Devils + Vampire (Post-DMC 5 X Rosario + Vampire Fanfic)

Chapter 8: The Vampire Awakens: Dante's Side
"So, this is where you ran off to?"

Vergil's chopsticks stopped halfway to his mouth. His already sour expression seemed to get worse as he let his hand drop. His lunch break had just started and he had chosen to leave the school to eat. The primary reason being the students. He was accosted on his way out of the library by numerous female students, who were all trying to ask him to go eat with them. When he turned away and left them behind, he was then met by numerous male students. Who were all trying to challenge him to a duel of some sort.

Another time, Vergil would've taken delight in showing them their place.

As it stood?

He simply wanted to eat in peace. But it seemed his brother had other plans.

His utensils gently hit the black plastic bowl that he had in his lap. Looking up at the familiar voice he had heard made him sigh in frustration, "Why are you here, Dante?"

Dante shrugged, "Didn't see you in the student's lunch room or the Teacher's Lounge. So, I went looking and found you sitting out here on a bench. Looking to all the world like a sad old man who's family doesn't visit anymore."

The younger Sparda brother chuckled while lifting the square cardboard box he held in his right hand up. He tossed it up a little, letting it land on his finger before pushing one of the edges. Like his brother, he had been accosted by numerous students on the way here. Unlike Vergil, though, his students were mostly young men. Who were all asking him for relationship advice, or how to be "cool" like he was. He did what he could to answer their questions, but needed to slip away to meet his brother for lunch.

The box began to spin on his finger while Dante stared down at Vergil. He looked at the bowl in his brother's lap then frowned, "The heck are you eating?"

"Some of the local cuisine. A bowl of ramen noodles with egg and chicken broth," he lifted some of the still hot noodles with his chopsticks for Dante to see, "It is supposed to be rather filling. And gives me an excuse to practice using chopsticks."

"Pfft, seriously?" Dante rolled his eyes. He sat down next to Vergil on an empty side of the bench and placed the box in his lap. He made a show of lifting the lid while staring Vergil in the eyes, "How about you put the sticks down and enjoy a little taste of home with your brother? Feast your eyes on this baby."

He popped open the box's lid. From within a large waft of steam flew into the air, along with the smell of Dante's favorite dish; A pizza from the human world with everything on it...except olives.

Dante took a deep whiff of the cheesy concoction. He let out a happy sigh as memories of home began to surface, "Oooohhh boy. Been too long since I had a slice of this good stuff."

He picked up a slice and immediately bit into it. Vergil watched his brother's sloppy eating with disgust on his face. He scoffed before going back to his own meal, "Must you put such horrid things inside your body? Our demon blood does much for us, but we must still take care of ourselves."

Dante, after licking what was left off his fingers, glanced at Vergil. He raised an eyebrow, "You sure about that? I've been eating this stuff since I was a teen. And my body hasn't slowed down on me yet."

"Yet," Vergil countered.

"Like you're one to talk. Based on what the kid told me, before you got your new bod, you were limping around like a 100 year old man," Dante leaned forward while placing a hand on his back. He spoke in a poor imitation of an older gentleman, "Oh, Nero. Ya mind helpin' out your old man for old times' sake? Aye just be needin' to borrow your arm for a second. Just need to take the Yam'a'to and split myself into two beings. Nothin' too crazy."

Vergil groaned at his brother's antics. He was thankful that no one was there to see them. The two fell into silence for a moment. The only sounds being either one eating their respective meals.

"So," Dante broke the silence. The pizza was already half gone when he started talking again, "what do you think Nero's doing right now?"

Vergil stopped eating for a moment. He slowly moved his chopsticks down while turning his head up towards the clouds. His expression became softer as he thought of his...son. He had since accepted the fact that Nero was his offspring. But...

"I...I believe he is doing fine," Vergil replied.

"Don't sound like it," Dante said, taking a slice of pizza out and offering it to Vergil. Vergil moved his head away from the offered food. Shrugging, Dante put the pizza back in the box and closed it. He leaned back against the bench while sighing, "Sounds more like you're still unsure about how you should feel about the kid being yours."

"I assure you that is not the case."

"Really? Then what's the first thing you're gonna do with your son when you get back?"


"That's what I thought."

Vergil huffed while glaring at his brother, "Then enlighten me, dear brother, what should I do with Nero we return to our world? Since you seem so knowledgeable about him. Certainly you know his likes and dislikes?"

Dante looked up at the clouds, "Hmm. Well, a good first step would be talk to the kid about his mother. Maybe explain why you hooked up with her."

"Is this your attempt at getting me to speak of that night?"

"So it happened at night did it?"

"Urgh," Vergil groaned and turned away from the grinning Dante. He shook his head as he replied, "As I stated, that was a long time ago. And I have no interest in talking about it with you."

"OK," Dante's expression hardened, "But I'm being serious about the kid. Never told me straight up what his life was like, but couldn't have been fun. You and I both know what it's like to grow up without parents."

Vergil flinched at Dante's words. He hung his head while steepling his hands together, "Yes. You are...correct. But at the time I...I didn't know how long I had left. Remaining in one place was...foolish."

"But you left the Yamato?"

"If I couldn't be there for my son in body, then perhaps I could be there in spirit. And it ensured that, should anything happen to one of us, Sparda's lineage would continue in some manner. Hopefully a better one than either of us have left behind."

"Hey now," Dante turned to regard Vergil fully, "I hope you're speaking for yourself there. I'm not the one who put the world at risk not once, but twice."

"And what have you been doing outside of living in a dingy, rundown building, barely able to keep paying for your electricity?" Vergil raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, I fight demons for a living. It just so happens we were in a dry spell before you showed up," was Dante's reply.

"That is not what that human Morrison told me," Vergil didn't smirk, but Dante could hear the smugness in his brother's tone of voice.

Dante waved his brother's words off. He chose to change the subject, "Speaking of home, any progress on finding us a way back?"

"It has been less than a day, Dante. Did you honestly believe I could make any significant progress within that amount of time?"

"I do have a pretty high bar set for you, older brother."

Vergil huffed and shook his head, "I must disappoint you then. I am making progress. But nothing concrete yet. Simply theories and basics on how the magic of this world works."

"Alright...oh, did the Student Council President come talk to you?"

"That depends. Do you speak of the part-human with an invisible shape-shifter as an ally?"

"Part-human, eh? Thought he smelled weird," Dante shook his head, "If I were a betting man, I'd put money on the two of them having some big evil plan in mind. And I'd wager the two of us are gonna be some mighty big wrenches in it."

"You can choose to be. I will not be getting involved. As, if they are as intelligent as they believe themselves to be, they will not bother me with their plans," Vergil stated without a hint of emotion.

Dante shook his head, "Should've seen that coming."

The two lapsed into silence.

"You know, I think this is the first time we've managed to talk without trying to kill each other afterward."

"If you do not consider our childhood...then you would correct."

"Huh...feels pretty good."

"...I agree".

More silence.

"So, about the kid's mother..."


Dante yawned as he walked towards the entrance to Yokai Academy. To his right, Vergil was walking with that same book from before in his hand. Yesterday had come and gone after lunch with little fanfare. The only other teacher that Dante ran into was a woman named Ririko. A woman with a taste in outfits that reminded him of Trish. That class wasn't nearly as eventful as Kitty Cat's. Though that might just be because it was math. He kind of blanked everything after his introduction out of his head.

When school finally let out, he and Vergil had to confront something they both forgot about: Where they would be sleeping. Bereft of any options, they decided to go to a few empty dorm rooms in the male dorms. Gramps said it was fine so they went with it.

The result?

"So, when are we getting our first paycheck?" Dante asked, rubbing one of his eyes to get the sleep out of it.

Vergil answered without looking up from his book, "The end of this week. So we have five more days before we receive any monetary compensation."

"Wait, five?" Dante looked at this brother in confusion, "Doesn't the weekend start in four days?"

"Japanese schools do not consider Saturday a weekend break day. Only Sunday," Vergil explained without looking up from his book.

Dante sighed while shaking his head, "Great. Guess we're gonna be sleeping in those crappy dorms for a bit longer...unless Gramps wouldn't mind us taking some trips to the human world to see about getting our own places."

"That's assuming we will be able to gain yen without performing illegal actions. Unless you're suggesting we look into stealing money from others," Vergil, in spite of his tone of voice, did not actually mind the idea of taking money from others for their own benefit. It wasn't like he hadn't done it before.

Vergil leaned away to avoid Dante's attempt to pat his shoulder. Dante spoke regardless, "Don't you worry about that, brother of mine. Even if this place doesn't have any demons or devils to hunt, it is still a world filled with supernaturals and humans. Which means that there are people out there who need help dealing with some bad supernatural creatures. And we happen to have sets of skills particularly suited to that."

Vergil hummed and glanced up from his book. He tilted his head forward and to their left, "A fair point. But if you plan to investigate such things, I suggest you handle your current 'project' first."

Dante looked in the direction Vergil indicated. There, walking along with his head down and focusing on something in his left hand, was Tsukune Aono. In his right he carried a bag that probably had all his school supplies in it. Even from afar Dante could tell the kid was troubled. He was dragging his feet and mumbling things into the wind.

"Good point, Vergil. But you did forget one thing; That kid is 'our' project. Come on now," Dante managed to get his arm around Vergil's shoulder. Vergil tried to escape but Dante held firm. He just about dragged Vergil over to where Tsukune was. Then he put his other arm around the human boy's shoulder.

Tsukune let out a yelp before turning and seeing Dante's smiling face. He stammered out, "D-D-Dante?"

"Morning Lover Boy," Dante said, ignoring how Vergil managed to escape his grasp. He focused his all on Tsukune, eyes falling on the paper in the kid's left hand. He pointed a finger at the paper, "What's that ya got there? A love letter from you know who?"

Tsukune blushed fiercely while shaking his head, "No, no, no, no! It''s a withdrawal notice. I wrote it up last night. I was...debating whether I should give it to the principal."

"If you wrote it, then you must intend to give it over, boy," Vergil said without looking up from his book. He scoffed, "I thought you would've decided to leave. This school is no place for one such as you."

Tsukune's mood soured but he still spoke up, "Um, well...that's the thing. I...I'm not sure if I want to leave. I mean, yeah, this place is scary. But...but Moka-san...she really likes me. And she seemed so lonely so-"

Dante held up a hand, "Say no more, Lover Boy. I gotcha. Don't necessarily agree with your thought process, but I'm not here to force you into anything. But I hope you understand that, while my brother could've said it better, choosing to stay will put your life in serious danger."

Dante let the boy go. Tsukune started to rub the back of his neck with the back of his hand, "I...I know. But-"

"No, seriously, kid," Dante lowered his voice and narrowed his eyes at the human, "You could honestly die if you stay here. Be 100% certain before you make a decision. Alright?"

Tsukune yelped again when he saw Dante's face. He managed to shake it off before turning his head back to the withdrawal notice in his hand. He silently walked alongside the Sons Of Sparda for a few seconds. Then he started to speak up, "I...I want to-"

"Hey, wait up, Lover Boy."

Tsukune's body tensed up at the familiar voice. He stopped walking, Dante and Vergil following suit. They all turned to see Saizo leaning against the trunk of a broken tree to their right. The taller student stood up straight and started heading towards Tsukune. He did nothing to hide the threatening tone in his voice, "Looks like you had a lot of fun with Moka Akashiya yesterday. And you're gonna pay for it today!"

Tsukune backed up from the sight of the clearly angry student. But Saizo closed the distance between them quickly. He reached out for Tsukune's collar...only to be greeted by Dante's hand grabbing his wrist.

"This again, Blondey?" Dante chided the student while shaking his head, "Didn't I tell you to cut this out already? What made you think you could do it again just cause it was a new day?"

Saizo growled, pulling his arm away from Dante. Dante let him go while moving to stand in front of Tsukune. Saizo focused on the shorter boy, watching him cower behind Dante, "So, you're one of those kind of monsters huh? The weaklings who hide behind the coattails of others? You think you are worthy of a beauty such as Moka?!"

Tsukune made an attempt to reply, but all that came out was incoherent stammers. Dante spoke up while patting the human on the head, "Nothing wrong with asking for help from someone you trust. Especially since, you know, I'm a Teacher's Assistant? Students are supposed to come to me for stuff like this. Now, how about you run along to class Blondey? Do that and I won't bring this up with the Headmaster. Wouldn't want to see you expelled, now would we?"

Saizo laughed while flexing both of his hands, "You're rather naive teach. What makes you think I'd let you even get that far?"

Dante tilted his head, "Is that a threat, young man? You know you're not supposed to threaten faculty. It's against school rules."

Saizo laughed even harder, "Pfft, fuck school rules! It only matters if I get caught. And I won't get caught as long as I tear you apart!"

His body tensed as he prepared to charge at Dante. Tsukune made ready to yell a warning...when Dante disappeared.

Tsukune blinked.

Then Saizo blinked.

Then both turned to see Dante standing beside Saizo.

With the blonde monster's right hand in his own.

A smug smile was plastered on Dante's face. He shook Saizo's hand before speaking, "Seems like you need some serious punishment young man. In the form of TA Dante's Remedial Lessons."

"What the fuc-let go of me!" Saizo said, trying to pull away from Dante. This time Dante didn't let go.

Dante looked back at Vergil and Tsukune. He tilted his head towards the forest at the edge of school grounds, "Hey brother of mine? Mind taking over for me and watching over Lover Boy while I deal with this ruffian? Thanks. See ya!"

"I have agreed to no such thing," Vergil looked up from his book to yell after Dante. But his younger brother was already walking off, Saizo digging his heels into the ground as he tried to get away. Dante merely waved without looking back at Vergil. Then he and Saizo disappeared into the distance.

Tsukune and Vergil watched them go. Tsukune with confusion and awe on his face, Vergil with annoyance.

Then they both became aware of footsteps heading their way. They turned around to see Moka rushing their way.

Vergil felt his annoyance grow as the vampire girl threw her arms around Tsukune in a form of greeting.

He made a mental note to add this grievance to his list of things to get back at Dante for.

Saizo was a Monstrel. Also known as an Orc in some human mythologies.

He was a monster of mixed lineage, with his father and mother being two different types of monsters. His exact race is so muddied that calling him an Orc isn't entirely correct. Thus the title "Monstrel" among the monster races.

Despite this he is still a powerful monster. With immense strength that he has used to, by his own admission, molest other human women before coming to Yokai Academy. While not the strongest, this power is something that he takes pride in.

That pride was currently being shattered as Dante landed another punch that sent the kid flying into a tombstone.

And then through it.

And then the five other tombstones behind it.

"High score!" Dante cheered while pumping his fist in the air. He had dragged Saizo away from school ground and into a graveyard that no one seemed to be visiting. At least, he guessed no one had visited it. The plants overgrowing some of the grave markers were a bit of a giveaway. Point was that he doubted anybody would be coming by to check this place out any time soon. Which meant he was free to cause a bit of a ruckus.

Across from him, trying to get his feet under him, was Saizo in his true form. A massive monster with sickly brown skin, bone spikes sticking out of his shoulders, long messy blonde hair on his head, and a long tongue sticking out of a mouth full of fangs. His pants, miraculously, had remained intact despite his sudden growth spurt. Unlike his eyes that had turned into white voids with no pupils in them. He grunted in pain as he stood up, legs trembling beneath him.

Dante dusted his hands off while staring at the monster, "Your legs are shaking, Buck Teeth. What happened to all that bravado and confidence from earlier? Did it go out of with my first light jab?"

Dante mimed jabbing his right arm forward for emphasis. Saizo stared at the Teacher's Assistant, mind racing as he tried to make sense of what was going on. He spoke, voice barely steady as he asked, "What the hell are you? can you be this strong...and not even be in your true form? Are...are you an SS Rank Monster?"

Dante shrugged, "Don't know nothing about no ranks. Just know that I'm a pretty strong fella. Been in my fair share scrapes and come out on top every time. So, how about you give up and come with me to the principals office? I'll tell them to go easy on ya."

"D-Don't mock me!" Saizo roared before stomping towards Dante. He uses one clawed hand to dig up dirt and toss it in Dante's direction. Then he sped through the debris while swiping towards his target's right.

Once more, he heard a loud "Ding" and saw a flash of red. Then he felt pain shoot through his abdomen as he was launched back yet again.

Dante stood in the cloud of dust, no worse for wear. He brushed the dirt off his clothes as he spoke, "Careful with the jacket, Buck Teeth. I've only got the one."

"This...this doesn't make any sense," Saizo panted out as he got to his feet, "You're...if you're this strong...why the hell are you protecting that fucking weakling Aono!?"

"Like I said. I'm a Teacher's Assistant. I'm just doing my job," Dante crossed his arms, "Besides, no one likes a bully. Specially not me. Now, this'll be your last chance, kid. Stand down."

"Fuck you!" Saizo roared before charging at Dante again. His muscles bulged obscenely as he prepared for one last attack. He shouted as he charged, "Try and survive this attack! If I put my all into one strike, I'm strong enough to crush steel! You're done!"

Dante stood his ground while rolling his eyes. He figured the kid wouldn't stop unless he was brought down. He looked down at his hands, flexing them as he checked the amount of energy he had built up from the exchange. It only been going on for about four minutes. With Saizo doing the same thing over and over again. Attacking Dante, being blocked by a Royal Guard parry, then Dante hitting him with an unpowered jab to the stomach. By his count, including the previous time he parried, he had blocked the kid about five times now. From that he could feel that he had stored up about...a fourth or third of his maximum Royal Release power?

Should be more than enough to knock big, mean, and ugly here.

His decision made, Dante waited for the kid to attack once again. He bent forward while making a "Bring it" gesture with one hand, "Come on! Show me what ya got!"

Saizo growled in frustration. He closed the distance and swiped at Dante with both of his claws. The massive hands were far wider than the Devil Hunter's body, and came at him from both sides. Anyone else would be panicking or looking for a way to dodge.

Dante simply grinned. He took up his stance, waited for the last second before the attack connected, and then he parried. As the red aura of Royal Guard encompassed his body, he curled his right hand into a fist and extended it towards Saizo's face. Then he released all the energy he had stored up.

Saizo didn't truly understand what happened next. All he knew was that, one moment, he had seen that strange red light again. But this time it seemed to grow brighter.

The next moment, a fist had connected with his jaw and sent him flying into the air. He fell unconscious before he even hit the ground with a thump. Dante, smile on his face, dusted his hands again. He placed them on his hips as he stood triumphantly looking down on Saizo's knocked out form, "And that's that. I'll leave ya to cool off a bit, Buck Teeth. Don't worry though. I'll tell Kitty Cat where I left ya. She'll come pick you up after that. I, in the meantime, need to get back to my bro-"

A large explosion of power came from behind Dante. He slowly turned around, head tilted in confusion as he beheld a large pillar of energy shooting into the sky. Bats flew around the pillar, chirping in delight as if they had found an all you can drink human buffet.

"...That's where Vergil is, isn't it?" Dante groaned out. He shrugged while walking back towards his brother, "Better go see what he's done this time."

As Dante head towards the Academy, two other figures made their way out of the forest. They headed towards the unconscious Saizo. One grabbed the Monstrel's legs and began to drag him away from the area.

"...Well, I didn't expect this."

Dante crossed his arms as he looked upon the sight before him. It turned out that Vergil had taken Tsukune away from school grounds as well. The pillar he had seen had disappeared after a few moments, but the source of the energy hadn't disappeared. Which is what allowed him to find the three of them.

Yeah, three.

Apparently, Fangs had decided to tag-a-long with the two of them. Likely to say hello to Lover Boy. But something seems to happened. Dante wasn't sure what that "something" was. But he could certainly see the result of the event.

That result being?

Tsukune sitting on the ground with his mouth gaped open in stunned silence.

Fangs, now with silver hair and looking far more aggressive than before, staring at his brother with the same expression that Tsukune has on her face.

And Vergil.

Who was staring at something in his right hand.

While his left arm was easily blocking what was clearly a kick from Fangs.

Fun Fact about Saizo for those who are Anime Only:

His parents? Complete creation of the Anime. They don't show up at all in the Manga. The guy actually tries to fight Tsukune and Moka again, this time teaming up with the (not yet known) ANTI-THESIS in an attempt to kill the (now a Ghoul/Vampire) Tsukune and molest Moka. He, of course, fails....and then gets killed by the leader of this branch of ANTI-THESIS for his failure.


Quite a change from having a fat ass mother and father.

Said father being a former harem protag who Kuramu and Mizore's mothers attempt to get with. Only for him to choose a third, completely unrelated girl.

But yeah.

Next Chapter: Vergil goes off on Tsukune and Moka, Inner Moka gets humbled, and Vergil gets angry at the Headmaster.
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Chapter 9.1
"I have agreed to no such thing," Vergil looked up from his book to yell after Dante. But his younger brother was already walking off, Saizo digging his heels into the ground as he tried to get away. Dante merely waved without looking back at Vergil. Then he and Saizo disappeared into the distance.

Tsukune and Vergil watched them go. Tsukune with confusion and awe on his face, Vergil with annoyance.

Then they both became aware of footsteps heading their way. They turned around to see Moka rushing their way.

Vergil felt his annoyance grow as the vampire girl threw her arms around Tsukune in a form of greeting. She spoke in her normal, kind tone of voice, "Morning, Tsukune! If we don't hurry, we're gonna be late."

With a scoff, Vergil elected to walk a few paces ahead of the two. He would stay close enough to hear the two, but otherwise would try to ignore them. He had not agreed to watch the two while Dante was gone. Thus he wouldn't go out of his way to keep them in sight. Mentally adding this to his list of grievances against Dante, he began to focus his attention on the book in his hand. He had managed to reach a chapter discussing the possible uses of sealing magic.

"Uawww," Tsukune couldn't hide the uncertainty in his face as he stepped away from Moka.

Moka hummed while staring at Tsukune, not hiding the curiosity in her eyes. Her gaze fell onto the letter in Tsukune's hand. She leaned over his shoulder to get a closer look, "What's that? Is it a letter to someone?"

Vergil hummed as a particular passage caught his interest. The book detailed how sealing magic could, in theory, be used to seal away more than simply a Yokai's strength. Other possible uses included sealing away memories, body parts, even someone's personality could be locked away. However, the book stressed that such things could only be done by someone skilled in the art of sealing magic. And those were few and far between. Even among Yokai. And everything it stated was merely theoretical.

Vergil committed the knowledge to memory anyway. He wasn't sure how this world's magic would affect him and Dante. The last thing they needed was for someone to seal them away. While he doubted it would hold them forever, it would increase the amount of time they spent in this world by months at the least.

He was briefly brought from his musings by a loud gasp from the vampire. He frowned as she spoke with surprise and worry in her voice, "A withdrawal notice!? something wrong, Tsukune?"

Tsukune turned away from Moka to look at the dusty earth beneath his feet. A nervous chuckle left his mouth as he spoke, "It's...I...I can't help it, Moka! This school is just too scary for me! I'm thinking of leaving and going to a human school."

Vergil clicked his tongue at the boy's foolish statement. He should be thankful that the vampire likely misconstrued his words. Otherwise she'd have figured out what he actually was.

As if to confirm his thoughts, Moka shouted to Tsukune, "No way. You can't go off to some human school. I hate those humans!"

"...Huh!?" Tsukune sounded schocked by Moka's words. Vergil kept walking, starting to get further away from the two. They had made it halfway to the school gate by this point, and Vergil had already decided to leave the two behind. They had made it to school. They should be safe enough that Dante couldn't complain if he left them behind. He caught Moka speaking of her time at a human middle school where they insulted her for saying she was a monster. After that, he got far enough away that he couldn't hear them anymore.

At least when they were speaking at a normal volume.

But he could still hear the human boy when he yelled, "I am a human! Through some kind of mistake I ended up being let into this school, but I'm different from you!"

Vergil had to resist the urge to drag his free hand across his face. He knew the boy was stupid, but this exceeded all of his original expectations. No matter how much he may like that girl, yelling that he's a human at a school for Yokai is asking for death. He should be glad that they took so long getting to school that most of the student body are in the building already. Otherwise, he would've been torn limb from limb...or Vergil would've had to intervene. If only to stop Dante from making a fuss over the death of his student.

He heard more shouting but put it out of his mind. He was ten paces away from the entrance to the school. That's all he needed to focus on. That and his book. Just a bit more and he'd be back in-

"Vergil-sensei!" he felt someone slam into his back. He hardly moved while they fell backwards into the dirt, "Ah! Ow!"

Knowing it was the vampire, he stopped walking but didn't turn to look at her, "What is it?"

Moka quickly got to her feet and ran to Vergil's front. Her eyes were wide with panic as she spoke, "I need your help! Tsukune he...he just ran off towards the school gate!"

"Yes....and?" Vergil didn't sound the least bit interested.

"We-we need to go after him! We need to stop him from-"

"Why? Isn't he one of those humans you said you hated?" the vampire flinched at Vergil's cold tone. He didn't bother looking at her as he started walking towards the school again, "If he is leaving, then all the better for everyone involved. He isn't in danger of dying, while you and your fellow monsters can rest easy knowing he's gone."

Caught off guard by Vergil's blatant dismissal, Moka took a moment to get her breath back. When she did, she was quick to yell after Vergil, "But-but-you-you're one of the staff! Shouldn't you stop him!?"

"I am a Librarian. Not a teacher. It is not my place to ensure a student who does not want to be here remains," he was seven paces from the school now.

"But what if he really does leave?"

"What would be the harm in that?"

"Then he'll go to a human school!"

"I still fail to see the problem."

"But if that happens then...then...I won't ever see him again!"

Vergil stopped three steps away from the school's threshold. He didn't turn to look at Moka as he spoke, "Then was what you said before not true? Do you not truly hate humans?"

Moka, surprised that he actually stopped to listen to her, took a moment to realize what he said. When his words registered she found her original worry replaced by uncertainty. She started to fidget in place while looking at the ground, both of her hands curled into fist in front of her chest. Her voice trembled as she spoke, "That's....I....I mean....I don't know."

"Is it just him then? Are you willing to make an exception for that boy?"

The thought of Tsukune gave Moka a little courage. She looked up and nodded her head, "I...yes. Yes, I am."


"Because...because he was the first person to accept me for who I am. Not what I am or what people think I am. At the human school, everyone made fun of me for being a monster. Everyone hated me and treated me like I was delusional. I thought coming to Yokai Academy would change things. And while I certainly feel more welcome hasn't exactly been what I thought it would be."

She bit her lip as she gathered her thoughts. Vergil stood patiently awaiting her next words. Her tone grew steadier as she spoke, "When I tell the other students that I'm a vampire...they all start treating me differently. Boys want to go out with me, girls flock around me and give me gifts, everyone treats me like I'm someone really special. I know I should feel grateful for the attention, but I can't help but feel like nothing's changed. Everyone's still treating me differently. No one's accepted me for me...except for Tsukune."

Moka placed a hand over her heart as she continued, "When I told him I was a vampire, he didn't run away. At first, I thought it was because he was a Yokai with a kind heart. But now, knowing he's actually makes me happier. He knew I was a monster. Someone who feeds on human blood...but he didn't run away. He only ran away when I said I hated humans. He was willing to be my friend despite what I am. So, that's why...that's why I want to keep going to this school with him. So, please help me, Vergil-sensei!"

Moka performed a full body bow to Vergil's back. Vergil remained silent for a few moments. Then he spoke once again, "You must know that, should he continue going to this Academy, his life will be in danger?"

Moke looked up at Vergil's back. When he felt her staring at him, he continued, "This is a school for Yokai. Many of these Yokai are known to kill and eat humans. Sometimes for sport. That Saizo student that my brother dragged away is but one of the aggressive kind. There will be more. Some that aren't as obvious as he was. Even if they don't learn that he is a human, Saizo has proven that students are willing to attack each other and staff to get what they want. If Tsukune stays here, there is a high chance that he will die."

"But you and Dante-sensei-"

"I am not that boy's guardian. And my brother will not always be there to protect him. Knowing that, would you still ask for him to stay? If so, then what will you do to ensure his survival?"

Moka went silent. She was at a loss for words. If Tsukune died because she wanted him to stay, could she bare knowing that? That she was the reason he had lost his life? Her mind raced with worry, panic beginning to set in. How was she supposed to answer Vergil? What could she say to him? How could she keep Tsukune from-

"I'll protect him."

She was stunned even as she said the words. Yet she continued to speak, "I-I-I can't fight. But I'm a vampire. I'm really strong. And-And while I don't like to hurt people...I don't want to let Tsukune get hurt. Not if I can do anything about it!

"And if your strength turns out to not be enough?"

"Then I'll get stronger! However I can! If it means keeping Tsukune safe, then I'll get strong enough to protect him from everything., Vergil-sensei!" Moka went back to bowing, closing her eyes as she awaited Vergil's answer.

Vergil was silent for two minutes. Then he closed his book in a single motion, "Passable. Foolish. But passable. I shall assist you."

"Really?!" quick as a flash Moka straightened herself up. Her eyes snapped open to see Vergil turning around to face her. She ran forward to hug him, "Thank you so much, Vergil-se-"

Vergil stopped her by putting his hand on her face. She backed up while holding her stinging nose. Vergil stared at her with indifference, "Do not touch me without my permission. Now I suggest you follow close behind. We must catch him before he reaches the bus to the human world."

Orders given, Vergil wasted no time fast walking in the direction Tsukune went. It was easy enough to follow the boy. He had done little to disguise the footprints he left behind. Moka, still massaging her nose, followed Vergil while yelling for him to wait for her.

Just got this done tonight. Have it to prove I'm still in this.
Last edited:
Chapter 9.2
Tsukune stood at the bus stop with his bags in his hands. He didn't even bother with the withdrawal notice. He just ran to his dorm room, got his things, then headed towards the bus stop. His fear of the school had come in handy, as he hadn't bothered to unpack any of the bags he brought with him. Made it easy to simply grab them and rush his way towards the bus stop.

This was it. He was going to wait for the bus, get on it, head home, then get his parents to put into a normal school. He didn't belong here and would be much happier somewhere else. Somewhere that didn't have students that wanted to kill him at it. It would be fine.

Yet, even as his mind kept telling him that, he found himself turning his eyes back towards the Academy. An image of Moka flashed across his face. The pain in her eyes when he had run off. The way she shied away from him when he said he was human. What she had told him on the roof about her rosary.

...He would be better off leaving...right?

He shook his head and turned back towards the dark tunnel that would lead him home. He leaned forward, frowning down the tunnel. The bus should've been here by now. What was taking it so long? It's not like there was another bus stop anywhere near here. Unless that bus driver was hiding something from-

"Tsukune!" the human boy nearly jumped out of his skin. He turned towards the school to see Moka rushing towards him. One of her hands was held up as she ran, an expression of panic on her face. Behind her, Vergil was walking at a leisurely pace with a bored expression on his face. He ran a hand through his hair when an errant breeze blew a lock out of place.

"M-M-Moka-san?" Tsukune unconsciously stepped towards the vampire as she ran towards him. He moved forward, mouth gaping as he watched the pink haired girl close the distance between them. Then he noticed that she wasn't stopping even when she was ten paces away from him. His eyes went wide and he threw his hands up, "Waitwaitwaitwai-"

His words went unheeded as Moka tackled him to the ground. He felt the wind get knocked out of him as he experienced the vampire's physical power. The two hit the ground in a heap, Tsukune losing his grip on his luggage and it hitting the dusty earth along with him. He saw stars for a moment, before his breathing was suddenly cut off as Moka hugged him close to her chest.

"Don't go!" she shouted, while pressing the human closer, "I'm sorry about what I said. I didn't mean it. I...I don't want you to go! Please stay Tsukune!"

"Hmmmmmppphhh!" was his muffled reply. His arms flailed around as he struggled to breathe around Moka's strength and assets. She didn't seem to notice and increased her grip on the boy. Tsukune's flailing got worse but he had no way to get out of the vampire's grasp.

He was saved by Vergil grabbing the vampire by her shirt collar. The Son Of Sparda carried Moka in one hand, holding her like one would a small dog with little difficulty. Tsukune gulped down lungfuls of sweet air, while Vergil stared disapprovingly at Moka. The Son Of Sparda spoke in an unamused tone of voice, "Be wary of your own strength. You do not wish to crush the boy, do you?"

"N-no," Moka said while pressing her fingers together, "Sorry, Vergil-sensei. Yo-You can let me down now. Please?"

Vergil unceremoniously let the vampire drop. A cute squeak left her mouth as she hit the ground. She got to her feet while dusting off her skirt and legs. Vergil turned to the still gasping Tsukune. His tone didn't change even as he addressed the human, "She wishes to speak with you, boy. I'd suggest you listen."

"Wha-what?" Tsukune got to his feet as he glanced between Moka and Vergil. He eventually settled them onto Moka. Her cute face and bubbly expression made him flinch. He turned away from her, frowing as he spoke, "What more is there to say? I'm a human, remember? She wants nothing to do with me."

A hurt expression came over Moka's face. She turned to Vergil but found no help there. The Son Of Sparda merely rolled his eyes before waving towards the human boy. Gathering her courage Moka straightened herself up. Then she bowed deeply to Tsukune, "I'm sorry! I...I think about what I said. Tsukune you...I...I don't hate you. I can't bring myself to hate you. Even if you are human."

"Why?" Tsukune didn't sound upset, but truly curious as to her answer.

"Because...because you didn't run away," Moka straightened up to look Tsukune in the eyes, "You didn't run away when I told you I was a vampire. You didn't care about that. You just wanted to be my friend. And I...I want to be your friend too. Even if I'm a vampire, and you're human. I...I want it to work between us. Because I've never...I've never really had a friend before and"

"She wishes to become your companion," Vergil cut in when it was clear Moka was going to make this far harder than it needed to be. Both of the high schoolers went silent as he stepped forward. He waved a hand at Tsukune, "You believe the same, do you not? You have told Dante and I multiple times that being this girl's friend is enough to keep you in a Yokai infested Academy. While that is not nearly sufficient enough in my eyes, I will not stop you from making that decision. And if this vampire wishes the same, then why not reciprocate?"

Caught off guard by Vergil's sudden interruption, Tsukune was temporarily stunned. He blinked twice as he stared in confusion at the Librarian, "Vergil-sensei. But...I thought you didn't care-"

"I do not," Vergil pointed a finger towards Moka, "But she has shown that she has the will and resolve to protect you while you are here. Or at least the start of it."

Tsukune felt a combination of surprise and gratefulness fill his heart. He slowly turned to look at Moka. She turned her eyes away while kicking at the ground, cheeks red in embarrassment. Feeling his own face getting hotter, Tsukune turned back to Vergil, "She...she said she would...protect me?"

"And I see that as enough reason to help her convince you. Of course, another question remains: What will you do?"


"If you choose to stay at this Academy, do you plan to allow this vampire to defend you forever? Do you believe that she can overcome every obstacle that will come your way? Are you willing to sit back and be protected while she faces danger after danger?"

"N-N-No! I don't want to see her hurt," Tsukune bit his lip, "But...but I can't fight. I'm just-"

"Then do as she has said she would. Gain power," Vergil lifted his hand up, palm first, then started curling it into a fist, "Consider your options. Discover the best way to improve yourself. Then take it. Get stronger. Obtain the power you need. For power is-"

Vergil stopped.

In an instant he remembered what happened during the times he followed through that statement. Every time he gave up everything for the pursuit of power.

He defeated Dante in their first battle...then lost in their third.

He lost to Mundus and was forced to become a servant to that Demon.

He managed to survive, stole his son's arm, then used the Yamato to split his two halves apart. His demonic half became truly powerful, even managing to defeat Dante yet again...but even after he devoured the Qliphoth Fruit, he still lost to Dante.

It was only after he accepted his human side that he managed to match him. And even then he still lost to his son.

All his plans were foiled time and time again. He lost to his supposedly weaker brother time and time again. And, at the end, was pursuing power at all cost truly what gave him the strength he had now? was acceptance.

Acceptance of his once thought weak human half.

In the present, Vergil let his hand fall to his side. He remained silent long enough that Tsukune and Moka started getting worried. He briefly hummed as he thought of what to say to the boy. Eventually, he spoke with uncertainty in his voice, " not everything. Simply seeking it...will not bring you happiness or fulfillment. Do not seek power for its own sake. Down that path lies little but ruin. Seek power to defend those you care for."

"Vergil-sensei," Tsukune reached out a hand to grab Vergil's shoulder. But Vergil stepped away from him and turned his back. Tsukune pulled his hand back then frowned. He thought about the Librarian's words for a moment. Then he closed his eyes and nodded, "Alright. OK. Thank you, Vergil-sensei. I'll...I'll be sure to get stronger. For Moka-san's sake."

"You're going to stay?!" Moka said, hoping beyond hope that it was true. When Tsukune nodded she surged forward and pulled him into another bone crushing hug, "Yaaaayyy!~ Tsukune!~ Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Y-Y-You're wel-come-Moka-san," Tsukune managed through the vampire's crushing embrace.

Vergil shook his head while keeping his back turned to the students. Dante was starting to rub off on him. He sighed before taking his book back out and holding it in his left hand. Perhaps now he could read in peace. He opened it to the last page he was on and continued to read. The text continued detailing the theory of how sealing magic could be used on things other than powers. It discussed how, even if the user was skilled at sealing magic, sealing requires an object to act the primary "Lock" alongside a "Key" for what has been sealed. Any object will do, but ones considered "holy" or "supernatural" work best. This includes prayer beads, paper talismans, rosaries, pendants and-

Vergil paused on that last sentence. He went back to how it mentioned rosaries. Images of the rosaries across the Headmaster's body flashed through his mind...then he remembered who else has a rosary on their person.

"Thanks for helping me, Vergil-sensei," Moka said with a bow. The rosary on her chest shook as she stood up. Tsukune was standing on her right, rising from his own bow. The two began to walk passed Vergil's right side, "We'll be heading back to class now. We'll see you later."

"Hold," Vergil reached out and grabbed Moka's rosary. The vampire gasped as the Son Of Sparda pulled her over to him. He lifted the rosary up while putting his book away, "I must examine this."

"Aaahh! Vergil-sensei, what are you doing?" Moka said while trying to pry Vergil's hand off her rosary, "Please don't touch that! It's important to me."

But Vergil didn't listen. He kept his eyes focused on the object in his palm. With a thought he fed some of his own demonic power into the object. It seemed to spark for a moment but nothing else occurred. He grunted, "Hmm. Perhaps it requires a specific key? What could that be?"

"Le-L-Let her go!" Tsukune appeared at Vergil's side and grabbed the older's man's wrists. He tried to pull Vergil away but accomplished little save for making his own arms hurt. Moka, seeing Tsukune try to help her, redoubled her efforts to no avail. The situation was almost comical, in a way. Two high schoolers, one a pink haired vampire girl, and the other a normal human boy, failing as they attempted to pull an older man's hand off a rosary.

Seeing that the rosary wasn't going to be removed easily, Vergil let the object go...just as Tsukune put his right hand on top of Vergil's. When Vergil moved his hand away, Tsukune's fell onto the rosary.

It came off with the sound of a latch being unlocked.

Instantly, the immediate area around Moka exploded into a huge pillar of energy. Bats appeared from no where, while birds took the skies in a panic. Moka's body floated in the pillar as her hair shot straight up towards the sky. It quickly changed color from pink to white as power surged through her form. Tsukune fell onto his backside, eyes wide as dinner plates as he watched Moka transform.

Vergil paid it no mind.

He immediately grabbed the rosary while it was mid-fall. Then he turned his back on the transforming Moka and began to examine the object. His brows furrowed as he started feeding demonic energy into the rosary. This time he received some feedback. It wasn't much. Just bits and pieces of what the seal on the object was like. But he could tell that something was different about it. That this was no normal seal.

"M-M-Moka-san?" Tsukune said, eyes watching as Moka landed on her feet. She had on hand on her hip, while her now red eyes stared examined her surroundings. They temporarily landed on Tsukune, making his heart skip a beat as he locked eyes with her. He briefly felt like a fly standing before a hungry spider. Unable to move as his body locked up in fear.

Then Moka turned away and he returned to normal. He asked himself if this was really Moka-san. She felt...different. Stronger. More confident. As if she knew she was the strongest person in the room just by virtue of being herself.

"Hey, you," she pointed a finger at Vergil's back, "I don't know what the big idea is, but I'd suggest you give that back. Right now."

Vergil didn't even bother turning around. He kept his eyes firmly on the rosary.

Moka scowled, "Hey, I'm talking to you."

He didn't turn around.

A cocky chuckle escaped Moka's lips, "You must think you're pretty strong. Turning your back on a vampire who's speaking directly to you."

Still no response.

"Look, just give me back the rosary, and I'll let everything go. We can forget this ever happened."

No response.

Moka grit her teeth, "Fine then. Have it your way!"

In an instant, Moka kicked off the ground and launched herself at Vergil. Yokai power surged into her leg as she aimed it directly at the side of Vergil's head. Tsukune felt the earth shake as she attacked, the power of a vampire making him shiver in fear. Moka's blow flew towards Vergil at speeds that made her leg look invisible to Tsukune.

Vergil raised his left arm up to block.

And the attack instantly stopped.

There was no shockwave.

There was no rustling of Vergil's clothes.

He didn't even look at Moka to block the attack.

He just stopped it.

Moka and Tsukune stared in disbelief at what just occurred.

It was at this point that Dante finally returned.

Another sub-chapter, because I'm not done yet.

As stated, we have Moka's Humbling to go through, then the two getting mad at the Headmaster.
Chapter 9: The Vampire Awakens: Vergil's Side
"I have agreed to no such thing," Vergil looked up from his book to yell after Dante. But his younger brother was already walking off, Saizo digging his heels into the ground as he tried to get away. Dante merely waved without looking back at Vergil. Then he and Saizo disappeared into the distance.

Tsukune and Vergil watched them go. Tsukune with confusion and awe on his face, Vergil with annoyance.

Then they both became aware of footsteps heading their way. They turned around to see Moka rushing their way.

Vergil felt his annoyance grow as the vampire girl threw her arms around Tsukune in a form of greeting. She spoke in her normal, kind tone of voice, "Morning, Tsukune! If we don't hurry, we're gonna be late."

With a scoff, Vergil elected to walk a few paces ahead of the two. He would stay close enough to hear the two, but otherwise would try to ignore them. He had not agreed to watch the two while Dante was gone. Thus he wouldn't go out of his way to keep them in sight. Mentally adding this to his list of grievances against Dante, he began to focus his attention on the book in his hand. He had managed to reach a chapter discussing the possible uses of sealing magic.

"Uawww," Tsukune couldn't hide the uncertainty in his face as he stepped away from Moka.

Moka hummed while staring at Tsukune, not hiding the curiosity in her eyes. Her gaze fell onto the letter in Tsukune's hand. She leaned over his shoulder to get a closer look, "What's that? Is it a letter to someone?"

Vergil hummed as a particular passage caught his interest. The book detailed how sealing magic could, in theory, be used to seal away more than simply a Yokai's strength. Other possible uses included sealing away memories, body parts, even someone's personality could be locked away. However, the book stressed that such things could only be done by someone skilled in the art of sealing magic. And those were few and far between. Even among Yokai. And everything it stated was merely theoretical.

Vergil committed the knowledge to memory anyway. He wasn't sure how this world's magic would affect him and Dante. The last thing they needed was for someone to seal them away. While he doubted it would hold them forever, it would increase the amount of time they spent in this world by months at the least.

He was briefly brought from his musings by the loud gasp from the vampire. He frowned as she spoke with surprise and worry in her voice, "A withdrawal notice!? something wrong, Tsukune?"

Tsukune turned away from Moka to look at the dusty earth beneath his feet. A nervous chuckle left his mouth as he spoke, "It's...I...I can't help it, Moka! This school is just too scary for me! I'm thinking of leaving and going to a human school."

Vergil clicked his tongue at the boy's foolish statement. He should be thankful that the vampire likely misconstrued his words. Otherwise she'd have figured out what he actually was.

As if to confirm his thoughts, Moka shouted to Tsukune, "No way. You can't go off to some human school. I hate those humans!"

"...Huh!?" Tsukune sounded schocked by Moka's words. Vergil kept walking, starting to get further away from the two. They had made it halfway to the school gate by this point, and Vergil had already decided to leave the two behind. They had made it to school. They should be safe enough that Dante couldn't complain if he left them behind. He caught Moka speaking of her time at a human middle school where they insulted her for saying she was a monster. After that, he got far enough away that he couldn't hear them anymore.

At least their normal volume.

But he could still hear the human boy's yell, "I am a human! Through some kind of mistake I ended up being let into this school, but I'm different from you!"

Vergil had to resist the urge to drag his free hand across his face. He knew the boy was stupid, but this exceeded all of his original expectations. No matter how much he may like that girl, yelling that he's a human at a school for Yokai is asking for death. He should be glad that they took so long getting to school that most of the student body are in the building already. Otherwise, he would've been torn limb from limb...or Vergil would've had to intervene. If only to stop Dante from making a fuss over the death of his student.

He heard more shouting but put it out of his mind. He was ten paces away from the entrance to the school. That's all he needed to focus on. That and his book. Just a bit more and he'd be back in-

"Vergil-sensei!" he felt someone slam into his back. He hardly moved while they fell backwards into the dirt, "Ah! Ow!"

Knowing it was the vampire, he stopped walking but didn't turn to look at her, "What is it?"

Moka quickly got to her feet and ran to Vergil's front. Her eyes were wide with panic as she spoke, "I need your help! Tsukune he...he just ran off towards the school gate!"

"Yes....and?" Vergil didn't sound the least bit interested.

"We-we need to go after him! We need to stop him from-"

"Why? Isn't he one of those humans you said you hated?" the vampire flinched at Vergil's cold tone. He didn't bother looking at her as he started walking towards the school again, "If he is leaving, then all the better for everyone involved. He isn't in danger of dying, while you and your fellow monsters can rest easy knowing he's gone."

Caught off guard by Vergil's blatant dismissal, Moka takes a moment to get her breath back. When she does, she's quick to yell after Vergil, "But-but-you-you're one of the staff! Shouldn't you stop him!?"

"I am a Librarian. Not a teacher. It is not my place to ensure a student who does not want to be her remains," he was seven paces from the school now.

"But what if he really does leave?"

"What would be the harm in that?"

"Then he'll go to a human school!"

"I still fail to see the problem."

"But if that happens then...then...I won't ever see him again!"

Vergil stopped three steps away from the school's threshold. He didn't turn to look at Moka as he spoke, "Then was you said before not true? Do you not truly hate humans?"

Moka, surprised that he actually stopped to listen to her, took a moment to realize what he said. When his words registered she found her original worry replaced by uncertainty. She started to fidget in place while looking at the ground, both of her hands curled into fist in front of her chest. Her voice trembled as she spoke, "That's....I....I mean....I don't know."

"Is it just him then? Are you willing to make an exception for that boy?"

The thought of Tsukune gave Moka a little courage. She looked up and nodded her head, "I...yes. Yes, I am."


"Because...because he was the first to accept me. At the human school, everyone made fun of me for being a monster. Everyone hated me and treated me like I was delusional. I thought coming to Yokai Academy would change things. And while I certainly feel more welcome hasn't exactly been what I thought."

She bit her lip as she gathered her thoughts. Vergil stood patiently awaiting her next words. Her tone grew steadier as she spoke, "When I tell the other students that I'm a vampire...they all start treating me differently. Boys want to go out with me, girls flock around me and give me gifts, everyone treats me like I'm someone really special. I know I should feel grateful for the attention, but I can't help but feel like nothing's changed. Everyone's still treating me differently. No one's accepted me for me...except for Tsukune."

Moka placed a hand over her heart as she continued, "When I told him I was a vampire, he didn't run away. At first, I thought it was because he was a Yokai with a kind heart. But now, knowing he's actually makes me happier. He knew I was a monster. Someone who feeds on human blood...but he didn't run away. He only ran away when I said I hated humans. He was willing to be my friend despite what I am. So, that's why...that's why I want to keep going to this school with him. So, please help me, Vergil-sensei!"

Moka performed a full body bow to Vergil's back. Vergil remained silent for a few moments. Then he spoke once again, "You must know that, should he continue going to this Academy, his life will be in danger?"

Moke looked up at Vergil's back. When he felt her staring at him, he continued, "This is a school for Yokai. Many of these Yokai are known to kill and eat humans. Sometimes for sport. That Saizo student that my brother dragged away is but one of the aggressive kind. There will be more. Some that aren't as obvious as he was. Even if they don't learn that he is a human, Saizo has proven that students are willing to attack each other and staff to get what they want. If Tsukune stays here, there is a high chance that he will die."

"But you and Dante-sensei-"

"I am not that boy's guardian. And my brother will not always be there to protect him. Knowing that, would you still ask for him to stay? If so, then what will you do to ensure his survival?"

Moka went silent. She was at a loss for words. If Tsukune died because she wanted him to stay, could she bare knowing that? That she was the reason he had lost his life? Her mind raced with worry, panic beginning to set in. How was she supposed to answer Vergil? What could she say to him? How could she keep Tsukune from-

"I'll protect him."

She was stunned even as she said the words. Yet she continued to speak, "I-I-I can't fight. But I'm a vampire. I'm really strong. And-And while I don't like to hurt people...I don't want to let Tsukune get hurt. Not if I can do anything about it!

"And if your strength turns out to not be enough?"

"Then I'll get stronger! However I can! If it means keeping Tsukune safe, then I'll get strong enough to protect him from everything. help me, Vergil-sensei!" Moka went back to bowing, closing her eyes as she awaited Vergil's answer.

Vergil was silent for two minutes. Then he closed his book in a single motion, "Passable. Foolish. But passable. I shall assist you."

"Really?!" quick as a flash Moka straightened herself up. Her eyes snapped open to see Vergil turning around to face her. She ran forward to hug him, "Thank you so much, Vergil-se-"

Vergil stopped her by putting his hand on her face. She backed up while holding her stinging nose. Vergil stared at her with indifference, "Do not touch me without my permission. Now I suggest you follow close behind. We must catch him before he reaches the bus to the human world."

Orders given, Vergil wasted no time fast walking in the direction Tsukune went. It was easy enough to follow the boy. He had done little to disguise the footprints he left behind. Moka, still massaging her nose, followed Vergil while yelling for him to wait for her.

Tsukune stood at the bus stop with his bags in his hands. He didn't even bother with the withdrawal notice. He just ran to his dorm room, got his things, then headed towards the bus stop. His fear of the school had come in handy, as he hadn't bothered to unpack any of the bags he brought with him. Made it easy to simply grab them and rush his way towards the bus stop.

This was it. He was going to wait for the bus, get on it, head home, then get his parents to put into a normal school. He didn't belong here and would be much happier somewhere else. Somewhere that didn't have students that wanted to kill him at it. It would be fine.

Yet, even as his mind kept telling him that, he found himself turning his eyes back towards the Academy. An image of Moka flashed across his face. The pain in her eyes when he had run off. The way she shied away from him when he said he was human. What she had told him on the roof about her rosary.

...He would be better off leaving...right?

He shook his head and turned back towards the dark tunnel that would lead him home. He leaned forward, frowning down the tunnel. The bus should've been here by now. What was taking it so long? It's not like there was another bus stop anywhere near here. Unless that bus driver was hiding something from-

"Tsukune!" the human boy nearly jumped out of his skin. He turned towards the school to see Moka rushing towards him. One of her hands was held up as she ran, an expression of panic on her face. Behind her, Vergil was walking at a leisurely pace with a bored expression on his face. He ran a hand through his hair when an errant breeze blew a lock out of place.

"M-M-Moka-san?" Tsukune unconsciously stepped towards the vampire as she ran towards him. He moved forward, mouth gaping as he watched the pink haired girl close the distance between them. Then he noticed that she wasn't stopping even when she was ten paces away from him. His eyes went wide and he threw his hands up, "Waitwaitwaitwai-"

His words went unheeded as Moka tackled him to the ground. He felt the wind get knocked out of him as he experienced the vampire's physical power. The two hit the ground in a heap, Tsukune losing his grip on his luggage and it hitting the dusty earth along with him. He saw stars for a moment, before his breathing was suddenly cut off as Moka hugged him close to her chest.

"Don't go!" she shouted, while pressing the human closer, "I'm sorry about what I said. I didn't mean it. I...I don't want you to go! Please stay Tsukune!"

"Hmmmmmppphhh!" was his muffled reply. His arms flailed around as he struggled to breathe around Moka's strength and assets. She didn't seem to notice and increased her grip on the boy. Tsukune's flailing got worse but he had no way to get out of the vampire's grasp.

He was saved by Vergil grabbing the vampire by her shirt collar. The Son Of Sparda carried Moka in one hand, holding her like one would a small dog with little difficulty. Tsukune gulped down lungfuls of sweet air, while Vergil stared disapprovingly at Moka. The Son Of Sparda spoke in an unamused tone of voice, "Be wary of your own strength. You do not wish to crush the boy, do you?"

"N-no," Moka said while pressing her fingers together, "Sorry, Vergil-sensei. Yo-You can let me down now. Please?"

Vergil unceremoniously let the vampire drop. A cute squeak left her mouth as she hit the ground. She got to her feet while dusting off her skirt and legs. Vergil turned to the still gasping Tsukune. His tone didn't change even as he addressed the human, "She wishes to speak with you, boy. I'd suggest you listen."

"Wha-what?" Tsukune got to his feet as he glanced between Moka and Vergil. He eventually settled them onto Moka. Her cute face and bubbly expression made him flinch. He turned away from her, frowing as he spoke, "What more is there to say? I'm a human, remember? She wants nothing to do with me."

A hurt expression came over Moka's face. She turned to Vergil but found no help there. The Son Of Sparda merely rolled his eyes before waving towards the human boy. Gathering her courage Moka straightened herself up. Then she bowed deeply to Tsukune, "I'm sorry! I...I think about what I said. Tsukune you...I...I don't hate you. I can't bring myself to hate you. Even if you are human."

"Why?" Tsukune didn't sound upset, but truly curious as to her answer.

"Because...because you didn't run away," Moka straightened up to look Tsukune in the eyes, "You didn't run away when I told you I was a vampire. You didn't care about that. You just wanted to be my friend. And I...I want to be your friend too. Even if I'm a vampire, and you're human. I...I want it to work between us. Because I've never...I've never really had a friend before and"

"She wishes to become your companion," Vergil cut in when it was clear Moka was going to make this far harder than it needed to be. Both of the high schoolers went silent as he stepped forward. He waved a hand at Tsukune, "You believe the same, do you not? You have told Dante and I multiple times that being this girl's friend is enough to keep you in a Yokai infested Academy. While that is not nearly sufficient enough in my eyes, I will not stop you from making that decision. And if this vampire wishes the same, then why not reciprocate?"

Caught off guard by Vergil's sudden interruption, Tsukune was temporarily stunned. He blinked twice as he stared in confusion at the Librarian, "Vergil-sensei. But...I thought you didn't care-"

"I do not," Vergil pointed a finger towards Moka, "But she has shown that she has the will and resolve to protect you while you are here. Or at least the start of it."

Tsukune felt a combination of surprise and gratefulness fill his heart. He slowly turned to look at Moka. She turned her eyes away while kicking at the ground, cheeks red in embarrassment. Feeling his own face getting hotter, Tsukune turned back to Vergil, "She...she said she would...protect me?"

"And I see that as enough reason to help her convince you. Of course, another question remains: What will you do?"


"If you choose to stay at this Academy, do you plan to allow this vampire to defend you forever? Do you believe that she can overcome every obstacle that will come your way? Are you willing to sit back and be protected while she faces danger after danger?"

"N-N-No! I don't want to see her hurt," Tsukune bit his lip, "But...but I can't fight. I'm just-"

"Then do as she has said she would. Gain power," Vergil lifted his hand up, palm first, then started curling it into a fist, "Consider your options. Discover the best way to improve yourself. Then take it. Get stronger. Obtain the power you need. For power is-"

Vergil stopped.

In an instant he remembered what happened during the times he followed through that statement. Every time he gave up everything for the pursuit of power.

He defeated Dante in their first battle...then lost in their third.

He lost to Mundus and was forced to become a servant to that Demon.

He managed to survive, stole his son's arm, then used the Yamato to split his two halves apart. His demonic half became truly powerful, even managing to defeat Dante yet again...but even after he devoured the Qliphoth Fruit, he still lost to Dante.

It was only after he accepted his human side that he managed to match him. And even then he still lost to his son.

All his plans were foiled time and time again. He lost to his supposedly weaker brother time and time again. And, at the end, was pursuing power at all cost truly what gave him the strength he had now? was acceptance.

Acceptance of his once thought weak human half.

In the present, Vergil let his hand fall to his side. He remained silent long enough that Tsukune and Moka started getting worried. He briefly hummed as he thought of what to say to the boy. Eventually, he spoke with uncertainty in his voice, " not everything. Simply seeking it...will not bring you happiness or fulfillment. Do not seek power for its own sake. Down that path lies little but ruin. Seek power to defend those you care for."

"Vergil-sensei," Tsukune reached out a hand to grab Vergil's shoulder. But Vergil stepped away from him and turned his back. Tsukune pulled his hand back then frowned. He thought about the Librarian's words for a moment. Then he closed his eyes and nodded, "Alright. OK. Thank you, Vergil-sensei. I'll...I'll be sure to get stronger. For Moka-san's sake."

"You're going to stay?!" Moka said, hoping beyond hope that it was true. When Tsukune nodded she surged forward and pulled him into another bone crushing hug, "Yaaaayyy!~ Tsukune!~ Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Y-Y-You're wel-come-Moka-san," Tsukune managed through the vampire's crushing embrace.

Vergil shook his head while keeping his back turned to the students. Dante was starting to rub off on him. He sighed before taking his book back out and holding it in his left hand. Perhaps now he could read in peace. He opened it to the last page he was on and continued to read. The text continued detailing the theory of how sealing magic could be used on things other than powers. It discussed how, even if the user was skilled at sealing magic, sealing requires an object to act the primary "Lock" alongside a "Key" for what has been sealed. Any object will do, but ones considered "holy" or "supernatural" work best. This includes prayer beads, paper talismans, rosaries, pendants and-

Vergil paused on that last sentence. He went back to how it mentioned rosaries. Images of the rosaries across the Headmaster's body flashed through his mind...then he remembered who else has a rosary on their person.

"Thanks for helping me, Vergil-sensei," Moka said with a bow. The rosary on her chest shook as she stood up. Tsukune was standing on her right, rising from his own bow. The two began to walk passed Vergil's right side, "We'll be heading back to class now. We'll see you later."

"Hold," Vergil reached out and grabbed Moka's rosary. The vampire gasped as the Son Of Sparda pulled her over to him. He lifted the rosary up while putting his book away, "I must examine this."

"Aaahh! Vergil-sensei, what are you doing?" Moka said while trying to pry Vergil's hand off her rosary, "Please don't touch that! It's important to me."

But Vergil didn't listen. He kept his eyes focused on the object in his palm. With a thought he fed some of his own demonic power into the object. It seemed to spark for a moment but nothing else occurred. He grunted, "Hmm. Perhaps it requires a specific key? What could that be?"

"Le-L-Let her go!" Tsukune appeared at Vergil's side and grabbed the older's man's wrists. He tried to pull Vergil away but accomplished little save for making his own arms hurt. Moka, seeing Tsukune try to help her, redoubled her efforts to no avail. The situation was almost comical, in a way. Two high schoolers, one a pink haired vampire girl, and the other a normal human boy, failing as they attempted to pull an older man's hand off a rosary.

Seeing that the rosary wasn't going to be removed easily, Vergil let the object go...just as Tsukune put his right hand on top of Vergil's. When Vergil moved his hand away, Tsukune's fell onto the rosary.

It came off with the sound of a latch being unlocked.

Instantly, the immediate area around Moka exploded into a huge pillar of energy. Bats appeared from no where, while birds took the skies in a panic. Moka's body floated in the pillar as her hair shot straight up towards the sky. It quickly changed color from pink to silver as power surged through her form. Tsukune fell onto his backside, eyes wide as dinner plates as he watched Moka transform.

Vergil paid it no mind.

He immediately grabbed the rosary while it was mid-fall. Then he turned his back on the transforming Moka and began to examine the object. His brows furrowed as he started feeding demonic energy into the rosary. This time he received some feedback. It wasn't much. Just bits and pieces of what the seal on the object was like. But he could tell that something was different about it. That this was no normal seal.

"M-M-Moka-san?" Tsukune said, eyes watching as Moka landed on her feet. She had on hand on her hip, while her now red eyes stared examined her surroundings. They temporarily landed on Tsukune, making his heart skip a beat as he locked eyes with her. He briefly felt like a fly standing before a hungry spider. Unable to move as his body locked up in fear.

Then Moka turned away and he returned to normal. He asked himself if this was really Moka-san. She felt...different. Stronger. More confident. As if she knew she was the strongest person in the room just by virtue of being herself.

"Hey, you," she pointed a finger at Vergil's back, "I don't know what the big idea is, but I'd suggest you give that back. Right now."

Vergil didn't even bother turning around. He kept his eyes firmly on the rosary.

Moka scowled, "Hey, I'm talking to you."

He didn't turn around.

A cocky chuckle escaped Moka's lips, "You must think you're pretty strong. Turning your back on a vampire who's speaking directly to you."

Still no response.

"Look, just give me back the rosary, and I'll let everything go. We can forget this ever happened."

No response.

Moka grit her teeth, "Fine then. Have it your way!"

In an instant, Moka kicked off the ground and launched herself at Vergil. Yokai power surged into her leg as she aimed it directly at the side of Vergil's head. Tsukune felt the earth shake as she attacked, the power of a vampire making him shiver in fear. Moka's blow flew towards Vergil at speeds that made her leg look invisible to Tsukune.

Vergil raised his left arm up to block.

And the attack instantly stopped.

There was no shockwave.

There was no rustling of Vergil's clothes.

He didn't even look at Moka to block the attack.

He just stopped it.

Moka and Tsukune stared in disbelief at what just occurred.

It was at this point that Dante finally returned.

Dante approached his brother first. He wasn't sure what was going on, but he knew that Vergil was likely at the center of it. Moka let her leg fall, not once taking her eyes off Vergil. His brother simply let his arm fall without saying a word. Both Tsukune and the new Moka noticed Dante approaching from Vergil's side.

He waved at the two of them, "Sup, Lover Boy? Digging the new look, Fangs. Silver and white are all the rage you know."

He used both of his hands to send his own white hair flying for a second. Moka blinked at the younger Sparda brother. Then she scowled before turning back to Vergil, "Whatever. Just tell your damn brother to give me back my rosary!"

Dante hummed before stepping to Verigl's side. He placed an arm over his brother's shoulder while wagging his finger, "Now, now, dear brother of mine. What did mom tell us about taking important objects from pretty girls?"

"Not now Dante," Vergil said while looking over at his younger brother, "I have discovered something that has taken my interest. I need to study it post-haste."

"That's fine. But you should be asking Fangs if you can do it first. Rather than just taking stuff from her," Dante jerks a thumb in Moka's direction. The vampire was tapping her foot against the ground with her arms crossed.

Vergil frowned. He prepared a response, but took a moment to reconsider his actions. Instead of speaking, he presented the rosary to Dante, "Would you mind taking this and feeding some of your power into this? I believe it will help you understand what I am doing."

Dante smiled then took the rosary in his hand, "Alright. But if I don't find anything, I'm giving this back to Fangs. Got it?"

Vergil nodded. Deal made, Dante fed some of his own demonic power into the rosary. He stood up to give the item back to Moka...but then paused. His expression changed to one of curiosity as he turned to look at the rosary.

"Well, would you look at that," Dante said while rubbing his chin with a hand.

"What? What is it?" Moka asked as she let her arms fall.

"Hey, Fangs. Where'd you get this thing? Doesn't look like something you find at regular jewelry store," Dante asked the vampire, tossing the rosary up and down in his hand.

Moka bared her fangs at him, "What-Who cares? Just give it back!"

"Yeah, I'd love to. But I think my brother might be on to something. This thing's got weird written all over it. Promise you'll get it back in a minute. Sound good?"

"Or I could just take it back!" Moka launched herself at leaping up for a spinning high kick.

Dante simply ducked under the girl's attack. She flew over him and landed behind him. Her leg kicked out in a sweep that Dante jumped over. She tried to hit him with a rising flip kick, but he flipped out of the way.

"Vergil! Go long," Dante said as he threw the rosary back to his brother. Moka got to her feet and dashed for the flying rosary. Its silver metal shined in the morning sun as it flew through the air. Then a flash of blue caught Moka's eyes as Vergil appeared directly in front of the rosary. He grabbed it as he fell to the earth. Moka raised up her leg, readying a kick to catch him before he fell. As she struck out, Vergil's own foot came down and clashed with hers.

Moka, to her surprise, felt a jolt of pain shoot up her leg. She hissed as she backed away from the Sparda Brothers. Dante landed a second after Vergil, both huddling together as they looked at the rosary.

"What do you think?" Vergil asked Dante.

"Eh. Not much. I'm not one for making or analyzing seals. More about breaking them. But I can tell you that this thing is some strong stuff," Dante tapped the red jewel in the middle of the rosary's crosses, "You're book say anything about this stuff?"

"Not much, but I can extrapolate based on the text. Only someone who is skilled in sealing magic would be able to building something like this."

"Any idea who that would be at this Academy?"

"There is only one person. The one who gave me this book."

"Stop ignoring me!" Moka shouted as she leaped up and aimed a flying axe kick at Dante and Vergil.

The Sparda Brothers remained still as Moka came hurtling towards them. They continued to talk and discuss the situation, even as her shadow fell over them. Tsukune, finally getting out of his fear induced stupor, stood up and ran over to Dante and Vergil. He ran around to the front to grab the rosary while shouting, "Enough already! Just give it back to-"

"You! Look out!" Tsukune turned around and looked up at the sky. He immediately felt both a great amount of embarrassment and fear as he saw Moka's raised leg coming towards him. He froze on the spot, unable to move as Moka bared down on him.

Then he saw red and blue blurs dash passed him.

Dante and Vergil appeared on Moka's left and right side respectively. They both grabbed hold of Moka's arms, arresting her movement in mid-air. Dante put the rosary back into Moka's hand, while Vergil moved around to her back.

"Here you go, Fangs. Sorry it took a bit. If you end up late to class, don't sweat it. I'll write you and Lover Boy an excuse," Dante saluted Moka before teleporting down to the ground. Vergil, placing a foot on Moka's back, gave her a light kick towards Tsukune. With a short yell, she landed on top of the human, sending him to the floor and stars swirl in his vision...again.

Vergil tricked over to Dante and then turned to look at his brother, "I trust you understand what our next objective is?"

"Go speak with Gramps about this?" Dante said while putting his arms behind his head, "I suppose. But why are you so interested in this?"

"Because, after seeing what happens when that rosary is removed, I believe I have an idea of what that Yokai has done. And if I am correct," Vergil didn't finish. Instead, he increased his grip on the Yamato.

Dante saw this, but said nothing. He simply nodded while shrugging his shoulders, "Alright. If it'll make ya feel better. See you ya around, Fangs! Take care of her, Lover Boy."

"Hey! You two! Come back here! We're not done yet!" Moka shouted while getting to her feet. But Dante and Vergil paid her no mind. The younger Sparda simply waved without turning to look at her. She grit her teeth while clenching her fists tightly.

That....that couldn't have been real.

Those two...they didn't even take her seriously.

They were toying with her.


An SS Class Monster. Made a fool of by those...those...whatever they are!

"Urrrgggghhhh," the sound of the human boy groaning from his place on the ground caught Moka's attention. She turned to look down at Tsukune, who had blood coming out of his nose. His face was locked in an expression of happiness, while stars swirled in his eyes.

Moka blinked at him. Then her gaze turned to the rosary in her hand. She sighed while shaking her head, "No. I shouldn't let that get to me. I'll get another shot at them some other time. Right now, I need to let you out. Have fun, me."

She snapped the rosary back on just as Tsukune started waking up. He pushed himself into a sitting position, one hand rubbing his head, "Oh, my head. What happened? Where did everyone-"

"Tsukune!" Moka tackled Tsukune, hugging him from the right side, "I'm so glad you're alright. I didn't hurt you did I?"

"N-N-No! I'm fine! Really! So you don't have to get so close!" Tsukune said while trying to ignore the soft things pressing against his right arm.

"Oh, thank goodness. I'm so glad," Moka said, turning her eyes up to look into Tsukune's. For a moment, the two stared each other down. Tsukune felt his heartbeat faster. Moka started to move her face closer to his and-

Tsukune froze up.

Hold on.

Hadn't this happened be-

"Wait, Moka! Don't-"

But it was too late. Moka bit down on Tsukune's neck.

He let out a yell as his blood was drained.

Huh. Guess I was able to pull through after all. Hope you all enjoy!

Also, I think this quote perfectly encapsulates how the Sparda Brothers fight:

"Sons, you can't just defeat evil. You gotta WRECK evil. You gotta break evil's spirit. Disrespect it. Do it dirty in front of its whole squad without ever, once, acting like this is anything less than either beneath you or fun for the whole family. Make evil question the very laws of physics, the basic realities of what should be impossible even for demons, and make ABSOLUTELY SURE your hair is on point. The monocle is optional, but encouraged."

-Sparda, teaching his twin sons the core philosophy of his combat style
Chapter 10.1
When Saizo woke up, he was unable to see anything. His entire body felt like it got hit by a runaway freight train. He groaned in pain while trying to get his feet under him. Yet, for some reason, he couldn't feel his arms or legs. He could tell they were still there. He just couldn't move them for some reason And, based on the feeling on his face...

"Did someone blindfold me?" he spoke aloud, part of him hoping that whoever did it heard him. Maybe it would make them panic and get the blindfold off. He could still move his head at least. So he lifted it and shouted out, "Hey! Whoever did this better let me go! If you do, I promise to make it painless."

Silence was the only response.

"I know someone's out there! Say something ya piece of shit!"

More silence.

He growled while preparing to speak again, but he felt something prick the back of his neck. A warm liquid fell down his neck. He recognized the familiar scent of blood.

"Ah, good. You shut up. I was getting annoyed," the voice sounded light and playful. Like whatever was happening was a game to it. Saizo tried to turn his head but felt the sharp object press deeper into his neck.

"Tell us what happened in your fight," a different voice, one deeper and with a serious tone compared to the other. But it had an edge to it that made a shiver run up Saizo's spine. The voice spoke again, "Do you remember how your opponent fought?"

" mean that fucking Teacher's Assistant? Why? Is he here? Tell him to come over here so I-"

More pressure and more blood.

"Answer the questions. Before I get bored and split your neck open like a fat cow in a slaughterhouse."

Now thoroughly aware of the situation he was in, Saizo felt much of his pride and arrogance desert him. He started to speak, "I-I don't know nothing! What the fuck do you want me to say?"

"How did he fight? What weapon did he use? What powers?"

"I don't fucking know! He just turned read a couple of times. Then it feels like I'm trying to cut through something...harder than steel somehow. Then he punches me once and it sends me flying!"

"That's it?"

"The fuck you expecting me to say? It wasn't exactly a drawn out fight. I don't know what that guy is, but he's gotta be double or triple S at least. Why the fuck do you care anyway? Who the hell-"

Saizo felt something hit him on the back of the head. Then everything went blank again.

"I told you this was going to be a waste of time," Kiria said while dragging the unconscious Saizo away with one hand. His other was slowly shifting from its organic blade form back into a normal arm. He stared at Kaneshiro's back as the two walked through the empty forest and back towards the school. He walked with a swagger to his step as he followed behind, a smug smile permanently on his face. His voice carried that smugness in his tone of voice, "This guy didn't just got beaten. He got humiliated. And he's too stupid to try to analyze anything about his opponent."

"It wasn't completely useless," the Student Council President said, adjusting his glasses as he led the way back to the school, "We have added onto our growing pool of insight into these two brothers."

"Sure we have," Kiria didn't sound convinced. He tapped his chin with a finger from his now normal hand, "Lets see, what do we know? We know that both of the brothers are sharp and can see me even when I'm trying to hide. We know that the blue one is on a hair trigger and has a sword that can slow my regeneration. We know that both of them are aware of our plans, even if they don't know what they are. Oh, and the red one turns red when he does something with his powers. That about right?"

Kaneshiro turned around and raised an eyebrow at Kiria, "Is something bothering you, Kiria? You sounds uncharacteristically upset about all this."

Kiria waved Kaneshiro's words off, "Oh, no, no. I'm not upset. Really. Not like thinking about how strong those two are individually is enough to send shivers down my spine or anything. Not at all!"

Kaneshiro sent a glare Kiria's way. Kiria raised his hand up placatingly, speaking with a playful tone in his voice, "Scary~! You've got a scary look on your face, Kaneshiro! Don't worry. I'm not getting cold feet or anything. It's just something I've been thinking about a lot."

"Then you would do well to stop," Kaneshiro said as he began to walk again, "No matter how strong the two of them are, they won't be able to stop us. Vergil has stated that he doesn't wish to get in our way as long as we leave him alone, and Dante won't be able to do anything until it's too late. Our plans will already come to fruition."

Kiria nodded his head in response to Kaneshiro's words. But, despite what his comrade said, he couldn't help the pit of doubt that had formed in his stomach. His right hand still throbbed from when it was cut off by that strange weapon. He wasn't sure what it was about that sword, or the way that Vergil person wielded it. But his body, something that could usually recover any wound easily, couldn't seem to adapt to a wound from this weapon. Most injuries he suffered only took a few minutes to heal. Even those inflicted by magic or Yokai Power. But that weapon? The wound it inflicted?

Two hours.

It had taken two full hours for him to heal from.

And, for some reason, he could tell that it wasn't going to change. His cells couldn't adapt to whatever it was the weapon did to him.

He didn't know how he knew it. He just did.

And that made him understand something: Vergil could kill him.

For good.

And whenever he thought of that, he could always feels two emotions towards it.

Excitement...and genuine fear.

"So, you've learned nothing?" Mikogami asked the Bus Driver who was standing in front of his desk.

Nurai shook his head, "Nothing at all. I've called up every contact I've got in the human and Youkai world. Not a single person or monster has heard of 'The Sons Of Sparda'. Nor who or what this 'Dark Knight Sparda' is or was."

Mikogami hummed, drumming his fingers against his desk, "Then what about the two themselves? I'd imagine twin monster brothers as strong as those two would make some waves. Especially in the human world. They don't seem like the types to keep themselves beneath others' radar."

"You'd think that, but no," Nurai shook his head again, replacing his cigar with a new one. He lit it with his lighter and blew a ring of smoke out of his nose before he continued, "Couldn't find a single thing about a Dante or Vergil either. Well, nothing that wasn't about a certain duo that supposedly traversed the nine circles of Hell."

" you think-"

"Nope. They'd be older than either of us if they were one of those two."

"Good point," Mikogami leaned back in his seat, "Lets put the question of who they are to the side for now. Instead, do you have any ideas as to what they could be?"

"You mean the kind of Yokai? My best guess? Oni," Nurai took his cigar from his mouth and tapped a finger on Mikogami's desk, "They match up pretty well. Dante wears red, is energetic, tends to be impulsive, and usually acts based on his emotions. Guy came up to me and had me get him Pizza from the human world just cause he was craving it. So, he certainly fits that mold."

"And his brother is the exact opposite. Cool, collected, quiet, and clearly the more thoughtful of the two," Mikogami replied as the image began to take shape in his head. He nodded, "If you're right, then we may need to stock up on sake."

"For the brothers to keep them docile, or for yourself when they start giving you headaches?"

Both men shared knowing smiles.

Nurai tilted his head while putting his cigar back in his mouth, "Good to talk with ya some more, old friend. 'Fraid I need to get back to work though."

"As do I. We'll talk later, Nurai. And keep me informed in case you learn anything new," Mikogami waved goodbye to the Bus Driver. Nurai did the same, walking through the only door that lead in and out of Mikogami's room.

For a few moments, Mikogami was alone with his thoughts. His mind went back towards his various plans. He had made good progress on speaking with the governmental official of Japan. It would take a bit more work, but he was certain he could get them to listen to him if the worst case scenario came to pass.

He also hadn't heard anything from Anti-Thesis so far. But he doubted that would last forever. Those troublemakers would make their move sooner or later. And when they did, he would be ready to take care of them. Hopefully.

Then there was his biggest gamble: Tsukune Aono. That human boy that he had let into the school. He could only hope that the child managed to survive his years at this school. His survival was tantamount towards proving coexistence between humans and monsters was possible. However, he knew he couldn't do much to help the human teenager. Any hint of favoritism from him may cause complications. Either with the young lad or the rest of the school. He would have to watch from the shadows and-

The door to his office was forced open with a loud bang.

Mikogami looked up just as Vergil stomped into the room. His eyes glowered at Mikogami as he made his way across the room. Mikogami put forth an image of calm, but one of his hands went to one of the Holy Locks on his body. Just in case.

"Patron Librarian Vergil," Mikogami said as the older Sparda brother stopped in front of his desk. He smiled up at the blue-clothed man, "Can I help you with something?"

"What did you do to the vampire named Moka Akashiya?" Vergil's question was clear and concise.

Mikogami didn't let his surprise show on his face. He merely smiled wider, "Why, whatever do you mean? Who exactly is thi-"

"Do not try to deflect, demon," Vergil raised his Yamato but didn't take it from its scabbard, "I am in no mood for your games. Answer my questions or else."

Mikogami's grip on his Holy Lock tightened. In his mind he was already thinking about what to do if Vergil pulled his sword. He knew the man was fast, skilled with his weapon, and strong. Extremely strong. If he made one wrong move, he could end up on the floor bleeding from ten different cuts before he could blink. But if he could get the first move off, he could possible trap Vergil in a barrier and hold him in place to get off a blow of his own.

The two stared each other down.

The tension in the air thickened with each passing second.

Then it was cut in twain as Dante appeared and pushed Vergil out the way. His easygoing smile helped to calm Mikogami down, "Sorry about that, Gramps. Told you my brother was a bit trigger happy. Don't let it get to ya though. If he tried anything, I'd give him a good spanking as punishment."


Sorry about that guys. It's just been hard for me to get myself to just sit down and right recently.

Hopefully this Sub-Chapter makes up for it.
Last edited:
Chapter 10: Mikogami Tells All
When Saizo woke up, he was unable to see anything. His entire body felt like it got hit by a runaway freight train. He groaned in pain while trying to get his feet under him. Yet, for some reason, he couldn't feel his arms or legs. He could tell they were still there. He just couldn't move them for some reason And, based on the feeling on his face...

"Did someone blindfold me?" he spoke aloud, part of him hoping that whoever did it heard him. Maybe it would make them panic and get the blindfold off. He could still move his head at least. So he lifted it and shouted out, "Hey! Whoever did this better let me go! If you do, I promise to make it painless."

Silence was the only response.

"I know someone's out there! Say something ya piece of shit!"

More silence.

He growled while preparing to speak again, but he felt something prick the back of his neck. A warm liquid fell down his neck. He recognized the familiar scent of blood.

"Ah, good. You shut up. I was getting annoyed," the voice sounded light and playful. Like whatever was happening was a game to it. Saizo tried to turn his head but felt the sharp object press deeper into his neck.

"Tell us what happened in your fight," a different voice, one deeper and with a serious tone compared to the other. But it had an edge to it that made a shiver run up Saizo's spine. The voice spoke again, "Do you remember how your opponent fought?"

" mean that fucking Teacher's Assistant? Why? Is he here? Tell him to come over here so I-"

More pressure and more blood.

"Answer the questions. Before I get bored and split your neck open like a fat cow in a slaughterhouse."

Now thoroughly aware of the situation he was in, Saizo felt much of his pride and arrogance desert him. He started to speak, "I-I don't know nothing! What the fuck do you want me to say?"

"How did he fight? What weapon did he use? What powers?"

"I don't fucking know! He just turned read a couple of times. Then it feels like I'm trying to cut through something...harder than steel somehow. Then he punches me once and it sends me flying!"

"That's it?"

"The fuck you expecting me to say? It wasn't exactly a drawn out fight. I don't know what that guy is, but he's gotta be double or triple S at least. Why the fuck do you care anyway? Who the hell-"

Saizo felt something hit him on the back of the head. Then everything went blank again.

"I told you this was going to be a waste of time," Kiria said while dragging the unconscious Saizo away with one hand. His other was slowly shifting from its organic blade form back into a normal arm. He stared at Kaneshiro's back as the two walked through the empty forest and back towards the school. He walked with a swagger to his step as he followed behind, a smug smile permanently on his face. His voice carried that smugness in his tone of voice, "This guy didn't just got beaten. He got humiliated. And he's too stupid to try to analyze anything about his opponent."

"It wasn't completely useless," the Student Council President said, adjusting his glasses as he led the way back to the school, "We have added onto our growing pool of insight into these two brothers."

"Sure we have," Kiria didn't sound convinced. He tapped his chin with a finger from his now normal hand, "Lets see, what do we know? We know that both of the brothers are sharp and can see me even when I'm trying to hide. We know that the blue one is on a hair trigger and has a sword that can slow my regeneration. We know that both of them are aware of our plans, even if they don't know what they are. Oh, and the red one turns red when he does something with his powers. That about right?"

Kaneshiro turned around and raised an eyebrow at Kiria, "Is something bothering you, Kiria? You sounds uncharacteristically upset about all this."

Kiria waved Kaneshiro's words off, "Oh, no, no. I'm not upset. Really. Not like thinking about how strong those two are individually is enough to send shivers down my spine or anything. Not at all!"

Kaneshiro sent a glare Kiria's way. Kiria raised his hand up placatingly, speaking with a playful tone in his voice, "Scary~! You've got a scary look on your face, Kaneshiro! Don't worry. I'm not getting cold feet or anything. It's just something I've been thinking about a lot."

"Then you would do well to stop," Kaneshiro said as he began to walk again, "No matter how strong the two of them are, they won't be able to stop us. Vergil has stated that he doesn't wish to get in our way as long as we leave him alone, and Dante won't be able to do anything until it's too late. Our plans will already come to fruition."

Kiria nodded his head in response to Kaneshiro's words. But, despite what his comrade said, he couldn't help the pit of doubt that had formed in his stomach. His right hand still throbbed from when it was cut off by that strange weapon. He wasn't sure what it was about that sword, or the way that Vergil person wielded it. But his body, something that could usually recover any wound easily, couldn't seem to adapt to a wound from this weapon. Most injuries he suffered only took a few minutes to heal. Even those inflicted by magic or Yokai Power. But that weapon? The wound it inflicted?

Two hours.

It had taken two full hours for him to heal from.

And, for some reason, he could tell that it wasn't going to change. His cells couldn't adapt to whatever it was the weapon did to him.

He didn't know how he knew it. He just did.

And that made him understand something: Vergil could kill him.

For good.

And whenever he thought of that, he could always feels two emotions towards it.

Excitement...and genuine fear.

"So, you've learned nothing?" Mikogami asked the Bus Driver who was standing in front of his desk.

Nurai shook his head, "Nothing at all. I've called up every contact I've got in the human and Youkai world. Not a single person or monster has heard of 'The Sons Of Sparda'. Nor who or what this 'Dark Knight Sparda' is or was."

Mikogami hummed, drumming his fingers against his desk, "Then what about the two themselves? I'd imagine twin monster brothers as strong as those two would make some waves. Especially in the human world. They don't seem like the types to keep themselves beneath others' radar."

"You'd think that, but no," Nurai shook his head again, replacing his cigar with a new one. He lit it with his lighter and blew a ring of smoke out of his nose before he continued, "Couldn't find a single thing about a Dante or Vergil either. Well, nothing that wasn't about a certain duo that supposedly traversed the nine circles of Hell."

" you think-"

"Nope. They'd be older than either of us if they were one of those two."

"Good point," Mikogami leaned back in his seat, "Lets put the question of who they are to the side for now. Instead, do you have any ideas as to what they could be?"

"You mean the kind of Yokai? My best guess? Oni," Nurai took his cigar from his mouth and tapped a finger on Mikogami's desk, "They match up pretty well. Dante wears red, is energetic, tends to be impulsive, and usually acts based on his emotions. Guy came up to me and had me get him Pizza from the human world just cause he was craving it. So, he certainly fits that mold."

"And his brother is the exact opposite. Cool, collected, quiet, and clearly the more thoughtful of the two," Mikogami replied as the image began to take shape in his head. He nodded, "If you're right, then we may need to stock up on sake."

"For the brothers to keep them docile, or for yourself when they start giving you headaches?"

Both men shared knowing smiles.

Nurai tilted his head while putting his cigar back in his mouth, "Good to talk with ya some more, old friend. 'Fraid I need to get back to work though."

"As do I. We'll talk later, Nurai. And keep me informed in case you learn anything new," Mikogami waved goodbye to the Bus Driver. Nurai did the same, walking through the only door that lead in and out of Mikogami's room.

For a few moments, Mikogami was alone with his thoughts. His mind went back towards his various plans. He had made good progress on speaking with the governmental official of Japan. It would take a bit more work, but he was certain he could get them to listen to him if the worst case scenario came to pass.

He also hadn't heard anything from Anti-Thesis so far. But he doubted that would last forever. Those troublemakers would make their move sooner or later. And when they did, he would be ready to take care of them. Hopefully.

Then there was his biggest gamble: Tsukune Aono. That human boy that he had let into the school. He could only hope that the child managed to survive his years at this school. His survival was tantamount towards proving coexistence between humans and monsters was possible. However, he knew he couldn't do much to help the human teenager. Any hint of favoritism from him may cause complications. Either with the young lad or the rest of the school. He would have to watch from the shadows and-

The door to his office was forced open with a loud bang.

Mikogami looked up just as Vergil stomped into the room. His eyes glowered at Mikogami as he made his way across the room. Mikogami put forth an image of calm, but one of his hands went to one of the Holy Locks on his body. Just in case.

"Patron Librarian Vergil," Mikogami said as the older Sparda brother stopped in front of his desk. He smiled up at the blue-clothed man, "Can I help you with something?"

"What did you do to the vampire named Moka Akashiya?" Vergil's question was clear and concise.

Mikogami didn't let his surprise show on his face. He merely smiled wider, "Why, whatever do you mean? Who exactly is thi-"

"Do not try to deflect, demon," Vergil raised his Yamato but didn't take it from its scabbard, "I am in no mood for your games. Answer my questions or else."

Mikogami's grip on his Holy Lock tightened. In his mind he was already thinking about what to do if Vergil pulled his sword. He knew the man was fast, skilled with his weapon, and strong. Extremely strong. If he made one wrong move, he could end up on the floor bleeding from ten different cuts before he could blink. But if he could get the first move off, he could possible trap Vergil in a barrier and hold him in place to get off a blow of his own.

The two stared each other down.

The tension in the air thickened with each passing second.

Then it was cut in twain as Dante appeared and pushed Vergil out the way. His easygoing smile helped to calm Mikogami down, "Sorry about that, Gramps. Told you my brother was a bit trigger happy. Don't let it get to ya though. If he tried anything, I'd give him a good spanking as punishment."

Vergil glowered at Dante, poking him in the side with the Yamato's pommel. Dante didn't act like it bothered him, putting one of his elbows on Mikogami's table and leaning his head into the palm of his hand. Mikogami, feeling the tension in the room disappear, let go of the Holy Lock. He sighed and shook his head, "Yes. I see now that you weren't...joking about that. But, whatever could've caused him such distress?"

"That's actually something I agree with my brother about. I'm pretty sure you know exactly what it is. And don't try denying it," Dante held up his other hand. He began to count off on his fingers as he spoke, "This school is completely undetectable by humans unless they get an invitation to it. But, somehow, a human teen's parents just so happen to run into a random monk that dropped an invitation onto the floor for him. Parents who just so happened to be looking for a high school for their son, and were desperate enough to not question the situation at all. Said human then runs into a vampire who wears a rosary, and can take it off of her to turn her into a silver haired form."

Dante pushed himself off of Mikogami's desk and shook his head, "One of those things happening? Random chance. Two of those things happening? Coincidence. But all those things happening in sequence? All to the the same kid? Within a few days? Yeah, that's evidence of things being planned out and manipulated. And in our line of work, the only people who do this level of planning are old guys with too much time on their hands and something to hide, or monsters who are planning to take over the world and have waited hundreds of years to do so. So, Gramps..."

Dante placed both of his hands on Mikogami's desk. His smile was thin and predatory as he spoke, "..why the heck are you trying to make a bunch of kids do your dirty work, huh?"

Mikogami stared at Dante with surprise clearly present on his shadowed face. He let out a brief chuckle, "You are more perceptive than I expected, Dante."

"Eh, I've just been around the block enough to see through stuff like this. Same with Vergil over there," Dante jerked his thumb at his brother. Vergil simply cut his eyes at Mikogami.

The headmaster nodded then leaned back in his chair, "Would I be correct in assuming neither of you will leave this room unless I tell the truth?" Both Dante and Vergil nodded. Mikogami sighed, "Fine then. But I hope you don't mind listening to an old man ramble."

"Being honest, I'm kind of surprised you're just telling us. This is usually the part where you say 'you'd never understand' and then try to fight us," Dante said, grabbing a chair leg with his foot and pulling it over to himself. He then sat down before grabbing another with a hand and tossing it to Vergil, "Heads up, Verg!"

Vergil caught the flying chair with a hand then placed it down in front of the desk. He spoke in a frustrated tone as he sat down, "Be warned that if you try to lead us astray, demon, we will not hesitate to put you down."

"I expected that. What do you two want to know?"

"Everything," Vergil was quick to say.

"Within reason. Still got other stuff we need to do," Dante pointed out.

Mikogami nodded. Then he began to tell them. About how he and two others defeated the legendary Alucard. About how Moka's mother was forced to seal away the monster at the cost of her own life. About her daughter and what the rosary around her neck truly was. About how he was hoping Tsukune would be the one to prove monsters and humans can live together in harmony. About his own role in all of this.

"As it stands," he said, placing both of his hands on the table, "as long as the seal keeping the Outer Moka alive remains intact, Alucard will stay slumbering. However, as time goes on and the rosary is removed, the seal will weaken. And awakening will come closer and closer. When that day comes, I plan to be ready to face him and ensure the survival of both the Youkai and Human Worlds."

Dante and Vergil stared at Mikogami with indifferent looks on their faces. Each had remained quiet during the demon's explanation. Dante because he wanted to hear the whole thing. Vergil because he was trying to see if the demon was lying to them. Mikogami waved his hand at the two, "Only you two, the Bus Driver, and myself know of any of this. Right now, I'm just waiting for Anti-Thesis to make their move, while watching over the Aono boy. So, any questions?"

Dante raised his hand, "Yeah, I've got one. What the hell is wrong with you?"

At Mikogami's surprise, Dante tapped a finger against the man's desk, "Gramps, based on what you just told us, a lot of deadly battles are gonna be heading this world's way. And, rather than try to get together a bunch of people who actually know what the fuck their doing, you're just gonna sit back and let a bunch of teenagers who aren't even out of high school handle your shit for you? Without telling them anything, or giving them a single boon to help keep them safe? Just gonna send them up shit's creek without a paddle?"

"They are our future, Dante. They need to be able to handle the hardships that come with that burden."

"Yeah, so what? That excuses you leaving them to handle their own shit without even a lick of guidance? We're not talking about fighters here, Gramps. We're talking about kids. Kids that should be allowed to be kids. Not groomed into hardened warriors," Dante's jovial expression was gone. In its place was a hard frown that stared into Mikogami's eyes, unwavering in its judgment of the old demon.

Mikogami shook his head, "Then, please, tell me where I can find some that could take their place? I doubt there are many out there able to do what needs to be done to stop a monster like Alucard. Only someone of his line with a human who truly loves her could handle such a beast. I should know. I fought him with my two best friends and we barely managed to defeat him." He felt his chest throb at the memory of the battle with Alucard.

Dante smiled, "What are you talking about, Gramps? You're lookin' at 'em."

"Excuse me?"

Dante stood up and posed, "Allow me to properly introduce myself. Dante, owner, proprietor, and employee of the Devil May Cry business! We're professional demon, devil, and monster hunters! If there's a monster you need slain, then just call our name! And we just got our new member. My very own brother, Vergil!"

"I am not affiliated with your business," Vergil said without a hint of hesitation.

"Ah, don't be like that, Vergil. You'll bring your dear brother to tears," Dante put an arm around Vergil's shoulder. Vergil shoved him away with the Yamato. Dante rubbed at his side but didn't look worse for ware.

Mikogami tilted his head, "Forgive me, but I doubt the two of you alone could defeat Alucard. He is...he is the original Shinzo Vampire. A being unlike any other. The only person I know of who could even match him was Moka's mother, Akasha."

"That's cause you've never met us. Trust me, Gramps. We've dealt with plenty of monsters that were supposedly strong enough to end the world ten times over. Killed them too," Dante boasted with a smile on his face.

Mikogami hummed. Then he shrugged, "Well, if you're certain. I wouldn't say no to new allies. Though, for now, could I ask that you keep your operations to this school? I still have work to do with getting the human governments on my side. It's the only way to ensure casualties are kept to minimum should Alucard ever awaken."

"Fine by me. Gives me time to train Lover Boy to get him ready for what's to come. Oh, and no promises on keeping all of this secret from him. If he asks me what's going on, I'm gonna tell him," Dante said with a hint of finality in his tone.

Mikogami let out a frustrated sigh. Then he turned to Vergil, "And your thoughts on all of this?"

"I care little for any of it. You can deal with your conspiracies, Ancient Vampires, and secret organizations yourself," Vergil waved his hand through the air dismissively. Then he focused his gaze onto Mikogami, "All I care for it what you have done to Moka Akashiya. You have not simply created a secondary personality. You have implanted the soul of Moka's mother into her body. The outer form is merely a clone of her mother."

Mikogami was actually taken aback by Vergil's declaration. Even Dante looked shocked by his brother's words. Knowing that both were shocked by his words, Vergil explained, "While I examined the rosary, I noticed that there was still a soul within the object. One that refused to converse with me but was there nonetheless. If this was simply a seal meant to keep Moka Akashiya's memories or original personality locked away, then a soul within the rosary would be unneeded. It would be superfluous and run the risk of one soul dominating the other."

Vergil leaned forward and pressed his hands together, "In addition, while Moka Akashiya's true form did have some power, the soul within the rosary was far stronger. But its strength had weakened over time, and its general demeanor was ill suited to combat. I was unsure of who's soul it could be, until you explained that Akasha Bloodriver was Moka Akashiya's mother. If Alucard was as dangerous as you say he is, and Akasha Bloodriver was able to put him to sleep, then it would be trivial for someone such as her to live on in such a way."

Dante whistled, "Wow. Go Vergil. I knew something was up with that rosary, but I didn't even consider your idea. Leave it to my brother to know all there is to know about souls and splitting them."

Vergil huffed but a smug grin did pull at his lips. He turned back to the still stunned Mikogami. Pushing his hair back, Vergil spoke, "Do not worry. I don't plan to inform Moka Akashiya of the truth. However, know this; I am not going to simply allow such a thing to stand. Moka Akashiya deserves to live the life she wishes to have. Not the life her mother wishes to have. That is all."

Vergil stood up from his chair and turned to walk out of the office. Mikogami called for him to wait, but Vergil ignored him and left through the still open door. Dante looked towards Mikogami, shrugged, then followed his brother out. As he left, he pointed two finger guns at Mikogami, "Don't ya worry too much, Gramps. Me and brother know what we're doing. You just keep looking pretty, and don't keel over on us before it's all over. Talk to ya later."

With that the two brothers were out of his office.

Mikogami blinked.

"Hmm, well, I suppose them being Oni is out of the question. No Oni would be smart enough to figure all that out," Mikogami shook his head with a sigh. A hand went to his head, "Looks like I will be needing that sake to help with this headache."

"Soooooooo, what exactly is your plan, brother of mine?" Dante asked Vergil as the two left the headmaster's abode. Dante held up his hands and made a chopping motion, "Gonna go cut Fangs in two and get those souls split from each other?"

"No. That would be foolish," Vergil said without looking at Dante.

Dante raised an eyebrow, "How so? Isn't that what you did for yourself?"

"When I did it to myself, I split my human half from my demon half. While separate, both parts were still 'me' in a way. The only side effect being that my human half was slowly dying due to the separation," Vergil lifted the Yamato up with a frown on his face, "Moka Akashiya's circumstances are different. The souls are two different beings that share a body. When the rosary is around her neck, the soul of her mother is in control. When the rosary is removed, the original Moka Akashiya is in control. If I were to simply split them with the Yamato, at least one soul would be left without a body."

"And we don't want that cause the soul would vanish into the ether, dying for good?" Dante ventured. At Vergil's nod he sighed, "Can't be easy, can it? So, what is your plan?"

"As of now? Gather materials. I'll need 35 liters of water, 20 kilograms of coal, 4 liters of ammonia, 1.5 kilograms of lime...," Vergil started to mumble as he continued counting off the materials he'd need.

Dante simply smiled and left his brother to his pondering.

Welp, now they knew the score.

All that's left was to watch out for those Anti-Thesis guys, get Lover Boy ready for a fight, and beat up that Alucard guy when he showed up.

Shouldn't be too hard.

...Maybe he could get the Bus Driver to get him a sundae next time?

Finally got it done. I hope you all enjoyed. Next Chapter is when Kuramu shows up, and she's gonna find that the Sparda Brothers don't care for her tricks.
Chapter 11.1
Two Days Later

The doors to the Youkai Academy library opened and closed as students entered and exited. Now that the school year had some what started, the more diligent students were attempting to get a head start on their reading assignments. The less diligent were simply looking for a place to relax and try to forget about their homework assignments for a bit. Though these types usually left the library early after being reprimanded by the new Head Librarian. However, three students in particular were standing outside and to the left of the library door. They were huddled together, trying to appear subtle...and failing at it.

"OK, everyone remember the plan?" the leader of the trio of male students said as he turned to his two companions. He wore the standard greenish Youkai Academy uniform, but with a white coat hanging off his back. On it the kanji for "Battle" stood proudly in red ink. The student was taller than his companions but he was on the leaner side. His muscles were nearly non-existant at a glance.

His two companions were mirror images of him. With the main difference being one wore glasses while the other held a large kanabo that he got from somewhere. Where exactly he wouldn't tell anyone. The two other students looked at each other, then back at their leader, confusion still on their faces. The one with the kanabo spoke first, "I thought we were just gonna go in the library and beat up that new librarian."

The leader's palm hit his face. His voice was muffled as he spoke, "We are gonna do that. But we're gonna be smart about it. We can't just run in there and expect to get him. Not to mention we'll only get one shot at this and we can't afford to mess up our revenge now."

"Y-Yeah!" the one with glasses shouts enthusiastically. He pumps his fist in the air as tears start to fall from his eyes, "I-I'll never forgive him for taking Sakura's away from me! He'll pay for enchanting her with his evil wiles!"

The kanabo wielder scratched the side of his head, "But...I thought you and Sakura were just friends. How could he steal her if you weren't going out?"

"We-We weren't going out yet," glasses is sure to correct his fellow. His tears flow in an ever increasing amount as he speaks, "bu-bu-but I was planning to ask her out when the time was right! But I can't do that as long as he's in the way!"

Kanabo shrugged, "I just want to get back at him for throwing me out while I trying to hit on a girl."

"Look it doesn't matter!" their leader stated with finality, "Point is that we all have a reason to get back at this Vergil guy. And we have a better chance of doing it together than separate. So, what we're gonna do is go in there, challenge him to a duel, then when he starts walking towards us, you hit him with your kanabo! Then we all kick him while he's down!"

"Yeah!" the other two shouted in unison.

"You two ready!?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Then lets g-"

"Excuse me, boys?~"

The three men all froze on the spot. Slowly, they turned their heads in the direction the feminine voice had come from. When their eyes fell on the newcomer, they all felt their hearts skip a beat. The blue haired high school girl took a single step forward, leaning forward to accentuate her large breasts. She pouted as she started up at the three comrades with a sad look in her eyes. She started to sob while stepped closer to the three of them, "It's just...I'm so lonely here. No one wants to be my friend. And I...I don't know why."

The three immediately moved to surround the girl and started to bow to her. Their leader stepped forward, chest out and hands on his hips as he spoke with confidence, "Don't worry, young lady! We honorable gentlemen will gladly be your first friends!"

"Wait but what abougggh!" the kanabo wielder was elbowed in the stomach by the one with glasses.

Glasses stared at the blue haired girl, eyes not going above her neck line as he spoke, "Ye-Yeah! We'll be great friends! Uh, what's your name, cutey?"

"K-Kurono Kurumu," the now named girl looked up at the men and met their eyes. Within moments all three started to blush. The kanabo wielder dropped his weapon as a dopey expression came over his face. His comrades followed suit, all staring at Kurumu with a lustful fervor. But they didn't move towards her at all. They simply stood rooted to the spot without taking their eyes off her.

Kurumu's disposition changed within moments. Her sobbing stopped and there was no wetness around her eyes whatsoever. She flipped her hair with one hand while turning towards the door to the Library. She didn't even say anything to the three students that were now under her "Charm". She merely waved a hand and they followed after her obediently like loyal dogs. Despite the clear use of her power, none of the other students called her out. Mainly due to the fact that most of the males were completely enraptured by her beauty.

She chuckled, feeling her plan get closer to fruition. It would only be a matter of time before every male student in the Academy was her slave. Her Yokai Academy Harem Transformation Plan was foolproof! No student at the school could resist her succubus "Charm". One look in her eyes would be all it took. And for some she wouldn't even need to go that far. A confident smile remained on her face as she entered the library. However, her glee only lasted for a few moments. Then an ugly thought came to the forefront of her mind. The fact that, despite her looks and efforts, there was one huge wrench in her plan.

The Vampire, Moka Akashiya.

Her hands tightened into fists at the thought of the girl. While she could get the males here with her "Charm" they were all dreaming about that damned vampire! Why? She clearly had far more feminine charm than that twig could ever hope to have!

She huffed, before her lips started curling into a smile. A hand went to her chin as she started talking to herself, "And I'll prove it too. I know exactly how to humiliate that Moka, while getting one step closer to accomplishing my goal. That boy that's always with Moka. Tsukune Aono. I'll steal him from her. Proving once and for all-"

"Excuse me," Kurumu nearly jumped out of her uniform at the sudden voice. It was cold, firm, and clearly direct at her. She stumbled back, finally taking notice of the shadow that looming over her...and its owner. Her eyes widened as she came to face to face with the new Head Librarian, Vergil.

And the first thing she noticed was, for an old man, he looked good.

She'd never go for him. Her plan only involved the Student Body. None of the teachers or staff. But she couldn't deny that any other succubus would probably be head over heels for him. And who could blame them? That professional aura that hung around him, the smooth yet chiseled facial features, that slicked back white hair and dark blue outfit. If someone were to look up "Cool" in the dictionary, Kurumu had no doubt his picture would be rest next to its definition.

Of course, the thing that really caught her eyes were his eyes.

Namely, the sharp glare that he leveled at her. She felt a chill go up her spine as he stared her down. He held up a finger as he started to speak, "Firstly, you are speaking too loudly. This is a library. Be quiet."

Kurumu blinked in surprise at his admonishment. She looked behind her, wondering why none of her slaves were coming to defend her...only to see all three standing at attention. Her jaw dropped as she saw that each one was staring at Vergil with fear in their eyes. They were still under her "Charm" she could tell that. But something was...overriding it?! How was that-

"Look at me when I speak to you," Kurumu's head darted back around to look Vergil in the eye. That same chill ran up and down her spine as he continued, "And second, you have clearly been used your powers on these young men, succubus. Though it may have occurred outside my library, you are now inside my library. Release them. This instant."

Kurumu frowned at the taller man. How dare he try to order her around? He may good looking, but that didn't mean he could just tell her what to do! Even if he was a staff member. She opened her mouth to retort but paused as she considered something. Then she narrowed her eyes at Vergil, looking him up and down while humming to herself. While he wasn't her type, he was still a man. And if she were able to get someone like this under her thumb, then she could lord it over Moka! An unappealing girl like her could never manage to get one of the staff to follow her every whim!

Hiding her smug grin beneath her hand, Kurumu put on her best pouting face. She made her body shake while placing both of her hands together. Her lips were quivering as she looked down at the ground. She started to sob as she spoke, "I-I-I"m so sorry, Vergil-sensei. I-I-I didn't mean to-to-waaah!"

She dashed forward and pressed herself against Vergil's body. She only came up to his lower chest but that was enough. Pushing her chest as close to his body as she could, she looked up at him and in a husky voice, "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

When her eyes met his, she activated her "Charm". She couldn't stop her lips from curling into a smile as Vergil stared into her eyes. Within a few moments he'd be all hers. Then she'd get him to-

Then something Kurumu didn't expect happened.

She thought that Vergil would show her the same dopey expression the other students she had charmed had.

Instead, his face contorted into an expression of absolute disgust.

Before she could question it, she felt him grab her by her hair. She yelled as he pulled her off him then threw her towards the other students. The three she had charmed moved to cushion her fall, catching her before she could hit the ground. She got up and glared daggers at Vergil, "Hey! What's the big-HEY!"

Kurumu felt her hackles rise as she beheld what was happening in front of her.

Vergil had taken a handkerchief out of his pocket and was using it to wipe off where she had grabbed him.
Chapter 11: The Succubus Arrives
Two Days Later

The doors to the Youkai Academy library opened and closed as students entered and exited. Now that the school year had somewhat started, the more diligent students were attempting to get a head start on their reading assignments. The less diligent were simply looking for a place to relax and try to forget about their homework assignments for a bit. Though these types usually left the library early after being reprimanded by the new Head Librarian. However, three students, in particular, were standing outside and to the left of the library door. They were huddled together, trying to appear subtle...and failing at it.

"OK, everyone remembers the plan, right?" the leader of the trio of male students said as he turned to his two companions. He wore the standard greenish Youkai Academy uniform, but with a white coat hanging off his back. On it, the kanji for "Battle" stood proudly in red ink. The student was taller than his companions but he was on the leaner side. His muscles were nearly non-existent at a glance.

His two companions were mirror images of him. The main difference being one wore glasses while the other held a large kanabo that he got from somewhere. Where exactly he wouldn't tell anyone. The two other students looked at each other, then back at their leader, confusion still on their faces. The one with the kanabo spoke first, "I thought we were just gonna go in the library and beat up that new librarian."

The leader's palm hit his face. His voice was muffled as he spoke, "We are gonna do that. But we're gonna be smart about it. We can't just run in there and expect to get him. Not to mention we'll only get one shot at this and we can't afford to mess up our revenge now."

"Y-Yeah!" the one with glasses shouts enthusiastically. He pumps his fist in the air as tears start to fall from his eyes, "I-I'll never forgive him for taking Sakura away from me! He'll pay for enchanting her with his evil wiles!"

The kanabo wielder scratched the side of his head, "But...I thought you and Sakura were just friends. How could he steal her if you weren't going out?"

"We-We weren't going out yet," glasses is sure to correct his fellow. His tears flow in an ever-increasing amount as he speaks, "bu-bu-but I was planning to ask her out when the time was right! But I can't do that as long as he's in the way!"

Kanabo shrugged, "I just want to get back at him for throwing me out while I trying to hit on a girl."

"Look it doesn't matter!" their leader stated with finality, "Point is that we all have a reason to get back at this Vergil guy. And we have a better chance of doing it together than separately. So, what we're gonna do is go in there, challenge him to a duel, then when he starts walking towards us, you hit him with your kanabo! Then we all kick him while he's down!"

"Yeah!" the other two shouted in unison.

"You two ready!?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Then lets g-"

"Excuse me, boys?~"

The three men all froze on the spot. Slowly, they turned their heads in the direction the feminine voice had come from. When their eyes fell on the newcomer, they all felt their hearts skip a beat. The blue-haired high school girl took a single step forward, leaning forward to accentuate her large breasts. She pouted as she started up at the three comrades with a sad look in her eyes. She started to sob while stepping closer to the three of them, "It's just...I'm so lonely here. No one wants to be my friend. And I...I don't know why."

The three immediately moved to surround the girl and started to bow to her. Their leader stepped forward, chest out and hands on his hips as he spoke with confidence, "Don't worry, young lady! We honorable gentlemen will gladly be your first friends!"

"Wait but what abougggh!" the kanabo wielder was elbowed in the stomach by the one with glasses.

Glasses stared at the blue-haired girl, eyes not going above her neckline as he spoke, "Ye-Yeah! We'll be great friends! Uh, what's your name, cutey?"

"K-Kurono Kurumu," the now-named girl looked up at the men and met their eyes. Within moments all three started to blush. The kanabo wielder dropped his weapon as a dopey expression came over his face. His comrades followed suit, all staring at Kurumu with a lustful fervor. But they didn't move towards her at all. They simply stood rooted to the spot without taking their eyes off her.

Kurumu's disposition changed within moments. Her sobbing stopped and there was no wetness around her eyes whatsoever. She flipped her hair with one hand while turning towards the door to the Library. She didn't even say anything to the three students that were now under her "Charm". She merely waved a hand and they followed after her obediently like loyal dogs. Despite the clear use of her power, none of the other students called her out. Mainly because most of the males were completely enraptured by her beauty.

She chuckled, feeling her plan get closer to fruition. It would only be a matter of time before every male student in the Academy was her slave. Her Yokai Academy Harem Transformation Plan was foolproof! No student at the school could resist her succubus "Charm". One look in her eyes would be all it took. And for some, she wouldn't even need to go that far. A confident smile remained on her face as she entered the library. However, her glee only lasted for a few moments. Then an ugly thought came to the forefront of her mind. The fact that, despite her looks and efforts, there was one huge wrench in her plan.

The Vampire, Moka Akashiya.

Her hands tightened into fists at the thought of the girl. While she could get the males here with her "Charm" they were all dreaming about that damned vampire! Why? She clearly had far more feminine charm than that twig could ever hope to have!

She huffed before her lips started curling into a smile. A hand went to her chin as she started talking to herself, "And I'll prove it too. I know exactly how to humiliate that Moka while getting one step closer to accomplishing my goal. That boy that's always with Moka. Tsukune Aono. I'll steal him from her. Proving once and for all-"

"Excuse me," Kurumu nearly jumped out of her uniform at the sudden voice. It was cold, firm, and clearly directed at her. She stumbled back, finally taking notice of the shadow that loomed over her...and its owner. Her eyes widened as she came to face to face with the new Head Librarian, Vergil.

And the first thing she noticed was, for an old man, he looked good.

She'd never go for him. Her plan only involved the Student Body. None of the teachers or staff. But she couldn't deny that any other succubus would probably be head over heels for him. And who could blame them? That professional aura that hung around him, the smooth yet chiseled facial features, that slicked back white hair and dark blue outfit. If someone were to look up "Cool" in the dictionary, Kurumu had no doubt his picture would rest next to its definition.

Of course, the thing that really caught her eyes were his eyes.

Namely, the sharp glare that he leveled at her. She felt a chill go up her spine as he stared her down. He held up a finger as he started to speak, "Firstly, you are speaking too loudly. This is a library. Be quiet."

Kurumu blinked in surprise at his admonishment. She looked behind her, wondering why none of her slaves were coming to defend her...only to see all three standing at attention. Her jaw dropped as she saw that each one was staring at Vergil with fear in their eyes. They were still under her "Charm" she could tell that. But something was...overriding it?! How was that-

"Look at me when I speak to you," Kurumu's head darted back around to look Vergil in the eye. That same chill ran up and down her spine as he continued, "And second, you have clearly used your powers on these young men, succubus. Though it may have occurred outside my library, you are now inside my library. Release them. This instant."

Kurumu frowned at the taller man. How dare he try to order her around? He may good looking, but that didn't mean he could just tell her what to do! Even if he was a staff member. She opened her mouth to retort but paused as she considered something. Then she narrowed her eyes at Vergil, looking him up and down while humming to herself. While he wasn't her type, he was still a man. And if she were able to get someone like this under her thumb, then she could lord it over Moka! An unappealing girl like her could never manage to get one of the staff to follow her every whim!

Hiding her smug grin beneath her hand, Kurumu put on her best pouting face. She made her body shake while placing both of her hands together. Her lips were quivering as she looked down at the ground. She started to sob as she spoke, "I-I-I"m so sorry, Vergil-sensei. I-I-I didn't mean to-to-waaah!"

She dashed forward and pressed herself against Vergil's body. She only came up to his lower chest but that was enough. Pushing her chest as close to his body as she could, she looked up at him and in a husky voice, "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

When her eyes met his, she activated her "Charm". She couldn't stop her lips from curling into a smile as Vergil stared into her eyes. Within a few moments, he'd be all hers. Then she'd get him to-

Then something Kurumu didn't expect happened.

She thought that Vergil would show her the same dopey expression the other students she had charmed had.

Instead, his face contorted into an expression of absolute disgust.

Before she could question it, she felt him grab her by her hair. She yelled as he pulled her off him and then threw her toward the other students. The three she had charmed moved to cushion her fall, catching her before she could hit the ground. She got up and glared daggers at Vergil, "Hey! What's the big-HEY!"

Kurumu felt her hackles rise as she beheld what was happening in front of her.

Vergil had taken a handkerchief out of his pocket and was using it to wipe off where she had grabbed him. She pushed herself away from the three she had charmed, eyes blazing with indignation at Vergil's actions. She stomped forward, readying a scathing remark against the Librarian...but then he turned his attention back to her. Immediately, she froze on the spot as what could only be described as barely restrained fury washed over her. Her pupils shrunk as Vergil's glare seemed to bore into her.

"Understand this, succubus," Vergil stared her down while folding his handkerchief into a square, "The only reason you still have legs to walk on, is because I do not wish to stain my blade with your foul blood. But your actions have made my patience for you run thin. Leave my library, and do not return unless you are here on assignment or ready to act with decorum and respect. This is not a request. It is an order."

He turned his back to her and started to walk away. Kurumu, regardless of how much she wanted to retort, found any and all words she could come up with stuck in her throat. After a few false starts, she eventually settled for glaring at Vergil's back. Then she turned around and marched her way out of the Library with her slaves in tow.

She muttered to herself as she walked out, "Whatever. I'm not after his approval anyway. Now then, where is that vampire?"

"You know, my tutoring invitation will always be open for you, Da~nte~," Dante turned around at Ririko Kagome's flirtatious voice. The math teacher winked at him while leaning resting her head on her desk.

Dante responded by wiping a student's desk off with his washcloth, quickly turning it into a rolled-up ball, then throwing it toward the bag next to the teacher's desk. Without watching it as it hit entered the bag in one shot, he returned the teacher's wink with one of his own, "Good to hear that, Glasses. But you don't need to worry about little old me. Graduated top of my class back home."

He head towards the door to the class, waving goodbye to Kagome as he left the classroom. She watched him go, a flirty smile on her face the entire time. When Dante was out of the room, he picked a direction and started walking. Students would stop to say hello to him as he walked by, and he did his best to return their greetings. After a certain point, one of the male students started following him each vying for his attention.

"Hey, Dante-sensei," the student held up multiple papers in his hands, "I'm trying to decide which club I should join. Which one do you think sounds best? Chess, swimming, or kendo?"

"Would joining one stop you from joining the others?"


"Then join one, if you don't like it, drop out and pick another."

"Of course! Thank you, sensei!"

"No problem," Dante shouted after him as he ran off. Dante wasn't alone for long though. More students replaced that one, each asking for his advice on one thing or another. Dante gave them the best advice he could, but his mind was elsewhere as he walked.

He still hadn't come up with a good way to start training Lover Boy. Outside basic martial arts and combat training, there was little he could do to help the boy. At least without putting him in danger. He could teach him all the Martial Arts he wanted, wouldn't help if the kid didn't have the strength to back it up. Bulking him up wasn't an issue. Doing it with time to spare before shit starts hitting the fan was.

Then there was Fang's whole situation. He didn't know what Vergil was planning to do with all that crap he needed. But he had the strangest feeling that things would get pretty complicated if he managed to pull it off. He doubts Fangs would be happy learning her mom's been using her body as a vessel for who knows how long. Who knows how she would react? Not to mention old Mommy Dearest suddenly finding herself among the living again. Especially since she gave her life to keep that Alucard guy sleeping like a baby. Probably won't be happy to know that her seal is undone.

Lastly, there was whatever the Student Council President was planning. Honestly, that seemed kind of small-time compared to this Alucard guy. But that didn't mean that it wasn't dangerous or a cause for concern. Especially since him accomplishing his plan was far more likely to happen in the near future. Meaning that he probably needed to start thinking of how to deal with that sooner rather than later.

Dante sighed while putting his arms behind his back. He started to rub the back of his neck while talking to himself, "Man, wish Morrison was here. He could do a lot of the prep work for me."

Then he shrugged, "Ah well. I'll just have to pick up the slack. At least it'll keep me busy."

He figured he'd leave Vergil to the whole "Mom's taken over her daughter's body" thing. He'd focus on Lover Boy and keep an eye out for when the President made his move. As he considered how he would actually accomplish that, he found himself drawn from his thoughts by a gathering of students in the main entrance hall. The yelling and whispers he heard got him curious, so he walked on over to see what the big deal was. The students opened a path for him when they noticed his presence. He made sure to thank everyone who let him come on in. Getting to the center of the gathered students, he saw what had captured everyone's attention.

Which turned out to be Fangs getting yelled at by a blue-haired succubus.

Dante raised an eyebrow, watching as the succubus started yelling about how she was better than Fangs and otherwise that he drowned out. Figuring that he shouldn't let two students fight it out in the middle of school like this, he whistled to get everyone's attention. When all eyes were on him he started walking toward the Fangs and the succubus. He held his arms out to the side while smiling, "Hello there, ladies. Sorry to interrupt, but classes are still going on. I'm gonna have to ask you both to get going before your both late."

"Dante-sensei!" Moka shouted as he approached. The succubus' eyes widened as she looked between the vampire and Dante. Moka ran over to Dante and bowed in apology, "I'm so sorry. But Kurumu-san stopped me and started talking about taking Tsukune away all of a sudden."

Dante's eyebrow rose as he turned to regard the succubus. He crossed his arms, "That so? Haven't you ever heard the phrase 'three's a crowd', Kuru?"

"I-Kuru?" Kurumu was temporarily stunned at the nickname Dante gave her. Then she shook her head, regaining her composure, "I mean, stay out of this whoever you are. This is between me and Moka Akashiya! I will prove that I'm the better woman. Then this whole school will be mine!"

Dante nodded along with her speech but his expression didn't change. Moka looked completely lost as to what was going on. And it was at this time that Tsukune walked into the entrance hall from the side Kurumu was on. He looked at the assembled crowd, confusion also on his face, "Uh, Moka-san? What's going on? Why is Dante here?"

"Tsukune!" Moka started heading towards the human, but Dante could already see Kurumu moving to intercept. Her arms were outstretched, clearly aiming to hug Tsukune for two very specific reasons. Those reasons being attached to her torso.

Seeing where this was gonna go, he decided that it was his duty as a member of the staff to ensure nothing untoward happened between these students. His body flashed red as he dashed forward, passing Moka and landing between Tsukune and Kurumu before anyone noticed.

He grabbed Kurumu's outstretched arms, twirled her around, and lightly pushed her away from Tsukune. The succubus stumbled but righted herself before long. Moka stopped next to Tsukune, the two looking as Dante faced off against the succubus. Dante raised a finger and moved it from side to side, "Don't think so Kuru. I don't remember seeing you in the same class as those two. So, how about you run along while I take Fangs and Lover Boy to their next class?"

"What is it with white-haired old guys getting in my way?" Kurumu said through grit teeth.

"Oh, so you met my brother," Dante's smile widened.

It took all of Kurumu's will to steel her anger. She instead smiled and started to walk toward Dante. Her eyes began to glow as she prepared to use her "Charm" on him. But then she paused. She held up a hand as her eyes narrowed, "Hold on...did you say, brother?"

Dante nodded, "Yep. Though I'm not surprised you didn't notice. I was the one that got the family's good looks."

He started rubbing his chin, turning his head around until his eyes met with Tsukune and Moka's. Still smiling, he jerked his head to the side, silently telling the two of them to get going. Unfortunately for him, neither Tsukune nor Moka understood what he was trying to do. He sighed before walking over to stand behind the two of them. He grabbed both by their shoulders and then started to lead them away from Kurumu, "But, like I said, can't be late for class. Later, Kuru!"

"H-Hold on! I'm not done! Get back here!" Kurumu started chasing after the three of them.

"Dante, what's going on? Why is Kurumu here?" Tsukune asked, trying to look behind them as Dante led the two around a corner.

Dante gave the boy a wink, "Why, it's another of your admirers Lover Boy. Honestly, I'm not that surprised. A kid like you was bound to attract more than just one girl. But be careful, OK? One boat can only hold so many passengers."

"Wha-what-what?" Tsukune's voice made it clear he was even more confused.

"Tsukune! Kurumu said she was trying to steal you. What did she mean?" Moka asked, innocent eyes staring into Tsukune's soul.

The human started blushing, holding up both of his hands while shouting, "I...I...I don't know! I only just met her today and-"

Dante started drowning them out while continuing down the hall. Hmm, hopefully, that succubus would get tired eventually.
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Chapter 12.1
Vergil placed the last returned book for the day back on its shelf. He stepped away from the shelf then took a moment to look at the arrangement of the books. They were all non-fiction, each with detailed histories on the various Yokai races. Exactly what the tomes entailed depended upon the author. Some had the tone of research papers. Books made to tell history without any embellishments or bias to be had. Others were, more or less, primarily focused on detailing how "amazing" and "wonderful" the lands of Yokai used to be before humans or other Yokai showed up.

He had read through them in his off time. Mainly for information gathering. Seeing if there was any point in this worlds history where someone from a completely separate dimension arrived in it. If there were, then Vergil could further look into them and see if and how they got back to their world. See if there were any hidden methods to make pinpointing the exact location of their home dimension easier.

Sadly, he was proven wrong. Though he was upset, he was certain Dante would make light of the situation. He would smile and point out how the two of them were "The first unlucky bastards to be sent to this place from somewhere else!"

Vergil grimaced, turning away from the shelf when he was certain all the books were in alphabetical order. He heard the school bell ring twice, indicating that it was time for the students to go to class or lunch. For him, it singled his lunch break for the day. He easily made his way towards his desk, briefly adjusting his collar with a hand. It wasn't hot, he just felt the need to do so. He easily slid into the seat behind his desk and opened up one of the drawers. With a hand he pulled out a bowl of "Instant Ramen" that the lunch lady had given him for some reason. He wouldn't complain about being given sustenance for free. While he may not necessarily need to eat, doing so would ensure that his body remained energized for future conflicts.

He got up, the bowl of readily made ramen in his hands as he made he way towards the exit. None of the students in the library got in his way as he walked passed them. None even bothered looking at him. They only continued to read their books as their backs shook with fear. Vergil paid them no mind as he opened the library doors.

"Now then," he said to no on in particular, heading towards the nearest microwave he knew of, "To the Teacher's Lounge."

"Um, excuse me?"

Vergil kept walking but slowed enough to let the owner of the voice catch up to him. He glanced to the side to see one of the female students keeping pace with him. Her face was red and she kept staring at the ground. Her brown hair bounced with her every step, alongside the tied box lunch in her hand. She kept her gaze on her feet as her mouth opened and closed, no words leaving her lips. Vergil chose to ignore her after the fifth time she failed to communicate what she called out to him for. He began to speed up when he heard more footsteps coming up from behind him.

Taking a step to the right, he let another female student fly passed him. She skidded to a stop in front of the two with two bagged lunches in her hands. She was barely hiding her true nature. She wore gym clothes and her face was that of an actual dog's. She stepped in front of Vergil and held out both of her bags, "You! Me! Lunch! Together!"

Vergil gave the girl points for directly stating what it is she wanted with him. But, that didn't mean she was going to get a pass. He held his ramen up in one hand, while his other summoned the Yamato out of thin air. Ignoring the surprised gasps of the two girls, he gave the Inugami in front of him a firm strike on the head, "You are meant to maintain your human form at all times. Consider this a warning."

The Inugami whimpered, backing up and both hands going to her head as Vergil walked passed her. He heard a "poof" behind him, followed by more footsteps. The Inugami appeared at his side, her face much more human than before. She holds up both of the bags, "Done. Now will you come-"

The other girl moved over and interrupted the Inugami. Her nervousness seemed to disappear in the fact of a potential rival. She started to speak, "Mitsuki-san-I-I got here first! I was going to ask him to eat with me."

"I saw, and you were kind of sucking at it, Iji" Mitsuki said matter-of-factly, "So I was gonna do it instead."

The newly named Iji gasped in shock. She began to form a response to Mitsuki, but Vergil didn't hear it. As he had already turned the corner and made it to the door to the Staff Room. Said room was what he expected from a school based off Japanese High Schools. Multiple desks with a few dividers here and there for privacy. He saw a few of the teachers there, usually in human form eating lunch of their own. Thankfully, the microwave wet up against the wall on a counter top wasn't occupied at the moment.

Without skipping a beat, he placed the bowl in his hands on the counter near the device. He had almost taken the covering off when he realized that he had forgotten something. Water. Fresh water. Not tap that he could get from the nearby sink. Water that was kept in a bottle and, preferably, not refrigerated so it would be at the perfect temperature for this purpose. He cursed under his breathe, admonishing himself for forgetting something so basic. Especially with how he managed to prepare for this the other day.

He admonished himself while thinking of what to do. But his thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of a plastic bottle hitting the counter. His eyes moved to his right to see a bottle of water, not yet opened and free of any condensation, sitting next to his ramen bowl. One eyebrow rose as he turned to regard the one who had placed the water bottle there. It was a female teacher who seemed to be in her early 30s or late 20s. And while Vergil had known that the dress code for teachers was rather lax, he doubted even Dante would think what she was wearing was appropriate.

A tube top with slim jeans, pumps on her feet, a golden necklace, and a bandana over her long braided hair. All of it didn't really seem appropriate for a teacher. He's certain he would've mistaken her for a student if she wasn't in the Staff Room. The only part of her ensemble that he understood was the long trench coat she wore. And that was only because of the paint stains that covered the article from top to bottom.

"Seems like you forgot something," her voice was light and teasing, one of her fingers pointing towards the water bottle on the counter, "so, I thought I'd help you out."

Vergil stared the woman down. He didn't even acknowledge the water bottle as he did so, "What do you want?"

The female smiled smugly, "I want to give you some water for your ramen."

"That is not what I meant and you know it, Medusa," the woman blinked as Vergil called out her species. He turned so his full body was facing her as he spoke, "What do you expect me to give you return for this 'gift'."

Finally got around to working on this. I would've written more, but for some reason tonight is the night that my brain decided to give me a headache.
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Chapter 12.2
"That is not what I meant and you know it, Gorgon," the woman blinked as Vergil called out her species. He turned so his full body was facing her as he spoke, "What do you expect me to give you in return for this 'gift'."

Her expression fell but she kept the smile on her face. She turned to fully regard Vergil one hand still on the counter, "You're one of the new guys, right? The Librarian? I think I saw the other guy stop here and carry out a whole pizza once. You know him?"

"That would be my witless brother. Why do you ask?"

"Brother?" the female looks shocked. Then her eyes narrow as she looks Vergil up and down. Realization dawns on her as she snaps, "Oh yeah. Now I can see the resemblance. Though, I'd say you got the looks of the fam-"

"Enough with idle pleasantries and platitudes," Vergil didn't even hide his annoyance, "What do you want?"

The female's expression fell further. Her smile disappeared as she pushed herself off the counter. She shrugged, "Fine. Fine. If you're gonna be rude about it. My name is Hitomi Ishigami. I'm the Art Teacher here. My specialty is stone carving. I was wondering if you or your brother would be interested in being a new model. Perhaps this weekend when the students are in their dorms?"

Vergil considered the woman's suggestion. He looked at the bottle of water, then at his ramen, then at the clock on the wall in the Lounge. His break was only meant to be half an hour. Cooking the ramen should take about three or so minutes. Then it would take him a minute to find a suitable place to eat. Some place secluded, without others to bother him, and with enough ambiance to allow him to think clearly about his next moves. If he took the woman's offer, that would shave minutes off his time. If he said no, he would have to either settle for boiling tap water or search for a water bottle of his own. The latter would likely take him longer.

"...Fine. But I request that we do so tomorrow after school."

Hitomi blinked in surprise, "So soon?"

Vergil turned towards the electric kettle, took the top off, then grabbed the water bottle off the counter. He spoke to Hitomi without looking at her and unscrewing the top, "Unlike you, I have important matters I must see to this weekend. Thus I'd rather we finish our deal as soon as possible. Unless you cannot acquire the supplies you need despite being the Art Teacher?"

He glanced at her out the corner of his eye while pouring the water into the kettle. He had already set the temperature perfectly, so now all that was needed was waiting for the water to boil. Hitomi's mouth opened wide at how Vergil so casually dismissed her, while also agreeing to her proposal without issue. All for a bottle of water. She shook her head then cleared her throat, "Um, yes. I can. I shall see you tomorrow then."

Vergil hummed without looking at the Art Teacher. She stuck around for a few moments until she realized that he was not going to give her any more of his time. Clicking her tongue, she turned and walked out of the Lounge. Vergil was aware that a few of the other teachers had stopped to stare at his back, but he didn't care. He was focusing on his rapidly heating water.

Precisely three minutes later, he had a bowl of ramen ready to eat along with chopsticks. He calmly made his way out of the Lounge and through the halls...dragging a folding chair behind him. He would need a place to sit after all. He was accosted by a few more female students, and one or two males trying to challenge him to a duel. He ignored or avoided these people. He had a lunch to get to. In his search for a place to eat, he ended up finding the perfect spot. A place that was far enough from the school that no one would bother him, but close enough that he wouldn't be completely off the grounds.

He easily unfolded the folding chair so that his back was to the school. He sat down and opened up his ramen. The still-hot meal let out steam that carried the scent of pasta, egg, and broth with it. He sighed with contentment as he took his chopsticks and grabbed a long roll of ramen in between them. He pulled it up towards his mouth then-

"Comin' through!"

Instincts honed from years of fighting demons kicked in. He quickly sat back while holding his lunch up as high as he could. A few feet away from him, Dante came speeding passed with the human boy and Moka Akashiya under his arms. He looked to the side and winked, "Hey Vergil! Bye Vergil!"

Then he was speeding away as fast as his legs could carry him.

Vergil shook his head with a sigh, "That brother of mine."

He brought his ramen down, ready to get back to eating it-

"Get back here!"

Once again, he raised his ramen up to protect it.

This time, Kurumu came racing by right in front of Vergil. Her passing kicked up sand, pebbles, and dust that fell over Vergil's body. The succubus didn't even slow down as she continued to chase after his twin. Vergil let out a sigh, lowering his ramen while ignoring the dust on his clothes. He'd deal with that later. Right now, he had food to eat.

He reached for his chopsticks with his right hand...only for a few pebbles that got into his sleeves to fall into the broth.


Vergil stared at his now ruined lunch.

Then he stood up, held the bowl in his left hand, summoned the Yamato in his right, then slowly made to follow the succubus and his brother.

"Get back here!"

Dante rolled his eyes, skidding to a stop near one of the walls of the main part of the school. He put Lover Boy and Fangs down, the two teens falling to their knees after being carried by Dante for who knows how long. As Tsukune started to cough and Moka shook the dust out of her hair, Dante turned around to face the rapidly approaching blue-haired succubus.

"Does that girl know when to quit?" Dante shook his head with annoyance. He had been planning to give Blue the slip way earlier than this. But the girl just wouldn't stop following them. He doubted she was actually as fast as he was, but he couldn't exactly go full speed carrying Lover Boy and Fangs with him. Didn't wanna give them the worse case of whiplash ever. He was going to just drop them off at their class, but then the Lunch Bell rang. Just his luck.

So, he decided to take this outside. Hoping that the wide open space would give him more room to lose the girl. But apparently, she held one heck of a grudge. Or her succubus nature gave her a GPS when it came to guys. He'd have to ask Nevan about that later. Right now though, he needed to find a way to handle this.

"H-H-How about...we just talk to her?" Lover Boy suggested, getting to his feet. He placed both hands on his knees, words coming out between heavy breaths, "I'm...I'm sure she'll listen...if we just try."

"I'd-I'd like that," Moka said, brushing dust off her skirt. She looked up at Kurumu and frowned, "As long as she doesn't get too close to Tsukune though."

"Already marking your territory, huh Fangs?" Dante said with a smirk. The girl and boy both blushed while he turned to face the oncoming Blue, "But I don't think she's gonna listen to us. No one runs like that unless they're possessed of some great purpose."

"And what purpose is that?" Moka asked him.

Dante shrugged, "Heck if I know. But it probably has something to do with Lover Boy over that. You do anything to get her attention?"

Tsukune wilted under the combined stares of Moka and Dante. His mind went back to earlier when Kurumu had done...something to him. He could only remember his mind getting hazy and her pressing her b-boobs against his chest. He didn't really know what happened after for how Moka ran off looking upset. He turned away while laughing nervously, "I-I-I have no idea. Hehehe...heeeee."

Dante shook his head again. Any further conversations were interrupted by Kurumu finally catching up to them. She skid to a stop, her arms flailing about while she tried to regain her balance. She nearly fall over but managed to right herself on one foot. She planted both of her feet, then started panting with her hands on her knees. She pointed her finger towards the three, "F...F...Finally, stopped running like cowards have you!"

"Look, Blue," Dante started while waving a hand through the air, "How about you just forget this and head on to lunch? Don't want to miss out on the good eats in the lunch room. Heard they're gonna have pizza one time."

"Really?" all three teenagers asked in unison. Moka looked excited, Tsukune's mouth was watering, and Kurumu actually let her angry expression fall. But that only lasted for a second.

She shook her head then took a stance while pointing a finger at Moka, "No way! I'm not gonna let you trick me! I've come too far to let this chance slip up now. I will prove I'm better than you Moka Akashiya."

"Uh, Kurumu, I don't really want to do this. Why can't-"

"Shut up!" the succubus snapped, making Moka shrink back. Her reaction only made Kurumu angrier. She seemed to point at Moka even harder, "See? You're supposed to be a vampire, yet you're shrinking away from a direct confrontation. How could any be attracted to you and not me?"

"H-Hey, leave Moka alone!" Tsukune spoke up, though his cracking voice made him sound less confident than he meant to. He still continued to speak up, "She's fine as she is. I-I like her just fine. A-A-As a friend!"

Moka smiled at Tsukune's words, but Kurumu just got angrier. She stomped her foot, "That's exactly what I'm talking about! Oh, that's it! I'm done being nice."

Dante felt power start gathering around the succubus. He shook his head and called out, "Don't do it, Blue. You'll regret it."

Kurumu ignored him as she crossed her arms over her chest. Her fingernails grew into long thin claws, while bat-like wings sprouted from her back. A spaded tail came out from her her skirt while the air around her whipped into a frenzy. She flapped her wings and took to the air, brandishing her claws with an angry scowl on her face, "Everyone's getting in my way today. First, it was that Librarian, then Moka, and now whoever the hell you are! I've had it! I'm taking Tsukune and beating Moka Akashiya if it's the last thing I do!"

Tsukune started panicking, arms flailing as he looked up at the now airborne Kurume, "Wha-What-What is going on?"

Moka moved to stand next to Tsukune, arms held out while she stared up at Kurumu. When Tsukune stopped panicking to look at the vampire standing in front of him. She kept her eyes on Kurumu while she shouted in a trembling voice, "I-I-I'll protect you Tsukune!"

"Moka-san," Tsukune's voice was filled with awe. Dante nodded at the vampire, while he got ready himself. He didn't want to hurt the girl, obviously. He was just gonna give her a good disciplinary chop to the back of the head. That should be enough to-

A chill ran through the air.

Kurumu froze in midair.

Moka and Tsukune felt their blood run cold.

Dante face-palmed. He groaned as he turned his gaze toward the path they had come from, "That's not good."

"Wh-Wh-What is that? What is this feeling?" Moka's trembling had grown worse. Her knees were knocking together and her whole body was shivering in fear. Her, Tsukune, and Kurumu all had their eyes focused on the path they had come from...and the slowly approaching figure in the distance.

"That?" Dante said, jerking his thumb in that direction. At Fangs and Lover Boy's nods, he turned back, "That's my brother. And he's pissed."
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