Going down the 'endless hands' route, an aspect or series of manifestations that oversees childbirth could be made an important face almost as common as the administrator. The Lady of Candles could also be a mother as well as a guide (the tunnel and starting room, as well as the light), the Gravekeeper a parent that raises and a gardener of trees, or even another form and personality altogether.
As an aside-thought, possibly having Mortrh a father alongside them, a god of vengeance as an attendant friend as well...I mean, making the role of death god one big happy family is something we could probably get away with if we wanted to.
In hindsight I realize that I'm not entirely sure how to use Mysticism as an action. And we already have two players specializing in it. Since the first turn hasn't fired yet, could I perhaps make some changes to my stat distribution?
As an aside-thought, possibly having Mortrh a father alongside them, a god of vengeance as an attendant friend as well...I mean, making the role of death god one big happy family is something we could probably get away with if we wanted to.
Welp, here is my first omake, of the scripture kind.
The old vulture beastkin brought his hands together "Gather round friends, let this old man tell you a tale. A tale of good intention leading to a downfall, and the being that helped him rise above his nature.'
===The Tale of Three Masks===
There once was a man, of simple birth
He wished to do good in the world, and so he became a soldier.
He cast off his simple ways, and became a man of the blade.
He fought with passion, fighting to protect his kingdom from its enemies.
The Simple man, became a protector.
Until he crossed his man with a mysterious man, wearing simple clothes and a weeping mask "Greetings traveler, I am but a simple mask salesman, care to try my wares?"
The soldier was confused, and replied "Tell me then, Mask man, where are your wares? I only see your own mask."
The salesman let out a good natured chuckle, and reach into their coat. "Why my friend, you are already wearing a most fetching mask." the salesman showed the soldier his reflection, showing an emotionless stone face covered in blood.
The soldier stepped back, and drew his blade demanding "What trickery is this?" the salesman tutted "How quick you are to show your true face, drawing a blade for a small scare? You show your true nature, murderer." The soldiers stance faltered, and he replied "You are wrong, trickster. I am a guardian of this land, a proud solider?" the salesman let out a sigh and replied "Yet you are only a cog in the machine, bringing terror to the innocent. The mask of the guardian has long since broken, leaving only a bloody soldier."
The soldier lowered his blade "Then what now then, trickster? Are you here to punish me for my sins?" the salesman shook their head "I am warning you that you have lost your way friend, and hope you find it again." With that, the salesman left, leaving the soldier to his thoughts.
There once was a soldier, with a saddened heart.
He wished to do good in the world, and so he became a doctor.
He cast off his bloody ways, and became a man of healing.
He worked with serenity, and strove to protect his kingdom from sickness.
The Soldier, worked to be a protector.
However, the sickness became hard to defend against, their knowledge so lacking.
So, using his strength and cloud of experience, he started to experiment.
Forcing folk into infection and injury, so he could undo it.
It was like this, the salesman found him again.
His mask ever blank, his clothes ever tattered.
The Doctor looked up, irritated he was kept from his work "Begone trickster, I no longer have need of your advice. I have found a way to protect."
The masked man chuckled, and said "But you seem so lost my friend, maybe you might want to sample my wares once more."
The Doctor looked up to glare, looking into the mirror of the salesman.
A sterile, white, cloth skull covered their face. It weeped blood and covered in cuts and bruises.
The Doctor jumped back in fear and screamed "What trickery is this?" and hugged his research close.
The salesman tutted "How quick you are to show your true face, panicking while hogging your work. Born from the suffering of others."
The Doctor tried to stand, but the salesman was not done "You caused others to die from sickness and wounds, you are no healer. Murderer."
The Doctor sagged, and asked "Then what now trickster, how can repent for my crimes?" the salesman shook their head "I cannot save you, I can only warn you that you have lost your way friend. I hope you find it again." With that, the salesman left, leaving the soldier to his thoughts.
There once was a doctor, with blood on his hands.
He wished to good in the world, and so he became a Gravekeeper.
He cast off his cruel ways, and became a man of rest.
He worked in the gloom, working to protect the dead in their rest.
The Doctor, gave up on being a protector.
When burying a recently corpse, a familiar voice rang out "You seem weary friends, wish to see my wares."
The Gravekeeper sighed "Very well, old friend, lets see your wares." The Gravekeeper numbly turned, and looked into the mirror.
Staring back at him was a golden helm, a soft light coming from it.
The old keeper gasped, but did not pause in its duty.
"What trickery is this?" asked the Gravekeeper in revelry.
"This is your true face, my friend. Your intended path." There seemed kindness behind that blank mask. "You picked up the blade to beat back the evil, but battlefield bloodied you."
The Gravekeeper finished his duty, and stared at the Salesman "You saw your folley, and picked up healing to beat back death, but ambition bloodied you."
The Salesman spread out his hands "Then you decided to take up the thankless task of taking care of the dead, making sure they do not spread sickness by decaying in the street. You gave them rest, and protected them form a worse fate."
The Gravekeeper stared.
"So...what now?" The Gravekeeper asked.
"Take my hand, old friend, I have much wonders to show you."
The Simple man took Deaths hand, gently walked into the night.
Can I take as your liking my question as permission to edit my sheet? Because I did so.
Aside from shifting mysticism points to preaching, I did my best to refine my deity ideas. I gave her a new name and the religion as well and set the basics down into points format. Tell me if you need more info.
I also have a question. How does Necromancy work? Does a Skelington/Zombie have any 'soul' of the deceased in it? Or are they just empty husks. If they are, what about more incorporeal forms of undead like specters, wraiths and spirits?
Can I take as your liking my question as permission to edit my sheet? Because I did so.
Aside from shifting mysticism points to preaching, I did my best to refine my deity ideas. I gave her a new name and the religion as well and set the basics down into points format. Tell me if you need more info.
I also have a question. How does Necromancy work? Does a Skelington/Zombie have any 'soul' of the deceased in it? Or are they just empty husks. If they are, what about more incorporeal forms of undead like specters, wraiths and spirits?
The general rule is that if it can show any kind of intelligent initiative, then it's powered by a soul abducted from the afterlife. Otherwise, it's just an automaton.
The general rule is that if it can show any kind of intelligent initiative, then it's powered by a soul abducted from the afterlife. Otherwise, it's just an automaton.
Question: If I wanted to create a chimera that was a multicolured gem person that cast with runes carved into their own skin, would that be allowed? The only gem I found that was completely pure was Diamond (carbon). The others I found were various oxides. Aluminium oxide (ruby, sapphire, emerald), silicon oxide (quartz, opal, garnets). Or were mixtures (lapis lazuli, jet, amber, pearl, beryl, topaz, etc.)
...and now we have necromancy contracts that have breakroom candy bowls as an employee benefit, don't we. Once we're entrenched, we should work on a non-slavery model of hiring the dead, so we can exploit lunchtime philosophy debates as excuses to write scripture. Totally.
Character Sheet Template
Player: @FatedBread
Name: Soppo Anguis
Description: A green-haired human female with a perpetual smile on her face and crinkled eyes
Backstory: A former spymaster from a foreign land, Soppo was part of the original rebels that overthrew the countries tyrannical nobility — only for her comrades to become even worse. Cue organising more rebellions only to get the same results.
With the number of deaths (friend & foe) that she has been responsible for, along with the fact that they ultimately amounted for worse than nothing, Soppo doesn't take life too seriously anymore. She has joined the project mainly for fun (or so she says)and wonders if history will repeat itself.
Stats: Preaching 0, Mysticism 0, Subversion 5, Administration 0
Skill Tags: [DEATH'S_ JESTER] Seemingly nonsensical actions are the norm for her... yet they are pulled off surprisingly well, is it mere luck or something more? Bonus to things that leave people dumbfounded, be it researching magic with 0 mysticism or assassinating someone with an (unlit) candle.
Welcome back, I Just Write! And thank you for bringing us another awesome story.
[X] Research Wizardry
Fittingly, somewhat randomness is the flavour of the day. And learning magic is always cool.
Besides, the type of espionage action that should be taken will differ greatly based on the location we choose. Best to settle that first.
Forgot to add in my action. I'm going for preaching and recruiting some followers. I'll be hitting the sack now, if the actions aren't locked in in the morning, feel free to suggest a better action if you have one. 3 Preach and 2 Subversion.
Yes. Probably. We're doing the weird thing where the boundary between pantheon and individual becomes unclear. For shenanigans, I guess.
...and now we have necromancy contracts that have breakroom candy bowls as an employee benefit, don't we. Once we're entrenched, we should work on a non-slavery model of hiring the dead, so we can exploit lunchtime philosophy debates as excuses to write scripture. Totally.
Another aspect/member of the pantheon is the Taxman. He is the one Who over sees contracts With the solved of the dead and upholds the law.
And He is inevitable,
Like death
And taxes
Once, in the darkness, there was a nest, and from it came a thousand birds. These birds filled the black and shadowed sky, until the world echoed to the sound of their wingbeats, and thrummed with the noise of their song. They were kings of that darkness, the birds. Unchallenged in their excellence.
Then, one day, a chick looked up from the nest and saw- something.
"What was that?" It asked its mother, but she shook her head and laughed. "Nothing, little one. Go to sleep."
But that was not enough for the little chick. It hopped out of the nest, and spread its wings and flew to the very top of the tree, where its father was singing.
"What was that?" it asked its father, but he shook his head and laughed. "Nothing, little one. Go to sleep."
But that was not enough for the little chick. It leapt from the top of the tree and flew up, high into that dark sky until it found the first bird, ancient and powerful beyond imagining.
"What was that?" it asked the first bird, but they shook their head and laughed. "Nothing, little one. Go to sleep."
But that was not enough for the little chick. It flew up still further, and further again, where no bird had ever gone.
"Wait! Wait, little chick!" screamed the mother, and the father, and the first bird. "You go too high!"
But the little chick would not be stopped. It saw-
And as it climbed and climbed, higher and higher, it at last recognised this strangeness.
It beat its wings and at last punched a hole in the darkness. The sun and moon saw its fledgling wing beats, and were delighted.
"Welcome, little chick!" they said. "You are the first bird to ever come to our part of the sky! Let us fetch you food and drink."
"Thank you," said the little chick, and ate and drank. It conversed with the sun and moon on many topics; life, health, power , kindness- all were considered with all due wisdom and consideration. Then, the little chick rested, for it was tired after its long journey.
It slept, long and deeply, and when it awoke, it prepared to return to the darkness. The sun and moon waved goodbye, and sang songs of praise for the little chick's bravery and wisdom. But when at last the little chick found itself on the edge of the darkness, it stopped.
Could it really go home? It had seen the great and beautiful face of the sun, and the silver serenity of the moon. How could it dive back into the darkness of the world, and shut its eyes forever? No. No, it could not.
In deciding this, the chick learnt the first great wisdom of the world. Once you have gone forward, you can never come back.
The little chick made its way back to the sun and the moon, who were overjoyed to be reunited with their new friend. They paid it many honours, and installed it in their court as the first star.
But back in the darkness, the mother and the father were inconsolable. "Our precious chick!" they wailed. "Our dear, sweet fledgling is gone from us! Never again shall it look upon our faces!"
They dwelt still in the dark. They could not know of the honours and majesty bestowed upon their child, for they had never passed into the light. Then, at last, the father took to the dark sky and flew up, out of the darkness, where he met the little chick and was awed by what it had become. Then too came the mother, and soon, all birds came, one after another, into the light of the sky. Thus were born the stars in our sky- each one magnificent and beautiful. Each one an example of the first great wisdom. Perhaps, if you learn it, you might one day light the sky too.
So yeah. Thinly veiled death metaphor. Seemed appropriate.
I would like to note that this most recent piece of Scripture has more in common with a creation myth. You can still use it, but it may have unpredictable results.
I would like to note that this most recent piece of Scripture has more in common with a creation myth. You can still use it, but it may have unpredictable results.
Question: If I wanted to create a chimera that was a multicolured gem person that cast with runes carved into their own skin, would that be allowed? The only gem I found that was completely pure was Diamond (carbon). The others I found were various oxides. Aluminium oxide (ruby, sapphire, emerald), silicon oxide (quartz, opal, garnets). Or were mixtures (lapis lazuli, jet, amber, pearl, beryl, topaz, etc.)
I would like to note that this most recent piece of Scripture has more in common with a creation myth. You can still use it, but it may have unpredictable results.
...drat. Okay. I'll take another crack at this later. On an unrelated sidenote, do I need to edit my character submission before he can be added to the roster, or is he okay as is?
A/N: So. Apparently you all like the countryside. On the other hand, your ideas about your god, and even what to name your religion are all completely incoherent. I'll have my work cut out for me blending these ideas together into a compromise deity. I will be weighting more detailed deity suggestions more heavily, simply because they give me more to work with than 'generic death god who isn't a jerk'.
Also, that roll for Action 1. Decisions
Countryside: xxxxx
Grandfather Endless-Hands: x
Morth The Silent God: x
The Eternal Matron: x
The Gravekeeper: x
The Lady of Candles: x
Resulting Compromise Deity: Morth, Endless Matron of Candles
-A Goddess who is able to take forms as she desires and can occupy multiple locations at once.
-Morth cares greatly about the mental well-being of those she escorts to the afterlife, appearing in the form of her charges to comfort them.
-Makes absolutely certain that people get a nice afterlife.
-They like architecture that is both practical and looks nice, particularly for cemetaries and other tombs.
-Is completely and impartially fair to everyone. Morth does not care if you are young, old, rich or poor. She will embrace you all the same.
Religion Name
Endless Hands: x
Seekers of Silence: x
The Eternal Pack: x
The Followers of the Spade: x
Candle-Bearers: x
Resulting Compromise Name: The Eternal Candle-Bearers
Rolled good on fundraising.
I see no aspect of the gravekeeper, but maybe I am just paying enough attention.
That or I was way to vague and undescriptive.
Or maybe Morth just likes spades and trees.
This is, what, my fourth I just write riot quest?
(Ghosts, mad scientists, robots...and now this. Yep this is the fourth)
Those are the rolls, the raw rolls, pre modifier.
Granted its rather early but 46 is not that bad.
37 is not great but it is not terrible, to be honest.
Well the good news is that I did the math and the preaching bonus is +50 (+20 from djehuty, +15 from me and +15 from biscuit), so unless the DC is absurdly high, we have a decent chance of making a decent, but not spectacular, success.