DeviantArt on Ice! [Sonic Boom SI]

You know what, Vanilla is an awesome character. You might have cured my bias against OCs with her.
That's because most OC either, make the story about them and only about them (even in situations when they shouldn't be the focus) or barely affect the canon.

Vanilla is a very nice middle point, sometimes things are about her, sometimes she's on the sideline, sometimes she destroy the canon and sometimes it stays the same because she couldn't have done anything to change it, this is a OC done right, she really feels like she's part of the world and not just a visitor.
is it just me or is it funny that Knuckles was doing things right (or at least more right then sonic)? sure it was a bit amateurish but his methods might have actually worked had they been at it as long as the real boxers.
is it just me or is it funny that Knuckles was doing things right (or at least more right then sonic)? sure it was a bit amateurish but his methods might have actually worked had they been at it as long as the real boxers.
It is repeatedly shown in the show that Sonic believes everything works just like it does in movies, like when he expects a stake-out to not last very long in the Vector episode.

So Him cribbing his training methods off of anime and Rocky is par for the course really.
Cave Story

Here's a new one. Also if anybody hasn't seen and cares, I started a new Star Wars SI fic, Unintended Consequences. I'm trying to update this fic and that fic bi-weekly, and alternating them. Hopefully I can keep it up.


Amy was with Sticks, huddled behind a bush. Both of them awaited their prey, Sticks, really getting into it by covering herself up in paint to camouflage herself. They'd laid a trap, a cupcake taken from her house and saved, put on top of a mat of leaves over a pit. So long as one of the two showed up, and they would eventually, they'd have them.

"Look a cupcake!" said a voice, moving forward from behind the trees and looking around first.

"Oh no, that's the wrong team," Amy whispered to herself. It was Vanilla. It was supposed to be the Sonic and Knuckles team that found the trap!

"They must have gotten through the nets," whispered Sticks, still looking through binoculars. "No sign of team Pincushion yet. We might still catch team Lovebirds though."

"They can fly," said Amy urgently. Tails had come out and was looking around too, waving some handmade dart gun around. Vanilla had hers strapped to her shorts. Of course the darts only had suction cups on them. This was a game after all.

"I've got an extra net in my pack," said Sticks, setting the binoculars down before rummaging through said pack. "There'll be a moment before they fly out where we can run and throw the net over them."

Amy grabbed the side of the net that Sticks gave her. There wouldn't be much room for error here.

"No sign of enemy hostiles," said Tails, walking slowly towards Vanilla, who was edging closer to the cupcake.

"But they're here somewhere," said Vanilla. "Be ready, they could jump out at any time. It's probably eam Overbearing."

Amy silently growled to herself. She wanted her team to be team Rose, but everyone else decided Overbearing was close enough.

Slowly, tentatively, Vanilla walked over to the cupcake, taking to the air before she reached the pit trap.

"Now what?" whispered Amy. But before Sticks could respond or Vanilla could get the cupcake, a blue blur streaked across the clearing from the side and stopped on the pit. Sonic stood in front of Vanilla, holding the cupcake.

"Looks like somebody was too slow," he said, taking a bite. And then he fell.

"Woah!" said Sonic as he fell, and Vanilla landed in front of the pit, her back turned to where Sticks and Amy were hiding. Tails then made his way to her side.

"I was slow for a reason!" she yelled into the pit.

"Wait for me Sonic!" called out another voice. Knuckles ran out from the side where Sonic entered, leaping into the pit by himself. Amy was at a loss for words. She looked at Sticks, who looked back with a confused expression.

Shaking her head, Sticks whispered, "hurry, while they're stunned by Knuckles's stupidity and their backs are turned!"

Immediately understanding what she meant, Amy stood up with Sticks and they ran forward from behind the bush, the net held out ready to capture the two foxes.

But they turned around. In surprise, they fired their dart guns right as Amy and Sticks threw the net on them.

Amy felt the cold grip of a suction cup on her forehead. Looking to Sticks, she saw she also had one stuck on her face.

But Vanilla and Tails were struggling under the net.

"We got you first!" said Vanilla, trying to pull the net off.

"Did not!" said Sticks.

There was suddenly a loud thunderclap, causing Tails to immediately jump into Vanilla's arms. Surprised, she frowned and squeezed his shoulder in comfort while Amy looked up at the sky.

There were dark clouds moving in fast. But they were in the middle of the jungle for their game.

"Nearest place is mine," said Sticks, concerned. "But it'll still take some time to get there."

It started raining.

"A little help here?" called Sonic from the pit.

Vanilla let go of Tails and together they flew into the pit. Amy looked over and watched as Vanilla grabbed Knuckles and Tails grabbed Sonic. Once they were above the pit however, there was another sound of thunder and Tails let go in surprise, curling himself into a ball and falling back into the pit on top of Sonic with a lout ooph.

"I'm coming Tails!" said Vanilla, leaving Knuckles to stand next to Sticks. She flew down and grabbed both Tails and Sonic, flying them out of the pit just as the rain started to fall harder.

Once they landed, Vanilla whispered something into Tails's ear and Sonic said, "There's a cave nearby. We could head there until the storm clears."

Not having any other options, all six of them grabbed their things and ran, following Sonic and Knuckles to a cave. The entrance was elevated, and Amy breathed a sigh of relief at that. The water wasn't going to flow in. They could stay nice and dry in there.

In the meantime they were soaking wet. Amy tried to pat herself dry, which got her nowhere as Vanilla walked right next to her and shook herself dry instead, showering Amy with water again.

Amy growled in frustration, as Tails on the other side of her chuckled nervously. Drying herself off again, Sticks followed Vanilla's example (or maybe Vanilla learned it from Sticks), showering Amy with water mixed with paint.

Amy growled again and said, "Did nobody pack a towel!?"

"I did," said Knuckles, holding up his hand. "But I already ate it."

"I guess we better start working on making this place more comfortable," said Sticks, looking around. She rubbed her shoulders, and it was only then Amy realised she was cold.

There was yet another thunderclap, and the sounds of Tails scampering in fright behind Vanilla were hidden by a sudden wooosh of wind entering the cave, making it even colder.

"We need to build a fire first," said Amy, shivering slightly. "Does anyone have any wood?"

"Just use our dart guns," said Tails, handing his out. "They're just toys."

Vanilla shrugged and handed hers to Amy, who took it and set it down on the ground. She then took Tails's and did the same, before pulling out her hammer and smashing them to pieces. Meanwhile, Sonic and Knuckles looked on with bored expressions before eventually turning around and leaving, moving deeper into the cave.

"Here's some dry leaves from my pack," said Sticks, arranging them in the middle of the broken pieces of wood. With Sticks, it didn't take long for a small fire to start, which promptly blew out from an unusually strong gust of wind from outside.

"Vanilla, could you stand over here and block the wind," asked Amy, gesturing to where she wanted the girl to stay.

"Or, you guys could move the fire deeper into the cave," replied Vanilla unhelpfully.

"We started a fire," said Sonic, walking up and pointing. In absolute shock, Amy looked and saw there was a soft glow coming out from the recesses of the cave.

"Wow, how'd you manage that?" asked Tails.

"Me and Knuckles found a duffel bag full of paper, so we used that for the fire," explained Sonic. Amy listened, annoyed that nobody else was helping her and Sticks gather up the wood and leaves from their own fire. "Turned out it was a bunch of money."

"What!?" shouted Vanilla, suddenly running past Sonic towards the fire. "Noooo!" she yelled, her voice echoing through the cave.

Sighing, Amy finished gathering all the wood into Sticks's pack, and they set off to join the others next to the fire.

When they arrived Amy saw that Vanilla was sniffing, hunched over the fire while Tails consoled her.

Amy didn't want to be insensitive, but there were more important things to do right now that worry about a bunch of money that was already gone.

"Sticks, why don't you search the cave for something to eat? We don't know how long we'll be here." Sticks saluted, opening her pack and fishing out a flashlight.

"Good thing I packed my magic light tube," she said, before heading off.

"You really think we'll find something to eat in here?" asked Tails, stilling patting Vanilla on the shoulder.

"Maybe," said Amy. They had to think positively, and Tails asking that completely reasonable question wasn't helping anybody. "Why don't you and Vanilla work on assembling shelter?"

"And what about you?" asked Vanilla, standing up from the fire. "Are you going to just be lazy and boss us around?"

"I want that job," said Sonic.

"No," replied Amy, to both Sonic and Vanilla. "Sonic, Knuckles, you try to find more materials for the fire, and this time don't burn a bunch of money. And my job," she turned the Vanilla. "Is to make sure everybody gets through this."

Vanilla scoffed and looked at Amy with that all too familiar I-want-to-complain look, but thankfully kept her mouth shut.

Amy kept at it, keeping watch over everybody except for Sticks, who was missing deep in the caves, and making sure nobody was slacking at their jobs. Slowly things started to come together. Sonic and Knuckles had to venture out into the rain-soaked wilderness to get more wood and let it dry by the fire. Vanilla and Tails used his tools to make makeshift small furniture out of the large boulders, which Knuckles, his fire duty over, would move around for them. They also used Sticks's nets to make hammocks, and soon they'd made five little separate areas for everybody.

Wait, five?

"Why are these hammocks so close together?" asked Amy to Tails, pointing. The first area had a single "table", two "chairs", and two hammocks, but all the others had just one of each spread much further apart.

"Uh," said Tails, taking a step back. It was then that Amy understood, and her eyes narrowed. "Ask Vanilla!"

Amy growled and turned to Vanilla, who was standing not too far away from Tails.

"What do you think you're up to?" she asked, keeping her voice obviously calm and reasonable and not at all shrill and annoying.

"You can't stop me Amy, this is our house!" said Vanilla. She stood there, hands on her hips, and mimed something Amy didn't quite get. "That was me slamming the door on you!"

"Well fine!" said Amy. She had more important things to do, like making sure Sticks was okay.

She left the two there and joined Sonic and Knuckles next to the fire, where they were now picking up their wood, now dry. She was intending to pick up a stick and try to make a torch out of it, but it didn't look like it was going to be that easy.

"What are you guys doing?" asked Amy. There was no reason for them to take it from around the fire, since they'd have to add it at regular intervals to keep the fire going.

"We're taking the wood to our houses," said Sonic. "We gathered it, it's ours."

Amy groaned.

"We are all down in this stupid cave," she said. "You're not the only ones who'll get cold if we don't have wood."

"We want food," said Knuckles. "I ate that towel a long time ago and I'm hungry."

"Yeah Amy, where's Sticks?" asked Sonic.

"That's what I want to find out," said Amy. "If you give me something to make a torch with, I can go look for her."

"Do you know how to make a torch?" asked Sonic.

"Well…," Replied Amy, realising just then that she didn't. "It can't be that hard, can it?"

"We want part of your share of the food," said Knuckles, picking out a large stick from the bundle under his arms. "Do you swear on your honour you'll abide by this agreement?"

Sometimes Amy didn't know where Knuckles got these words. "Yeah sure, whatever, just give me one!"

He handed one to her, and Sonic and Knuckles left, taking their bundles of wood with them to their respective camps.

Now that she realised she didn't know how to make a torch, Amy returned to Tails and Vanilla's "house." Both of them were in their hammocks, eyes closed.

"Ahem," said Amy.

Vanilla opened one eye, but didn't move. "Is that somebody at the door?" she said. "It couldn't be, or else they'd knock."

Amy sighed. This was some kind of game to them. That was fine, she could play along.

"Knock knock," said Amy.

"Who's there?" replied Vanilla.

"It's Amy."

"It's Amy who?" replied Vanilla, smirking in that way she did like she was doing something clever or fun. Amy wasn't even remotely amused.

"It's Amy who's got a real hammer and isn't afraid to knock this imaginary door down with it," said Amy.

Both Vanilla and Tails twirled in their hammocks and got up, though Vanilla gestured for Tails to get back in his hammock. She moved forward past the table and chairs and then mimed opening a door and gesturing for Amy to come in. Which she did.

"I need help making a torch so I can go look for Sticks," said Amy, skipping the scolding.

"You'd need something flammable for that," said both Vanilla and Tails, getting back into his hammock. Instead of laying down though he decided to sit on it.

"Ah," said Amy. "I guess we don't have any gasoline lying around?"

"Well if we had more materials," said Tails, "maybe we could fashion something else."

"What would you need?" asked Amy.

"Well we could do it with a lot of stuff."

"What do we have?" asked Vanilla.

"Not much," admitted Amy. "I think all that's really left at this point is whatever else is in Stick's pack." Sensing the need to look through it, Amy left their "house" to grab Sticks's pack near the fire, bringing it back and opening it up on the makeshift stone table.

"Huh," said Amy, looking through. "There's a lot of stuff here." She started rummaging through. There were tarps, rags, some weapons like a boomerang and a bow and small quiver with arrows, a burlap sack full of cupcakes… Amy would have to keep those hidden, and a bunch of candles.

Even then it felt like Amy was just scratching the surface. The pack seemed endless now that she was going into it. Carefully she started pulling some of the stuff out, no longer taking stock of what it is, so long as it wasn't food. She was the only one with a head level enough to ration it all effectively. While she took things out, Vanilla and Tails took to examining the items.

"Hey, this might work!" said Tails, lifting up a small wooden barrel. There were a bunch of a messed up paint brushes inside, which he dumped unceremoniously on the ground. "This has been lined with pitch! Give me your stick!"

Amy handed it over to Tails, who handed it to Vanilla. He then took out a screwdriver from his belt and pried apart the wooden barrel, inverting the pieces, and tying them to the stick with some twine. Vanilla grabbed one of the empty burlap sacks from the table and then gave it to Tails, who used to it cover the top before tying that down too.

"There," he said, handing the finished product to Amy. "That'll work for a little while. If I had more time I could probably just make a flashlight, but you better get to searching as soon as you can."

"Yes," said Vanilla. "Go. Leave. Fast."

Amy growled.

There was a sudden thunderclap, and Tails somehow jumped straight from his chair into his hammock with such force he spun around in it, entangling himself in the net.

Vanilla stood up quickly from her own chair, knocking it back, and helped him untangle himself before getting into the hammock with him.

Amy didn't know whether to start yelling or to admit it was the cutest thing she'd ever seen. She chose instead to do neither, turning around and going back to the fire to light her new torch.

The caves seemed to eat what little light came from the entrance and the fire they'd set up, and as she went further in it swallowed up her torch light too. She had to walk slow because she kept stumbling over rocks or falling into small dips in the ground.

"Sticks!?" she called out once their campfire was just a small light in the distance, and there was nothing else around but darkness. "Are you out there?!"

Her question echoed all around for a moment before dying down.

"Hey Amy!" shouted Sticks, right next to her. Amy was so surprised she nearly dropped the torch.

"Hey, watch it!" continued Sticks. "You should put that out, it's ruining my eyes!"

"Ruining your eyes?" asked Amy. She could barely see where Sticks was, even though from the sound of it she should be right next to her.

"You're hopeless," scoffed Sticks. "Your eyes would have adjusted by now if you didn't carry that thing with you! And why didn't you get one of my light tubes? I have a dozen of them underneath the cupcakes."

To demonstrate, Sticks turned on her flashlight and finally Amy could see her. That was until Sticks blinded her with the flashlight, causing Amy to wince.

Sticks was carrying a large duffel over her shoulder, which Amy was sure she wasn't carrying before.

"Come on Amy, take this, lose the torch, and we can get back to the others."

Sighing, Amy just set the torch, still lit, aside and took Sticks's flashlight. She walked in front of them, and it was much easier to avoid walking into things now that she could point the light directly onto the ground. From the sound of footsteps Amy could tell Sticks was following her.

"So you found a lot of food?" Amy asked, wondering how that was possible.

"You bet," said Sticks. "I think everyone's going to be really happy."

That was good to hear.

When they finally got back to the camp, things looked very different from when Amy left it. There were now marked roads leading from the central fire to everybody's "houses," which now bore signs with their names on them, except for Amy's and Sticks's. The fire was surrounded by four large stone tables. And vanilla had even put a door in front of hers and Tails's, but it wasn't attached to a frame.

"Sticks!" called out Vanilla, opening her door and running out. "Sticks is back!"

Everybody got out of their hammocks and ran to the fire, while Sticks took her duffel off and dropped it on the ground.

"Finally!" said Knuckles. "We've been working all day! I thought we would starve!"

"What did you bring?" asked Sonic.

"Loads of stuff," said Sticks, unzipping her duffel bag. "I found tons of mushrooms." She started pulling gross slimy looking mushrooms out of the bag and dropping them on one of the stone tables. They were black or purple, wrinkly and looked disgusting. "I also found these small rocks."

She started piling rocks next to the mushrooms, and Knuckles said, "Ohh, gimme!" before grabbing two handfuls and shoving them into his mouth.

Amy was speechless as she watched, horrified as Knuckles chewed, a contented look on his face. She didn't want to contemplate if the crunching noise were the rocks or his teeth.

"And finally," said Sticks, now lifting the duffel and putting it on the table. She opened it up wide and continued with, "Cave Beetles!"

When she said this an entire swarm of insects suddenly flew out of the bag, and Vanilla screamed.

"They're in my hair, they're in my hair!" she yelled as she immediately ran into the stone table, then bounced off to the side and continued running through the fire before flailing about wildly. Tails looked confused until she ran into the fire, and then started chasing her before the sound of thunder inconveniently stopped him in his tracks.

"Well," said Sonic, watching Vanilla as he ignored the beetles swarming all around the cave. "I think she's afraid of bugs."

"I have to admit Sticks, only one of these things is food," said Amy. "I don't know why you'd think we were all going to eat a bunch of bugs."

"Sorry I didn't save you guys any of the rocks," said Knuckles, downcast.

"I was talking about the mushrooms," said Amy as the screams of Vanilla continued to echo around the cave.

"Gross, I would never eat those slimy disgusting things!"

"Knuckles has a point," said Sonic, looking to Sticks. "This is all you found? There weren't any, I don't know, ponds of cave fish or something?"

"Well, I did find some guano, but I figured nobody would eat that," said Sticks seriously. "I mean, I wouldn't."

"Ugh," said Knuckles. "No thanks, I've had enough of Amy's horse doctors."

As the beetles dispersed deeper in the caves, Sticks sighed. "It took me ages to collect all those beetles."

Amy looked around to find Vanilla and Tails, only to see that she was curled up in her hammock cowering while Tails consoled her. Amy frowned in sympathy, but she really needed to help solve this food situation. She just needed to bring the cupcakes up calmly and rationally, so nobody would fight over them.

"Well who wants cupcakes?!" shouted Sticks, running to her pack and digging through it, pulling out her bag of cupcakes.

Vanilla and Tails in their "house" perked up at that, as Sonic said, "you've had cupcakes this entire time?!"

"Don't look at me they were in Sticks's pack!"

Sticks had just brought said pack down on the stone table they were all at, along with her bag of cupcakes, opening them up and handing them one by one to Sonic and Knuckles, then Tails and Vanilla who'd just joined them, and finally Amy.

Everybody but Amy inhaled their cupcake in the blink of an eye, before Sticks started handing out more again.

"Wait!" said Amy, pushing Sticks's hand back down. "We need to save these! We don't know how long we'll be here!"

She hadn't even finished the sentence when everybody was already eating their second cupcake. Amy didn't get a second one.

"Aww," she said.

"Don't worry Amy," said Sticks, wiping her face free of cupcake crumbs. "I have seeds in my pack. I'll start a farm!"

"See Amy, you worry too much," said Knuckles.

"Plus we still have all these mushrooms I collected!"

"If we get really desperate," agreed Sonic. "Anyway, thanks for the snack Sticks. Better get that farm started. If you need any wood, ask me, and if you need anything heavy moved, ask Knuckles."

"Sure thing," said Sticks.

Amy watched, suddenly exhausted, as the others dispersed to their "homes", before remembering she had a cupcake and hadn't eaten it. Decided she too didn't really want to eat those mushrooms, she started on it as she went to her own hammock, sitting on it, and watching the others for a moment.

Tails and Vanilla had calmed down, and were talking to Sticks about something, while Sonic and Knuckles were similarly engaged in conversation around Sonic's area of the cave.

Amy yawned, and laid down. They wouldn't be there much longer, and now that there was food, however disgusting it was, and everybody was warm and content, she didn't feel the need to worry so much about her friends. She closed her eyes for a moment before drifting off the sleep.

She woke up with a tremendously loud thunderclap.

She bolted upright, surprised, and had to think for a few seconds to remember where she was. They were in a cave. It was still raining.

"Hey Amy," came the voice of Vanilla. Amy looked at her and blinked, sure she was still dreaming.

She was wearing a tie, albeit, one that wasn't tied around her neck all the way.

"I was wondering when you'd wake up," she said. "Seriously, we've got to talk about your living arrangements."

"What?" Amy asked, looking past Vanilla. Everything had changed again.

The tables around the fire had been replaced by a single stone ring which surrounded it. The fire too, had grown in size. The roads were now paved with cobblestone, and everybody else's part of the cave had been encased in thin wooden walls. Now Vanilla wasn't the only one with a door. They all had thatch roofs.

Amy rubbed her eyes again, just to make sure.

"How long have I been asleep?" she asked. "What year is it?!"

"Come on Amy, you're lowering the property value of the neighbourhood!" said Vanilla. "I'm starting to get complaints!"

"What is going on!?" asked Amy, just wanting an answer. Was this a game? Had she travelled through time? Fallen into another dimension where they were cave people for some reason?!

"Listen, it's time your house was renovated," said Vanilla, ignoring her. "You don't even have walls!" She stepped forward, then started pacing, looking around at Amy's side of the cave. "Now I think you have a good amount of room here, but maybe we should set you up with a starter home first. It is just you, after all. You don't need as much room as me and Tails, or Sonic and Sticks."

"Sonic and Sticks?!" shrieked Amy. Her head darted to Sonic's house so fast she heard her neck crack. Sonic was outside sitting on a chair, while Sticks was watering a tiny ploughed field just outside the door.

"Yep," said Vanilla. "Surprised us all. That reminds me, instead of building a new house you could just move into Sticks's old place. It'd be perfect for you, it's not too big and it's still using last generation's construction techniques, so it's not too expensive. How are you paying for this anyway?"

"Paying?" asked Amy.

Vanilla sighed. "Well now that I think about it you don't have a job."

For the third time Amy looked around. Tails was hammering something on his and Vanilla's makeshift house. Sticks was still watering, Knuckles was moving a giant rock over to where Tails was….

This was some kind of game. Well, she could go along with that.

"Is anybody hiring?" she asked.

Vanilla tapped her chin and looked Amy up and down, as if appraising her.

"I coooould use an assistant," she said.

"And what do you do?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Vanilla stood out proudly, as if she had the greatest job in the world. "I'm a realtor. Tails is a builder, and together we make sure everybody has the house they want!"

"Oh, I could be an interior decorator!" said Amy, now excited. That would be so fun!

"I don't know," said Vanilla, sounding like she wanted to ruin Amy's fun. "I think everybody's pretty happy with their interiors as they are. But tell you what, in thanks for letting me live with you back in the before-times, I'll let you join our firm anyway. You'll have to work for free though until you pay off Sticks's old house."

"Okay!" said Amy, excited to take a look inside everybody's houses. "To start with, should I take a look at your house?"

Vanilla held up her hands defensively. "Of course not, our house is perfect. I'd suggest talking to Sonic and Sticks, while I get Tails to move your hammock to your new house."

"Right," said Amy, now reminded that Sonic had literally shacked up with Sticks. She would have words with him.

With Vanilla leaving, Amy followed the road from her house to the fire, then to where Sonic and Sticks lived. She'd have walked straight there, but she saw Knuckles was now punching a Do Not Step on the Dirt sign into the ground, so there was probably a new law in place and she didn't want to get in trouble.

Once Amy arrived, Sticks had finished watering the crops and was sitting in a rocking chair, adjacent to Sonic, who was whittling something with a piece of sharpened stone. Whittling might have been generous. He was really just gouging notches into a piece of wood.

"Wow, Amy," said Sonic, looking up as she approached. "I haven't seen you in ages."

"I thought you moved out or maybe died," said Sticks. "Since your house was such a hovel. You still living there?"

"No, actually I'm moving into your old place," said Amy. Now she had the chance to get into what she really wanted to talk about. "I was just asleep, why didn't any of you guys wake me up?!"

"Hey sleeping beauty, it ain't my job to keep track of you," said Sticks in a haughty voice. "My job is to farm these crops and find good rocks for Knuckles."

Amy turned to Sonic.

"And what's your excuse?!"

"I was hungry?" said Sonic. He at least had the decency to look apologetic. "Sticks had food, you didn't."

Amy growled. But then she took a deep breath, and let it all out. It was fine, this was fine.

"Anyway, I am now an interior decorator. So if you'd be so kind, let me into your house so I can explain to you why everything you've done is wrong and how to fix it."

"No thanks," said Sticks. "I got this the way I wanted it when I moved in, Vanilla and Tails set it all up."

"Well I work with Vanilla and Tails now," said Amy. "And I'm sure they'd want me to improve their work."

"Are you sure they didn't just feel sorry for you and gave you a job because otherwise you'd be homeless without food?" asked Sonic.

Amy growled again, and Sonic sighed.

"Fine," he said. "Go nuts." He gestured to his door and Amy smiled.

"Now that's more like it," she said, opening the door and going inside.

She gasped.

"Oh no!" Amy couldn't help but say. The room looked like some kind of horrible combination of Sticks's burrow and Sonic's shack. Which… made sense now that Amy thought about it, but it meant it was a filthy run down dilapidated pit full of assorted molds on a shelf and a collection of snails in a wooden bowl next to the fake couch. "This is awful!"

"What, what's wrong?" Sonic said he ran into the house. He looked around, his surprise turning into confusion. "What?"

"This house should be condemned!" said Amy.

"We're not talking about your old house," said Sticks, walking in. "What's wrong with ours?!"

"These snails for one!" said Amy, gesturing the snails.

"Those are our pets!" said Sticks. "And a possible food source after the mushrooms."

"Okay," said Amy, trying to keep perspective. A good interior designer takes the needs of the customer into account. "Then why don't we get an end table and put the snails on that? And also move this uh, mold shelf to the side here…."

She kept making suggestions, and as Sticks and Sonic only sighed and rolled their eyes, she figured they were accepting them. She also didn't have much to work with. She couldn't grab throw pillows, and everything she had available to spruce up the place could best be described as "Coconut Chic."

She did the best she could, and when she was done moving things around and making suggestions, pointedly not commenting on all the things that should have just been thrown out, both Sonic and Sticks looked really unhappy with her.

"Well, I think that's everything," said Amy.

"Great," said Sonic. "See you."

He actively pushed her out of the house and closed the door in her face when she tried to say goodbye.

"Hmph," said Amy to nobody in particular.

With that out of the way there was only one other house she could work on. Knuckles's.

Knuckles's house was for whatever reason, the biggest house. Once Amy got close to it she noticed too that it had decorative fires burning on the outside, and was wreathed in vines. It was better than the places he normally slept, and she wondered for a moment if he might stay here from now on.

She knocked on the door.

"Enter," came the voice of Knuckles. He sounded like he was trying to sound impressive.

Amy walked in, and had to suppress a gasp.

The house was one large open room with a fire blazing in the middle. Looking up there was a hole for the smoke to go through. Opposite the door on the other side of the fire was what could only be described as a throne, where Knuckles sat. He wore a tall hate of grass, sticks, and moss, and looked down at Amy with a smile on his face. On each side of the throne were tall suspended bowls, with small rocks piled in.

"Ah, young Amy," he said. Amy didn't know whether to find that condescending or flattering. "It seems almost as if I haven't seen you since the before-time." He leaned forward, with his elbows on his knees and folded his hands. "Tell me, what can I do for you?"

Amy had no idea why Knuckles was talking like this, or why he had a throne. "I'm here as an interior designer to help make your house look nicer." Though she didn't know how she'd do that. There was nothing in this house.

Knuckled gave a sharp laugh, as if he was pitying Amy.

"Poor Amy," he said. "This is not my house, this is the Elder Throne! It was built perfectly with the help of Tails the Craftsman and Vanilla the Talking Ice Cream."

Before Amy could respond, the door behind her swung open and Tails ran in.

"Wise Elder Knuckles, I've discovered something serious!" he said. He moved past Amy and bowed, holding up a bunch of large palm tree leaves with writing on them. He handed them to Knuckles, who took them and put on reading glasses to look over them. "According to my calculations, our world is about to be destroyed!"

"Hmm," said Knuckles. "These arcane runes and charts do not persuade me!" He tossed them into the fire in front of him.

"But Elder Knuckles!" said Tails, prostrating himself even more in front of Knuckles. "According to my findings, we've mined too much of this world! The ceiling that protects us is going to collapse, and soon! I warned you about this before when we found the prophecy of the Stone Tablets!"

"Enough," said Knuckles. "Amy, I don't need an interior decorator, but I do need a guard. Show Tails out, and escort him back to his house!"

Tails looked up at Knuckles, who looked down on her seriously. She then looked at Tails, who was looking at her, his expression unreadable. If this was true, she could probably help Tails even without Knuckles's help. So she pulled Tails up and fake-dragged him to the door, pushing him outside.

She walked him a few feet down the road before stopping and asking, "is what you said true? Is the cave collapsing?"

As if to answer her, there was a rumble and what felt like dirt hit her head. Amy looked up, and saw it just in time to jump forward and push Tails to the ground, shielding him as rocks began to fall.

Luckily none hit her, but when it stopped and they got up, the Elder Throne was half crushed and on fire. Knuckles started to yell, and she could see him run out of his collapsed wall, his hat on fire. He ran towards them, and Amy shielded Tails again, worried Knuckles was going to accidently light one of them on fire.

Instead he took his hat off and stamped on it, before turning to Tails and saying, "We have to assemble a team of our greatest village members!"

Tails's face grew serious and he nodded.

"I've called you all," said Knuckles, speaking to everybody. They were all gathered in front of Tails and Vanilla's house. "Because we face a shared threat. Tails has discovered that soon, our world will collapse. We have to work together, or we'll lose everything we've built here!"

"Literally," said Amy, trying not to laugh.

"Yes," continued Knuckles in his serious tone. "Since Tails was the one who discovered the problem, he will lead us to salvation. Tell us Tails, what should we do?"

"I have a plan," said Tails, stepping forward so he was in the middle of everyone. Knuckles stepped back. "We need to build some kind of… land ship. That can take us to temporary safety. Then we'll shoot an explosive into the centre of this world, which will save everything."

Vanilla burst out laughing. Everybody looked at her, silently, even though Amy herself was also finding it hard to stay quiet.

"That's preposterous!" she said.

"Young Vanilla, this is no time to visit the zoo," said Knuckles. "Now I think Tails's plan makes complete sense. You are also a brilliant mind, your help would be invaluable to this mission, but only if you work with Tails."

Still laughing, Vanilla waved him off. "Yeah, sure," she said. "Of course."

"Then it's agreed!" said Knuckles, and he gestured to Tails again.

"Alright," said Tails. "Let's get to work. Sonic, Knuckles, we'll need the materials on this list." He pulled out another palm leaf and handed it to Sonic, who looked it over and then led Knuckles away. "Dismantle the houses if you have to. Sticks, we'll need that guano you mentioned all those ages ago." Sticks saluted and began to leave, but Tails stopped her. "Take Amy with you. Vanilla and I will craft the land ship while you're gone."

"We have to be careful," said Sticks, leading with her flashlight pointed down. Amy carried the bucket, wishing she could trade with Sticks. Every now and then the cave would rumble, genuinely worrying Amy. It was all fun and games until they were too far away from the exit to really get out of here. "There are many traps laid out to protect us left here by the ancients."

"Wait, seriously?" asked Amy.

"Not those Ancients," said Sticks, her voice changing to be more nonchalant. "I mean us while you were sleeping."


"Yes," continued Sticks, returning to her serious voice. "The ancients laid many traps to defend against invaders. This world destruction business might set some of them off while we walk, so be on guard."

"Is there anybody to defend against?" asked Amy.

Before responding, the sudden smell hit Amy. Sticks tapped her shoulder and pointed the flashlight down into what looked like a pool of mud. It wasn't mud.

"Gross," said Amy, more to herself than Sticks. Slowly, they approached the pit of guano.

"Since we've arrived, we've been in a cold war with the evil Eggman Federation," said Sticks.

"What?!" Amy couldn't help but shout. The cave rumbled in response, and she could hear the loud sudden squeaks of bats.

"We've got to move, fast!" said Sticks. Grabbing Amy's bucket, Sticks pulled her along and scooped up a giant glob of guano into the bucket, getting Amy dirty in the process.

"Oh please, get this off me!" screamed Amy as the sound of bats grew closer.

"Run!" said Sticks, and the cave rumbled again. Now Amy could hear the whistles and zooms of things flying past them, and then the bats getting closer. Finally, some of the bats started to meet up to them, hitting them from behind.

"We've set off the traps!" shouted Sticks. "Don't worry, I won't leave you behind!" Amy felt Sticks grab her arm hard, as she pulled her along towards the fire of the village. Every now and then Sticks would jump, or twirl or do something to make Amy feel more and more like throwing up. Behind them the bats were nearly engulfing them, and Amy closed her eyes.

Finally Sticks stopped moving, and the sounds of bats surrounded them before slowly dying out. Amy opened her eyes. They'd made it.

"Here's your bucket," said Sticks, handing it to Tails, who gave a disgusted look, but said thanks anyway.

"I need a shower," said Amy, sitting down on the ground next to the "land ship" Vanilla and Tails were constructing.

"We never invented indoor plumbing," said Vanilla, moving towards the land ship. "Please sit further away, you smell awful."

Amy sighed, but obliged, moving further away to where Knuckles was. Sonic was also approaching from the opposite end.

"The bomb's been set," he said, reaching Knuckles, who nodded.

She tried to stay closer to Sonic, but she just sighed to herself as he edged further away every time she did so.

"Guys we have a problem," came the voice of Tails running up.

"What is it?' said Knuckles.

"We've used up all the rope we could salvage. The ship is almost done. But without more rope we can't tie the land ship to Sonic so he can pull us out."

"There must be some way to get more rope," said Knuckles, thinking.

Amy heard the sounds of somebody else approaching before she heard the voice.

"I believe I have the solution," came the voice of Eggman. He looked the same as usual, and was followed by Orbot and Cubot, who were both fanning him with palm leaves.

"Eggman!" said Knuckles, putting up his fists. "What help could the Eggman Federation give us, and why should we trust you?"

Amy was really surprised. She knew Sticks had said Eggman was here, but she didn't think that was serious. It didn't make much sense.

"When did Eggman get here?" whispered Amy to Tails.

Tails whispered back, "he said there's another entrance. Same story as us."

"I have rope," said Eggman, holding up said rope. "And this incoming catastrophe affects all of us here! It's in my interest to help you."

"Hmm," said Knuckles, thoughtfully. "Very well, we will use your rope, and you and your citizens can join us in our escape."

"Excellent," said Eggman, smiling evily. "I look forward to it."

He said that, but then simply walked with Tails to the land ship, handed him the rope, and watched as Tails attached it to the front.

"Done!" said Tails. Just then the cave gave a great rumble, and more dirt was falling. This time however, the rumbling didn't stop.

"I think that's our cue to leave," said Sonic. "Everybody in the land ship!"

Amy didn't waste any time. The land ship was large, with wooden wheels and two benches on the inside. There was one large window on each side. When Amy got in, everybody tried their hardest to squeeze into the back away from her, while she took the front bench.

"Sorry," she said.

"There's hardly any room in this thing!" said Eggman.

"We didn't build it for you three," said Tails, squeezed between Vanilla and Knuckles.

Suddenly Amy could see rocks starting to follow, and she poked her head out of the window and shouted, "Sonic, run!"

The jolt from the land ship moving hurt, but once they got going it eased up. The rocks were falling at a faster rate, and a few were obviously landing on the land ship.

"Hurry!" shouted Tails, pushing through the others and ignoring Amy's stench. She joined Amy's side and banged on the wall. "It's collapsing!"

Amy could feel the land ship pick up speed. It started to swerve, violently, knocking everybody around from side to side. Amy had the wind knocked out of her as Tails fell on her during a particularly tight turn, and Tails backed off quickly, looking down on himself in disgust for a moment before he fell over during another turn. From what she could see outside, boulders were falling all around them. They might have waited too long.

But then it was over. The sound of rocks gave way to the familiar sound of water hitting the roof, and Amy stood up and looked out of the window directly for a clear view. They'd left the cave, which was now closed up. She sighed in relief.

"Oh no," said Tails.

"What is it!?" said Amy, worried something important had happened.

"I fell and damaged the remote detonator," he said. "The range has been reduced. Somebody will have to leave the land ship soon to stay in range and detonate the bomb."

Everybody looked at each other.

"I'll do it," said Tails, taking a deep breath. "This was my plan."

"I refuse to allow that!" said Vanilla, standing up. She went over, visibly braced herself, then hugged Tails in his disgusting guano covered glory. "If you go, I go!"

"Neither of you should go," said Knuckles, also standing up. It was a lot easier to stand now that they were out of the cave. "It am the elder, I've lived the longest life of the village. It's my duty to make sure the villages youngest members get a chance at life!"

"What are you guys, morons?" asked Eggman. "Just send Orbot to do it."

He looked down at Orbot and glared. Orbot looked around, then back at Eggman, and sunk down in despair.

"It's okay Orbot," said Cubot, who was right next to him. "This is what sandwiches are made of!"

"Yeah," said Vanilla, smiling. "Your sacrifice will be remembered. Nobody will ever forget your legacy!"

"Forget that, it's my legacy that should be remembered!" said Eggman, standing up himself. "Give me that stupid thing!" He snatched the detonator from Tails's hands and looked at it for a moment. "Gross."

"Then all you've got to do is leave the land ship and press the button," said Tails. "Good luck, Eggman."

"I see nobody's trying to volunteer now," he said sardonically. "Fine, whatever, I see how it is."

He opened the door, while the land ship was still moving. The rainy jungle wooshed by, and he gave one last look at everyone.

"You guys better remember my legacy for this!" Without waiting for a reply, he jumped out and was gone. Tails closed the door, while Orbot and Cubot suddenly hugged each other.

"So noble!" said Orbot.

"A real sandwich!" agreed Cubot.

Amy sighed. Her ears pricked at the just barely audible sound of an explosion far off in the distance. Everyone looked at each other and stayed quiet for a moment, so as not to disturb the mood.

"That should be it then," said Tails. "Our world is safe."

As soon as he said it, the land ship stopped abruptly, forcing everybody on the back end of the land ship to careen forward into Amy and Tails.

The door swung open while they were all still in a huddle, Amy trying to squeeze herself out of the pile so she could breath.

"Come on guys!" said Sonic. "Come look!"

Slowly, everybody picked themselves up and began to head outside.

Amy was first. It'd stopped raining. They were at Sonic's Shack. The sun was setting. Sonic ran up, passed her, and looked for a moment into the sunset. It was the most beautiful sight she'd ever seen… within the last few hours.

He turned to look at her.

"Well, that was fun," he called out, now looking past Amy at the others. "I'll see you guys later!"

"Bye!" called Tails.

"I hope that explosion didn't blow up my hidden retirement bag!" said Sticks. Sonic looked at Amy suddenly and frowned at that.

Amy sighed. But it probably wasn't very romantic to watch the sunset with Sonic when she was still filthy and covered in bat droppings. It was shower time. She turned around and left Sonic on his beach, joining Vanilla who waited for her.

"Actually," she said. "I'm going with Tails for a bit. I'll be back home in time for dinner though."

"Okay," said Amy. "Why?"

Vanilla quirked an eyebrow at her.

"Because you stink!" she said, grinning. "But I guess Tails does now too."

She ran off before Amy could say anything. That was fine.

She was nearly home before Amy realised, if Tails stank it meant Tails needed a shower too.

Amy growled in frustration.

"Vanilla, if I find out you did anything, it's fish for dinner!" she yelled to nobody.
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Poor amy is forever alone, also this was hilarious was this an actual episode? i dont watch the show it seems to be funnier in written form tbh.
We need a continuation of this as a dream/nightmare) of Amy, where they have kids and everything, knuckles has a epic beard and Amy is an old cat lady. :V

...Good lord imagine a child between Sticks and Sonic. :o
I wonder how Rogue would react if Vanilla told her that due to artificial inflation that diamonds are actually worthless?
Doesn't Rouge usually go for eldritch gemstones with mystical powers?
... or is that just a side effect of going for larger-than-a-fist gems in a world where that is synonymous with mystical gems?
Edit: name spelling error corrected
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Shaking her head, Sticks whispered, "hurry,
Tails whispered back, "he said there's another entrance.

I actually thought Vanilla was acting like Curly Brace and Tails like Quote at the start, considering the title here. Also thought Shadow might be hiding living in that cave.
There was suddenly a loud thunderclap, causing Tails to immediately jump into Vanilla's arms.
Reminded of the Sonic OVA here. Forgot if it was a Boom thing, too.
Even then it felt like Amy was just scratching the surface. The pack seemed endless now that she was going into it.
Huh. Sticks has a bag of holding. Somehow not surprising.
The tables around the fire had been replaced by a single stone ring which surrounded it. The fire too, had grown in size. The roads were now paved with cobblestone, and everybody else's part of the cave had been encased in thin wooden walls. Now Vanilla wasn't the only one with a door. They all had thatch roofs.
This has suddenly turned into Minecraft.
"I don't know," said Vanilla, sounding like she wanted to ruin Amy's fun. "I think everybody's pretty happy with their interiors as they are. But tell you what, in thanks for letting me live with you back in the before-times, I'll let you join our firm anyway. You'll have to work for free though until you pay off Sticks's old house."
I was wrong. It's Animal Crossing.
"But Elder Knuckles!" said Tails, prostrating himself even more in front of Knuckles. "According to my findings, we've mined too much of this world! The ceiling that protects us is going to collapse, and soon! I warned you about this before when we found the prophecy of the Stone Tablets!"
When the throne came up, I was tempted to make a SA1 reference. Then this came up and I had to resist laughing out loud.
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Also thought Shadow might be hiding living in that cave.

I did briefly consider it, but I didn't want it to end up absorbing the entire story.

When the throne came up, I was tempted to make a SA1 reference. Then this came up and I had to resist laughing out loud.

I'm so angry at myself at this line. When I write, I have jokes in mind that require setup in advance, and so I laid this as setup and then forgot the punchline! I was going to have Eggman say the classic line, "Ah yes, it's just as the stone tablets predicted!" and I forgot!
I did briefly consider it, but I didn't want it to end up absorbing the entire story.
Shadow is a blackhole when it comes to plots. Things just gravitate and get absorbed with him in the room.

Actually this brings up a few questions. If Shadow's living in a cave, does said cave have bats in it? Does he clean it out regularly? Has he considered interior decorating? Are there disputes with T.W. Barker over the scammer's right to squat in the brooding hedgehog's cave? Does he get fanmail in a P.O. box? Does he brood super hard on rainy days because the weather is just right? Regular or decaf?
I'm so angry at myself at this line. When I write, I have jokes in mind that require setup in advance, and so I laid this as setup and then forgot the punchline! I was going to have Eggman say the classic line, "Ah yes, it's just as the stone tablets predicted!" and I forgot!
Maybe you could still edit it in? That's happened to me before where I've forgotten this detail or that, and had to fix the chapter after it was posted.
Had an idea for a chapter, Vanilla attends Villains Anonymous for people living a life without enslaving their towns and obliterating their enemies to show them they should have never have crossed them! possibly at the same place/time as villains retreat, everyone at the group falls off the wagon obviously and loses their 3 months non villainous chips.
I couldn't resist after the Stone Tablets being mentioned. Have more Manny.
Manny Mandrill was not having the best day. His new film "The Secret Secretness of Doctor Eggman: The Musical" had less than double digit attendees (he'd say single, but zero was a number, too), the tree he lived in ended up having termites, and the storm had knocked the whole thing down.

Maybe he shouldn't have hosted the premiere so deep in the forest. Or lived there. Walking back to civilization was a chore when the ground was muddy enough to sink into. There should've been a road of some kind. A sign, maybe.

A blur of motion passed him. Probably just the wind.

A wave of mud rolling along in the blur's wake came down on his head. Probably still the wind. Or a disgruntled cheetah. Not that anyone could have really seen him sticking so closely to the trees. He did have an umbrella at one point, but it was long gone by now. The termites had really enjoyed it.

Manny shook off as much of the mud as possible, wiping away what still remained. Still not the worst thing he could be covered with, though.

Think, Manny, think! The next big thing is just around the corner!

A small, blue creature floated overhead. Curiously, it had a small yellow orb bouncing above its head. Manny didn't notice.

You just have to dig deep! Really get out there!

The creature flew in circles above Manny's head, softly singing a song to itself. Manny didn't hear.

Make your next star shine! Like some kind of gem!

The creature made one more round before growing bored, flying higher into the trees.

Manny stopped walking. He struck a dramatic pose reminiscent of a disco dancer, and pointed a finger towards the sky. "Mark my words!" he shouted. "Manny Mandrill will be the talk of the island, or my name isn't...Manny Mandrill!" He lowered his finger in some vague direction of the Unnamed Village. Maybe. "I will set the bar for the stars of tomorrow! Today!" With confident strides, Manny set off towards the Village.

He turned around and backtracked in a different direction. "Today!" he declared.

Somewhere in the branches above, the blue creature watched. It tilted its head, hummed, and took off into the canopy once more.

So who else remembers Chao Adventure?
Number Two

I'm already having a hard time keeping up with this schedule. Work is starting to pick up again for the year and it's slowly going to get harder as I lose more and more freetime. I'll try my best though! I think worst case, I'll alternate this and my Star Wars fic biweekly, instead of weekly.


Tails walked inside his house looking over his mail. Vanilla was there laying down and relaxing while she watched whatever was on television. Next to her were Knuckles and Sticks, who were both sitting, looking bored at the TV.

Amy was in his kitchen, making "brunch" for everyone while Sonic kept sneaking by her to steal crepes before she had a chance to finish them.

Tails walked over to his mail shredder and poured all his junk mail and bills into it one by one. "Junk, junk, bill, junk," he muttered to himself. Then he saw this month's issue of Sidekick Magazine, wrapped in a beige packaging.

"Yes, finally!" he said, causing some of the others to look in his direction.

"Did you win a sweepstakes?" asked Vanilla.

"Have you been served?" asked Knuckles.

"Did you get an extra bomb in the mail?" asked Sticks.

"Even better than that Sticks!" said Tails, holding up the new issue. "This is a special edition of Sidekick Magazine! They announced it months ago and I've been looking forward to it for so long!"

"What's so special about it?" asked Sonic, his mouth full of strawberries. Amy threw him a dirty look as she finished loading another plate with crepes.

"I don't know!" said Tails. "They didn't say. But I'm excited to find out!"

"Well don't leave us hanging," said Vanilla, her eyes still on the TV screen.

Tails didn't need to be told twice. Carefully he tore the top of the package off and slowly pulled the magazine out. He frowned.

"This…." He said, staring at the cover. "This can't be right." This wasn't what he expected. There'd obviously been some mistake.

"What is it?" asked Sonic. "An issue on sidekick bugs or something?"

"No," said Tails. It was like Sonic was talking from far away. "It's a special villain edition."

"Huh," said Sonic. "So who's Number Two this month? Orbot?"

"One of Barker's stunt bears?" asked Sticks.

"Belinda!?" shouted Vanilla, still lying down. Charlie only became a villain just the other day, she should know it couldn't be Belinda.

"It's you," said Tails, voicing what was bothering him. "Vanilla. You're Number Two this month in Sidekick Magazine."

"What?" She sat up and shifted, getting up from the couch. "Let me see that."

He didn't give it to her. Instead he showed the front cover, where she posed, winking at the camera and her tails forming a heart behind and around her.

"Oh, so that's why they took my pictures," she said. "Neat. But since when was I a villain sidekick?"

"Well, you did work for Eggman for a few days," said Amy, holding two plates full of crepes. She walked over and started setting them down on Tails's coffee table. Both Sticks and Knuckles were a lot more interested in crepes than anything else, and quickly grabbed them and started shovelling them into their mouths. Amy looked a bit disgusted at them, but went back to the kitchen to grab more plates.

"Yeah, but crepes are like terrible pancakes," said Vanilla, losing interest in the magazine cover and turning to get a plate for herself. Tails, still astonished, looked down at it and started flipping through it. There was an interview, quotes from Eggman, a ton of pictures, and…. He could feel himself turn red when he found the centrefold, at about the same time Vanilla returned with two plates.

"Tails, I brought your plate," she said. "Do you want th – there is not a centrefold of me!"

She sounded like she didn't believe it, so he turned the magazine around and showed her and everybody else.

"I don't remember taking that one," she said, frowning. "I don't even own a swimsuit."

"I'm trying to eat here," said Sonic, sounding bored.

"Vanilla, how did you get that one past me!?" said Amy, rushing forward. Tails's head finally jostled back to reality just as Amy reached him, trying to take the magazine away.

"No Amy, it's mine," he said, holding it back from her. When that clearly wasn't going to work, he flew up above her and held it behind his back. After a few more moments of struggling, jumping up and trying to reach him, she gave up.

"Fine!" she said. "Everybody in the village probably has a copy anyway."

"Ugh," said Vanilla in response. "I swear Amy, I don't remember taking that picture! They swindled me somehow!"

While they bickered back and forth for a while, Tails returned to the ground and rifled through the magazine some more.

There was a quote by Eggman saying he "taught her everything she knows." Another in bold, where Vanilla said she liked pancakes.

"Tails?" asked Vanilla. He looked up from the magazine again. "Is something wrong? I still have your crepes. Here." She held out the plate. Tails wasn't feeling very hungry. Still, he closed the magazine and took them.

"No, everything's fine," he said. Everything wasn't fine. And he knew he shouldn't feel this way. It was petty and stupid, and she was his girlfriend so it was worse.

Vanilla set her own plate down on the coffee table and looked at him. "Everything is not fine," she said. "Want to go talk about it?"

"Yes, go somewhere else to talk about it," said Sticks. "The Young and the Cutest just came on and I want to watch. Don't ruin it with your drama."

"Later then," said Tails, not wanting to get into it when everybody was at his house. Taking his chocolate crepes he sat down on the couch next to Vanilla to eat them, growing more and more annoyed as time went on, his thoughts rolling around in his head and getting bigger like snowballs rolling down a snowy hill.

"Come on, let me stay!" said Amy, as Vanilla was pushing her out of the door. Once she reached the portal she held on to the sides of the door frame and tried to hold herself there as Vanilla put her weight into getting Amy out. "I took a seminar in couple's therapy! I can help!"

"Amy, nobody said anything about something like that!" said Vanilla, starting to strain under the pressure. Suddenly Vanilla stood straighter, still pushing against Amy, and said, "Yeah Sonic, I'm sure Amy will walk with you!"

Amy's head jerked back and she let go of the sides of the door frame.

"What?" she said, looking around for Sonic, who wasn't there. Vanilla closed the door on her and then locked it.

"Phew," she said. "Please tell me we don't need couple's therapy."

Tails chuckled and he shook his head.

"It's nothing really," he said. "But I've always wanted to be Number Two in sidekick magazine. I've been Sonic's sidekick for years! I've known him practically my entire life! But you got to be Number Two, and got on the cover of the magazine with an interview and a centrefold, all by being Eggman's assistant for like, four days!"

Tails blinked. He was breathing hard. Somewhere in there he'd raised his voice a little. He wasn't mad. He was just….

"It's just frustrating," he said, voicing his thoughts.

"I didn't give an interview," said Vanilla, a concerned expression on her face. She walked over to where he'd left the magazine on the coffee table and grabbed it, flipping through it.

He watched as her concern gave way to obvious confusion.

"I mean, they did their research," she said. "But I didn't give an interview. I don't remember taking some of these pictures. Maybe they took them when I wasn't looking. But in any case I didn't ask to be put in Sidekick Magazine."

"I know," said Tails. "That's why I feel bad about it! You weren't even trying!"

"Exactly!" said Vanilla. "It's just some random decision the magazine made, probably because they wanted a cute girl for the cover. I'm a terrible sidekick, and a terrible worker!"

There was a knock on the door. Tails found it so surprising he forgot he was frustrated and, in confusion, answered it. Maybe it was Amy.

It wasn't Amy. It was some ox with a top hat and a cane.

"Mr. Slate!?" said Vanilla in an oddly alarmed voice. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to congratulate you on your recent success!" he said, holding out a copy of Sidekick Magazine with his left hand. "Yes, when you worked for me you were my best worker! Nobody ever compared! Still sad I've lost you, but I can see it was all for the best! Anyway, goodbye!"

He turned around and walked away, and as Tails closed the front door, his incredulity went away and his frustration returned.

Tails didn't say anything, but he looked at Vanilla and felt upset with himself, because he was upset with her.

"That doesn't prove anything!" she said. "That was just some rumour, I didn't even know what the job was supposed to be and I never finished it!"

Tails didn't think that made it better. It was the same thing again; she was good at something without even trying.

Vanilla's communicator beeped before she could say anything else, and she answered it.

"Amy?" she asked. "Kind of in the middle of something, what going on?"

"You should, uh, come home," came the voice of Amy.


"Well if I told you, you might not come," said Amy, sounding desperate. "Just hurry back! You're the only one who can put a stop to this!"

Vanilla sighed, a long drawn out sigh. "Fine. But you owe me." She hung up and looked at Tails. She looked sympathetic and it made Tails feel more conflicted, but his pushed that down, and smiled at her.

"Sorry," she said. "I've got to go. I hope you feel better Tails." She gave him a quick hug and he hugged her back, already feeling better as he did so.

Once she was gone he looked down at the magazine and scoffed. "It's not a big deal," he said to himself.

Around lunch time Tails was feeling back to his normal old self, and had gone back and read Vanilla's interview. Going down to meet his friends at Meh Burger, he thought to himself he might even ask Vanilla to sign his copy. It would be neat to have that, and one day if he was lucky enough to be Number Two, he'd sign a copy and give it to her. Was that romantic, or weird?

Tails wasn't able to think more on that subject when he found his friends at Meh Burger at a table all looking miserable while being completely surrounded by people. The people were shouting, and Tails didn't need to draw closer to hear them even when he was standing far away, and it only got worse as he drew closer.

"Can you sign my eyeballs!?" asked somebody. "I sharpened my pencil for the occasion!"

"Forget that, say your famous catchphrase!" said somebody else.

"I don't have a famous catchphrase!" said Vanilla. "Leave me alone or I'll destroy you!"

The crowd erupted into cheers.

In their eruption Vanilla caught sight of him approaching, and relief washed over her face.

"I've got to go, bye, and don't follow me!" she said, taking to the air. Tails followed her while some in the crow reached out their hands like they might suddenly be able to fly.

Tails followed Vanilla not too far away from Meh Burger and landed on somebody's roof, where he could see some of the crowd looking around trying to find them.

"I hate this," she said. "Amy called me because our house was swarmed with 'fans.'" She said that last word in a mocking exaggerated tone. "I've never met half these people in my life, I don't even think most of them are from this village!"

"Don't worry, this will all blow over soon," said Tails.

"Yeah, I hope so," she said, before looking at Tails. "You feeling better?"


"That's good. Listen, I don't eat at Meh Burger and I was kind of ruining everybody's lunch. So tell Sticks I'm going to hide out at her place until she's ready to go pick some exploding gumtree berries."

"What do you need those for?" asked Tails, curious.

"I'm going to keep some around until I need them."

Tails noted that that was the opposite of an answer. But it didn't matter, that she liked bombs was one of the reasons he liked her. "Well okay then. Have fun, I'll give Sticks the message!"

Waving goodbye, they left the rooftop headed in opposite directions. Once Tails got to Meh Burger, the crowd surrounding the table had dispersed and everybody was looking a lot happier. He waved hello to everyone before ordering from Dave and then sitting in between Amy and Sonic.

"Hey Tails," said Amy as he sat down. "Sorry about stealing Vanilla away. I thought she could help the fan situation but it just made things worse."

"It's okay," said Tails. "You couldn't have known."

"This whole thing is crazy, isn't it?" said Sonic. "Who know there were villain fanboys."

"Vanilla isn't a villain," said Tails.

Sonic just shrugged. "But they think she is."

"Here's your order," said Dave, who'd taken Tails by surprise with how quickly he made it. Looking at it, he was even more surprised it was actually what he ordered.

"Wow, thanks," said Tails.

"Don't mention it," said Dave. "And if you need help getting revenge on that sidekick spot stealing girlfriend of yours, I'm here."

"Uh," said Tails, confused. "Thanks?"

"What's that about?" asked Amy once he'd left.

"He must be mad he didn't get to be Eggman's Number Two for the issue," said Sonic. "Remember, he was Eggman's intern a long time ago."

"I don't know why anybody would want to be in a magazine like that," said Sticks, pushing her empty food tray away. "Now everybody can add a whole bunch of stuff to their Vanilla files."

"Um, I don't think anybody has a Vanilla file," said Amy, before sipping on her drink.

"Well I do," said Sticks. "I have a file on everyone in the village. An article published about you is full of incriminating evidence."

Tails was halfway into his burger when he sighed, his mouth still full. He gave a great swallow and said, "please don't tell Vanilla that. She might panic and go around trying to steal everybody's magazine."

"That's because she has a good head on her shoulders," said Sticks, leaning back in her chair and folding her arms across her chest.

"That reminds me, she says she's at your burrow waiting to go pick gumtree berries."

"Oh, yeah, I forgot about that," said Sticks, standing up. "She wants me to help her prepare against aliens. She's got a lot of crazy ideas about them, but a weird plan is better than no plan."

And without another word Sticks turned around and left.

"Well, anyway," said Sonic, nodding towards Sticks as she passed the exit. Entering Meh Burger at the same time was Orbot and Cubot, both looking even more depressed than usual. "Hey, what are you two doing here?!" called Sonic. "You guys don't eat! Did Eggface send you to pick something up?"

They both visibly deflated even more at the name "Eggface," and floated slowly towards them, arriving just as Tails finished his burger.

"Doctor Eggman wishes for us to negotiate for Vanilla's services once more," said Orbot, to Sonic.

"Yeah, and he wants us to get Vanilla back too," said Cubot.

"Why?" asked Sonic, grabbing his tray and standing up. Tails stood up too, followed by Amy and Knuckles.

They all walked to throw their trash away as Orbot answered. "He thinks it would be good publicity to have a sidekick again."

Tails growled in frustration, just a bit. He didn't think anybody heard him.

"You don't count as sidekicks?" asked Sonic. They finished throwing their trash away and followed him towards the exit.

"As Doctor Eggman is fond of reminding us, we're barely paper weights."

"That's awful," said Amy, looking down at Orbot. "Sometimes I wonder why you don't just quit."

Orbot and Cubot suddenly stopped, and looked at each other. Then they looked back at Amy, who stopped with them.

"You know what, maybe we should," said Orbot.

"Hey Sonic, how about you let these guys be your sidekicks?" asked Amy.

"Hey!" said Tails. That was the last thing he needed!

"Can you, please!" asked Cubot, floating over to Sonic and jumping up and down. "We'll be the best kicks to your side you've ever had!"

"Sorry, I already have a sidekick," said Sonic, and Tails sighed in relief.

"Just until this magazine thing blows over," said Amy. "You could give these guys a break?"

"Why don't you take them as your sidekicks?" asked Sonic. He was leading them to his shack on the beach now.

"You guys can be my sidekicks," said Knuckles. "We'd have to change your names though. Knuckles Jr. and Knuckles Jr. Jr."

Orbot and Cubot kept moving, their heads turned to Knuckles. Then Orbot turned to look back at Amy. "Where is Vanilla?"

"She's not here, and she's not going to go with you," said Tails certain of that. Just like any of them, Eggman would accept her defection at any time.

"Oh, I have a great idea!" said Amy, stopping. Sonic sighed and stopped too, causing everybody else to stop in the middle of the road. "Why don't Eggman and Sonic switch? Eggman takes Tails, and Sonic takes Orbot and Cubot?"

"Oh no, I've been Eggman's assistant before," said Tails, backing away.

"But did you get paid?" asked Amy. "I'm sure Vanilla would appreciate a little help with her saving-money problem, don't you think?" What Amy was saying made no sense, but she drew out her words and made her voice sound enticing as if that was going to change Tails's mind.

"I don't know if Doctor Eggman would be interested in Tails," said Orbot. "Tails after all, is not Number Two in this month's issue of Sidekick Magazine. Or in any issue of Sidekick Magazine for that matter."

"I'll do it," said Tails before he could stop himself.

"Great!" said Amy. "I'm glad I could help. Just use the same contract I designed for Vanilla and you should be even more golden than you already are! Orbot, can you print a copy of that contract and switch the names?"

"Wait, I changed my mind!" said Tails. "I don't want to work for Eggman again!"

"Too late, finders keepers!" said Cubot, as Orbot printed papers from his mouth into his hand, and handed them to Tails. Sighing, Tails put it away. Cubot turned to Sonic. "So, where to next boss?"

Sonic sighed, but seemed to take it in a stride. Tails wanted to object, but Sonic was already talking.

"We're going to my place for a game of Coconut Dodgeball," he said.

"Sounds dangerous," said Orbot. "But, potentially illuminating."

"Sounds like portable illness too!" said Cubot.

They resumed their walking, and nobody noticed when Tails didn't join them.

There was one thing Amy said that tempted Tails. A pay check. Vanilla made a lot of money in her few days of working for Eggman, and it would be great if Vanilla could finally move next door to him. He turned and left the path, taking flight and moving deeper into the jungle.

He found Vanilla flying Sticks over Pleasant Gardens, which was too dangerous to walk through for most people.

Rushing to meet them, he flew next to Vanilla and said, "Quick question, would you mind if I temporarily became Eggman's sidekick?"

Vanilla looked really happy to see him, right before he asked that question. Then she looked confused.

"If that's what you want," she said. "But why? I don't care about who's Number Two in Sidekick Magazine."

"You can drop us off there!" said Sticks, pointing to a clearing which lead to the foot of a lake.

Tails followed them down and continued their conversation. "It's not about that." Mostly, he thought to himself. Maybe he could become a better sidekick this way. He could branch out a little. Learn new sidekick skills in a different field! But he also didn't want to tell Vanilla about money yes. It could be a surprise! "It's a surprise. For you!" He tried to sound as enthusiastic as he could, hoping she'd be excited about a surprise.

"Is it money?!" she asked, excited. Tails smile widened. "I love money!"

"Maaaybe," said Tails. "Anyway, are you cool with it?"

"Sure," said Vanilla. "Just as long as it's temporary and you don't hold back! I'd love to see what it's like being the only Tails in the group."

He said goodbye, declined to join them in their trek for gumtree berries, and didn't mention that technically Orbot and Cubot were Sonic's sidekicks now. They'd figure it out soon enough.

Tails didn't waste any time and flew to Eggman's Lair. To his surprise, it was a lot like Meh Burger when he arrived, tons of people hanging around the front door. Not wanting to deal with that, Tails decided to instead go for his old standby entrance.

Breaking in through the window in the ceiling. This time he just flew down into Eggman's living room, right on top of his table next to a tray of fries.

Eggman, who'd been sitting on his couch and watching TV, sighed.

"You know I have a door!?" he yelled, turning off the TV.

"I do, but it's surrounded by people," said Tails.

"I know," said Eggman. "That's why I need Vanilla back. Where is she?"

"She's not coming, so I'm here as your temporary sidekick instead," said Tails.

"Well on the one hand you're a huge loser nobody cares about because you're not in a magazine," said Eggman, and Tails's ears folded down in dismay despite himself. "On the other hand, welcome to team Eggman!" He reached down and grabbed Tails's hand and shook it hard. "First order of business –"

"Sign this first," interrupted Tails, coming back to himself.

"What?" said Eggman, peering at the front document. "Yeah fine whatever." He pulled a pen out from his jacket and signed on the bottom, and Tails was surprised at how easy that was. "Anyway, we need to get rid of those menacing miscreants loitering around my front door!"

"I'm with you there," said Tails. "By the way, Orbot and Cubot are going to be with Sonic while I'm here."

"Oh goodie," said Eggman, grinning. "This day just keeps getting better and better! Come on number two, let's get rid of those idiots outside!"

"I'm your number two?" asked Tails. He remembered Eggman called him that last time, but it felt a lot more important now, given the circumstances.

"Of course!" said Eggman. "You see, it's because I'm number one!"

"Right," mumbled Tails.

"Wait here a moment, I need to get something for my plan to get rid of those people."

Tails said nothing as Eggman left the room, only to return about a minute later carrying a large unmarked burlap sack.

"Okay good to go," he said.

"What's that?" asked Tails as he followed Eggman through the atrium and to the front door.

Eggman didn't answer right away, instead gesturing once they'd gotten to the door.

"Here we go!" he said, ripping open the top of the sack and dumping its contents on Tails. Tails closed his eyes and accidently inhaled a bunch of what felt like dust as he gasped in surprise and started coughing. The stuff was covering him. "No get out there are lead them away!" Tails was still coughing with his eyes closed as he heard the door woosh open and felt Eggman shove him outside.

He heard the crowd suddenly go silent, and after another moment he stopped coughing and opened his eyes. He was covered in flour. The flour sack lay on the side.

"It's Vanilla!" said one of the idiot fans, a tall beaver. "And she's not wearing pants!"

Oh no, thought Tails. Vanilla wouldn't like it if these guys took pictures of him and everybody thought he was her.

"But she's wearing a strap and belt!" said somebody Tails couldn't see. "Does that count!?"

"Let's take pictures anyway," said the crowd in excitement. A few started to pull out phones, and Tails darted towards the torn burlap sack Eggman had left, shoving it on his head and tearing a whole at the top before anybody could get a picture taken.

"Uh, I'm going to the other side of the world, I'll see you guys there!" said Tails. He took to the air and flew in the opposite direction, and once he thought he was out of anybody's site he allowed himself to fall into the ocean water, pulling himself back out once all the flour was off. He didn't like the feeling of all the salt in his fur once the water dried, but it was better than staying covered in flour.

When he returned to Eggman's Lair he was thankful all of Vanilla's fans bought the story and had left to parts unknown. Hopefully the rumour that Vanilla wasn't around anymore would get rid of the crazy people, and once they found out she wasn't on the other side of the world it'd be a new month with a new Number Two.

Returning back to Eggman's Lair through the front door, Eggman stood unmoved from his previous spot.

"What took you so long?!" he asked. "It should have taken you seconds to destroy them while covered in flour!"

"Uhh, right," said Tails in confusion. "I'll do better next time."

"You better. Anyway, it's time to defeat Sonic!"

Tails shook his head. "I can't help you defeat Sonic, we had a contract!"

"What contract?"

Tails pulled the contract out from his belt pocket and held it out. Eggman peered down and looked at it while stroking his moustache.

"This is a bunch of soggy paper with smeared ink," he said in confusion.

"What?!" Tails shouted in alarm, flipping it around to look at it. Eggman was right, the paper had gotten wet when he dipped into the ocean.

"So enough of this foolishness!" said Eggman. "You've agreed to be my assistant and it is time for you to assist me!" Without waiting for another word Eggman turned around and headed back to his living room. Tails followed.

"Uh, do I still get paid?" he asked. If not he'd just turn around right now and forget about it.

Eggman scoffed. "Fine," he said. "But only if you help me defeat Sonic."

"Can you call me your sidekick?" asked Tails. "I have years of sidekick experience, and am not much of an assistant."

"Don't push your luck," said Eggman as the door opened into his living room. "I'm paying you for a job aren't I? Isn't that good enough!? If you want to be a sidekick you'd do it for free!"

Tails sighed. As Eggman led him to his main computer room he was finding it difficult to remember what he was doing here in this position in the first place.

Tails returned home to find his lights already on. Cautiously he opened the front door and looked inside, then smiled as he saw Vanilla sitting on the couch by herself watching TV.

"Hey, I'm surprised to see you here," he said, walking in and plopping down on the couch next to her.

"Baking some pies," she said. "Amy didn't want me to risk blowing up the house so I figured you wouldn't mind me doing it here." She was watching a rerun of the day's episode of The Young and the Cutest.

"I thought you could cook," he said. "Even Knuckles isn't so bad he could blow something up from baking a pie."

There was a ding from his kitchen and Vanilla stood up and stretched, yawning while she did so. Tails stared.

"Doing a few test pies from the gumtree berries I picked," she said.

It took a second for Tails to figure out what she was talking about, but once he did he laughed.

"You're trying to make exploding pies?" he asked.

"Yep," she said, walking to the kitchen and putting on his oven mitts. "I thought it'd be funny and destructive." Slowly she pulled out a tray with two pies and set it on the counter. "But you have to be very careful with making these things. I think the heat stabilises them though, I've tested a few and they're not remotely as volatile as they are in their raw berry form."

"Do the pies taste good?" Tails asked.

"Probably," she said. "But I haven't tried one yet. I don't think gumtree berries are edible, even if they didn't explode in your mouth."

Tails suddenly remembered he'd just came from working with Eggman. He'd been given one last job.

"Oh before I forget, Eggman is planning to invade Sonic's beach tomorrow at noon. He said he'd call Sonic but that I should pass on the information just in case he doesn't answer his phone or see the message."

"Sounds fun," said Vanilla, putting another tray inside the oven. She shut it and took off the mittens, tossing them to the side. "Maybe I'll save these pies to blow up Eggman."

Tails chuckled.

"Just don't hit me with one," said Tails.

Vanilla stayed at his house another hour for her pies, then took them back home with her, saying she hoped to sneak them past Amy so they'd be ready for the Eggman battle tomorrow. It would be fun, he hoped.

The following day Tails got up, drank his coffee, and grabbed a quick breakfast before meeting Eggman back at his Lair to finish up preparations for the attack on Sonic.

He might have been worried about this, but unlike Vanilla's plans when she worked for Eggman, this one was pretty stock Eggman. They were just invading the beach with his Bee Bots, and Tails didn't even know why.

When Tails entered the Lair, he found Eggman just sitting on his couch eating popcorn.

"Is it that time already?" he asked as Tails walked in. He looked at his wrist controller and looked surprised.

"We better hurry or else we'll be late!" he said, standing up and tipping over his popcorn. Tails looked at it, hoping he wasn't going to have to clean that up. "Don't worry about it, I'll get Orbot and Cubot to clean it up."

"They're with Sonic," said Tails, reminding Eggman. He hadn't seen them after leaving them to play coconut dodge ball at the beach. He wondered how Sonic was getting along with them.

"Oh, right," said Eggman. He then glared at Tails. "Well then don't just stand there, clean that mess up!"

Tails kept his thoughts to himself and did what he was told, while Eggman watched and did nothing to help or even move out of the way. When he was done, Eggman said, "Finally, let's go!" and started heading towards his Eggmobile which was sitting to the side near the door.

Tails flew with Eggman in silence, leading the charge as the Bee Bots followed. Together they all made their way to Sonic's Shack. The word had definitely gotten a round, as once the Shack was in view Tails could see everyone, including Orbot and Cubot, standing there waiting for them.

"So do we have a plan?" asked Tails. He remembered the previous day, where Eggman said there was one, but rather than tell him what it was, Tails just sat there and watched moves with him his entire shift. It was… something.

"Of course you fool!" said Eggman. "We're attacking them with the Bee Bots."

Tails held back a sigh.

"And then, all the robots I stashed around Sonic's Shack will spring out and surround them! I even have a new redesigned Mega hiding behind a small bush just waiting to ambush Sonic!"

"The bush is waiting to ambush Sonic, or the robot?" asked Tails, confused. It took a few seconds before Tails realised that was a stupid question, which Eggman didn't bother to do anything more than glare in response to.

When Tails looked back on the beach they were rapidly approaching, he was shocked to see that Sonic's Shack had somehow caught fire.

They drew closer, just about to touch down on the coast and Tails saw Sonic running around his shack, doing nothing but containing the flames, while Vanilla, whose fur looked singed, Amy, Sticks, and Knuckles, had formed a bucket brigade to pass water from the ocean to the Shack. Meanwhile Orbot and Cubot were both running around aimlessly, sometimes bumping into things or each other.

"Uh, what happened?" asked Tails as they landed. Nobody paid him any attention.

"Never mind that, robots, attack!" shouted Eggman. That got everybody's attention, thought Sonic's Shack was still on fire.

The Bee Bots swarmed down first, with it being only moments before all of Eggman's other robots came out of their hiding spots. It was amazing that Tails failed to notice Mega before he came out from behind the bush.

"Tails, deploy the photon bombs!" said Eggman. "And actually do it this time!"

Tails vaguely recalled this order before. Hesitating, he looked around at his friends who were split up, Amy and Vanilla still trying to stop the fire, while Sonic, Knuckles, and Sticks were dealing with the Motobugs and Bee Bots. Meanwhile the Mega was drawing closer.

"Don't worry," said Cubot, suddenly stopping his endless panic, causing Orbot to run into him from behind. "I'll fix this!"

He held out his hand towards Sonic's Shack, and stood there, just posing. Tails didn't know what was going on anymore.

One of Vanilla's pies was just in front of him, and it caught Cubot's eye, interrupting his posing.

"Oh look, a pie!" he said.

"Cubot, not again!" shouted Orbot, moving forward. As Cubot bent down, Orbot ran into him, and they both came crashing down on top of the pie, which exploded into a huge ball of fire, launching both Orbot and Cubot back until they hit Mega, which was now fighting Knuckles and Sonic.

"Now do you understand why I don't want these things in the house!" asked Amy as she smashed a Motobug.

"I don't want them there either!" said Vanilla, hovering over Sonic's roof and dumping a bucket of water on it. "Orbot and Cubot are a menace!"

"I meant the pies!" said Amy.

"Tails!" shouted Eggman, pulling Tails out from his people watching.

"Oh, right," he said, and pressed his communicator. Mega's metal carapace opened, and out flew the photon bombs at his friends. Cubot rushed forward as if to throw himself at the bomb, but instead managed to trip despite not having feet, and knocked the bomb into Knuckles's stomach. Meanwhile Orbot was giving Sonic terrible advice on attacking, which was distracting.

This was starting to not be worth it.

"See, he gets to play with bombs!" said Vanilla as she landed. She pulled out her staff and extended it and to Tails's complete and utter surprise she ran towards him, a determined look in her eye.

"He doesn't live in my house!" said Amy, knocking a bomb that had landed near her at Mega's eye.

"Good point!" said Vanilla. Though she was talking to Amy, she was still running towards Tails, and he had to duck as she swung her staff at his head. "Don't hold back Tails!"

Right, she told him not to. He pulled out his wrench.

"Within reason I hope!" he said, determined to only defend himself.

"I'm not going to do anything to really hurt you!" she said, as she swung at his legs. It didn't seem like that, and Tails felt his heart racing. He was more worried now than he ever was fighting Eggman. "If somehow I do hit you, I'll make it better!"

Tails had the sudden desire to get hit.

"You two are insufferable," said Eggman from behind. "I'm starting to regret helping you get together!"

"You didn't have anything to do with it!" said Vanilla, taking another swing as Tails dodged. Trying to be careful, he aimed his own attack at Vanilla, looking to deliberately miss, which he did. He wondered now if she was doing the same thing.

"Tails, battle somebody else!" shouted Eggman, ignoring that statement. "Use your Enerbeam to tie up Sonic!"

"I'll stop Eggman!" said Cubot, somehow picking up another pie laid carelessly on the beach.

Vanilla turned, and together with Sonic, Amy, and Sticks, shouted, "No!"

But it was too late. As soon as his metal fingers touched the pie tin, it exploded. Tails felt momentary pain mixed with happiness as Vanilla was hurled into him from the blast, knocking the wind out of him.

"This is just annoying," said Vanilla, slowly picking herself up. Around them it looked like all the robots were finally defeated except for Mega. "At least I know not to let Cubot near my pies when I make more."

"No more pies!" said Amy, who was the only one who managed to not fall over by using her hammer to brace herself against the ground.

"I think they're good," said Sticks, also picking herself up. "The pies are for aliens, but they work against the robot menace too!"

"See," said Vanilla, turning to Amy. Tails was dimly aware of Eggman growling from behind him and moving forward to fire lasers at Sonic, who'd finally busted a hole through Mega's eye.

"Is there another one of those pies?!" he asked, easily dodging Eggman's lasers.

"Tails, stop Sonic!" said Eggman.

"I've got another pie!" said Cubot, rushing forward, pie in hand.

"Cubot wait!" said Orbot, following behind.

Again Cubot tripped, but this time Sonic changed directions and managed to catch him before he landed onto the ground. Jumping into the air, Sonic launched Cubot into Mega's eye, and again everyone was blown back from the explosion.

Again, Vanilla was knocked into Tails. He felt like he was in that boxing match all over again.

"I don't want to play anymore," said Vanilla, rolling off him and holding her head.

Tails sat up, thinking the same thing. Looking around though, the battle had ended. Mega was destroyed, and Eggman had also been knocked back from the blast. He was lying face down in the sand, while his Eggmobile sat crashed into a nearby rock. He rolled over, but stayed on the ground.

"You control Orbot and Cubot even worse than I do," he said.

"Eggman, I quit," said Tails, taking the opportunity now that the battle was over.

"Yeah, and Orbot, Cubot," began Sonic. "You two are fired." He turned to Tails. "All Cubot seems to do is blow us all up, and Orbot keeps getting in my way."

"I beg to differ," said Orbot, gathering the pieces of Cubot from the wreckage. "The battle would have gone perfectly if you'd listened to me."

"You told me to just use my words," said Sonic.

"Where are we?" asked Knuckles, scratching his head. "Who am me?"

"Vanilla…" said Amy, approaching her and Tails. "When I get over there, if I don't collapse from exhaustion, I'm going to… do something, I don't know."

She stopped walking and sat down cross legged on the sand.

"I told you these robot sidekicks would be nothing but trouble," said Sticks, walking slowly over to Sonic.

"Yeah well, blame Amy," he said.

"What!?" shouted Amy, bolting upright but then wobbling in place, nearly falling back over. "I never made you do anything!"

"How about we just call it a day?" asked Knuckles.

"Yeah um, I think I'm going to go," said Eggman, finally sitting up. "Tails, help me up."

He looked at Tails and Tails shook his head.

"Well fine!" he said. "And you're not getting paid either!"

"Eggman, you better pay him or I'll make sure your Lair is full of gumtree berry pies for Cubot to somehow find and detonate!" said Vanilla, sitting up now.

"That's extortion!" said Eggman indignantly. Then he grinned. "Are you sure you don't want to return as my assistant? I'll even make you my official sidekick in my promotional material! We can really capitalise on your Number Two status!"

"No!" said Vanilla.

They argued on the beach for what felt like way too long, but eventually Eggman managed to collect himself, Orbot, and Cubot's pieces and leave.

Together they made their way to Amy and Vanilla's House, as Sonic's Shack was now missing a large part of its roof from the fire Cubot had started when he'd first detonated one of Vanilla's pies.

Nobody said anything. Amy didn't make snacks. They just all lounged on the couch watching TV again, Tails at the end sitting next to Vanilla. She leaned into him and started to dose off, and he found himself doing the same thing.

There was some rustling.

"Hey look," said Knuckles suddenly. Tails didn't open his eyes, barely aware of the words. "I found a pie! Getting blown up sure works up an appetite!"

Tails's eyes snapped open just as Vanilla jolted awake.

Everybody had reacted, but to his immense relief Tails saw that whatever pie he'd found, Knuckles was eating it. And they weren't exploding.

"Where did you find that?" asked Amy.

"Under the couch," said Knuckles, his mouth full. "I think it's blueberry."

"Oh," said Amy in understanding. "I was wondering where that one went. I thought Vanilla ate it."

Next to Tails, Vanilla sighed.

"Are we going to have to take him to the hospital?" she asked. "You accused me of that weeks ago."

"Let's do that later," said Sonic. "We're watching TV right now."

As he said that, a commercial for a yearly subscription of Sidekick Magazine came on, hosted by Wolf Sidekick.

"Oh!" said Tails, as Knuckles turned a greenish hue on the other side of the couch. "That reminds me, Vanilla, would you sign my copy of Sidekick Magazine? The one with you one it?"

"Sure," said Vanilla, yawning. "And when you get on the cover you can sign mine. And then we'll switch. It'll be romantic."

Tails smiled and leaned into her.

"Guys," said Knuckles, covering his mouth. "I don't feel so good."

"Let's just call the ambulance here," said Sonic, pressing his communicator. "It'll be easier."
Real life matters more then our entertainment, so if you need to make your stories update once a month then it is ok. Even then the stories will still be high quality and have many words, so do what you need to do.
Nara Shikako, Megumin, Mister Torgue, and now Vanilla. There's just something about adorable heroines with an explosion obsession, isn't there? :grin:

I'm already having a hard time keeping up with this schedule. Work is starting to pick up again for the year and it's slowly going to get harder as I lose more and more freetime. I'll try my best though! I think worst case, I'll alternate this and my Star Wars fic biweekly, instead of weekly.


You have no rights, we demand more chapters back into the writing hellpits with you.
Having exploding pies ready for an impending alien invasion is smart thinking. Only question is who's going to be the poor schmuck to get hit when the pies are brought up again.

Nara Shikako, Megumin, Mister Torgue, and now Vanilla. There's just something about adorable heroines with an explosion obsession, isn't there? :grin:
I recognize Shikako, but who are Megumin and Mister Torgue?