Draka: The Fallout War Neo-Soviet Federation IC Thread


Really in the mood for ribs.

For the glory of the Motherlands.
"Hmm, this is the list of people you wish to put forward?" The Premier of the Neo-Soviet Federation mused as the head of the Security Bureau nodded.

"These people are the best candidates so far, and we can bring in more should they come to our attention. They possess the qualities and drive necessary to ensuring the supremacy and survival of our great Federation." The woman indicated the files, "Furthermore, we have ample evidence that they may be under observation by our rivals in Europe and China."

"Hmm, so it will be of use to place them somewhere were they can be used as bait for foreign spies." The Premier mused, "Very well, you may go ahead with the formation of the People's Special Directorate."

"Thank you, Comrade-Premier, I will begin work immediately."

The Security Bureau arrives on the doorsteps of three people one, appropriately, freezing day and before long three people are bundled into salvaged Drakan autosteamer cars and taken to a secure location. Here, with fully-appointed lodgings, communications lines to the outside world and a full staff, these three are with rapid ceremony informed that they are the founding members of the People's Special Directorate, a group empowered by the office of the Premier to improve and advance the Neo-Soviet Federation by all means necessary.

After that, they are left to their own devices.

Secure Bunker Complex 'D9', 2011

It's been 15 years since the first survivors left the bunkers across Eastern Europe, Russia and parts of the Middle East, banding together and through steel and gun reclaimed lost knowledge and history, some of it hidden where it escaped the claws of the Draka.

It was through these hidden books and vaults that the first warlords allied together and reformed their lands, coming together into a great alliance under the banner of the hammer and sickle that was a symbol of an industrious nation ruled by the people, and it was this banner that became the flag of a Federation of nations.

But the times of peace are in jeopardy; signs of mysterious attacks and abductions along with bizarre phenomena have been appearing, armies of wandering Janissary marauders threaten every city and prevent peaceful expansion, the rival super-states of the European Alliance and Jade Republic remain peaceful but it is a peace enforced by a Cold War and bonded by The Fallout Treaty.

The land itself remains contaminated, massive hot zones of intense radiation linger near the impact craters. Farming and Industry are weak and largely based on scavenged Drakan designs and technology, the guns held by the standing armies are all taken from Drakan armories as are the planes, helicopters, automatic artillery and tanks.

And there is no guarantee that the Draka or the Alliance, the main powers of the days before The Burning, were wiped out in the falling rain of nuclear warheads. The Alliance, who bullied and blackmailed smaller powers into joining them under the pretext of opposing the Draka, leaving nations dominated by the Americans, and the Domination Of Draka who were an evil that even now in temples, mosques and churches across Europe were synonymous with the Satan himself.

This is where you come in, brought to a hastily-upgraded military bunker complex somewhere you do not know, with cold concrete walls around you, you are the members of the People's Special Directorate, charged with ensuring the supremacy of the Neo-Soviet Federation in the face of competition from the European Alliance and the Jade Republic Of China.

You will not be alone, the Neo-Soviet Duma has provided a group of specialist liaisons who will provide you with the best possible information and their personal assessments.

The Federation stands on the brink of regression or greatness, how will you guide it?​
Main Data Sheet
Neo-Soviet Federation Faction Traits:
-Courier Corps: The Federation receives early warning of invasion.

Neo-Soviet Federation Faction Resources:
-Industrial Capacity: 1560 (+5200)
-Supplies: 1930 (+5200)
-Manpower: 890 (+50)
-Fuel: 1880 (+50)
-Electronics: 55 (+5)
-Nuclear Material: 1010 (+10)

Active Council Personal Forces: 3/100
-Scavenged Infantry Battalion
-Scavenged Tank Company
-Scavenged Autohowitzer Battery

National Focus:
Byzantine Power Game
1. Bring the Bosphorus Tidal Generator Complex online.
2. Exploit The Baku Oil Fields.
3. Launch a military expedition into Syria
Time limit: February 2016

Research Breakthrough(s):
-Avtomat Sokova-1: A straight upgrade of the Sokova-1 prototype into a full-auto weapon.

Esoteric Operation(s):
-Landed UFO

Covert Operation(s):

Happery Character Bonuses/Maluses:

Keeper Of Storms Character Bonuses/Maluses:

Druby Character Bonuses/Maluses:

-Commissar Federov, Duma Liaison: This taciturn woman is your link to the Duma, and while her demeanour is icy, she is a competant and ready source of information related to the political and social climate across the Federation.

-Doctor Walter Cherdenko, Chief Researcher: This slightly strange man is the head of all Federation research efforts, and it is his duty and pleasure to be able to inform you if a potential research subject is within Federation's capability to study.

-Yuri, Esoterica: No one knows where Yuri came from. It was as if he was always here in D9, as if he was waiting for you to arrive. But that's impossible.

-Colonel Romanov: Colonel Romanov is the Security Bureau's contact with the Special Directorate, and as such she has top-level access to any information relating to the European Alliance and Jade Republic.
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Region Sheet
Russia: Capital Region
Capital City: Moscow
Facility Cap: 8/20
-Factory (3): +600 IC, +600 Supplies
-Salvaged Drakan Training Base: +50 Manpower
-Scavenged Fuel Dumps: +50 Fuel
-Electronics Recycling Dump: +5 Electronics
-Primitive Nuclear Facility: +10 Nuclear Material
Electricity: Yes
Rail: No
Road: No
Air: No
-Primitive Forts: 1d6 to Attack and Armor against invasion

Core City: Talinn
Facility Cap: 1/20
-Factory: +200 IC, +200 Supplies
Electricity: No
Rail: No
Road: No
Air: No
Defenses: None

Core City: Riga
Facility Cap: 1/20
-Factory: +200 IC, +200 Supplies
Electricity: No
Rail: No
Road: No
Air: No
Defenses: None

Core City: Vilnus
Facility Cap: 1/20
-Factory: +200 IC, +200 Supplies
Electricity: No
Rail: No
Road: No
Air: No
Defenses: None

Core City: Minsk
Facility Cap: 1/20
-Factory: +200 IC, +200 Supplies
Electricity: No
Rail: No
Road: No
Air: No
Defenses: None

Core City: Warsaw
Facility Cap: 1/20
-Factory: +200 IC, +200 Supplies
Electricity: No
Rail: No
Road: No
Air: No
Defenses: None

Core City: Kiev
Facility Cap: 1/20
-Factory: +200 IC, +200 Supplies
Electricity: No
Rail: No
Road: No
Air: No
Defenses: None

Core City: Prague
Facility Cap: 1/20
-Factory: +200 IC, +200 Supplies
Electricity: No
Rail: No
Road: No
Air: No
Defenses: None

Core City: Lubljana
Facility Cap: 1/20
-Factory: +200 IC, +200 Supplies
Electricity: No
Rail: No
Road: No
Air: No
Defenses: None

Core City: Zagreb
Facility Cap: 1/20
-Factory: +200 IC, +200 Supplies
Electricity: No
Rail: No
Road: No
Air: No
Defenses: None

Core City: Sarajevo
Facility Cap: 1/20
-Factory: +200 IC, +200 Supplies
Electricity: No
Rail: No
Road: No
Air: No
Defenses: None

Core City: Belgrade
Facility Cap: 1/20
-Factory: +200 IC, +200 Supplies
Electricity: No
Rail: No
Road: No
Air: No
Defenses: None

Core City: Pristina
Facility Cap: 1/20
-Factory: +200 IC, +200 Supplies
Electricity: No
Rail: No
Road: No
Air: No
Defenses: None

Core City: Podgorica
Facility Cap: 1/20
-Factory: +200 IC, +200 Supplies
Electricity: No
Rail: No
Road: No
Air: No
Defenses: None

Core City: Tirana
Facility Cap: 1/20
-Factory: +200 IC, +200 Supplies
Electricity: No
Rail: No
Road: No
Air: No
Defenses: None

Core City: Skopje
Facility Cap: 1/20
-Factory: +200 IC, +200 Supplies
Electricity: No
Rail: No
Road: No
Air: No
Defenses: None

Core City: Sofia
Facility Cap: 1/20
-Factory: +200 IC, +200 Supplies
Electricity: No
Rail: No
Road: No
Air: No
Defenses: None

Core City: Bucharest
Facility Cap: 1/20
-Factory: +200 IC, +200 Supplies
Electricity: No
Rail: No
Road: No
Air: No
Defenses: None

Core City: Ankara
Facility Cap: 2/20
-Factory: +200 IC, +200 Supplies
Electricity: No
Rail: No
Road: No
Air: No
-Primitive Forts: 1d6 Attack against invasion.

Core City: Athens
Facility Cap: 1/20
-Factory: +200 IC, +200 Supplies
Electricity: No
Rail: No
Road: No
Air: No
Defenses: None

Core City: Tbilisi
Facility Cap: 1/20
-Factory: +200 IC, +200 Supplies
Electricity: No
Rail: No
Road: No
Air: No
Defenses: None

Core City: Yerevan
Facility Cap: 1/20
-Factory: +200 IC, +200 Supplies
Electricity: No
Rail: No
Road: No
Air: No
Defenses: None

Core City: Baku
Facility Cap: 1/20
-Factory: +200 IC, +200 Supplies
Electricity: No
Rail: No
Road: No
Air: No
Defenses: None

Core City: Astana
Facility Cap: 1/20
-Factory: +200 IC, +200 Supplies
Electricity: No
Rail: No
Road: No
Air: No
Defenses: None
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Production Sheet
Available Construction Projects:

-Industrial Stimulus (Free): Double IC earnings next turn.
-Build Factory (240 IC): Build a properly Neo-Soviet Factory. +200 IC, +200 Supplies
-Salvage Drakan Military Center (500 IC): Rebuild a ruined Drakan base to bring in a portion of the population to train as soldiers. +50 Manpower
-Salvage Drakan Fuel Dump (150 IC): Find and tap a Drakan underground fuel dump. +50 Fuel
-Repair a damaged Powerplant (500 IC): Connect limited amounts of electricity in a region.
-Build Roads (1000 IC): Restore the road network in a region.
-Build Rails (1000 IC): Restore the rail network in a region.
-Build Primitive Forts (150 IC): Build forts out of wood and scavenged steel to defend a region's borders.
-Bosphorus Tidal Complex Stage One (1200 IC): Stage One of restoring the Bosphorus Tidal Generator Complex.
-Foundry (2000 IC, 2 Turns): Boosts total IC income in the region it is built in by 35%

Current Construction Projects:

Available Prototypes:
-Sokova 1 Semi-Auto Rifle.
-K1 Medium Machinegun

Available Military Production:

Reference: (Manpower/Industrial Capacity/Supplies/Fuel/Electronics/Nuclear Material)

-Militia: (100/1/10/0/0/0)
A rough company of men and women armed with basic weapons. Don't expect them to actually be of any use other than a distraction right now.
Equipment: Various firearms, grenades, patriotic fervor.
Combat Dice: 1d6 Attack, 1d4 Armor, 1d4 Morale

-Scavenged Infantry Battalion: (1000/10/100/0/0/0)
A battalion of men and women armed with scavenged Janissary weapons.
Equipment: Semi-automatic rifles, grenades, steel helmets
Combat Dice: 1d6 Attack, 1d6 Armor, 1d6 Morale

-Salvaged Tank Company: (100/100/50/120/10/0)
A company of salvaged Drakan Hond-III tanks recovered from surviving motorpool facilities.
Equipment: 120mm Cannon, 15mm Heavy Machineguns, 40mm Grenade Launcher
Combat Dice: 2d10 Attack, 1d12 Armor, 1d8 Morale

-Salvaged Auto-Howitzer Battery: (60/130/70/50/40/0)
Salvaged Drakan Auto-Howitzers used for barrage fire against targets.
Equipment: 155mm Magazine-fed Heavy Gun, salvaged Drakan trucks.
Combat Dice: 2d12 Attack, 1d8 Armor, 1d8 Morale

-Short Range Ballistic Missile Truck: (25/1000/300/200/150/200)
The Polish found the design of a ballistic missile dating back to the Eurasian War, and have strapped a tactical nuclear warhead to it and set it on the back of a salvaged Drakan Cargo Truck. Those who man these weapons know that if they can't launch it, their duty is to detonate the warhead on the ground.
Equipment: 4 kiloton Nuclear Warhead, transport truck.
Combat Dice: Instant Death Attack, 1d6 Armor, Immune to Morale.
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Research Sheet
Neo-Soviet Federation Starting Technologies:
-Basic Firearms (Can Design Bolt-Action, Semi-Automatic weapons.)
-Basic Support Weapons (Can Design Machineguns, Mortars, Anti-Tank Rifles, Grenades)
-Basic Vehicles: Primitive internal combustion engines and autosteamer vehicles
-Basic Airships: Non-rigid lifting gas airships.
-Short Range Ballistic Missile
-Tactical Nuclear Warhead
-Basic Metallurgy: Allows for industrial metalworking
-Robot Vehicles: The usage of radio waves to direct vehicles remotely.

Research Available:
-Experimental Synthetics: Begin experimenting with creating synthetic fuel and materials to improve production.
-Electronics Restoration: Recover information on how to build modern electronics.
-Geological Surveying: Allows for resource surveying in non-hostile/pacified territory.
-Chemical Restoration: Recover information on modern chemistry.
-Medical Restoration: Recover information on modern medicines and medical practices.
-Basic Engines: Liberate the nation from scavenged steam engines. Necessary for tanks and better vehicles
-Automatic Infantry Weapons: Allows for designing weapons with high rates of fire and easy portability.
-Autocannon: An automatic, large-caliber weapon suitable for emplaced weapons and vehicles.
-Rotary Cannon: Adapted from the Drakan 'Gattling Gun', these multi-barrel weapons excel at high rates of fire for long periods.
-Basic Body Armor: Steel plating is better than nothing against bullets and may ablate alien weapons.
-Improved Vehicle Armor: It's not just a matter of thickness, but what goes into that thickness.
-Airship Armor: Airships can't be too heavily-armored, but this will toughen them up significantly.
-Basic Aircraft Armor: This will point the way to developing all-metal aircraft by figuring out how to armor the vulnerable parts of a plane without compromising performance. (LOCKED: Requires Experimental Synthetics, Chemical Restoration, and Basic Aeronautics)

Alien Research Available:
-Machine Elf Autopsy: An elfin creature fused with strange machinery in place of entire organs. The corpses release an overpoweringly-sweet odor.
-Mechanical Suit: The body inside the suit was too atrophied and damaged for proper research, but the machinery could yield interesting answers.
-Monstrosity Autopsy: A house-sized centaur covered in armor and wielding massive portable weapon batteries. The blood emits strong radiation and the body constantly released a mildly-toxic gas even when frozen.
-Blob Autopsy: A black ball of sludge, now lifeless and inert. It is made of unique chemical and mineral chains, many of which have never been seen before.
-Alien Hull Material: This material is extremely difficult to cut, and appears to be made out of layers of incredible thinness.
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Turn 1: March, 2011
Commissar Federov arrives with your monthly briefing, a chilly smile on her lips, "The Duma and the Premier want to see what you are capable of, Comrades. They have two places that they want brought back into service for the glory of the Motherlands."

National Focus: The Slumbering Bear

Objective 1: Bring the Bosphorus Tidal Generator Complex Online. "The massive tidal generators in the Bosphorus Straits were untouched by the barrages, but they are currently inoperable. They must be brought back online so that their power generation capacity will serve the Federation."

Objective 2: Bring the Baku Oil Fields back into service. "The Baku oil fields were shut down when the Drakan moved to wholly-synthetic and alcohol-based fuels for their military vehicles and they were deemed vulnerable to an Alliance attack. These fields are rich in oil and the infrastructure was deliberately stripped to deny any possible use of them. They must be tapped once more."

Objective 3: Send an expedition into Syria. "We must investigate what sort of damage was done to the Draka. Syria is the best entry point and could become a valuable territorial buffer should the Draka still survive."

Time Limit: February, 2014

As Federov finishes, Doctor Cherdenko rushes in, "Comrades, the state of our research apparatus is intolerable! We have no knowledge base to work off, and half the time we are attempting to relearn what was lost from mouldering old books instead of finding new methods and discoveries! Please, you must fix this situation as soon as possible."

The man named Yuri is not present this month. Perhaps he feels his presence is unnecessary.

Colonel Romanov is apparently engaged in busy-work at the Security Bureau but you can contact her for any filed information using the direct line to her office at the Security Bureau.

With this, your working month begins.
Adrian Drake

"A heavy burden is ours it would seem." Adrian's tone is rather wry as he speaks, a few moments after the briefing had concluded. "Where to begin? We have resources stored, but they can not last long. We have objectives, but no true understanding of what success will require. We have enemies, but no knowledge of their intentions..."

"Three of us, to guide and aid the Federation in its Rebirth." Here, Adrian tapped the table lightly with his finger. "Three of us, and three areas to address? The Federation's Economy, the Federation's Technology, and the Federation's Intelligence. Is it worth us focusing our efforts in those areas, while supporting the others as needed? A thought."

Adrian's attention left the other two at that point, leaving them to pondering his suggestion, focusing instead on the Commissar. "What of the Marauders? Those barbarous curs who deny the Federation's authority? What is the situation with them? Is much known of them, or do they tend to roam with no regular area? How large an assault can the Federation's Military currently repel?"

Adrian's questions were many, and some were had for all of the advisors bar 'Yuri', whoever he was. Adrian was taking to his new role with gusto, somewhat hoping someone would just shoot him for arrogance, because this was in service of his home. And he would not fail his duty.

So, bunch of questions for you @Gideon020 , and it felt like it'd get a bit repetitive if I did them all IC. If, in the future, you'd rather it all be done IC, then that's fine and I'll make sure to do so :)
1 - What do we know about the Marauders within Federation Territory?
2 - Does the Federation possess a Military right now? Of what strength?
3 - What sort of action do we need to begin the process of activating the Tidal Generators? Is that Research first to Understand the Design?
4 - Going by the project listing, power issues seem to be a result of 'None Currently Generated' as opposed to 'Infrastructure DNE'. Is this correct? Meaning that Restoring the Tidal Generators would power all of the Federation? Or does the grid need to be repaired too?
5 - What's the state of the Security Bureau? ie. Do they have networks in the Marauders? In European/Asian Marauders? In the EA/JR themselves?
6 - If yes to the last part of 5, what is known of the EA/JR Intelligence Services?
7 - Cost to Build a Training Facility for the Security Bureau?
8 - Assuming non-existence of Intelligence Networks within named Targets, Viability of Directly Establishing them? If Networks exist, Cost/Reward for Developing them Further?
---a) Federation
---b) Marauders within Federation Territory
---c) Marauders within European Alliance Territory
---d) European Alliance
---e) European Alliance Intelligence Service
---f) Marauders within Jade Republic Territory
---g) Jade Republic
---h) Jade Republic Intelligence Service
9 - As 3, but for Oil Fields rather than Tidal Generators.
So, bunch of questions for you @Gideon020 , and it felt like it'd get a bit repetitive if I did them all IC. If, in the future, you'd rather it all be done IC, then that's fine and I'll make sure to do so :)
1 - What do we know about the Marauders within Federation Territory?
2 - Does the Federation possess a Military right now? Of what strength?
3 - What sort of action do we need to begin the process of activating the Tidal Generators? Is that Research first to Understand the Design?
4 - Going by the project listing, power issues seem to be a result of 'None Currently Generated' as opposed to 'Infrastructure DNE'. Is this correct? Meaning that Restoring the Tidal Generators would power all of the Federation? Or does the grid need to be repaired too?
5 - What's the state of the Security Bureau? ie. Do they have networks in the Marauders? In European/Asian Marauders? In the EA/JR themselves?
6 - If yes to the last part of 5, what is known of the EA/JR Intelligence Services?
7 - Cost to Build a Training Facility for the Security Bureau?
8 - Assuming non-existence of Intelligence Networks within named Targets, Viability of Directly Establishing them? If Networks exist, Cost/Reward for Developing them Further?
---a) Federation
---b) Marauders within Federation Territory
---c) Marauders within European Alliance Territory
---d) European Alliance
---e) European Alliance Intelligence Service
---f) Marauders within Jade Republic Territory
---g) Jade Republic
---h) Jade Republic Intelligence Service
9 - As 3, but for Oil Fields rather than Tidal Generators.

Federov: Marauders are rogue Janissary forces that survived the bombardments and have regressed to a state of roaming tribalism, albeit armed with automatic weapons and tanks. They are a common threat. Our military numbers one million soldiers armed with scavenged Drakan weapons and equipment and over 3000 salvaged Drakan tanks but we are hampered by a lack of spare parts and suitable supplies.

Cherdenko: It will take some Research to understand what repairs need to be made, but it will require Social effort to send people out to inspect the complex. There are powerplants but they are damaged to the point of inoperability and it would take a fairly large scale Production effort to connect the Bosphorus Complex to the entire Federation, and even then it may only allow for power to the regions closest to the complex.

Romanov: It would be poor form to not have networks inside our rivals. They are well-placed and well-hidden. Our rivals intelligence services are much like ours; hampered by lack of equipment and proper training.

Cherdenko: As for building a training facility, we'd need to understand the basics to actually rebuilding civilisation first! And the Baku Oil Fields need to be surveyed so that we can find out the actual costs of building infrastructure which in turns requires us to actually recover as much lost knowledge as possible so we can actually know what we're doing!
Adrian Drake

Federov: Marauders are rogue Janissary forces that survived the bombardments and have regressed to a state of roaming tribalism, albeit armed with automatic weapons and tanks. They are a common threat. Our military numbers one million soldiers armed with scavenged Drakan weapons and equipment and over 3000 salvaged Drakan tanks but we are hampered by a lack of spare parts and suitable supplies.


Cherdenko: As for building a training facility, we'd need to understand the basics to actually rebuilding civilisation first!
Ah, my bad with the 'marauders'. I somewhat broadened the term by accident to mean everyone going round causing trouble! To clarify my question: What sort of known Marauder Strength are we dealing with in the Federation's Territories? Also, are there many known outcast groups that have refused the Federation?

Is Covert Training covered under the Military Restoration Research? I had admittedly assumed not.
Ah, my bad with the 'marauders'. I somewhat broadened the term by accident to mean everyone going round causing trouble! To clarify my question: What sort of known Marauder Strength are we dealing with in the Federation's Territories? Also, are there many known outcast groups that have refused the Federation?

Is Covert Training covered under the Military Restoration Research? I had admittedly assumed not.

Federov: Too many to count.

Cherdenko: And we have no idea about that! That's why it has to be researched!
Luka Popov

"Ah, comrades, I must note that we have three members of this council, and three objectives that must be done in the name of the motherland. As such, may I suggest that each of us take responsibility for one of the requested objectives, so that we may complete them all with both speed and excellence? As a former member of the military, I thought to take responsibility for the mission into Syria. Probably next month, after raising forces and fortifications on the Turkish border just in case we actually do run into the snakes."

The old man pauses for a moment, and then gestures with his cane. "Though even if we do all take responsibility for a separate objective, there is no reason we can't help each other out a bit. I doubt I'll have any pressing social needs this month, setting up the expedition, so I could well support the needed efforts to reactivate the Tidal Generators."

He then turns to look at the council's advisers. "Actually, come to think of it, just to make sure, could we have a list of what needed actions are expected to need doing to get the Expedition sent forth and the Oil Fields once more being harvested, for the benefit of planning?"
Adrian Drake

"That would work too, and you are welcome to Syria. As far as when goes; these rebuilt compounds seem to produce the resources required to repair another one once every four cycles. We have one running now, between the three of us we should be able to repair enough compounds to continue to do so indefinitely. If you are willing, I would prefer that all of our efforts in the realm of production be focused on this. The Federation's building capacity is going to define our long-term capacity. The sooner we get that ball running the better."

"Commissar, what attitude does the general public of Federation possess? How difficult would it be to stir a sense of duty and determination; a desire to see the Federation soar and a willingness to work to see it happen?"

@Gideon020 , The question is an attempt at building a Pro-Federation Spirit that inspires going the extra mile when it comes to (re)building infrastructure.

Also is the following project viable with 'Basic Airships', the descriptors for 'basic (support) weaponry' seems to imply so:

Design: Observation Balloon
A balloon tethered to the ground, equipped with a basket and telescope for long-distance sentry duty. Signalling to be handled via Colour Coded Flares.

@Happerry , @Druby , a Repaired Compound gives +50IC, and costs 200IC to repair. If the three of us each repair one in Moscow, that brings us to +200IC/turn. Brings our IC Stockpile down to 1450, but it means that from then on we can build a factory every turn and have a net IC gain.

Social: Dreaming of the Future
Begin crafting a cultural atmosphere of 'duty', 'expectation', and 'determination'. The Federation is our Home, it Shall Rise, and We are the ones who are going to Make It Happen. Groundwork is to be laid, in preparation of exploiting a military action against the Marauders within the Moscow Region.

Production: Salvage Drakan Compound (200IC)
Rebuild a Drakan Industrial Compound.

Design: Observation Balloon
A balloon tethered to the ground, equipped with a basket and telescope for long-distance sentry duty. Signalling to be handled via Colour Coded Flares.

Research: Metallurgical Restoration

Military: Recon Moscow Region for Marauders

Request that the Federation's Military sweep <Russian Capital> for any Marauder groups currently within. The intent is to gather intelligence on makeup and location for a purge next cycle.

Covert: Infiltrate Outcasts within the Federation
There are many groups who have denied the authority of the Federation, or perhaps simply don't care. While they will join soon, in the meantime understanding of their desires and actions is needed. Have the Security Bureau establish and develop Networks within the Outcasts of the Federation.

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Adrian Drake

"That would work too, and you are welcome to Syria. As far as when goes; these rebuilt compounds seem to produce the resources required to repair another one once every four cycles. We have one running now, between the three of us we should be able to repair enough compounds to continue to do so indefinitely. If you are willing, I would prefer that all of our efforts in the realm of production be focused on this. The Federation's building capacity is going to define our long-term capacity. The sooner we get that ball running the better."

"Commissar, what attitude does the general public of Federation possess? How difficult would it be to stir a sense of duty and determination; a desire to see the Federation soar and a willingness to work to see it happen?"

Federov: The people are uneasy, they need some way to reassure them of the Federation's intent to protect them and remind them of their duty to help drive the Federation to greater heights.
Adrian Drake

"We are ill positioned to do so now, but next cycle is another story. Would it be of benefit for us to lead into such a reassurance? To prime the people now, so that when we act we can point to it from a place of expectation rather than happenstance?"
Nazar Suvorov

Nazar shifts uncomfortably in his seat, leaning forwards and folding his hands together in front of him as he glances around the room at the representatives here. To be placed in a seat of power so high like this... Was this an opportunity for him to make things better for his people? Or was it simply a gilded cage? Well... Either way, he had a job to do, and he intended to see it through to the fullest. "I can take control of the Tidal Generator project," Nazar chimes in now, picking a project arbitrarily to at least settle the matter. "That should leave the oil fields to you, Adrian."

"Also, while I do agree with your ideals of building up our industrial capacities as quickly as we are able to, one thing we must not forget is that we will not be able to rely on the Federation's forces for everything. There is a reason we're being given the leeway to have our own personal troops for use. In fact, I'd recommend the raising of a handful of battalions for not only whatever issues we may need to handle on our own, but also for the Syrian expedition that we will need to oversee. This should allow us to equip and train these men as we see fit. I can, of course, handle the paperwork, but it's simply a question of if you two agree with my idea or not, as well as how many men to raise."

OOC: Rather than all three of us building up more IC, I'd like to volunteer to instead raise up a few battalions of infantry for us to use. Hell, maybe even a single tank battalion. We'll likely need them for most of our actions requiring military personnel, and in general is nice for us to have so that we don't need to rely on the Federation having manpower for us, especially since the military seems to be spread pretty thin to protect against Marauder raids over all.
Adrian Drake

"Oh quite Nazar, and I would personally argue strenuously against investing so much of our production effort into further factories again. We have three years as the given deadline. Naturally we will want to be finished before then, but I sincerely believe that an upfront lump-sum investment in our industrial might is for the best. Given the time we have available, a delay in establishing our own forces seems to me an acceptable trade off. Especially given our intent to recover much of the forgotten methods; so much is on the verge, is it worth the expenditure when our paradigms stand to change tomorrow? Admittedly, the same could be said of the Industrial Compounds, albeit -to my mind- to a lesser extent.

"If you truly feel pressed though, an armoured company would be of more weight I imagine."

Adrian sighed lightly as he leant back in his chair. "We can not allow our minds to be constrained by the present. With our aid and guidance the Federation's understanding of lost knowledge should be restored in leaps and bounds. Personally; for the Security Bureau's operatives to be lacking in training is deeply alarming, as is our dependence upon salvaged wrecks for our vehicles. So say your efforts result in us once more being capable of crafting our own vehicles, and mine grant us the understanding required design tanks of our own. What then? Where do we go? Where do we want to be in three years time? More importantly, what will it take for us to get there?

If you really want to, I'd prefer a Tank Company. That said, if @Happerry isn't going for Modern Military Restoration this turn I am. Short-term a Tank Company makes sense, but putting our economy into the development snowball as soon as possible really really strikes me as a priority. It only takes 1 Turn of Production Investment; after that I'll quite happily cover the action cost of a Factory Compound per Turn until we have 10 in Moscow. With 500IC a Turn, we'll be in a position to move out from Moscow with regular development of other regions even with IC costs for other Projects or Objectives.
Nazar Suvorov

"It's not simply a matter of being too nearsighted, but being too farsighted that I'm worried about. The Federation's forces are stretched thin as is, without the Premier's directives adding to it. We're being given the allowance of personal soldiers for a reason. It's likely that we will be managing and reacting to events that Federation soldiers will be too busy to handle. Equipment is also a simple enough matter to change; rifles traded out, and vehicles swapped. I agree with your intent on developing our industry, I whole-heartedly do in fact, however we cannot simply pretend that the present has no dangers in of itself either."

OOC: I'd personally press for a tank battalion and between one to two infantry battalions. Upgrades will come and happen, so our men won't just simply become obsolete once something better comes in, so that's not a major issue. A tank battalion and two infantry battalions won't be a serious drain on resources to the point you can't keep up the industrial press. We simply don't have the actions per turn to burn that much IC and other such things. I'll submit this as my current draft for actions. I will also pick up Military Restoration for now, just so we are ensured to have work on it done. @Happerry can have his pick of what else we'll research.

Social: Establish Courier Corp
The Federation is made up of massive amounts of land, and in its current state, almost entirely unconnected my major infrastructure, with most major cities essentially fortresses to themselves against the Marauders that wander the wastes. The only real thing keeping the Federation together is the military that helps keeps the Marauders at bay, combined with the patriotism of its people. This action seeks to establish a Courier Corp, an entity similar to the old American Pony Express. By training men in survival, marksmanship, and other ranger crafts, and entrusting with them the delivery of parcels and packages, we can better unite the lands of the Federation without the massive expenditures of industry required to connect every province by road. Using established waystations and military facilities to help keep these couriers moving, the Courier Corp will not only help to keep better track of what happens in more remote regions, but they can also be used as a unifying propaganda tool, the idea of the hardworking and self-sufficient rider, armed with a rifle to defend against the marauding Drakan remnants, charged with the personal delivery of messages and letters to every corner of the Federation... A lot of stories could be written about such things.

Production: Military Units
Produce one (1) scavenged tank battalion and one (1) scavenged infantry battalions and one (1) howitzer unit

Design: New Standard Semi-Automatic Rifle
The use of salvaged equipment, while perfectly functional for the moment, will not be able to remain functional forever. Design a new standard rifle to be issued to the soldiers of the Federation, focusing on a reliable and cheap design based off the designs of the salvaged Janissary equipment we already use. The rifle should continue to be able to chamber the rounds we continue to currently use and find from old Drakan complexes, but remain flexible enough for us to use domestically produced ammunition when supplies demand. This should ensure that minimal training is required when changing over to the new rifle, and that we can uniformly issue out weapons and ammunition, which should greatly ease logistics in the long run.

Research: Military Restoration
Begin research on Military Restoration

Military: Support Action
Support @Keeper Of Storms

Covert: Survey Strategic Interests
Submit a formal request for intelligence to Colonel Romanov to find out what sorts of obstacles may be hindering us when it comes to the Tidal Generators, Baku Oil Fields, and the locations around Syria. Marauder activity within the area, as well as expected numbers, and if we may have any difficulties in sending our teams. Less an actual inspection/expedition, but the conduct of initial reconnaissance. Prep action to the actual work so we can make more well informed decisions, and to make sure we won't have unexpected surprises (or at least less).
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Luka Popov
@Happerry Repaired Compound gives +50IC, and costs 200IC to repair. If the three of us each repair one in Moscow, that brings us to +200IC/turn. Brings our IC Stockpile down to 1450, but it means that from then on we can build a factory every turn and have a net IC gain.
"While I do see the reasoning besides your argument, my good fellow, I'm currently planning on constructing improvement our notes refer to as 'Primitive Forts' in Turkey, as that is where any expedition into Syria is likely to come from... and where any trouble we find is likely to follow us back to, you know?"

Adrian Drake
If you really want to, I'd prefer a Tank Company. That said, if @Happerry isn't going for Modern Military Restoration this turn I am. Short-term a Tank Company makes sense, but putting our economy into the development snowball as soon as possible really really strikes me as a priority. It only takes 1 Turn of Production Investment; after that I'll quite happily cover the action cost of a Factory Compound per Turn until we have 10 in Moscow. With 500IC a Turn, we'll be in a position to move out from Moscow with regular development of other regions even with IC costs for other Projects or Objectives.
OOC : Planning on making forts in Turkey this turn because if we run into any trouble in the expedition I want to have something to keep the trouble from successfully following us back home. I'm also not to hot on making a lot of Factory Compounds anyway, I'm pretty sure we'll get a better version when we finish the Industrial Restoration research and I don't want to have a lot of legacy facilities around when we do that. Which is why I was planning on researching Industrial Restoration this turn, and hopefully actually completing it sometime next turnish.

Nazar Suvorov
OOC: I'd personally press for a tank battalion and between one to two infantry battalions. Upgrades will come and happen, so our men won't just simply become obsolete once something better comes in, so that's not a major issue. A tank battalion and two infantry battalions won't be a serious drain on resources to the point you can't keep up the industrial press. We simply don't have the actions per turn to burn that much IC and other such things. I'll submit this as my current draft for actions. I will also pick up Military Restoration for now, just so we are ensured to have work on it done. @Happerry can have his pick of what else we'll research.
OOC : Um, go back and look at how much units cost would you? A scavenged infantry unit costs 1000 manpower, and we only have 2000 of the stuff right now. We literally can not afford to make two infantry units right now and anything else as well unless we want to try hiring some Militia. What I was hoping to get you two other players to make this turn was one infantry unit, one tank unit, and one howitzer unit, and then sending them off to do the expedition next turn after the turkish forts finish being built. So could you please not eat all our manpower up with two infantry units?

Anyway, here's my turndraft for this turn.

-Social: Probably throw this at the Tidal Generators because it said we needed a social action for that and no one else seems to be doing it at this point.

-Production: Build Forts in Turkley.

-Design: Idduno, probably support Druby's rifle action? Nothing comes to mind right now. Maybe a civilian truck type vehicle so that people will actually have a vehicle that uses the fuel we'll get from the oil fields?

-Research: Industrial Restoration.

-Military: Develop warfare doctrines, run new prototypes through field tests, and deploy your private forces from this action.

-Covert: Probably just a general counter-intel sweep to see if anyone is poking us in the first turn? Either that or steal an idea from the last games and see if we can get newspaper subscriptions to everyone else's papers, and maybe access to whatever 'public' scientific journals are put out as well. Not sure yet.
Adrian Drake

"Understandable, albeit personally disappointing." Adrian's words were accompanied by a small smile, and there was a brief pause before he began speaking again. "Well, I have here my plans for the immediate future. Shall we get to it?"

Adrian Drake - Turn 1 (March, 2011)
Social: Dreaming of the Future
Begin crafting a cultural atmosphere of 'duty', 'expectation', and 'determination'. The Federation is our Home, it Shall Rise, and We are the ones who are going to Make It Happen. Groundwork is to be laid, in preparation of exploiting a military action against the Marauders within the Moscow Region.

Production: Salvage Drakan Compound (200IC)
Rebuild a Drakan Industrial Compound.

Design: Observation Balloon
A balloon tethered to the ground, equipped with a basket and telescope for long-distance sentry duty. Signalling to be handled via Short-ranged Radio, or a Telegraph is necessary, with Coloured Flares for manual backup.

Research: Metallurgical Restoration

Military: Recon Moscow Region for Marauders

Request that the Federation's Military sweep <Russian Capital> for any Marauder groups currently within. The intent is to gather intelligence on makeup and location for a purge next cycle.

Covert: Infiltrate Outcasts within the Federation
There are many groups who have denied the authority of the Federation, or perhaps simply don't care. While they will join soon, in the meantime understanding of their desires and actions is needed. Have the Security Bureau establish and develop Networks within the Outcasts of the Federation.
Luka Popov

The old man coughs. "Um, friends, while there is nothing per-say... wrong... with your plans, are not either of you going to work towards our other two objectives? Surely while propaganda and a courier corp are both important subjects, could not someone start a project into looking into the Tidal Generators or the Oil Fields like we were asked to do?"
Adrian Drake

"Given that we currently lack the understanding and methods required to properly survey the earth, I'm not inclined to do so immediately. Proper foundries, and the resulting benefits when it comes to vehicles particularly, are of more immediate import to my mind than resource surveying. Additionally, once the spirit of the populace is roused we can give them the Oil Fields as a target for their passion.

"On a tangential note, you do not seem to be planning much with regards to militaristic intervention? Would you consider aiding me in my efforts to have the Military prepare to purge the Marauders around Moscow?"
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"On a tangential note, you do not seem to be planning much with regards to militaristic intervention? Would you consider aiding me in my efforts to have the Military prepare to purge the Marauders around Moscow?"
Luka Popov

"We don't have any troops to do a military intervention yet. Our fellow council leader, Suvorov, has stated he'll be raising some troops for us to use this season, but I'll be needing those once they are raised to do that expedition we've been ordered to do."

Turn 1 Plan
-Social: Send people out to inspect the Tidal Generators, as was stated would be needed.

-Production: Build Forts in Turkley.

-Design: Support my fellow councilman's attempt to design a new rifle for our troops.

-Research: Industrial Restoration.

-Military: Assuming the attempt to design an observation balloon is successful, run it through the needed field tests and such.

-Covert: Launch a counter-intelligence sweep to see if anyone is trying to infiltrate or otherwise spy on the Federation.
Adrian Drake

"Our personal forces will be otherwise occupied, yes, but there is nothing preventing us from coordinating a purge with the Federation's Military proper. Given that we are merely coordinating an effort within our Capital Region, I doubt they would object too strenuously to such a deployment. Commissar, would you care to confirm?"

@Gideon020 , we are capable of requesting that the Federation uses its Military right? Albeit with tighter constraints than if we were to use our own forces I imagine.
Adrian Drake

"Our personal forces will be otherwise occupied, yes, but there is nothing preventing us from coordinating a purge with the Federation's Military proper. Given that we are merely coordinating an effort within our Capital Region, I doubt they would object too strenuously to such a deployment. Commissar, would you care to confirm?"

@Gideon020 , we are capable of requesting that the Federation uses its Military right? Albeit with tighter constraints than if we were to use our own forces I imagine.

Federov: It is within your authority.