Destroy the Godmodder: Test Edition


Descendant, also Lord of Antarctica
Wherever things are flammable
Welcome to Destroy the Godmodder: Test Edition! This is a test of this game ruleset I've come up with, based on the Destroy the Godmodder forum series, a fairly-opened ended series of forum games focused on the reality-warping players fighting off against Godmodders, powerful beings who can counter and ignore most attacks aimed at them that aren't creative or unexpected! Over time, the series evolved from just fighting Godmodders to doing many things in the different settings of the games, from personal RPs to grid based Fire Emblem-like games where you quest to stop a Sphere from exploding and destroying one third of existence. If you want to have a character, let's just say this takes place in a training simulation for people who fight Godmodders.

Rules/General Explanation of Things
0: The GM's word is god. What I say goes. If you disagree with something I've done, a decision I've made with balance or something, then you can bring up to me and try and convince me to change it. But when I put my foot down, it's down, and the right to nope any action is reserved.
1: In this game, you have to Destroy a Godmodder! The Godmodder will be able to Godmod most attacks away, so you have to come up with wacky, creative, and unexpected attacks! But even then, don't expect your attacks to actually work!. It will take persistence.
2. You can do more than just attack the Godmodder! The Godmodder will summon entities (see In-depth Rules), try and kill you guys, and much more. And you can do this too! You have three actions per turn, and can do as many things with these actions as you want.. Although the more you do with one action, the less and less effective it gets. You can also use these actions to charge CP, 1 CP per action.
3. CP (Charge Points) is a special thing you obtain from charging with your actions. You also passively gain 1 CP per turn, unless you have Charge Sickness or something (see In-Depth Rules). You can expend CP to buff your actions, summon a variety of different things (see In-Depth Rules), and other stuff! You can also use 1 CP to perform a fourth action. Only one extra action a turn, though.
4. You are your fellow players are vulnerable to attack! You have 20 HP, each point of HP worth roughly 8,000 HP (roughly), and upon death, you must spend one turn respawning. In addition, you lose 2 CP and all your passive charges (See in-depth rules) are paused as you revive.
5. Sometimes your actions may not turn out the way you intended it. If you have a big problem with it, PM me here or on Discord, and we can talk.
6. Don't bring in things straight from other forum games. It complicates things. You can use a character you have used in another forum game, just don't import entire things. This rule isn't really relevant because this is a test session, but whatever.
7. Don't ruin other's fun. This is a game meant to be fun, not a giant saltstorm of war and strife. Except the war and strife aimed at the [PG]s, because those are NPCs.

And now, the in-depth game rules. These list a bunch of assorted mechanics. This is going to take a while. I recommend you give this a good skim/readthrough, as it holds some important info.
The sides of this war. Which side people are on is shown by the tag in front of their listing on the Battlefield. Tags with the wrong color indicate an entity that has been made to join the side of the color of their via some sinister means. Entities which have willingly changed sides will get a new tag without any color fuckery. Anyway, The sides are….
[GM] The Godmodder. Is just a glorified PG tag.
[PG] Pro-Godmodder. These guys are allied with the Godmodder. Murder them please! CANNOT BE JOINED BY PLAYERS. NPC Players are exempt from this.
[N] / [N-xxxx] Neutrals. Those who have not taken a true side, or are allied with a group other then the PGs or AGs. True, lone-wolf [N]s are marked with the normal [N] tag, but those with a group have [N-xxxx], with the xxxx being the name of their allies. Players who pursue their own goals and don't aid the [AG]s are put in this faction. One of the two factions non-NPC players can join.
[H] Hostiles. No, they aren't edgier Neutrals I swear. Hostiles are powerful entities who obey no-one and are omnicidal. They're typically a step up from your average entities, but have a weakness that you can exploit to kill them faster, if you can discover it.CANNOT BE JOINED BY PLAYERS. Not even NPC ones.
[AG] The Anti-Godmodders. This is the default side for all players. The side who seek to complete the task that is the first three words in this game's name.

Some entities will have additional tags along with their faction ones. Unless otherwise stated, any entities who have these tags have a special effect preventing them from taking more then 75% of their HP as damage at once. Because instakills.
[xx-BOSS]. Bosses of whatever side the xx is. Bosses are entities a head above the rest, better and bulkier. They drop a super powerful artifact or item upon death, along with some more MAD L00T, to quote The Nonexistent Tazz.
[xx-ELITE] Same as Bosses, but less powerful. They won't drop a super powerful item/artifact, but they will drop some stuff.
[xx-TERMINUS] A absurdly powerful boss. These will only ever be PG, and possibly H, unless you pull off a huge shenanigan with other players. Like, a 600 CP shenanigans with a ton of extra words and loopholes on top. Expect to only see like, 3 of these over the course of the entire game. Drops a shitton of awesome stuff upon death, unless it's the final boss, in which case you get an awesome item called "Cutscene and Epilogue". It's super rare! It's highly, highly, unlikely you'll see any Terminus-level entities in this test session.
There might also be other tags at some point. Who knoooooows.

[Passive Charges]
Passive charges are the other way of charging. These don't require you to use your actions for, except for creating them.
You may use one action to create a passive charge. A passive charge represents something happening on a map, like a guy playing through minecraft to kill the enderdragon and obtain the Egg as an artifact, or a spaceship in a hanger being assembled. Upon creation, choose a number. It is recommended to do 10-45, as this is the early game. The Passive Charge will be listed at the bottom of every update and increment by 2 (or more if you've assigned an entity to help work on it, or something). Once it reaches the number, the charge will complete, and you can deploy an entity, artifact, or whatever worth as much CP as the charge was long. Passive Charges can be disrupted, and have a Stability Bar. The bar goes down the more disruptions the charge experiences, and the charge will only get upped by 1 per turn if it's under 50% Stability, and won't increment at all under 30%. If it hits 0%, the charge is destroyed and cannot be restarted unless the damage done to it was very small.

[What to use your Charge On]
Now, I'm sure you are very confused by all these mentions of Entities, Artifacts, Items, and such. These are things that you use CP and Charge to create! Let's go over them.
These are the main fodder of the field. Entities are any living thing (or maybe not. Cardboard boxes and rocks have been summoned as entities before.) on one of the sides that aren't the Godmodder, a Player, or me, the GM! Though I'm not on the field. Entities can be anything you can think of: Fictional characters, original characters, yourself...
Entities have many stats that they can have. As a note, Player Upgrades and Artifacts can also grant these stats to players..
HP: This hits 0, and the entity dies, because people die when killed to death. Unless they have a passive for negative HP or something, but that's a gimmicky thing and doesn't count.
AC: Armor Class. For every point of AC an entity has, every attack against them deals (AC*1,000) less damage. AC cannot reduce an attack to less than 1,000 damage, unless under special circumstances. Negative AC makes attacks deal more damage.
SHP: Shield HP. A second HP bar that blocks the main one until destruction. SHP regens fully at the end of the every turn, even if knocked down to 0. Does not benefit from AC.
Dodge Chance: An entity's chance to dodge an attack and negate it. Against players, an entity gains reduced dodge the more high quality that player's attack was. Players can also order their entities and describe the entity's actions to gain this boost for them as well.
Attack: The entity's attack stat. They can have an attack stat where they deal one hit to one entity (like, XXXX has an Attack stat of 50,000), have multiple attacks that can be split amongst targets, or aimed at one target, (like: XXXX has an attack stat of 10,000 x 5), or a variety of different attacks they can select from to use (like: XXXX can heal an entity for 10,000 HP, slash two entities for 3,000 damage, or shield themselves, giving them double AC for this turn).
Specials: Special actions that take turns to charge. Once ready, the entity can use them to perform a powerful action - more powerful the longer the special took to charge.
Entities can also have special passives you can give them.
Entity creation and balancing is pretty loose, and while I have a general idea of player power, I'm not going to be too limiting. But too many gimmicks or complex passives will cause me to put my foot down. Here are some general guidelines for HP and attack, but these are not hard and you can summon entities defying them.
10 Charge/CP: 80,000 Hp, 20,000 Attack.
20 Charge/CP: 160,000 Hp, 40,000 Attack
30 Charge/CP: 240,000 Hp. 60,000 Attack.
40 Charge/CP: 320,000 Hp. 80,000 Attack.

-[Artifacts and Items]
Artifacts are items players can wield, which grant them buffs! Attack artifacts, like swords, guns, and such, must be used in an attack to gain whatever bonus they grant, and the more artifacts you use in one attack, the less powerful their collected bonuses get. Equipment artifacts grant passive bonuses which you usually don't need to activate. There's no limit to how many artifacts you can have at once, but you will have to BS an explanation for wearing 8 mech suits at once. Most artifacts have durability that goes down as you use them, and they'll break if they hit 0, so keep them in good shape with repairs and charges! You drop all your artifacts onto the field upon death. Artifacts can be stolen, but enemy steal attempts give you a turn to react before they go into effect. Entities CAN wield artifacts, but will need your help to defend against steal attempts.
Items are things in the group inventory, which unlike artifacts, anyone can use. They can often be used to craft things, or will have some cool effect, like a bomb that stuns an entity for 3 turns upon death, or a 20 CP Crystal. Normally, things can't be stolen from the group inventory, but the Godmodder and possibly special things he summons might be able to…

-[Player Upgrades]
Upgrades you can apply to yourself with charge, granting you things like special attacks, passives, dodge, AC, status effect application, and so on. but every one of them you add has a "stability bar", which starts at 100%. People can target this bar to lower it, and it will lower passively every time the upgrade comes into effect. If the upgrade is a damage boost, it'll lose 5% Stability every time you attack. If it's a leveling system -3% every time you level up. If it's a special attack, it'll lose 20% stability every time the special goes off, and so on (these aren't hard numbers, they're just examples) If it hits 0%, you lose the upgrade and cannot gain it again, and adding upgrades similar to it will take extra CP/charge in the future. You can keep stability by investing CP/charge in it, and countering attacks on it, but a single focused action usually won't do much to heal it.

-[Buffed Actions]
This is just using CP and Passive Charges to launch empowered attacks. Neat.

You can use your action to scan things! This gives a quick description of them, possible motives, their full stats, and a bit of other trivia. In addition, it can reveal what special attacks will do, secrets about the entity, lists of passives, and other goodies. Some things will require multiple scans by seperate people to reveal.

[Hezecrusher Fallacy]
The Hezecrusher Fallacy is a name in the DTG Community for the tendency for things in DTG to not be as powerful as they are in their source material. Nukes are famously ineffective, and objects and entities are only as powerful as the words and CP you put into them. Be creative.

Here's a link to the DTG Discord if you want to join. This isn't the only DTG game out there, although the full version of this game will take place in a different canon then most other games.
Are you ready? To Destroy! The! Godmodder!

TERRAIN: Simulated Field. No effect.


[GM] Godmodder. 20 / 20 Hp.
[PG] Terror Skeletons. 40,000 / 40,000 Hp x 3.
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The Trainer walks into the area, and immediately sues the Godmodder. For copyright infringement. He is the designer of the Godmodder training sim technology (see DTG:Brawl for details Destroy The Godmodder: Brawl )(not a shameless plug, but I will admit it is an incidental one). With his other two actions, he shoots two rockets at two of the skeletons, each loaded with Smite V.
Actions 1+2 : A rather bizarre hovering computer displaying an eye hovers in the air, and flies some distance away from the Godmodder and his skeletons.

Action 3 + All CP. It creates a small fortress, with very tight security and tightly closed doors.

10 + 1 (?) CP: HP
5 CP: Armor Class
15 CP: Protection for Passive Charges within.
The dimensional shenanigans ensue. One thing that you can't see in this dimension boink, suddenly the stone that looked so innocent grows and a whole dragon appears only to vanish again into a different layer. Now that the sense for reality is shaken a bit, a magician appears out of thin air. It is probably dimensional, or an invisibility, or maybe teleport, magicians always use tricks (if you believe they do magic, that would be naive).
Yes- magic does not exist. Saying something simply happens never works. Let me demonstrate:
The godmodder loses 1 health- because magic.

Now that this is out of the way, let me preserve some of my good boy points, using the 2 remaining "get creative or I will not let you use super power"-points.
The best thing to keep harm at bay is counter harm, since it is easier to destroy than to heal. In theory.
Damage reflection is bullshit tho. Thorns are too primitive. Threats are... often circumvented. Eh...
The body of hungry visitor gains dimension shift cushion. Lets explain this.

If lets say a huge beam of annihilation attempts to carve into hungry visitor, the dimension shift cushion does jack shit.
If lets say a huge warhammer of annihilation attempts to carve into hungry visitor, it pushes the body into a different layer of the 4th dimension instead.
The body seems gone to you not comprehending this. Too bad hungry visitor will just come out again and laugh it off.

Hmm maybe a shield would be good... against mentioned energy ray that destroys stuff. Shields tend to break tho.
Mirrors are too mainstream too. So the only thing could be... 2 portal shields.
Do you know the game "Portal" or "Portal 2" by valve? If yes, you can probably imagine the shields already.
If no I explain it.
Basically portals are connected to each other but not with any oldfashioned ropes or nails. They are basically those doors from monster inc., do you have seen monster inc.?
So lets say you look out of your window but instead of looking outside, you look inside your room and at yourself looking out of this window. Then you try to climb out of the window and land in your room, and notice that you climbed through the other window in your room.
And lets say the 2 portal shields are strapped to my arms and lead to each other, they have also a distinct form... lets say... perfectly round.

Ok that is all for my 3 actions.
<30 CP +2 Actions>
10 Charge is 120,000 Hp, 20,000 Attack.
This suggests 12khp/charge and 2kA/charge. (and extrapolates to 384,000hp 64,000A for this entity)
...That's an even more lopsided ratio then piono uses but ok.
With one action at 24k value if pureHP, that makes 24ka equivalent to a player action if limited in versatility.
With all this in mind...
Prototype F 350,000/350,000 HP 0 RP 1/5 Expand
Abilities (All can be used simultanously unless otherwise noted. Researches (later) can add to this list.)
>Research: Initiate. Starts a 'research' with RP (of which one generates a round). A Research is analogous to a Passive Charge, but can only be used to either upgrade Prototype F, or make a 'MODULE' (more on those later). Additionally, researches can be defended using RP, unlike other peoples passive charges. Players may turn a CP into an RP at any time, as an RP is a strictly less versatile CP.
>Research: Activate. ends a research, analagous to a player using a passive charge.
(At this point,Prototype F has 40,000A left to use on other properties.)
>Generica. Preforms a nonspecific, not-shenanigans action with a value of 17,000. cannot be used with Attack, Heal, or Regemerate, nor fulfil their functions.
>Regemerate. heal yourself 17,000. If you are below two-thirds health, heal 21,000. if you are below one third health, heal 30,000. cannot be used with attack, heal, or generica.
>Attack. do 19,000 damage to a target. Cannot be used with heal, regemerate, or generica.
>Heal. heal a target for 18,000. cannot be used with attack, regemerate, or generica.

>Module: This provides a limiter for the framework of Research. Modules have somewhat more health then they should for the size of their research, but will die instantly if Prototype F dies, and cannot recieve any passives removing this ability unless total expenditure in this matter is sufficient to resummon them from scratch. Modules always have a name of 'MODULE [letter]'. the Letter is the first letter or a significant letter of either a previous JOE entity, or an interesting entity which has fallen, and their mechanics will reflect this. if no modules are possible or the result is struck by CoR, the research will instead upgrade Prototype F directly. Modules can only benefit, and never harm, Prototype F. Aside from this, modules can have more or less any gimmick. their health bar need not be normal, their actions need not be simple, they can have charge ups and special statuses and so on. Modules cannot be added by non-Prototype-F beings.

(now there's 20,000A left for the final property...)
1/5 Expand
Increase your HP and MHP by 60,000, and grant yourself a passive regeneration of (40,000/12,000*2000= 6666) about +7,000 per round. using Expand is a free action.

A last passive: Independance. Prototype F will act on its own, because I don't intend to hang around to order it. it will not idle unless for a specific purpose, and even then, it will at least use Generica to buff itself or similar.
For the first turn of its existance, its orders are to not expend any RP...
[third action: I give Prototype F a parting gift of 1 RP.]
On the second turn, it is to use 3 RP to start a Research entitled 'Module R'S.'. it may do as it wishes with its other actions.
<R'S refers to Racyls'Strom. base the first module on that, if you will.>
Update One: Prototype F, the Fortress, and Ru'ule Sixoth
The Trainer walks into the area, and immediately sues the Godmodder. For copyright infringement. He is the designer of the Godmodder training sim technology (see DTG:Brawl for details Destroy The Godmodder: Brawl )(not a shameless plug, but I will admit it is an incidental one). With his other two actions, he shoots two rockets at two of the skeletons, each loaded with Smite V.
Welcome to the game and thank you for playing!
You try and sue the Godmodder, but this takes place in a completely different canon and you get nuked from orbit by Ru'ule Sixoth, a entity from the Elemental Plane of Rules who represents Rule Six!
10,000 damage to two skeletons!

Actions 1+2 : A rather bizarre hovering computer displaying an eye hovers in the air, and flies some distance away from the Godmodder and his skeletons.

Action 3 + All CP. It creates a small fortress, with very tight security and tightly closed doors.

10 + 1 (?) CP: HP
5 CP: Armor Class
15 CP: Protection for Passive Charges within.
You join the game! Welcome and thank you for playing!
Fortress summoned!

The dimensional shenanigans ensue. One thing that you can't see in this dimension boink, suddenly the stone that looked so innocent grows and a whole dragon appears only to vanish again into a different layer. Now that the sense for reality is shaken a bit, a magician appears out of thin air. It is probably dimensional, or an invisibility, or maybe teleport, magicians always use tricks (if you believe they do magic, that would be naive).
Yes- magic does not exist. Saying something simply happens never works. Let me demonstrate:
The godmodder loses 1 health- because magic.

Now that this is out of the way, let me preserve some of my good boy points, using the 2 remaining "get creative or I will not let you use super power"-points.
The best thing to keep harm at bay is counter harm, since it is easier to destroy than to heal. In theory.
Damage reflection is bullshit tho. Thorns are too primitive. Threats are... often circumvented. Eh...
The body of hungry visitor gains dimension shift cushion. Lets explain this.

If lets say a huge beam of annihilation attempts to carve into hungry visitor, the dimension shift cushion does jack shit.
If lets say a huge warhammer of annihilation attempts to carve into hungry visitor, it pushes the body into a different layer of the 4th dimension instead.
The body seems gone to you not comprehending this. Too bad hungry visitor will just come out again and laugh it off.

Hmm maybe a shield would be good... against mentioned energy ray that destroys stuff. Shields tend to break tho.
Mirrors are too mainstream too. So the only thing could be... 2 portal shields.
Do you know the game "Portal" or "Portal 2" by valve? If yes, you can probably imagine the shields already.
If no I explain it.
Basically portals are connected to each other but not with any oldfashioned ropes or nails. They are basically those doors from monster inc., do you have seen monster inc.?
So lets say you look out of your window but instead of looking outside, you look inside your room and at yourself looking out of this window. Then you try to climb out of the window and land in your room, and notice that you climbed through the other window in your room.
And lets say the 2 portal shields are strapped to my arms and lead to each other, they have also a distinct form... lets say... perfectly round.

Ok that is all for my 3 actions.
You try and claim magic isn't real which is correct. Magic is fake as shit--
As you say "The Godmodder takes 1 damage" to demonstrate how magic isn't real, the Godmodder takes 1 damage. What the hell.
You then give yourself a 1 AC Player Upgrade.
<30 CP +2 Actions>
10 Charge is 120,000 Hp, 20,000 Attack.
This suggests 12khp/charge and 2kA/charge. (and extrapolates to 384,000hp 64,000A for this entity)
...That's an even more lopsided ratio then piono uses but ok.
With one action at 24k value if pureHP, that makes 24ka equivalent to a player action if limited in versatility.
With all this in mind...
Prototype F 350,000/350,000 HP 0 RP 1/5 Expand
Abilities (All can be used simultanously unless otherwise noted. Researches (later) can add to this list.)
>Research: Initiate. Starts a 'research' with RP (of which one generates a round). A Research is analogous to a Passive Charge, but can only be used to either upgrade Prototype F, or make a 'MODULE' (more on those later). Additionally, researches can be defended using RP, unlike other peoples passive charges. Players may turn a CP into an RP at any time, as an RP is a strictly less versatile CP.
>Research: Activate. ends a research, analagous to a player using a passive charge.
(At this point,Prototype F has 40,000A left to use on other properties.)
>Generica. Preforms a nonspecific, not-shenanigans action with a value of 17,000. cannot be used with Attack, Heal, or Regemerate, nor fulfil their functions.
>Regemerate. heal yourself 17,000. If you are below two-thirds health, heal 21,000. if you are below one third health, heal 30,000. cannot be used with attack, heal, or generica.
>Attack. do 19,000 damage to a target. Cannot be used with heal, regemerate, or generica.
>Heal. heal a target for 18,000. cannot be used with attack, regemerate, or generica.

>Module: This provides a limiter for the framework of Research. Modules have somewhat more health then they should for the size of their research, but will die instantly if Prototype F dies, and cannot recieve any passives removing this ability unless total expenditure in this matter is sufficient to resummon them from scratch. Modules always have a name of 'MODULE [letter]'. the Letter is the first letter or a significant letter of either a previous JOE entity, or an interesting entity which has fallen, and their mechanics will reflect this. if no modules are possible or the result is struck by CoR, the research will instead upgrade Prototype F directly. Modules can only benefit, and never harm, Prototype F. Aside from this, modules can have more or less any gimmick. their health bar need not be normal, their actions need not be simple, they can have charge ups and special statuses and so on. Modules cannot be added by non-Prototype-F beings.

(now there's 20,000A left for the final property...)
1/5 Expand
Increase your HP and MHP by 60,000, and grant yourself a passive regeneration of (40,000/12,000*2000= 6666) about +7,000 per round. using Expand is a free action.

A last passive: Independance. Prototype F will act on its own, because I don't intend to hang around to order it. it will not idle unless for a specific purpose, and even then, it will at least use Generica to buff itself or similar.
For the first turn of its existance, its orders are to not expend any RP...
[third action: I give Prototype F a parting gift of 1 RP.]
On the second turn, it is to use 3 RP to start a Research entitled 'Module R'S.'. it may do as it wishes with its other actions.
<R'S refers to Racyls'Strom. base the first module on that, if you will.>
You join the game, summon a entity, give it 1 RP, and... then... leave.
JOE why do you do this to me, D:
Regardless, Prototype F summoned! It's nerfed a bit, including loosing the ability to perform every ability at once, being now limited to one.

[AG Phase]
The Fortress cannot do anything, being a nonsentient pile of bricks. Prototype F whirs, and uses Generica to gain 1 RP.

[N Phase]
Ru'ule Sixoth just observes the Battlefield.

[PG Phase]
The first two Terror Skeletons go "rawr rawr" and deal 20,000 total damage to the Fortress. The second one fires a bow at Prototype F, dealing 15,000 damage.
The Godmodder does a rain dance, causing a hurricane to begin forming! It'll appear in two turns. Then, to spite hungry visitor, he summons a magical staff of magicness. He then refrains from doing anything more because it's turn one.

TERRAIN: Simulated Field. No effect.
WEATHER: None. Changing to Hurricane in two turns.

[GM] Godmodder. 19 / 20 Hp. [A] The Supermagical Magicman's Magical Staff of Magic Magicness. Is incredibly magical. Magic.

[PG] Terror Skeletons. 40,000 Hp x 3. (1: 30,000 / 40,000 Hp, 2: 30,000 / 40,000 Hp, 3: 40,000 / 40,000 Hp). 15,000 A.

[N] Ru'ule Sixoth. 100,000 / 100,000 Hp. ??? A.

[AG] Prototype F. 285,000 / 300,000 Hp. RP: 3. (1R) Actions: Regemerate | Generica | Attack | Heal. Expand: IIIII
Modules: N/A.
[AG-That_Random_Guy] Fortress. 90,000 / 110,000 Hp. 5 AC. Passive charges within have moderate resistance to disruption! There are no entities or charges inside the Fortress at the moment.
[AG] That_Random_Guy. 20 / 20 Hp. CP: 1.
[AG] hungry visitor. 20 / 20 Hp. 1 AC (100% Stability!) CP: 1.
[AG] Ender_Smirk. 20 / 20 Hp. CP: 31.
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I briefly exit the simulator, and sneak around to the operator console. And then I say to the person running it "Pssst. Please make the Sim Godmodder be the ENTIRE SOVIET UNION."

"What, why?"

"Come on, it'll be hilarious, and I've always wanted to punch a reality warping Stalin in the face."

The operator shrugs and does the thing, and suddenly the Godmodder is the ENTIRE SOVIET UNION.

Now having a cohesive theme, I re-enter the simulation.
Action 1: I start a 10-point charge entitled Armor Layers.

Action 2: by brick and my mortar, I repair the fortress!

Action 3: I start a 10-point charge entitled Repairbot

(x1)I begin a 16 passive charge named: Paradoxical Shenanigans

(x2)I Summon and utilise an Electric Boning Knife from Kingdom of Loathing to disassemble a Terror Skeleton
[1] +1 RP to Prototype F.
[1] Heals Prototype F
[1] drops off a list of modules, including MODULE L, MODULE B, MODULE B2, and MODULE S||R||F. this boosts those modules if used??
Prototype F, start the 30R for MODULE RS, but also start a 10R for any of the above modules of your choice, or a direct upgrade to Prototype F, I'm not picky.
<vanishes into the ether, for real this time?>
Update Two: In Soviet Russia, Godmodder is You

I briefly exit the simulator, and sneak around to the operator console. And then I say to the person running it "Pssst. Please make the Sim Godmodder be the ENTIRE SOVIET UNION."

"What, why?"

"Come on, it'll be hilarious, and I've always wanted to punch a reality warping Stalin in the face."

The operator shrugs and does the thing, and suddenly the Godmodder is the ENTIRE SOVIET UNION.

Now having a cohesive theme, I re-enter the simulation.
Welcome to the game and thank you for playing!
You run over and talk to the console operator. AKA, me.
Eh, whatever.
The Godmodder is now the entire Soviet Union. This means he now has the entire might of the Soviet Union with Godmodding Powers to use against you. This is not a good thing.

Action 1: I start a 10-point charge entitled Armor Layers.

Action 2: by brick and my mortar, I repair the fortress!

Action 3: I start a 10-point charge entitled Repairbot
Charges started! I'm gonna assume these are inside the Fortress.
The Fortress is healed for 8,000 Hp!


(x1)I begin a 16 passive charge named: Paradoxical Shenanigans

(x2)I Summon and utilise an Electric Boning Knife from Kingdom of Loathing to disassemble a Terror Skeleton
Charge started.
20,000 damage to a skeleton!
[1] +1 RP to Prototype F.
[1] Heals Prototype F
[1] drops off a list of modules, including MODULE L, MODULE B, MODULE B2, and MODULE S||R||F. this boosts those modules if used??
Prototype F, start the 30R for MODULE RS, but also start a 10R for any of the above modules of your choice, or a direct upgrade to Prototype F, I'm not picky.
<vanishes into the ether, for real this time?>
+1 RP.
10,000 HP healed.
The Prototype F takes your suggestions to heart, but it's independent and might deviate from them.

I'm coming in! I'll just go ahead and I've myself fire breathe.
Player upgrade obtained!

[AG Phase]
Nothing of note happens, except for Prototype F starting a research project.

[N Phase]
Ru'ule Sixoth writes a scroll and ties it to a messager pigeon, which flies off into the distance. What's up with that?

[PG Phase]
The Skeletons do the skeleton war-y thing, dealing 5 damage to all players.
The Entire Soviet Union straps Russian nukes to the Skeletons. If you attack the Skeletons without removing the nukes, the nukes will go off and wipe the field.


TERRAIN: Simulated Field. No effect.
WEATHER: None. Changing to Hurricane in one turn.

[GM] The Entire Soviet Union. The entire Union. 19 / 20 Hp. [A] The Supermagical Magicman's Magical Staff of Magic Magicness. Is incredibly magical. Magic.

[PG] Terror Skeletons. 40,000 Hp x 3. (1: 10,000 / 40,000 Hp, 2: 30,000 / 40,000 Hp, 3: 40,000 / 40,000 Hp). 15,000 A.

[N] Ru'ule Sixoth. 100,000 / 100,000 Hp. ??? A.

[AG] Prototype F. 285,000 / 300,000 Hp. RP: 1. (1R) Actions: Regemerate | Generica | Attack | Heal. Expand: IIIII
Modules: N/A.
Research Projects:
Baby's First Module: 2 / 5.
[AG-That_Random_Guy] Fortress. 98,000 / 110,000 Hp. 5 AC. Passive charges within have moderate resistance to disruption! There are no entities or charges inside the Fortress at the moment.
[AG] That_Random_Guy. 16 / 20 Hp. CP: 1.
[AG] hungry visitor. 16 / 20 Hp. 1 AC (100% Stability!) CP: 1.
[AG] Ender_Smirk. 15 / 20 Hp. CP: 31.
[AG] I just write. 15 / 20 Hp. CP: 31.
[AG] Dragon of Hope. 15 / 20 Hp. CP: 31. Fire Breath. (100% Stability)

Passive Charges:
Armor Layers: 2 / 10. In fortress.
Repairbot: 2 / 10. In fortress.
Paradoxical Shenanigans: 2 / 16.
A small ball of strange energy appears and almost immediately jumps around and away from where the conflict is bound to ensue.
(If this was not clear enough, I dun want to be part of the battle(yet))

It then stops for a moment to consider the wellspring of energy inside its being and pauses for a second, before spending one more of energy to boost its already fast speed to something ridiculous.

It's body being made of the energy it is, feels more than a little fragile and unstable compared to normal flesh and bones, so it uses another fresh note to give itself a better sense of solidity.

With another fresh more inside it. It pulses a little while on its trajectory away from the fight, before a much smaller ball of energy is released and left to grow on it's own while orbiting the much bigger ball of energy. Soon enough starting to gather the energy that is radiating from its predecessor. 1/30

It feels the more frozen and solidified energy inside it and just keeps them there, not using it and instead focusing on running away.
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Free Action: I call for help from 'MURICA.

FOCUS: I play the Terror Skeletons the Song of my people. As you may suspect, this involves a great many guns, varying in caliber from .5 to 5 meter.

They be re-dead-ified.
(x2)I engage Nanomachines(Son) and repair up the Fortress with them, spreading them in a sea of repairing goo...

(x1)I vibrate a Terror Skeleton's bones till they turn into Dust
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Yeah what the hell?

From the 4th dimension a voice speaks in a sonorous voice: "A magician never reveals his tricks!"

"Damn. We will never know, but at least that smug trickster has revealed that it IS a trick. Magic is not real."
(that is what I would say if I were in this layer of reality or comprehend the 4th dimension)
"I really don't know what to believe... anymore. Could it be he was a REAL magician?", speaks hungry visitor.
"No... I am not that naive yet. lets examine the damage... or not. A storm is brewing.", HV says after looking at the sky.
"Oh shit are those... nuclear bombs? I hate to say it but if those go off we are all dead.", HV says after looking at the bombs strapped to the skeletons.
"Did I say we all? No way I stay up here!", HV speaks and expends a point.
With a rumble a very high pillar that is of an overweight man sized thickness, comes out of the earth. It is black and shiny completely made out of some kind of lead alloy.
it finally stops coming out of the earth and reveals a spot, where a man can stand in. HV goes inside and the whole pillar descends again.
HV gets out of the claustrophobic elevator after it arrives in a minute. His very own high security bunker with lead enriched earth above the "very strong alloy" defense that is under the lead enriched earth. The high security bunker destroys the elevator mechanism. Anti teleport and portal preventions in the 4th dimension (made of similar layers of lead and a mountain) lets the shields that should have protected HV fizzle out and vanish. "Oh huh... at least it is not forever.", HV mutters and lays the empty frames of the shields down.
Also his 4th dimension cushion is a bit compromised by the fucking mountain that blocks the whole 4th dimension. (but he does not know that)
Then he orders a food from the mechanical waiter and controls the water tank, oxygen machine, hydrogen tank, dynamo and oil/sugar/protein/vitamin synthesizing systems.

Then the police come.
"Godmodder! You are now arrested for trying to summon a Hurricane. You have the right to remain silent.", a policeman says and cuffs the godmodder with anti-hurricane-cuffs, which basically prevent certain dance moves essential to the rain dance by restricting the movement.
The popo tries to drag the godmodder into the car and drive off to jail.

Of course, now that the ENTIRE SOVIET UNION is the Godmodder, that means it now has a critical weakness! That critical weakness is Gorbachev. I therefore travel to Moscow, and summon Gorbachev directly into the role of SOVIET Premier. Cue total collapse in three, two, one.
[x3] 3 rp to prototype F and also why did it cost it 3 RP to start an out-of-five Research when using RP for research is supposed to be analagous to (but more limited then) using a cp for a passive charge?
Update Three: TAAANKS
I'll give myself wings now. Gotta deck myself out to actually be a dragon, right?
You give yourself wings! This doesn't give you any discernible buff. Perhaps you should specify how this helps you?

A small ball of strange energy appears and almost immediately jumps around and away from where the conflict is bound to ensue.
(If this was not clear enough, I dun want to be part of the battle(yet))

It then stops for a moment to consider the wellspring of energy inside its being and pauses for a second, before spending one more of energy to boost its already fast speed to something ridiculous.

It's body being made of the energy it is, feels more than a little fragile and unstable compared to normal flesh and bones, so it uses another fresh note to give itself a better sense of solidity.

With another fresh more inside it. It pulses a little while on its trajectory away from the fight, before a much smaller ball of energy is released and left to grow on it's own while orbiting the much bigger ball of energy. Soon enough starting to gather the energy that is radiating from its predecessor. 1/30

It feels the more frozen and solidified energy inside it and just keeps them there, not using it and instead focusing on running away.
Welcome to the game, Gnich, and thanks for playing!
You zip off into the distance, using 1 CP to flee to the edges of the simulation. You attempt to gain AC, but 1 CP isn't enough to get any class of Armor. Would you like to spend more?
You then start a mysterious passive charge. As you continue to fly, you notice a pigeon flying towards a shining gold palace in the distance.

Free Action: I call for help from 'MURICA.

FOCUS: I play the Terror Skeletons the Song of my people. As you may suspect, this involves a great many guns, varying in caliber from .5 to 5 meter.

They be re-dead-ified.
'MURICA called upon! Their aid will arrive in two turns!
10,000 damage to every Skeleton, killing one of them! You forget about the nukes, and as such I roll a die to see if you hit them..
And you successfully avoid detonating the nukes, whew!

(x2)I engage Nanomachines(Son) and repair up the Fortress with them, spreading them in a sea of repairing goo...

(x1)I vibrate a Terror Skeleton's bones till they turn into Dust
Fortress brought back to full HP!
13,000 damage to a Terror Skeleton!

Yeah what the hell?

From the 4th dimension a voice speaks in a sonorous voice: "A magician never reveals his tricks!"

"Damn. We will never know, but at least that smug trickster has revealed that it IS a trick. Magic is not real."
(that is what I would say if I were in this layer of reality or comprehend the 4th dimension)
"I really don't know what to believe... anymore. Could it be he was a REAL magician?", speaks hungry visitor.
"No... I am not that naive yet. lets examine the damage... or not. A storm is brewing.", HV says after looking at the sky.
"Oh shit are those... nuclear bombs? I hate to say it but if those go off we are all dead.", HV says after looking at the bombs strapped to the skeletons.
"Did I say we all? No way I stay up here!", HV speaks and expends a point.
With a rumble a very high pillar that is of an overweight man sized thickness, comes out of the earth. It is black and shiny completely made out of some kind of lead alloy.
it finally stops coming out of the earth and reveals a spot, where a man can stand in. HV goes inside and the whole pillar descends again.
HV gets out of the claustrophobic elevator after it arrives in a minute. His very own high security bunker with lead enriched earth above the "very strong alloy" defense that is under the lead enriched earth. The high security bunker destroys the elevator mechanism. Anti teleport and portal preventions in the 4th dimension (made of similar layers of lead and a mountain) lets the shields that should have protected HV fizzle out and vanish. "Oh huh... at least it is not forever.", HV mutters and lays the empty frames of the shields down.
Also his 4th dimension cushion is a bit compromised by the fucking mountain that blocks the whole 4th dimension. (but he does not know that)
Then he orders a food from the mechanical waiter and controls the water tank, oxygen machine, hydrogen tank, dynamo and oil/sugar/protein/vitamin synthesizing systems.

Then the police come.
"Godmodder! You are now arrested for trying to summon a Hurricane. You have the right to remain silent.", a policeman says and cuffs the godmodder with anti-hurricane-cuffs, which basically prevent certain dance moves essential to the rain dance by restricting the movement.
The popo tries to drag the godmodder into the car and drive off to jail.
You flee to a bunker underneath the field! Okay then.
The police try and arrest the entire Soviet Union. As they only have a few pairs of handcuffs, this fails, but they manage to arrest the rain dancers, canceling the Hurricane, and reducing it to a Light Drizzle!


Of course, now that the ENTIRE SOVIET UNION is the Godmodder, that means it now has a critical weakness! That critical weakness is Gorbachev. I therefore travel to Moscow, and summon Gorbachev directly into the role of SOVIET Premier. Cue total collapse in three, two, one.
..wait, you have a passive charge going?
GASP! The Soviet Union collapses, taking 2 damage!

[x3] 3 rp to prototype F and also why did it cost it 3 RP to start an out-of-five Research when using RP for research is supposed to be analagous to (but more limited then) using a cp for a passive charge?
+3 RP, and thank you for pointing that out. Fixed.

[AG Phase]
Prototype F uses all 6 of its RP to start 3 projects.

[N Phase]
Ru'ule Sixoth blasts Prototype F for 30,000 damage.

[PG Phase]
The skeletons I Just Write for 3 damage!
The Entire Soviet Union fields a couple of tanks, then finishes its collapse. To prevent this from killing him, the Godmodder transforms back into himself, and casts Baleful Polymorph on one of the skeletons, creating the Skeleton Bear. Rawr. You guys are going to want to start fielding some entities, fast.

TERRAIN: Simulated Field. No effect.
WEATHER: Light Drizzle.

[GM] The Godmodder. 17 / 20 Hp. [A] The Supermagical Magicman's Magical Staff of Magic Magicness. Is incredibly magical. Magic. 7 / 9 Durability.

[PG] Terror Skeleton. 7,000 / 40,000 Hp. 15,000 A.
[PG] Skeleton Bear. 50,000 / 50,000
[PG] Tank Squadron. 300,000 / 300,000 Hp.

[N] Ru'ule Sixoth. 100,000 / 100,000 Hp. ??? A.

[AG] Prototype F. 255,000 / 300,000 Hp. RP: 1. (1R) Actions: Regemerate | Generica | Attack | Heal. Expand: IIIII
Modules: N/A.
Research Projects:
Baby's First Module: 2 / 5.
Labyrinth: 0 / 10.
Survivor: 0 / 5.
The Power of NO and U: 0 / 20.
[AG-That_Random_Guy] Fortress. 98,000 / 110,000 Hp. 5 AC. Passive charges within have moderate resistance to disruption! There are no entities or charges inside the Fortress at the moment.
[AG] That_Random_Guy. 16 / 20 Hp. CP: 2.
[AG] Ender_Smirk. 15 / 20 Hp. CP: 32.
[AG] I just write. 12 / 20 Hp. CP: 32.
[AG] Dragon of Hope. 15 / 20 Hp. CP: 32. Fire Breath. (100% Stability)

Passive Charges:
Armor Layers: 4 / 10. In fortress.
Repairbot: 4 / 10. In fortress.
Paradoxical Shenanigans: 4 / 16.

Bunker under the Field:
[AG] hungry visitor. 16 / 20 Hp. 1 AC (100% Stability!) CP: 2.

Somewhere on the Outskirts of the Simulation:
[AG??] Gnich. 20 / 20 Hp. CP: 30.

Passive Charges:
???: 2 / 30. (Gnich's)
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I stab a Terror Skeleton through the knee to pin it in place, before stealing it's nuclear warhead and running off with the bomb.
Hmm all bunker systems functional. Pretty good. Yeah we good. Hungry visitor looks at the safety timer:
Time till safety:
safety: now
He begins to chuckle. The timer is needed since no kind of frequency could be sent from this location. What is the timer for?
Some kind of thing... er... what was it again. Yeah. F E A R F R E Q U E N C Y (using 1 Action and 2 CP)
Basically complex nanomachines that needed time to enrich in the nano forge. But since the timer just got to 0... they no longer need that.
The nanomachines phase into the 3rd dimension on the field and begin shooting air particles around, creating specific wave patterns that they slowly become part of.
That is phase 1.
The nanomachines calibrate to the patterns they move in and then send a signal into the 4th dimension, where portal machines reside in.
That is phase 2.
The portals send the requested gravity to certain places to certain times and increase the pattern from there... the nanomachines are no longer needed.
That is all.
What do those patterns do?
It is a slight hum to the human ear. You can compare the impact on any kind of brain to... water on redstone that is sprinkled on a dirt block.
Run time of brain destroy sound? Till someone destroys the portal machines sitting somewhere in the 4th dimension.

HV also does something with the other 2 power points. He adds a bomb build facility and a bomb research machine to the bunker.
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A guy randomly appears! He looks like Agent Smith, except that his suit is completely pink and his sunglasses have rhinestones.

All Actions + All CP: the Guy creates a Virus that infects the Sim! It will cause random effects against the PG forces.
The wings give me a bonus to my attack when I'm hitting something in the air. That good?
Edit: Forgot to use my actions. I create the hilt of a sword.