Dragon Ball Z: Salvation

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A brief reprieve! Yet the future remains in peril. The Androids, spurred on by the dying taunts of Son Gohan, have left the Earth for the stars. The sinister duo leaves a trail of destruction in their wake. Can a new generation of warriors surpass those who came before, and defeat the sinister duo? Or will the galaxy forever be cursed to be the hunting grounds of the Androids? Find out next time, on Dragon Ball Z!
Nephenee Anties
Name: Nephenee Anties


(I kinda want her parents to have been material engineers so they could have made her a set of custom armor)

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Race Options: Human Saiyan Hybrid (Artificial)

Starting Power Level: 500,000 Base, Roughly 1,000,000 while transformed into Ozaru

Born a few years before Gohan died, Nephenee had just enough contact with their fallen defender to have some of their perseverance and refusal to give up hope set root within her. While her parents were once lab technicians for Capsule Corp, Nephenee talents were more physically orientated in nature. For years while the Androids hunted down humanity for sport was able to watch and listen from inside an older, intact CC facility as the world slowly died around them.

After Gohan stopped visiting the various enclaves, Nephenee threw herself into training with what little her parents could dig out of the CC archives on Ki manipulation and its link with martial arts. They figured even if they didn't want her fighting she could at least use it to run away should they ever be found. Years later, when Bulma asked for help to finish that cursed ship the Androids would use to take their slaughter to the stars, Nephenee's family regrouped with Trunk's enclave which gave her formal training for the first time while her parent helped build the ship.
Of course, bad always comes with good. Ken and Laura Anties are part of the Android's set of hostages, gang-pressed into maintaining their ship while they murder their way across the galaxy. Something in Nephenee snapped then and when hybridization to strengthen people was proposed she was one of the first to sign up.

Nephenee is absolutely focused on being able to rescue her parents, the nature of this tragedy personal for the first time. She half resents half warships Bulma, at once the provider of a means to save her parents and the reason they came out of hiding and into danger in the first place. Normally relaxed, has thin skin for any kind of procrastinating and a short temper overall these days.

Fighting Style:
Nephenee was in great shape before accepting the hybridization treatment, her and her parent's isolation from the world leaving her free to explore the wilderness for most of her life with little fear. Swimming in rivers, climbing the mountainside, and eventually connecting with the CC database to learn the fundamentals Ki training left her an exceptional base to build off of.

Conversely, Nephenee hasn't had the years of formal training martial arts training, leaving her melee technique rough and basic by the group's standards. She tends to try rushing, afraid of freezing in close combat even if it might be better to stop and analyze their moves first. The hybridization has also added significantly to her weight and a few inches to her height, leaving her off balance at the worst times.

Conversely, her Ki control is impeccable aided by the large increase she has recently had. Flight and ki blasts come easily to her and she tends to try and use her energy for deceptive techniques, like flashbangs and fake ki signatures to throw the opponent off balance. Recently she's been trying to use Ki not to just strengthen her body but form a kind of energy barrier, but the costs still render it unusable except in desperation.

Ki Gauntlets: Know what's worse than punching rocks and rubble for weeks because Trunks heard you call his mother a hag under your breath? Punching Trunks' abs. Honestly Ki is bullshit.

So, instead of infusing your flesh cover it instead. It works well with practice but forming a shell, so you retain articulation, rather than just have a blunt orb to bludgeon people with took a lot of work to get to. It makes reflecting Ki attacks much easier, like water sliding off glass, and even helps against more focused Ki like blades.

Now, Nephenee is working on using it as a blast attack and extending it further along her body. Releasing it is easier, and it makes for a great surprise attack. Refining it into a shaped blast rather than just a blast is the next step.

Ki Orbs: Beams suck. They diffuse over distances, they're terrible at tracking targets at the combat speeds Nephenee and the crew operate at now, and the energy on target is just poor.

Now, take all that energy and condense it. Keep it close, set it on an orbit around your opponent has one more thing to keep track of in a melee, and with effort they can be made to mimic ki signatures that can fool people if you they're not visible.

Sounds great right? Unfortunately it's like using a hula hoop while flying at five hundred miles an hour while focusing on someone punching faster then normal people can even register. You can maintain and direct to orbit a handful(3-5) of them right now and they are quite bothersome for someone to maintain awareness of while you're trying to punch them in the face. The best part is since you're maintaining them over time it is easy to make quick smaller ones and feed them larger while in melee, turning what looked to be a harmless trick into a serious attack from nowhere over a short period of time.

Power Ball (Imperfect)

"No, the emission spectra on that is still wrong. You've been staring at it for five minutes now and nothing has happened. If anything, that would have turned you into a cockroach."

Aside from reverse engineering a delicate ball of Ki that isn't for blasting things and is meant to mimic an effect you're not entirely comfortable with who knew trying to make a second moon with Ki would be hard?

While you have finally dealt with learning the basics of the technique, which required some a remedial science crash course from Bulma who was angrier about that then it taking so long, it still takes an amount of focus to create that could be a liability in the field. Once transformed though, the benefits are quite worth it.

Ki Senses, Great: like spot a flea on a ozaru's bottom good, come back and make this pretty in post

A timeline for the basic events would be nice. In Future Trunks canon he looks like he would have been 19 when he killed the Androids? I kinda wanted her to be like 5 when Gohan died, but it looks like if she was 12 she'd have been 17 when Future Trunks orginally kills the

(and anything else you might want edited of course)
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Basic Timeline.
A timeline for the basic events would be nice. In Future Trunks canon he looks like he would have been 19 when he killed the Androids? I kinda wanted her to be like 5 when Gohan died, but it looks like if she was 12 she'd have been 17 when Future Trunks orginally kills the

The timeline we are working with for this game is as follows:

Trunks is born Age 766. Goku dies of Heart attack virus the same year. Dr Gero without the focus of "Kill Son Goku" invests more in programming 17-18 for World Domination, this doesn't fully take but gives them a mental framework more sociopathic than the altered timeline versions of main timeline Dragon Ball.

Age 767 This is when 17-18 are activated. They kill Gero and begin their reign of terror on Earth, killing off the remaining Z-Fighters. Eventually leaving Gohan as the last traumatized survivor.

768- 779 The Twins run wild on Earth, killing cities worth of people for fun and using Gohan when he eventually trains himself up to Super Saiyan as their personal punching bag.

In Age 780. Trunks goes SSJ at 14, after Gohan dies. In this timeline Gohan's dying words were a taunt towards 17-18 that once they killed off everyone on Earth they'd have nothing. They actually listened to this, stuck around Gohan's corpse, laughed at Trunks going Super Saiyan and after thrashing the poor kid they dragged him back to Capsule Corp with a "Build us a spaceship or the brat gets it" threat to motivate Bulma. Later in that year Bulma completes the spaceship and they are off to make problems on the interstellar stage.

780 - 784 Trunks spends two years training SSJ while helping efforts to rebuild the Earth, then begins training others for two years.

The Game starts in Age 784.
Cell MAX (Gamma)
Name: Cell MAX (Gamma)


This, with green spots.

Pronouns: He/They

Age: Fully matured and ready to fight evil.

Race Options: (Select One)
  • Earthling...?
Starting Power Level: Decerntly powerful, befitting a Hero such as himself. Perhaps ~750K, if a number must be assigned?

Bio: Despite the branding, Red Ribbon Pharmaceuticals suffered the exact same level of destruction the rest of society did at the Android's hands. In the chaos and destruction, their CEO, Magenta, fled into hiding, and disappeared for a decade. Meanwhile, Dr. Gero's grandson - Doctor Hedo - finds himself destitute and unable to complete his dream. Like so many others, Hedo was forced to hide away in fear, that sword of Damocles hanging over his head.

Then, a bare few years later, Magenta would reappear - right in front of Hedo's door. In his hands were blueprints, and in his mouth was bribery and a plan. This world needed a hero, right? Well, here was plans for an ultimate weapon from Hedo's grandfather, Doctor Gero! Of course, the blueprints had a main issue - most of the genetic material it demanded just... couldn't be gotten. But that's fine - substitutions could be made! A... lot of substitutions. Really, the hard part was getting all the genetic material from the countless variety of insects recommended by the blueprints.

It took so long. Scrounging up scraps, hunting down each species, keeping Magenta off his back... and it wasn't quite right. It wasn't the Gammas he truly wanted to make. But, honestly? This would be enough.

And so, Cell Max was decanted. The personality was as right as he could be - steadfast, strong, willing to wear the form of a monster just so long as he could work as a Hero of Justice! Inspirational! Strong! Good at posing! Sure, there were a few... quirks. Bizarre choices in fashion, despite normally not wearing clothing. A weird obsession with idols. But, well, even with the Androids having long since left, Cell Max could still debut.

A Hero in the shadows. Rejected for a monstrous appearance, sure, but still a hero. And, of course, he would eventually get noticed. One day, as Cell Max was saving a farming community from an overbearing group of wanna-be bandits, a boy with blue hair landed behind him.

An offer is made - one that would get Cell Max away from an increasingly more pushy Magenta.

And so, here they are.

Fighting Style:
Cell Max is the Child of Earth - the blood of all of its beasts flows in their veins. Of course, as you could tell by their appearance, the dominant part of their heritage falls from the insect part of Earth's wildlife. Even before their battle power is invoked, he has the comparative strength of an insect, scaled up to their human size. If this was all he had, perhaps he wouldn't be enough to be a hero - but he has a few others alongside.
  • MAX CHANGE - Cell MAX's main power! The form of any creature that is contained within him, he can assume at will! Of course, they would retain his signature red carapace, and it would only be a singular one of each species. None of these forms are stronger than his base form, of course - but each one can adapt his strength in different ways, as befitting each creature's abilities. His baseline form counts as his 'human' form, for purposes of this shapeshifting.
  • MAX TAIL - One of the main qualities Cell MAX retains from his base template is his tail. Just as sharp and pointy as intended, but modified to Hedo's tastes. While still able to serve as a sample tool to acquire the DNA of alien life and add them to their own frame, it cannot be used to devour them, as that isn't very heroic. It wouldn't be able to absorb the Androids, either.
  • MAX BARRIER - A special skill that shapes an iridescent barrier around Cell MAX, able to block attacks and damage!
  • MAX LASER - Instead of draining fluid with the tail, Cell MAX can also emit a powerful laser from it - either as a precision ranged attack, or as a shorter-ranged blade of power (homages from Trunks, in fact!). Cell MAX will even sometimes wrap their tail around their arm or leg, and then unleash a powerful finishing punch or flying kick!
  • MAX BEEEEEEEEEEEAM - Cell Max's strongest move - focusing all their energy into their forehead gem with their hands spread wide (like the Taiyo-Ken's pose), they unleash a massively powerful beam of energy, or a scattering burst of homing blasts!
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Name: Kūsho

Gender: N/A (Presents Female)

Age: 37 (Perpetually Young Adult Biologically)

Race Options: Alien Species

Starting Power Level: 420,000

Bio: A lone loose planetoid fractured under a gravitational event, but naught was there but strange plant life clinging to the atmosphere-less planet's surface. The strange plant life, despite it's incredible adaptability began to die when separated from the light of their star. But a team of space fairer found the fragment of the planet and took a sample of the plant.

The sample changed and adapted with remarkable speed, growing and shifting to accommodate any situation provided it had the resources. The explorers were convinced that this prize would be invaluable to scientific discovery, and returned for more. But alas, they were too late, and the rest of the plants had gone dead in the dark of space. Still, the sample they had held great promise.

Years of study lead to scientific insights with the lifeform, and their people traded their scientific discoveries to the Cold Clan in exchange for being left alone. And for a time a stability was reached. But the life-form kept changing, and in time it set it's mutational power to the task of understanding these strange beings that fed it and studied it's nature. For this it mutated greater and greater intellect, and shifted it's body into something akin to it's rescuers. Bipedal, two arms, one head, light receptive organs (eyes), a respirator sack able to create vibrations in the air (lungs/throat/mouth), and more.

The Explorers found themselves suddenly not with a unique biological specimen, but a person curious and just now aware of their newly acquired sapience. They taught it, like it was one of their own children, and the young thing learned. Taking the name Kūsho it learned much from them, including their knowledge of Ki Arts. She enjoyed many peaceful years growing as a person, and slowly learning who and what she was. The fall of the Cold Clan's leader Frieza meant their people were left alone.

But then the Androids started their rampage, and the kind explorers feared for their safety. They would have to go into hiding to wait out this storm. But Kūsho felt that this path would only buy time. Direct action was needed. So it was that the strange evolving plant being left her friends and adoptive family in hope that her strength would be enough to lay low the threat to the people she cared for.

Personality-wise, Kūsho is socially awkward and doesn't understand a lot of things about other people, since such things don't come intuitively to her. She tends to occasionally be unintentionally harsh, being honest about things she likely should stay quiet about. She's still a kind hearted being with an outright naive sense of morality and right-and-wrong.

Loves new experiences and learning, growing and getting stronger, MEAT, and a warm bright summer day.

Fighting Style:

Self-Taught Martial Arts + Ki Manipulation: Kūsho has developed their own physical fighting style and Ki attack style. While a bit sloppy due to being assembled through rough trial and error, it had to be that way. The unique shifting nature of Kūsho's body means that any normal fighting style would not use her full potential. She shifts her body and moves in impossible ways to gain an edge against the more ridged and mono-formed humanoids, though her own humanoid form has become such a comfortable form she defaults to it and builds off that. This has resulted in an incredible amount of improvisation and on-the-fly shifts in technique. She is a master of adaptation.

Bizarre Biology: Kūsho's body is able to shift and warp via mental command, allowing her to grow extra limbs,shift her weight or form, grow a mouth where their should be none, and more. She can also survive in the vacuum of space indefinitely provided a star's light is nearby, though she will fair better and heal faster with real air and fresh food and water. This same biology allows her to recover from any injury, though not at Namekian speeds as matter that has been destroyed or lost takes time to regrow, therefor she has a preference of closing wounds and re-attaching limbs rather than just brute regrowing them.

Scorcher Beam: A solid beam of Ki that lasts a few seconds rather than immediately dispersing, Kūsho likes to fire it out and sweep the beam through an opponent's location. Can leave a scorching line on them, or even cut them in half if their defense is too weak.

Great Maw: Kūsho turns a limb into a large jaw with crushing bite potential, and uses it to crush down on a target.

Whip Blow: By allowing a limb to stretch out, Kūsho can punch or kick beyond normal physical range. It earns it's name when the limb stretches out and strikes like a whip.

Vortex Bomb: This Ki Attack creates a vacuum gravity pull towards it when fired, drawing people and objects to in before exploding. This makes dodging it hard, as it tugs you closer.

Void Insight: Not so much a power as a strange feeling for now. Kūsho, having looked into the empty void between the stars, having felt that same void on their unguarded body, feels like their is some greater insight to be had in meditating on the concept of Emptiness. Thus far, it is but a curiosity, but who knows what the future might bring.
Name: Suno

Gender: Female-esque. The Arcosian equivalent, kinda, sorta. Don't make me write something on the quasi-gender politics of Frost Demons.
Age: 47 (Young twenties by human standards)
Starting Power Level: 560,000
Transformation (First form): 120,000 {Basically Unused}​
The Planetary Trade Organisation has ruled the galaxy for centuries. While the Tuffles were losing a war with Monkeys, the Arcosians ran the shop. While the bald-apes first learned of martial arts, the Arcosians made a business of conquest. This is the story every Arcosian was raised on. That they are not warriors, like the monkeys told themselves, but that they are conquerors. Rulers. Victors. There were few enough of them for it to be true. And at the head of their force, this machine of war, was that line of Mutants called the Cold Clan. When Suno was born, this was the story that she learned in the creche. That even the force of prophecy could not mantle them, for those monkeys were made to bend the knee, and when their insolence annoyed Frieza, they were destroyed, save for a few quaint pets. She was a cousin - a few generations removed, but close enough to be part of the Clan. To be counted among those glorious few who made worlds entire submit.

When she in her late twenties, this all became a lie. The Sayians, thought dead, had returned. They had destroyed Frieza's latest conquest, and a year later their new homeworld - some piddling place called E-Arth - killed both Lord Frieza and the Venerable King Cold.

The Planetary Trade Organisation devolved into Chaos. While none - virtually none - of the remaining Arcosians had even the power of Lord Frieza in his second form, they were all still powerful, more powerful than their subordinates. Enough to take a fragment of the PTO as their own. For a while, Suno - still very young, younger than even - followed in her parent's wake as they waged war. Made alliances with other Arcosians, and betrayed them all the same, foment rebellion on others world's, while expressing rebellion on their own. For decades they went on like this, the once glorious Empire disintegrating in intercine warfare. Suno grew, to come to match - and at her age, undoubtedly surpass - her parent's power. This would be it. While lacking the powers of the true lineage, this would be enough, to restore the Empire. With a few close allies, a few powerful subordinates, they would forge a new PTO, and this one would be even grander than the last. Plans were made.

And then they died. To a new breed of the Sayians - one sporting the typical black hair of the Sayian Line, the other that luscious Blonde that Lord Frieza had whined informed people about during his convalescence. It didn't even take much. Suno only survived due to her natural durability, floating through space for a month until she recovered.

It had not even taken them effort. This is what she thought, as she floated through the void. The Sayians had come, and they were winning. Whatever had killed Lord Frieza, King Cold, Marquise Cooler, had come again. The time... yes, they must have been raising a new generation of Sayians, biding their time until they were assured of their conquest.

She could see it now. A New Cold Empire - a Sayian Empire - would be inevitable. Such glorious power, how could it be denied?

No, it could not. It was inevitable - as once Frieza, as Cold, as Chilled's rule had been inevitable. And why fight the inevitable.

Taking off for E-Arth in a small ship, she decided that perhaps she wouldn't rule the Empire. But she hadn't when Cold was in charge. She was still powerful, by any other standard, enough to be worthy of a favoured place. To conquer subordinate planets for their empire.

Arriving on Earth, she discovered she was incorrect, slightly. The secret plan - to breed new Sayians and then conquer the galaxy - had gone arwy. These new Sayians (artificial Sayians) were still in production, made by this Bulma from Earthling genestock. Their prototypes - Androids - had apparently broken free, killed one of the two remaining non-artificial Sayians, and were now rogue. It was these rogues that had killed her parent and wounded her, and were currently wreaking havoc. But the plan continued. More artificial Sayians were being produced, to quell these rogues, and then, undoubtedly, to conquer the Galaxy. And so she pledged her support. They would make her stronger - perhaps one day she would rival Cold, or Cooler, or dare she even think it! - and in return for her help in supressing their rogue elements, she would have a favoured place in this new Clan.

Fighting Style:
Suno knows what can roughly be described as the "traditionalist" form of Arcosian melee fighting - a flexible combination of fists, knees, foot-work, and tailwork, with the latter two given heightened focus due to the unique nature of an Arcosian's feet, which are able to grapple and strike at once, while the extendable length of the tail allows it to be used for whiplike attacks, a fifth limb in grappling, or even just to hit them directly with, being made of more or less pure muscle. She knows the fundamentals of it, but while her reactions and raw instincts in using it provide no major gaps due to her long experience fighting, her actual technical proficiency can perhaps best be described as "sloppy", an admittedly not uncommon trait among Arcosians to confident in power über alles.

Ki Techniques:
Suno knows the general techniques for flight, as well as the ability to form most unspecialised forms of blasts, but knows relatively few unique attacks.
Frost Lance - "Death Beam":
A highly concentrated piercing beam attack, not unlike the Makankosappo or more generalised "finger beam" class of attacks, Suno requires a second or two to concentrate her Ki down to her fingertips, lacking the casual speed with which Frieza could dispatch these. She can fire these from both index fingers, as well as the middle "finger" of each of her feet, but lacks practice firing it from other digits.​
Fissure Slash - "Death Wave":
A powerful arcing beam, capable of cutting through swathes of both terrain and lesser lifeforms, Suno creates this by charging a Frost Lance for longer than usual, before making a slashing motion, releasing a coherent "cut" which spreads out to make it very hard to dodge (in one dimension). Arguably not a beam attack at all, and something like an intermediate stage between a basic attack and an alteration-type ki attack.​
The ability to manipulate objects with the force of your mind, Suno can do this to manipulate the environment in her battles, but is not skilled enough to use it as a direct attack against any real peer opponent.​
Mystic Attack:
The ability to extend, in this case, Suno's tail beyond its default four feet in length, and manipulate it just as finely as any of her other limbs.​
Icicle Blade - "Energy Blade":
You can't tell anyone this, right? Alright. Suno, secretly, thought Salza was really cool. She's been trying to get down an energy blade like his - her idea is that it's like a fissure slash that just stays with your hand, which isn't entirely incorrect, but her progress has been slow, with her often losing the technique after a couple of attacks and it flying away as a ranged blast not unlike her fissure slash.​
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Tsuru Tsuru
Name (Alleged): Tsuru Tsuru

Appearance: A tall, willowy (although there's muscle on that willow) human of sharp angles and long, raven-black hair alongside piercing green eyes that complement her Crane School uniform. Perhaps the most notable thing about her, however, are the two cybernetic arms protruding from her back.

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Species: Human Cyborg

Starting Power Level: ~200,000

Bio: While many of Earth's premiere martial artists were killed when the Androids wiped out the Z Fighters, many is not all. The Crane School lived on, although lessened by the loss of its two greatest users, and the wage of cowardice is often life. These survivors hid, riding out the rampage in secrecy and relative comfort by steering clear of any towns and cities, leaving the rest of the Earthlings to their fate.

Years slowly but surely passed, these survivors eventually regrouping if for no other reason than the loneliness was beginning to grate, and it appeared as if the Androids would keep killing forever. That was nominally no concern of the Crane School, but in actual practice it was beginning to become a source of worry. One unlucky day would be all it took to end them, since 17 and 18 could kill them all in an instant if they were ever found. So it was that a plan was put into motion to strike back from the shadows.

Using witchcraft, a suitable candidate was identified. A young girl of no particular import, but with a wellspring of hidden potential and a suitable temperament for a Crane. One eager to take revenge on the Androids who had destroyed her world, of course, but also one with the necessary ruthlessness to drive home the eventual killing blow.

She was approached with a simple question: Would you like to become strong? Strong enough, perhaps, to control the fate of the world?

Needless to say, the candidate was accepted. Years more passed, but these were filled with brutal training, honing the girl into a perfect killer. Under Master Shen's tutelage, every technique of the School was passed on, and her power grew by leaps by bounds until it eclipsed his many, many times over. When she struggled with copying the innovative techniques of Tien Shinhan on description alone (perhaps because of her mere two eyes it was said more than once), on Master Tao's advice one was granted artificially. The School's remaining financial resources were used to to gift its new student a pair of mechanical arms from Tao's own supplier, now driven underground by the Androids but still in operation.

In the end, her training did not stop because it was considered complete. While unsure of the full extent of the Android's power, the Crane Masters knew full well that it far eclipsed their student's. Rather, it stopped because word eventually reached their hidden holdfast that the Androids had left the planet entirely. Several years ago, actually.

No longer needing their secret weapon, but also not wanting to risk offending the incredibly dangerous and skilled assassin they'd just spent several years making, she was dismissed with a simple order to finish her training elsewhere (some brat named Trunks was offering Ki training now, apparently?) and deal with the Androids herself.

So it was that the girl calling herself Tsuru Tsuru emerged into a rebuilding world, flew up to Trunks Brief, and formally requested to join his forces as a Young Mistress of the Crane School.

Besides the fact that she was extremely blatantly using a fake name, her story checked out, and with the forces of good not being in a position to turn down decent help, she was accepted onboard almost immediately. Honorable despite her Masters but with an unreptenant ruthless streak successfully beaten into her, she stands ready to fight for the Earth.

Tsuru is driven, stubborn, and arrogant, but also good enough to back it all up, as she's not generally prone to overestimating herself. The story she tells of herself is that of a martial genius, making up for what she lacks in raw speed and power with skill and technique inherited from an ancient legacy that she is the pinnacle of. Pointing out the information to the contrary, such as her struggles with developing her own techniques or copying those of the late Tien, is the quickest way to annoy her. She can't be a brute who only has power going for her, after all: If that's the case, what does it mean that she's still weaker than so many of her newfound allies, and where does it leave her?

She does have something of a softer side for those who play into her narrative, however. She doesn't hesitate at all to share pointers, advice, or even her techniques in good faith, and is quick to praise the efforts and abilities of others, whether she judges them to be above or below her own. To her, martial arts is a path towards both bettering oneself and taking control over one's own fate, and genuine efforts towards self-improvement should be recognised. It is this path of self-perfection in and of itself that drives her, rather than a desire to get stronger for its own sake or so she can protect anything close to her.

She also has no issues with artificial means of strengthening oneself, as there's more than one valid path to power, and these means often involve no small degree of skill or sacrifice in their own right. She doesn't like the idea of them being a crutch, though, especially accusations of such being levelled against her own additional arms, even though she herself sometimes has mixed feelings about them.

Fighting Style: Tsuru fights as a member of the Crane School, using their martial arts and Ki techniques. She's an exceptionally skilled and graceful melee fighter as a result of her training, both with her fists and with bladed weapons. However, she prefers to avoid getting into head-to-head fights with dangerous opponents wherever possible, instead relying on her arsenal of tricks and tools to gain the upper hand in battle. She doesn't fight dirty, unlike her masters, but she does fight sneakily. When fighting opponents she judges to be suitably below her own level of power, she'll generally hold back in order to test herself, regardless of how advisable that may be.

Her notable techniques (beyond standard flight, Ki sensing, Ki blasts, and such) are as follows:
Pressure Point Attack: By targeting an enemy's pressure points, Tsuru can swiftly paralyze or kill them with only a few precise blows. Unfortunately, this only works on humans at the moment, since she doesn't know the pressure points of any alien species or the modified physiology of biotechnological Androids.

Dodon Ray: The signature technique of the Crane School, a concentrated finger beam with similar power to the Turtle School's Kamehameha. It's notable for its piercing ability by comparison, making it more suited to dealing lethal damage but less suited to engaging in contests of Ki waves.

Solar Flare: A technique that creates a brilliant flash of light, temporarily blinding an opponent without suitable eye protection and thus creating an opening.

Tri-Beam: The ultimate attack of the Crane School, an energy beam that's far more potent than normal. However, this is made possible by drawing on the user's life energy, rapidly exhausting them and potentially doing permanent damage. Out of worry that she might shorten her life with it, Tsuru avoids using this technique unless strictly necessary.

Four Witches Technique (Mechanical): The formal name for Tsuru's pair of cybernetic arms, they provide a number of useful options during battle, letting her attack with twice the normal intensity, perform two two-handed Ki techniques at once (albeit at only half the usual power, since her actual Ki remains the same), or strike as normal while locked in a grapple. Thanks to a rotating base, they can turn in any direction, but generally stick over and above her shoulders. Additionally, since she's constantly lived and trained with the limbs for quite some time, they've been incorporated into her fighting style masterfully. Under no circumstances to be called (False) or (Imitation) instead of (Mechanical).
-Double Hidden Blade: A development of Cyborg Tao's Hidden Blade technology, as the name implies Tsuru has a retractable sword hidden in both of her artificial arms. As well as being double the weapons, her arms also include quick-release technology for their hands, allowing them to pop off and reveal the swords without her needing to physically disconnect them.
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Name: Taarik [Urdu for "Bleak"]
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Race: Arcosian: Freeza is dead, his father is dead, his brother is dead, the Empire slash Business Operation the Cold Clan built is in tatters as rebellion sweeps the Galaxy and now two unnaturally powerful wrecking balls are making everything worse. You are a lesser relative of the Cold's not born with the great potential of Freeza and his immediate kin but perhaps with training and an alliance with this strange Super Saiyan of Earth that can be changed.
Taarik's species are all pseudo-shapeshifters, using various forms/transformations to leash and then unleash their true power.

Starting Power Level: As an Arcosian, Taarik's body has a number of "forms" it uses to leash and restrain his natural true power. Currently, he is still working to control/grow into this power, and can only safely use his First/Sealed Form and his Second Form. His Third Form, whose appearance he despises, is highly unstable, and his Fourth/True Form is currently so unstable he would die or explode perhaps 15 seconds after achieving it.
-First Form: 150,000
-Second Form: 300,000
-Third Form: 600,000; unstable, usable power often closer to 500,000
-Fourth Form: 10,000,000; lethally unstable, power will immediately run out of control

Bio: Taarik is a serious, honorable, ethical man; from any other species he would unquestionably be considered a paragon of their species. Among Arcosians, the people who birthed King Cold, Emperor Frieza, and Prince Cold....he is not viewed as a deviant, but he is certainly something of an oddity. This is amplified by him being a rather distant cousin of Frieza, related by way of their mother's mother's mother's mother. While most of Arcosian society is planet-bound and not nearly as strong as the Cold Clan, they are still a formidable people compared to much of the galaxy. The news of the death of the Cold Clan, at least as far as the rest of the galaxy was concerned, was fantastic news, and between the rebellions, the retaliations, and the rampages of these strange "Androids", the Arcosian homeworld was left scrambling. Into the void stepped Taarik and other members of various seclusive warrior-clans. These groups of like-minded Arcosians, bound not by the water of the womb but by the blood of the covenant, had trained themselves in using weapons, and in what they could access of their natural power without breaking the seals all Arcosians bore on their homeworld.
These clans promptly bled almost half their numbers just keeping their people from being genocided. The rest have now scattered across the galaxy, and Taarik followed rumors of some small gathering of powerful warriors on the Hungry Planet, the Killer of the Clan: Earth. Time will tell if this move was wisdom, foolishness, or likely both.

Fighting Style: Taarik fights with a combination of swordplay, kicking and leg-based strikes (alongside tail strikes), and a handful of precision-oriented energy attacks.
-Sword Style: Taarik fights with a straight, double-edged blade, and utilizes a school of combat that emphasizes maximizing the lethality of his blade and the power available. [OOC Note: Heavily draws from German sword fighting schools/techniques.]
-Unarmed Style: Taarik's fighting methodology beyond his sword focuses on powerful, fast strikes with his legs, favoring foot-strikes over knees or shins; while odd for an Arcosian, his boots provide a measure of protection and aid here, as they further armor his already-tough feet, making these strikes shockingly painful. His tail is usually used for rapid follow-up strikes to disorient, rather than as powerful grappling maneuvers that the former heads of the Cold Clan favored. [OOC Note: Heavily inspired by Savate.]
-Energy Usage: Taarik's energy has a heavy purple tint to it, matching the "jeweled" portions of his skin. When in heavy use or particularly focused, it tends to also cling closer to his body and take on a flame-like quality. He tends to favor his high-precision techniques over his larger-area blasts. For most of his techniques, he does not need to speak the name of the attack unless he is focusing all of his power and might into it, thus requiring the full mnemonic to ensure maximum stability and performance.
--Orchid Beam: A thin, concentrated beam of energy projected from Taarik's index finger, tail tip, or the tip of his sword. It fires in a straight line, but is very fast-moving and is excellent at penetrating defenses.
--Lavender Bullet: Similar to the Orchid Beam, but fired as a "projectile" of energy. This loses some of the power and damage achieved with a continuous blast, but vastly increases the speed at which Taarik can perform the technique.
--Heliotrope Disc: A concentrated plane of rotating energy, this attack is exceedingly sharp, and can be controlled with barely a thought and a gesture. Taarik cannot maintain more than one such disc unless he does nothing but concentrate on them at this time; with one disc, he can still fight somewhat normally.
--Lilac Cannon: Taarik concentrates energy in front of both hands and fires it forward. This attack is a more traditional "beam attack", and thus can actually contest a similar attack from an enemy. He must call out this attack's name, as he does not have it mastered to the point of wordlessness.
--Amethyst Blast: Taarik gathers energy into a large sphere over one hand, and then throws it at an enemy, where it will explode with great force. This attack, more than any of his others, has the potential to destroy a planet, though he is always cautious not to do so. He must call this attack's name out.
--Byzantium Barrage: Taarik's newest, and least-refined, technique. He uses 5 or 10 fingers to concentrate energy and fire off a rapid series of highly-focused blasts of energy. He feels this technique is a gateway to one or more even potent techniques, but for now, it serves primarily as a potent, rapid attack that may well overwhelm a foe's defenses and even senses. He must call out the name of the attack.
Name: Konji

Gender: Male?

Age: 72 (Namekian Years).

Race: Namekian Survivor - 17 and 18 programmed with knowledge of the Dragon Balls made a point to hunt down and destroy New Namek after they began their interstellar rampage, You are one of the few survivors, sadly none with the ability to create Dragon Balls managed to escape but there's still a chance for your people to see a new day and for justice to be dealt to the two monsters that killed so many.

Starting Power Level: 425, 000

Bio: Konji was born the 102nd Son of the Grand Elder Guru, and bluntly speaking, he was a brat. A rascal even. When the rest of his siblings carefully tended to the land and their duties, Konji would often be found shirking his work and exploring the vast grasslands of Namek or stargazing (in his words, others would simply call it lazing about.)

This all changed with Frieza's invasion. Over the next several days, Konji experienced a disorientating mishmash of terror, confusion and violence. He saw families slaughtered on a whim, warriors toyed with and tortured for sport. Entire clans were decimated as they tried in desperation to keep the Dragon Balls from the tyrant's hands. In the end, he too was included among the numerous dead that littered the planet's surface.

Upon his revival, Konji took a hard look at what his life had been, and decided to turn it around. Though his attempts to be trained as a warrior were unfortunately spurned, he instead secretly threw himself into learning the healing arts, hopeful that even if he couldn't be a fighter, he could still try and help contribute to the defense of his planet. In his heart of hearts though, Konji couldn't understand how everyone could simply return to their former lives as if nothing had happened. Their entire people had been wiped out over the course of a couple of days. What was stopping something similar from happening again? The night sky, which at one time had seemed so full of wonder and secrets, now held nothing but dread for the young Namekian.

Then his worst fears came true. Fleeing from a destroyed New Namek and arriving on a decimated Earth, was confronted by his childhood nightmares made into reality once more. As the other Namekians set about trying to rebuild what they had lost once more, Konji finally had enough and answered Trunk's call for aid.

Fighting Style: Konji's fighting style is primarily defensive, mostly being taught in combat by the members of the Warrior Clan for the sake of self-defense and survival, obtaining a "soft" fighting style that focuses on blocking or redirecting blows. Additionally, he utilizes his species' ability to elongate as well as contort and twist their limbs as if they were boneless to engage in holds and grapples when necessary, often in ways that can catch opponents off-guard.

Ki Techniques: Aside from the basics (flight, blasts, sensing), Konji knows a couple of techniques.
- Dragon Healing: Konji has been trained extensively in the use of utilizing his Ki to speed recovery and heal injuries, manifesting as light green waves of energy that radiate from his hands. The technique is a short-range one, and often requires Konji to remain in close contact with the intended recipient as well as momentary focus on the technique.

- Ki Transfer: A technique derived from the Dragon Clan's healing technique, Konji has learned how to transfer his Ki to others. This can be used to replenish the emptied Ki reserves of a Fighter, allowing them to regain some stamina and retreat safely, or it can be used to empower a fighter's existing technique, increasing it's potency.

- Regeneration: Utilizing his own species' capabilities of regenerating their own cells, Konji has developed a rudimentary healing technique for his own use, allowing him to heal his own wounds while still focusing on combat albeit at a slower rate. The technique also does nothing about pain, and in fact, can increase the amount of pain depending on how severe the injury healed is.

- Materialization Magic: As a member of the Dragon Clan, Konji is proficient in the use of Materialization Magic, allowing him to create small to medium sized objects out of thin air. Though he is restricted to rather simple items and nothing technological, it is a versatile technique that can be used outside of combat for a variety of purposes.

- Paralytic Blast: A combination of his studies into the Dragon Clan's healing technique as well as some of his own experimentations, Konji has learned how to imbue his Ki with a paralytic effect akin to a powerful taser that manifests in his Ki as a crackling, somewhat unstable energy, that can momentarily paralyze opponents on contact.
Birthday threw 10 100-faced dice. Total: 425
78 78 73 73 51 51 11 11 21 21 23 23 62 62 30 30 60 60 16 16
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