DICE: The Cube that Changes Everything - Quest

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Character Sheet

Name: Vladimir Pavlovena
Age: 15
Gender: Male

[X] Highscool...


Character Sheet

Name: Vladimir Pavlovena
Age: 15
Gender: Male

[X] Highscool Student
[X] Hacker


  • Strength: 5
  • Endurance: 5
  • Agility: 5
  • Intelligence: 20
  • Speed: 10
  • Charisma: 10
  • Inspiration:* 10

Relations with others:

You have known him for a long time but you dont really know anything about him. A really annoying companion. In the end you learned to tolerate him because you cant get rid of him. Believe me, you tried.

- Physical Condition: Rested

- Mental Condition: Bored

Amount of Dice
-Unactivated - 0

-Activated - 0

-Synchronized - 0

-??? - 0

-Dice Points - 0

(Will add other stuff when it comes to mind, Pm me if i am missing something vital.)
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Game Mechanics

For example a car falls on top of you. You roll 1d100 and add whatever points you have in your Endurance to your roll. For the car a 1d100 is rolled too and Weight points added.

You roll 78 on 1d100 and you have 40 points in Endurance = 118
The car rolls a 90 on 1d100 and has 70 points in Weight = 160
Conclusion: Pancakes

....Or something like that.

Also the there is Inspiration. None of the other characters have it except you. Down the line you will face enemies that are on a whole new league compared to you when it comes to attributes and it will come in handy. This attribute is used when you make clever write-in choices. Of course it doesn't take effect in every write-in choice, there are some requirements that you have to discover while playing the game.

Also 6 normal points translate to 1 point when it comes to inspiration and this is the only chance you have to directly increase it. After this you wont be able to increase it by normal means.*
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''6! this time the die has landed on number 6! Our challenger has rolled a 6! Congratulations, everyone give him an big applause!'' you hear the announcer say..

What happened? Where is this place!? You try searching your memories.. Only bits and pieces come to you, not enough to get to the bottom of this.

As you reflect on your situation in the background you hear that the challenger, the man that rolled 6 will be reborn as a popular idol. There is some polite applause and the next challenger takes his place...

...Wait a second! Reborn! Then doesn't that mean you are dead!? You don't know what to make of this new situation. You should probably be panicking.. Although you don't really feel like it. Emotions seems muted in this place for some reason.

You are jolted from your pondering when someone pushes you and you realize that there is no one in front of you. Its your turn to throw the die. You walk towards the enormous die and lift it up. Its a lot more heavy than it looks like. It feels like you are holding tons.. Some kind of metaphysical weight?

''Hey kid'' says the man behind you. ''Roll well, since your whole life will be determined by what you roll''.

After a moment of consideration you take a step back and throw the dice with all the power you can manage. The dice stays in the air more than it should ever be possible before landing on the ground with a large thump and rolling one more time before coming to a stop. Looking a the surface of the dice you see the number...

Please roll a 1d6 and a 1d2.

Please be gentle.. Also Pm me if there is anything wrong with the quest. I will try my best to make it as much as enjoyable as i can...
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Best of top 3.

1st roll will decide your position in the society, the addition to stats and your looks, the second one is a multiplier.

For example you got a 3 in 1d6 and a 2 in 1d2. 2x3 = 6, you get additional 6 points to spend on stats at the beginning..
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...Looking a the surface of the dice you see the number..

Seeing the result you sag in relief. It doesn't take long for you to notice the trembling of your legs and the tension in your muscles, you don't think you can stay standing anymore. So you relax and sit down on the floor not caring if its rude or bad manners.

You notice that the announcer actually doesn't have a face as opposed to other people who have theirs hidden in shadows, a detail you missed in your anxious mental condition. Still you get the impression that he is looking straight at you, no through you. Its a bit eerie if you are being honest to yourself.

''Sue me'' you think to yourself ''Its not like this was the dice roll that was going to decide all my life or anything''.

''Well, that was unexpected...'' murmurs the announcer to himself. Then raising his voice ''The dice has landed on a 5! You heard correctly, it was a 5! Congratulations challenger, everyone give him an round applause!'' the announcer shouts.

In the background you hear whispers like ''what a lucky bastard'', ''I wish i was him'', ''he doesn't even deserve it''. Nevertheless you still get an applause, even if it seems a bit forced.

The announcer speaks again and everyone falls silent. ''Your results have been released'' he pauses as if taking a deep breath even though he doesn't have a mouth, or a nose. ''When you get reborn you will be ___________!''

There is another round of polite applause. Then the announcer points you towards the enormous gate behind the stage that opens to a vast sky. All you can ever see is a blue sky without an ending and the cloud cover beneath you, so thick that nothing at the bottom can be seen.

Instinctively you know what you must do, jump down. It seems crazy, something only a lunatic would do. But deep down you know that you will be safe and that the fall wont hurt at all. You take some steps until you are standing at the edge, take a deep breath and you...


You hear the voice of the announcer, it sounds annoyed. ''Do you need a invitation or something'' he says with a hint of sarcasm. You turn back and look at him.''There are other people waiting in the line'' he says crossing his hands ''say what you want, be quick''.

[X] The heir of a rich family
[X] The son of corporate businessman
[X] A once in a lifetime prodigy ( You get more points to put in intelligence return for a bit less social standing)

[X] Write-in (As long as it is reasonable)

[X] I have a question!
-(what question?, can be up to four questions, no guarantee they will get answered or you get a good answer, order matters.)
[X] Nothing, do the jump.

[X] Write-in (As long as it is reasonable)

Also you will get your own color in the future. So how was the update? What should i improve?
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[ ] A once in a lifetime prodigy.
[ ] An immensely charismatic young man/woman with great compassion, iron will, and unsurpassed determination.

[x] An immensely charismatic young man.
[x] Thank him, and wish the other participants luck.
[x] This colour. Because ROW ROW FIGHT DA POWAH!

Actually, @o3o Signal; come and let's taint this quest with HOT BLOOD and SPIRAL ENERGY.
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[x] An immensely charismatic young man/woman with great compassion, iron will, and unsurpassed determination.

That is not reasonable.. Sorry. :(.

Besides there is no Spiral energy and a Kamina copy without Spiral energy is not cool.

Choose only one of these attributes and i will accept it. The protagonist is a guy. Note that using the write-in option can get you nice perks and shinies ^.^.

Also notice i changed my avatar :ogles:. I will be playing as X in addition to GM, so make of that what you will.
That is not reasonable.. Sorry. :(.

Besides there is no Spiral energy and a Kamina copy without Spiral energy is not cool.

Choose only one of these attributes and i will accept it. The protagonist is a guy. Note that using the write-in option can get you nice perks and shinies ^.^.

Also notice i changed my avatar :ogles:. I will be playing as X in addition to GM, so make of that what you will.
Only one of the 4 attributes? :(

And Kamina never had much Spiral Energy. Kamina suits this or this better anyway.

Fine, GM drasky. Edited..! :mad: :V :p
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[X] A once in a lifetime prodigy ( You get more points to put in intelligence return for a bit less social standing)

[X] Nothing, do the jump.

These people are goddamn creepy. Let's not antagonize them.
[ ] A once in a lifetime prodigy ( You get more points to put in intelligence return for a bit less social standing)

[ ] Nothing, do the jump.

These people are goddamn creepy. Let's not antagonize them.
...but I'm not antagonising them. :(

And trust me, CHArisma can take you a loooong way.
When you take Charisma to 20, you can do all sorts of crazy shit.
[X] A once in a lifetime prodigy ( You get more points to put in intelligence return for a bit less social standing)

[X] Nothing, do the jump.

These people are goddamn creepy. Let's not antagonize them.

Really! Did i manage to do creepy. I'm so happy right now!

I also considered giving the guy this face but decided it was too much..

...but I'm not antagonising them. :(

And trust me, CHArisma can take you a loooong way.
When you take Charisma to 20, you can do all sorts of crazy shit.

Note that you have nothing right now, you haven't been reborn yet.

Also you are not getting penalties this vote as long as you don't do anything extremely stupid. Feel free to ask questions.
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