Digimon: Digidestinedless (CKII?)

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So I made room on my schedule and really want to make something like this. It won't leave me...
So I made room on my schedule and really want to make something like this. It won't leave me alone.

So what is this? Imagine an world where Jijimon failed to summon a human to build his city and save the world.

The island was shaken the failure and the world was greatly altered. New pieces of land have appeared on the island and more islands have appeared in the distance.

The forest is filled with odd Digimon, the world was changed forever.

And you...poor Jijimon have but one option.

Become the leader your people need before you all perish.


Jijimon stroked his beard, humming to himself. Things were dire and hope was very low after the failed ritual to summon a human to save them.

Humans were powerful and many prophecies spoke of them.

But...alas they were alone.

Now what?

They would have to simply elect a warrior in their stead. But...he felt terrible placing this burden on one his children. They would lack the power of a digivice...

But what other choice do they have? He could not leave the baby Digimon, they would be snatched up by malevolent Digimon and twisted...

File City

Bits: 100

- Meat Farm: 6 small meat per day.

Baby eat .5
In-training eat 1
Rookie eat 3
champion eat 4
Ultimate eat 6
Mega eat 10

This is small meat ratio only.

Population: 9
Baby: 4
Botamon. Yuramon. Poyomon. Punimon.
In-training: 4
Tokomon. Koromon. Tsunomon. Tanemon.
Mega: 1
Jijimon does not eat. He feeds off being old. (Being the mouthpiece we are issuing orders through, I thought to try and be nice with this)

File city has currently got four potential sections to start off with. You have to choose one to give up a bonus for to obtain your first scout. The scout cannot be exchanged once chosen. Jijimon will work magic one him to be able to grow slightly faster than the rest.

More digimon at fixed strengths will join and you may be able to form more groups like so.

[]Tokomon: Item making.

Tokomon is an In-training Digimon with code hidden deep down for either great good or great evil. In the meantime, he can make 1 SH.recovery and 1 SMP.recovery item per round. Jijimon could do it but it has been so long...he wouldn't be able to do it as fast.

[]Koromon: Training.

Koromon is an In-training Digimon with a brave heart. He loves to see Digimon work hard and thus hangs out in the dingy small gym, fixing the machines a small amount each round. Jijimon could take over but the machines were so finicky, it would take longer to repair them.

[]Tanemon: Meat Farm.

Tanemon is an In-training Digimon who likes her lazy days. She runs the meat farm but Jijimon has offered to look after it if she accepts her new task. She grants a potential meat bonus every day.

[]Tsunomon: Security.

Tsunomon is an In-training Digimon who is brimming with duty. He hops about making sure no wild Digimon sneak into the village and eat the meat Tanemon grows or nabs the item Tokomon makes.

You must choose one to send off or to train to scout the surrounding area. Jijimon must stay in the village to prevent evil Digimon from coming in stealing your babies or other in training. The chosen digimon will have its task taken up by Jijimon until a better digimon is found.

Choose one to be your scout into the new world.


This is a baby project of mine and will not answering too many meta questions. I won't be answering about who is around, how to digivolve, if Palmon is down to the south etc etc

Each turn passes a day, so that should help things not get too crazy.

Digimon stats are also simplified because we might end up with a lot.

Basically. This is Digimon Empire quest style.

I will need you guys to help and say what is and isn't working.

File island is a good image to have, Digimon world 1, but things have been mixed up.

The end goal? Build a utopia or army.

Either or and spread across the islands. There are four for now but this could change.

Each turn we will issue orders to section of our city.


Scout will be important but do remember that bring Digimon back before your food can sustain such a thing would be bad.

Not sure how dark or light I will make this. Expect skirmishes and rolls.

Let's have fun :3
[x]Tsunomon: Security.

I mean, yeah, we have some sort of problem cropping up for whichever one we send out, but making that guy the scout seems most directly correlated to making him better at his job. Presumably, some experience out in the wilds would lead him to have a better idea of which evil digimon are nearby, what their sneaking habits are, and what items they feel they need the most and therefore are most likely to steal.
[x]Tsunomon: Security.

I mean, yeah, we have some sort of problem cropping up for whichever one we send out, but making that guy the scout seems most directly correlated to making him better at his job. Presumably, some experience out in the wilds would lead him to have a better idea of which evil digimon are nearby, what their sneaking habits are, and what items they feel they need the most and therefore are most likely to steal.
The chosen digimon gives up his job, Jijimon takes over for them until someone better comes along.

Jijimon is basically gonna make them a hero unit. Able to digivovle much faster.

So the other digimon remain fixed at their jobs.
[X]Koromon: Training.

Hmm, going to go with Koromon then if the digimon gives up their job. We definitely need tanemon for the meat farm since without food. We can't hire more digimon and stuff. Tsunamon stays since we need a guard better than ole jijimon. Which leaves Tokomon and Koromon. I think Items are more important than training for start since the items are basically our hospital. And agumon does have some impressive evolutions. Not as strong as toko but not bad.
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[X]Koromon: Training.

Hmm, going to go with Koromon then if the digimon gives up their job. We definitely need tanemon for the meat farm since without food. We can't hire more digimon and stuff. Tsunamon stays since we need a guard better than ole jijimon. Which leaves Tokomon and Koromon. I think Items are more important than training for start. And agumon does have some impressive evolutions. Not as strong as toko but not bad.
Jijimon will give base 6 meat as well but tanemon does grant bonuses.
Same with koromon, Jijimon would take over his job but he won't be as good at fixing the machines.

Stats work easier and more quest like.

Stats are represented by dice.

Baby/In-training: D10
Rookie = D20
champion = D50
Ultimate= D100
Mega = D200

So with say with Tokomon, we will never hit and wreck a champion unless we amazingly luck out. But a rookie is doable.

How do stats help?

Say we chose to grind STR, HP, DEF


Those stats are now improved.

We know gain D10+3 to our combat.

Koromon can fix one gym machine per round and we will use digimon world time scale to determine digivolution of Tokomon.

2 days for rookie, 3 more for champion and say 5-8 for ult and more so for mega.

Each stat trained makes it more difficult to grind that stat more.


will require a perfect 100 roll for an intraining but a rookie would only need 50 and a champion would only need 10

We are not limited to season 1. I will be seeing out stats and digivolving as stats make sense.

But Scouting is but one part of this quest but we'll need more digimon first...
The chosen digimon gives up his job, Jijimon takes over for them until someone better comes along.

Jijimon is basically gonna make them a hero unit. Able to digivovle much faster.

So the other digimon remain fixed at their jobs.
I still think he's the easiest to replace, though. No in-training chump is really going to scare off more than the most pathetic of enemies, the first rookie we convince to our side should honestly be able to take his scarecrow job and do it better than him. They may not want to or be most suited for it, admittedly, but it's easier to come across an intimidating guard digimon than a constructive one.

That, and if we train him up to someone that can start taking out jerks we can try and use him as a bludgeon of justice against criminal digimon and discourage theft that way.
If this is anything like Digimon World is like, I think we should prioritize training. Stronger Digimon would allow us to travel through other areas like Native Forest much more safely and recruit others into the city faster, covering all other roles pretty soon after.

Food at the beginning is also important, but any meat scarcity for not starting with Tanemon can be resolved by picking up Digi-Mushrooms in NF, once again a reason to train our Digimon since the start.

Items are rarer, but they too can be found in the surrounding territories if one searches long enough (and aren't too important at the very start in my opinion) and security, well... Better train stronger Digimon for that role than starting with a Tsunomon in my opinion.

I might just be letting my DW experience influence me a tiny bit too much though. :V

[]Koromon: Training.

Realized we're giving up on a Digimon in the City for an explorer, so...


The little one seems diligent and motivated enough to recruit other Digimon to our cause.
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I still think he's the easiest to replace, though. No in-training chump is really going to scare off more than the most pathetic of enemies, the first rookie we convince to our side should honestly be able to take his scarecrow job and do it better than him. They may not want to or be most suited for it, admittedly, but it's easier to come across an intimidating guard digimon than a constructive one.

That, and if we train him up to someone that can start taking out jerks we can try and use him as a bludgeon of justice against criminal digimon and discourage theft that way.
Now I have the image of a Tsunomon looking like big boss and fighting against the wild digimon and building outer file city.

"Native forest...native forest never changes"
File City

Bits: 130
Total food stored: 4
- Meat Farm: 7 small meat per day.

Baby eat .5
In-training eat 1
Rookie eat 3
champion eat 4
Ultimate eat 6
Mega eat 10
This is small meat ratio only.

Population: 9

Baby: 4
Botamon. Yuramon. Poyomon. Punimon.
In-training: 4
Tokomon. Koromon. Tsunomon. Tanemon.
Mega: 1
Jijimon does not eat. He feeds off being old. (Being the mouthpiece we are issuing orders through, I thought to try and be nice with this)

File City's sections:

Item making

-Tokomon : 1 day for new basic, simple items. Tokomon gains a +5 bonus to all future attempt at making double items.
Items able to make:
SH.recovery. +10 to combat for unit
SMP.recovery. +1 turn for units use.

Bonuses: Reduces invasion roll of In-training and Rookies by

-Koromon fixes one machine per turn. Koromon bonus roll: 60 needed: makes machines last two turns.

Allows untis to train at the gym. The current machines are old and need a turn before they can be used again.


Tanemon: Grant 20% chance to gain extra 3 meat per day from the meat farm.

Meat Farm: 7 small meat per turn

More food sections can be unlocked and more upgrades can be discovered.


Jijimon: -25 chance of invasion from in-training or lower. Threats will grow over time as items and food grows.

Security will be needed as the city grows and begins to make more food and items. Invasion happens every second turn

Hero Unit: Tsunomon: In-training. D10 + 5


Tsunomon is able of digivolving far faster than most.

Space: 5 per item and 5 differentr items may be held by one scout.

2 x SH.recovery = +5 to combat
2 x SMP.recovery = + extra turn to further scouting before having to return to village to rest.

Native forest threat level: 1
Drill Tunnel: 2
Tropical Jungle: 5
North Cave: 10
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Turn: 1

"Jijimon, you called?" the voice called from behind and Jijimon turned to see the young Tsunomon hop into his hut.

His red cheeks didn't hide his determined eyes.

"Ah Tsunomon, thank you for coming and accepting my task, you are a brave soul," he praised and Tsunomon's cheeks glowed.

"I'm...just doing my job, sir," he said quietly and Jijimon stroked his beard.

"You are our last hope and you have so much stacked against you but I believe in you, my child," Jijimon touched his staff to Tsunomon's horn, a glow flowing from his paw staff to the small Digimon. Jijimon felt the weight on his heart increase, the guilt of sending off his innocent children out into the harsh world to save them.

He had never felt so weak and useless than in this one moment as the last of the ritual power meant to bring a human to this world transferred to Tsunomon. He could only pray for forgiveness as his child grew into the hero they needed.

"It's warm..." Tsunomon whispered and Jijimon hummed.

"That is only gift I can offer but it will serve you well, I suggest heading towards the gym and getting some well needed work put in, the world will not be so kind as a punching bag, but do what you feel is neccesary, if you feel prepared...do not let this old man tell you how its done," Jijimon nodded and Tsunomon straightened.

"Yes sir!" he said with pride and hopped out of Jijimon's hut.

Out of his protection and into the chaos.

Jijimon's staff shook as he trembled.

"Forgive me."


Welcome to the first turn.

Meat x 6 added!
1 SH.recovery/SMP.recovery added.
Total Bits: 100

Digimon kept in city:
Koromon: repairs used training machine in one day
Tanemon: Everyday roll 80 or higher for chance for extra three meat
Tokomon : Can make basic items smoothly everyday.

Day 01
---- Please pick one from each
[]Encourage another digimon and grant a bonus to their job. +20 to selected digimon's job.
[]Focus on patrolling: Chance for invasion decreased from -25% >-50%
[]Scan surrounding areas to get a feel for their danger levels. Roll 60 or higher to pass.

[]Water the meat, Roll 50 or higher to pass for two extra meat next day.
[]Tidy the dirt up and make a neater field, +20 to Tanemon's bonus next turn

[]Fcous on making more items: Roll 70 or higher to make two of each item next turn
[]Look for bits: Roll 50 or higher to find 50 bits

[]Head to the gym stats: Pick three stats to train. 20 or more roll to pass training on those stats.
[]Scout West to Native forest.
[]Scout East to the bridge.
[]Scout North through a new cave that's opened up.


Stats are represented by dice.

Baby/In-training: D10
Rookie = D20
champion = D50
Ultimate= D100
Mega = D200

So with Tsunemon, we will never hit and wreck a champion unless we amazingly luck out. But a rookie is doable.

How do stats help?

Say we chose to grind STR, HP, DEF


Those stats are now improved.

We know gain D10+3 to our combat.

Koromon can fix one gym machine per round and we will use digimon world time scale to determine digivolution of Tsunomon.

2 days for rookie, 3 more for champion and say 5-8 for ult and more so for mega.

Each stat trained makes it more difficult to grind that stat more.


will require a perfect 100 roll for an intraining but a rookie would only need 50 and a champion would only need 10

We are not limited to season 1. I will be seeing out stats and digivolving Tsunomon as his stats make sense.

But Tsunomon is but one part of this quest but we'll need more digimon first...

SH.recovery = +5 to combat roll
SMP.recovery: Allows a unit to stay outside city longer
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[]Scout West to the bridge.
I think this is supposed to be east?

[X]Focus on patrolling: Chance for invasion decreased from -25% >-50%
Anyway since evasions apparently happen every second turn. Ima go patrol until we catch the first invasion.

[X]Tidy the dirt up and make a neater field, +20 to Tanemon's bonus
If stardew valley has taught me anything. Cleaning up the field is nice.

[X]Look for bits: Roll 50 or higher to find 50 bits
I don't think we need more items? SO more bits are nice.

[X]Scout west to Native forest.
Native forest should be relatively low level so Tsunomon should be ok looking around.
I think this is supposed to be east?

[X]Focus on patrolling: Chance for invasion decreased from -25% >-50%
Anyway since evasions apparently happen every second turn. Ima go patrol until we catch the first invasion.

[X]Tidy the dirt up and make a neater field, +20 to Tanemon's bonus
If stardew valley has taught me anything. Cleaning up the field is nice.

[X]Look for bits: Roll 50 or higher to find 50 bits
I don't think we need more items? SO more bits are nice.

[X]Scout west to Native forest.
Native forest should be relatively low level so Tsunomon should be ok looking around.
Fixed! I'm actually running this same quest over on SB and things are looking good. random elements keep it from being too similar!

Stardew Valley is crack. I love it
[X]Scan surrounding areas to get a feel for their danger levels. Roll 60 or higher to pass.

[X]Tidy the dirt up and make a neater field, +20 to Tanemon's bonus

[X]Fcous on making more items: Roll 70 or higher to make two of each item next turn

[X]Head to the gym stats: Pick three stats to train. 20 or more roll to pass training on those stats.

Now, to explain my votes. For the first one, I think it's most necessary to have a better idea of what's different in this world. Stewart92 has confirmed that some expected things will be a little different, I would hate to assume that the forest is the one of the cakewalkiest places around as in the game and end up getting Tsunomon wrecked by some powerful jerk. That scan could also give us insight as to where most of our troubles will be coming from, which could help out the patrols in the future to be set in accordance with the danger that we face. If we end up getting robbed of some items, so be it, but I think this will help us to minimize that moving forward.

For the second option, we want to establish good and organized habits and I think that moving forward this will be more beneficial than immediately having more meat, as I don't intend to start trying to recruit folks just yet. I mean, which is greater: a 50% chance of having two extra meat tomorrow, or going from a 20%/day chance of getting three extra meat per day to 40%/day for as long as that organization can be maintained? You'd expect to get one extra meat tomorrow for taking the watering option, and 0.6 extra meat every day that the organization effect is in place. So if we organize the field and then water them the next day, the expected yield is 2.2 extra meat vs. two extra meat for just having watered on both days, and every day longer than that where the effect is in place you can expect that that gives about 0.6 extra meat.

For items, I don't particularly care at the moment. We haven't pressed in that Coelamon or whatever other shopkeeper types there are to have a shop to spend things at, so bits are presently rather worthless. Items at least have a practical use in the form of reducing the likelihood of a terrible demise for our urbanites, so for now I'll promote item production.

For the last option, I'd prefer not to send our scout into totally unknown territory with regards to danger when he is this pathetic. We can substantially increase his strength through training at the gym with low probabilities of favor, if we do that and hopefully the scan works out then we can have him both be a bit tougher and have a better idea of what he's up against.

The stat distribution I suggested corresponds to some stuff that admittedly may not apply presently. Digimon in Digimon World were basically as dumb as a sack of rocks to start with, and so if you wanted them to operate better when given some autonomy rather than mindlessly following your orders the brains stat was a good one to boost. Plus, you'd have a much higher chance of learning techniques from getting hit, sometimes randomly while training, good stuff. Without the corresponding human to tell him that he's not having bright ideas on the battlefield, I really want him to have a better sense of that for himself and that here will mean boosting the intelligence stat.

In the Digimon World game, having a Tsunomon with most focus to developing the brains and/or defense stat rather than offense or speed will lead to developing into a Penguinmon, a precious little fellow that I like the looks of far more than the alternative evolution Elecmon anyway. (I'm ignoring the secret Kunemon digivolution business from sleeping in that nest since we don't know if it's around or how tough that guy is if he is there, I don't want to try evicting him without being at least at the Rookie stage if he's around and that kind of defeats the purpose of using that trick to get to a Rookie form quickly...)

Penguinmon has a few interesting evolutions, the two that build the most off of the stats we'd have already developed would be Frigimon and Whamon, the getting of which for both would rely on you having buffed that brains stat. The difference between the two is that you're more liable to get Frigimon if you pump up MP and Whamon if you pump up HP. Whamon would be a really monstrous tank, admittedly, but with the description of MP as a means of allowing our scout to spend longer times scouting before needing to return to the city to recuperate, I think that focusing on that may be more important. He ought to be fairly smart and durable if the training in the other categories works out, so I'd trust him in that case to think on his feet and stay out to explore for longer if he thinks the situation merits it.

Of course, this may easily all just be a bunch of bunk if that's been updated for this.
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[X]Scan surrounding areas to get a feel for their danger levels. Roll 60 or higher to pass.

[X]Tidy the dirt up and make a neater field, +20 to Tanemon's bonus

[X]Fcous on making more items: Roll 70 or higher to make two of each item next turn

[X]Head to the gym stats: Pick three stats to train. 20 or more roll to pass training on those stats.

Now, to explain my votes. For the first one, I think it's most necessary to have a better idea of what's different in this world. Stewart92 has confirmed that some expected things will be a little different, I would hate to assume that the forest is the one of the cakewalkiest places around as in the game and end up getting Tsunomon wrecked by some powerful jerk. That scan could also give us insight as to where most of our troubles will be coming from, which could help out the patrols in the future to be set in accordance with the danger that we face. If we end up getting robbed of some items, so be it, but I think this will help us to minimize that moving forward.

For the second option, we want to establish good and organized habits and I think that moving forward this will be more beneficial than immediately having more meat, as I don't intend to start trying to recruit folks just yet. I mean, which is greater: a 50% chance of having two extra meat tomorrow, or going from a 20%/day chance of getting three extra meat per day to 40%/day for as long as that organization can be maintained? You'd expect to get one extra meat tomorrow for taking the watering option, and 0.6 extra meat every day that the organization effect is in place. So if we organize the field and then water them the next day, the expected yield is 2.2 extra meat vs. two extra meat for just having watered on both days, and every day longer than that where the effect is in place you can expect that that gives about 0.6 extra meat.

For items, I don't particularly care at the moment. We haven't pressed in that Coelamon or whatever other shopkeeper types there are to have a shop to spend things at, so bits are presently rather worthless. Items at least have a practical use in the form of reducing the likelihood of a terrible demise for our urbanites, so for now I'll promote item production.

For the last option, I'd prefer not to send our scout into totally unknown territory with regards to danger when he is this pathetic. We can substantially increase his strength through training at the gym with low probabilities of favor, if we do that and hopefully the scan works out then we can have him both be a bit tougher and have a better idea of what he's up against.

The stat distribution I suggested corresponds to some stuff that admittedly may not apply presently. Digimon in Digimon World were basically as dump as a sack of rocks to start with, and so if you wanted them to operate better when given some autonomy rather than mindlessly following your orders the brains stat was a good one to boost. Plus, you'd have a much higher chance of learning techniques from getting hit, sometimes randomly while training, good stuff. Without the corresponding human to tell him that he's not having bright ideas on the battlefield, I really want him to have a better sense of that for himself and that here will mean boosting the intelligence stat.

In the Digimon World game, having a Tsunomon with most focus to developing the brains and/or defense stat rather than offense or speed will lead to developing into a Penguinmon, a precious little fellow that I like the looks of far more than the alternative evolution Elecmon anyway. (I'm ignoring the secret Kunemon digivolution business from sleeping in that nest since we don't know if it's around or how tough that guy is if he is there, I don't want to try evicting him without being at least at the Rookie stage if he's around and that kind of defeats the purpose of using that trick to get to a Rookie form quickly...)

Penguinmon has a few interesting evolutions, the two that build the most off of the stats we'd have already developed would be Frigimon and Whamon, the getting of which for both would rely on you having buffed that brains stat. The difference between the two is that you're more liable to get Frigimon if you pump up MP and Whamon if you pump up HP. Whamon would be a really monstrous tank, admittedly, but with the description of MP as a means of allowing our scout to spend longer times scouting before needing to return to the city to recuperate, I think that focusing on that may be more important. He ought to be fairly smart and durable if the training in the other categories works out, so I'd trust him in that case to think on his feet and stay out to explore for longer if he thinks the situation merits it.

Of course, this may easily all just be a bunch of bunk if that's been updated for this.
The good news is that depending on what stats reign surpreme, dictates how your digimon scouts, fights.

And how it affects digivolution.

DD has all digimon world evolutions and quite a few more. But only from what Wikimon confrims to be a direct link.

No Koromon to Tentomon here.

Int allows more options in the field, the battle system I worked out seems to be working pretty damn well on the first trial run.

I did make Native forest more friendly than it was in game but also vastly bigger to open more routes.

Fun times! Your post was amazing to read, love the deep logic!
[X]Scan surrounding areas to get a feel for their danger levels. Roll 60 or higher to pass.

[X]Tidy the dirt up and make a neater field, +20 to Tanemon's bonus

[X]Fcous on making more items: Roll 70 or higher to make two of each item next turn

[X]Head to the gym stats: Pick three stats to train. 20 or more roll to pass training on those stats.
2 crits already.

I come with a warning from the dimension one over, Spacebattles.

Do not rename the samdice, I repeat do not rename the samdice.

It has happened to us and has caused us to fail almost everything.
Turn 1 results
Tanemon bonus roll: 59. Need 80 or above = No bonus.
Meat gained: Small six meat.
Food consumed: 6
Bits gained: 0
SH.recovery/SMP.recovery obtained!

[X]Scan surrounding areas to get a feel for their danger levels. Roll 60 or higher to pass.
Roll: 100 = Passed/Crit

Jijimon mediated in his hut. The very world felt alien to him. He had grown up, changed, survived in this one world he knew so well. But now...winds he had never felt before blew into his tiny village, the sea churned with new water, the sky burned with a new sun.

Everything was changing.


Some things remained the same, thankfully.

Native forest threat level: 1
Drill Tunnel: 2
Tropical Jungle: 5
North Cave: 10

Jijimon frowned as he felt more vibrant data forming in the Native forest. A particularly powerful Rookie was lurking deep within the forest, something he had never sensed before. This was no over trained Agumon, this was...new.

Native Forest: One recruitable Digimon can be found in the Native forest.

[X]Tidy the dirt up and make a neater field, +20 to Tanemon's bonus

Tanemon took some time to neaten up the rows of dirt that grew the villages important meat. The act made her more...motivated.

[X]Fcous on making more items: Roll 70 or higher to make two of each item next turn

Tokomon watched as Jijimon headed out to take a walk around the village, he was a little worried since Tsunomon was going away to be a hero that the village would seem scarier without his protection but Jijimon made the village seem just as safe!

So he could focus on making the dataweeds and digistream water mix just right...

Item roll: 93. req.roll 70 = passed/Crit

The small Digimon giggled when he found he had more ingredients that he had expected! This might be a better way to do things!

Will get x2 items next round.
Tokomon gains a +5 bonus to all future attempt at making double items.

[X]Head to the gym stats: Pick three stats to train. 20 or more roll to pass training on those stats.


DEF: 67 =Passed!
INT: 86 = Passed!
MP: 15 = failed!

Tsunomon's stats.

Tsunomon's power is now D10+2

---Invasion roll: 70 or higher = 95/Crit -25(Jijimon) = 70

The sudden rustling bushes outside was the only warning Tokomon had before a small Digimon jumped in the window of Jijimon's hut.

"Nyahaha, whatcha making there, little guy? A present, why thank you!" it cackled and swiped at one of the SH.recoveries that had been prepared that morning.

Tokomon blew some bubbles at the odd Digimon, the leaf-like tail and three purple horns made it look dangerous but Tokomon felt it was around the same level as he was!

The bubbles shot wide and the Digimon fled back into the forest.

With the SH.recovery...

Lost one SH recovery!


Leader: Please pick one
[]Encourage another digimon and grant a bonus to their job. +20 to selected digimon's job.
[]Focus on security
[]Scan surrounding areas to get a feel for their danger levels. Roll 80 or higher to pass.

[]Water the meat, Roll 50 or higher to pass for two extra meat next day.
[]Tidy the dirt up and make a neater field, +20 to Tanemon's bonus next turn.
[]Dig one more hole for an extra meat. roll 70 or higher.

[]Make two items for next morning: roll 70 or higher
[]Try to make something off that sweet smelling flower that grows outside! Makes Wild Digimon attracter. More likely to battle.
[]Ask Jijimon to add proper windows to the hut. -5 attempts to all invasion if items are the goal.

INT/DEF/MP will take three turns in total to fix all. Pick one to fix first.
-[]Fix INT
-[]Fix DEF
-[]Fix MP
[]Koromon checks a machine and makes it last one longer turn: Roll 60 or higher.

[]Head to the gym stats: Pick three stats to train. 20 or more roll to pass training on those stats.
[]Scout West to Native forest. Find that Digimon and recover the item! Maybe find that strong Rookie?
[]Scot East to the bridge.
[]Scout North through a new cave that's opened up.
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