Dreaming of Friends (Worm/Kirby)

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Taylor triggers with the ability to Change into a Kirby, but discovers that a friend-shaped pink creampuff now lives in her head as well. Taylor is still having a miserable time at school, and her headmate is getting lonelier and lonelier with no friends as well…

This work deals with suicide, and will at some point depict a suicide attempt on-screen. All chapters referencing suicide (ideation or attempt) will contain a content warning in author's notes at the beginning of the chapter, and a content warning before each/any section containing reference to suicide.

This work assumes a very basic knowledge of Kirby—pretty much just what they look like and that they copy abilities by inhaling enemies—and a moderate to decent knowledge of Worm canon. Other than some Shard and Entity mechanics, having read up through Arc 8: Extermination of canon provides more than sufficient background knowledge for this story.
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Loneliness 1.1
For the last three months, I've been walking around the city a few nights a week searching for a friend. I still haven't found one. In fact, I've only found three people who haven't run from me.

On the third night looking for a friend, I ran into a really mean man who would not let me walk by him. Instead of ignoring me, he started to attack me! He turned into a dog thing made of sharp metal bits that moved like a body. Hookwolf, that was his name. The good part is, I was faster than him. Before he could reach me, I Inhaled him and Star Spit him into the wall of a building. It fell on him and made a really loud noise!

The bad part is, this made a mean woman with a metal thing on her face come out of the building. I don't know why but I think she was called Cricket. I knew Hookwolf had bad places where he made dogs hurt each other as a show. This must be one of those bad places if Cricket was here too. Cricket was not very scary though. I Inhaled and Copy-Swallowed her, which gave me the Fighter ability. I used it to hit both of them until they were knocked out, and then left.

A couple of weeks later, I ran into another man who did not run away from me. This made me hope I could make a friend. He was a man with a blue and sort-of white metal case wrapped around his body, holding a big sharp metal stick. This was Armsmaster, a hero! Maybe he would be my friend?

I became sad when Armsmaster yelled "Identify yourself!" at me from down the street. He sounded very angry with me. Why would he be angry with me? I was just walking around.

I hoped he would be less angry if I showed him I was nice. "Hiiii!" I called back, waving my right arm. I was being friendly!

But Armsmaster continued to be not nice. "Unknown pink parahuman—identify yourself!" he yelled at me.

That was a mean thing to call me. And he was still shouting too. I was very sad now, and I ran away in tears. I cried myself to sleep that night.

I had nearly given up hope of ever finding a friend. After two months, I was using Warp Stars without looking where I was going to try to find new places in the city where I hadn't yet searched for a friend.

I'd already spent four hours tonight walking around, and I was ready to head home, when I heard voices far away. I walked closer, and became very sad when I heard what the voices were saying.

"…the children, just shoot. Doesn't matter your aim, just shoot. You see one lying on the ground? Shoot the little bitch twice more to be sure. We give them no chances to be clever or lucky, understand?"

They were going to kill kids? That's a really mean thing to do. I couldn't let them be mean to kids. I ran towards the voices, my feet pitter-pattering on the street.

The first thing I saw after turning the last corner was a big man with no shirt, lots of pictures on his body, and a dragon mask on his face. I mean, all people are big when you're two feet tall, but this man was bigger than most people. There was someone named Lung who dressed like that, so this person must be Lung. That meant the people who wanted to kill some kids were the Azn Bad Boyz, or ABB. It was a really silly name for a bunch of meanies.

I quickly ran towards Lung, Inhaled him, and immediately Star Spit him into a wall two blocks away. Next I ran to the closest ABB member who had a gun. I Inhaled him as well, and Copy-Swallowed him to get the Ranger ability. The gang member appeared on the ground behind me, hurt. While Lung got back up, started growing, and ran towards me, I shot all of the gang members and knocked them out.

However, before I could turn to face Lung again, he had already reached me. He was four or five times as tall as me already, with fire around his whole body. He hit me with a hard punch that sent me down the block and into the front corner of a car. Ow. I got up as quickly as I could, while Lung approached me again.

I needed to figure out a way to beat him before he hurt me more or hurt other people. I could Copy his power, but that wouldn't make me stronger than him. We would both keep getting bigger, and would just break everything in the surrounding blocks. I decided to try using the Wheel ability. I didn't know if it would be strong enough to take down Lung, but it was the only idea I had.

I quickly Inhaled and Copy-Swallowed a wheel from the car I had been punched into, and zoomed into Lung. Lung tried to hit me again, but I couldn't be hurt while zooming in my Wheel form. At the same time, I knocked Lung on his back. I turned around and drove into Lung over and over again, until he finally stopped growing and started getting smaller again. He seemed to be knocked out like his gang members.

I was about to zoom away to look for friends again, hoping to search more quickly, when I heard some small rocks shifting on top of a building close by. I looked up and saw four people looking down at me, and next to them three animals of some sort.

"Hiiii!" I called up to them, giving them a happy wave.

"Can you get up here on your own, cutie? You've helped us immensely and probably saved our lives tonight, and we'd like to thank you," one of them said, a girl with blonde hair. She sounded really nice! Maybe these could be new friends?

"Poyo!" I exclaimed back, Inhaling quickly and slowly Floating up towards the group. I landed next to them, let out a short puff of air, and looked up at the blonde.

The man wearing black with a skull on his helmet looked like he was about to talk, before the blonde wearing purple raised a hand to cut him off and spoke instead.

"We heard Lung was coming after us tonight, and we were terrified. We didn't know how to respond and rebuff him, and there's a decent chance he could have slaughtered us. We decided to fight him head-on rather than waiting for him to strike us at home, and hoped for the best. We drove off Oni Lee, and by the time we got here, you'd already laid Lung out unconscious. Well done for that, by the way. We wouldn't have been able to do the same by ourselves.

"Anyway, please excuse my rudeness; introductions. We're the Undersiders. The guy in the black motorcycle leathers with a skull on his helmet is Grue, the girl taking care of the dogs prefers to be called Bitch,"—for a moment I was not happy that they were calling their friend mean things, before I realized that "Bitch" probably meant a girl dog to her—"I'm Tattletale, and the boy who looks like a Ren Faire reject is Regent."

"Fuck you, I look fabulous." said the one named Regent.

"Poyo," I replied. I wondered why one of them was being rude.

"Ok, so you're Poyo, then? Thank you again for helping us, Poyo," said the one called Tattletale, confused and thinking I had told her my name. Bitch turned away from the animals that were apparently dogs to look at me, and quietly said, "Cute..." She got down on her knees and held out her arms to me. I jumped into her arms, and she gave me a gentle hug.

Wow, that felt really good. She gave good hugs. Maybe we can be friends and she can hug me more often? But before I could think more about hugs, I realized how tired I was from the fight with Lung, and fell asleep in Bitch's arms.

Author's Notes:

Huge thanks to @EnygmaSoul and @Glen for beta reading!

This is my first fic, so hopefully it doesn't stall out, but I've already got two more chapters drafted and a third in progress as well.
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Whenever Kirby is mentioned, I always thought of that OP Christian Kirbo from Terminal Montage.
@cuddle_puddle - A great beginning to a story. However, I am not getting that Kirby is in Taylor's head. May be it will come through better next time.
I thought Kirby!Taylor wanting friends was a nice touch. Colin being angry and upsetting friendless Kirby!Taylor was funny and sad.
The image of Taylor falling asleep in Rachel's arms was pricelessly cute. Lisa obstinately friendly was a nice touch as well as it was subtle way of showcasing her from the outside.
Interlude 1.a: Lisa
Lisa's worries grew as the Undersiders approached what sounded like a cape fight from the rooftops. They had managed to drive off Oni Lee, but taking on Lung would be much harder for them, if not impossible. And if he was already in a fight, he'd be ramped up significantly and even harder to stop. Nevertheless, they had no choice but to continue and hope they could at least keep Lung at bay long enough for the Protectorate to arrive and take over the fight.

However, surprise was written on the team's faces when they arrived to find Lung already unconscious and shrinking. There was a small round pink… person? wearing a small red baseball cap standing next to Lung; they must have been the cape who took down the dragon. 'Person' didn't seem the right word to describe the creature, but Lisa couldn't think of anything better.

Lonely, depressed, desperate for friends. Not a normal parahuman.

Well that wasn't quite the information Lisa was hoping for, but it could at least give her some direction to steer the team's next actions. They might not be the best choice for friends, given the invisible leash Coil kept the team on, but Lisa didn't really want to leave the poor thing depressed and on its own either. And what did "not a normal parahuman" mean anyway? Was it a cape or wasn't it?

Unfortunately, her power wasn't giving her anything more, so she decided to invite the cape up to talk. Before she could even open her mouth though, Lisa heard a cute "Hiiii!" from below, and saw the little pink guy waving adorably at the Undersiders.

"Can you get up here on your own, cutie? You've helped us immensely and probably saved our lives tonight, and we'd like to thank you," Lisa called down. The pink cape exclaimed something she didn't quite hear, inhaled an anatomically comical amount of air, puffed up to nearly twice their original size, and floated sedately up to the roof.

As the cute pink guy was on their way up, Lisa's power decided to chime in again with the most terrifying thing it had ever told her, and it was clear that it was in response to her last question.

Can copy any ability, parahuman or otherwise. Nearly invulnerable. Kills cosmic horrors.

Lisa barely kept herself from visibly blanching as the tiny being who might not have been a cape landed next to her and let out a small puff of air in a way that managed to be, once again, absolutely adorable. Her power had never before told her something that scary, nor something that could not possibly have been deduced from anything she'd seen. The tiny being in front of her might have been the most powerful thing on Earth Bet, likely more powerful than even the Endbringers… and she had to talk to them. No pressure.

She saw that Brian was about to take charge and talk, and she quickly raised a hand to cut him off. With someone this powerful and dangerous, they couldn't risk saying the wrong thing. She wasn't certain she wouldn't mess up, but she knew she'd have a better chance than any of the rest of the Undersiders, so she started talking to the powerful pink cape.

"We heard Lung was coming after us tonight, and we were terrified. We didn't know how to respond and rebuff him, and there's a decent chance he could have slaughtered us. We decided to fight him head-on rather than waiting for him to strike us at home, and hoped for the best. We drove off Oni Lee, and by the time we got here, you'd already laid Lung out unconscious. Well done for that, by the way. We wouldn't have been able to do the same by ourselves.

"Anyway, please excuse my rudeness; introductions. We're the Undersiders. The guy in the black motorcycle leathers with a skull on his helmet is Grue, the girl taking care of the dogs prefers to be called Bitch, I'm Tattletale, and the boy who looks like a Ren Faire reject is Regent."

"Fuck you, I look fabulous." Alec interjected. I shot him a withering glare. We could not upset this cape.

"Poyo," the cape replied.

"Ok, so you're Poyo, then? Thank you again for helping us, Poyo." Lisa said.

Rachel then turned from her dogs towards Poyo and muttered, "Cute..." her eyes widening slightly upon seeing Poyo up close for the first time. Rachel knelt down and held her arms open for the cute pink cape, and Poyo hopped right into her arms. She gave the adorable creature a gentle but firm hug which the pink cape seemed to enjoy and reciprocate happily. And the next thing Rachel knew, Poyo had fallen asleep in her arms.

"... Shit." Lisa said under her breath.

"What's wrong, Tattletale?" said Brian.

"So… my power told me that the tiny cape there is an incomprehensibly powerful being, and is also lonely. I do not want to leave them here asleep and have them be upset with us when they wake up. I also do not want to not leave them here, and have them think we've kidnapped them. Honestly, I'd just like to not die."

Lisa was slightly out of breath when she finished, and she turned to Rachel again while trying to regain her composure, only to see that Poyo was now wearing a sleeping cap instead of a baseball cap.

Lisa started hyperventilating. "Who…" she gasped out. "Who put a sleeping cap on them? Why are you even carrying a sleeping cap?! This is serious!"

"Just to be clear," interjected Alec, "are we talking more 'we ran out of milk and now I can't have some Captain Crunch for breakfast' serious, or more 'Jack Slash is asking me if I want to know how he got those scars' serious?" Thankfully for Alec, Lisa was too busy having a panic attack to pay close attention to what he'd said, so he escaped being throttled.

Rachel went to adjust the sleeping cap, only to discover that it seemed inexplicably fused to the cutie's head. "Seems to be a power thing," she said, going back to hugging Poyo.

Slowly, Lisa started calming down. "Okay…" she said, closing her eyes and taking a few deep breaths. "Okay… What should we do? We need to decide quickly, before the Protectorate shows up."

Name is not Poyo. Has never been heard saying anything other than 'Poyo' and 'Hiiii'.

Lisa carefully ignored her power once again being very slow and giving her information that was not possible to deduce. She briefly commented, "My power just decided to tell me that their name is not Poyo."

After another few moments, Brian asked, "What are the downsides of taking him back to the loft with us? Are there any concerns other than revealing the location of our base and maybe our identities? We can even avoid sharing those if we're careful."

"Well," said Alec, continuing his bit from before, "I suppose the biggest danger is that the Cotton Candy Golem here might drink all the milk. And you just don't mess with a man's Crunchberries."

After everyone else took a moment to forcibly convince themselves that Alec was just a figment of their collective imagination, Lisa took the lead again. "Is everyone okay with bringing the lonely, powerful cape back with us?"

Everyone gave their assent, with even Rachel grunting an affirmative, so they rode across the rooftops back towards the loft. Rachel continued holding the adorable cape the whole time, only putting them down briefly when they stopped to change into civvies. Rachel went to bed cuddled up with the pink cutie and her dogs, while Lisa stayed up late to research the pink cape.

Lisa awoke to a knock on the door to her room. Her laptop was still lying open on her bed in front of her; apparently she had fallen asleep after hours of researching without having found any additional information. She slowly rolled out of bed and shuffled to the door, opening it to find Rachel.

"What's up?" Lisa yawned, trying and failing to blink away her sleepiness.

"The cape is a girl." Rachel said shortly.

Instantly fully awake, Lisa reached to her power for help.

Pink cape Changed into a teenage human girl while Rachel was asleep. She is still asleep in Rachel's bed.

That complicated things. While trying to figure out what to do next, Lisa went back into her room to grab a domino mask and asked Rachel to put it on the girl so no one else would see her face. Which left Lisa to confront the problem of the cosmic-horror-killing cape somehow being a regular human.

The best plan Lisa could come up with was to move the girl to the couch, wrap her up comfortably with a pillow and blanket, and have someone sit in one of the armchairs waiting for her to wake up, to tell her what happened and keep her from panicking. And by "someone" she meant herself or Brian, as Rachel probably wouldn't be able to explain things well, and Alec certainly wouldn't be mature enough.

When Rachel returned to Lisa's room a moment later, Lisa told her the plan. "We'll carefully move her to the couch in the living room, and have one of us wait there with her until she wakes up to let her know what happened. I'll wait with her for now, and Brian will take over for me when he gets here." Rachel nodded in assent, and went to carry the girl from her room.

Lisa grabbed a spare blanket from her room and brought it to the living room. She set up a couple pillows at one end of the couch, and Rachel gently laid the girl down with her head propped up on the pillows. Lisa took a brief look at the girl while wrapping her in the blanket—she had long black hair in lovely curls, and was already in pajamas somehow—and sat down in an armchair to wait.

A couple minutes later, Rachel came out of her room again with her dogs, and took them down the stairs to walk them. Realizing she had almost dozed off, Lisa walked to the kitchen to brew a strong cup of coffee, or possibly several. While the water boiled, she texted Brian a brief summary of what transpired overnight, and told him to bring coffee and breakfast back to the loft with him as soon as he woke up. Lisa walked back into the living room carefully carrying three mugs of coffee, and settled down to wait.

Author's Notes:

Huge thanks to @EnygmaSoul and @Glen for beta reading!

Taylor's perspective Soon™.
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Can copy any ability, parahuman or otherwise. Nearly invulnerable. Kills cosmic horrors.

I see Kirby's reputation proceeds him.

On the one hand, this means he's not an OoCP for the Shards. On the other hand, Lisa's Shard seems to be scared enough of Kirby to break the rules to inform her of the seriousness of the situation.

It's gonna be interesting to see what happens when the Eldritch Space Worm in the shape of a golden idiot gets in front of the All-Devouring Void shaped like a pink puffball.
@cuddle_puddle - This was a great chapter, you hit the nail on the head so hard you might as well have been using Mjölnir in fully-charged thunder bolt because you could not have been more clear in communicating that Kirby is an adorable pink ball. You also expertly balanced that out with the fact that Kirby is a slayer of cosmic eldritch horrors.
Is Kirby the size of a white-red-yellow-blue beach ball? Does Sleep!Kirby emit visible 'Z's' while sleeping? Will Kirby!Taylor have access to all of Kirby copy-abilities? Taylor wearing PJs suggests that there is some bleed-over between her two forms, what is the extent of that bleed-over? Will normal!Taylor be able to use abilities like Sword or Fire?
That upcoming conversation between Taylor and the Undersiders should be interesting.
Is Kirby the size of a white-red-yellow-blue beach ball?
I've decided to have Kirby be about two feet in diameter. I'd prefer three feet, but because they are roughly spherical, that would require them to be three feet wide as well, which makes it difficult for them to use doors.

Does Sleep!Kirby emit visible 'Z's' while sleeping?
... I had not considered this, and I am sorely tempted to stealth-edit the chapter to add it. It would be adorable.

Will Kirby!Taylor have access to all of Kirby copy-abilities?
In principle, yes; Kirby in this story will have access to all copy-abilities from Kirby games, assuming a corresponding thing to swallow exists (UFO might be tough to source, for example). I haven't yet decided if or how Mix will work. It's not random in game (just dependent on accurate timing), but giving Kirby access to arbitrary abilities at will doesn't make for great storytelling. I may end up randomising it if it ever happens, or I may just not have it happen.

Taylor wearing PJs suggests that there is some bleed-over between her two forms, what is the extent of that bleed-over?
Will normal!Taylor be able to use abilities like Sword or Fire?
Both of these are good questions, the answers to which are REDACTED and REDACTED respectively (they'll be answered in the story in fairly short order).
Interlude 1.b: Scion


That was unusual. <Inference Engine> hadn't needed to query <Warrior>'s Vital Shards during a Cycle for thousands of Cycles. It couldn't be that important, if it only involved Hosts and their world. Still, this Cycle was ruined anyway, and Scion had nothing better to do. Perhaps it could even give him insight into how to salvage the Cycle.

Scion examined the query. It was for information about a roughly spherical being of approximately 0.3 meters (a <Host> distance unit) in radius, with a pink hue. The data returned, limited as it was, already raised concerns. "Nearly invulnerable" and "kills cosmic horrors" were worrying descriptors. Scion sent a broader query back to his Vital Shards for all known information about the being.





<Warrior> could not experience panic, but he was experiencing the closest analog an Entity had to that emotion. The pink being, apparently called 'Kirby', was known to have defeated or slain several dozen cosmically powerful beings, including Dark Mind—a being that could create a mirror copy of virtually anything—and Void Soul—a being described as the 'Essence of Chaos'. And somehow, neither of those were the most terrifying or destructive beings on the list.

The elaboration also carried a strong implication that the list of Kirby's defeated foes was woefully incomplete. And Scion didn't want to join the list, whether there was anyone to remember and record his death or not.

Scion spent several centuries worth of energy simulating dozens of encounters with the pink menace, each of which he lost. To make matters worse, in simulations where he tried to recall all of his Shards and leave, he failed to recover a single Shard and was annihilated with prejudice. The pink terror could even survive Stilling!

That was it. Forget salvaging the Cycle. Forget recovering Shards. He had to leave, now. <Warrior> jettisoned as many of his weaker and less important Shards as he could spare in order to give himself a boost, and launched himself away from the star system. His Avatar—known by the Host species as Scion—vanished in an instant, never to be seen again on any Earth.

Author's Notes:

Huge thanks to @EnygmaSoul and @Glen for beta reading!

I know this is a shorter chapter—consider it a bonus. Taylor's perspective next chapter, hopefully to be released within a week.

I got the name <Inference Engine> from Mauling Snarks. I don't know if it's canon or fanon that Lisa's shard is called <Negotiator>, but I think the former name works better, both for this fic and in general.
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Ah. I see Scion has been declared Sir-Not-Relevant-to-This-Story. You go girl, jettison that narrative Sword of Damocles so you can craft the story you WANT to tell!
That was it. Forget salvaging the cycle. Forget recovering shards. He had to leave, now. <Warrior Hub> jettisoned as many of his weaker and less important shards as he could spare in order to give himself a boost, and launched himself away from the star system. His Avatar—known by the Host species as Scion—vanished in an instant, never to be seen again on any Earth.

There's a song that seems super appropriate for this particular situation.

I don't think running will save him forever, though. The Entities are a plague on the universe, consuming everything that isn't them to multiply endlessly.... they'll eventually and enevitably run out of places Kirby isn't.
There's a song that seems super appropriate for this particular situation.

I don't think running will save him forever, though. The Entities are a plague on the universe, consuming everything that isn't them to multiply endlessly.... they'll eventually and enevitably run out of places Kirby isn't.

Amusingly. That song is the first thing I sent her after beta reading her first draft of this section.
@cuddle_puddle - Well, I absolutely did not expect to remove Scion from the equation so quickly, but I am kind of glad you as that removes the hard two-year time limit from the story. All the other dangers exist, so it will be fun to see Kirby!Taylor deal with those. It will also be interesting to read what comes of all those Shards Zion used to propel itself away from Kirby!Taylor.

I have done the research, and apparently Kirby does not emit 'Z's while sleeping, but bubbles (of saliva) in most games. I don't think I will bother mentioning that.
I am sorry that I gave a bum steer regarding the 'Z's.

Well then, that sure escalated quite quickly, should make Cauldron shit themselves
Cauldron running around in a blind panic and causing problems is a funny image.
The Entities being in the same universe as Kirby is kinda hilarious in retrospect knowing their end goal.
in a "look at this looser! He can't even make infinite energy!" Kind of way
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I've found this just after watching latest Kirbo video from TerminalMontage.
The "I wanna hug" energy is strong with this one, and I like it!
Loneliness 1.2
I woke up from another dream where I had gotten to spend time with Kirby. We had gone to a festival with a bunch of Waddle Dees, as well as a few Kirbys of other colors. There were lots of activities to participate in. I joined a race across waves on a Warp Star, and managed to come in second place! I didn't participate in most of the other games, but I got to watch Kirby put several Waddle Dees to shame in a speed eating contest, finishing in a quarter of the time it took the second place contestant to finish. Which was honestly impressive for the runner up, since Waddle Dees don't have mouths. There was even a contest for who could hit meteors back into space the hardest; I have no idea how that worked, but it was quite the spectacle. I spent several hours talking about the competitions and other small things with Kirby; as usual I understood them perfectly despite them saying nothing but 'Poyo'. I had a blast, and I wished I could spend time with them while I was awake.

As I slowly regained consciousness, I noticed I wasn't in my room at home. It felt like I was wrapped up in a blanket on someone's couch. But before I could attempt to investigate my surroundings further, a tired voice interrupted me.

"Good morning sleepyhead."

I turned towards the voice and saw what looked like a girl with blonde hair, to the extent that I could see without my glasses.

"You wear glasses? Hmm. I don't have a way to get yours for you, but I'll at least move closer so you can see me better."

The girl got up from the armchair she was in, shuffled over, and knelt in front of the couch. She had bottle green eyes, lots of freckles, and looked like she was dead on her feet. Knees. Whatever.

"Yeah, I fell asleep doing research last night, and was woken up early when one of my teammates noticed you'd Changed back into a human form.

"On that note: I'm Lisa, Tattletale in costume. My power allows me to make deductions from extremely little data, which is now I've been able to tell what you're thinking. Bitch is the only one who's seen your face, as she was the one who saw that you'd Changed; she put a domino mask on you before anyone else could see your face. We decided to take you back to our abode with us after you fell asleep."

That explained some things. Kirby must have run into them last night. Had they finally managed to find friends? I hoped so. I wasn't sure why they hadn't told me when we were talking at the festival though.

I tried to remember if I'd heard about Tattletale or Bitch, and what team they were on. They weren't New Wave or Wards, and their names didn't sound heroic anyway. And as far as I knew, Parian was the only rogue in Brockton Bay, which meant that Tattletale and Bitch were villains. I didn't recognize the names well, so they must not have been from a minor villain team I hadn't researched well.

Kirby had befriended villains? That wasn't great, but it wasn't really my choice either. I trusted Kirby's judgment that they were at least safe to be around, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to be friends with villains myself.

"I guess you met Kirby then," I said after a pause. "I only have the vaguest sense of their memories though, so I don't actually know how they met you, why they fell asleep, or anything else that happened when they went out last night." I should probably have been panicking more, but I was too overwhelmed by new information.

"Oh, you're plural?" Lisa asked, hesitating briefly before continuing. "Anyway, here's a quick rundown of what happened last night—at least everything that I know. We heard that Lung was going to attack us, and decided to attack him head-on rather than waiting. By the time we reached Lung though, Kirby had already knocked him and his minions out. We thanked Kirby for helping us—saving us, really—and introduced ourselves. Bitch and Kirby seemed to like each other immediately, and she offered Kirby a hug. And as soon as they were in her arms, they were out like a light."

That was… a lot to digest. Kirby beat up Lung last night? And it definitely sounded like they had made a friend, if they felt safe enough to fall asleep that quickly. What had Lisa called her though?

"What do you mean I'm 'plural'?" I asked.

Lisa's mouth formed a small 'o' briefly, before she replied. "Okay, that's going to need a longer answer. Is there anything I can get you first? One of my teammates should hopefully be here with breakfast within an hour or two. Do you want coffee? Tea. I don't think we have much variety, but I'll see what we've got."

Lisa sent off a quick text while she was getting up, and before I could even open my mouth to ask, she said, "Just texting my teammates to tell them that if they come into the living room, they need to either mask up or out themselves to you."

A few minutes later, Lisa returned with a steaming mug. "All we had was English breakfast tea, but I at least knew how sweet you like it," she said with a smirk.

I took the tea with a quiet thanks, and took a small sip. At the same time, I noticed Lisa taking a much larger gulp of coffee from one of what looked like three mugs on the coffee table behind her. "Yup," Lisa chuckled. "I'm really tired, but I didn't want you to wake up alone with no one to tell you where you were or what had happened. Those mugs were all triple-strength too."

After taking another gulp from her mug, Lisa continued. "So, plurality or multiplicity is when there are two or more people in one brain. The group of all those beings in a single brain is called a system or collective, and members of that group are often called alters or headmates."

She gave me a moment to absorb the information before continuing. "I'll give you a rundown of some other terminology later, but the gist of it is, I think you and Kirby are a plural system."

"How common is plurality?" I asked.

"At least 1% of all people are plural due to trauma, though trauma is not a requirement of being plural. I've never personally heard of a system forming from trigger trauma, though it would surprise me if you were the first to form that way. Plurality is a lot more common than people think; plural folks just don't talk about it often because they are frequently treated as 'crazy' by society.

"To be clear though, you're not crazy," she said firmly, looking me in the eye until I nodded in agreement.

"... I guess I can't skip out on terminology for too long," she continued. "One of the core concepts of plurality is fronting. The alter who is in control of the body is said to be 'in front', or to be 'fronting'. If multiple headmates share some level of control at the same time, they are either 'co-conscious', if they still retain their distinct identities, or 'blended' if not. When one headmate takes control from another, that is called 'switching'."

Lisa gave me another moment to digest, which I appreciated. From what she said, it sounded like I switched with Kirby on nights they went out to look for friends, and then switched back at some point during the night when we were both asleep.

"So," Lisa asked, "when you Change into Kirby's form, does that force or trigger a switch? And vice versa? Also, I can guess, but I don't want to take away all your agency by deducing all the answers to my questions; why are you wearing pajamas?"

I looked down at my chest and noticed that indeed, I was wearing pajamas. It made sense, but I had forgotten. "I get ready for bed before Kirby goes out, so that I'll wake up in pajamas after Kirby comes back home and goes to bed," I replied. "As for your other questions… I can Change into Kirby's form without switching, but it's… unpleasant. Wrong. It's not my body, and it doesn't feel like my body, and when I control it, it feels like everything is far away and moving through molasses. And it's hard to motivate myself to move at all in that state, too. Like me being plural, I had assumed it was just a weird power thing. I don't know if Kirby has the same experience Changing to my body or not. I don't know if they usually Change into my body before going to sleep, or if it happens automatically or subconsciously while we're asleep and before I wake up, either."

We both stayed quiet for a bit; I still had a lot to process, and Lisa was looking off into the distance thoughtfully. I wasn't sure if she was trying to guess more things, or figure out what to say to me next, but I was honestly too tired and overwhelmed to care.

A couple minutes later, I heard some clomping on the stairs, and the door to the room opening. I saw Lisa look up behind my head, and I looked up there as well to see a girl quite a bit larger than Lisa, with three dogs around her. I couldn't see her clearly, still lacking my glasses, but somehow I was sure she was a girl despite her thick winter coat, and there was also some vague feeling of happiness I couldn't place or understand the cause of. We were all quiet for at least a minute, before the girl patted my head a couple times, and then walked off down the hall.

I gaped after her receding form, flabbergasted. I turned to Lisa to see her eyes wide from surprise, before she turned back to me and said, "Huh. Didn't see that one coming. She's the one Kirby latched onto last night. Her name is Rachel Lindt, and she goes by Bitch in costume. The PRT calls her Hellhound, but she hates the name, so please don't use it."

That name rang a bell with me. Supposedly Rachel controlled monster dogs, but from what I saw, it seemed more likely to me that she just Changed some honestly rather cute dogs into scarier forms. And she had taken a liking to Kirby. It was… nice… that Kirby seemed to have finally found a friend. A friend that wasn't me, at least… I…

I closed my eyes and turned away from Lisa, trying to hold back my tears. "I just wish my power could be having Kirby with me in real life as a friend, instead of only being able to spend time with them in dreams. And at least they seem to have befriended R-Rachel. Once she finds out I'm not Kirby and am nothing like Kirby, she won't pay attention to me either." I tried not to let hopelessness fill my voice, but I knew it was a failed endeavor. "I've got no one," I finished off pathetically, hoping I'd whispered it quietly enough that Lisa hadn't heard me.

We were both quiet for a long minute, before Lisa gently took my right hand in both of hers, drawing circles on the back of it with one of her thumbs. "Will you be friends with me?" she asked softly, looking into my eyes earnestly.

I stared back at her in shock. Why would anyone want to be friends with me? "Why?" I managed to croak out at her, tears filling my eyes again.

"You seem like you need a friend," she said, with an air of finality that I struggled to question. And before I could figure out what to say, she added, "Trust the Thinker," a smirk and a quick wink gracing her features.

"But you don't even know my name!" I objected, struggling not to shout.

"That's okay," she said, smiling softly. "You can tell me your name if and when you feel comfortable doing so."

After several long minutes of silence, I managed to give her a small "okay," to which she gave my hand a gentle squeeze in return.

Nothing felt real. Suddenly everything felt so far away. I could swear Lisa's face was shrinking into the distance. Was this a dream? Was I so pathetic that I had to dream up friends?

Before I could spiral further, I felt Lisa shaking my shoulder firmly. "Hey, sweetie? Focus. Focus on my voice." I turned my head slightly more towards her, and she continued. "Deep breaths. Take a nice, deep breath in for four seconds… hold it for two seconds… and breathe out for six seconds… Again. Deep breath in for four… hold it for two… and out for six…"

We did that a few more times, until I was mostly calmed down and relaxed. The breathing helped a lot, especially her breathing with me and handling the counting for me, so I could just follow along. "Thanks," I said quietly. She gave my hand another squeeze in reply.

"Those are the times that work for me, but feel free to use any breathing times that fit you better," said Lisa.

"... Anyway, back on the topic of plurality," she continued, "does your family know about Kirby or your amnesia?"

I slowly shook my head, before my eyes widened in horror. "Shit!" I exclaimed. "Dad must be freaking out that I'm missing!"

Before I could panic again, Lisa squeezed my hand and started drawing circles on its back with her thumb again, while softly saying, "Shhh… it'll be okay. I'm a Thinker; we'll figure this out together. I'll help you.

"I know I said I wouldn't ask your name, but I probably do need it for this. I'm sorry. I promise I won't tell my teammates unless you explicitly tell me to. And my full name is Lisa Wilbourn."

"Taylor," I bit out, almost too quiet to hear. "Taylor Hebert."

"Okay, Taylor, there are a few things you need to decide," she said gently, "but first I'm going to call your dad to let him know you're safe. You can talk to him briefly, but I'll impress upon him how important it is to explain in person. And I'll give us a good chunk of extra time to figure out how much we're going to tell him, and what to do about clothes for you. I can drive, so we won't need to worry about buses."

Lisa picked up her phone again, gave me a brief, discerning look, and then tapped a number in, a vulpine grin on her face. "Thinker powers," she said smugly, before putting the phone to her ear and a finger to her lips to stop my forthcoming complaint.

"Mr. Hebert?" she said. "My name is Lisa, I'm a friend of Taylor's—"

"Taylor? Is she okay? Do you know where she is?" I could hear Dad's panicked voice through the phone even without having it on speaker.

"Yes, she's fine, she's right here next to me. I'm handing her the phone now," she said, putting action to words.

"Hi Dad," I said quietly.

"Taylor!" he nearly shouted, and I winced at the volume. "Where are you? What happened? Why aren't you at home?" he asked urgently.

"I- something happened, and- I, um…" I trailed off, flailing for words.

Lisa came to my rescue, gently taking the phone back from my hand. "She's a bit overwhelmed at the moment, Mr. Hebert. And the situation is complicated and sensitive, and should be talked about face to face. I'll have her back home in about an hour, an hour and fifteen minutes at most, and she can explain things to you in person."

Lisa continued reassuring Dad for a short bit, which I started tuning out. I didn't know how I'd even start to explain anything to him, and he'd go ballistic at the number of times Kirby had snuck out of the house.

I saw Lisa snap her phone shut, and slowly focused back on the world. Waiting until she had my full attention, Lisa said, "I know I just told your dad that you'd explain things to him, but I only said that because it would make him accept things more quickly. I'll be right beside you, and I'll do most of the explaining. You just have to decide what we're telling him."

She paused for a moment, taking my hand and once more rubbing comforting circles on its back. She offered me my tea with her other hand, and I took a few grateful sips before handing it back to her. When had I put the mug down anyway?

That feeling of unreality—like this was some sort of dream—hit me again. Everything was just too strange. Here I was, in the theoretically secret lair of a group of small time supervillains, and… and one of them was being so nice to me. She was acting like she actually cared. An actual villain telling me they wanted to be my friend and offering to do all this stuff to try and make sure I'm okay. This couldn't be real, could it?

Before my mind had the chance to wander too far, Lisa continued. "I really think you should tell your dad that you're plural, and that you experience amnesia. I'm happy to help explain things to him. It's healthy for the person you're living with to know both of those things, and it will also enable you to adopt behaviors that can help you and Kirby mitigate the effects of your amnesia. For example, you and Kirby can keep a journal of basic events and important details of your day, and also leave notes for each other. Additionally, it will be very difficult to explain why you've been missing without telling him any of that."

She waited for me to respond, while I struggled not to panic. If I did that, would I have to explain Kirby to him? Would I have to tell him about having powers? What Kirby usually looks like, since they prefer our Changer form? What it means to be agender?

"How… how much would I have to tell him about Kirby if I did that?" I asked worriedly.

"A name would be helpful, but even that isn't technically required," Lisa replied. "Whether or not to tell him about your powers is the second question, but even if we don't, we can still say that your headmate, who has never fronted when your dad is around, went out in the middle of the night. And we'll figure out something for clothes so your dad doesn't wonder why you're in pajamas. We can tell him that Kirby has never fronted while you're around as far as you're aware, and that they didn't realize not to go out at night. Not the most convincing, but we could make it work, and it would allow you to leave notes up for Kirby asking them to stay in at night."

She interrupted herself briefly, asking, "Hold on, you said you spend time with Kirby in your dreams. Can you communicate clearly with them there? Or do they just respond to everything with 'Poyo'?"

I giggled, realizing what Lisa must have experienced last night. "They still only say 'Poyo'," I said, "but somehow, I'm able to understand exactly what they mean."

Lisa shook her head, smiling. "That's good. It will let you leave notes up for Kirby, and hopefully talk through things with them and reach an agreement on how to do things within the next few days.

"Now, the hard question: do you want to tell your dad about your powers? Obviously, you can't really let him see your Changer form without telling him, which means he can only meet Kirby if Kirby is okay being in your regular form. Which may or may not cause your dad to doubt Kirby's existence, and create its own set of problems.

"On the much less significant side of things, if you tell your dad about your powers, there won't be any problem with you staying in your pajamas to go home."

I giggled softly, grateful to Lisa for injecting some levity into the otherwise quite serious situation, before quieting and trying to make a choice. This pivotal decision would fully shape my immediate future, and I only had one chance to make it. The blonde girl seemed to be fairly on top of things, and everything she was saying and suggesting made sense on the surface. But why was she doing this? How could she possibly benefit from putting in so much care and effort on my behalf? It's not like I was anyone special.

I had one thing I wanted to ask Lisa about, but before I could, she interjected softly. "Can I give you a small piece of advice Taylor?" I gave her a small nod, and she continued. "I don't have a relationship with my parents. I ran away after they used me for my powers to make money. If your dad isn't exploiting or hurting you, and you want to have a good relationship with him, don't keep secrets this big from him. You'll have to lie over and over again, and it will tear your relationship apart."

"But…" I said, fear creeping into my voice. "But if I tell Dad about my powers, he's gonna want me to join the Wards. And I get enough teenage hell at school; I don't need more as a hero."

"I think I can help with that problem as well," said Lisa. "Firstly, you and Kirby are the most powerful cape in the world by a wide margin, so they're perfectly safe going out on their own. I have no doubt that they could no-sell an Endbringer in under five minutes. Secondly, it's not very well known, but Shadow Stalker goes out on a lot of unsanctioned patrols and still uses lethal ammunition on them. A month or two ago, she shot Grue in the stomach with a broadhead crossbow bolt while on such a patrol, and he would have died without prompt medical attention. With the combination of those two things, I think I can convince your dad both that you're safe staying solo, and that the Wards are not a healthy environment for you with such poor supervision. I can't guarantee anything, but I promise I will do my best. And if worse comes to worst, I can give you a place to stay. Either here, if you and the rest of the team are comfortable outing yourselves to each other, or at my apartment that I basically never use, since I live here. No obligations regardless."

"Why would you give me a place to stay? Why should I trust you? You're a villain, and I haven't even known you for an hour," I said, suspicion leaking into my voice and my eyes narrowing. "How do I know you're not trying to manipulate or take advantage of me?"

Lisa deflated a bit, looking sad. "To be honest, it's difficult for me to prove that. If you want to ascribe selfish motives to me, being friends with the strongest cape in the world can only be beneficial. On that note, trying to take advantage of you would be an outrageously ill-conceived idea—whatever I hoped to gain could not possibly be worth the risk of pissing you off. I do have a personal problem that your power could help with, but it's my problem, not yours. I will not ask for your or Kirby's help in solving it, or even tell you what it is, lest that manipulate you into trying to fix it of your own initiative.

"The best answer I can think of is that if I didn't want to help you, I wouldn't have explained plurality to you. I could have made up another explanation that suited me better, and that wouldn't be verifiable by you. I strongly recommend you research plurality either online or at the library to confirm what I've told you, and to learn more about it regardless.

"Fundamentally, it's hard to trust me; I'm a Thinker, and my specialty is manipulating people. I can't avoid that. All I can say is that if my goal is to trick or hurt you, it's a terrible idea, and you're absolutely able to protect yourself in such a situation."

We were silent for a solid fifteen minutes while I thought things over. "Okay," I finally squeaked out, "I'll trust you for now, since Kirby decided they could. And I'll tell my dad everything."

"I will do my best to live up to that trust," said Lisa, leaning over me and giving me a quick, firm hug before handing me back my tea. "You finish this up, and I'll go get you something for your feet." She gave my hand another squeeze and walked off down the hall. Despite having cooled down, the tea gave me some small comfort, and I was grateful for it. I steeled myself for what was to come. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I hoped Lisa was correct that I had made the right choice.

Author's notes:

Huge thanks once again to @EnygmaSoul and @Glen, my lovely beta readers.

We finally see Taylor's perspective. She is the main character, so it's a bit odd it took this long, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

For more information about plurality, please visit morethanone.info.

  • 2022-08-13: Changed wording, particularly in Lisa's dialogue, to remove conflation of Kirby and Changer form.
  • 2022-08-13: Removed Lisa's informal diagnosis of DID. It has made some readers uncomfortable, and is also not the most appropriate thing for Lisa to do without Taylor asking her to. I do hope it's still clear from my characterisation that Taylor dissociates a lot though.
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Personally, I am just waiting/hoping for Dragon to berate Armsmaster for his treatment of Kirby, followed by the Halbeard reluctantly offering an apology. Followed by shenanigans. Adorable rolling shenanigans. Thank you for writing!
So... I'm not sure what to make of this chapter. I think I was supposed to take away that Lisa has made some fundamentally incorrect assumptions about Taylor's situation and drawn wildly wrong conclusions (as her power is known to do with Out of Context problems or bad data) since we the readers know that Kirby is an independent being and not an offshoot (or split or whatever the specific terminology is) of Taylor's mental self.

We know that Lisa's whole "I'll be your friend" schtick is just an act (because she's terrified about what her power said about Kirby's strength) which makes pretty much all of her actions in this chapter feel real manipulative. She doesn't care about Taylor one bit; she has no reason to. She just doesn't want to be on the bad side of a being that "kills cosmic horrors". Given that, I don't know how much of what she's saying I'm supposed to take as her power misfiring and how much is her gaslighting Taylor into liking and trusting her.

I suppose future chapters will tell, but either way this feels like a strange departure from the tone of the preceding chapters.
So... I'm not sure what to make of this chapter. I think I was supposed to take away that Lisa has made some fundamentally incorrect assumptions about Taylor's situation and drawn wildly wrong conclusions (as her power is known to do with Out of Context problems or bad data) since we the readers know that Kirby is an independent being and not an offshoot (or split or whatever the specific terminology is) of Taylor's mental self.

We know that Lisa's whole "I'll be your friend" schtick is just an act (because she's terrified about what her power said about Kirby's strength) which makes pretty much all of her actions in this chapter feel real manipulative. She doesn't care about Taylor one bit; she has no reason to. She just doesn't want to be on the bad side of a being that "kills cosmic horrors". Given that, I don't know how much of what she's saying I'm supposed to take as her power misfiring and how much is her gaslighting Taylor into liking and trusting her.

I suppose future chapters will tell, but either way this feels like a strange departure from the tone of the preceding chapters.
Lisa might be more sincere than you might think, since Lisa has this thing for severely depressed and suicidal people due to her trigger.

Caring and being sincere about someone does -of course- not preclude gaslighting, since the best gaslighting is done with full sincerity.
we the readers know that Kirby is an independent being and not an offshoot (or split or whatever the specific terminology is) of Taylor's mental self.
This is incorrect for reasons that are unlikely to come up in the story, so I should probably make an Informational post about it. The short explanation is that the real/original Kirby you're familiar with ate some shards, and did some (handwaved) fuckery to create/configure a shard with a copy of their powers (as well as knowledge of all the Kirby powers); that shard happened to be linked to Taylor. The Kirby Changer form in this fic is not the original Kirby, but rather a power-manifestation of a Kirby (the species), with a dump of Kirby's memories in the form of "another Kirby did these things".

We know that Lisa's whole "I'll be your friend" schtick is just an act
When I said
We can trust Lisa to be a good friend, right?
I did not realise how it would come off, and I'm going to remove it from the author's notes here and on SB, leaving it as a joke for AO3. The joke is that AO3 literally lists 'Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver & Lisa Wilbourn | Tattletale' as one of the relationships in the fic.

Lisa might be more sincere than you might think, since Lisa has this thing for severely depressed and suicidal people due to her trigger.
Yup (pops the 'p'). That is in fact the reason this fic has a suicide warning in its description; spoiler: the suicidal person is Taylor. Even if Lisa hasn't yet seen Taylor do anything to indicate that she is suicidal, her depression is quite obvious.
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