Dragon Crest [Interest Check + OOC]

Sweet, it took me a little while, but here are my character sheets.

My Characters:
Name: Xeolatal

Title(s): Lady of the Sky; God of the Wind; the Feathered One; the West Wind

Gender: F

Element: Air

Age: 12,500


Dreago-skill: The Winds of Change- With a flap of her wings, Xeolatal can create large, cutting vortexes that push her foes away from her.

Dreago-soul: Swiftness of the Western Wind- In a pinch, Xeolatal can accelerate herself (and anything she is carrying) forward at ungodly speeds, seemingly causing her to blink out of existence and reappear at any point within 500 miles of her starting location. While in this state, Xeolatal maintains all of her normal dexterity, although maintaining such a state for too long does tire her out.

Bio: Younger, smaller, and with far fewer scales (and hands) than the average dragon, Xeolatal is probably the last dragon that people would consider as a competitor in the Dragon Wars. Behind Xeolatal's meager (by Dragon standards) size lies the right combination of wits and ambition needed to make herself a competitor. And this wouldn't be Xeolatal's first victory, either.

Once, Xeolatal was worshipped as a god by the humans, back when their minds were easier to mold. Fueled by the wishes she had earned in the Dragon Wars, Xeolatal would grant her most loyal and devout followers with powerful magical abilities whenever she was free of her pocket dimension. Her followers would, in return, shower Xeolatal with riches, adoration, and anything else that she desired during her time on Earth (she wasn't terribly appreciative of the human sacrifices, though). That was long ago, however, before other Dragons had stepped up to take Xeolatal's spot as champion, before her godly powers had faded away, and before other humans had come and destroyed the societies of her closest followers. That all changes this year, however. This year, there will be a new champion, and the Lady of the Sky will rise once again.

Other: Xoelatal is somewhat smaller than most of the other dragons. She has won 2 prior, consecutive Dragon Wars.

Name: Franco "Franky" Soria

Age: 26

Gender: M

Nationality: Argentina

Element: Earth

Status: Musician/Busker/Busboy

Bio: Franco isn't the first Soria to ever get involved in the Dragon Wars. In fact one of his famous ancestors–Luis Jasso Fontana de Soria– actually got close to claiming Excalibur 200 years ago, during the last Dragon War. Luis was sadly killed in the final battle for the sword, but his surviving family members never forgot his struggle. For two hundred years, the Soria family has told stories about their kinsman's strength and bravery, and have held onto Luis' spellbook, in the hopes of one day doing what their deceased kinsman could not, and winning the Dragon Wars. Now, 200 years later, this lofty goal has fallen into the hands Franco, the youngest adult member of the dynasty. There's just one problem: Franco could not care less.

While many of Franco's family members had dedicated themselves, in some way, to studying the magical arts or learning the principals of combat (mostly through military service), Franco spent most of his time learning how to play the violin or guitar (both of which he has managed to develop a decent amount of talent with). This isn't to say that he doesn't have any skill in magic or fighting, of course. He is still capable of holding his own in a bar brawl, and he employs what little magic he has been able to learn in his musical performances.

Until recently, Franco was more than satisfied with his daily routine of busing tables at a local restaurant during the day, and busking on street corners during the nights and weekends (he has even performed with live orchestras on occasion). He would have gladly passed on the responsibility to one of his cousins or siblings. Unfortunately, most of the other adults in his family are either too old to safely undertake such a journey or currently in the process of raising families. To make matters worse (or better, depending on your perspective), some poor decision-making has saddled Franco with a considerable amount of debt. While Franco could probably handle this debt on his own, without the use of a wish, that debt, combined with Franco's sense of familial obligation, has led him to take on the mantle that his ancestor had left behind so many years ago.

Other: In order to summon his dragon (the same dragon summoned by his ancestor 200 years prior), Franco's grandmother gifted him with a sizable gemstone (which she had purchased for that very purpose).

"Alright, let's see here… uh… Great Dragon, I summon you."

Alright sorry for the delay but your characters check out and have been approved