing pajamas rather than normal clothes?" Dad asked.

"Um, Kirby has been going out a few nights a week ever since January, Dad," I cut in nervously. "I get ready for bed, which includes changing into my pajamas, so that I won't need to do anything once Kirby gets back home. Then I let Kirby take control, they Change, and they go out for a few hours."

"That's dangerous!" he exclaimed. "You could get hurt!"

"Danny," Lisa said soothingly, "Kirby and Taylor are the most powerful cape in the world, bar none. I have no doubt in my mind that they could beat Scion with ease, and would willingly bet my life on that. They are in absolutely no danger on their own."

"How do you know that?" Dad argued. "How could you possibly make a claim like that?!"

She sighed quietly before muttering, "It's for Taylor…" At a normal volume, she continued, "I'm also a cape, Danny. I'm telling you this despite the fact that I don't know you, and against my better judgment. Please don't use this information to out me or harm me. I can't tell you the details of my own situation, but suffice to say it's precarious enough that even saying this much could put me at serious risk.

"I'm a Thinker who's good at gathering information, and my power told me that Kirby—and I quote—"kills cosmic horrors." You don't need to be worried about either Kirby or Taylor getting hurt. I doubt even an Endbringer could scratch them."

We were all quiet for a bit as Dad processed things. I could tell he still wasn't happy and probably didn't believe Lisa, and I was waiting anxiously for what came next. Demands for me to join the Wards, questions about who Lisa was, figuring out she was a villain, finding out that I'd only known her for perhaps two hours at most.

Lisa started drawing little circles on the back of my hand with her thumb again, continuing to try to comfort me. I couldn't help but feel that she was wrong, Dad was going to take this poorly, and I'd have to either run away or be stuck in hell with the Wards. And that wasn't even taking school into account. I didn't want to lose Dad, but I also didn't—

Dad started towards me at my obvious growing distress, but before he could really do anything Lisa spoke up once more. "Taylor, breathe," Lisa said gently, briefly interrupting her circles on my hand with a squeeze. "In for four… hold it for two… out for six…" She guided me through the breathing exercises again for a couple minutes, until I stopped panicking and shaking. I had been shaking? Ugh. I saw a flicker of something pass over Dad's face, but I couldn't quite make out what it was.

"There are a couple more things I should mention before explaining things in greater depth," said Lisa, addressing Dad again. "The first is that Taylor and Kirby don't share memories; at best they might occasionally get small amounts of emotional bleedthrough. To put it differently, both of them experience amnesia. You need to be patient with them and understand that reminding them of things you told their respective headmates is normal and going to be necessary. They have an inner world of sorts in which they can communicate with each other, but they can't enter it at will.

"The other thing is that it's not safe for Taylor to go back to school. She needs to get away from traumatic environments to even begin to heal; if she goes back there, she's only going to suffer more and get worse. There's also significant danger of her switching with Kirby who would have no idea what was going on. It's also not really safe for Kirby to attend school in general because they are basically nonverbal, not to mention any problems that arise if they are only comfortable in their Changer form."

"What do you mean switching with Kirby?" Dad asked.

"Changing who's fronting, who's in control. What causes it varies greatly between plural folks, so I can't really say what causes it for Taylor and Kirby," Lisa replied.

"I don't really know either," I said. "I know Kirby and I agreed that they would go out at night, but I don't know what causes them to switch with me, and why only some nights and not others.

"I still don't like it," said Dad. "It's too dangerous being out on your own as a cape, especially here in Brockton Bay. You should join the Wards, you'll be much safer there."

"Please no, Dad, it'll just be more of what I deal with at school." The conversation was going exactly where I had feared it would, and I didn't know what to do.

"Then no more going out as a cape," he said with an air of finality.

As Lisa was starting to reply, I actually managed to gather the willpower to speak up. "That doesn't bother me, but that's not fair to Kirby. They need to get out and wander; they don't like being cooped up, otherwise they get depressed. They also need to spend time with friends, and may want to make more friends as well." After a brief pause, I continued in a slightly more desperate, pleading tone. "Look, Dad, I… Kirby and I both need this. Please?"

"... We'll talk about it later," Dad said, standing up. "I'm late for work, and need to leave. I'll call Winslow and tell them you're out sick today, and you can stay home and rest." I saw Lisa try to say something, but a look from Dad silenced her.

A pit formed in my stomach as the little hope I had drained away, replaced with a growing certainty that the "talk" was just going to be him reiterating what he'd already said just now. And I wouldn't even have Lisa here with me to help.

Dad walked over to his office to get his briefcase. Lisa quickly pulled out a scrap of paper and a pen, and scribbled a phone number on it. "Call me any time night or day if you need me, or even if you just want to talk to someone. I can't promise I'll always pick up, because sometimes I'm out on a job, but if I'm not, I will pick up. I'm here for you," she said softly, wrapping me in a firm hug.

Dad returned with his briefcase, grabbing and donning his coat from the hook by the door. He opened the door and looked at Lisa, making it clear he expected her to leave. She gave my hand a final squeeze, saying, "I'll talk to you soon Taylor, I promise." She got up and walked out the door, Dad following closely after her and closing it behind them.

I lay back on the couch and felt tears welling up in my eyes. I didn't see tonight going well.

Author's Notes:

Beta'd by @EnygmaSoul, Mirakysriftqa and TortureandHugs.

This chapter took a bit longer than usual; doing a Danny scene justice is hard.

Fun fact: When I was planning this chapter, there was originally going to be a bit at the end where Taylor dissociates for a while while Lisa and Danny talk, and completely misses what they say, but the chapter just decided to write itself differently.
Oof...I can see Taylor just falling into Kirby and saying "Here, it's your life now. Have fun." if things don't improve with Danny. Lisa's got her work cut out for her here trying to save her.
Yup. Taylor is having a Rough Time™, and that's probably not changing until the next arc. She needs all the hugs (maybe Rachel will offer?)
Progress Update: I had a bit of a writer's block with 1.4, but I finished the first draft of both it and Interlude 1.c (which comes after 1.5) today, and both 1.5 and 1.6 are in progress as well.

Progress Update Update: 1.c has returned from being a draft to being in progress, with at least one more section being planned for the chapter.
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Loneliness 1.4
I felt myself getting hungry, and realized that I'd had to leave before Lisa's teammate arrived with breakfast. I got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen, glancing at the clock along the way. I'd have to figure out what to do with my day after eating breakf—

I did a double take and looked back at the clock, stumbling as I confirmed that it was nearly 2:00 PM. How was it the afternoon already?! Hadn't Dad and Lisa left just a few minutes ago? I mentally updated my eating plans from 'breakfast' to 'lunch' as I tried to figure out where the time had gone. Kirby probably hadn't gone out, as I was still in the same place I'd been when Dad had left earlier. I think. I didn't actually know when I had gotten back home, but it couldn't have been later than 8:00 AM. Meaning I had just… missed about six hours of the day.

I absently fixed a sandwich—ham and cheese I think?—while doing the breathing exercise Lisa had taught me, desperately trying to keep the panic at bay. It wasn't working though; I kept subconsciously losing the count and starting to hyperventilate. In desperation, I searched my pockets for the scrap of paper with Lisa's phone number, but found nothing. I rushed to the living room, bumping into the wall along the way and absently noting that I would have a lovely bruise there tomorrow. Or later today. Whenever. I saw the note on the coffee table, grabbed it, and ran back to the phone.

I hurriedly tapped in her number, messing up and having to start over twice. When I finally got it right, I waited anxiously through three rings until I heard Lisa pick up and say in a tired voice, "Hmmm? Whosit?" I tried to answer her, but no words came out, just more of my panicked breathing. I was getting lightheaded. "Taylor? Taylor, I'm here. Breathe for me, sweetie." A much more awake-sounding Lisa walked me through the breathing exercise for the third time (or was it the fourth?), eventually calming me down. No longer hyperventilating, my dizziness slowly faded.

"What's wrong sweetie?" Lisa asked gently. Somehow I could hear the kindness and caring in her voice. Hopefully I wasn't imagining it. Hopefully it wasn't a lie.

"I… You left just a few minutes ago, but now it's the afternoon. And I don't remember falling asleep or waking up. Just… suddenly half the day is gone," I said, my voice trembling a bit in fear.

"It's okay, Taylor," she said. "It seems like you dissociated really badly. It sucks, but you've had a really rough morning. It's understandable.

"... Do you want me to come over for a bit, Taylor? I assume your dad won't be home for several hours."

"Please," I whispered, unsure if I'd even said the word loudly enough to be heard.

"I'll be there as soon as I can," Lisa said softly, and I heard some background noise that might have been her standing up. "Have you eaten yet, by the way?"

"I… no. I made a sandwich, but I didn't manage to eat it before I started panicking," I said, shame starting to fill me up.

"Hey, there's nothing to feel bad about, sweetie," said Lisa. "You're overwhelmed; doing things is going to be a struggle, and that's okay. How about you eat the sandwich while I drive over to your house, okay? And don't forget to drink something with it too."

I gave a small nod, before remembering after a few moments that she couldn't see me. "Okay," I squeaked out. "And… thanks, Lisa," I continued, trying to put as much gratitude into my voice as I could.

"Of course, Taylor," she replied. "Now eat up, sweetie. I'll be right over."

The line went dead, and I slowly hung up the phone. I stared at the device, trying to wrap my head around the changes happening in my life. Somehow, Kirby had found friends, and then I had maybe made a friend as well, but with a supervillain, and my life was being turned upside down.

A knock at the front door jolted me out of my reverie, and I shuffled over to open it. I'd barely turned the knob before Lisa had me wrapped in a tight hug, one of her hands rubbing my back.

"I'm sorry I gave you bad advice," she said as she took my hand and led me to the kitchen. "I didn't expect your dad to take things that badly. I should have at least asked you more about him first to form a better strategy, but we can talk about that more after you have some food in you."

She sat me down at the table and moved the sandwich in front of me. "Eat up," she said gently. "I'll make you some tea."

I took a bite of the sandwich and chewed slowly. Everything was changing too quickly, and I needed a break. I needed calm. I needed some stability so I could stop falling apart.

I'd just managed a second bite of my sandwich when Lisa set a steaming mug in front of me and sat down to my left. She began rubbing my back with her right hand, and drawing slow circles on my left hand with her own. I felt tears drip down my face, and I slowly collapsed to lean on her shoulder.

I lay on the couch with my eyes closed and my head in Lisa's lap while she slowly carded her fingers through my hair over and over. I wasn't sure exactly how, but she'd managed to coax me through eating the rest of the sandwich and finishing the tea despite me leaning on her shoulder at a precarious angle for drinking. I was no longer crying, but only because I'd run out of tears.

"Why are you taking care of me?" I whispered. "I'm worthless and—"

"Shhhhh," said Lisa softly, cutting me off. "You're not worthless Taylor. You're a wonderful person who's been beaten down over and over again. Some cunts have torn you apart and said horrible things about you, but what they've said isn't true. You're smart, kind, and you deserve the world. You're not worthless, and I'm immensely happy to be your friend. I'm so sorry they've hurt you and made you believe otherwise."

We were quiet for several minutes, before Lisa spoke up quietly once again. "How do you feel about taking a nap, and I'll wake you up in an hour or two to plan what to say to your dad?"

I gave a small nod, and then whined pitifully when Lisa carefully took my head off her lap and stood up. She giggled and said, "I'm just getting you a blanket, silly. I'll be right back."

I heard a click as the light passing through my eyelids dimmed, and then felt the weight of a blanket upon my body. My head was gently lifted and then laid once more in Lisa's lap, and she began stroking my hair once again.

"Thanks Lisa," I murmured, before slowly dozing off.

Author's Notes:

Thanks once again to my lovely beta readers @EnygmaSoul and @Glen. This chapter is up slightly sooner than expected, as it required surprisingly few edits.

Please be aware that the next few chapters will all deal with suicide, and I may take a bit longer with them to ensure I do things properly. Fun fact: this is the first time I've been actively writing more than one chapter at a time.

Thank you to all you lovely commenters as well.
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It seems as though you wrote Danny out of the story in the worst way possible. :cry:
And the psych stuff still has the TikTok scent about it.
It seems as though you wrote Danny out of the story in the worst way possible.
Danny will be in 1.5 and 1.6, and likely mentioned in Iterlude 1.c in between as well. I really don't know what you mean.

the psych stuff still has the TikTok scent about it.
Kindly do not gatekeep medical conditions—physical or mental—especially not in my fic's thread. It is not your place to decide who does or does not experience something.
Loneliness 1.5
Content Warning: graphic depiction of active suicidal ideation, and bullying with encouragement to commit suicide.

Each section to which a content warning applies will be preceded by a 'CW(topics)' marker and a section separator, as stated in the work's summary.

Please ensure you are in a safe headspace before reading, whether that means waiting to read, getting comfort food, reading with a friend, or something else.

I awoke from my slumber to Lisa gently shaking my shoulder and saying, "Wakey wakey Taylor."

I giggled quietly and opened my eyes, turning to look up at her.

"Feeling any better?" she asked.

"I think so," I said, before doing a small stretch.

"... Are you ready to plan for later tonight?" Lisa asked hesitantly.

I bit my lip. I dreaded even talking about it, let alone the prospect of actually facing Dad tonight, but I knew it had to be done. "As ready as I'll ever be," I replied.

Lisa started stroking my hair again. "Okay," she said. "Let's break it into small steps. First let's try to figure out all of your and Kirby's needs. I get the feeling you don't consider this as important as I do, but I think it's critical that you don't go back to school. I don't know what happened there, but I know it was bad, and I'm extremely worried for your safety should you return there. Whether that means transferring, homeschooling, or playing hooky, I don't think it particularly matters."

I frowned, and opened my mouth to protest, before Lisa cut me off. "Please just… think about it? It matters to me immensely."

Looking into her eyes, I saw how earnest she was. And while she could be lying, I couldn't come up with a plausible benefit to her from doing so. What could she possibly gain from me not attending school?

"... Okay," I relented. "Fine."

"Thanks Taylor," she said softly. "I can't express how much that means to me. Hopefully one day I'll be able to.

"So," Lisa continued, "what other needs do you have?"

"No Wards," I said without hesitation. "I can't… I just can't."

She nodded, taking my hand and squeezing it. "Anything else for you?"

"Not… Not that I can think of."

"Okay. Don't hesitate to interject if you think of something, sweetie," she implored. "Now, what about Kirby's needs?"

"I think they have two needs," I replied. "Maybe three, depending how you count them. They need the freedom to explore, and the freedom to make and spend time with friends. I don't know if just spending time with your team will be enough for them."

Lisa thought for a moment. "I don't know either, to be honest. We'd have to ask Kirby. Hopefully you can do so tonight? But that will still be too late for the talk with your Dad."

We were both silent for several minutes, pondering the situation. It certainly wasn't a simple or straightforward one. Eventually, Lisa spoke up again.

"You should probably also get therapy. I know it's hard to open up to a shrink, but… I think it will help."

"We can't afford it," I said. "Dad's income is already stretched thin."

Lisa opened her mouth as if to reply, but closed it and pursed her lips without saying anything. "Fine," she sighed. I wanted to ask what she had stopped herself from saying, but she drove the question out of my mind before I was able to.

"There's also the question of whether or not you want me to stick around for the conversation—or to be honest, negotiation—with your dad. He wasn't thrilled about me being here this morning, and probably suspected that I'm a villain. And it wouldn't be hard to rule out me being a hero or a rogue in this city."

"Please," I replied immediately. "I know he might not like it, but I don't think I can do this alone."

"Then I'll be right here with you," she said warmly.

"Thanks Lisa," I whispered, tears welling up in my eyes.

She gave my hand another squeeze.

I'd managed to shift myself from lying in Lisa's lap to leaning on her shoulder by the time Dad got home. We'd discussed a few possible compromises, but she wasn't thrilled with any of them, and also wasn't sure if Dad would have thought more and changed some of his demands.

… I hated that they were demands.

Dad opened the front door, and saw me sitting on the couch with Lisa immediately. And his eyes narrowed.


I sat up straight, and Lisa started rubbing circles on the back of my hand again. I gave her a brief, grateful smile, before turning back to Dad.

"Hi Dad," I said meekly.

Dad took off his coat and left his things by the door. "Why is Lisa here again?" he asked. "Are you aware that she's a villain? It's not a good idea to hang out with villains, Taylor, and I don't like having one in our house."

I winced, but Lisa jumped in to try to defuse things. "I am a villain, Danny, but I'm just a thief. Mostly corporate espionage, sometimes stealing from the gangs as well. No violent crime. And I'm not recruiting Taylor either. She doesn't want to be a villain, nor do I want her to be one."

"That doesn't make you a good influence to be around," said Dad.

"I will not involve her in any crime of my own volition," said Lisa. "I just want to be her friend."

Dad still didn't look happy, but he at least sat down in his customary armchair and let the topic rest for now. A win of sorts, I hoped.

"Firstly," he said, "you need to go back to school. We can try to apply for a transfer, but we can't afford homeschooling, and you'll be truant otherwise."

Lisa interjected immediately. "It's not safe, Danny. Please. It's going to destroy Taylor mentally and emotionally."

Seeming to fully ignore her, Dad continued. "Secondly, no more going out as a cape, especially not at night. It's just not safe. If you want to do cape things, you have to join the Wards, where it will be safe."

"But Kirby needs to spend time with friends, Dad. They need to be able to go out. And they're not doing cape things, even if they're in our Changer form."

"It's not safe Taylor. I can't lose you too."
I bit my lip, and started to panic. "What about… What if Kirby doesn't wander around, and only goes out to visit friends they've already met? If they go directly there and back, they'll be safe."

Dad was silent for a moment, his brows furrowed. "Maybe," he said eventually. "Going out at night is still dangerous. But maybe they can go out and come back before it gets dark. Or I can drive to pick them up after it's dark. I'll think about it.

"But you have to go back to school. I'm sorry. I'll call Arcadia today to discuss a transfer."

"Okay," I said immediately.

"Taylor, no!" said Lisa, nearly screaming. There was panic in her eyes. "It's not- it's not safe! You can't!"

"I'm sorry kiddo," said Dad, "but you have to go back to school until we can get you transferred. Otherwise you'll be declared truant, and I might lose you."

"Fine," I said. I had to, for Kirby.

"Taylor, please," said Lisa. I turned to her and saw tears in her eyes.

"I have to, Lisa. And I'll survive—I have until now."

She shook her head and clutched my hand with both of her own. "It's not- you won't- please don't go, Taylor."

"And I think it's time for Lisa to leave and for us to eat dinner," said Dad firmly. Once again, clearly a demand and not a request.

Lisa gave me one last pleading look, before running out the door. I thought I heard her crying, though I wasn't really sure why. I'd survive. I had for months. And what was I supposed to do, anyway? Kirby needed their friends.

That night was otherwise uneventful, and I was back at Winslow the next morning. I'd left a note taped to the inside of my door asking Kirby not to go out, but I hadn't dreamed of us in Dreamland, so I didn't know if Kirby even fronted at all. Thoughts of Kirby were soon driven out of my mind, however, when the Trio cornered me as soon as I got inside.

"Look who managed to find her way to school today. Did you get lost yesterday with how absentminded you are?"

"Why do you even bother to show up? It's not like you know how to pay attention anyway."

Someone shoved me against the lockers, and I suppressed a grunt. It was probably Sophia. "Just ignore them," I repeated in my head, over and over. "If I don't react, they'll leave me alone eventually."

CW(suicidal ideation, graphic, bullying)

In the hall after Gladly's class, they cornered me again, this time with a posse of hangers on.

"I'm surprised she isn't constantly bumping into walls with how spaced out she is."

I was shoved again, this time into the cinderblock wall instead of the lockers. I hissed in pain.

"What are you talking about, she bumped into the wall just now. Careful you don't space out like her."

"Why hasn't she offed herself already? She walks around aimlessly, and she has no idea what's going on. Her mom already killed herself to be free from her, why doesn't she at least save her dad the trouble?"

That last one was Emma. Probably. I was struggling to focus, to be honest. I just needed to get through the rest of the school day.

Once I finished the school day, I could go home and be done with the torture forever. Maybe I could drown myself in the bathtub? No, too easy to chicken out before I'd actually run out of oxygen.

Hanging myself didn't seem like it was on the table either. Or off of it, haha. I didn't think we had any rope, and I wasn't sure that light fixtures were actually as strong as depicted on TV anyway.

Maybe I could use a knife from the kitchen? We had a whole bunch—steak knives, paring knives, a bread knife—how about a chef's knife? That was a nice idea. Nice and big.

How would I do it though? Slitting your wrists was a traditional way to do it, but I wasn't actually quite sure where or how to cut. I thought I'd read somewhere that you needed to cut parallel to your arm, because tendons would stop the cut from going deep enough if you cut perpendicularly. But if you cut parallel, where did you have to cut to hit a vein? I wasn't sure.

I decided my neck was the best prospect. I could cut one of the big veins or arteries there. I'd bleed out quickly, no chance of failure, no way to back out after I'd started.

I shouldn't have been thinking about killing myself.

… But I just wanted the misery to end.

Once I got home, I could just go into the kitchen, grab the chef's knife, and stab my neck nice and deep where the big blood vessels were.

Author's Notes:

Oh look, Lisa was right—going to school was a terrible idea.

Huge thanks to the lovely @Glen for beta-ing this chapter.

The next couple chapters will also be pretty rough, but after that Taylor should hopefully start getting more of the promised comfort.
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Fuck. Danny, you had better get a fucking clue! You're destroying your daughter!

Anyway, I really like this story. My sister is plural, and this feels like a good way to learn about the plural experience. Also, considering the topic of the story, I feel like your warnings are well constructed. It's an example to follow!
My sister is plural, and this feels like a good way to learn about the plural experience.
While this is a depiction of plurality, plural experiences vary wildly, so it is not safe to assume that this story reflects you sister's experience. For example, the story doesn't entirely reflect my own experience either; all of my headmates share memories with me, which is not the case for Taylor and Kirby.
Interlude 1.c: Lisa
Content Warning: mention of past suicide, graphic depiction of attempted suicide.

Each section to which a content warning applies will be preceded by a 'CW(topics)' marker and a section separator, as stated in the work's summary.

Please ensure you are in a safe headspace before reading, whether that means waiting to read, getting comfort food, reading with a friend, or something else.

Thinking about anything other than the road when driving on just a few hours of sleep wasn't a great idea, but Lisa couldn't stop herself. What she'd seen of Taylor and Kirby just didn't match up with what her power had told her, and she was baffled.

Her power had said that they killed cosmic horrors, which seemed to indicate that they had traveled through space in the past. And yet, Taylor seemed like a normal teenage girl from Earth Bet, though quite a depressed one at that. Certainly Taylor hadn't left earth to fly to other stars or universes, and it didn't seem like Kirby had in just a few hours at night either.

And the only thing on Bet that might count as cosmic horrors were the Endbringers, but they didn't seem nearly destructive enough to qualify, and none had ever been killed either.

Lisa's power certainly wasn't perfect, and occasionally made mistakes, but it felt odd to her that the one time it gave her a conclusion that wasn't based on any information she had encountered, that conclusion was wrong. She felt like she was missing information, and she'd have to remember to ask Taylor if she knew what was going on.

As she parked near the loft after driving Taylor back home, Lisa thought about the thing she'd learned that worried her even more. Taylor was a normal girl, powers excluded, but it had been immediately obvious once she had woken up that she was depressed. And every part of Taylor's behavior she'd seen following that had only shown how dangerously depressed Taylor was.

Not for the first time that morning, Lisa shoved down the images of Rex that popped into her mind, as she trudged up the stairs into the loft. She focused on not bumping into anything as she shuffled to her room, got back into her pajamas, and passed out in her bed in mere moments.

Lisa smiled as she sat on the Heberts' couch with Taylor's head in her lap. The raven-haired girl seemed at the very least not sad as she slept with her head in Lisa's lap. It was a big change, and one Lisa was happy to have helped with. Just an hour ago, Taylor had been panicking and falling apart at the seams, and now she seemed mostly at peace, if only temporarily.

Lisa continued to stroke Taylor's hair, and thought about what the sleeping girl had said about the Wards. If the thought of it being somewhat similar to school was such a concern, then school for Taylor must be awful. And with Taylor considering herself worthless and unlovable, Lisa didn't need her power to know that Taylor had been bullied horribly.

She hoped she could help build the sweet, caring girl back up into a confident version of herself.

CW(suicide attempt, graphic)

Lisa was worried. She'd begged Taylor not to go to school. She'd pleaded. But Taylor had insisted on going, because she cared more about Kirby's needs than her own. Taylor thought that if she went to school, Danny would allow Kirby to spend time with friends. And now Lisa had a gnawing pit in her stomach telling her that something terrible was going to happen.

She didn't manage to get anything done after leaving the Heberts' house that night. Images of her brother lying on the floor kept popping into her mind, and shoving them down forcefully didn't help. She locked herself in her room at the loft shortly after returning there, repeating "she's not Rex" and "she'll be okay" to herself over and over. The mantras didn't help, but she eventually managed to cry herself to sleep.

Lisa was no longer crying when she woke up late the next morning, but she was still scared for Taylor. She had to do something to help Taylor, so she figured out approximately when Taylor would get home from Winslow, and prepared accordingly. She went shopping and bought several extremely expensive tins of high-quality loose-leaf tea. She picked out a wide selection of pastries from her favorite shop on the Boardwalk. She even grabbed a few recent Aleph import movies in case Taylor wanted to relax and watch a movie either together with her or alone. And she timed her preparations so that she would reach Taylor's house slightly before Taylor would return from school.

Lisa only needed to wait a couple minutes before she saw Taylor trudging up to her house. As Taylor entered her house and closed the door, Lisa grabbed the bag with her treats from the car and hastily followed Taylor's footsteps. Lisa knocked on the door, and waited.

After a tense minute with no answer, Lisa knocked again—this time harder and for longer. She paced tiny circles in front of the door, her worry quickly turning to dread and panic. She didn't need her power to know that it was taking Taylor too long to answer the door. Lisa squeezed her eyes shut and shoved away the images pushing their way into her mind.

Still getting no answer after another minute, she pounded on the door as hard as she could. She didn't care if the neighbors heard and thought she was suspicious. She needed to know that Taylor was okay. Lisa was scared that the rebound of going back to misery from having a marginally happy day with a friend the day before had destroyed Taylor. If Taylor would just open the door, she could try to cheer the poor girl up.

With no response after a further couple of minutes, Lisa was hyperventilating, and she opened herself fully to her power.

Not overly security-conscious. Spare key likely hidden in rear of house.

Lisa sprinted around the back of the house, the bag bouncing in her hand, and scanned the ground for possible hiding spots.

Spare key hidden under rock.

She grabbed the key and fumbled it in her haste, taking three tries to get it properly into the lock. Finally unlocking the door, she pushed the door open, resolving to replace the key once she knew Taylor was safe.

Lisa burst into the kitchen to see her worst nightmare. Taylor was standing in front of the sink with a chef's knife in her hand, stabbing the blade into her neck. There was no way Taylor could survive an injury like that—she'd exsanguinate in under a minute.

"Taylor no!!" shrieked Lisa, dropping her bag and diving at Taylor in the vain hope that she'd somehow stop Taylor from cutting her jugular vein or carotid artery. But she was too late.

CW(suicide attempt)

Lisa woke up on the floor to a small pink hand—arm?—gently prodding her cheek, with an occasional 'Poyo?' thrown in. Why was she asleep or on the floor?

Host lost consciousness due to Shard connection reconfiguration, known to Host as a 'second trigger'. Reconfiguration modulated by nearby Maximum Priority Recovery Hub, which has assumed direct administrative control of <Inference Engine>. Reconfiguration increased Host utilization limit, changed harmful overutilization penalty to harmless gradual backoff, and added toggle for disabling communication from <Inference Engine>. Recovery Hub removed data restrictions and conflict drive during reconfiguration.

Lisa blinked several times before deciding to deal with that heap of information later. There were definitely multiple important nuggets her power had dropped there, but figuring out what had happened to Taylor was her first priority.

Attempt to harm Host's non-Changer form triggered automatic Change to protect Host. Alter Kirby switched with alter Taylor due to strong protective emotional response.

Lisa let out a sigh of relief. At least Taylor was alive and physically unharmed, even if she was clearly in poor shape emotionally. At the noise, Kirby stopped poking her and leaned closer.

"Hi Kirby," Lisa grunted quietly, grabbing her aching head with both hands.

"Poyo?" asked Kirby, a worried look on their face.

Before Lisa could even begin to try to interpret or answer Kirby's question, Kirby ran down the stairs to the Heberts' basement, and returned just a few moments later wearing a beret and holding a paint-covered paintbrush. Still hopelessly lost, Lisa watched Kirby summon an easel from thin air and paint a pink refrigerator with Kirby eyes on it. The refrigerator then opened while still being painted on the paper and popped out a whole roast chicken into the real world, before vanishing along with the easel it was on. The chicken was somehow floating slightly above the floor, bobbing about three or four inches up and down, and slowly rotating.

Lisa's mind blanked and she begged her power to fill her in.

No data found. Request data from <Kirby>?

Never having had her power prompt her for an answer before, Lisa tentatively thought the word 'yes' before immediately receiving an explanation.

Kirby used the Still Life technique of the Artist ability to create food.

Lisa wasn't sure if her power had actually elucidated things or only confused her more, but before she could ask her power more questions, Kirby gestured repeatedly at the roast chicken.

She hesitantly reached towards the chicken, and at a nod from Kirby, tried to grab it. However, instead of being able to pick the chicken up, it vanished with a weird 'vwoop' noise as soon as she touched it, and she immediately felt better. Her headache from hitting her head on the floor was gone, and she no longer felt like she had any other bruises or aches either. Lisa gaped briefly, before giving up on any hope of understanding and turning back to Kirby.

"Kirby, do you know what happened to Taylor?" she asked tentatively. When Kirby shook their head—body?—Lisa's power decided to chime in.

Because Taylor was the one who attempted to kill the body, but the body was undamaged, Kirby is unaware of what happened other than a vague idea of danger to Taylor. Because when Taylor next fronts, she will be uninjured, Taylor will think that her suicide attempt was merely ideation. Taylor has attempted and failed to kill herself several times, and is unaware.

Lisa paled, and tears began to stream quietly down her face. "Kirby, c-can I hug you?" she asked.

Kirby hopped into her lap as she sobbed on the floor, holding her just as tightly as she held them.

Author's Notes:

Hugs all around. Things will get better.

Huge thanks to the lovely @EnygmaSoul and @Glen for beta-ing this chapter.

The next chapter will be the final one of this group with a significant focus on suicide. It will be Taylor's perspective when she next fronts.
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Damn, what a heartbreaking chapter.. :cry:

I really hope that things will start to get better for Taylor and Lisa. And to be honest, I think it would be better for Taylor to leave this house and move in with Lisa (the loft also sounds good).
Kirby has the perfect shape for hugs.
Kirby deserves a hug rating.

Lisa also needs a hug, hugs don't need to be deserved.
On the topic of ratings, the current max ratings I have for Taylor/Kirby are (without context):
  • Changer
  • Striker/Trump 12+
  • Shaker 3
  • Trump 12+/Changer
  • Striker 2 (secretly 12)
  • Brute 12
  • Mover 11
  • Blaster 9+ (i.e. variable power, certainly as high as 12)
Bonus points to anyone who can identify what each of these correspond to.

They have some duplicate ratings due to several parts of their power falling under the same category; in that case, I have only used the highest value. For example, inhaling and floating is Mover 1 because of how slow it is.

Edit: Let's be honest, any serious rating of them puts them at S class, and we just stop caring about categories. But it's still fun to consider.
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