Dragon getting involved is such an amazing consequence of fusing the two settings. I'm annoyed I didn't consider it as a possibility, but I'm stoked that you did. I'm looking forward to more.
Of course it's not a surprise. It just makes me smile to see her have to keep going back through it from time to time. I hope she also reverts when sleeping. That would be cute.Dragon's about 5-7 at this point in time, but mentally, she's about the equivalent of someone in their mid-twenties. Is it any small wonder that she'd adjust her body to match her avatar?
Hahahhah. Well at least Taylor's there to protect Dragon from those mean wards!
Also, good reasoning on why the partners weren't there to greet the wards.
And... added Dragon's first Digi-pedia entry.
Note. Dragon and Taylor will both have entries after each of their chapters. Taylor's will be about the Digimon encountered, and Dragon's will be about the technology, aspects of the Digital World, and parahumans.
I suggest he actually say something like, "Oh? What's that?" rather than just "Oh?""Oh?" Dokugumon asked, less than a meter away. "No matter…" It bent forward to bite down on me, and I turned my head, lodging my helmet in its maw.
Cool. Liking the story so far. I look forward to the kids' take on the only adult in their party pulsing into tiny-kid form (I mean, half Vista's age, if that!) before turning into a digimon.I'll include that in the revisions I do tonight.
Primary focus for revision will be the fight scene. But there's also some bits in chapter 1 that I'll clean up.
Cool. Liking the story so far. I look forward to the kids' take on the only adult in their party pulsing into tiny-kid form (I mean, half Vista's age, if that!) before turning into a digimon.
Are the others going to be fusing with their partners?
Does Dragon HAVE a partner, or is she partnerless because she can transform? (It'd be kind-of funny if she were Kid Win's partner, with the partnering system having thought of her as a digimon rather than a digidestined, but I'm pretty sure she's a digidestined.)
Only when they change into digital champions to save the digital world.
Considering they are literally undead hungering for the flesh and souls of the living, probably still a univresally bad thing.
Dragon's about 5-7 at this point in time, but mentally, she's about the equivalent of someone in their mid-twenties. Is it any small wonder that she'd adjust her body to match her avatar?
I have it running through my head every time I read anything in this fic, so...Just want you to know that the second I read this, I heard it. And then had the theme tune in my head for a good hour.
Seraphimon's suicide attack is literally "And then we had a second big bang." Alphamon is "I punch you in every timeline until I win."actually, a vague thought, I wonder how comparable in processing power Yggdrasil is vs entities
Here's the thing. One major premise to this fic is that power levels are relative. Not every feat shown in the series for Digimon is applicable to this "season."
And the Entities... are more powerful than you might think, given their abilities.
But yes. You've inspired me to have Taylor (or someone) go up and flat-out punch Zion.
Good thing ZeedMilleniumon isn't the big bad of the fic. But believe me, Zion... well, the Gold Morning showed some of what an Entity is capable of.