Dimension Hopper: Homura Akemi (PMMM/Multi Crossover)

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Prologue: Anomalous Timeline

Tick. Tock.

Homura Akemi gritted her teeth, eyes scanning the...
North Carolina, United Prefectures of Japanada
Prologue: Anomalous Timeline

Tick. Tock.

Homura Akemi gritted her teeth, eyes scanning the surrounding area as she ran. This was new, a Witch she'd never seen before. And one that she had to admit was unsettling, she thought as her eyes roamed over the Barrier. A forest of steel surrounded her, trees bristling with jagged metal, and instead of leaves shattered and broken clocks hung impaled from the spiked branches. Somehow they still ticked, the sound echoing throughout the Barrier.

Tick. Tock.

The symbolism wasn't lost on her, the shield on her arm feeling inexplicably heavy. Gripping the Beretta in her hands tightly, she sent out another "ping" from her Soul Gem, sensing the swirling mass of grief in the forest's center. She also sensed the smaller forms moving around her, closing in from all sides. She glanced in the direction she'd sensed the Witch, and ran.

All at once they charged, a horde of thin humanoid figures made of crackling, unstable-looking grief. She planted a foot down, and leapt forward with a flash of purple magic. Spinning in the air, she fired at the incoming Familiars, the 9x19mm Parabellum rounds ripping through them, causing their bodies to seemingly implode in on themselves. Finishing her rotation, she touched back down, continuing into another forward lunge. Her gun clicked dry, and she shoved it back into her shield, withdrew an identical pistol and continued firing.

Steel whizzed by her as she rocketed through the forest, falling into a rythm of leaping, shooting, and swapping out guns from her vast collection. Skill and firepower amassed over so many loops were leveled against the anomalous Witch's Familiars, cutting them down before they could get close. Until during one of her landings, an inhuman arm bursting from the ground and grabbing her by the leg. Narrowing her eyes, she threw herself towards the ground, firing a shot into the arm's elbow and blasting it in half before rolling with her fall and coming up into a crouch.

The hand had already served it's purpose, she knew, and she shoved her pistol back into her shield and spun around. The Familiars were close, taking full advantage of her distraction, bounding forward on misshapen limbs. Withdrawing an SMG-a Czech Skorpion-from her shield, she willed time to a halt.

The world around her went sepia, leaving her a pinprick of purple in a sea of gray. With practiced ease, she sighted in on the swarm of foes frozen in front of her.

Tick. Tock.

And a chill went down her spine as the flow of time returned unbidden, the still figures returning to life and bursting forward towards her. Eyes widening, she snapped the Skorpion into full-auto and squeezed the trigger, emptying the magazine into the Familiars. The bullets scythed down several, buying her time to stow the gun away, her hand coming back out clutching a frag grenade. Removing the pin, she dropped the grenade at her feet and hopped back with another magic-assisted leap, narrowly avoiding a lunging swing from one of the Familiars.

The grenade detonated in the horde's midst, shrapnel slicing through bodies formed of grief, causing them to implode and collapse. Twisting in the air, Homura landed facing the direction she had sensed the Witch and continued travelling, taking care to vary her leaps and keep an eye on the ground in case of another trap. That confirmed it, this Witch had a very real connection to time. Perhaps it had once been a Magical Girl with similar powers to hers, she thought, choosing to ignore the possibility that this anomaly's existence was linked to her for now. Either way, not having access to her greatest trump card was worrying.

Soon she could see it on the horizon, a swirling mass of purplish-black energy that just felt wrong, like something that shouldn't-couldn't-exist, even moreso than the usual Witch. Cautiously approaching the Witch, she looked across it's pulsating form. It didn't have much of a shape or body, appearing to be little more than a cloud of dark energy, flashes of lightning emanating from within it. Not seeing any activity from it, and wary of more Familiars approaching, she swiped her shield arm in front of her, snatching an RPG as it ejected from her shield. Shouldering the launcher, she fired it's payload into the Witch and tossed it aside, replacing it with an M249. Adjusting the light machine gun in her grip, her eyes tracked the grenade as it flew into the cloud.

The explosive passed into the roiling grief, exploding inside it. The cloud hung in the air for a moment, before shifting and swirling, sucking into itself like water running down a drain. Within moments, it was completely gone. Stepping forward, Homura surveyed the area, before narrowing her eyes. No Grief Seed, and the Barrier wasn't collapsing.

That last thought proved to be rather ironic, as a titanic cracking noise filled the air, and the ground quite literally fell out from under her. She found herself falling into a black void, and twisted in her freefall to right herself. Looking down revealed a tiny dot of white below her, steadily getting larger as she fell. Maneuvering in the air, she connected her feet to a nearby chunk of what used to be the ground and launched herself upwards, aiming for another chunk above her.

She was halfway to it when gravity seemingly decided it'd had enough of her blatant violations of physics and decided to double itself. Her momentum died as a wave of pressure hit her, and she found herself rapidly accelerating in the other direction. Clutching her LMG in a white-knuckled grip, she spun and let a burst rip into the rapidly approaching light, the bullets vanishing on contact. A grenade followed them and met the same fate. Seeing no other alternative, she let a hand drop to her shield, and turned.

Something in the shield clicked, and it refused to budge. Her eyes widened, panic shooting through her, and she squeezed the shield tight and frantically tried to turn it, to reset the timeline. All she received for her efforts were more clicking noises, and a glance up revealed a wall of blinding white.

No no no no, she repeated in her head. Can't die here have to save her have to save her can't die-

please please have to save Madoka-

Shutting her eyes, Homura gave her shield one last pull. Right as she hit the light, her shield gave way, and time went...




Hello! Welcome to the beginning of what I hope to be a long term project of mine. I've been wanting to get back into writing, and figured fanfiction would be a great way to do it. But I couldn't decide what setting I wanted to write for...so I cheated. And thus, Dimension Hopper Homura Akemi was born. This story will follow Homura Akemi through multiple universes as she searches for a way home.

What universes, you ask? Well, I've created a table of numerous settings, and every "hop", I'll roll on it. The main reason for this is to keep things from being railroaded. I don't want Homu to always conveniently have the exact tools she needs to solve every problem, but I do want it to be a possibility. If the dice send her into Buffy a hop after she learned the Ripple, good for her. If they toss her into Dragon Ball Z with nothing but her guns and her wits...them's the breaks.

And even if she winds up in a universe you're unfamiliar with or not a big fan of, hopefully you can still enjoy it. Homura is and will remain the point-of-view character, so you can learn about her new location as she does.

I hope to have fun writing this, and I hope you enjoy reading it. Constructive criticism is very welcome.
So she's basically a Planeswalker but without any of the powers/ perks etc.?

...I hope she's good with Languages... :p
How are you handling the whole need Grief Seeds to not witch out thing?
Maybe the first world she hits has another style of magic for her to learn. If I remember right the need for grief seeds was because everything she does, even just moving her body costs magic and that was the only way available for her to recharge. If she learns a different style of magic and learns to gather it herself, then maybe she can use that to restore the magic in her soul gem.
Maybe the first world she hits has another style of magic for her to learn. If I remember right the need for grief seeds was because everything she does, even just moving her body costs magic and that was the only way available for her to recharge. If she learns a different style of magic and learns to gather it herself, then maybe she can use that to restore the magic in her soul gem.

It feels odd to substitute magic born from hope with atmospheric energy.

Suggestion: Perhaps the reason Kyuby gathers energy from souls is because, in the PMMM-verse, only souls can produce magic due to relatively tight laws of conservation of mass and whatnot. Meanwhile, other universes are more lax, which results in phenomena like atmospheric magical energies, which can be used to supplement Homura's consumption of magic due to her magical nature.
On the issue of grief seeds, well, it'll vary depending on the universe, though there may be solutions to it that can be used in any setting. Rapid fire dimensional transportation can have interesting side effects.

Anyway, let's see...*dice rolling noises*

...I'm so sorry. Next time on Dimension Hopper: Homura Akemi, "You Can (Not) Reset."
Yeah, Angels are just as resiatant to her weapons as Walpy is. Until she finds a way to breach the damn thing's AT Field.
This seems interesting. I look forward to more, and multiverse fics are always fun.
Chapter 1 "You Can (Not) Reset" Part 1
You Can (Not) Reset, Part One

The first thing Homura noticed as consciousness returned to her was the distant thunder of gunfire and explosions. Eyes snapping open, she pulled herself up off the ground and took stock of her surroundings. In one direction stood an old Shinto shrine, a stone path leading down the hillside. In the other...she couldn't help but stare in shock as an entire wall of guns stretched across a city, blazing away at some unseen target. And that idiot Miki called her a gun nut? It was like they'd tried to build a city capable of fending off Walpurgis Nacht on it's own, with nothing but steel and gunpowder.

And the results seemed depressingly similar to her attempts to bring down Walpurgis with military hardware, as a whip of energy carved through the wall, setting off ammunition and painting the city skyline orange with flame. And through the smoke and fire floated a massive being, a prehistoric crustacean resembling a cross between a snake and a lobster, it's rib cage exposed and twitching.

"Holy crap, Toji, did you see that?!" a young male voice shouted from behind her, prompting her to take shelter in the shrine proper, and she watched as a pair of teenage boys came running up the path. The leading one, a glasses wearing boy holding a camcorder, ran past the shrine and skidded to a stop at the overlook. "Look, there it is, the Eva!" he said, pointing at the city in the distance. Following his hand, Homura found herself staring in further confusion as a purple and green titan rose up from the ground. It was as if she had somehow stumbled into a Giant Robo series...

...then again, considering her memories of upbeat Magical Girl anime and manga, and the machinations of the Incubator, it might be best to not take things at face value. She looked down and gave her shield an experimental tug, but it once again seemed locked in place. An examination of her Soul Gem revealed it to be slightly darkened from her fight with the anomalous Witch, but not to the point where she could justify using one of the two Grief Seeds stored in her shield. The renewed sound of distant gunfire returned her attention to the city, the massive humanoid blazing away at its alien foe with an equally large rotary auto cannon. She frowned as the...Eva, was that what glasses boy had called it?...kept firing, even as the target became completely concealed by the smoke. If spraying it with barely aimed fire could kill it, it would never have made it past the wall.

Predictably, another whip of energy came flying out of the smoke cloud, slicing the gun in half. A panicked dodge from the Eva kept it from meeting the same fate as the weapon, the whip skimming past its shoulder and taking out the building behind it. Scrambling back and avoiding lazy swipes from the alien creature's whips, the purple giant crashed through a line of buildings, only adding to the destruction being caused by the whip strikes. She gave another glance at her shield, this was admittedly rather interesting after reliving the same month and a half over and over again, but she needed to find her way back to Mitakihara, to the person she had sold her soul to protect. Another attempt at turning it ended in failure.

"I-It's coming this way!"

Her head snapped up, but the creature was still in the distant city, facing off with-where was the Eva? A glance at the two boys' faces gave her a good idea, and a quick look up confirmed it. The thing flipped head over heels as it careened through the air, and she quickly realized how much of an understatement "it's coming this way" was as it grew larger and larger, it's bulk eclipsing the sun. The boys seemed to have noticed it too, judging by the screaming. Staring up at the descending wall of purple, Homura heard a small click from her shield, and willed the world to a stop.

Stepping out of the shrine, she surveyed the Eva as it hung in the air, frozen in grey. She was fairly sure it would miss the shrine, but one of its arms would likely land near or on the overlook where the two teenage boys were standing. Sighing, she started walking towards them. They probably didn't deserve to be crushed into a red paste on the hillside, and she didn't want unnecessary deaths weighing on her conscience. So she made her way over to the two, their faces frozen in terror, and proceeded to reach out and grabbed them both by the back of their collars.


"Shut up," she muttered, pulling them back and giving another glance at the Eva hanging in the air. That should be enough. "I suggest you get ready to run."

"Wha-who," Glasses blinked, stumbling as she pulled him and his friend back by their shirts. "What the-"

Time resumed, and the Eva slammed into the hill, kicking up a storm of dust and dirt. The two boys screamed as a purple hand crashed down where they had been standing moments ago. Homura turned, preparing a magic assisted leap, only to stumble as the ground shook, the arm rising with a speed that something so heavy shouldn't be able to reach, catching a pair of energy whips in its armored hand. She hadn't even seen that thing approaching, it must be quicker than it looks.

"Why isn't he fightin' it?!" the other boy-Toji?-shouted, panic written clear on his face.

"Because we're here..." Glasses muttered. "He can't move freely, he might crush us!"

"Then move!" Homura ground out, grabbing them by the shirts again and trying to pull them away from the struggling Eva.

"Hey, l-let go, I can walk on my own!" Toji sputtered, shaking her hand off him. "Who are you, anyway?"

She glared at him, "Not the time-"

"You three, get in! Hurry!"

The staticky female voice cut through their argument, and they looked up in an attempt to find the source. The Eva had pulled its torso up off the hill and twisted it to the side, presenting its back to the three of them. And from its back a tube had extended, a ladder dropping from an open hatch. The two boys immediately ran towards the ladder, and Homura weighed her options. Going with them would mean putting her life in the hands of whoever was piloting that thing, something she wasn't fond of, but it would take a lot of magic to get out of the danger area fast enough, and she wasn't sure running off into the wilderness was a wise thing to do considering the nearby city seemed to be built to withstand literal Kaiju attacks.

She gave her shield one last try, but no hospital room greeted her. It was worth a shot, she sighed, before following Toji and Glasses towards the ladder. As they drew closer, she debated leaping straight to the hatch, but decided her time stop stunt was already pushing it. They climbed steadily, the two entering the hatch right as she neared it. Oddly enough, a splashing noise came from the opened hatch, followed by Glasses shouting about his camera. Wondering if she was about to regret her decision, Homura climbed through the hatch, dropping into some sort of liqui-


Pressure bearing down on her mind-


"-nji!? Shi-"

Her hand felt like it was on fire-


"-oing berser-"

She/the Eva/they threw the whips back at it, forced it back down the hill-

The Angel-SHAMSHEL-stood amongst shattered buildings, in the ruined city, reminding her far too much of gears and laughter-


She/the Eva/they charged down the hill, completely fixed on her/its/their target-

The whips lashed out again-


Time ground to a halt, and she wrestled with the rage-filled mind, it wanted to TEAR SHAMSHEL LIMB FROM LIMB but behind the Angel she could see a fresh gun-

They stepped around the frozen Angel, picking up the rotary gun and turning back to Shamshel, now how to kill it-


They leveled the gun at the red core of the Angel, the barrels spooling up-


Shamshel had only enough time to realize its target had moved before its core was annihilated by point-blank autocannon fire-


Everything went dark.

When Homura's eyes finally opened again, to the sight of an unfamiliar ceiling racing past. Craning her neck, she found herself being carried down a hallway on a stretcher, surrounded by men in dark suits. One of the men noticed her movement, and shouted something she couldn't make out. Her head was swimming, her memories were a blur, and-

The suited men were now pointing guns at her, except for one that lunged at her with a needle. Time froze once more, the men holding the stretcher looking around wildly at their frozen, colorless comrades, before joining them in stillness as Homura rolled off the stretcher. Picking herself up off the ground, she carefully weaved through the crowd, and set off down the hall. What had she gotten herself into, she wondered, as she tried to piece together her jumbled memories.


And this is why we keep our souls on the INSIDE, Kyubey. So we don't accidentally merge with giant space monsters.
Shinji Meeting Homura.....well..they could bond over how much their lives suck, while they swap stories about fighting to save the girl they love
Welp. Wonder if she was captured due to people thinking her a zombie? Anyone know what level of alive Soul Gem simulate?