Devils on the Throne

After this we are caught up, and everyone gets an update after I take a couple hour break to recharge. Appreciate you all playing, looks like the story is shaping up into something
Boosting all Ghost Face's rolls by +1, retaining both Battle Boosts.

Is the Eye of the Moon... relic? I'll go with Relic... I'm going to assume that there's three types of 'relic'. The ones that are global upgrades, the ones that upgrade a single hero as the hero has to be using it however it can be swapped between heroes, or at least, recovered if a hero dies, and then the relics thatpermanently boost a single hero and are lost if that hero does.

Is the Eye of the Moon one of the ones that boosts a hero who has it equipped, but can be recovered if they die? Or one of the ones lost if the hero dies?

Edit: That's rolls of 11/5/3.
Pyro Hawk threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Rolling... Total: 16
10 10 4 4 2 2
Boosting all Ghost Face's rolls by +1, retaining both Battle Boosts.

Is the Eye of the Moon... relic? I'll go with Relic... I'm going to assume that there's three types of 'relic'. The ones that are global upgrades, the ones that upgrade a single hero as the hero has to be using it however it can be swapped between heroes, or at least, recovered if a hero dies, and then the relics thatpermanently boost a single hero and are lost if that hero does.

Is the Eye of the Moon one of the ones that boosts a hero who has it equipped, but can be recovered if they die? Or one of the ones lost if the hero dies?

Edit: That's rolls of 11/5/3.

Holy shit thanks for calculating the modifiers for me, that's a huge help. And yes if Ghost Face dies you can swipe it and hang onto it for the next hero you're given
Huh... Anyone know why my previous post doesn't have a 'last edited: ___ ago' tag on it? Is it because I immediately edited in the scores after rolling, and it was fast enough that the site's code basically said 'Well, we'll just ignore that you edited the message immediately after posting, and say that you had that in the message when you first posted'.?

Edit: And yeah, going forward, I'm probably going to start having a 'log' in a spoiler below my vote/message in each 'combat/vote' message. I figure if it's something easy enough to copy/paste and edit it from post to post, then there's no problem doing it.

Same with calculating my results.
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Sorry for the double-post, but just needed to mention two things. First of all... What the HELL? No seriously, what the hell is up with Bioticgrunt and my rolls this time? They're identical!

Second of all, most likely going to go to sleep for the 'night' (Thanks to disrupted sleep patterns it actually isn't the night right now... :p) so I'll be delayed picking my next action until I wake up if I fall asleep before lop finsihs the current combat for me and biotic.
Sorry for the double-post, but just needed to mention two things. First of all... What the HELL? No seriously, what the hell is up with Bioticgrunt and my rolls this time? They're identical!

Second of all, most likely going to go to sleep for the 'night' (Thanks to disrupted sleep patterns it actually isn't the night right now... :p) so I'll be delayed picking my next action until I wake up if I fall asleep before lop finsihs the current combat for me and biotic.

Thanks for joining, most of the crew here are on wacky time zones, so we post when we can, so totally understand

I hope I don't lose both my Hero and soldiers in the same day

Sati's pretty buffed, at this initial stage it's next to impossible to lose a hero, they can carry the team pretty far into the first seven turns
right the green castle, gonna hope I get some good stuff there...

also going to have to get my own base of operations considering everyone is far ahead of me. (well besides the newcomer WELCOME!)

also how many Yeomen do I have?
thanks, this is to interesting to not read, looking forward for my own turn...hopefully I don't get ganged up on.
*Nopes the heck out of here*

NOPENOPENOPENOPE!!! I know what happened with Morganna, DO NOT WANT A REPEAT! *continues to nope on to the green citadel*
*Nopes the heck out of here*

NOPENOPENOPENOPE!!! I know what happened with Morganna, DO NOT WANT A REPEAT! *continues to nope on to the green citadel*

*Looks away shiftily*

I don't know what you're talking about, no sirree.

*Walks away and then laughs maniacally* :p

Okay, Lop, now I really want to get some troops called Kingkillers, and every time I'm asked about the name, I just wave it off. :D
If it's okay, I'd like to start with Morganna.

Greetings friend, unfortunately, my history of QMing narrative multi-civs like this one shows I burn out if there are more than 8 players. But this one has been going along fairly smoothly, and there's a chance once I catch everyone up this will be a lot easier (@Pyro Hawk , @bioticgrunt I messed up I think, we're slightly ahead of everyone, having already rolled for your battles, so everyone will get an update and then you'll be swept in)

So if when everyone's caught up this clicks into place, I'd be willing to open it up to third players on each team. But let me test it out once everyone's clipping along on the same turns
Greetings friend, unfortunately, my history of QMing narrative multi-civs like this one shows I burn out if there are more than 8 players. But this one has been going along fairly smoothly, and there's a chance once I catch everyone up this will be a lot easier (@Pyro Hawk , @bioticgrunt I messed up I think, we're slightly ahead of everyone, having already rolled for your battles, so everyone will get an update and then you'll be swept in)

So if when everyone's caught up this clicks into place, I'd be willing to open it up to third players on each team. But let me test it out once everyone's clipping along on the same turns

Yeah, sure that's fine.

The premise is really interesting, and hey, as long as I get those Kingkiller troops in the end, everything's alright. :p

EDIT: Now, if you'll excuse me, I still have 2 weeks before summer, and I'm just gonna go collapse on my bed now.
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Turn 4
[X] Build Temple of Operations (10SA) (Must go back to fields of Arteries, Troy not yet conquered)

It is time. You drift away from the city of Troy, your sphere sweeping up the Hoplites in your wake. You trail across the earthy patchwork of civilization, until you reach the fields of Arteries.

You extend your hand, feeling the Soul Auras ripples within you. You form the image of a temple in your mind. Ares does the rest.

The Soul Auras explode out of you, streaking into the sky and joining together. They twist and turn, forming columns that plant themselves in the ground. Other auras bind together, forming walls that grow up to meet the columns. Finally a roof is formed, as if a flower was closing its petals.

The Hoplites watch, having been deposited by the sphere. You can feel their wonder, but that is the way of things in this world. You have certain powers, aided by your God.

A temple of Operations has been constructed. You now have a base of operations, with which to draw warriors and followers to your Pantheon's cause.

<I realize now a build action forces you to wait for everyone to finish combat rolls, so for now...>

Roll 1d100 for special build bonus. Bonuses come doubles, 99 and 100.

Yeah, that's the plan. We can then(if its allowed) gang up on the last location: the Tower of Titans. Pisces will be ours after that. Voting

[X] Send the Centigars to the City of Troy (Pisces)

You hear your sphere scoop up the Centigars behind you. You shoot across the fields, passing the Greater Spirit in the service of Ares. Your spheres sing to each other as they pass, then both of you rocket onward.

You rear up in front of the City of Troy, which reaches out in either direction to encompass the horizon. You wait for your spear to unleash the centigars, then move forward with them in tow.

Strange movement arises out of the outskirts of Troy. Shapes slide across the ground, congregating together and then moving on in a large mass.

Your Centigars are about to engage in combat. Roll combat dice, indicating where modifiers are being place.

That pairs you with me. Welcome aboard! We are a bit behind, but should catch up with the rest soon. :)

@Lop, is my Black Sphere from the quest a one-time use item? Or can it be used in every battle?

[x] Send the Prince to the City of the Jaguar King (Incata)

How do heroes upgrade? What does it affect?

You wonder at this planet's signs of civilization as you race across the landscape. Your sphere bobs behind you, easily keeping up. The traces of buildings and settlement shows that there were once many great cities here, in a past time. You had not left Technecan before this, so you cannot say.

A city rears up before you, a stark contrast to the ruins you'd been sailing over. The city is a singular column, but one the size of a mountain. It rises up to the heavens, skyscrapers and other buildings clustered in shelves and alcoves along the column.

The prince is unleashed, and he straightens up to gaze as well.

"It is, magnificent," He says, taking it in.

You agree. In the distance, strange calls are heard, almost like a monkey. The cries grow louder, and shapes begin to slink around a distant set of hills.

The Prince is about to engage in combat. Please roll combat dice, indicating where your modifiers go.

[X] Build Temple of Operations (10 SA)

The Wandering Wastes spread out before you. They are a twisted and barren land, and have caused you much pain. There is something lurking out there. Something you cannot quite explain.

You extend your hand, intent on subjecting this planet to you Lord Shiva's will. The Soul Auras pour out from you, knitting together into a large, spiral temple. Statues sprout froth from its base, linking their arms together and form intricate patterns with their bodies.

The Pale Ones, as well as Nahna, watch. You're not sure about Nahna, but the Pale Ones certainly gaze upon you in awe.

"What will this do for us?" Nahna says, watching as the final piece blooms atop the temple.

You indicate it is the beginnings of Lord Shiva's war machine. More soldiers will follow.

"Well," Nahna says, smiling. "Alright then,"

A Temple of Operations has been Built.

<Again, I'll figure out something for builders to do>

Roll 1d100 for Special Build Bonus. Bonuses come from doubles, 99 and 100.

[X] Send Feya to the Green Castle (Quest)
[X] Send Lancelot to the Green Castle

Two Sphere race along with their respective Masters. They come from different directions, but both Spheres sense each others' presence, and begin to sing to one another.

Both of you Greater Spirits hear them singing, and know the other is close. When you both sail through the air and come to a stop before a massive Green Castle, you give each other a nod of greeting.

The Sphere's deposit Feya and Lancelot, who instantly notice each other.

"What's this?" Lancelot says, taking off his helm to squint at Feya.

"You are the one known as Lancelot," Feya says. "I am Feya, apprentice to Merlin,"

"Then it is an honor to meet one who serves a master so skilled. What brings you here?"

"The spirit that guides me in service of Merlin brought me here,"

"Ah yes, I see you have a spirit as well. Strange things are they not? Not much for talking, their plans a mystery,"

"Hm," Feya responds, almost bored.

"Well then," Lancelot says, swinging his sword on his shoulder. "Would you care to dance the dance of battle with me in yonder castle?"

"It is what my Master's ally wishes for me, so yes,"

"Excellent," Lancelot says, grinning. "Let us paint the walls red with the enemies of our masters,"

Feya and Lancelot are about to engage in combat. Roll combat dice, indicating where you're placing your modifiers
It begins.

The whole universe will burn by our hands.

Throw this one a bone plz ;(
Chronobreak threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Great Work Total: 90
90 90

rolling: the debuff for the last enemy die
(remember that Lancelot has Sword of Galatine +2 to last roll)
a -1 to the third die...

Holy shit the first two rolls..dammit...I lost didn't I?

all well heres the rolls together:
3, 2, 10
RandomDwarf threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Debuff 3rd die Total: 1
1 1
RandomDwarf threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: LanceLot Combat Total: 13
3 3 2 2 8 8
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rolling: the debuff for the last enemy die
(remember that Lancelot has Sword of Galatine +2 to last roll)
a -1 to the third die...

Holy shit the first two rolls..dammit...I lost didn't I?

all well heres the rolls together:
3, 2, 10

3rd being a 10 is actually a bonus, you'd be surprised what Heroes can pull off
Also, I'm pretty sure a handful of our players have time-zone'd out, so look for an update tomorrow morning after everyone's answered (I'm guessing 10ish Chicago Time)
well done Ultra, well seems Lancelot was a bit to busy seeing a new ally hero...we should work together more often! :)
Rolling for the Prince. Have 2 combat spheres, one standard, one from the turn before. Can roll modifiers after the rolls due to my artefact.

Edit: Using one sphere to modify third roll.

You have acquired the Black Sphere. You may use it in battle to either roll your modifier after the combat roll, or to reroll a combat roll.
(is that how the artefact works? It lets me more freedom in using the regular spheres, but I will need to burn those. It doesn't grant rerolls by itself.

Or does it only let me modify/reroll 1 roll by using it, but does not affect the regular spheres

Essentially, which is correct?
- With two regular spheres and one Black I can use two regular ones to modify the rolls after I throw the dice
- With two regular and one Black I can use the Black one after my roll, but I still need to declare where the regular ones go before I make the rolls)

Edit2: total rolls: 1/8/9, two regular spheres saved
Nevill threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: 3d10 combat rolls Total: 10
1 1 8 8 1 1
Nevill threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: modifier for 3rd roll Total: 8
8 8
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