"Say 'please'," he says.

"... I don't follow."

"Say 'please'."

"I think I must be mishearing you."

"Say 'please' and I'll help you for as long as you want."

"Is this 'puh-leese' a foreign word?"
straight up i guffawed.

I love shithead protagonists and Eldingar continues to be an absolute fucking delight.

[X] Go find the ifrit.

Might as well talk to the twinkiest djinn of them all.
Ooooh, he's here to be the angel on our shoulder. I like him, he's got some gumption.

I've got no particular feeling about who to go see for the moment, but yes, that was good. Nice to see Eldingar being a bit more settled after all the knocks he's taken.
Tbh Zerban could totally make this into a proper dating sim if he hired an artist for it. I bet it would sell too.
Making a dating sim is a bit more taxing than "just" writing a story, I imagine. Even without accounting for the added art, music and programming requirements.

But yes I've also been wanting a Zerban VN since Hollow Fake
I wonder what you call gay men fighting over relationships.

Hyena fights?

Anyways, I'd be glad to see one go down between our new nosy reformer and incudad.

Speaking of which
[X] Go find Jun-ho

Because he's probably the one who actually needs updating on whatever the fuck is going on.
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He doesn't. "I received a vision. I'm not... exactly some kind of full-time prophet but I know what I saw is real, and what I saw is that you have a very interesting destiny laid out before you. One with a great many possible futures, some separated by only a razor-thin margin of choices. I came to offer-"

Is he the dude who offers help in dating sims?


[X] Go find the incubus.
Was gonna vote for the incubus but then I remembered Jun-ho's probably more personable at this point which means no Medea redux so

[X] Go find Jun-ho.

Noodledog funtime
I see the 'relationship meter NPC' has entered the fray
Soon Eldingar will fuck even the UI elements.
Adhoc vote count started by ZerbanDaGreat on May 7, 2018 at 11:13 PM, finished with 66 posts and 41 votes.