Devils + Vampire (Post-DMC 5 X Rosario + Vampire Fanfic)

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The Sons Of Sparda manage to escape the destruction of the Qliphoth Tree.

And end up in a world of Monsters, Humans, and...High School Monsters?
Chapter 1: The Beginning Of Our Journey


The One who Strangles Concepts to death
The Qliphoth Tree.

A Demonic Tree that grows in the Underworld.

It feeds on the blood of humans to nourish itself. And when it has been fed enough, it produces a fruit once every thousand years. Legend has it that if a demon were to consume this Qliphoth Fruit, then it will gain immense power. The last demon known to have eaten this fruit was Mundus, the Late Lord Of The Underworld.

Before, the Tree was kept at bay. By separating the Underworld from the Human World, The Legendary Dark Knight Sparda cut off the Tree's food supply. It languished and starved for two thousand years. Then, the barrier between the two worlds was broken. A new Demon Lord, Urizen, arose and planned to grow another Qliphoth Fruit. So that he may become the new Lord Of The Underworld.

But his plan failed.

He was defeated.

But the Tree remained.

Its roots grown fat off the consumption of human blood, they began to spread without end. Through both the Human World and into others. For the Qliphoth's hunger is endless and will not stop at only one world. It will attempt to reach into and drain all worlds of their life.

It would grow for one fact.

That being the twin streaks of red and blue light that just cleaved the entire Tree in half.

As the Demon Tree began to fall, its roots and branches either disintegrating or falling to the ground alongside it, the streaks of light headed towards the ground. They landed in an opening between the crumbling roots, scorching the flesh-like ground as they hit the floor. In a bright flash of red and blue the two lights revealed who they were.

The children of The Legendary Dark Knight.

Sparda's Offspring.

The Twins who have surpassed their father's power.

Dante and Vergil.

"And that's that," Dante laughed while casually brushing some root dust off his shoulder. His deep crimson coat fluttered in the air generated by the Tree's rapid descent. Around him demons ran in every direction, loping, hopping, or skittering away from the destruction wrought by the two brothers. Any that got too close were swiftly cut down by an errant flick of Dante's sword. The Devil Sword Dante, an obsidian blade that was as wide as Dante's torso, moved faster than its size would indicate in his hands. He rested the weapon across his shoulders, white hair falling around his stubble covered face as he turned to his twin brother, "So, we still counting that as one? Cause if so, then I'm in the lead."

Vergil, his dark blue coat the polar opposite of his younger brother's own, shot an angry glare at Dante. A fleeing demon passed too close to the older Son Of Sparda and soon found itself horizontally split in half. The click of Vergil's sword, the Yamato, returning to its scabbard followed its body parts falling to the ground in bloody heaps. He turned towards Dante and spoke in a self-serious tone of voice that contrasted his brother's own jovial tone, "We will not include the Qliphoth Tree as an enemy. It is inanimate. Thus it shouldn't be considered a part of our count. And what do you mean by in the lead?"

Dante tilted his head while turning towards his brother, "You sure about that? I certainly recall that thing's roots climbing out of the walls to try to kill me. I'd call that animate. And, yeah, I'm in the lead. I killed that Fury back there before we took out the Tree."

"You did not. My swords pierced its flesh before you even reached it. If we count that, then I'm the lead. And even if we did count the Qliphoth as an enemy, we both struck it at the same time. Thus it adds to neither of our counts," Vergil said, the frown on his face deepening as he looked at his brother.

Dante raised an eyebrow, walking closer to his brother as some debris from the Qliphoth fell behind him. He ignored the dust as he gave his brother a cocky smile, "Really? I could've sworn I hit that thing long before you even got there. Maybe getting your ass-kicked by your son messed up your understanding of distance?"

There was a clicking sound and Dante suddenly felt something poking his side. He looked down to see the guard of the Yamato against his hip. Completely nonchalant, he raised an eyebrow at Vergil. The older brother scowled up at Dante, "Perhaps you'd like another demonstration of my abilities? I don't think we ever settled our score from before, after all."

"No, I don't think we did," Dante's voice gained an excited edge to it as he stared his brother down. Then he raised a finger, "But, I think we should postpone it. Because of that."

He pointed up towards the disintegrating Qliphoth Tree. Vergil followed his finger with his eyes.

And beheld the rapidly approaching avalanche of dust and destroyed roots heading their way.

He huffed then sheathed the Yamato, "Fine. We shall hold off on finishing our bout. For now...,"

"...lets get the hell outta here!" Dante finished with a yell. His Devil Sword Dante disappeared in a flash of red as the started running away from the avalanche. Vergil matched his pace easily as he did the same. The two Sons Of Sparda made a mad dash away from the approaching devastation behind them. Any demon that dared get in their path was either cut down by one of Vergil's Summoned Swords or shot dead by Dante's Pistols, Ebony and Ivory. Neither slowed down for any reason. Even when the ground below them started to give way. They simply jumped over the holes in the floor or "Tricked" their way passed.

Dante looked back and saw that the avalanche was still on their tail. Cursing under his breath, he summoned one of his newest Devil Arms. His body flashed red as the black and silver forms of the Cavaliere buzzsaws appeared in his hands. He hopped into the air and slammed the two together, both weapons forming into one.

A motorcycle with chainsaws for wheels.

Vergil groaned and shook his head, "Really?"

"Hey, you have a better way to move faster than our running speed?" Dante said as his new ride ate up the earth below him. He kept it at a steady pace and jerked his head behind him, "Now hop on! Unless you think you can outrun gravity."

Vergil pursed his lips. He looked behind him at the approaching avalanche, then down at his own two feet, then at Dante...then back at the avalanche.

He didn't answer until he could feel the debris of the avalanche nipping at his heels. With a loud "Fine!" he teleported onto the back of Dante's motorcycle. He kept one foot on Dante's back while the other was on the back edge of the vehicle. His right hand was on the guard of his blade, while his left held the weapon's scabbard. Blue Demonic Power flowed from his arms into his weapon while his stoic eyes focused on the path in front of them.

"Cool," Dante revved Cavaliere, the motorcycle exploding forward as lightning and fire shot from his back. Its wheels destroyed ground while running over or through any demon that got in the way. They managed to get away from the advancing avalanche, but it was still coming faster and faster. And they couldn't keep moving forever. Especially with the ground below them disappearing faster and faster.

Making a mental note to get back at Vergil for having his foot on his back later, Dante glanced back at his brother, "Don't know how much longer we'll have road to eat up. You got a plan to get us home?"

"The Qliphoth Tree's roots were fed with enough human blood to let them reach into other dimensions," Vergil began as the Yamato's scabbard started to glow with a bright blue light, "With its destruction, those dimensional rifts will become unstable and shut themselves. Before that happens, I can use the Yamato to cut a rift open."

"And that'll take us home?"



"There is a chance it will."

"A chance?"

"If I had more time to concentrate, I would be able to choose our exact destination. But as it stands," Vergil glanced around at the chaos around them, "I'll only be able to open a rift."

Dante shook his head but kept a smile on his face, "So, it's a roll of the dice then? Figures. Well, anywhere's better than this place. How long do you need?"

"Three seconds," Vergil took up a stance, "Just keep going straight."

Dante nodded and turned his attention back to the road in front of him. The ground started giving way around them, taking away all their alternate routes. Demons fell screaming into the darkness below. More roots and branches fell around the brothers. The avalanche behind them started to catch up.

Yet Dante never once blinked.

Which let him see the road in front of them crack...and then turn into a ramp over a bottomless dark pit.

"Now!" Vergil shouted as Yamato flashed out. Faster than the eye could see, an azure wave of energy flew towards the space just in front of the newly made ramp. It hit an invisible wall, which soon turned into a large blue rift.

"Full Throttle!"

Cavaliere roared into motion, its speed increasing tenfold as Dante pushed the weapon to beyond its limits. The motorcycle flew up the ramp and over its threshold towards the rift.

Time seemed to stop.

The Sons of Sparda were frozen in mid air. Dante had an excited smile on his face. Vergil was frowning as he gripped Dante's shoulder for dear life.

Behind them was the avalanche made of the remnants of the Demon Tree.

In front of them was the blue rift that would take them to parts unknown.

Then, time resumed.

The brothers flew through the rift.

Then the avalanche consumed it.

Nurari, the Nurarihyon Bus Driver of Youkai Academy, suddenly smiled.

"Well, now," he spoke to his empty bus, "This is interesting. I should let him know."

Yep. This is a thing now.

What Is This?: A new Crossover Fanfic I'm writing. Specifically, it's a Devil May Cry Crossover with Rosario + Vampire.

Why Are You Writing This?: Because I haven't managed to find any good DMC Crossover Fanfics that match my criteria:

1. Takes place after DMC 5.
2. Stars both Dante and Vergil, so that the two of them can actually be brothers for once.
3. Doesn't Nerf either of them, separate them, or otherwise make them weaker/take them away from each other.
4. Writes how the two of them fight while taking into account how Stylish they both are in different ways.

So, I figured I might as well do so. And this particular plot bunny has been nibbling on my head for a while now. So, I figured, fuck it. Why not?

What Should We Know Going In?: Here's the list:

1. There will be spoilers for both DMC and Rosario + Vampire in this fanfic. If you don't like that, stay away. Heck, there will be spoilers in this Author's Note. So, stop reading here!

2. I have only read the first part of the Rosario + Vampire Manga series. Up until the part where Tsukune heads home because the school got destroyed. I figured I could get by on just that and only focus on the story up until that point. But...well...then I looked at the Wiki to find the Bus Driver's name. And realized there's a lot more. So, it's gonna take a bit for the next Chapter to get written while I read the second part of the Manga series.

3. I'm not 100% sure how the Rosario + Vampire Cast stack up to Dante and Vergil. But this will be the two of them after the end of DMC 5. And I don't plan to nerf them whatsoever. So, expect them to be breaking faces and canon left and right. If you don't like seeing characters from one fic stomp another fic's characters, or don't like it when canon events are fucked with, you probably don't want to read this fic.

4. THERE WILL BE NO SHIPPING WHATSOEVER! From a personal perspective, I just don't like Shipping in Fanfics. It always feels like it's taking away from the story of the fic and never feels natural to me. From a character perspective, Neither Dante nor Vergil would ever want to get with any of the women of Rosario + Vampire. Dante sees himself as a freak and wouldn't pass his curse off to anyone else, and Vergil experienced what its like to deal with Nero. He's not going through that again. There will also be no specific character shipping of the Rosario + Vampire Characters, cause I don't really care for that stuff. All canon relationships will remain canon.

I believe that's it. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask them.

With that outta the way, Lets Get This Party Started!
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Chapter 2: Arriving In A New World
Youkai Academy.

A high school made for Monsters/Youkai.

Here they go through their years and classes for one specific purpose: To learn how to be human. How to keep their powers hidden, how to act/understand humans, all so that they can eventually live freely in the human world. To ensure they are able to do this without interruption, a barrier was erected around the site over two hundred years ago. This barrier keeps the world hidden from the human world, prevents any human from entering without an invitation, and allows for the Monsters to travel all over the Youkai and human world.

This barrier, created by the Three Dark Lords, has withstood the test of time for years. Thanks to it, Youkai Academy has managed to remain a safe place for Monsters to come and learn how to be human.

It has remained intact for years.

There are few forces in the world that can hope to pierce it.

Which is why, when a large blue rift opened in the air a few miles from Youkai Academy, Nurari, the Nurarihyon Bus Driver of the Academy, immediately made to tell the Headmaster.

One of the Three Dark Lords that sealed away the Shinso Vampire Alucard, Tenmei Mikogami.

And, once the message was relayed, the two immediately made their way to the location of the rift.


Dante yelled as Cavaliere rocketed out of the rift. He pulled at the motorcycle's break lever, the blades under the wheel's screeching as they ate up dry earth. He pulled to the side as it skid to a stop a few feet away from the rift. The moment he stopped, Vergil hopped off the back of the vehicle. The older twin's hair had come undone from the ride. It fell around his face in a mirror of his younger brother's hair style.

"That look suits you better, Verg," Dante said as he dismissed Cavaliere. The weapon dispersed back into Dante's personal arsenal space. There it awaited alongside every other weapon he had accumulated over the years. Waiting to be used once again. He stepped over to his brother, leaning in with a hand on his chin, "Hmm, yeah. You should keep it. We could do that thing where we switch places and see if anybody could tell the difference."

Vergil huffed, one hand going to his forehead. He pushed his hair back and it swiftly returned to its usual, slicked back look. He focused his attention on the rift he had made, watching as the blue energy swirled within. It remained floating in the air, a blue tear in the fabric of reality that lead to a now destroyed Demonic Tree.

Then, moments later, it winked out of existence.

"Good. None followed us," Vergil nodded at the rift's disappearance.

Dante turned to the empty air where the rift used to be, "Hmm, really? Guess that means we really did bring down that overgrown weed. Though I doubt that'll dissuade any demon and devil from trying to mess with the human world."

"If they do, then it is none of our concern. Unless they decide they wish to reckon with the Sons of Sparda," Vergil responded, his voice stoic and cold.

"Maybe it's none of your concern," Dante pointed an accusing finger at Vergil, "But that's cause you're not the one who makes a living off killing demons for people. And after what you did for our first family reunion, business had been booming. Well it was. Until you came back."

Vergil shot a sideways glare at Dante. He opened his mouth, but held his tongue for a moment. He stared his younger brother in the eyes...then turned away before replying, "I see...I...apologize...for that."

Dante's eyes went wide. He shook his head in disbelief.

Then a smug smile came over his face.

He put a hand over his ear and leaned closer to Vergil, "What was that, big brother Verg? I don't think I heard you correctly? Did you just say 'I'm sorry for summoning that tower and the tree, messing up the human world for who knows how long?' Is that what you just said?"

Vergil frowned then turned away from his brother. He bit down the urge to smack Dante with the Yamato and focused on examining their surroundings. He only spoke up after his observations were complete, "Believe what you wish. But I suggest you forget any hypothetical ideas you may have, and instead take a look around us."

"What's that, Vergil?" Dante continued, though he did turn to look in the same direction Vergil was looking, "Are you too embarrassed to admit that your younger brother Dante is right? Well then ju-"

Dante's response died in this throat as he finally got a look at where the rift had dropped them.

When he did, he gave voice to exactly what both he and Vergil were thinking.

"What the hell is this?!"

He opened his arms out to wave at the grim environment they found themselves in. The ground was cracked, dry, and covered in sand. The few bits of vegetation that grew from it were gnarled and black. The trees had no leaves, their top halves had been ripped off, and numerous crows sat upon the intact branches. While the sky above looked normal, they could both see a storm raging in the distance. Alongside a building that was silhouetted against the sky a fair distance away from them.

Dante looked around at their current location. Then he turned towards Vergil. Raising an eyebrow, he asked, "This isn't our world, is it?"

"It likely is not," Vergil answered, his focus on the building in the distance.

Dante groaned. He placed a hand behind his head, "Aaahhh, for...great. Looks like the kid's gonna need to hold down the fort for a bit longer. Gonna make another rift for us to jump through?"

Vergil raised the Legendary Sword Yamato up. He hummed, feeding some of his demonic energy into it. An azure glow began to suffuse the blade for a moment. Then he looked up and around at their surroundings.

He hummed again, "Interesting."

"What? Don't tell me you can't do it? Don't tell me you can't 'concentrate' when we're not being chased by a crumbling weed?"

"It is not that," Vergil stated as he turned towards his brother, "This dimension...I feel that it is rather far from our own."

"Huh?" Dante tilted his head in confusion.

Vergil rolled his eyes, dreading explaining this to his brother. He pinched the bridge of his nose before beginning, "This is merely conjecture on my part, but I believe that there are dimensions other than our own. And the Yamato could open up pathways to them...however, even a blade such as this has a limit. That being distance and the amount of differences between the worlds."

He unsheathed his blade and pointed it towards the east as far as he could. Then he did the same with his scabbard, but pointed it towards the west, "If two dimensions are an extreme distance from each other, then the differences between their worlds will be significant and obvious."

He brought his scabbard and blade together, the end of his scabbard meeting the tip of his blade in front of his chest, "And if they are close together, then the differences will be miniscule and subtle."

"Hold up, let me guess," Dante held up a hand, "The world we're in right now is one that's totally different from the one we know?"

"It is very likely."

"Which means that you can't just create a portal, cause the Yamato's power can't reach that far even if you put your all into it?"

"...As loathe as I am to admit it, yes."

"And if you used Sin Devil Trigger to do it, you're just as likely to overshoot us way beyond home and into a completely different world?"

This time Vergil simply nodded.

Dante's hand met his face. He moved it towards his head while sighing, "Great. So, we're stuck here?"

"Not exactly," Vergil sheathed his blade then turned towards the building in the distance, "There is one way...but as of now it is merely a theory. I will need time to research and investigate certain topics before I can give a definitive answer."

"And how long will that take?"

"That depends on whether that building has a library or not. Let us get moving," Vergil started walking towards the silhouette in the distance.

Dante watched his brother walk off. Then he shrugged and started following behind him. He placed his hands behind his head, moving at an even pace with a grin on his face, "Ah well. Guess that means we get to continue this brotherly reunion of ours for a bit longer. Though, it's too bad you won't get to spend some more time with your son, huh?"

Dante tap a fist on Vergil's shoulder. The older Sparda Brother remained silent but his gaze turned towards the sky. It was surprisingly normal with white clouds rolling along through the air. A frown came over his face as he thought about how he left his son behind. He sighed before shaking his head, "That...that is true."

He went silent after that.

Dante was as well.

Then he clapped his hands together, "But, know what you can do?"

Vergil looked at Dante with a raised eyebrow, "What?"

"Tell me how you met his mother."

Vergil smacked Dante across the face with Yamato.

Dante stumbled back a bit but kept a smug grin on his face. He easily caught up to the Vergil, who was starting to fast walk down the path they had chosen.

"Ah, come on, Vergil!" he said while moving from one side of Vergil to the next with is arms out wide, "Gotta give your little brother the dirty details? What kind of woman was it that managed to catch the eye of my ever aloof older brother?"

"As I said, that was a long time ago," Vergil sped up, his grip on the Yamato tightening as he walked faster, "That is all you need to know."

"Like hell it is! I ain't gonna pass up the chance to learn the type of woman that my brother likes?" Dante stated proudly, "Now spill it, what was she like?"

"Be quiet!" Vergil slashed out towards Dante.

Dante ducked under the swing and appeared on Vergil's left, "On a scale of one to ten, how pretty was she?"

Another slash, this one Dante jumped over. He flipped onto Vergil's right and turned around. He pointed twin finger guns at Vergil as he spoke, "Was she the fiery type? The quiet type?"

Another slash.

Dante slid around to Vergil's front, "Was she a brunette? You seem like the type of guy to like brunettes."

Vergil scowled and put his hand on his sheathed sword. He fed demonic energy into the blade, its sheathe sparking with a bright blue as he spoke, "Be silent!"

His strike moved faster than the eye could see. A bubble of distorted space appeared where Dante stood. From within multiple slashes appeared, all moving faster than sound as they made to rip their target apart.

Dante's body glowed red before he "Tricked" out of his brother's Judgment Cut. The attack tore up the ground, creating multiple large slashes in the dirt road. Dante landed with a small hop. He chuckled at his brother, "Ah, come on, Vergil. Can't you tell I'm just having a little fun?"

"Your 'fun' is annoying. And distracting. We have company," Vergil stood up while dusting some dirt off his shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. They've been watching us for a while. Figured we'd give them a bit of a show," Dante shrugged before turning around. He brought a hand to his mouth and spoke, "Come on out! If you don't, my brother here's gonna get mad. And then he'll do that to you too."

He jerked a thumb at the lines that had been carved into the ground. A few moments later, a thick mist surrounded the Sparda Brothers. From within it stepped two humanoid figures.

One was a skinny male wearing a dark blue bus driver outfit. The upper part of his face was hidden beneath the lip of his hat. The only visible parts were his glowing yellow eyes. His mouth seemed to be fixed into a permanent smile while a cigar hung smoking between his lips.

The other was a man in a full priest habit. A rosary hung from around his neck, with the rest of his defining features hidden by his outfit. His eyes glowed the same yellow as the first man's, with only his smiling mouth being shown to the world.

The two walked side by side, stopping a few feet away from the Sons of Sparda. Vergil moved up to be side by side with Dante. Both sides stared each other down for a few moments. Dante was the one to break the silence.

He put a foot forward and gave the two stranger's a cocky grin, "Hey there! Don't suppose either of you know where the nearest bus stop is? We're a bit lost and could use some directions."

"Lost you say? That's strange. The barrier should prevent people from getting 'lost' around here," the white robed man said, his voice both old yet mischievous.

"Ah, well that's just the thing. We have a knack for getting into places that we really shouldn't. Ain't that right, Vergil?" Dante glanced at his brother.

Vergil took a step forward, one hand lifting his blade up, "We are not here to play around, demons. If your goal is to take our lives, then reveal yourselves and let us begin."

There was silence between the four for a moment.

Then Dante placed a hand on Vergil's outstretched arm. He pushed it down while shaking his head, "Now, now, big brother. We don't start pointing our weapons at everyone just cause they're demons. If they don't attack us first."

He turned back to the newcomers, ignoring the glare Vergil sent his way, "Forgive my brother. He's a bit trigger happy. Now, about those directions."

The two men looked at each other. The white robed one waved a hand towards the twins, "They know what we are?"

"Indeed. Yet...I can't tell what they are," the bus driver said, pulling his cigar from his mouth. He stared at the brothers and hummed, "They look human. Smell human too. But...there's something else there. Something about them that's different. Different from any Youkai I've seen."

"That's surprising coming from you."

"Well, as old as I am, I haven't seen everything yet."

Both men shared a wistful and knowing chuckle. Then the white robed one stepped forward, "While I am not sure how you know what I am, I can tell that the both of you are powerful. And, believe me, the last thing I wish is for this meeting to come to blows. Thus, I have a suggestion."

He turned and pointed towards the building in the distance, "That is Youkai Academy. A school for Youkai and Monsters to learn how to live in the human world. If you are heading in that direction, then my associate and I can lead you to it. He happens to be the bus driver for the Academy."

"It is a pleasure to meet you both," the bus driver said with a short bow.

Dante stepped away from his brother. He placed a hand on his chin in thought, "Hmm, sounds like a good deal Yellow Eyes. But I need to consult with my brother before making a decision. What do you think, Vergil?"

Vergil frowned at his brother. Then he glanced sidelong at the two strange men. He gripped the Yamato for a moment...then he let it disappear into his own storage.

"Fine," he said, turning to face the two men, "We will accept your offer. However, know that any hint of subterfuge will cost you your lives."

Dante shrugged at the two men, "Best you're gonna get outta him guys. Lead the way!"

Dante pointed towards the Academy. The two men turned and started to walk into the mist. Dante and Vergil made to follow them.

And thus did the Sons of Sparda arrive at Youkai Academy.

And thus would their presence would change this world's fate forevermore.

So, due to what others have said, I will fully explain exactly what I meant by the Shipping statement. Neither Dante nor Vergil will be shipped with ANYONE. They will remain single throughout the whole story. Granted, other Characters (Non-Canon/OC/Canon) may gain an interest in them. But it will never be reciprocated, nor will it ever go beyond a crush.

As for Tsukune and his Harem, they will still exist. Tsukune will have his Harem. I'm not changing that. Mainly cause I hate stories where one of the major plot points is ruining/changing canon relationships. Especially with crossover characters that are presented as "better" than the canon one. However, I will not be planning to "push" Tsukune towards a specific girl. None of his Harem are getting any special treatment from me. So, any and all lovey-dovey focused stuff between Tsukune and his Harem will remain mostly the same as canon.

Now the actual relationships between Tsukune and his Harem...that's probably gonna change. Cause Dante and Vergil's presence, while it won't be there all the time, it will certainly effect Tsukune and his Harem. Changing who they are as people. That much I can say for certain.
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Chapter 3: New Jobs
"Pretty nice digs here, Gramps," Dante said while putting his feet up on the altar the Headmaster used as a desk. He leaned back in his chair, lifting its front legs off the ground a bit as he did. He looked around at the room they were in, whistling at the extremely bare room, "Cozy. Really gives off the 'Old Demon Pretending To Be Human' vibe."

To his left Vergil sat in his own chair, glaring at Dante's poor posture. He sat with his back straight and the Yamato laid across his lap. He kept the Headmaster in his peripheral vision but did not speak to the man. Only glared at him with his cold, gray eyes.

The Headmaster chuckled, shining eyes focused on Dante. He placed his elbows on the altar and put his hands together, "Well, what can I say? I like to look and play the part. And it helps keep the students on their toes. Mysterious and enigmatic Headmasters are all the rage nowadays."

Dante raised an eyebrow, "That why you got all those seals wrapped around your chest?"

Mikogami's smile faltered for a split second. Anyone else wouldn't have noticed the change. But Dante did, and he smiled at catching the old Demon Lord off guard. He snapped his fingers, "Knew it. Don't worry though. I won't tell a soul that doesn't already know."

"You're...certainly perceptive," Mikogami quickly regained his composure. He turned his attention to Vergil, "Can I assume your brother is aware of my...precautions as well?"

Vergil merely nodded in response.

Dante jerked a thumb in his direction, "Don't mind him. Vergil's got a perpetual stick up his ass when it comes other people. Which means it's down to me to be sociable one."

"I'll have you know I am perfectly capable of interacting with others," was Vergil's indignant response, "I simply don't see a reason to engage in inane pleasantries, and prefer only speaking of the primary subject at hand."

"And that's how you got the Kid's mom in bed then? Walked on up to her and skipped to the 'primary subject'," Dante made air quotes with his hands. Vergil's response was to take a swipe at Dante with his sheathed sword. Dante kicked off the altar and let his chair lean back until it was almost touching the floor, which let the Yamato soar harmlessly over his head. He used his leverage to push himself back to a sitting position, acting as if his brother trying to hit him was a regular occurrence.

Mikogami stared at the twins, surprised at their seeming readiness to hurt each other. Then he started to chuckle, "Hmm, you two are more energetic than your seeming age would suggest."

"Just cause you're pushing fifty doesn't mean you can't still enjoy your life. Though we have to thank our old man for the reason we still look good," Dante rubbed at his chin, rustling the stubble on his face.

"Oh," Mikogami became genuinely curious at the mention of the boys' father. He leaned forward in his chair, "Would either you mind me asking who your father was then?"

"The Legendary Dark Knight Sparda," Vergil answered immediately. He watched Mikogami's expression with a critical eye, waiting to see the Demon's reaction.

Mikogami tilted his head to the right, "Am I supposed to know who that is?"

The Sons of Sparda groaned at the same time.

"Welp, looks like you were right, Vergil," Dante nodded his head with a sad grin on his face.

"I anticipated as much. This is simply confirmation," Vergil shook his head, eyes narrowing as his mind began to race, "I will need to adjust my original plans then."

"Excuse me," Mikogami raised a hand, "but it is rather rude to have your own conversation while speaking to someone else. Who is this Sparda, exactly?"

Dante raised a finger, taking his feet off the altar. He put them on the floor while leaning forward until his arm was on the altar, "Before that, how about we get some of our own questions answered, Gramps? Communication is a two way street and all that."

Mikogami hummed in thought before nodding, "I suppose. But might I ask one thing that has been bothering me since we met? How did you two get here? As I said before, there is a Barrier around the Academy that stops regular humans from getting in without an invitation. I can tell you two aren't exactly 'normal humans'. But if you had used any of the tunnels to the rest of the Yokai World, I would've been the first to know."

Dante and Vergil shared a look. The younger Sparda waved a hand at the Headmaster, "Ball's in your court, Verg. This stuff is more your department."

Vergil narrowed his eyes. He looked the Headmaster up and down, frown deepening as he observed the old Yokai. Then he spoke, "I will tell you...on one condition."

"That might depend on the condition itself," Mikogami replied.

"Does this Academy of yours have a library?"

"Indeed it does."

"How extensive?"

"The one open to students has everything they could need to pass their classes, as well as learn about the human world and how it works."

"And is there one not open to students?"

Mikogami's smile seemed to widen, "Of course. My own personal collection."

"Then my condition is as such; Allow me full access to both what is open to students and your collection for my own usage. Only then will I tell you how we managed to arrive here."

Mikogami blinked twice. He kept staring at Vergil, expecting the man to say he was joking.

Vergil did no such thing.

He turned back to Dante, "You were correct. His conversation skills do need work."

"Have to deal with that everyday," Dante chuckled while waving a hand at Vergil, "Though he has mellowed a bit. Usually, he'd tell you to give him what he wants or die. This time it's just 'Give me what I want or else I won't tell you what you want to know.'"

Dante tried his best to imitate Vergil's expression. Mikogami had to admit it was a very good imitation. Though he mainly chalked that up to fact that the two were brothers. He leaned back in his own chair, humming in thought. Then he looked towards Vergil, "I believe I can arrange to give you what you wish for, Vergil Sparda. But I request we save that until the end of our conversation. In return, the two of you may ask me as much as you'd like. What do you say?"

Vergil huffed but nodded, "Fine. I will hold you to that, Demon."

Dante jerked his thumb at Vergil, "What my brother said. So, to start with, you keep saying that this Yokai place is separated from the human world. How separated we talking here?"

"There is a tunnel that will take any who ride the Bus Driver's bus to the human world whenever they wish," Mikogami explained.

"So we can just hop on Smokey's whip and we'd be able to get to the human world? Sweet," Dante nodded with a cocky grin.

"What human nation is this Academy of yours closest too?" Vergil asked, though he believed he already had the answer.

"The island nation of Japan."

Vergil hummed, "I anticipated as much."


"Yokai is an eastern term for all manner of supernatural creatures. They use it for monsters, demons, etc. etc. In addition, based on its silhouette, your Academy is based on Japanese High Schools."

Dante whistled at his brother, "Look at you, Verg. Being all cultured. When did you find the time to learn all that, huh?"

"Unlike you, I was not content to simply remain in one place, Dante. I traveled the world and focused on learning more about the culture my weapon is based on," Vergil straightened his posture while placing both hands on Yamato's scabbard.

Dante's eyes widened. He pointed at Vergil's face, "Hey, hey, hey! Is that a smug grin? Is my oh so serious, big brother Verg actually feeling smug?!"

Vergil turned away from Dante, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"You totally are!" Dante voice held more elation than annoyance, "The Kid really did beat some actual emotions into you!"

Mikogami began to laugh. It was a heartfelt and wistful one as he beheld the two. He was suddenly reminded of when he was younger. When he and two dear friends went off to face a powerful adversary. Those were the days.

"Well," his voice shook the twins from their spat, "any other questions from the two of you?"

Dante moved his outstretched hand to his chin, "Hmm...can't really think of any. Outside of some that you've already answered by letting us in here."

"The only question I have is whether you will fulfill my condition," Vergil stated.

"Then we have come to the all important part of our conversation; What happens now?" Mikogami placed his hands together as he observed the brothers. He smiled as he spoke, "After speaking with the two of you, I can tell you are at least not threats to this Academy. Thus, should you wish to leave, I will not stop you. Merely say the word and I can have Nurai drop you off in the human world. Free of charge."

"Rather generous of you, Gramps. And while I can say I'm a pretty nice dude, mind me asking what makes you think we're both stand up people?" Dante pointed at himself then Vergil.

"Truthfully? You even bothered coming to this meeting. While I don't know exactly who or what you are, I remember seeing that little display from when we first met. The one that left those large sword slashes in the ground," Mikogami's voice shifted to a serious tone, "Anyone who can do that is without a doubt powerful. Yet, rather than come here and begin making demands of me, you bothered to entertain my request for a meeting, Even going so far as to answer most of my questions while expecting little in return."

"Rather naive of you," Vergil said bluntly.

Mikogami shook his head, "Perhaps. But I like to think I'm a good judge of character. And you have done little to make me think otherwise so far."

Dante hummed, "Guessing you're gonna offer us something other than sending us to the human world then? Considering you didn't just tell us to pack our stuff and go kick rocks."

Mikogami nodded, "Indeed. If what you and your brother have said is any indication, you both have some experience with living alongside humans. You also look and smell similar to humans. Truth be told, I would've mistaken you for humans if Nurai had not told me you weren't precisely that."

He leaned forward with his still pressed together, "Taking into consideration the dangerous nature of our job, we could always use more staff to help us teach and handle the students. Thus, I offer you both this: You join our staff and become apart of Yokai Academy. In return, you will receive a fair wage and full benefits. Including full access to the Student Library and books from my own personal collection. You will also be able to go to and from the human world at your leisure."

He held both his hands out to Dante and Vergil, "So? What do you think?"

Dante narrowed his eyes. He began considering the idea.

On the one hand, everything Gramps had said pretty much confirmed they weren't in their world anymore. Add to that the fact that the guy is a demon and doesn't know who his dear old man is, and he doubted that The Devil May Cry Service even existed here. Meaning he'd need to find a new job to make sure he wasn't out on the streets. While he may (according to Nero) look like a "dirty hobo dad" he certainly didn't want to live like one. And here this guy was willing to give him a Full Time Job just for watching over some teenagers.

On the other, he had just gotten done with that whole Redgrave business and getting his brother back. The last thing on his mind was watching over a bunch of hormonal high school kids. And that was without getting into the fact that they were all monsters. The things he was an expert at killing. Would probably lead to a lot of awkward water cooler conversations if anybody ever found that out.

He looked over at his brother who's face had returned to its normal state of indifference. He opened his mouth, preparing to ask Vergil what he thought.

"I request the position of Patron Librarian."

His words died on his lips.

Dante's mouth hung open as he stared at his brother in awe. Seeing his brother's astonishment (and taking no small amount of pleasure from it), Vergil raised an eyebrow, "Is there a problem, brother?"

"Uh...I guess not," Dante scratched the back of his neck, "Just didn't see you as the teaching type, Verg."

"There is much you do not know about me. And much I do not know about you. Hopefully, we can rectify that. Now, will you accept the demon's deal?"

Dante turned back to Mikogami. The demon had the same smile on his face. Dante pursed his lips, making a show of rolling the proposal around in his head. Then he stared the Headmaster straight in the eyes, "Do you have pizza or Strawberry Sundays here? If not, can I order as much as I want if I say yes?"

"...I will see what I can do."

Dante snapped his fingers, "Good enough! You got yourself a deal, Gramps! Where do I sign?"

Mikogami clapped, "Give me a moment. I will go get the paperwork."

He stood up from his seat and walked out the room. When the door behind him closed, Dante got up from his seat. He started walking around the room, nonchalantly looking for any sign of listening devices of mundane or magical nature. When he found none he turned to Vergil, "So, why'd you say yes? No offense, but the last few times you interacted with a teenager was your son. The first time you ripped his arm off, and the second time he beat your ass."

Vergil huffed, turning in his seat to look at Dante, "The knowledge I require will not be found in the human world. Such techniques and power will only be found within the tomes of supernatural creatures. Only through their arts will I be able to find a way to return us to our world. This is the easiest way to go about it without shedding unnecessary amounts of blood."

"Unnecessary amounts of blood?" Dante smiled at his brother, "You really have changed."

Vergil turned away from Dante, "Believe what you will. I am simply trying an...alternative method for now. If it proves fruitless, I will not hesitate to take what I need by force."

"Ah. Then I guess I should help to ensure you find what you need. Wouldn't do to have another brotherly spat while we're supposed to be protecting teens now would it?"

"No, I suppose not."

Both brother's nodded to each other.

Dante walked back to his seat and sat down. He placed his hands behind his head and yawned, "Huuuuh. Wonder what job I'll get? Hope it's something easy. Like Janitor or something. Anything that makes it so I don't have to spend too much time around the students."

"You could become my Assistant Librarian," Vergil offered.

"Hard pass. I ain't gonna be stuck in no dusty old Library getting bored all day long."

Vergil scoffed, "Your lack of enthusiasm for the literary arts is one of the main reasons your skills degraded during our first bout."

Dante waved his brother off, "Whatever you say, guy who kept a poetry book from when we were kids in his pocket for decades."

Before the two could continue their bickering, Mikogami returned to the room. In his hands were two bundles of blank papers and pens. He walked back to the altar and placed them both in front of the Sparda brothers. Dante picked his pen up and sped through the documents, while Vergil carefully read each and every piece of paper.

"And there we are," Dante said as he signed off on the paper. He grinned as he looked back at the employment forms, "All filled out. Dante is officially a....Teacher's Assistant!?"

The very next moment, Mikogami took the documents from Dante's hand. The younger Sparda was paralyzed, face ashen as he realized what he just signed off on.

This time, Vergil didn't bother hiding the smug grin on his face.
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Chapter 4: The New Hires
Shizuka Nekonome was sitting at her teacher's desk in her first year class room. She was leaning back in her seat, a piece of raw fish she had gotten from the human world in her mouth. People who didn't know the Nekomusume would believe that she had no care in the world. That she was simply waiting for the first year students to come in and start their journey through high school.

Anyone who knew her, however, could tell that she was extremely nervous.

"Nyaa~," she whined over her early morning meal. Usually, she wouldn't be eating such a delicacy this early in the day. But she needed some way to calm her nerves after what the Headmaster told her today. And it was sitting right there in her lunchbox!

Her ears, the same blonde color as her hair, drooped as she swallowed a piece of her meal down. When she had arrived at Yokai Academy, she thought it would be a simple year. She'd come in, say high to the shining faces of her new first years, and get started on teaching them about the wonders of the human world. Instead, she was called to the Headmaster's Office the moment she arrived. There he told her that there was a new Patron Librarian, and that she had a new Teaching Assistant effective today, and that she would be in charge of showing them the ropes!

Not that she minded doing that.

But why did he have to drop it on her right when the school year started? If she was going to have an Assistant, then wouldn't it have been better to tell her before the students showed up? So she could give them a tour of the Academy and help ease them into things?

She shook her head while putting the half-eaten fish back in her lunch box. She wanted to keep at least some of it for later. Her tail hung low behind her, the white tip almost touching the floor below. Her eyes remained closed yet she could still see the empty seats in front of her. Seats that would soon be full of young Yokai all waiting to experience the best years of their lives. Students that she would be able to guide towards a brighter future...alongside a total stranger that she hadn't even met yet.

Uncertainty began to enter her mind. It wasn't that she doubted the Headmaster's decision. She had been here at long as Nurai, so she trusted Mikogami to know what he was doing. But there was always the small chance that he had made a mistake. What if they turned out to be a bad influence on the students? What if they was actually a delinquent who would extort the students while she wasn't looking? What if they were older than her and-

Shizuka shook her head, lightly slapping her cheeks to get her thoughts in order. No! No! Bad Shizuka! Don't think that way about your new Assistant. You need to be confident and ready to show them the ropes. Just like any good senpai! In fact, she shouldn't be sitting around waiting for them. They're probably wandering around the school in a total daze with no idea where to go! She should be finding them and giving them a warm welcome to Yokai Academy!

"Right!" she stood up from her chair, pumping her fists as a determined glint entered her eyes. She walked over to the door, back straight and tail flailing behind her. She placed a hand on the handle and said out loud, "Don't worry, my new Assistant! Your reliable senpai is on the wa-Nyaa!~"

Shizuka ran into something the moment she tried to walk out the door. She wasn't sure what it was, but it felt as solid as a brick wall! She stumbled back, tripping over her own feet as she went. A frightened "Eeek!" left her mouth as she started falling backwards...only to be saved by a hand on her back.

"Woah there, Kitty Cat," the man Shizuka had run into said with a smile, "What's the rush? I'm right here. Bright and early for our important lesson."

Shizuka was speechless as she stared up at the man's face. He was clearly older than her, but he wore his age well. He had a "Cool Older Uncle" look that the few wrinkles on his face enhanced. He was clean shaven, with only a hint of stubble on his chin. His silver hair fell around his face in an uncontrolled mess, but that only seemed to make him look cooler. A red coat over a black shirt with matching pants seemed to flutter in an invisible breeze. His teeth were pearl white with no a speck of yellow on them, and his breath smelled minty fresh.

He looked down at her with sharp gray eyes.

When she met his gaze she felt her cheeks heat up.

Then she started to flail around in a panic, "Waah! Waah! Uh, um, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to...I-I-I mean I was looking for....I-I-I mean...uh."

She covered her face in embarrassment, ears flicking back and forth atop her head. The man simply chuckled and helped her get to her feet. He patted her on the head, easy considering he was a head taller than her. Then he shrugged, "Don't sweat it. Can't exactly blame ya for not expecting me. From what Gramps told me, you ain't exactly had a Teacher's Assistant before."

"Teacher's Assi...oh yes!" Shizuka started to rush passed the man, "I need to find my new Assistant before class starts! I need to make sure they meet the students!"

The man held out a hand, stopping her in her tracks. She looked up at him in confusion, but he merely smiled, "No need to do that, Kitty Cat. You're looking your new Assistant dead in the eye."


The man's grin widened. Then her spun around on the stop, seeming to pull a rose in full bloom from thin air. He bowed while holding it out to Shizuka, "Hello there, Ms. Nekonome. The name's Dante. I'll be your Assistant from this day forth. For you."

Shizuka took the rose in a daze. Without a word she brought it to her nose and took a sniff. Her eyes widened at the very real scent that hit her nose. She looked at Dante, expression one of shock, surprise, and curiosity.

This man was her new Assistant?

...Well...he certainly would influence the students.

But she didn't think that would be a bad thing.

Ririko Kagome walked down the hallway with a smile on her face. All around her, the new first years were moving through the halls. Their faces were covered in bright smiles, their heads were held high, and they all were looking forward to their new year at Yokai Academy. She could feel a mixture of feelings welling up within her heart as she beheld the coming student body.

The first was pride at seeing so many new faces, all willing and able to learn from their teachers this year.

The second was anticipation.

Which only grew whenever she felt the eyes of the first year boys on her body. She could already tell she'd be having no shortage of students to tutor this year. So many young minds to give knowledge to. She was certain that she would be getting many offers to come to her private lessons this year. After all, the students' education came before everything else.

And she was certain they would agree with her after a few sessions.

She smiled, pushing her dark auburn hair out with one hand and sending quite a few boys swooning over the motion. Her dark pencil thin skirt complimented the white v-neck shirt she wore. She adjusted her circular glasses, eyes locking onto her destination for the day: The Library.

She still had sometime before her own classes began. And she would use that time to look into something that had piqued her interest. The Headmaster had been telling the teachers that two new monsters had joined their team. Two new Staff Members? Just when the new year was about to start? They must've had impressive credentials to be able to pull that off. She had hoped to speak to at least one of them to confirm that fact for herself.

One was a Teacher's Assistant who would be with Shizuka's class right now She didn't wish to interrupt the Nekomusume's lessons and stop the students from learning. That would go against her purpose as a teacher. She would just wait until the Assistant was assigned to her class for the day.

So, that left her with the other one. The one assigned to be the Patron Librarian in the Student Library. She would be lying if she said she wasn't looking forward to this a little bit. The air of mystery surrounding the two strangers had managed to piqued her curiosity. And the perfect way to satisfy it was getting closer to her.

She opened the door to the library, letting a first year boy who was leaving pass her by. His eyes remained on her for a few moments before he left with blood leaking from his nose. She grinned after him, committing his face to memory for later. Then she stepped into the library.

The first thing she noticed was how quiet it was. She was in a library, yes, but it was a library filled with high schoolers. First year high schoolers who are likely just turning sixteen. They're some of the most hormonal and rambunctious people in both the human and Yokai worlds. Even if a library is supposed to be quiet, it always had a little bit of noise going on in the background. Either because students naturally wanted to socialize, or troublemakers were getting to know other troublemakers for delinquency reasons.

But this library?

It was completely silent.

She swore she could hear a mouse squeak with how quiet it was. Slight surprise came over her face as she walked into the room. She saw a few first years sitting at desk and reading through books of all kinds. Boys and girls alike had their heads down with their mouths firmly shut. Any other time, she would be feeling ecstatic at seeing so many children choosing to get a head start on their learning.

But this...felt strange. Something about the atmosphere in the room was wrong. This didn't feel like students trying to get a head start on their education. It felt more like...fear. And when she thought of it like that, she started to notice more signs to prove that hypothesis.

Sweat dripping down one young man's brow as he read through a math book.

A girl walking as slowly and silently as possible, her eyes focused straight ahead with a small blush on her face.

Even a young man who hardly fit into the chair he was sitting in, was diligently reading through a Novel without making any noise.

What was going on here? Why were-

"Can I assist you?"

Ririko nearly jumped at the unfamiliar voice. She had been so caught up in her musings, that she hadn't noticed where her steps were taking her. She ended up walking all the way to the Patron Librarian's desk where a-

She suddenly found herself at a loss for words.

The man sitting behind the desk was clearly an older gentleman. In his early fifties at least from what she could see. His silver hair was slicked back in a style that drew the eye to his face. Chiseled, clean shaven features surrounded sharp gray eyes that were focused on a slender book held in one hand. His dark blue coat had white tassels on each sleeve, and covered up a type of shirt she hadn't seen before. It was made of multiple light blue sections that seemed to clip together. Below that were black pants and suede shoes that completed the man's elegant look.

Ririko felt her cheeks heat up and heart start beating faster. She suddenly was more conscious of what she was wearing and how she looked. Had she remembered to put her perfume on this morning? She was wearing the right clothes, right? Was it always this hot in the-

"If you do not require assistance," his chilling, stoic tone brought her out of her musings. He spoke without taking his eyes off the book, "then either leave the Library, or find a book to read. This is no place for loitering."

Ririko blinked once. Then she frowned at the stranger. She crossed her arms under her chest as she spoke, "I could understand taking that tone with a student, sir. But I am Ririko Kagome. I teach the first years' mathematics classes."

"Ah, you are one of my colleagues then? Well met. I am Vergil, the Patron Librarian," the man tilted his head towards Ririko. His eyes were still on his book as the spoke, "And I will have you know that my rules apply to both students and teachers. If you are not in the library for an explicit reason, then I bid you to leave."

Ririko's frown remained. She leaned forward, very much aware of how the man could look down her shirt if he wanted. A false smile was followed by a flirty tone as she spoke, "And you're certain you can't make an exception for me?"

Vergil didn't even glance at her. He remained completely silent, the only sound being him turning a page in his book.

Ririko's frown returned as she stood up straight. She huffed before turning on her heel, "Well, fine then. Good day, Vergil."

She shook her head while skulking away from the man's desk. The nerve! While he may be good looking, that didn't give him any reason to be rude. All she wanted was to say hello to him. And he couldn't even muster the effort to give her the time of day! If this was how she was with her, then who knows how he would treat the students? She needed to find some time to speak to Mikogami. She had to let him know about-

The sound of someone groaning with effort interrupted her train of thought. She looked to her left and saw an interesting sight. A girl who she recognized as the first year, the witch Yukari Sendo, was standing on top of a step ladder. She was trying to reach a book on the topmost shelf of an aisle. She one of her tiny hands kept trying to tap away at the book's spine, while the other was keeping her hat on her head. Her face was twisted in concentration, tongue touching her upper lip as she got to her tip-toes...which was right when her weight made the step ladder start wobbling.

Yukari began to panic which only made the situation worse. Seeing she was going to fall, Ririko made to save the girl.

Then something...strange happened.

One moment, Ririko was heading towards the falling girl, Yukari moving in slow motion as the teacher ran towards her.

Then there was a flash of blue and the sound of air being cut.

And the next thing Ririko knew, Vergil had grabbed the girl under her arms and placed her on the floor.

"You must be more careful," he stated, voice much softer than when he spoke to Ririko. Yukari looked up at him, eyes wide with as much confusion as Ririko had. She hadn't even seen him move from his desk! How did he get there without her seeing him?

Vergil didn't seem to notice the girl's distress. Instead, he reached up and grabbed the book she was looking for. Then he handed it to her, "Are you planning to check this out?"

"Y-Y-Yes," Yukari answered, still not sure what had happened.

"Then come along. I will put you into the system. Be sure to return the book before two weeks have elasped," he said while walking back to his desk.

"I-I-I know!" Yukari started pouting while following after the Patron Librarian.

Ririko's mouth hung open. Even as she left the library, she couldn't help but feel like she gained more questions than answers from that.

However, she did learn a few things from that experience.

Vergil was a handsome man.

He was also a rather rude man.

But he seemed to actually cared for the students.

And, for now, that last point would have to do.

Alright. Might want to get ready. Canon's gonna get started next Chapter. And Dante and Vergil are gonna fuck with it.
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Chapter 5.1
The first class of this new year had barely begun, and Dante could already tell that something was up with this whole situation.

His first clue was when Gramps gave him the Teacher's Assistant position without even a how do you do. He didn't make a fuss about it. Tantrums had been something he left behind way back when he still in diapers. But he did start grilling the guy about why he gave him the position. If there was one thing he knew, it was himself. And one of the major things he knew about himself was that he had no experience with kids. Especially hormonal teenagers, that happen to be monsters of various types that he's killed before.

Gramps' response?

"It would be a good experience for him."

In Dante's experience, the only people who say that are those who have some kind of hidden agenda. And it just so happened that he and Vergil were apart of it. Made him glad that his older brother hadn't told Gramps the whole story behind how they got here. He just said that he used his sword to open that portal. If Gramps ain't gonna tell them everything, that they ain't gonna tell him everything.

But whatever. It's not that big a deal. He just had to hang out in a couple of classes, help the kids with some math or something, then it's off to get pizza and sundaes while Vergil figures out a way home. He would help his older brother out every now and then, obviously. While he wasn't as well versed in the whole "Dimensional Travel" stuff, he did know a thing or two about arriving in other worlds. other world. He's still wondering how that Fiend kid is doing now. Killing the God of your world isn't something you can just walk away from without some consequence biting ya in the ass.

Either way, everything he'd seen of the place so far hadn't rung any alarm bells. Other than the fact that he could smell monsters of all types all over the place. And when he said "all types" he meant it. Mermaids, cyclops, tanuki's, some of those weird umbrella monster things. He never really expanded the Devil May Cry outside of the Western Hemisphere, so a lot of the names of the monsters that exist here escaped him. He'd have to ask Vergil to give him a better run down when they got a moment.

Upside was they all seemed to be following one of the major rules of the place: Don't drop your human disguise. Wouldn't really be learning how to blend in with humans if you couldn't look the part. Though he did see a few kids that needed to be reminded of that rule. Which he took the liberty to do. It was his duty as one of the Faculty.

Though, that brought him to the second clue that leads him to believe Gramps has something cooking in the background. He remembers how the old Demon mentioned that no human could through that barrier without an invitation. And if his own experience didn't fail him, he would bet money that the only people who would have access to those things would be him and the Bus Driver.

So, he had a hunch that the two of them were responsible for the human currently pissing his pants in this classroom filled with monsters.

And if his hunch was right, then he was gonna have some words with the two of them later.

But right now, he had to make sure that the kid didn't get into too much trouble. Cause from where he was sitting? The boy wasn't supposed to be here in every sense of the word. Dante was sitting next to Kitty Cat's desk, leaning back in a fold out chair with the Faust Hat on his head. He had it deactivated with the tip tilted down to cover his eyes. He pretended to be asleep when in reality he had scoped out the entire classroom the moment it had started. Which was how he was able to see the black haired human kid pissing his pants right now. He wasn't even being subtle about it. His mouth was wide open while his eyes had turned to white dots. Dante was surprised that none of the other students seemed to notice his panicking. If they had, they'd probably have jumped the kid by now.

It only got worse as Nekonome reiterated the fact that this school was exclusively for monsters. How humans had taken over the planet and how the monsters had to learn how to live with humans to avoid conflict. She hadn't introduced Dante yet, at his request, of course. If this was gonna be his job for the foreseeable future, then he needed to be sure he made a good impression on the students. The best way to do that was to make his own entrance. He originally planned to do it after Kitty Cat made the typical spiel all first years high schoolers got. But, now that he knew that one of the students was just some schmuck who got caught up in the machination of a Demon Lord, he was inclined to move the time up just a little bit. He was at least willing to let Kitty Cat finish her introduction.

"Do you understand?" the cat girl in question said to the gathered students, "It's a matter of being able to disguise yourself well as a human! This is the foundation of coexistence. You are never to allow any of your fellow students know your 'true form'. Understand!?"

Dante smirked. Pretty simple rules. But if his earlier analysis of the students told him anything, it's that there were more than a few bad apples in this bunch. And one of them was about to say something in

"Hey, teacher," came an arrogant, gruff voice that carried a hint of growl in it, "Wouldn't it be better for us to eat up those puny humans? And in the case of beautiful girls, better to molest them?"

Right on cue. Dante had to choke back the urge to scoff. This kid wasn't even trying to be subtle about it was he? He'd have to get the kid's name from the roster. Keep an eye on him. Like a responsible Teacher's Assistant.

"Oh! Incidentally, here at Youkai Academy, the teachers and students are alll monsters. There are no genuine humans here!" Nekonome said, seemingly ignoring what the kid actually said. She raised the pointer stick in her hand up as she continued, "Since this Academy is within a secret sacred world! To those humans who come to know of our existence, we will bring them death or something."

Aaaaannnnndddd the human kid was panicking.

Alright. 'Bout time he got in on this.

"Woah, woah, there Kitty Cat. I think that's a bit much don't you?"

All eyes in the room immediately turned to Dante. Some of the students looked like they had only just noticed him. Including the single human kid. In fact, Dante could spot a hopeful glint enter his eyes. Hiding a grin beneath his hat, Dante leaned forward in his chair. The Faust Hat still kept his features hidden as he spoke, "If the students here are supposed to learn how to live with humans, then telling them to kill one just cause they happened to take a wrong turn isn't the way to do it."

"Uh," Nekonome looked at Dante nervously. Her eyes flicked between him and the students who were watching the two of them with confusion written on their features. Her ears drooping a bit, she replied, "Then what would you supposed we do, my Teaching Assistant?"

Dante's grin grew wider. He placed a hand on the brim of his hat, "Well, if you were to ask me? We should..."

He threw his hat into the air. At the same time he jumped from his seat, sending the chair skidding backwards. It hit the wall and, somehow, neatly folded itself back into its original form. He landed right in front of Nekonome, the cat woman letting out a loud, "Nya!~" as he hit the floor. The students closest to the front leaned back in their chairs in surprise. Dante stood up as his had fell onto his head and activated. A long, golden scarf materialized around him in a flash of crimson. All the students gasped at the display as their eyes focused entirely on Dante.

"...give them a winning smile," Dante flashed a grin that sparkled in the morning sun. The girls in the room suddenly swooned as he twirled in place. He stopped, holding his hand out to the door as another student walked in. This one was a girl with pink hair and flowed down to her thighs. The entire room seem to take notice of her, with that one human kid taking particular interest.

The new girl stumbled upon seeing Dante, but the Son of Sparda acted first. He stepped forward and took one of her flailing hands in his, pulling her towards him until she stood next to him.

"Offer them a friendly handshake and pat on the back," he proceeded to do exactly that to the pink haired girl. She coughed a bit as his hand hit her back, the cross hanging from her neck jingling as her body shook. He kept his grin on as he started walking her to the only empty seat in the room...which happened to be right in front of the human kid.

"Then, we lead them over to where they're supposed to be. In the case of a human, right out the door they came in from. But in the case of this lovely little lady," he gently placed her down in her seat, "we take her to the best seat in the house."

He made an exaggerated bow, then back flipped back to the front of the classroom.

"Hey there Little Chickens!" Dante pointed twin finger guns at the class, "Name's Dante! Party animal and a professional when it comes to all things related to humans. I'll be your Teacher's Assistant for the foreseeable future. If you need anything, don't be afraid to stop on by."

He kept his gaze on the entire class, who seemed to be in various stats of infatuation. The girls were all blushing, the guys were clapping, and even Nekonome had dropped her pointer in astonishment. The only ones that weren't enamored at his performance were the exact people he expected.

The pink haired chick. She was too busy hugging the human kid.

The asshole who had suggested molesting girls. He was alternating between staring at the pink haired girl, and glaring daggers at Dante.

And then there was the human kid.

Who was staring at Dante with his mouth open. But, though astonishment was in his eyes, it was drowned out by another emotion.


"Uh, M-M-M-Mr. Dante?"

Dante grinned as he sat up in his seat. He tilted the brim of his hat up to see the human boy standing in front of him.

"I-I-I-I c-c-could use your a-a-advice," he was shaking like a leaf and had his hands clasped in front of him. Sweat dripped from the top of his head, getting into his brown eyes and making him blink them reflexively.

Dante nodded, "Sure thing...Aono, right?"
Last edited:
Chapter 5: Dante Ropes Vergil Into Training Tsukune
The first class of this new year had barely begun, and Dante could already tell that something was up with this whole situation.

His first clue was when Gramps gave him the Teacher's Assistant position without even a how do you do. He didn't make a fuss about it. Tantrums had been something he left behind way back when he still in diapers. But he did start grilling the guy about why he gave him the position. If there was one thing he knew, it was himself. And one of the major things he knew about himself was that he had no experience with kids. Especially hormonal teenagers, that happen to be monsters of various types that he's killed before.

Gramps' response?

"It would be a good experience for him."

In Dante's experience, the only people who say that are those who have some kind of hidden agenda. And it just so happened that he and Vergil were apart of it. Made him glad that his older brother hadn't told Gramps the whole story behind how they got here. He just said that he used his sword to open that portal. If Gramps ain't gonna tell them everything, that they ain't gonna tell him everything.

But whatever. It's not that big a deal. He just had to hang out in a couple of classes, help the kids with some math or something, then it's off to get pizza and sundaes while Vergil figures out a way home. He would help his older brother out every now and then, obviously. While he wasn't as well versed in the whole "Dimensional Travel" stuff, he did know a thing or two about arriving in other worlds. other world. He's still wondering how that Fiend kid is doing now. Killing the God of your world isn't something you can just walk away from without some consequence biting ya in the ass.

Either way, everything he'd seen of the place so far hadn't rung any alarm bells. Other than the fact that he could smell monsters of all types all over the place. And when he said "all types" he meant it. Mermaids, cyclops, tanuki's, some of those weird umbrella monster things. He never really expanded the Devil May Cry outside of the Western Hemisphere, so a lot of the names of the monsters that exist here escaped him. He'd have to ask Vergil to give him a better run down when they got a moment.

Upside was they all seemed to be following one of the major rules of the place: Don't drop your human disguise. Wouldn't really be learning how to blend in with humans if you couldn't look the part. Though he did see a few kids that needed to be reminded of that rule. Which he took the liberty to do. It was his duty as one of the Faculty.

Though, that brought him to the second clue that leads him to believe Gramps has something cooking in the background. He remembers how the old Demon mentioned that no human could through that barrier without an invitation. And if his own experience didn't fail him, he would bet money that the only people who would have access to those things would be him and the Bus Driver.

So, he had a hunch that the two of them were responsible for the human currently pissing his pants in this classroom filled with monsters.

And if his hunch was right, then he was gonna have some words with the two of them later.

But right now, he had to make sure that the kid didn't get into too much trouble. Cause from where he was sitting? The boy wasn't supposed to be here in every sense of the word. Dante was sitting next to Kitty Cat's desk, leaning back in a fold out chair with the Faust Hat on his head. He had it deactivated with the tip tilted down to cover his eyes. He pretended to be asleep when in reality he had scoped out the entire classroom the moment it had started. Which was how he was able to see the black haired human kid pissing his pants right now. He wasn't even being subtle about it. His mouth was wide open while his eyes had turned to white dots. Dante was surprised that none of the other students seemed to notice his panicking. If they had, they'd probably have jumped the kid by now.

It only got worse as Nekonome reiterated the fact that this school was exclusively for monsters. How humans had taken over the planet and how the monsters had to learn how to live with humans to avoid conflict. She hadn't introduced Dante yet, at his request, of course. If this was gonna be his job for the foreseeable future, then he needed to be sure he made a good impression on the students. The best way to do that was to make his own entrance. He originally planned to do it after Kitty Cat made the typical spiel all first years high schoolers got. But, now that he knew that one of the students was just some schmuck who got caught up in the machination of a Demon Lord, he was inclined to move the time up just a little bit. He was at least willing to let Kitty Cat finish her introduction.

"Do you understand?" the cat girl in question said to the gathered students, "It's a matter of being able to disguise yourself well as a human! This is the foundation of coexistence. You are never to allow any of your fellow students know your 'true form'. Understand!?"

Dante smirked. Pretty simple rules. But if his earlier analysis of the students told him anything, it's that there were more than a few bad apples in this bunch. And one of them was about to say something in

"Hey, teacher," came an arrogant, gruff voice that carried a hint of growl in it, "Wouldn't it be better for us to eat up those puny humans? And in the case of beautiful girls, better to molest them?"

Right on cue. Dante had to choke back the urge to scoff. This kid wasn't even trying to be subtle about it was he? He'd have to get the kid's name from the roster. Keep an eye on him. Like a responsible Teacher's Assistant.

"Oh! Incidentally, here at Youkai Academy, the teachers and students are alll monsters. There are no genuine humans here!" Nekonome said, seemingly ignoring what the kid actually said. She raised the pointer stick in her hand up as she continued, "Since this Academy is within a secret sacred world! To those humans who come to know of our existence, we will bring them death or something."

Aaaaannnnndddd the human kid was panicking.

Alright. 'Bout time he got in on this.

"Woah, woah, there Kitty Cat. I think that's a bit much don't you?"

All eyes in the room immediately turned to Dante. Some of the students looked like they had only just noticed him. Including the single human kid. In fact, Dante could spot a hopeful glint enter his eyes. Hiding a grin beneath his hat, Dante leaned forward in his chair. The Faust Hat still kept his features hidden as he spoke, "If the students here are supposed to learn how to live with humans, then telling them to kill one just cause they happened to take a wrong turn isn't the way to do it."

"Uh," Nekonome looked at Dante nervously. Her eyes flicked between him and the students who were watching the two of them with confusion written on their features. Her ears drooping a bit, she replied, "Then what would you supposed we do, my Teaching Assistant?"

Dante's grin grew wider. He placed a hand on the brim of his hat, "Well, if you were to ask me? We should..."

He threw his hat into the air. At the same time he jumped from his seat, sending the chair skidding backwards. It hit the wall and, somehow, neatly folded itself back into its original form. He landed right in front of Nekonome, the cat woman letting out a loud, "Nya!~" as he hit the floor. The students closest to the front leaned back in their chairs in surprise. Dante stood up as his had fell onto his head and activated. A long, golden scarf materialized around him in a flash of crimson. All the students gasped at the display as their eyes focused entirely on Dante.

"...give them a winning smile," Dante flashed a grin that sparkled in the morning sun. The girls in the room suddenly swooned as he twirled in place. He stopped, holding his hand out to the door as another student walked in. This one was a girl with pink hair and flowed down to her thighs. The entire room seem to take notice of her, with that one human kid taking particular interest.

The new girl stumbled upon seeing Dante, but the Son of Sparda acted first. He stepped forward and took one of her flailing hands in his, pulling her towards him until she stood next to him.

"Offer them a friendly handshake and pat on the back," he proceeded to do exactly that to the pink haired girl. She coughed a bit as his hand hit her back, the cross hanging from her neck jingling as her body shook. He kept his grin on as he started walking her to the only empty seat in the room...which happened to be right in front of the human kid.

"Then, we lead them over to where they're supposed to be. In the case of a human, right out the door they came in from. But in the case of this lovely little lady," he gently placed her down in her seat, "we take her to the best seat in the house."

He made an exaggerated bow, then back flipped back to the front of the classroom.

"Hey there Little Chickens!" Dante pointed twin finger guns at the class, "Name's Dante! Party animal and a professional when it comes to all things related to humans. I'll be your Teacher's Assistant for the foreseeable future. If you need anything, don't be afraid to stop on by."

He kept his gaze on the entire class, who seemed to be in various stats of infatuation. The girls were all blushing, the guys were clapping, and even Nekonome had dropped her pointer in astonishment. The only ones that weren't enamored at his performance were the exact people he expected.

The pink haired chick. She was too busy hugging the human kid.

The asshole who had suggested molesting girls. He was alternating between staring at the pink haired girl, and glaring daggers at Dante.

And then there was the human kid.

Who was staring at Dante with his mouth open. But thought astonishment was in his eyes, it was drowned out by another emotion.


"Uh, M-M-M-Mr. Dante?"

Dante grinned as he sat up in his seat. He tilted the brim of his hat up to see the human boy standing in front of him.

"I-I-I-I c-c-could use your a-a-advice," he was shaking like a leaf and had his hands clasped in front of him. Sweat dripped from the top of his head, getting into his brown eyes and making him blink them reflexively.

Dante nodded, "Sure thing...Aono, right?"

"Uh, it's Tsukune Aono, actually," he manages without stuttering. Though he was still shaking like a leaf in a strong wind.

"Oh, right. You guys do that whole 'Last Name instead of First Name' thing," Dante shook his head with a sigh. He mumbled to himself, "Vergil's gonna talk my ear off about this stuff when I get back to him."

"What was that?"

"Nothin' you need to worry about, kid," Dante said as he pushed himself off the wall next to the door. The rest of the class had passed by normally. Monsters they maybe, but the students were still just that. High school kids. He didn't really have to do much save pass out the odd worksheet or take attendance. So, he just stayed leaning against the door until Kitty Cat needed him. When the class let out, he made sure to give each student a flashy goodbye. Guys returned his gesture, while girls giggled as they walked out. The only ones that were different were the three he expected.

First was the obvious troublemaker, Komiya Saizo. He made to walk directly in front of Dante, planning to pass off stepping on the Son of Sparda's foot as an "accident". So, Dante decided to give him a special goodbye. He grabbed him by his hand, patted him on the back, and told him to not cause too much trouble. Wouldn't want to get sent to the Principal's Office on the first day of school, did he? Whether the student got Dante's hidden threat or not, it did make him leave the class rather quickly.

Then there was the pair of Tsukune Aono and Moka Akashiya. And yeah, Dante meant pair. Anyone with eyes could see that there was some kind of spark between the two. Not in the "Destined Partners" sense. But more in the "It's clear these two know each other and have formed an attachment" sense. Course, for teenagers who probably haven't had a serious relationship in their lives, those two are probably the same thing. Dante could just see how the girl stayed by Tsukune's side. And, despite knowing she was probably a man eating monster, the human boy wasn't as nervous around her as he probably should've been.

Something that would probably complicate things.

"So, kid, whatcha doing hanging with me? Shouldn't you be going to that girl you're sweet on?" Dante jerked his head at the door. He could still hear the pink haired vampire (he was surprised for a moment when he figured that out) humming outside the door.

The human in front of him immediately started shaking his head, "N-N-N-No! What-What-What are you talking about?! We're not together or anything and-"

Dante raised a hand, "Alright, alright, calm down kid. I was just yanking your chain. What did you need?"

Tsukune took a moment to calm down again. Then he looked around, trying to see if there were any other students watching them. When he was certain no one was there, he leaned forward and whispered, " stuff...that stuff you said about h-h-humans. Did...did you really mean it?"

Dante raised an eyebrow, pretending to be confused, "!00%. Why you asking? Cause you're human?"

Tsukune backed up and started waving his hands through the air, "No! I'm not human! I'm totally a-"

"Yeah. You are human. I knew from the moment I saw ya," Dante tapped his nose, "Don't have the same smell as the rest of them, kid."

Tsukune's face went pale.

Dante put a finger to his lips, "Ah, ah. Don't you worry. My lips are sealed. Besides, I'm human too. Well, kind of."

"Wait...really?!" Tsukune suddenly grabbed one of Dante's hands. The young man's eyes were pleading, "Please help me! I don't know how this happened! My parents got this invitation, then I got on a bus, then Moka-san ran into me, then she sucked my blood and I-"

Dante put his free hand over the boy's mouth. He looked around to be sure that no one had heard them. When he was sure they weren't overhead, he took his hand off the boy's jaw. Then he shook his head, "How about you start from the beginning, kid?"

Tsukune, once he had calmed down, proceeded to do exactly that. He told Dante everything that had happened up to that point...minus the part about him touching Moka's inner thigh. Dante just took the whole story in stride while nodding along with the boy's words. When he finished talking, Dante nodded, "So, put simply, your parents got an invitation for you to go a high school...and just decided to send you there without even looking into it?"

"Ye-yeah. Essentially," Tsukune rubbed the back of his neck.

"Then if you know this, why aren't you leaving?"


"Kid, I understand the whole 'fish outta water scenario is appealing', but you're basically a fish sent into a ocean filled with sharks. If you don't get outta here soon, you're gonna end up hurt. And it'll be worse than some girl snacking on your neck," Dante tapped his own neck for emphasis.

"It-It's not like I haven't thought of it.'s just that-"

"Tsukune~," a cheery, extremely girly voice came from the door next to them. Moka poked her head into the room, her face the picture of innocence, "are you still talking with Dante-sensei?"

"Moka! Uh, well, I," Dante looked at the human boy...and sighed.

He muttered "Called it" under his breath. Then he waved a hand at the vampire, smiling as he said, "No need for the 'sensei' stuff, Fangs. Just call me Dante. Oh, and your friend here will be right with you in a moment."

"OK! Thanks, Dante-sensei!" she ducked out of the room as quick as she came.

Tsukune let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. Dante shook his head, "Really, kid? I mean, I know you're a teenager. But are you really sure your life is worth getting a girl? There are plenty of girls out there that don't have 'Is a man-eating monster' as a major factor in terms of dating them, right?"

"Dating?! and Moka-san-"

Aaaaannnnddd he's panicking again.

This is gonna be a bit of a pain.

He'll need some help for this.

Dante grinned then threw his arm around Tsukune's shoulder. He pulled the kid closer and said, "Don't you worry, Lover Boy. As your reliable Teacher's Assistant, I'll be sure to keep you safe and give you all the advice you never wanted."

"Uh, but...thanks, Dante-se...I-I mean, Dante. But...what are you going to do?"

"First, we're gonna go get someone else involved in this. Someone who's assistance will ensure my guidance sticks inside that malleable head of yours. Someone who, while not as good as me, is still a damn good teacher."

"And here's you book. Be sure to return it before the two week deadline."

"Yes, Vergil-san~" a disguised lamia said, a dreamy look in her eyes as she picked up the book Vergil had given her. Vergil ignored it and turned back to his own reading. He had three books on his desk.

One was a book on Magical Theory and Practice. The first thing he needed to learn was how the magic in this world worked. For that, he needed to study the basics. Thus the reason for reading through the entirety first volume of the three volume serious. What he had discovered had been enlightening. This world's magic was based off a type of energy called "Yokai Power". This power circulated throughout all monsters, allowing them to use it to perform impossible feats of strength. However, this power was different to the one Vergil and Dante called upon. And, in many ways, far weaker. Many of the Yokai's own magic came with severe caveats and drawbacks. Such as summoning causing the summoner harm in return for using their summoned creatures. These things would be useful to know for both getting them home, and to help them against any Yokai they may need to fight.

Another was a book detailing the history of the Academy itself. It was a sparse book, one that Vergil managed to finish reading in an afternoon. And one that he was certain had it's history modified to paint a different picture of the school. After all, it only detailed the fact that the Headmaster founded the Academy, then constructed the barrier keeping it hidden. A rather short description for a place such as this. The Headmaster's own collection of books would likely tell him more.

And lastly, the book he was currently reading was a poetry book.

He gave his over to his son.

Thus, he needed a replacement.

He leaned back in his chair, enjoying the silence of the Library around him.

Then that silence was broken by the door being pushed open.

"Hey, Vergil!"

Vergil's ears twitched. Of course, he would show up now.

Out the corner of his eye, Vergil saw his brother walking towards his desk. At his left was a young man, clearly human, who looked white as a sheet. His eyes kept darting between Dante, Vergil, and the other students in the Library. Sweat dripped down his body in rivers. Latched to the human's arm was a pink haired vampire girl. She didn't seem to really understand what was going on, if the innocent smile on her face was anything to go by.

Vergil could tell that the human was the primary reason Dante had appeared. Which meant that he was expecting something out of him.

With a groan Vergil closed his book and turned to face his brother, "What do you want, Dante?"

"Oh, come now, is that anyway to greet your little brother?" Dante held his arms out to his sides.

Ignoring his words, Vergil shot a glare at the human boy. He jumped back with an "Eep!" that made Vergil scowl. The vampire seemed to notice the boy's distress and started trying to calm him down.

Vergil turned back to Dante, "I have no interest in whatever it is you're doing here, brother. Please, leave my Library."

"Don't be so dismissive. All I was gonna do was ask if you could help me out with Lover Boy here," Dante jerked a thumb at the human in question. He leaned forward until he could whisper into Vergil's ear, "Kid's not gonna last a year here without some help. Figured I'd come ask you to lend a helping hand."

"Why would I ever wish to do that?" Vergil said in response.

"Cause you're one of the staff here, like me. And if we let one of our students get killed under our watch, which you're now apart of since you know he's human like I do, we'll probably get axed. Which means you lose access to all these books you like."

Dante waved his hand at the Library around them.

Vergil glared at him.

Dante met his stare with a cocky one of his own.

The two's staring contest went on for minutes on end.

Tsukune and Moka stopped to stare at the brothers, neither one willing to give an inch. Tsukune felt sweat drip down his brow, while Moka looked between the two with a confused expression on her face.

"....Fine," Vergil finally relented, "But know that I will make you regret this."

Dante patted Vergil on the shoulder, "Course you will, older brother. Now then, Lover Boy. Here."

Dante tossed something at Tsukune. Caught off guard, the boy fumbled his catch, but managed to grab what Dante had thrown at him out of the air. He pulled it close to his face...and then somehow went paler than ever.

"Uh....D-D-D-Dante? What is this?"

"That's one of my babies, Ivory. You're gonna learn how to defend yourself, Lover Boy. And the first thing we're gonna try, is teaching you how to use a gun."

"....WHAT?!" Moka and Tsukune shouted in unison.

"Be silent in the library!" Vergil hissed at the two of them.

They both clammed up.
Chapter 6: On The Rooftop
"I-I-I'm not sure about this, Dante," Tsukune said, his arms feeling weak and heavy. His body shook in the surprisingly warm light of the sun. He looked around the roof of Yokai Academy, sweat falling from his head like rain as his blank eyes turned back to Dante, "I-I-I-I don't think I can do this."

Dante, standing off to one side of Tsukune, shook his head, "Look, Lover Boy. If you're planning to stay at this school, you're gonna have to learn to defend yourself. The first thing we gotta try is the easiest way for a human like yourself to stand up to monsters."

"With a gun!?" Tsukune said, having difficulty holding Ivory in both hands. Partially because of how heavy the gun felt, and partially because he was scared out of his mind. When the high schooler had first learned that Dante wanted to help him, he was completely ecstatic. The fact that there was someone in this school he could turn to for help comforted him greatly. Especially when he learned that Dante was human like him. It meant he wasn't completely alone in this school for monsters.

That changed when Dante handed him a gun, led him up to the school roof, told Moka-chan to stay in the school, then told him to shoot his gun at Dante's brother Vergil the Patron Librarian!


Now, Tsukune thought Dante was insane.

And, judging by how Vergil didn't seem bothered at all by the fact that Dante, his own brother, told Tsukune to shoot a gun at him, he was certain that Vergil was just as insane.

As the high schooler stood on the roof, knees knocking together as he held Ivory in both hands, Vergil shook his head in frustration. He turned to his brother, "This isn't going to work, Dante. The child clearly doesn't have the stomach for this."

Dante dismissed his brother's concerns with a wave of his hand, "Don't count him out yet, Vergil. He hasn't even started aiming yet. Here, let me help ya out there."

Dante got to his feet and walked over to the trembling high school student. Tsukune didn't dare flinch lest the gun go off in his hand. Dante took up position next to Tsukune, gently grabbed his right arm, then helped him move it up. The entire time he was instructing the kid on how to properly hold a firearm.

"See, holding a gun like this one handed? That's not gonna work for you. What ya gotta do, is hold it in both hands. Have them covering the grip on both sides, while your finger's on the trigger. Stay away from the slides, and watch out for this here ejector. If your fingers or thumbs are anywhere near that, you'll lose 'em," Dante kept slightly adjusting Tsukune's stance. Only when the boy's shaking had calmed somewhat and he was properly gripping the weapon did Dante let go.

Dante made a rectangle with his fingers and thumbs, centering Tsukune in his vision. He nodded as he did so, "Alright, you're good kid. Now pull the trigger."

"What?! No!" Tsukune shook his head, his shaking coming back.

Dante rolled his eyes, "Lover Boy, listen. You want to stick around here, right?"


"Then you're alright with leaving Fangs alone without any friends?" Dante jerked a thumb towards the entrance to the roof.

Tsukune understood that he was talking about Moka. He audibly gulped as he answered, "M-M-Moka-chan is a-a-a vampire. I'm sure she'll make more friends here. In a school of monsters."

"Maybe, but she wants to be friends with you," Dante pointed at Tsukune. The boy's expression turned into one of confusion. Dante clicked his tongue, "Don't tell me you didn't notice it, Lover Boy? Even after I tossed ya one of the ladies, she didn't leave your side for a second. She likes you. And if you leave, she'll be pretty dang sad."

"And it is obvious you carry similar feelings, boy," Vergil said in support of Dante. It caught Tsukune off guard, to the point where the boy flinched at the sound of Vergil's voice. Vergil rolled his eyes, "If you wish to ensure your connection doesn't come to abrupt end, then you must gain enough power to defend yourself. Without it, you will die here."

Those words made Tsukune's face go pale.

Dante groaned, "Damn it, Vergil. You were supposed to be encouraging him, not scaring him even more."

"If the truth scares him, then he will not be able to continue at this school," was Vergil's harsh reply.

"Don't worry about my brother, Lover Boy. Just point at him and pull the trigger," Dante pointed a finger at Vergil then made a "bang" noise with his mouth.

Tsukune looked between the two brothers. Then his eyes centered onto Vergil. His breathing became rapid, he could feel sweat dripping down his palms, and his legs wouldn't stop shaking. He could hear his heart beating in his chest as time seemed to slow down. His shaking finger kept tapping on Ivory's trigger...

With a gasp he fell to the floor, dropping Ivory while both hands went to grasp his chest. The gun slid across the ground until it stopped in front of Dante. Tsukune kept shaking his head while mumbling, "I...I can't. I can't. I can't...I can't."

He slowly looked up, expecting to see Dante and Vergil looking at him with disappointment. His expectations were only half-right. Vergil was looking at him with disappointment, but Dante had a grin on his face.

He picked up Ivory and turned it over in his right hand. Then he pointed it at Vergil and pulled the trigger...only for the click of an empty magazine to sound across the roof.

Tsukune looked at Dante with shock on his face, " was empty?"

"Yep. You didn't seriously think I was gonna give a high school kid a loaded gun, did you?" Dante said while twirling his gun in his hand. He settled it into the usual grip style he used, nonchalantly looking the object over, "Though, that's only partially true. The other part? Hey, Vergil. Think fast!"

In the blink of an eye Dante pointed his gun at Vergil and pulled the trigger. This time a bullet flew from the barrel along side a spent casing hitting the tiles below.

Just as quickly, Vergil knocked the bullet away with a swipe of the Yamato.

Tsukune couldn't even keep up with what happened. All he knew was that he saw Dante pull the trigger, then Vergil moved and the sound of metal bouncing off something echoed through the air. He scrambled onto his backside, head whipping around as he tried to figure out exactly what happened. Dante's gun hadn't been empty? But...he didn't see him put anything in it. And it had clicked empty when he pulled the trigger before. And what did Vergil do? Did he...did he block the bullet?

Dante's shadow fell over Tsukune. He offered the boy his hand. Not knowing what else to do, Tsukune took it. Dante pulled him to his feet as Vergil walked over to join the two of them. Then Dante began to speak, "Alright, Lover Boy. The second part was a test. Trying to see if you had the stomach to actually shoot somebody. Truth be told, I'm kind of relieved you didn't do it. Any normal human who can just pull a trigger on some random guy cause someone else told them to ain't right in the head."

He tapped his temple for emphasis. Tsukune looked at Dante in confusion, "'re not mad?"

"Not at all."

"So, I didn't do anything wrong?"

"Nope. In fact, you did everything right."

"Then...why did you give me your gun? In fact, where is your gun?" Tsukune's eyes went wide as he started looking Dante up and down, searching for Ivory. Which was nowhere to be seen on Dante's person.

Dante patted Tsukune's shoulder, "Don't worry about it, kid. I'm sure she'll show up again at some point. As for why I did that? It's cause I'm trying to figure out what to do with you."

"What to do with me? Aren't you going to protect me?"

"Foolish child," Vergil responded with an unamused tone, "We are not your bodyguards nor your parents. As I stated before, the only one who can be responsible for your own safety is you. If you wish to live in this school, then you need to get enough power to do so."

Tsukune flinched away from Vergil, "What? Me!? But I can't...I...I'm just-"

"A normal human. Yeah, we know," Dante said with a shrug, "But there's plenty of ways that normal people can stand up to monsters. This place wouldn't exist if there weren't. The first, and easiest, is the tried and true method; A fuckton of firepower. There's a certain human woman I know who manages to be a damn good monster hunter. Possibly as good as me. All just by having a crap ton of weaponry and ammunition. So, that's what I was gonna do with you."

"Something that I already knew was doomed to fail. We are in Japan, Dante. This nation has stricter gun laws than the western nations. Even if this child had the will to pull the trigger, you would have no way to help him get the weapons he requires," Vergil explained with a shake of his head.

"Couldn't have told me that earlier, Vergil?"

"I had expected you to know it. But I suppose the hope that you would actually research the laws of the land we are in was in vain."

Tsukune was speechless. He kept looking between Dante and Vergil with both shock and fear in his eyes. These two were talking about guns and killing monsters like it was an average everyday occurrence for them. Who the heck were they? Were...were they really human?

Dante waved off Vergil's concerns. He turned back to Tsukune and raised up two fingers, "Well, with the 'give you a bunch of guns' plan shot down, that leaves me with two more ideas for how to keep you safe. The first is to teach you martial arts. And none of that fake 'self-defense' stuff. I mean the kind of stuff that lets you run up walls and punch people through them."

"Wait...that stuff's real?!" Tsukune was honestly surprised.

"Yes, though likely can't be done by humans of this world. Not naturally anyway," Vergil explained, "Based on my research, supernatural techniques are limited to those who can utilize Yokai Energy. Which are primarily monsters."

"Thankfully for you, Lover Boy, me and my brother here are experts at breaking the rules," Dante explains while placing his hands behind his head, "Course, the training is gonna be harsh and take a long ass time. We'll probably need to spend days and nights figuring out how to open you up to the real stuff."

Dante shadowboxed at the air for a bit. Tsukune remained silent, completely stunned by what was happening. He turned his attention to Vergil, the older brother looking at him with an neutral expression. Vergil shook his head, "While I usually wouldn't get involved in this, my brother has clearly taken an interest in your safety. For the sake of stopping him from bothering me about this again, I am willing to offer my own ways to help you gain power. But where my brother's training may focus on the physical, my training will be far more difficult."

"H-How?" Tsukune asked, though he dreaded the answer.

"If you wish to train with me, then your training will focus gaining magical might and spiritual fortitude. We shall induct you into the arcane, so that reality itself will bend to your will," Vergil held out a hand before curling it into a closed fist.

Dante rolled his eyes, getting out of his boxing stance, "Really, Vergil? You're just gonna scare the kid again if you talk like that. And, 'inducting you into the arcane'? What are ya? An old dude with a white beard in charge of a magic school?"

"It is more likely to work than your suggestion of martial arts training. And, for your information, the way that author depicts magic in her works is far different to mine. Do not compare what I can do to such writing," Vergil responded with a sense of pride in his voice.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Tsukune put up his hands, making both brother's go silent. He shook his head, expression one of exasperation and fear, "Martial Arts? Magic? Wh-why would I need to do any of that? I'm just a normal high schooler. Why can't I just go home and forget all of this?"

"Oh, you can," Dante said while crossing his arms, "Just say the word and I'll take you right to the exit myself."

"Well then let-"

"But, do you actually want to? And I mean that seriously, kid."

Tsukune went silent. He wanted to say yes. Every fiber of his being was telling him to take Dante up on his offer. To just pack his stuff up and leave the Academy behind. Go to a normal school. With normal kids. Where he doesn't have to worry about being eaten. Or having his blood sucked. Or having to learn martial arts or magic from two crazy people.


"I...I don't know," Tsukune said, turning away from Dante.

"That's the thing, Lover Boy. I would love nothing more than to take you outta here...but that's only if you want to leave," Dante said while stretching his arms into the air, "Wouldn't want to get to the exit, then have you turn around cause you suddenly had a change of heart."

"But...why do I have to make this decision? I'm just a first year high schooler!"

"One who is currently residing in a nest of vipers," Vergil responded while jerking his head towards the entrance to the school, "In such a circumstance, one must grow up quickly. Lest one lose their life."

"Hate to say I agree with my brother there, but he's right," Dante said with a shrug, "The decision is yours, kid. No one else's."



The two men and one high schooler were suddenly interrupted by a girlish scream. All three turned towards the entrance to the roof, seeing Moka pushing the door open. Her eyes were wide as she focused on the human student. Then she rushed over to him.

"Moka-san!" Tsukune exclaimed as the pink haired vampire ran behind him, "What's wrong?"

"Hey, come back! Don't you want to play with me?"

Tsukune felt a chill run down his spine. From the entrance he saw the student that said he wanted to kill humans in Ms. Nekonome's class come through. His dyed blonde hair was slicked back and his uniform's blazer was open to reveal his white undershirt. Tsukune remembered his name as Komiya Saizo and, judging by the glare the taller boy leveled at him, the delinquent remembered him too. Tsukune tried to step back, but felt Moka holding onto the back of his uniform. He was forced to remain in place as the taller student stalked towards him.

An evil smirk came over Saizo's face, "Oh, it's you. That asshole who's hogging Moka-chan to himself. What are you doing up here?"

"We-well-well I, uh, um," Tsukune stammered out as the other student got closer.

Saizo let out a mocking laugh, "What's wrong? Scared of little old me? If that's the case, how about you move aside? I need to talk with Moka-chan. Isn't that right, cutey?"

Moka only pressed herself closer to Tsukune. Seeing this, Saizo grimaced and started reaching out towards the boy. Tsukune felt his heart skip a beat as the student's large hand got closer.

That was when Dante appeared and grabbed Saizo by the wrist. All eyes turned to the Teacher's Assistant, who wagged his finger in Saizo's face, "Now, now, Blondey. You know what they say: Nobody likes a bully. And Fangs here clearly doesn't want to go with you. So, how bout you run on back to class?"

Saizo grunted, not moving his hand back but turning his other into a fist, "Don't try to lecture me, teach. Don't you know that the only rule in this place is might makes right?"

"Hmm, pretty sure Kitty Cat didn't say anything like that," Dante tapped a finger against his chin, "and even if she did, I don't think anyone should necessarily follow that philosophy. I'm more of a free love kind of guy myself."

Saizo gave a cocky smirk, "Oh yeah? Well then, let me be the first to intro-"

Five seconds.

That how much time passed between Saizo lifting his free arm to swing at Dante, and Dante laying him out on the floor.

First, Dante increased his grip on the student's wrist. That was one second.

Then, he grabbed the crook of Saizo's arm and stomped on the student's right foot. That was two seconds.

Lastly, he turned around and put the student's arm over his shoulder before pulling forward and throwing him to the ground in a practiced Judo Throw. That took the last two seconds.

When it was over, Moka, Tsukune, and Saizo could only stare at Dante in awe.

Dante, hand still on Saizo's wrist, helped the student get to his feet before guiding him towards the door to the roof. He patted the student on the back, cocky grin still on his face, "You should be more careful there, Blondey. They just polished this roof. Real easy to trip and fall if you don't pay attention. Good thing your responsible TA was here to help you out. Now, run along to your next class."

Saizo, pride injured at how easily he had been dispatched, pulled away from Dante with an angry huff. This time Dante let him go. He sent a glare at Dante, before turning it towards Tsukune. He spoke through gritted teeth,"This isn't over."

Then he walked through the door and down the stairs.

"That, right there," Dante said, pointing a thumb in the direction Saizo went, "That's why you need to learn how to defend yourself. But, me and Verg won't force you into it. Partially cause it's gotta be your decision, and partially cause it's almost time for class. We're gonna head off to do our jobs. You spend some time with Fangs and try to figure out what you're gonna do, Lover Boy. Come to one of us when you've finally figured it out. Come on, Vergil. Lets go before anyone starts missing us."

Dante waved for Vergil to follow. Rolling his eyes, Vergil nonetheless followed after Dante. The two brothers soon left the roof. Leaving Tsukune and Moka alone.

Tsukune was, once again, completely speechless.

He didn't know what to think. Everything had happened so fast. He got to this school, found out Yokai exist, ran into two crazy people who were (supposedly) also humans, and now had to choose between getting superpowers or leaving the school? What kind of choice was that? How did he life get so crazy so quickly? He found his mind swirling with so many thoughts that he started feeling dizzy.

That is...until Moka pulled him into a hug and pressed his head into her chest.

All other thoughts left his head.

Mainly because he started thinking about how he couldn't breathe.

"I was so scared!" Moka cried, holding the human tighter against her, "Thank you for protecting me, Tsukune-kun."

Tsukune mumbled something inaudible into Moka's chest. Realizing she couldn't hear him, she released her hold on him somewhat. After getting his breath back, Tsukune spoke with a blush on his cheeks, "What-what are you talking about? Dante was the one who stopped Saizo."

Moke nodded, "Yeah, but you were the one who didn't run away when he started acting scary. protected me just as much as Dante did. And for that....thank you."

Tsukune was about to argue...but Moka's innocent expression and cute smile made the words die in his throat. He could do little save stare at Moka in shock. That shock only grew as she started to draw her face closer to his. Her lips were pursed and her eyes started to close. Tsukune felt his heart beat fast as he thought she was going to kiss him.

...Then her mouth turned towards his neck.

She bared her fangs and bit down on his skin.

He cried out in pain, but no one could hear him.

"Why are you trying to help that boy, Dante?" Vergil asked his brother as the two of them walked through the halls of Yokai Academy, "If he gets himself killed, that is of no concern to you."

"That's where you're wrong, Vergil," Dante said while keeping his hands behind his back, "Lover Boy is in a pretty bad position right now. He's a human in a school full of monsters that will eat him if he gives them half a chance. Not because of anything he did, but because he's being used as a chess piece in someone else game. I couldn't in good conscious let him get himself killed knowing that."

Vergil turned to regard Dante with the slightest amount of surprise, "Then you have also realized that the Headmaster is plotting something?"

"Not hard to figure out, if you take into account everything he told us," Dante admitted with a shrug, "Don't know the details, but I hate it on the principal that an adult shouldn't be involving kids in their long reaching plans."

Vergil nodded, "I admit, I underestimated you, brother."

Dante didn't bother hiding his smug grin, "What? Did you think I wouldn't figure that out? Looks like I managed to get one over on you, dear brother of mine."

Vergil scoffed then adjusted the collar of his cloak, "Either way, I am not very concerned about how that boy connects back to the Headmaster's plans. Rather, I'm certain that the Demon has come to include us in those plan as well. And that is something I cannot abide."

"Then I'm guessing we're both planning to go give Gramps a call when classes let out for the day?" Vergil's silent nod was all the confirmation Dante needed. His smile only grew as he walked side by side with his brother.

Finally got it in.

Also, I have now finished the Manga.

So, the spoilers thing has been lifted. As I already have plans on how I'm gonna handle certain things in the future.
Chapter 7.1
"And you're sure that'll work, Dante?"

Dante smiled at the student as he wiped down Ms. Nekonome's desk. He nodded his head at the disguised "Kappa" standing across from him, "Sure it'll work. Just go up to her and tell her how you feel. Worst thing she can say is n-"

Dante stopped himself. He looked at the floor to hide the frown that appeared on his face. He had just remembered that he was giving this kid, a monster, advice on how to get a female monster to date him. There were, actually, plenty of things that she could do to him that were decidedly worse than just saying no.

When he got his smile back he met the kid's eyes and shook his head, "Scratch that. Just go on and live a little, kid. But remember that getting a date ain't worth losing blood over. Alright?"

The kappa nodded his head, green matted hair barely moving as he did so. A goofy smile split his face as he started heading towards the door, "Alright! I'm gonna go talk to Misuki-chan right now! Thanks, Dante-senpai!"

"Don't mention it," he shouted without watching the kid leave. When he heard the door close, he sighed with a shake of his head. He put the dust cloth into a drawer in Ms. Nekonome's desk before leaping over it. He landed on the other side, picking up a bag that had been left for him as he did so. He started to walk along the room, reaching into the bag every now and then to get a clean cloth out. Then he used it to dust off the students' desks as he passed by.

He had been with her for two more classes now and nothing really interesting had happened. He made sure to give both of the new groups of students a different greeting from the one with Lover Boy in it. Mainly to keep things interesting for him and the kids. Now he had some free time, but Kitty Cat asked him to clean up while she went off on her own. He didn't really mind that much. It gave him some time to himself. Let him consider a few things.

The first thing on his mind was what he was gonna do for lunch? Obviously he would drag Vergil along. The two hadn't had a family dinner together since...forever. So, he figured it would be a good idea to have one. Especially since, technically speaking, they didn't have to worry about demons destroying the world anytime soon. Though, he was worried that Vergil would get him to go somewhere really fancy. Rather than accept the simple pleasures of finding a pizza joint or a ice cream shop and enjoying each others company. a way that didn't involve them trying to kill each other.

As he walked down the rows of chairs, he spotted a crumbled up wad of paper on the floor. With a cheeky grin, he kicked the paper ball up onto his foot. He kicked it a few extra times to keep it in the air. Alternating between feet he eventually managed to get a rhythm going. Once he counted up to fifty kicks, he did one more that sent the wad into a trash can next to Kitty Cat's desk.

"It's good," he said to himself with a chuckle. Then he went back to cleaning the room.

The second thing on his mind concerned Lover Boy. Specifically, how he was gonna manage teaching the kid anything. With the "Give him a bunch of guns" plan scrapped, he had to actually put in some work to help him out. Which was easier said than done. Dante was good at a lot of things. But something he had never had to do was teach someone else how to do...anything really. Well, someone who wasn't already at his level or near it like Nero was. He had no frame of reference for how he was gonna actually show the human kid how to fight. Not to mention that most of his own skills were more instinctual than anything. He had trained to ensure that his fighting prowess was at the pinnacle, sure. But, usually, he just "got" things when it came to fighting. The best ways to use his Devil Arms came naturally to him.

That's not to say he's completely without a paddle when it came to training the human. At the end of the day, Martial Arts was, at its most basic, finding the best way to block and throw a punch or kick. Something anyone could learn with enough repetition. Granted for a normal person that repetition will usually take weeks or even months of study and practice. But it was possible. So, leading the kid through some basic moves to both take and throw a punch would work at the start. From there, though...he wasn't entirely sure.

He frowned while wiping down one of the desk. When the dust cloth seemed to be getting too dirty, he replaced it with a new one. Then he went back to cleaning.

Teaching the kid normal Martial Arts was easy. It was getting into the "real stuff" that would be difficult. Him and his brother had the luxury of their own demonic power sources to draw from for their abilities. And, unless Lover Boy was hiding something, he didn't have that. Or that "Yokai Power" stuff that Vergil was talking about. Meaning Dante would need to figure out some other way to get the kid into the Supernatural side of Martial Arts.

Loaning the kid a Devil Arm was a possibility. But that was-

Dante stopped what he was doing. He looked up from the desk he was wiping down and turned his attention towards the door to the classroom. The next moment a student, clearly a third-year if Dante remembered the uniforms each class got correctly, stepped into the room. He was taller than any of the students Dante had met so far. Actually came up to Dante's neck. Kid looked like he was almost old enough to drink. He wore a black version of the Academy's uniform, with dark brown hair that fell down the back of his neck. He wore glasses over his dark brown eyes, and stepped into the room with a air of curiosity about him.

His gaze met Dante's a second later. The student straightened up and bowed deeply in greeting, "Oh, so you are in here. Greetings. My name is Kaneshiro Hokuto, the Student Council President of Yokai Academy. Would I be correct in suggesting you are the new Teacher's Assistant that was recently hired?"

Dante put on his trademark grin. He put his dust cloth in the bag and leaned against one of the desk, "That would be me. Name's Dante. Just Dante. Don't really do all that honorifics stuff you kids like to do."

"So, you are a foreigner, then?" Kaneshiro asked while straightening himself.

"Yep. Born and raised in a little hole in the wall somewhere in the west. Can't hardly remember a thing about it though," Dante shrugged before heading over to the student. He stopped a respectable distance from Kaneshiro, "So, what's Mr. President doing here? Shouldn't you be off at one of your official meetings?"

Kaneshiro shook his head, "Oh, no. We're not going to be meeting this week. It's meant to give us sometime to get used to the new year. And say hello to the incoming first years."

Dante nodded, "Ah, alright then. But, sorry to say, you're a bit late to say hello to these first years. They've all gone off to do their own things."

Dante waved an arm at the empty classroom. Kaneshiro chuckled, "I can see that. But, no. I came here to greet you."

"Really now?" Dante raised an eyebrow.

Kaneshiro stood straighter and looked into Dante's eyes as he spoke, "As Student Council President, I am devoted to helping Yokai Academy reach its full potential. To ensure that the students here grow up safe and happy. So, that they may go out into the human world and become model citizens. In order to accomplish this, I must ensure I speak to all the Staff of the Academy. That way I am able to make the correct decisions to improve the lives of the students, while making things easier on the faculty members."

"Thus, why I came to speak with you. I wanted to let you know that, if there is anything you believe needs to be done in regards to improving the school, then you can come to me about it," Kaneshiro ended his speech with closed eyes and a warm smile.

Dante whistled, "Quite a speech there, Mr. President. But why give it to me? I just got hired and don't know much about this place. Still need to go on a full tour of it."

Dante walked over to Ms. Nekonome's desk. He leaned his back against it and stretched his arms towards the ceiling. He closed both his eyes but waved a hand to show he was still listening to the third year. Kaneshiro continued, "That's actually a boon in my eyes, Dante. Your inexperience with the school can offer new insight that someone who has been her for years couldn't give. Especially due to your origins. Such as, if you don't mind my asking, what is something that western schools do that would improve this Academy if we were to implement it?"

"Do you guys serve pizza in the lunch room?" Dante was quick to ask.

Kaneshiro blinked. Then he cleared his throat, "Um, I'm sorry. Could you repeat that?"

"Pizza. You know? Round, hot, covered in cheese, tomato sauce, and all kinds of toppings? You serve that here? I didn't get an definitive answer when I asked Gramps. So, I figured you'd be the next best person to bring it up to," Dante explained.


"Your Headmaster. The guy who hired me."

"Oh," Kaneshiro looked at the ground. He placed a hand on the back of his head as he thought about Dante's question. Then he answered, "I don't believe so. Do you think that would improve morale among the students if we did so?"

"100%," Dante's voice was filled with confidence, "There's not a single person on this planet that doesn't like a good pizza pie. Serve that at lunch? The students will be going crazy for it."

"I see. I will...see what I can do," Kaneshiro said before looking up at the clock in the classroom. He nodded his head, "I think it's about time I left. Thank you for giving me a moment of your time, Dante. I hope we can speak again later."

"Sure thing, Mr. President," Dante said while waving the kid off. Kaneshiro had just put his hand on the door when Dante called out to him, "Oh, but one more thing before you."

Kaneshiro stopped and turned to give Dante his full attention. His eyes were closed and his grin was back, "Did you need something from me, Dante?"

"Not exactly. Just wanted to give you some friendly advice. As thanks for listening to my proposal."

"Ah. Well, I'd welcome anything you have to tell me. I'm certain it'll help me improve the school. What did you wish to say?"

"If you try to hurt others because you're hurting, it doesn't make the pain go away."

Silence fell between the two.

Dante had opened one of his eyes and had it locked on Kaneshiro.

Kaneshiro still had his grin on his face.

After a few seconds of silence, the third year spoke, "Forgive me, Dante. But I'm not sure what you mean by that."

Dante shrugged, "Just giving you some pointers. I know a little something about wearing masks to hide your true feelings, kid. And let me tell you, yours is paper thin. I don't know what happened to ya to make ya like this. But making a bunch of other people's lives miserable because yours was won't make you feel better. Trust me."

Dante saw Kaneshiro's lips twitch. His mask cracked just a little bit. Then it came back as the Student Council President hummed, "I see. I'll be sure to keep that in mind. Thank you, Dante."

"No problem. Oh, and tell that friend of yours that he's not as sneaky as he thinks he is. I knew he entered the room before you, and saw him move into the shadows over there," he pointed a finger in the direction of a corner of the classroom. His eye locked onto it, then followed along as the invisible student in question left the room before Kaneshiro.

Kaneshiro pretended to not see anything. He just tilted his head in confusion, before excusing himself and leaving the room.

Dante let out an exasperated sigh, "Great. Another thing to add to the plate. Kid'll probably be going after Vergil next."

Dante chuckled, "Wish I could be there to see that."
Last edited:
The Brothers' Arsenal
To give information on Dante's Arsenal for this Fic....

First he has every weapon he had by the end of DMC 5. So:

- The Devil Sword Dante (replaces Rebellion and The Devil Sword Sparda)
- Cavaliere
- Balrog
- Faust Hat
- Ebony And Ivory (though he always has those)
- Coyote-A
- The Double Kalina-Anns (AKA Two Rocket Launchers)
- King Cerberus (The Version With Ice, Fire, and Lightning)

Next are the ones he's picked up over the series:

Melee Weapons:
- Nevan (Cause, obviously. She'll be making an appearance eventually)
- Gilgamesh (DMC 4 Gauntlets)
- Lucifier (He still uses its rose, and honestly, the weapon is just so Dante)

Ranged Weapons/Guns:
- Pandora (The Multiple Purposes Weapon From DMC 4)

- Devil Trigger
- Sin Devil Trigger
- Quicksilver
- Doppleganger

And that's about it for him. You could technically count Vergil's weapons too, but Vergil ain't gonna be lending those to Dante any time soon. Ifrit has basically been replaced by Balrog and he sold Agni and Rudra cause they wouldn't stop talking. Alongside Artemis and Spiral to pay the bills. I'm not counting any of his weapons from DMC 2, cause technically that was just a sword. Most of his explosive ranged weapons were sold as the Kalina-Anns are just better. Same with the submachine guns cause he can fire Ebony and Ivory fast enough to make them obsolete. I'm guessing Alastor was sold too.

As for Vergil...he has what he's always had in all his playable appearances:

- The Yamato
- Mirage Edge (Replacing Force Edge)
- Beowulf
- Doppleganger (he still has his normal Devil Trigger but he doesn't use it as much now. Because he's Vergil. Of course he would drop a previous form once he got a more powerful one)
- Sin Devil Trigger
Chapter 7: Kaneshiro And Kiria's Mistakes
"And you're sure that'll work, Dante?"

Dante smiled at the student as he wiped down Ms. Nekonome's desk. He nodded his head at the disguised "Kappa" standing across from him, "Sure it'll work. Just go up to her and tell her how you feel. Worst thing she can say is n-"

Dante stopped himself. He looked at the floor to hide the frown that appeared on his face. He had just remembered that he was giving this kid, a monster, advice on how to get a female monster to date him. There were, actually, plenty of things that she could do to him that were decidedly worse than just saying no.

When he got his smile back he met the kid's eyes and shook his head, "Scratch that. Just go on and live a little, kid. But remember that getting a date ain't worth losing blood over. Alright?"

The kappa nodded his head, green matted hair barely moving as he did so. A goofy smile split his face as he started heading towards the door, "Alright! I'm gonna go talk to Misuki-chan right now! Thanks, Dante-senpai!"

"Don't mention it," he shouted without watching the kid leave. When he heard the door close, he sighed with a shake of his head. He put the dust cloth into a drawer in Ms. Nekonome's desk before leaping over it. He landed on the other side, picking up a bag that had been left for him as he did so. He started to walk along the room, reaching into the bag every now and then to get a clean cloth out. Then he used it to dust off the students' desks as he passed by.

He had been with her for two more classes now and nothing really interesting had happened. He made sure to give both of the new groups of students a different greeting from the one with Lover Boy in it. Mainly to keep things interesting for him and the kids. Now he had some free time, but Kitty Cat asked him to clean up while she went off on her own. He didn't really mind that much. It gave him some time to himself. Let him consider a few things.

The first thing on his mind was what he was gonna do for lunch? Obviously he would drag Vergil along. The two hadn't had a family dinner together since...forever. So, he figured it would be a good idea to have one. Especially since, technically speaking, they didn't have to worry about demons destroying the world anytime soon. Though, he was worried that Vergil would get him to go somewhere really fancy. Rather than accept the simple pleasures of finding a pizza joint or a ice cream shop and enjoying each others company. a way that didn't involve them trying to kill each other.

As he walked down the rows of chairs, he spotted a crumbled up wad of paper on the floor. With a cheeky grin, he kicked the paper ball up onto his foot. He kicked it a few extra times to keep it in the air. Alternating between feet he eventually managed to get a rhythm going. Once he counted up to fifty kicks, he did one more that sent the wad into a trash can next to Kitty Cat's desk.

"It's good," he said to himself with a chuckle. Then he went back to cleaning the room.

The second thing on his mind concerned Lover Boy. Specifically, how he was gonna manage teaching the kid anything. With the "Give him a bunch of guns" plan scrapped, he had to actually put in some work to help him out. Which was easier said than done. Dante was good at a lot of things. But something he had never had to do was teach someone else how to do...anything really. Well, someone who wasn't already at his level or near it like Nero was. He had no frame of reference for how he was gonna actually show the human kid how to fight. Not to mention that most of his own skills were more instinctual than anything. He had trained to ensure that his fighting prowess was at the pinnacle, sure. But, usually, he just "got" things when it came to fighting. The best ways to use his Devil Arms came naturally to him.

That's not to say he's completely without a paddle when it came to training the human. At the end of the day, Martial Arts was, at its most basic, finding the best way to block and throw a punch or kick. Something anyone could learn with enough repetition. Granted for a normal person that repetition will usually take weeks or even months of study and practice. But it was possible. So, leading the kid through some basic moves to both take and throw a punch would work at the start. From there, though...he wasn't entirely sure.

He frowned while wiping down one of the desk. When the dust cloth seemed to be getting too dirty, he replaced it with a new one. Then he went back to cleaning.

Teaching the kid normal Martial Arts was easy. It was getting into the "real stuff" that would be difficult. Him and his brother had the luxury of their own demonic power sources to draw from for their abilities. And, unless Lover Boy was hiding something, he didn't have that. Or that "Yokai Power" stuff that Vergil was talking about. Meaning Dante would need to figure out some other way to get the kid into the Supernatural side of Martial Arts.

Loaning the kid a Devil Arm was a possibility. But that was-

Dante stopped what he was doing. He looked up from the desk he was wiping down and turned his attention towards the door to the classroom. The next moment a student, clearly a third-year if Dante remembered the uniforms each class got correctly, stepped into the room. He was taller than any of the students Dante had met so far. Actually came up to Dante's neck. Kid looked like he was almost old enough to drink. He wore a black version of the Academy's uniform, with dark brown hair that fell down the back of his neck. He wore glasses over his dark brown eyes, and stepped into the room with a air of curiosity about him.

His gaze met Dante's a second later. The student straightened up and bowed deeply in greeting, "Oh, so you are in here. Greetings. My name is Kaneshiro Hokuto, the Student Council President of Yokai Academy. Would I be correct in suggesting you are the new Teacher's Assistant that was recently hired?"

Dante put on his trademark grin. He put his dust cloth in the bag and leaned against one of the desk, "That would be me. Name's Dante. Just Dante. Don't really do all that honorifics stuff you kids like to do."

"So, you are a foreigner, then?" Kaneshiro asked while straightening himself.

"Yep. Born and raised in a little hole in the wall somewhere in the west. Can't hardly remember a thing about it though," Dante shrugged before heading over to the student. He stopped a respectable distance from Kaneshiro, "So, what's Mr. President doing here? Shouldn't you be off at one of your official meetings?"

Kaneshiro shook his head, "Oh, no. We're not going to be meeting this week. It's meant to give us sometime to get used to the new year. And say hello to the incoming first years."

Dante nodded, "Ah, alright then. But, sorry to say, you're a bit late to say hello to these first years. They've all gone off to do their own things."

Dante waved an arm at the empty classroom. Kaneshiro chuckled, "I can see that. But, no. I came here to greet you."

"Really now?" Dante raised an eyebrow.

Kaneshiro stood straighter and looked into Dante's eyes as he spoke, "As Student Council President, I am devoted to helping Yokai Academy reach its full potential. To ensure that the students here grow up safe and happy. So, that they may go out into the human world and become model citizens. In order to accomplish this, I must ensure I speak to all the Staff of the Academy. That way I am able to make the correct decisions to improve the lives of the students, while making things easier on the faculty members."

"Thus, why I came to speak with you. I wanted to let you know that, if there is anything you believe needs to be done in regards to improving the school, then you can come to me about it," Kaneshiro ended his speech with closed eyes and a warm smile.

Dante whistled, "Quite a speech there, Mr. President. But why give it to me? I just got hired and don't know much about this place. Still need to go on a full tour of it."

Dante walked over to Ms. Nekonome's desk. He leaned his back against it and stretched his arms towards the ceiling. He closed both his eyes but waved a hand to show he was still listening to the third year. Kaneshiro continued, "That's actually a boon in my eyes, Dante. Your inexperience with the school can offer new insight that someone who has been her for years couldn't give. Especially due to your origins. Such as, if you don't mind my asking, what is something that western schools do that would improve this Academy if we were to implement it?"

"Do you guys serve pizza in the lunch room?" Dante was quick to ask.

Kaneshiro blinked. Then he cleared his throat, "Um, I'm sorry. Could you repeat that?"

"Pizza. You know? Round, hot, covered in cheese, tomato sauce, and all kinds of toppings? You serve that here? I didn't get an definitive answer when I asked Gramps. So, I figured you'd be the next best person to bring it up to," Dante explained.


"Your Headmaster. The guy who hired me."

"Oh," Kaneshiro looked at the ground. He placed a hand on the back of his head as he thought about Dante's question. Then he answered, "I don't believe so. Do you think that would improve morale among the students if we did so?"

"100%," Dante's voice was filled with confidence, "There's not a single person on this planet that doesn't like a good pizza pie. Serve that at lunch? The students will be going crazy for it."

"I see. I will...see what I can do," Kaneshiro said before looking up at the clock in the classroom. He nodded his head, "I think it's about time I left. Thank you for giving me a moment of your time, Dante. I hope we can speak again later."

"Sure thing, Mr. President," Dante said while waving the kid off. Kaneshiro had just put his hand on the door when Dante called out to him, "Oh, but one more thing before you."

Kaneshiro stopped and turned to give Dante his full attention. His eyes were closed and his grin was back, "Did you need something from me, Dante?"

"Not exactly. Just wanted to give you some friendly advice. As thanks for listening to my proposal."

"Ah. Well, I'd welcome anything you have to tell me. I'm certain it'll help me improve the school. What did you wish to say?"

"If you try to hurt others because you're hurting, it doesn't make the pain go away."

Silence fell between the two.

Dante had opened one of his eyes and had it locked on Kaneshiro.

Kaneshiro still had his grin on his face.

After a few seconds of silence, the third year spoke, "Forgive me, Dante. But I'm not sure what you mean by that."

Dante shrugged, "Just giving you some pointers. I know a little something about wearing masks to hide your true feelings, kid. And let me tell you, yours is paper thin. I don't know what happened to ya to make ya like this. But making a bunch of other people's lives miserable because yours was won't make you feel better. Trust me."

Dante saw Kaneshiro's lips twitch. His mask cracked just a little bit. Then it came back as the Student Council President hummed, "I see. I'll be sure to keep that in mind. Thank you, Dante."

"No problem. Oh, and tell that friend of yours that he's not as sneaky as he thinks he is. I knew he entered the room before you, and saw him move into the shadows over there," he pointed a finger in the direction of a corner of the classroom. His eye locked onto it, then followed along as the invisible student in question left the room before Kaneshiro.

Kaneshiro pretended to not see anything. He just tilted his head in confusion, before excusing himself and leaving the room.

Dante let out an exasperated sigh, "Great. Another thing to add to the plate. Kid'll probably be going after Vergil next."

Dante chuckled, "Wish I could be there to see that."

Vergil was feeling slightly annoyed.

When his own break had come around, he had chosen to pay the Headmaster a visit. He was looking to make good on the demon's promise, and obtain a book from his own personal stash. The demon had acquiesced to that. But when Vergil specified the book he was after, it seemed to get defensive.

The book Vergil had asked for?

A book detailing sealing magic.

While what happened to the human boy didn't concern him, he had taken notice of the rosary on the vampire's chest. Specifically, because it was the same type that the demon had around his whole body. Knowing only fools would believe that a coincidence, Vergil took it upon himself to discover the connection between the two. Partially because the nature of sealing away certain parts of yourself for personal reasons was something he was familiar with. But primarily because he was certain that it had something to do with whatever plan the demon had for the school. And by extension, Dante and him.

Mikogami did end up giving Vergil the book he asked for...after trying to suggest other "more interesting" books. But even then, Vergil could tell that this was meant to limit his research. The book was tilted "A Dissertation On Sealing Magic". Which was less a book filled with explanations about what sealing magic was, and more a book filled with theories and guesswork as to what sealing magic could do. It was clearly meant for someone who had expert knowledge in regards to such magic.

Something that the demon clearly thought he wasn't.

He was, of course, mistaken. But Vergil saw no reason to let him know that.

However, the demon's attempts to stonewall his studies weren't what annoyed Vergil. He was already a fourth of the way through the book, though he wasn't any closer to figuring out what the connection between Mikogami and the vampire were. But, he knew he'd figure it out sooner or later. He had already begun drawing parallels between the two rosaries. If his hypothesis was correct, then Mikogami either created or some how got a hold of both is own rosary and the one Moka wore. It was just a working theory at this point though.

No. The reason he was annoyed was because of the various people who were currently interrupting his reading.

"Go on! Talk to him," said one of the five females currently tailing his every step. They thought he hadn't noticed them, but he knew they'd been following him since he left his Library. From what he could sense at least two of them were beast type Yokai, while the others were simple magic users. Likely witches like that one girl he helped get her book. They had been trying to get one of their own to come speak with him for sometime now. Though she had yet to come forward.

While he doubted any of them could cause him harm, he kept his guard up the entire time they were following him. Unlike his brother, he did not wish to take chances of being attacked from behind. Thus, while he appeared to only be paying attention to his book, he was keeping an eye on the five of them. In a sense.

Though they weren't nearly as annoying as the male who had decided to walk alongside him.

"Dude, come on. You see that, right?" the werewolf on his right stated while pointing behind Vergil. His ink black hair flowed around his light green eyes as he looked between the girls and the Son Of Sparda. He spoke in a questioning tone, "You've got some serious lookers following your every move. Aren't you gonna, I don't know, turn around and say hi?"

Vergil remained silent. He turned the page in his book while rounding a corner. The werewolf refused to leave him alone, however. He moved to stand in front of Vergil, walking backwards while trying to see over his book, "Cause if I were you, I'd be taking all five of them out for lunch. You know? Have a little fun with some hot girls and-"

"Then why do you not go speak to them?" Vergil cut the man off while keeping his eyes on the book, "I have no wish to fraternize with students. If it bothers you that much, then go have your own 'fun' with them."

Vergil pushed passed the werewolf, leaving him with a stunned expression on his face. He was barely aware of the man turning around and yelling, "Fine. Be a dick. See if I care!"

Vergil simply rolled his eyes. He hoped the werewolf would take his words to heart. If only because it would get the women off his back. Then he could proceed to read his book in pea-

Vergil tossed his book into the air and unsheathe the Yamato. He struck out at the wall to his right. He immediately felt resistance, but his weapon's blade cleaved through it without issue. He pulled it to a stop when his target dropped his invisibility. It revealed a silver haired boy in the uniform that the Academy's third years wore. He had a red vertically slit left pupil eye and a green horizontally slit pupil right eye. Both of which stared at Vergil with a mixture of excitement and fear. Looking to his left, Vergil saw that what he had sliced through was the boy's hand. He apparently attempted to block the strike with his bare, not bare hand.

"A shape-shifter of sorts?" Vergil posited as he looked down at the boy's bubbling flesh. It seemed to be trying to repair itself. But, judging by how the boy's eyes widened when he beheld his still missing hand, it was taking longer than usual. Vergil kept his blade where it was while turning his head to his right. There he saw another third year, but this was similar to the human boy.

No...wait...only a part of him was human. The rest was similar to the one with the Yamato to his neck.

The part-human's eyes had widened behind his glasses. He looked between Vergil and the shape-shifter, clearly distraught at the turn of events.

"Y-You know," the shape-shifter began, "Staff aren't supposed to hurt students."

Vergil cut his eyes at the boy, "And you believe I care about such things?"

The shape-shifter's nervous smile widened, "Well'll admit. I'm not sure whether I should be scared out of my mind, or really really excited right now."

Vergil scoffed before pulling his blade away. He let the boy dropped to the floor, one hand on his missing stump. Then he sheathed Yamato, reached his hand up, and grabbed his book before it hit the floor. He opened it up to the last page he was at, before walking away from the shape-shifter. He spoke as he moved, "Consider this a warning to both of you. I am unsure of what plans the two of you have, but I wish no part in them. Do not approach me again. Unless you wish to die."

He walked passed the other third year with nary another word.

Hakuto Kaneshiro could only stand there, eyes wide, and his cold heart beating like crazy. He rushed to Kiria's side, holding his comrade's severed hand to its stump. However, while the flesh of the stump reconnected with the hand, it still took more than a minute to finish healing. Kaneshiro's eyes widened further as he began to realize exactly who he was dealing with.

"Kiria," he tried to keep his voice professional and calm, "What do you think of those two?"

Kiria, despite being injured and breathing heavily, still had the perpetual smile on his face. He looked over at his comrade with a full toothed grin, "Being honest? They are so interesting. Maybe a bit too interesting. Even for me."

"So you're saying that-"

"Alone? One of them could completely ruin our plans. Together? We stand no chance."

Just a bit more set up. Next Chapter we'll have some more of the brothers together, then they meet a certain white haired vampire.