Dragon Age: Last Court


Embrace your inner lunatic. Fun times guaranteed.
Under a rock.
Yes, a Let's Play of Dragon Age: Last Court, the text adventure game set before Dragon Age Inquistition.

To spice things up, I'm letting you lot make all the decisions, except for the ones that depend on my save games. These will be apparent later.


Please excuse the name. You play as an Orlesian, and Orlesians are basically Dragon Age!French. I had no choice.

Anyway, here's the first choice. Which character?

[X] The Huntress
[X] The Scholar
Well, this is certainly a close vote. :V

Anyway, since Scholar just barely won, let's move on.

I've been told that Rulership is the most important of these, so keep that in mind while we do this.

Also, some notes on dear Great Grandfather, the Shame of Serault.

Well, let's have a look around, then.

Intoxicating apples? Huh.

And looking through the pictures I have so far, I can't seem to find a mention of the Divine before now.

Huh. Did I miss a picture?

"Payment in Glass" is the worse motto ever. From now on, I'm going to assume that coming up with it is the real reason out great grandfather is called the Shame of Serault.

Well, time for another vote. Freedom, Prosperity?
Actually, many of the Freedom Choices make your peasantry more prone to Rebellion. Because they fear you less.

The Scholar's base stats Do give him an easier time keeping Rebellion in check though, because he's good at many of the skills that are checked when you're countering Rumors of Revolution.
[X] Freedom.

It's the character specific choice, so why wouldn't you choose it? The design of this choice makes no sense to me. You can capitalize on the option tailored for your class, or you can go for a boring neutral choice.
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Freedom it is.

Of course we're going to bring change to Serault, common-folk. What you should be wondering is, will it be good change?

Probably not, but let's wait until we actually make a mistake to talk like that.

Well, another vote already. And I'm all out of clever things to say, unless you want me to crack a dumb joke about Twilight being described as a bad thing.

[X] Twilight.
[X] Peril.
[X] Rumors of Revolution.
[X] Rumors of Revolution

Because I, y'know, want our guy to be a counterintuitive schizophrenic.
[X] Twilight. Our Scholar has little patience for annoying fans, and honestly he thinks vampires should stay bloodsucking monsters. None of this "tortured romance" nonsense the nobles eat up these days.
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