48 – Traversing The Abyss
Space is big.
Biggity big.
It's easy to lose track of that when one is zipping around in hyperspace. It's a good form of fast space travel while within the galaxy I showed up in but it's not actual FTL. Not like real FTL drives that just let you go wherever you want. If there isn't a hyperspace lane even my ships have to go the slow way – just like everyone else. On the other hand my ships are faster than what anyone else has in that regard thanks to the whole 'mixture of celestial body shifting engines' and this universes more standard engines. So I'd still get there faster, but not nearly as fast as hyperspace could make it go.
But now that I'm flying out in the great void in the
general direction of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion force, I'm starting to really comprehend just how far it must have been for them to travel all this way.
Too bad for them, genocidal galaxy destroying invaders don't get a pass from me.
Nevertheless, I decided fuck stealth as I powered my way forward through the inky black. Ten thousand and five ships make quite a nice glow to distract me from the utter darkness. Because as they fly out through the darkness, I realize something. This is
boring. Like holy shit boring to all hell. I have no idea if these ships are going to find the Vong in a few months or a few
years. They arrived like twenty plus years after Yavin and actual data on the speed of their worldships was not nearly as specific as I'd like.
I may have miscalculated here.
It's fine. I can just make even more Hexagons and send them flying after the rest of the fleet. It's not like I have that much else to do.
Send some more.
And…some more.
Oh my god where are the Vonnnnnnn
It's been a month.
An entire month of just sailing through the void.
Hell with it, they're still out there heading in the vague direction of where the Vong were supposed to be coming from. The Rebellion is going around rebelling, the Empire is going around oppressing, and I've just been doing basically nothing but sitting here.
Time to design more stuff.
Everything was all basically HK derivatives but I don't need that really all the time. I have Replica tech, so it could be something like…infiltrators? For whatever universe I'm in next? Or even this one? Man I don't even know.
Yeah, sure.
Why not.
Delving into the design is easy, upgrading relatively simple as well. I don't actually want to fully transform them like my thus still unused body design with all the gizmos – these will all be far more like Guri herself than not. So…basically I'm just going to give them all my special progenitor upgrade package. I don't know if I want to do something about the whole ten degrees cooler internals or not. That actually sounds pretty damn cool. I can even give them actual intelligences – though I'm dumbing it down so that they are Guri's level – so that they can act as independent agents if I end up needing them to. With the increased strength, flexibility, mag locks in the feet and hands that can be activated if absolutely needed, they're pretty good.
Then I download every humanoid martial art in the galaxy's holonet and shove it into them, as well as the extremely potent experience that Guri had in doing things – minus the sex stuff – though stripped of her presence as well so that it's just the bare bones information.
That was a good few minutes of time.
else can I waste it while my ships continue to plumb the void?
Knowing the Force – which, to be fair, I don't truly know the Force for sure – it's still going to try and push for a climactic Battle of Destiny or whatever between the Dark and the Light. It sure does seem to enjoy those now that I think about it. Eh, whatever. I should – ship.
No, no ship.
That evil fucking Sith Meditation sphere on Ziost. The one that leads to a whole shit storm of Dark Side bullshit. Who got named Ship.
fuckinglutely not.
Now there's something I can use the
Cry of Gimli for, kept where it is in Hub. Fly, my continent of guns! The math is kind of impressive, considering that I've covered the entire thing with guns. Banks and banks of guns of all kinds, with the only not-gun parts being the engines, bigger turrets, and hangar. That's…quite a lot. Heh.
Not that, you know, I'm planning on blowing up Ziost despite having the ability to blow up a
dozen Ziost-like targets. With all this firepower! You know! That I could –
Or, failing that, simulate mental breathing.
Having all this ridiculous firepower and not using it is starting to get to me. Nnghg.
While that is going to happen without question, I've got other things to worry about as well. I may have trapped IG-88 in his own little personal hell but I was never planning on keeping it that way forever. The problem is more that the second Death Star is
done and no longer has a simple channel to fly a ship into and blow up its reactors. On the other hand, I can't just tell the Rebellion that without them getting even more suspicious of me, while at the same time I can't abide letting the Emperor
use it on anything.
I have to delay that, I can track his messages going back and forth. He's angry that he couldn't trick the Rebellion into going after a 'fully operashunal battal statioon' because of the whole Black Sun being gone thing. Which…I had almost forgotten about amidst everything else. Patsies, patsies everywhere. With no one able to pass info to the Rebellion that they'd
trust the whole concentrate their strength thing is a no go. So now he's just going to start using it indiscriminately the moment – no.
Not gonna allow that.
I have run slipshod over this entire galaxy and ruined many a thing on accident.
Now I'm gonna have to do it on
Good thing I don't have to worry about Vader anymore though, if what I'm reading from the Rebellion is correct. Hurray for Luke and Kyle doing the things that they do, I guess?
…let's start with these black ops accounts that the Emperor doesn't let auditors look at. Hell, there might not even be a grand climatic battle at the end of this depending on how things go.