Draka: The Fallout War European Alliance IC Thread

Social: Stadtluft macht Frei
With the hordes of the Janissary either part of the EA, broken or fleeing, there's only so much that stands between the fortress cities and their surroundings. It is time to use the newly established increase in security and defence, by expanding out reach into the smaller settlements and wandering groups of survivors outside of the city states that make up the EA. We should drum up our recent successes, not only military but also in education and medicine, to get more settlements to join the EA and more people to flow into the fortress cities that are going to need every able bodied man and woman in the future.

Result: 72 (Raw: 62+10 Assist Bonus) Moderate Success!

Word spreads quickly especially considering that a lot of people were able to witness the European Alliance forces rendering the Janissary threat in Europe all but impotent after their campaigns does a lot to begin bringing in villages, towns and even a few independant cities, greatly increasing the capacity of the Alliance to support greater operations.

This in turn impresses the Alliance Parliament, who authorize a discretionary release of forces in case you need it.

(Facility Cap increased by 50% in all territories.)
(Can produce two military units for Free.)

Production: XM-1 Prototype
The XM-1 Defender might not be an elegant weapon, but one quite exemplary fort he age and society we are living in. It stands at the crossroad between past and future with an interior that isn't too different from the way rifles looked over six decades ago and an exterior that is alluding to the state of the art weapons before the Burning. The ideas behind its production on the other hand are once more downright primitive compared to what had been available only two decades ago, with wood and stamped steel once more being the state of the art material for a rifle.
At least the Design was finished quite timely and seemed competent enough to serve as a stop gap measure till we were able to design a better full automatic rifle with new materials and better tools. For now it was time to build a prototype.

Result: 43 (Raw: 33 +10 Assist Bonus) Neutral

A flaw in the feeding mechanism causes a jam that renders the rifle utterly unusable should it occur, requiring the rifle to be stripped in order to clear the jam. It takes weeks to come up with a solution but the main time-sink is drawing up an entirely new set of blueprints for the weapon. Still, the design team is glad that this problem came up during prototyping, not during field testing.

At the very least, the new ammunition design worked flawlessly.

However, one of the engineers donated by one of your comrades comes up with an even quicker fix that doesn't require redesigning the entire rifle. The new prototype works and while still susceptible to jamming, it's not as weapon-destroying as the original flaw, only requiring cycling the bolt manually to eject the jammed round.

The trade-off in this exchange is that to relieve stress on the weapon, the magazine size is reduced from 20 rounds to 15.

(XM-1 Defender Prototype finished, just barely. Now spend a Military Action to field test it.)

Design: EA- Rifle accessories
It would be a shame to design the rifle with the ability to accept further add-ons, but then not design any of them. Some of them like the bayonet are simple and nearly useless except for the most ill equipped marauders, but others like an underslung grenade launcher or different scopes show promise for future development at other weapons. We should look into what we can reconstruct.

Result: 58 (Raw: 58) Minor Success!

The design team is unable to develop a wide range of designs, but the one that stands out and is a particular point of pride for them is a compact reflector gunsight that uses an LED and a small battery to power it for potentially weeks. This 'Green Dot Sight', according to various tests, provides a noticeable increase in baseline accuracy when firing from the shoulder, and doesn't strain the eye as much as a zoomed-in scope like those used on sniper rifles.

(Green Dot Sight Designed. You know the drill.)

Research: Military Restoration
While the projected ended up with just more papers littering the councils table in the last month, we ought to continue it anyway: if only because the influx oft he Tribal-Jannisaries gives us a new look at oddly twisted but once military structures, while we can also hope that they were able to loot and save more training manuals and military treaties than most other factions still around in the ruins. Aside from that we will still need to look through old bunkers, collections and just whatever the EA city militaries have accumulated through the last two decades. It might not be much, but we will only know when taking a look around, or?

Result: 72 (Raw: 62 +10 Try Again Bonus) Moderate Success!

Your research teams handily earn their payday this time; anthropologists or at least people good at reading and studying other people are able to glean the structure of the Drakan military hierarchy from the Janissary tribal structures, while the archaeo-research teams breach several bunkers underneath Drakan boarding schools and military academies and recover numerous military texts and blueprints.

While their chemical and nuclear weapon programs remain far out of your reach, you have enough information that you can begin working towards securing your military strength in more achievable ways.

More importantly, once you have working industry, this information will allow you to develop better weapons, vehicle and equipment.

(New Research Unlocked: Automatic Infantry Weapons)
(New Research Unlocked: Light Tank)
(New Research Unlocked: Medium Tank)
(New Research Unlocked: Heavy Tank)
(New Research Unlocked: Armored Personnel Carrier)
(Synergy Unlock with Basic Support Weapons: Autocannon)
(Synergy Unlock with Industrial Restoration: Rotary Cannon)
(Conduct Industrial Revitalization, Experimental Synthetics, Chemical Restoration and Electronics Restoration to unlock further research topics)

Military: Welcome to the European Alliance
Alice has given us a location and a time window: guess it will take some more months till we get the time to have the Death Hand ready to start practicing with their new helicopters. We will marshal the forces surrounding the predicted landing side and after making sure of their capabilities, the Colonel will take personal command of them and lead an operation against the landing craft: being one of the first people to board a spaceship since the Burning is going to be interesting anyway.
If possible the Death Hands elite soldiers will scout the landing side to make sure if the target has already arrived or not – if it hasn't we are going to draw from the Death Hand and other Foreign Battalions in the surroundings to put up camouflaged defences that should hide them completely till the time is ready for the assault. Then the Death Hand with their Automatic Rifles will lead the charge, while other troops will cover them. The Aim should be to get the enemy to leave the craft first, before attacking it with its doors wide open. We will need to secure the landing craft, weapons, other pieces of technology and if possible living specimen.
Let's give them a warm welcome to the European Alliance~

Result: 95 (Raw: 85 +10 Assist Bonus): Critical Success!

The Alliance High Command is convinced to release Four of their new Foreign Battalions for this operation, banking that sheer numbers will be able to defeat whatever esoteric and otherworldly technology these extraterrestrial invaders may possess. Leading the assault, the Death Hand Battalion, the elite personal force of Colonel Arletta Venali.

Under the cover of darkness, scouts find the target exactly where Alice marked it on your maps. The alien vessel is a large, roughly disc-shaped craft with no obvious engines, it's hull an iridescent wash of blues and greens highlighted by dark red glows emanating from seemingly-cosmetic seams in the craft's structure.

What gets everyone's attention however is the beings moving around the perimeter of the craft, conducting some sort of study.

The rank and file, such as it is, appears to be made of lanky, elfin creatures with their eyes replaced by some form of machinery, and from the way they show deference to others with increased amounts of metallic parts, seem to show rank based on how mechanical their fellows are.

Darting across the ground are black, amorphous blobs, their movements perfectly flattening the ground and leaving grass untouched by stones and rocks are swiftly consumed.

Striding across the ground as if leading these blobs are creatures seemingly entombed in metal, their bulbous sickly-grey heads and equally large and bulging eyes the only signs of flesh on them, but no-one mistakes the long tines at the end of their arms as anything but weapons of some form.

Finally, loping across the ground and sniffing the air are giants. Centauroid monsters covered in armor and weapons stalk while emitting growls, hisses and occasional roars, searing for any threats.

Rifles are clutched, grenades are readied, and everyone waits.



With a roar, eight-thousand Foreign Battalion soldiers and the Death Hand charge from all sides. With unearthly screams and warcries, the aliens respond and tracers along with harsh, actinic bolts of energy fill the air.

The battle is a grisly, horrifying spectacle as alien energy weapons reduce men and women to fountains of blood and gore, while the barrage of machinegun and rifle fire cuts apart the aliens until many are unrecognisable while the large centauroid monstrosities simply drop dead from hundreds of thousands of bullet wounds, glowing ichor streaming from the holes.

A single night inflicts as much casualties as a week's worth of fighting from the Eurasian War, and the morning sees the clearing around the UFO soaked in gore and bodies.

But the charge was worth it, the Death Hand were able to breach the alien ship and slay the operators, preventing the vessel from taking off.

The cost in lives further marks just how superior the aliens were in terms of raw firepower: Two entire Foreign Battalions wiped out, and teh Death Hand suffered 600 casualties of their own in breaching the alien vessel and taking down two of the six centauroids.

But as you stare at the alien vessel being dismantled in an ancient rocket facility in Peenemünde, you smile in satisfaction. A bargain, when compared to the treasure before you.

(New Alien Research Unlocked: Machine-Elf Autopsy)
(New Alien Research Unlocked: Monstrosity Autopsy)
(New Alien Research Unlocked: Blob Autopsy)
(New Alien Research Unlocked: Mechanical Suit)
(New Alien Research Unlocked: Alien Hull Materials)
(Conduct more mundane research and secure more advanced aliens/UFOs to unlock more Alien Research)

The recent events give us a lovely chance to follow two objectives the Parliament has given us: getting eyes and ears into the Soviet-Federation and finding out what is going on in North Africa. For this purpose we will have to work with our advisor Skullface and the new Foreign Battalions: we are going to form teams out of some of them, who will be given a quick training in spy craft (additional to what they might already have) and then send to infiltrate those Hordes that are fleeing our territory and heading towards North Africa and the Neo-Soviets. For now their tasks should be getting as many information as (safely) possible, sending them back and preparing for more concrete missions in the future.

Result: 26 (Raw: 26) Moderate Failure

The largely-uneducated Foreign Battalions are descendants of people who for generations have been all but bred for rote discipline and unthinking obedience and even a descent into tribalism hasn't erased that completely. They could be trained, but these people have to be encouraged to think for themselves, to actually have creative ideas and thought patterns, and that is going to take some time.

(Foreign Battalions largely unsuitable for spy work at this current point in time.)
Social: Assist Kayla Summer (@Pyro Hawk)
It is important that we standardize the our mathematics and sciences across the Alliance as soon as possible. Miss Summer has a more knowledge of our current academic system than anyone else on the council, and is therefore the most qualified to lead such efforts. However, an effort to implement a singular system across the entire Alliance is a difficult undertaking, thus it is in our best to provide additional support in her efforts

Result: Auto-Success

Production: Industrial Stimulus
The improvement of our industry is an expensive undertaking, costing a not insignificant portion of our current resource stockpile, but it will be well worth it. However, it is important that we recoup our losses in this endeavor as soon as possible. With that in mind, a continuation of incentives is a priority at the current time.

Result: Auto-Success

Next turn income doubled.

Design: Heliograph
Without proper infrastructure, we lack the ability to have our troops reliably communicate over distances. While it may have some restrictions on when it can be used, a heliograph can be used to overcome this. It can convey messages over long distances. Provided the beam of light is kept narrow, it is also difficult to intercept messages, unless they know what to look for it before hand. A rather simple device, it is essentially just a mirror on a tripod. However, it does need to be able to be kept steady in a wide variety of terrain and be able to adjust its position to better catch light.

Result: 3 (Raw: 3) Critical Failure

After three months worth of broken mirrors, research is halted simply so that all the glass can be cleaned up, which no-one enjoys. Even now, someone is guaranteed to step on a piece that was missed.

(-10 Morale penalty to next project)

Research: Metallurgical Restoration
Our ability to design and create more advanced vehicles and weapons is severely limited by our lack of a steel industry. Unfortunately we have had difficulties in our research into this subject. Thus far, we have found very little information and much of what we found is encoded. But we must not let this deter us. We will need to do more in-depth searches and focus efforts on breaking the codes on the information we have.

Result: 60 (Raw: 60) Success

The recovery of important metallurgical information from several Drakan facilities that survived the war by scientific search teams allows for weeks of experimental research to gain a direction. Using this information, the European Alliance can now begin work on developing their own native metal industries, and develop more advanced materials.

(New Research Unlocked: Basic Body Armor)
(New Research Unlocked: Improved Vehicle Armor)
(New Research Unlocked: Airship Armor)
(New Locked Research Unlocked: Basic Aircraft Armor)
(Primitive Forts upgraded to Basic Forts)
(Railroads cost reduced by 25%)
(New Construction Project: Foundry)
(+5 to Alien Hull Material research project)
(+5 to Mechanical Suit research project)
(+5 to Monstrosity Autopsy)

Military: Organizing Patrols
In the last season a proposal to organize patrols across the region was rejected due to the Janissary raiders. Despite believing this to be the wrong course of action, I can understand their reasoning behind their decisions. However, the actions taken by this council has made these potential raids a far less significant threat. Therefore, I once again propose that we begin patrols across the European Alliance. Ideally we should set up these patrols to allow a quick response to a threat within the Alliance. The newly recruited Foreign Battalions have occupied the areas outside the fortress cities for some time now. Their knowledge of the area would be invaluable to making efficient patrols.

Result: 54 (Raw: 44 +10 Assist Bonus) Minor Success!

With the Janissary threat now all but removed and the threat of alien invasion now proven, active patrols are enthusiastically approved in order to get early warning on possible alien activity and with the Foreign Battalions providing intelligence on good routes, the patrols manage to also do some good by presenting a show of security which improves civilian morale.

(Active Patrols begin, granting early warning of Alien Attacks, and slowing a ground invasion.)

Covert: Eyes on the Bosphorus Tide Generator
We have confirmed activity at the Bosphorus Tide Generator. In all likelihood this means the Russians are trying to repair it. If they manage to restore it to working order, they will have a vast advantage in the production of electricity. However, we are uncertain of is how far along the project is. We need to get agents to keep eyes on the generator and attempt to obtain information on it.

Result: 51 (Raw: 41 +10 Assist Bonus) Minor Success!

Your operatives manage to get into position to secure a small flow of intelligence, but the Neo-Soviets have been alerted that may be spies in Turkey.

(You will now receive intelligence reports from The Bosphorus Tidal Generator)
(Byzantine Power Games: Completed!)
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Kayla Summer, Special Executive Councillor.
Quarterly Orders for Summer 2011.

Social: Establishment of Higher Education and Universal Metric System

- Well, your education reform/establishment effort last season was effective, but it also ran into one of the problems you'd been anticipating would emerge, and not one of the one's you'd known would happen either. This has meant that whilst schooling will be happening at an even and equal level across the European Alliance now, it's... Well, rather bare-bones. After all, there's a limit on what you can teach when you aren't sure what measurements to use...

As higher education will be absolutely essential to the Alliance as it rebuilds, the measurement problem's going to have to be solved as soon as possible. Fortunately, a lot of people seemed to like your efforts to set up a formal education system, so you've decided to use that wave of support to attempt to see that the problem is resolved. Which means attempting to convince enough people in the parliament to support one method over the other, preferably without upsetting the supporters of the other measurement system.

As you quite like the Metric System, and find the Imperial System... basically obsolete, that's the one you'll be supporting. Basically, it's a return to your roots, with the political activism that ended up getting you chosen for the Council in the first place. So that's where the main thrust of your efforts will be over the next three months. Making sure that the European Alliance as a whole decides to go for universal usage of the Metric System, without pissing off the English, Scots, Welsh, Irish and all the other groups of people living on the British Isles.

And if you by some miracle manage to achieve all of that before the month is out? Well, that just means that you can work on actually getting the higher education rolled out not that everyone knows what system of measurement everyone else will be using.

Result: 60 (Raw: 50 +10 Try Again Bonus) Minor Success

The Metric System is rolled out Alliance-wide and with the simultaneous introduction of higher education facilities, your goal of establishing a universal education system is fulfilled by the simple fact that no-one wants to be considered stupid. Even if going for some higher education courses is a waste of time in a practical sense, even gaining basic literacy and numeracy as well as learning ways to properly keep track of finances and stock for a farm will drastically improve their profits at the market and help them make good decisions and good deals.

The rolling out of the Metric system in Britain is done quietly and effectively as well, with very little fuss save for some of the entrench nobility and academics of the surviving universities. The threat of being cut off from supplies, as well as the possibility of asset seizure, alongside some subtle pressure from their fellows, quiets them down.

(Free building in all Regions: University - Bonus 1 Additional Morale Dice to defending forces.)
(+5 Higher Education bonus to Research and Design Actions.)

Research: Geological Surveying
- Well... Last season's efforts into rediscovering medical research was successful... wildly successful in fact. So much so that, well... you've got a season sized hole in your expected research times as you were expecting to need to spend this season's efforts on restoring medical knowledge as well. But this isn't a bad thing at all! After all, it just means you can work on getting your other priority met that much sooner.

Which means we need to rediscover how to make steel-hulled, at the very least steam powered, ships. Now whilst we can't work on restoring actual shipbuilding knowledge right now, we can work on the whole 'how to metal?' dilemma. Which... has been taken by one of your other council members. Very good news! Less fortunately, their efforts last season were much less successful than yours. As their research teams ran into the problem of what surviving knowledge they could locate being either patchwork beyond usefulness... or written in various sorts of encryption that they hadn't been able to crack yet. Hopefully that'll change this season.

But as medical research is as developed as you can get it right now, metallurgical research is already underway... You decided to take the remaining task. Figuring out how to actually locate ore deposits and other sources of raw materials. After all, to be able to build the ships you'll need, you need to be able to make the metal. To make the metal you need to either salvage a lot of it from rapidly disappearing ruins, or dig up more ore to be smelted into the required metal. And this is where the problem occurs. Many of the pre-Draka known ore deposits were either depleted beyond usefulness by the Draka's own industrial efforts, or irradiated and otherwise rendered unusable during the Final Conflict. Not all, but it's still a problem.

Which means we need to find more! And yet again it's something we've lost all knowledge of, with the people knowing how to do it either being dead (from the Draka conquest, their purges, or just everyone dying during and after the Final Conflict), missing (due to Drakan relocation efforts or refugee movements after the Final Conflict) or just scattered too far apart to be of any use (and usually occupied doing another job as well)... So let's fix that by repeating what worked so well last season. Recover surviving records and books, locate survivors who had learned these tasks and put it all together to create an education effort able to teach people how to find new sources of raw materials.

Result: 62 (Raw: 47 +5 Higher Education Bonus +10 Assist Bonus) Success

The research teams are able to tap the new Universities for additional brainpower and restore the various ways minerals and oil were discovered before the war, and after some testing in the field, are confident enough in releasing their findings to the Council and Parliament, allowing for additional work to begin on finding resources for the Alliance.

(New Production Project: Geological Survey - Perform this action in a region to find Ore, Rare Earth Minerals and Oil Sites)
(New Building Unlocked: Mine - Harvests Ore or Rare Earth Minerals. Requires an Ore/Rare Earth site per mine.)
(New Building Unlocked: Oil Derrick - Harvests Oil. Requires an Oil site per Derrick)
(New Building Unlocked: Oil Refinery - Actually provides Fuel Income. 1 Refinery can refine 10 Derricks worth of Oil per turn.)
(New Building Unlocked: Refinery - Converts Ore into Industrial Capacity income. 1 Refinery can refine up to 10 Ore Mines per turn.)
(Additional research needed to make use of Rare Earth Minerals)

Design: Design MASH Units
- One of the less expected benefits of my push to restore medical knowledge is the rediscovery of how to set up true military field hospitals, and the treatment of military casualties. And part of that knowledge has sparked an idea from the research teams, something of use by the design teams. Thoughts are it's a system by which wounded soldiers can be treated sooner, and more thoroughly. That will mean less dead or permanently affected soldiers, and faster recovery of temporary wounds as well. Which reduced need for new soldiers and less experience lost over time. Always a good thing, and worthy of development.

The fact it means that more soldiers return alive to their families would have sold you anyway, without all the other benefits it's foreseen to have. Which makes deciding what to task your design teams with rather easy this season. Here's hoping it's successful, because the sooner these 'MASH Units' can be deployed, the better.

Result: 106 (Raw: 86 +10 Mother Of Medicine Bonus +10 Assist Bonus) Critical Success! Non-Natural 100!

You arrive at the design studios and gathering a number of doctors, Foreign Battalion Shaman-Surgeons, and even Veterinarians, you come up with the designs for the first mobile hospital system since the nukes fell on the world. The new MASH System makes use of trucks and light vehicles to transport tents and supplies that would allow for front-line casualties to be rapidly stabilised and patched up before they can then be transported behind lines to dedicated hospitals for additional treatment and recuperation or get them ready to return to the front.

The main problem right now is that recovering and rapidly transporting battlefield casualties is not currently possible without some kind of fast vehicle, or inventing an appropriate aircraft, so the MASH units would have to be very close to the frontlines to do their work.

(New Prototype System Developed: MASH Units)

Bonus Result!

Part of the extensive work done by the exhaustive conference is also the development of a new regional hospital system, which in turn would greatly expand medical care throughout the European Alliance. These new Hospitals would possess the best possible equipment and would receive first priority for advances in medical technology.

(New Construction Unlocked: Regional Hospitals - A portion of casualties from combat are refunded back into the manpower pool.)

Production: Industrial Revitalisation
- Well, your fellow Council Member came through with what you hoped when they worked on recovering lost industrial knowledge. And whilst it's a hideously expensive initiative, the sooner you spread their discoveries the better. Because what current large-scale industrial capacity the European Alliance has almost universally comes from salvaged Drakan Compounds which have two big problems. First of all, they aren't anywhere near as productive as they could be, because we're not the Draka so we can't run them the way they were meant to run to reach maximum effectiveness... and even after being repaired they aren't as good as they used to be anyway. Secondly, and more importantly, they're Drakan Compounds... Which means there's a lot of bad memories haunting them even fifteen years after the Draka fell.

And those memories aren't going to go away any time soon. So the faster we can replace them with new construction the better, for multiple reasons and not just the ways I've stated already. Here's hoping that people will actually be happy to work in the new facilities once we've rolled them out... And if all goes well, they should be much more productive, which means we can speed up the timetable on the restoration of the electrical grid Alliance-wide... And hopefully shortly followed by the road and rail networks.

Result: 46 (Raw: 46) Neutral - Mitigated to Success

Across the European Alliance, Drakan Compounds are torn down and broken up for recoverable materials. From the cleared ruins springs new construction as building plans are updated and distributed across the Alliance government offices. The new Factories are designed on principles to allow them to be expanded and upgraded as technology progresses, and their massive complexes are a great deal more welcoming to look at than then prison-like Compounds where so many people slaved.

There is a great deal of pomp and ceremony in the private removal and disposal of the original Drakan designs, and with these new facilities, productivity increases immensely.

(All current Drakan Compounds upgraded to Factories. IC income per Factory dramatically increased.)
(Salvaged Drakan Compound upgraded to Factory.)

Military: Assist (@Simpli ) Colonel Arletta's UFO Landing Site Assault
- Okay, so apparently the people you went to with your ideas of an Alliance-wide militia minimum standards training program were the most suspicious of military High Command. Not without reason mind you, but it didn't help. Especially when it took you a while to notice because of everything else going on. Which meant that by the time you tried to go around them and get something done, they'd blocked all your channels in High Command.

And then, so the goddamned cherry on the top, several members of the criminal gang that so amusingly tried to kidnap you were part of the local militia. Yeah. That didn't so much remove all hope of getting the initiative started, as set fire to it and have all the legions of hell dance in the ashes. And because they're paranoid, the original people you went to are keeping their eye on you this season, and are ready to stop anything I do that looks suspicious... which is basically everything in their eyes, I think?

Anyway, just means I won't be leading the effort this time. Instead I'll be supporting the efforts of whichever Council Member decides to lead the assault on this... UFO landing site? Hell, if it gives some insight into all the really weird shit going on, I'm all for it. I believe that you've stated you'll be leading the efforts Colonel?

Let's hope things don't go horribly wrong. Especially because if these really are extra-terrestrials, we have no idea what they could be armed with...

Result: Auto-Success

Your efforts are instrumental in securing additional troops. Without them, the UFO could not have been captured.

Covert: European Alliance Corruption Investigation and Purge
- Last season, your efforts to deal with large-scale and organised crime in the European Alliance were a resounding success. Whilst it hasn't completely abolished criminal activity, which you weren't going for because it's an impossibly goal anyway, it has significantly reduced all organised criminal activity that is actually damaging to the Alliance. This does mean that those organisations deemed to be relatively safe to keep around are still doing things like smuggling various illegal or taxed goods, running unlicensed gambling and prostitution rings, as well as other 'minor' criminal activities, but frankly?

I'm not really concerned about those things as long as we know who to keep an eye on. After all, as long as those organisations are around and sticking to activities that we don't deem perilous to the Alliance's wellbeing, then they're going to ensure that other organisations don't emerge to rival them that might do those actually dangerous activities. And it provides a release value for the more problematic members of society, one where we can keep an eye on them and deal with the problem if needed.

Speaking of problematic members of society, there's one thing that has become clear during the investigations. And that is that there is indeed corruption in the European Alliance. Whilst it's unknown how severe or widespread, and I'm hoping it's not particularly, this is still a problem. Fortunately the success of last season has also give many leads on where to start. So, we're going to basically repeat what happened last season for the criminal organisations, just aimed at corruption instead.

Namely? We're going to find as many corrupt people as we can, and then judge whether their level of corruption falls into the 'barely noticeable and might just be a mistake', 'actually there, but not anything problematic/redeemable' or 'problematic' categories. The first category will basically just require them being informed of what they may be doing wrong and double-checking later to see whether they need to go up a category or not, and the second category deserves a slap on the wrist and an eye kept on them to make sure it never rises to the point where it's actually a problem for the Alliance due to frequency of low-level corruption. Or if they'd normally fall into the third category, but are actually judged to be redeemable, in which case they'd be like the other people in second category, just the slap is harsher. Though we will need to make it clear to them that this is their second chance, and there won't be a third. And at only as long as it's judged better for the Alliance to redeem them than add them to the third category.

The third category? Intelligence will have orders to make sure that the problem 'goes away' and instructions to make sure everyone knows not to let it happen again. You'll not say how you want the problem to 'disappear' at this time, just that they continue what they were doing over the last three months as it worked. Don't want to micromanage if it's not needed after all. Corruption will also never be entirely absent from a human-designed and/or run system, but you can mange sure it's contained, and that it never reaches the scale that it starts to hurt on more than the local scale. And even then it shouldn't be more than s stubborn splinter level of hurt.

Result: 86 (Raw: 86) Great Success!

One day certain people, politicians, military officers and prominent businesspeople in the slowly-flourishing domestic economy go to work.

The next day, many of them never show up. Their replacements and superiors only offer explanations about sickness, reassignment, or in some cases, admitting that they committed criminal acts. Others arrive at work mysteriously shaken and soon little mistakes and oversights vanish.

Meanwhile, a plot of unmarked graves is steadily expanded.

(Purge conducted in the European Alliance. Additional +10% Supplies, Industrial Capacity, Fuel)
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