nonono, not get.[X] Compliment him for his choice in accompaniment because this battle music really is quite catchy.
Oh god a gorgeous vampire boyfriend get!
Oh, just to note what Eldingar intended to say would be something along the lines of "But you are clearly the most precious treasure here; I cannot bear the thought of damaging you."[X] Attempt to be suave and flirty.
-[X] Fail. "You're hot, wanna fuck?" Damnit, that's not what you meant to say.
[ ] Try to negotiate a peaceful resolution to all this. After all, he is your future boyfriend. A magic map told you so.
[ ] Compliment him for his choice in accompaniment because this battle music really is quite catchy.
Can we do both? But if not
[X] Try to negotiate a peaceful resolution to all this. After all, he is your future boyfriend. A magic map told you so.
No, I have come for you
> Vamp Boy is literally Vyers[X] Compliment him for his choice in accompaniment because this battle music really is quite catchy.
I had to re-read his description because i was all "nahhhh im being weird, that can't possibly look who i think it looks like..."
Can I say that, asides from the manipulative fox bitch, the husbandos just keep getting better? First was Makram, who is, honestly, pretty shit. Like, Tsundere but really, really deep in the Tsun. So deep I'm actually just assuming there's a dere in there somewhere because otherwise the magic map wouldn't have pointed at him. Then there's Jun-ho, who seems a tad boring but at least he's better than Makram. Then came Belial, who basical stepped out of fantasy Dream Daddy, which is just great. Issachar is still mysterious and stuff, so there's not much to go on, but from what I've seen so far, the whole trying to teach Eldingar to be a better person gets him a step up. Abzu is just the cutest, most adorable wizard ever. And now this? A vampire who is not only ubersexy but has a flare for the dramatic? I don't know how you're going to get better than that but the pattern's set.