Disgaea: The Chaos Hereafter

Jhin Lemon

Lawful Cute
Trapped in the interwebs, please send help
Hello! Welcome to the Netherworld! You died and lead an especially sinful life, like seriously, this is some stuff even demons wouldn't want. I'd be impressed if I wasn't also a little sick. But don't worry, you're not eternally damned. Work hard and you can eventually, one day, return t- ...Er, hold on a minute...

...Yes? Oh... ....Yes, I see.

It seems there was a bit of a mixup! Haha, turns out you weren't that sinful, or...even meant to be dead. We don't know what caused it, but you're kinda already slated for being turned into a monster. Here, I can make you a type of demon instead, I'll even let you pick to make up for all of this, most things should be available.
As the voice finishes speaking, a panel appears...in front of you? Well, there isn't really an in front of you since you're a tad formless currently, but it works well enough.

On the panel is a list of various classes, some of which may be familiar to some, particularly "Prinny". Next to each name is a little checkbox. Simply my concentrating as if you were to press the checkbox with your finger, a cross appears on it. Trying to check another box removes the original check, for anyone who tries to exploit the system.

Additionally, by concentrating on pressing the name of the monster, you instead get a listing of various information about it, including a picture of appearance. This function is not explained in any way and activating it can only be done by stumbling upon it really.

Once you're done checking the box of the monster you want to be, and confirming it, it all disappears.

"There are a few others who had the same mistake, so I'll let you guys all turn up together, okay?" the voice doesn't wait for any type of confirmation. Instead, you all find yourselves amongst seven other assorted demons. To one side of you is a burning river of lava, hot, but not burning any of you. To the other side, is a very nice looking mansion jutting from the rocky ground. Much of the building is angular and white, though some small parts have black scuffs or cracks in them.

A low wall surrounds the mansion, but getting over it would prove to be little issue to any of you, and the door to the place seems to be wide open, with no one around...
Somewhere Mordor-ish
Dark times
New body, new place, new life

My body feels different upon opening my eyes. However, I know what I'm in for. I know that of my own free will, I chose to be this. Still, that doesn't stop me from covering myself with my newfound wings, my extra muscles, nerves and instincts acting for me. I... just need some time, is all...

At first, I didn't know what to do. All I did was go to sleep, then some gravelly voice told me that I was headed for Prinnyhood in the Netherworld, only to it to be a mixup, one that could not be completely reversed. Instead, he said that I could only be a demon from hereon, and as consolation, I could choose which kind I would become.

A panel was shown in front of me, presenting different classes of demons, images of beings of all shapes and sizes, many of them familiar, looking much like the ones from the Disgaea series. Along with the images were the names of the classes, and pressing them brought up their descriptions. It felt like a vivid dream, yet it also felt so real. Pinching my arm only brought me a moment of pain. While it felt like a... change of pace, or an escape from the pressures of reality, I wasn't sure I liked being thrown into a potentially more dangerous life. Why couldn't I be in heaven, or Celestia? Self-sufficiency wasn't one of my strengths, and what about those left behind? Would my friends and loved ones back home be all right?

At least I wasn't going to be a Prinny (Disgaea is real now?!). Their working conditions in the Netherworld were... hellish, literally and figuratively. Near-endless hard labor wasn't something I was looking for in a lifestyle.

Anyway, there was only the path forward, which was to take the form of a demon. I was drawn to the female ones, which more closely matched my sense of self compared to what I was born with. However, while there were many options, there was no Angel, like the ones from Celestia, which would had been my first choice. I asked, and according to the voice, it was not available at the time, and that the two closest ones to it were the Female Healer and the Succubus, both being descendants of fallen angels. I... chose the latter, partly for the wings, partly for the looks, and partly because she had offensive magic alongside the healing, as well as a resistance to fire. I wasn't a fan of fire, and just because I took the form of a succubus didn't mean I had to act like one...

While wrapped within my wings, I take the time to... examine my body, to let myself feel what it is like to be this. I run a hand through my hair, its weight of which hangs back from my head, and it's so long, soft and smooth, reaching down to my hips... I could try flipping it if I want to. I bring up a few strands in front of my eyes, and it's such a deep shade of indigo, or blue-violet. I'm not sure as to the exact hue, but it's a vivid one. So nice...

Two weights could be felt from the sides of my head. Tracing them with my hand, the shape feels like that of... horns, curving upward and around like halves of a heart. Knocking on one doesn't elicit much of a sensation from me, and the texture and hardness is kinda like... that of my nails. Maybe they're made from similar materials?

My skin looks lighter in complexion now, and smoother, with little presence of hair. Touching it only shows me that it's smoother than before. I wonder what my new face looks like... and dangling from my ears, now pointy-feeling in shape, are a pair of earrings, circular ones. Looking at my hands, partially covered in black fingerless gloves, shows that they look more delicate, yet feel stronger than before. I notice that my nails are colored in black, too. On instinct, I wiggle my hands as I see and feel my fingernails lengthen, tapering into sharp points at their ends, like... claws? Yes, they're claws, kinda like what werewolves have. Um... okay. If anything, it just looks fascinating to have these, and they look like they'd come in handy for self-defense, too.

New instincts guide me as I retract the claws. Next is... I look down, my black, leathery wings slightly loosening their wrapping around me to let me see myself. I really have the body of a girl now, chest, waist, hips and everything (and I could feel the, fortunately bearable, weight of the first one), and the outfit, while it's relatively more decent than what the standard succubus was wearing, it's still somewhat revealing, showing off part of my thighs, my midriff, and um, my cleavage, but it... also looks familiar, a form-fitting, rubbery bodysuit in black with magenta highlights, snug and soft and comfy. The choker around my neck has that same color scheme, plus a circular ornament in front that... looks like the top portion of the Sega Genesis console. The matching detached sleeves on my arms, and the bracelets on my wrists, are known to me, too. Along with my hair... do I look like Iris Heart, the one from Neptunia? I think so, but with the addition of succubus stuff. Nice...

Speaking of those stuff, my new, batlike wings can be very much felt, my back supporting them. Another thing is also new to my senses, that of... a tail from my backside. On instinct, it moves around in front of me, allowing me to see it. No, it's not the fluffy type one finds with, say, kitsune. Rather, it's a slender, black one, ending in a heart-shaped tip. It looks flexible, yet strong, like a whip. The tip feels sharp, too, such that it could be another method of self-defense for me. Um, my tail seems to be a tad sensitive, though. Maybe I just need to get used to it?

My Iris-style outfit continues on down my hips, covering most of my legs. Enclosing my feet are heeled boots, which make me feel like I'm tiptoeing. They're oddly comfortable though, which is better than them being a pain. Maybe there's some kind of magic or something?

Mm... I think I can live with this. Now, where am I? Around me is... a stereotypical depiction of hell. No, it's definitely not the icy lake of Cocytus. Rather, it's the fire and brimstone type of place, like Mordor, and is that a river of lava right beside me? What the goodness? ...How am I not getting burned? If anything, it doesn't feel as hot as it should. Rather, it's... bearably hot for some reason, something I can actually live with, even if I prefer the cold than the heat. Then again, didn't Gordon, Jennifer and company have a picnic at the Sea of Gehenna, a place like this? And those first two are but regular humans, too. How'd they not get burned just by the convection of the lava?

There's a large building in front of me, an elegant mansion or manor of sorts, a distinctly white and angular presence around here, somehow, without soot or anything. Talk about an excellent cleaning service... it seems a bit scorched and damaged though.

It doesn't look like there are others within... but there are those around me instead. I recognize what at least some of them are from my prior knowledge of Disgaea, but some, I don't. A kyuubi no kitsune (I didn't know that's a thing here), a recolored alraune with clothes, a nekomata who could use more clothes, a Prinny (wait, someone actually chose the penguin? Like, seriously?), a Magic Knight (at least from the attire and general appearance), a Martial Artist (well, he kinda looks the part, though I could be mistaken), and... I'm not sure about that last guy. So these are the ones in the same boat as me. Uh...

"Hello?" I say, shyly waving towards them. Goodness, my voice is like Iris Heart's, too, all soft and mellow. My pitch remains low, but it's undoubtedly feminine now... and nice.
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A drab place
A new beginning
And so the world continues

"Hmm~ So it's not a delusion" Humming to myself, I inspected myself and feeling the movement of my own body. It sounds weird but after being offered to reincarnate as a being from a video game series only to found it was real, I think my reaction is pretty much justified. Especially with my choice of demon, Floral Beast. The flower of Netherworld, which basically just Alraune in many other series besides Disgaea.

I could have chosen more humanoid demon, or more fantastical beings, or just stronger demons. After all, Floral beast is not known for its power, but no. I think Floral Beast is the best suited for this new life.

As the sweet scent of my own self came to my mind, this choice seems to be the most fitting for me. Still retaining humanoid body sans the leg which is good. Not too mention the feeling of countless thorned vines as the replacement for my leg is such an exquisite feeling. While I might not be the most versatile or powerful demon, in fact, I limited to a mostly supportive role, I am fine with this. Floral Beast is universally thought as cute if my knowledge of Disgaea is correct, which is another positive point.

Still, is this okay? For someone such as myself to get a second chance, albeit as a demon from a video game series? Even if finding out myself in Disgaea-themed judgement somehow is a surprise, the fact that I deemed not suited to become a prinny is somewhat troubling. But ah, whatever happened, happened. No use of thinking such thing for now. For we have a whole new life to explore.

And this time I shall aim high! I will become an Idol! This idea came out of nowhere and have no basis in reality? Who cares!

Still ah, the voice did told me that I am not alone, and looking around it seems I am not indeed. All around me are various demons, such as a Nine-Tails, Succubus, Prinny, Felynn and three other humanoid demons. What a unique group we have here. So they are in the same boat as me hmm? Interesting.

As for where we are....ah what a...place? Mansion behind us and a river of lava in front of us. Blergh, Lava moat is such a lame design and really not suited for the mansion. Whoever designed this should get fired, literally.
"Hello?" I say, shyly waving towards them. Goodness, my voice is like Iris Heart's, too, all soft and mellowy...
"And greetings to you too, my dear Succubus!" I grinned and pointed toward the succubus flamboyantly. Subconsciously I realized that I acted and posed like the Idols in various anime, the genki kind. Not even that, my voice is young and full of energy despite sounds a bit...mature at the same time. It's a bit weird "What a situation to find ourselves in huh?"

"This should have been the part where I told you my name, but perhaps not now. Not right now" I winked at her as I looked at the others "Still, nice to meet you!~ ☆"
Where the hell...
No idea
When in doubt, roll with it

a voice said:
Hello! Welcome to the Netherworld! You died and lead an especially sinful life, like seriously, this is some stuff even demonswouldn't want. I'd be impressed if I wasn't also a little sick. But don't worry, you're not eternally damned. Work hard and you can eventually, one day, return t- ...Er, hold on a minute...

...Yes? Oh... ....Yes, I see.

It seems there was a bit of a mixup! Haha, turns out you weren't that sinful, or...even meant to be dead. We don't know what caused it, but you're kinda already slated for being turned into a monster. Here, I can make you a type of demon instead, I'll even let you pick to make up for all of this, most things should be available.

Okay, so apparently dying is painless after all, good to know. No use lamenting what can't be undone, and hey, they're even letting me choose a species, nice perk. Anyway, lessee...no, no, not that, what's this? Punchy catgirl? I can work with that. Wonder if my mentality will change at all. Ah well, nothing for it but to press on blindly! Aaaaannnd poke.

Ah, the screens are going away, guess it took
the same voice said:
"There are a few others who had the same mistake, so I'll let you guys all turn up together, okay?"
Wait, others? How many others? Come back voice! Tell me things I need to know!

...Aaand now I'm looking at a lava lake. Feels like it should be warmer down here. Ah well, not like I'm gonna complain about video game logic when it means I don't burn to a crisp. The more important thing is the slightly disheveled manor and the seven other...uh..."people", for lack of a better term clustered nearby. There's even a Prinny. Why

"Hello?" I say, shyly waving towards them. Goodness, my voice is like Iris Heart's, too, all soft and mellow. My pitch remains low, but it's undoubtedly feminine now... and nice.

"Hi! Good to meet you!" Oh thank fuck I don't have a verbal tic "I'm Al.." wait shit shit shit not that name old name dead person new name new name think think think! "Evelynn. My name is Evelynn. Who're you?"

As the selection is confirmed and the surroundings begin to blur, the voice booms again 'Presented with a choice, you still chose to be a Prinny. Most interesting. Why do that? You could be so much more.'

Stoberyl remains silent for a few moments, recollecting her thoughts before finally speaking 'I guess... I kinda deserved it? Not really proud of the things I've done. Doesn't feel right to cop out of my sins.'

'I still think it's disproportionate, but it's your call and you've made your choice so there's no turning back now. I hope you know what you're getting' the voice starts to fade as a hellish landscape of lava appears. 'Oh, and don't forget. You have to say dood every time you speak. Or else.'

With that, Stoberyl finds herself with a group of others in the same situation, facing a ramshackle mansion with little other features. They were a mix of creatures, some humanoid demons and other monsters but of far higher capabilities than herself. That was when the introductions started.

First, the succubus spoke and then the flower beast and the catgirl did. Then it was her turn. "Hello everyone, dood. My name's Stoberyl."
As the voice finishes speaking, a panel appears...in front of you? Well, there isn't really an in front of you since you're a tad formless currently, but it works well enough.

On the panel is a list of various classes, some of which may be familiar to some, particularly "Prinny". Next to each name is a little checkbox. Simply my concentrating as if you were to press the checkbox with your finger, a cross appears on it. Trying to check another box removes the original check, for anyone who tries to exploit the system.

Additionally, by concentrating on pressing the name of the monster, you instead get a listing of various information about it, including a picture of appearance. This function is not explained in any way and activating it can only be done by stumbling upon it really.

Once you're done checking the box of the monster you want to be, and confirming it, it all disappears.

"There are a few others who had the same mistake, so I'll let you guys all turn up together, okay?" the voice doesn't wait for any type of confirmation. Instead, you all find yourselves amongst seven other assorted demons. To one side of you is a burning river of lava, hot, but not burning any of you. To the other side, is a very nice looking mansion jutting from the rocky ground. Much of the building is angular and white, though some small parts have black scuffs or cracks in them.

A low wall surrounds the mansion, but getting over it would prove to be little issue to any of you, and the door to the place seems to be wide open, with no one around...
I yawned, my eyes fluttering open, with purple hair covering one of them. Ah fuck that wasn't a dream... Note to self, figure out who or what killed me, then fucking kill it back. Looking around, I felt myself blush slightly when I noticed the Iris Heart look alike. Yawning, I decided to look myself over. Oh..Oh... I look amazing. With my rather... impressive chest, and my nine new tails.. That's what, ten mobile pillows? A part of me wants to cry from sheer joy.

Somewhere Mordor-ish

Dark times

New body, new place, new life

"Hello?" I say, shyly waving towards them. Goodness, my voice is like Iris Heart's, too, all soft and mellow. My pitch remains low, but it's undoubtedly feminine now... and nice.
Blinking at the voice of the look-a-like, I listened to the others before responding. "Hello... Call me Lilliana..." I said, trying not to yawn. Ah fucking hell my 'death' interrupted my sleep... Looking down at my chest and my tails, I saw I was floating a bit off the ground. Hmm... I am so tempted to curl up into a ball and fall asleep.
Somewhere Mordor-ish
Dark times

"And greetings to you too, my dear Succubus!" I grinned and pointed toward the succubus flamboyantly. Subconsciously I realized that I acted and posed like the Idols in various anime, the genki kind. Not even that, my voice is young and full of energy despite sounds a bit...mature at the same time. It's a bit weird "What a situation to find ourselves in huh?"

"This should have been the part where I told you my name, but perhaps not now. Not right now" I winked at her as I looked at the others "Still, nice to meet you!~ ☆"

That one gets me taken aback. Oh my, she seems the dramatic, energetic type. "You too," I quietly answer.

"Hi! Good to meet you!" Oh thank fuck I don't have a verbal tic "I'm Al.." wait shit shit shit not that name old name dead person new name new name think think think! "Evelynn. My name is Evelynn. Who're you?"

I heard that. It's a last-minute change of words, but whatever. I need a name to go by as well, and my usual one wouldn't match this pretty form. Instead, I'll call myself by what I look like. "I'm Iris," I reply. It feels... fitting, to identify myself as such.

First, the succubus spoke and then the flower beast and the catgirl did. Then it was her turn. "Hello everyone, dood. My name's Stoberyl."

I raise an eyebrow. She kinda reminds me of Laharl's mom in Prinny form, not just because she has a feminine voice, but because... she didn't say 'dood' in that last sentence. "Prinny rule number one..." I mutter to myself, remembering a certain enthusiastic former Tyrant.

Blinking at the voice of the look-a-like, I listened to the others before responding. "Hello... Call me Lilliana..." I said, trying not to yawn. Ah fucking hell my 'death' interrupted my sleep... Looking down at my chest and my tails, I saw I was floating a bit off the ground. Hmm... I am so tempted to curl up into a ball and fall asleep.

I can't help but hope that that floating (I blame magic for that, but it's still quite the sight) purple, Plutia-ish kyuubi, Lilliana, is a certain friend of mine, even if that's a snowball's chance in this place... I might have seen a blush though, amidst her pale skin. Hehe, I wonder if it's part and parcel of being, well, this...

As much as Lilly would be a nice nickname, it might be a bit too soon to use that. I mean, we're all strangers right now.

Looking around once more, the only point of interest, aside from the people near me and that non-burning lava river, is that white mansion. I wonder if we're supposed to go in there. Well, we don't really have a place to stay right now, for starters, and it might be more comfy inside than out here in the heat.

About that, I wonder if my seeming tolerance for the hot surroundings is because of having a resistance to fire... I'd rather not test it out though.
"There are a few others who had the same mistake, so I'll let you guys all turn up together, okay?" the voice doesn't wait for any type of confirmation. Instead, you all find yourselves amongst seven other assorted demons. To one side of you is a burning river of lava, hot, but not burning any of you. To the other side, is a very nice looking mansion jutting from the rocky ground. Much of the building is angular and white, though some small parts have black scuffs or cracks in them.

Hikari Souta
__ __ __

A sudden heat invades my body. Is it summer? I swore it was winter time yesterday...
A glowing mass of liquid radiated heat, too close for comfort.
"Isn't that lava?!"
What the hell am I doing on a volcano?!
Just seconds ago, I had been in this endless dark void, talking to a person(?) who didn't let me get a word in.
Apparently I, Hikari Souta, had perished at the ripe age of 18. A tragic fate, indeed.

...At least, that's
what I was told. I have no clear memory of the incident, but I do remember seeing a very large truck, en route to collision with my squishy human flesh.
Needless to say, It was clear who had higher endurance.
"Unless, this is one of those situations?"
'I'm in a coma, and this is my dying dream.' That kind of scenario was not uncommon.
Though, I have to doubt that theory, as my lazy ass wouldn't want to spawn on a volcano, subconsciously or not.
Anyways, what the hell do I do now?
I look around, taking in my options. I'd guess, walking is the least I can do. Upon higher inspection, this couldn't be a volcano.
"...Oh, a mansion."
...In the middle of nowhere, completely new, very close to my spawning point. How unquestionably convenient!
And, as for anything else of note, I wasn't actually alone here.
I hear the words 'succubus' out of a sentence, and that, together with the words 'prinny' and my current location, make my brain finally click.
This was Disgaea.
"...I don't remember being sinful enough to go to hell?!"
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As the voice finishes speaking, a panel appears...in front of you? Well, there isn't really an in front of you since you're a tad formless currently, but it works well enough.

On the panel is a list of various classes, some of which may be familiar to some, particularly "Prinny". Next to each name is a little checkbox. Simply my concentrating as if you were to press the checkbox with your finger, a cross appears on it. Trying to check another box removes the original check, for anyone who tries to exploit the system.

Additionally, by concentrating on pressing the name of the monster, you instead get a listing of various information about it, including a picture of appearance. This function is not explained in any way and activating it can only be done by stumbling upon it really.

Once you're done checking the box of the monster you want to be, and confirming it, it all disappears.

"There are a few others who had the same mistake, so I'll let you guys all turn up together, okay?" the voice doesn't wait for any type of confirmation. Instead, you all find yourselves amongst seven other assorted demons. To one side of you is a burning river of lava, hot, but not burning any of you. To the other side, is a very nice looking mansion jutting from the rocky ground. Much of the building is angular and white, though some small parts have black scuffs or cracks in them.

A low wall surrounds the mansion, but getting over it would prove to be little issue to any of you, and the door to the place seems to be wide open, with no one around...
Picking the only natural choice for me, I settle into my new reality.

Settling down between a river of lava and a battered mansion, I feel something settle on my shoulders like a cape, pulling it off me, I find a yellowish-green biker jacket made of snakeskin, it looked strangely like Majima's iconic coat from the Yakuza series, nice, but not something I'd ever wear. Just as I'm about to toss it away I catch what the tag says; Majima, freezing, I eye the jacket again. "What did you do now you silly old dog... ?"
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Still a drab place
There's no clock here sherlock
So many future minions friends!

That one gets me taken aback. Oh my, she seems the dramatic, energetic type. "You too," I quietly answer.
A shy succubus hmm? I think I can work with this. Still, her appearance reminds me of someone but the name escapes me. Still, if we have a shy succubus then my decision of taking Idol persona is the correct one. Having overlapping personality in a part is a no-no after all. Though I suppose I should wait and see for other first before developing more of my character.

"Hi! Good to meet you!" Oh thank fuck I don't have a verbal tic "I'm Al.." wait shit shit shit not that name old name dead person new name new name think think think! "Evelynn. My name is Evelynn. Who're you?"
And now we have the Felynn. Hmm, this one is no good, no good at all. A nekomimi character will draw people in and Felynn is still notoriously adored by people. However, that only means this one is quite generic then. Though her not going meow/nya is a sad loss for the Netherworld but might be quite a gimmick. A straight-man compared to her race perhaps? Ah, I think too much about it. I'll reserve more of my judgement later.

We totally should find her some clothes to wear, however. I think some kind of jacket or coat?

I heard that. It's a last-minute change of words, but whatever. I need a name to go by as well, and my usual one wouldn't match this pretty form. Instead, I'll call myself by what I look like. "I'm Iris," I reply. It feels... fitting, to identify myself as such.
"I am pleased to meet you two, Eveline and Iris" I give them both a polite smile, an Idol smile is worth a thousand words after all

First, the succubus spoke and then the flower beast and the catgirl did. Then it was her turn. "Hello everyone, dood. My name's Stoberyl."
I raise an eyebrow. She kinda reminds me of Laharl's mom in Prinny form, not just because she has a feminine voice, but because... she didn't say 'dood' in that last sentence. "Prinny rule number one..." I mutter to myself, remembering a certain enthusiastic former Tyrant.
Ah, here we are. The staple of Disgaea, Prinny. Strange, didn't the voice said that we are a mistake and can choose our own form? Surely someone didn't voluntary choose to be a Prinny? Or maybe it's not voluntary for this particular person? Still, this Prinny is certainly no generic Prinny. Quite obvious from the Kepi and her way of talking. No true Prinny would fumble their words like that. Wonder if this one still explodes if thrown. This gives me an idea though.

A Prinny would make a good crew and even backup dancers. Most of them might be unrepentant sinners who are lazy and keep complaining but they still make quite the workforce if handled right after all. Hm, I should find some soon after I get a handle on this new life.

Blinking at the voice of the look-a-like, I listened to the others before responding. "Hello... Call me Lilliana..." I said, trying not to yawn. Ah fucking hell my 'death' interrupted my sleep... Looking down at my chest and my tails, I saw I was floating a bit off the ground. Hmm... I am so tempted to curl up into a ball and fall asleep.
"And hello you to you too, Lily" I greet the nine-tail before putting on a faux-surprised face, my voice is slightly quieter for this one "Ah, do forgive me. T'was impolite of me but can I call you that?"

This one...hmm. Nine-tail is always in my cute book but this one. There's a potential there for a genre I doubt I can handle, hmm hm. This only getting more and more interesting.
"...I don't remember being sinful enough to go to hell?!"
I heard one of the two male humanoid demons exclaimed. Hmm, from the clothes perhaps a thief? Or just a generic demon. Hmm, can't really think anything else. Still, he's a comrade of our for now so I must not be so dismissive.

"Is that so good sir? Are you sure about that?" While I tried to be sincere and understanding, I think I can't help but smirked at the demon "There are many sins out there, even inactivity or ignorance could be a sin. And forgives me, but I doubt you remember every sin you committed"

"Still, there might be worse fates than be here with us. So cheers up my good man, for tonight we dine in hell" I said with quite obvious cheer and glee.

Settling down between a river of lava and a battered mansion, I feel something settle on my shoulders like a cape, pulling it off me, I find a yellowish-green biker jacket made of snakeskin, it looked strangely like Majima's iconic coat from the Yakuza series, nice, but not something I'd ever wear. Just as I'm about to toss it away I catch what the tag says; Majima, freezing, I eye the jacket again. "What did you do now you silly old dog... ?"
And the other one is...hmm. Martial Artist perhaps? His attire reminds me of those old kung-fu movies goons, like those part of the Yakuza/Mafia/Gang. Sigh, unlike Monster type, it's really hard to pin down the humanoid type that it's quite frustrating indeed.

"And you good sir?" I called out to the might be martial artist with a slightly concerned smile "Is there something wrong?"
Still a drab place
There's no clock here sherlock
So many future minions friends!
"And hello you to you too, Lily" I greet the nine-tail before putting on a faux-surprised face, my voice is slightly quieter for this one "Ah, do forgive me. T'was impolite of me but can I call you that?"

This one...hmm. Nine-tail is always in my cute book but this one. There's a potential there for a genre I doubt I can handle, hmm hm. This only getting more and more interesting.
I frown at the.. Alarune. Wait.. This is Disgaea... So... Floral Beast? "I prefer if only close friends of mine call me that." I said, spinning around to face her. Oh. Oof. Big chest doesn't like super fast movements. Crossing my arms under my chest, I sighed at the look in her eye. "Are you planning something?" I asked. This better not be me being paranoid... I just want to find a place to nap.. Hmm.. That gives me a idea..
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Hell, sorta
Does the Netherworld even have time?
I have made a mistake

As the voice finishes speaking, a panel appears...in front of you? Well, there isn't really an in front of you since you're a tad formless currently, but it works well enough.

On the panel is a list of various classes, some of which may be familiar to some, particularly "Prinny". Next to each name is a little checkbox. Simply my concentrating as if you were to press the checkbox with your finger, a cross appears on it. Trying to check another box removes the original check, for anyone who tries to exploit the system.

Additionally, by concentrating on pressing the name of the monster, you instead get a listing of various information about it, including a picture of appearance. This function is not explained in any way and activating it can only be done by stumbling upon it really.

Once you're done checking the box of the monster you want to be, and confirming it, it all disappears.

"There are a few others who had the same mistake, so I'll let you guys all turn up together, okay?" the voice doesn't wait for any type of confirmation. Instead, you all find yourselves amongst seven other assorted demons. To one side of you is a burning river of lava, hot, but not burning any of you. To the other side, is a very nice looking mansion jutting from the rocky ground. Much of the building is angular and white, though some small parts have black scuffs or cracks in them.

A low wall surrounds the mansion, but getting over it would prove to be little issue to any of you, and the door to the place seems to be wide open, with no one around...
I'm dead? And going to Hell? But...I didn't think I was that bad in lif- Oh, there was a mistake. Well, that's better than being meant to be here. Wait, monster?

I look over the panel, and one option jumps out to me quickly: Magic Knight. I select it all too hastily, since, why wouldn't I want magic without being weak like most mage-type people?

As my new body's eyes open, I realise I made a mistake in doing that though. The main thing that tipped me off was a definite weight in my chest I wasn't used to, the nearby penguin-demon only confirmed what came to mind.

"Right, Disgaea Netherworld," I muttered to myself, "which means Magic Knights are girls...great...good job me."

How did I forget that you always need to read as much as you can when it comes to deals...

Mental berating aside, my...companions(?) seem to have started talking. ...several of them aren't wearing much... Uh, ignoring that for now, introductions are a thing. Then...inspection? Ugh, calling it that feels weird.

"Hiiiiiiiii," I say, halfway between hesitation and (fake) excitement in tone.

Next, I look down at myself. My chest is...big, okay let's ignore that part. My outfit is odd. Regular green sleeves cover my arms, and my upper torso by a light type of armour, it even has little pauldrons, but my midriff has something that could be described as a spandex corset over it, which...isn't helping the chest situation. My legs are thankfully covered by leggings, though there's the noticeable feeling of air on my upper thighs. At least the cloth panels on my front and back help with that a little, even if they're only really kept in place by the giant ribbon on my back...

I need some new clothes.
Somewhere Mordor-ish
Dark times
That mansion over there

"Mm..." I idly stretch my limbs, including my wings, arching my back in the process. Ah, that feels good...

"...I don't remember being sinful enough to go to hell?!"

To be fair, neither do I. "I think it's part of the mixup," I answer. The silver lining in my case is that I look nicer like this.

Picking the only natural choice for me, I settle into my new reality.

Settling down between a river of lava and a battered mansion, I feel something settle on my shoulders like a cape, pulling it off me, I find a yellowish-green biker jacket made of snakeskin, it looked strangely like Majima's iconic coat from the Yakuza series, nice, but not something I'd ever wear. Just as I'm about to toss it away I catch what the tag says; Majima, freezing, I eye the jacket again. "What did you do now you silly old dog... ?"

Meanwhile, the martial artist is... inspecting his leather-ish jacket. Well, I'd just leave him to it.

Hell, sorta
Does the Netherworld even have time?
I have made a mistake

"Right, Disgaea Netherworld," I muttered to myself, "which means Magic Knights are girls...great...good job me."

Mental berating aside, my...companions(?) seem to have started talking. ...several of them aren't wearing much... Uh, ignoring that for now, introductions are a thing. Then...inspection? Ugh, calling it that feels weird.

"Hiiiiiiiii," I say, halfway between hesitation and (fake) excitement in tone.

Next, I look down at myself.

"Hello," I greet as I briefly smile and wave at her. I wonder what she's muttering about... but it's not really my business. Much like the jacketed one, I'll just leave her to her... self-examination.

Still a drab place
There's no clock here sherlock
So many future minions friends!

"I am pleased to meet you two, Eveline and Iris" I give them both a polite smile, an Idol smile is worth a thousand words after all

"And hello you to you too, Lily" I greet the nine-tail before putting on a faux-surprised face, my voice is slightly quieter for this one "Ah, do forgive me. T'was impolite of me but can I call you that?"

"Is that so good sir? Are you sure about that?" While I tried to be sincere and understanding, I think I can't help but smirked at the demon "There are many sins out there, even inactivity or ignorance could be a sin. And forgives me, but I doubt you remember every sin you committed"

"Still, there might be worse fates than be here with us. So cheers up my good man, for tonight we dine in hell" I said with quite obvious cheer and glee.

...Really? Calling her Lilly already? There's a reason why I'm planning to refrain from that.

And meanwhile, that doesn't help the poor guy. I'm more likely to credit it to a bureaucratic slip-up than actually deserving to be in the Netherworld...

I frown at the.. Alarune. Wait.. This is Disgaea... So... Floral Beast? Jeez. Put on clothes! I know most Floral Beasts don't, but I wear my kimono when most Nine Tail's don't. "I prefer if only close friends of mine call me that." I said, spinning around to face her. Oh. Oof. Big chest doesn't like super fast movements. Crossing my arms under my chest, I sighed at the look in her eye. "Are you planning something?" I asked. This better not be me being paranoid... I just want to find a place to nap.. Hmm.. That gives me a idea..

...And yup, she doesn't take it well. Kinda reminds me of that friend of mine, but again, what a slim possibility that that girl is her. I don't know anyone else who likes the Lilliana name, but there are how many people on Earth. She could be anyone, really.

I look at the manor-like building over there, then back at us. Again, that's pretty much the only point of interest, and I'd rather not just stand around for long. "So... what do you think of going there?" I ask the others, gesturing to the pearly white structure. If only I have a map or something...
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Unable to make a relevant interjection into the conversation, Stoberyl rummages through the bag tied around her waist, taking out items and taking a closer look at them. After all, several members of their group were inspecting themselves as well. 'A machete, another machete, and... yet another machete? How many of them are in here? Okay so, machete, machete, ooh a cutlass and hanger... wait aren't these all types of falchions?'

Searching for something else other than swords, she comes across something round. 'Hmm, what's this? This feels different...' To her surprise, this object turned out to be a giant bomb which she quickly puts back inside. "Dood, how can this bag carry something more than twice my size with all the other stuff it's carrying!?"

"So... what do you think of going there?"

Stoberyl turns to the succubus who is asking the sensible questions and says "Sure why not, dood. There doesn't seem to be any other place to go."
I look at the manor-like building over there, then back at us. Again, that's pretty much the only point of interest, and I'd rather not just stand around for long. "So... what do you think of going there?" I ask the others, gesturing to the pearly white structure. If only I have a map or something...
I nodded. "That sounds like a good idea.. Plus in all honesty, I was asleep before ending up here due to that... mixup or whatever the hell it was.. I want to take a nap." I yawned slightly, absentmindly floating to Irises's side to get away from the creepy plant.
Hell, sorta
Does the Netherworld even have time?
I have made a mistake

I'm dead? And going to Hell? But...I didn't think I was that bad in lif- Oh, there was a mistake. Well, that's better than being meant to be here. Wait, monster?

I look over the panel, and one option jumps out to me quickly: Magic Knight. I select it all too hastily, since, why wouldn't I want magic without being weak like most mage-type people?

As my new body's eyes open, I realise I made a mistake in doing that though. The main thing that tipped me off was a definite weight in my chest I wasn't used to, the nearby penguin-demon only confirmed what came to mind.

"Right, Disgaea Netherworld," I muttered to myself, "which means Magic Knights are girls...great...good job me."

How did I forget that you always need to read as much as you can when it comes to deals...

Mental berating aside, my...companions(?) seem to have started talking. ...several of them aren't wearing much... Uh, ignoring that for now, introductions are a thing. Then...inspection? Ugh, calling it that feels weird.

"Hiiiiiiiii," I say, halfway between hesitation and (fake) excitement in tone.

Next, I look down at myself. My chest is...big, okay let's ignore that part. My outfit is odd. Regular green sleeves cover my arms, and my upper torso by a light type of armour, it even has little pauldrons, but my midriff has something that could be described as a spandex corset over it, which...isn't helping the chest situation. My legs are thankfully covered by leggings, though there's the noticeable feeling of air on my upper thighs. At least the cloth panels on my front and back help with that a little, even if they're only really kept in place by the giant ribbon on my back...

I need some new clothes.
Noticing that the... Magic Knight, sounds a bit upset.. "You okay?" I asked her. Is she okay? She's looking over herself with.. worry.
Still a drab place
Still no clock sherlock
A beginning for a journey, oh my.

I frown at the.. Alarune. Wait.. This is Disgaea... So... Floral Beast? "I prefer if only close friends of mine call me that." I said, spinning around to face her. Oh. Oof. Big chest doesn't like super fast movements. Crossing my arms under my chest, I sighed at the look in her eye. "Are you planning something?" I asked. This better not be me being paranoid... I just want to find a place to nap.. Hmm.. That gives me a idea..
"Is that so? Then I am sorry" I bowed sincerely to the Nine-tails "Nicknames is one thing to make it easier to remember someone, I...have some difficulty remembering people. Even those closes to me."

... "Ah, but I shall respect your preference miss Lilliana. Though I might slip up from time to time so I apologize in advance"
"Hiiiiiiiii," I say, halfway between hesitation and (fake) excitement in tone. I need some new clothes.
The last humanoid? Ah, a Magic Knight if I remember correctly. A blend of a warrior and a mage. Some might say they are gifted, some indecisive. But I say they are a great boon to us. Depend on the times to come of course, but I think she can do it. She seems kind of awkward about something though.

"Greetings, miss magic knight" I greet her politely with a hint of faux cheeriness that all Idol have "Is there something wrong? Do you need any help?"

I look at the manor-like building over there, then back at us. Again, that's pretty much the only point of interest, and I'd rather not just stand around for long. "So... what do you think of going there?" I ask the others, gesturing to the pearly white structure. If only I have a map or something...
Stoberyl turns to the succubus who is asking the sensible questions and says "Sure why not, dood. There doesn't seem to be any other place to go."
I nodded. "That sounds like a good idea.. Plus in all honesty, I was asleep before ending up here due to that... mixup or whatever the hell it was.. I want to take a nap." I yawned slightly, absentmindly floating to Irises's side to get away from the creepy plant.
"If everyone else agrees that to it, then I have no objection," I said neutrally before continues matter-of-factly "But I think we should be sure we could protect ourselves from the danger it might possess...which probably a fight considering where we are. Sigh"
"If everyone else agrees that to it, then I have no objection," I said neutrally before continues matter-of-factly "But I think we should be sure we could protect ourselves from the danger it might possess...which probably a fight considering where we are. Sigh"
At the word `fight` I swing the Dog's coat back on my shoulders and rejoin the group with a sigh. "I can't speak for the rest of us, but I can take care of myself in a fight. Name's Zal by the way."
Still in hell
No clue
So now what?

Great, introductions are...more or less put of the way, awesome. Now, what are we all actually supposed to be doing? And did the plant just say "sigh" instead of sighing? Weird.

Ah, hell with it. "I'm with the winged lady" hey, I never claimed to have remembered anyone's name. "The mansion is probably our best bet for now"
Hell, sorta
Does the Netherworld even have time?
The Succubus is here to torture me

"Mm..." I idly stretch my limbs, including my wings, arching my back in the process. Ah, that feels good...
Ghk. I hastily look away from the stretching succubus. We all just met dang it!
Noticing that the... Magic Knight, sounds a bit upset.. "You okay?" I asked her. Is she okay? She's looking over herself with.. worry.
"Greetings, miss magic knight" I greet her politely with a hint of faux cheeriness that all Idol have "Is there something wrong? Do you need any help?"
"Eh? No, I'm fine, don't worry," I answer, probably too hastily and slightly red-faced for it to be believable though. Thankfully (maybe) a distraction comes to my aid.

As the group of demons converses, a boy emerges from the mansion. Wearing purple robes that resemble a hoodless Skull, his face is gaunt, and lengthy white hair makes pretty a more accurate descriptor than handsome. Behind him follows a stout woman, covered head to toe in darkened armour, save a two holes, one from which fiery red hair emerges, and another for her eyes.

"A good day to you!" calls the boy, voice like honey, "What might you all be doing huddled outside this fine locale?"
Hell, sorta
Does the Netherworld even have time?
The Succubus is here to torture me

Ghk. I hastily look away from the stretching succubus. We all just met dang it!

"Eh? No, I'm fine, don't worry," I answer, probably too hastily and slightly red-faced for it to be believable though. Thankfully (maybe) a distraction comes to my aid.
I frowned at her response. Something's bugging her... It sounds... no.... feels... familiar. "Are you sure?" I asked, my tone filled with genuine worry,

As the group of demons converses, a boy emerges from the mansion. Wearing purple robes that resemble a hoodless Skull, his face is gaunt, and lengthy white hair makes pretty a more accurate descriptor than handsome. Behind him follows a stout woman, covered head to toe in darkened armour, save a two holes, one from which fiery red hair emerges, and another for her eyes.

"A good day to you!" calls the boy, voice like honey, "What might you all be doing huddled outside this fine locale?"
I whirled around to face the two. Ack. Again. Need to take it slow with my new chest... "We got dumped off here by whatever's in charge of reincarnating people." I said, telling the truth. Lying would get us into a fight we probably could not win.
A drab Manor
We should find a clock
Totally not suspicious person arrived!

At the word `fight` I swing the Dog's coat back on my shoulders and rejoin the group with a sigh. "I can't speak for the rest of us, but I can take care of myself in a fight. Name's Zal by the way."
"Is that so? Nice to meet you Zal" I said airily, a tough guy hm?

"Eh? No, I'm fine, don't worry," I answer, probably too hastily and slightly red-faced for it to be believable though. Thankfully (maybe) a distraction comes to my aid.
"...Please take care and don't push yourself" Genuine concern laced my word as I looked closely at the magic knight. She seemed fine physically but...embarrassed perhaps? "If anything bothers you don't be afraid to speak of it"
"A good day to you!" calls the boy, voice like honey, "What might you all be doing huddled outside this fine locale?"
Sigh, as if there's no other way to being extremely suspicious. Perhaps I am judging too early but these two is untrustworthy at best for now.
I whirled around to face the two. Ack. Again. Need to take it slow with my new chest... "We got dumped off here by whatever's in charge of reincarnating people." I said, telling the truth. Lying would get us into a fight we probably could not win.
"Yes, it's a quite a pickle" I continued after what Lilliana said "Might I ask With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking? And where is this?"
Somewhere Mordor-ish
Dark times
I thought the mansion was empty

Searching for something else other than swords, she comes across something round. 'Hmm, what's this? This feels different...' To her surprise, this object turned out to be a giant bomb which she quickly puts back inside. "Dood, how can this bag carry something more than twice my size with all the other stuff it's carrying!?"

My eyes widen at the sight of the bomb. Well, yeah, Prinnies do carry big bombs as a standard part of their arsenal, but seeing it for real, especially from a small pouch, is...

"I blame magic," I remark. Maybe the pouch is a pocket dimension or something. Who knows?

Stoberyl turns to the succubus who is asking the sensible questions and says "Sure why not, dood. There doesn't seem to be any other place to go."

I nodded. "That sounds like a good idea.. Plus in all honesty, I was asleep before ending up here due to that... mixup or whatever the hell it was.. I want to take a nap." I yawned slightly, absentmindly floating to Irises's side to get away from the creepy plant.

Noticing that the... Magic Knight, sounds a bit upset.. "You okay?" I asked her. Is she okay? She's looking over herself with.. worry.

Still in hell
No clue
So now what?

"I'm with the winged lady" hey, I never claimed to have remembered anyone's name. "The mansion is probably our best bet for now"

Still a drab place
Still no clock sherlock
A beginning for a journey, oh my.

"Is that so? Then I am sorry" I bowed sincerely to the Nine-tails "Nicknames is one thing to make it easier to remember someone, I...have some difficulty remembering people. Even those closes to me."

... "Ah, but I shall respect your preference miss Lilliana. Though I might slip up from time to time so I apologize in advance"

The last humanoid? Ah, a Magic Knight if I remember correctly. A blend of a warrior and a mage. Some might say they are gifted, some indecisive. But I say they are a great boon to us. Depend on the times to come of course, but I think she can do it. She seems kind of awkward about something though.

"Greetings, miss magic knight" I greet her politely with a hint of faux cheeriness that all Idol have "Is there something wrong? Do you need any help?"

"If everyone else agrees that to it, then I have no objection," I said neutrally before continues matter-of-factly "But I think we should be sure we could protect ourselves from the danger it might possess...which probably a fight considering where we are. Sigh"

At the word `fight` I swing the Dog's coat back on my shoulders and rejoin the group with a sigh. "I can't speak for the rest of us, but I can take care of myself in a fight. Name's Zal by the way."

I briefly wave at him. Zal... that sounds close to 'Xal', a friend of mine, but that's probably just a coincidence. Xal would like being a punch-happy martial artist, though.

A fight... I hope not to get into one, but I don't know... it's a common thing among demons. Netherworlds tend to lean towards a 'might makes right' type of mindset. While there are many kinds of strength and power, people here tend to go for the martial type. I'd have to become stronger to thrive here...

"Hm..." I do a few small, light swings with my claws and tail. They feel... natural to me, intuitive, instinctive, but not as my primary weapons. Knowledge of... magic, of spells, enters my mind. A burst of flames, a shower of healing energy, a colony of small bats... I feel that my own martial strength lies in those. Goodness, I actually have power over fire, something I'd shy away from. I know it was in the description, but still. It... should be less harmful when I can control it and be resistant to it, right? I hope so. I really hope so.

It also feels that I have a long, long way to go. I mean, I'm practically a newborn here compared to the locals.

Hell, sorta
Does the Netherworld even have time?
The Succubus is here to torture me

Ghk. I hastily look away from the stretching succubus. We all just met dang it!

"Eh? No, I'm fine, don't worry," I answer, probably too hastily and slightly red-faced for it to be believable though. Thankfully (maybe) a distraction comes to my aid.

I notice the Knight quickly averting her gaze. What was that about? I'm just stretching, is all-

Wait, I think I know why. Is it because my outfit kinda goes well with my... assets, so to speak, with my stretching not helping the case? Oops. I loosely wrap my wings around myself, looking a bit sheepish. Still, I can't help but say a little something to cover for it. "Um, like what you see...?"

As the group of demons converses, a boy emerges from the mansion. Wearing purple robes that resemble a hoodless Skull, his face is gaunt, and lengthy white hair makes pretty a more accurate descriptor than handsome. Behind him follows a stout woman, covered head to toe in darkened armour, save a two holes, one from which fiery red hair emerges, and another for her eyes.

"A good day to you!" calls the boy, voice like honey, "What might you all be doing huddled outside this fine locale?"

I thought the manor is empty, yet those two came from that direction. I'm... not too sure about them. He sounds like a local, I think, but there's... something off about his tone. Maybe it's just what I see of his demeanor, but I'm not sure I like the vibe he's giving off. Maybe it's just my mind acting up, but who knows?

What I'm sure of is that I should be cautious. Strange world and all.

I frowned at her response. Something's bugging her... It sounds... no.... feels... familiar. "Are you sure?" I asked, my tone filled with genuine worry,

I whirled around to face the two. Ack. Again. Need to take it slow with my new chest... "We got dumped off here by whatever's in charge of reincarnating people." I said, telling the truth. Lying would get us into a fight we probably could not win.

Telling our true circumstances... fair enough. I can't really think of an alternate explanation for our presence here. It doesn't look like a tourist spot, for instance. Though one could say that we're lost... actually, that's also a truthful description of our situation, while being kinda vague. I'm not sure if mentioning that we're just reincarnated would work out for the better or not. Hopefully it's the former.

Anyway, she already said it. Might as well follow it up with a question-

"Yes, it's a quite a pickle" I continued after what Lilliana said "Might I ask With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking? And where is this?"

Never mind, the alraune already beat me to it. I might as well just listen for now.
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Hell, sorta
Does the Netherworld even have time?

I frowned at her response. Something's bugging her... It sounds... no.... feels... familiar. "Are you sure?" I asked, my tone filled with genuine worry,
"...Please take care and don't push yourself" Genuine concern laced my word as I looked closely at the magic knight. She seemed fine physically but...embarrassed perhaps? "If anything bothers you don't be afraid to speak of it"
"Right, su-"
I notice the Knight quickly averting her gaze. What was that about? I'm just stretching, is all-

Wait, I think I know why. Is it because my outfit kinda goes well with my... assets, so to speak, with my stretching not helping the case? Oops. I loosely wrap my wings around myself, looking a bit sheepish. Still, I can't help but say a little something to cover for it. "Um, like what you see...?"
Oh god why. ...Y'know what? This is just gonna keep happening. 'When in Rome...'.

"Kinda hard to see when you're like that~" I reply with a grin. Heh, counterflirting apparently helped with embarrassment, interesting... Maybe it's because I'm being silly and not caring.
I whirled around to face the two. Ack. Again. Need to take it slow with my new chest... "We got dumped off here by whatever's in charge of reincarnating people." I said, telling the truth. Lying would get us into a fight we probably could not win.
"Yes, it's a quite a pickle" I continued after what Lilliana said "Might I ask With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking? And where is this?"
The new demon raises a finger to his chin.

"Hmm, I see. I am Leon, the new owner of this mansion," He answers your first question. "This was but the home of a fairly weak demon." He thinks for a moment before snapping his fingers, "Would any of the eight of you like to become my vassals? I can assure you that you'd enjoy it."
Hell, sorta
Does the Netherworld even have time?

"Right, su-"

Oh god why. ...Y'know what? This is just gonna keep happening. 'When in Rome...'.

"Kinda hard to see when you're like that~" I reply with a grin. Heh, counterflirting apparently helped with embarrassment, interesting... Maybe it's because I'm being silly and not caring.
I chuckled at the sight... I'd like to get to know them later, they feel.. Familiar. Hmmm. There's someone who's name sounds like Xal's, a shy IH look a like which is kinda Ube's thing... Hmmm.
MeThe new demon raises a finger to his chin.
"Hmm, I see. I am Leon, the new owner of this mansion," He answers your first question. "This was but the home of a fairly weak demon." He thinks for a moment before snapping his fingers, "Would any of the eight of you like to become my vassals? I can assure you that you'd enjoy it."

I frowned. I do not like being bossed around and I do not trust this asshat. "I would need more information then that to make a choice. What are the benefits? The down sides? And if you think of giving me a order that would get me killed or worse I will fucking ignore it or, if you try to force me to comply, I would... express my distaste in a way you would not enjoy." I grinned, like whenever I do when I'm entertaining my sadism.
The new demon raises a finger to his chin.

"Hmm, I see. I am Leon, the new owner of this mansion," He answers your first question. "This was but the home of a fairly weak demon." He thinks for a moment before snapping his fingers, "Would any of the eight of you like to become my vassals? I can assure you that you'd enjoy it."
Snarling, I step forward and crack my knuckes. "How would you like to eat your own intestines you little shit? I'm sure I'll enjoy that even more."