Name: Suno
Gender: Female-esque. The Arcosian equivalent, kinda, sorta. Don't make me write something on the quasi-gender politics of Frost Demons.
Age: 47 (Young twenties by human standards)
Starting Power Level: 560,000
Transformation (First form): 120,000 {Basically Unused}
The Planetary Trade Organisation has ruled the galaxy for centuries. While the Tuffles were losing a war with Monkeys, the Arcosians ran the shop. While the bald-apes first learned of martial arts, the Arcosians made a business of conquest. This is the story every Arcosian was raised on. That they are not warriors, like the monkeys told themselves, but that they are
conquerors. Rulers. Victors. There were few enough of them for it to be true. And at the head of their force, this machine of war, was that line of Mutants called the Cold Clan. When Suno was born, this was the story that she learned in the creche. That even the force of prophecy could not mantle them, for those monkeys were made to bend the knee, and when their insolence annoyed Frieza, they were destroyed, save for a few quaint pets. She was a cousin - a few generations removed, but close enough to be part of the Clan. To be counted among those glorious few who made worlds entire submit.
When she in her late twenties, this all became a lie. The Sayians, thought dead, had returned. They had destroyed Frieza's latest conquest, and a year later their new homeworld - some piddling place called E-Arth - killed both Lord Frieza and the Venerable King Cold.
The Planetary Trade Organisation devolved into Chaos. While none - virtually none - of the remaining Arcosians had even the power of Lord Frieza in his second form, they were all still powerful, more powerful than their subordinates. Enough to take a fragment of the PTO as their own. For a while, Suno - still very young, younger than even - followed in her parent's wake as they waged war. Made alliances with other Arcosians, and betrayed them all the same, foment rebellion on others world's, while expressing rebellion on their own. For decades they went on like this, the once glorious Empire disintegrating in intercine warfare. Suno grew, to come to match - and at her age, undoubtedly surpass - her parent's power. This would be it. While lacking the powers of the true lineage, this would be enough, to restore the Empire. With a few close allies, a few powerful subordinates, they would forge a new PTO, and this one would be even grander than the last. Plans were made.
And then they died. To a new breed of the Sayians - one sporting the typical black hair of the Sayian Line, the other that luscious Blonde that Lord Frieza had
whined informed people about during his convalescence. It didn't even take much. Suno only survived due to her natural durability, floating through space for a month until she recovered.
It had not even taken them effort. This is what she thought, as she floated through the void. The Sayians had come, and they were winning. Whatever had killed Lord Frieza, King Cold, Marquise Cooler, had come again. The time... yes, they must have been raising a new generation of Sayians, biding their time until they were assured of their conquest.
She could see it now. A New Cold Empire - a Sayian Empire - would be inevitable. Such glorious power, how could it be denied?
No, it could not. It was inevitable - as once Frieza, as Cold, as Chilled's rule had been inevitable. And why fight the inevitable.
Taking off for E-Arth in a small ship, she decided that perhaps she wouldn't rule the Empire. But she hadn't when Cold was in charge. She was still powerful, by any other standard, enough to be worthy of a favoured place. To conquer subordinate planets for their empire.
Arriving on Earth, she discovered she was incorrect, slightly. The secret plan - to breed new Sayians and then conquer the galaxy - had gone arwy. These new Sayians (artificial Sayians) were still in production, made by this Bulma from Earthling genestock. Their prototypes - Androids - had apparently broken free, killed one of the two remaining non-artificial Sayians, and were now rogue. It was these rogues that had killed her parent and wounded her, and were currently wreaking havoc. But the plan continued. More artificial Sayians were being produced, to quell these rogues, and then, undoubtedly, to conquer the Galaxy. And so she pledged her support. They would make her stronger - perhaps one day she would rival Cold, or Cooler, or dare she even
think it! - and in return for her help in supressing their rogue elements, she would have a favoured place in this new Clan.
Fighting Style:
Suno knows what can roughly be described as the "traditionalist" form of Arcosian melee fighting - a flexible combination of fists, knees, foot-work, and tailwork, with the latter two given heightened focus due to the unique nature of an Arcosian's feet, which are able to grapple and strike at once, while the extendable length of the tail allows it to be used for whiplike attacks, a fifth limb in grappling, or even just to hit them directly with, being made of more or less pure muscle. She knows the fundamentals of it, but while her reactions and raw instincts in using it provide no major gaps due to her long experience fighting, her actual technical proficiency can perhaps best be described as "sloppy", an admittedly not uncommon trait among Arcosians to confident in power über alles.
Ki Techniques:
Suno knows the general techniques for flight, as well as the ability to form most unspecialised forms of blasts, but knows relatively few unique attacks.
Frost Lance - "
Death Beam":
A highly concentrated piercing beam attack, not unlike the Makankosappo or more generalised "finger beam" class of attacks, Suno requires a second or two to concentrate her Ki down to her fingertips, lacking the casual speed with which Frieza could dispatch these. She can fire these from both index fingers, as well as the middle "finger" of each of her feet, but lacks practice firing it from other digits.
Fissure Slash - "
Death Wave":
A powerful arcing beam, capable of cutting through swathes of both terrain and lesser lifeforms, Suno creates this by charging a Frost Lance for longer than usual, before making a slashing motion, releasing a coherent "cut" which spreads out to make it very hard to dodge (in one dimension). Arguably not a beam attack at all, and something like an intermediate stage between a basic attack and an alteration-type ki attack.
The ability to manipulate objects with the force of your mind, Suno can do this to manipulate the environment in her battles, but is not skilled enough to use it as a direct attack against any real peer opponent.
Mystic Attack:
The ability to extend, in this case, Suno's tail beyond its default four feet in length, and manipulate it just as finely as any of her other limbs.
Icicle Blade - "
Energy Blade":
You can't tell anyone this, right? Alright. Suno, secretly, thought Salza was really cool. She's been trying to get down an energy blade like his - her idea is that it's like a fissure slash that just stays with your hand, which isn't entirely incorrect, but her progress has been slow, with her often losing the technique after a couple of attacks and it flying away as a ranged blast not unlike her fissure slash.