Dimension Hopper: Homura Akemi (PMMM/Multi Crossover)

If Homura's soul is on the outside, and her body is just a puppet, then she might not have an AT field by Eva standards. On the plus side, she's instrumentality-proof. On the downside, she has no ego-barrier to stop her thoughts from merging with any jagoff that touches her soul gem.
I'm sure the Soul Gem have their own kind of barriers against intrusion, else things like Witches would be potentially way worse yet, not like they don't do soul attacks against humans after all. Not to mention Kyubey said putting it there was for improved protection. In the end the Incubators are about efficiency after all, not being complete engineering idiots.

Still what ever those protections are, they don't seem to work, or don't work well enough if you're actually inside the EVA body. I suppose it wasn't something they had considered. Admittedly even Evangelion humanity has potential issues in such a case, so I'm not sure a human body really gives much higher grade protection... Ah well.

Moving along, it's an interesting story start, even the reason for dimension hopping was reasonable enough. Though to be fair I'd be automatically predisposed to that anyway as I've typically interpreted Homura's time travel, due to a detail or two in PMMM, to not be true time travel, but dimension hopping to the past of a parallel universe. So for me this is just a case of her power going wildly off course due to extra shenanigans.
Me? I just want more. But I can't post just that, so...

Homura completely overrode Shinji's control of Unit 01, which is especially concerning when you know how it was made. It's a reasonable enough outcome in this case, but to avoid calls of "Sue!", you should consider the cost to Homura of doing so. Which it seems that you're already doing...

I wonder what her soul gem looks like right now?
Assuming Homura survives multiple universes, it looks like it's inevitable that she's going to end up powerful, but I don't think she'll ever be a Sue. She's too broken.
Homura completely overrode Shinji's control of Unit 01, which is especially concerning when you know how it was made. It's a reasonable enough outcome in this case, but to avoid calls of "Sue!", you should consider the cost to Homura of doing so. Which it seems that you're already doing...

Since the scene was such a confusing mess, and I don't think I could have written it in a less confusing way considering Homura is the PoV character, I'll explain a bit. Spoiler tagged for those that don't care or don't want any potential spoilers for the Evangelion series.

In Eva, Humanity as a whole is essentially an Angel. Homura, being from a different universe, isn't. She also doesn't have an AT field, whereas Eva humans do. The way I decided to interpret things, Soul Gems have magical protection just like Eva souls have AT protection, but magic and AT fields don't work on each other. They're completely alien, literally from different universes, so when Homura entered Unit 01, the Soul Gem's magic field and the Eva's AT field just went "what the fuuu...?" and Homura's soul interfaced with Unit 01 directly. This caused it to go completely berserk, and because he was currently screaming and bleeding from several places due to being synced with two souls at once, Shinji couldn't deploy the knife, so Homura intervened and helped the Eva win so it didn't get them killed.

Anyway, starting on the next part. As a side note, Shinji's probably having some really messed up dreams right now.
This is amazing. More please Sir! (or Ma'am)

Though, from what I understood of the scene, it was like Homura's soul fused/reacted directly with the Eva's (which is already a conglomerate of sorts) and Shinji synchronized with the berserk UNIT-HOMU.