So after staring at a blank document with the vote results for a bit, I'm pretty sure that I've run out of inspiration juice for Lycoris Recoil/Cyberpunk at the moment. Not to say that it's gone or vanished, nothing of the sort, but it's definitely the lowest of the three quests. I think that honestly, two quests is probably the best ratio for creativity for me when it comes to maintaining the quality I hold myself to. I'm also kinda meh on this system I built off Cyberpunk 2nd edition, it's fine but it's not to my tastes, especially the lackluster combat.

So probably going to put this on the backburner till something pushes me to write more Lycoris stuff, like Season 2. Lord knows we need more Chisato antics to cheer everybody up these days. Thank you for following along so far, I really had a blast with the entire premise and crafting Kagoshima. if you want to see my character-driven narratives, head over to my Warhammer Vampire Pirate quest. If you want my sci-fi premises, go for my original space opera quest. I hope to see you in either or both of them!
Thanks for the run! Just a shame we never got to see the Lycoris reaction to waking up and what we made of ourselves, maybe one day! Also we never got to fix up that goddamn van, like, come on.