[X] Go find Jun-ho

With that slightly strange encounter out of the way, it's probably time to go check on the one house guest that we actually like, maybe offer him breakfast or something.

We're set for sauce, all we need is some meat.
my god is eldingar a dragon counting gold or a child bickering over who gets to build the sandcastle

So Mr I Am Probably the VN's Tutorial/Guide Character is suspicious as hell. Either he's lying in which case yeah or he's legit and therefore kind of insane.

[X] Go find the incubus.

Because I'm still crying over the dream daddy joke curious yes curious

EDIT: tomoodaaaa
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So we got foreign prince/possibly royalty husbando -rich boy route / main route /

Sexy michevious twink husbando/the prankster with possibly a sad past or secret romantic -cocky redhead -the playboy

Demon incubus buff zaddy ( possible bad boi? ) - bara route. All the sex, even after you pass out, sex in the dreams mannnn. Sexception possible tsundere

advisor/ possible wizard or angel (not sure if added to harem or secret route)

We need...hmmmm

A quiet guy with emotions but doesn't show them -the cool guy, possibly the badass. Epic one liners. Smirks. -kuudere

Childhood friend whose loved us forever , possible best friend whom we've never realised liked us ORRRR the opposite. The friend we had a crush on but he started dating wymen and so we had our heart crushed but then it turns out he likes BOTH genders and secretly has feelings for us and angst routeeeeeeeee

The villain , also badboi, maybe wants to take over world but who cares about his eyepatch he's sexy.

The nerd. glasses, all the puns, witty. Did I already say glasses. Yeah he has those.

The yandere- the scary one. The one who wants to kill the other options and the one to avoiddddd.
[X] Go find the ifrit.

Let's learn first boy's name.

Byoodiful, just as buff and cuddly and slightly terrifying as I imagined. (The sclera are white but don't let that diminish the fact that you're flawless for stepping out of your comfort zone to realise this dream daddy.)

((And the first pic is still in the Bestiary post under the other spoiler header because it's still legitimately great and people should see it.))
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[X] Go find the incubus.

Now that people have brought it up, I'm forever going to be calling this new husbando Tomoda rather than his real name...
[X] Go find the ifrit.

I'm in love with the sass. Also we need to wish for more gold for our hoard, because size matters.
@ZerbanDaGreat , what you actually need to do is make this into a visual novel so we can have each of the separate paths, and then a 'polyamory end.' Or three.

Totally not way too much work to randomly ask of someone, nosiree. :V

E: (This is a joke even though it'd be amazing if it existed.)

Dogenzaka Lab VN set is occasionally on sale from Humble Bundle

Anyways, all caught up on the thread. *rubs hands together and flumps down to enjoy the Quest* Shit this is going to get me addicted to Quests
[X] Go find the ifrit.

I'm in love with the sass. Also we need to wish for more gold for our hoard, because size matters.

If we ask for more gold, we need to ask in a way that won't (hopefully) screw us over. I'm talking a well thought out, lawyer approved way to get gold that isn't cursed or belongs to another dragon... then again being careless will probably get us another harem member.
[X] Go find the ifrit.

If we ask for more gold, we need to ask in a way that won't (hopefully) screw us over. I'm talking a well thought out, lawyer approved way to get gold that isn't cursed or belongs to another dragon... then again being careless will probably get us another harem member.

Here's another way: be nice to him. If he likes us, he won't dick us over.

Remember, he gave us the actual wine in actual barrels.
There, all updated! Now rest easy, brave bun, you're safe from even more husbandos being introduced for a bit now.
But she still hasn't drawn Top Tier Husbando:
"I apologise Lord Elding, I didn't hear you had returned," he says, scurrying along at your side. Did he teleport in or was he just spawned fully-formed from thin air to serve you? Much of a muchness really, they rotate in and out with such frequency it's completely impossible to keep track of them all.

"I was at my estate, of course. In need of some rest and recuperation. Particularly lean year we just had I hear," you reply, your accent naturally dropping into a sort of flattened-out yet still cultured arrangement from every continent.

"Of course sir, it must have been an incredible strain for you sir."

"And how are the books looking today?"

"Very good sir absolutely nothing to concern yourself with sir."

That one guy who gives us basically free money.

I mean, what more could a dragon ever want?