Destroy the Godmodder: Renewal, OOC Thread. (Always Accepting)

@pionoplayer please add threadmarks to the updates in the IC thread. It'll make reading through the archives much easer for those who want to do so.
So, I kinda want to put some tags on the main thread, and I have no idea what to put.
Any ideas?
Alright, the ownership has been fixed. That's a problem because when I'm making new entities I copy paste old ones then redo any new stats so I don't have to type out everything from scratch. Every so often that results in an entity not having the write name or owner.

The health, however, is correct. the Godmodder flew over head and dealt 10000 damage to everything as a way of saying "HELLO THERE MOTHERGORILLAS YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM ME."
I reread the opening crawl and I noticed some things.

First, those of us RP'ing as if we were placed here by someone else/ accidentally arrived here are missing the part where we came to this planet because we heard there was a Godmodder here.

Second: we came because we heard there was a Godmodder #LookingForSomething B-)

I reread the opening crawl and I noticed some things.

First, those of us RP'ing as if we were placed here by someone else/ accidentally arrived here are missing the part where we came to this planet because we heard there was a Godmodder here.

Second: we came because we heard there was a Godmodder #LookingForSomething B-)


Well, I came here because Godmodder = overpowered threat to existence. But given that the Godmodder probably had insanely effective anti-everything defenses around the planet, its probably more likely for people to show up on accident than on purpose.

Another question: Can one player use multiple artifacts at once?
I reread the opening crawl and I noticed some things.

First, those of us RP'ing as if we were placed here by someone else/ accidentally arrived here are missing the part where we came to this planet because we heard there was a Godmodder here.

Second: we came because we heard there was a Godmodder #LookingForSomething B-)

The current opening crawl, but I'd swear that the original opening crawl did still partially contain that, but was less concrete about what happened, and just had us showing up in the middle of a random room, which indicated to me the potential for a random entry.

Plus that's the only way my "character" works, who's basically entirely normal human man. Which isn't boring when you realize that this makes him unique compared to everyone else who decides they want to RP for whatever reason.
I reread the opening crawl and I noticed some things.

First, those of us RP'ing as if we were placed here by someone else/ accidentally arrived here are missing the part where we came to this planet because we heard there was a Godmodder here.

Second: we came because we heard there was a Godmodder #LookingForSomething B-)

Okay, you phrased that weirdly but...
DING DING DING someone figured out what #LookingForSomething refers to. The Godmodder is indeed looking for something, but WHAT? OwO

Well, I came here because Godmodder = overpowered threat to existence. But given that the Godmodder probably had insanely effective anti-everything defenses around the planet, its probably more likely for people to show up on accident than on purpose.

Another question: Can one player use multiple artifacts at once?
People aren't going to be showing up on accident except in the most exceptional of circumstances. You don't "accidentally" get through insanely effective anti-everything defenses.
Unless you're a Descended I guess.

Anyways, yes, one player can use multiple artifacts at once, but if you start hording artifacts you're liable to get punched in the face by the Godmodder so he can steal them all.

The current opening crawl, but I'd swear that the original opening crawl did still partially contain that, but was less concrete about what happened, and just had us showing up in the middle of a random room, which indicated to me the potential for a random entry.

Plus that's the only way my "character" works, who's basically entirely normal human man. Which isn't boring when you realize that this makes him unique compared to everyone else who decides they want to RP for whatever reason.
The only things different about the current opening crawl is some of the typos (but sadly not all of them as a discussion with someone else revealed to me) have been fixed, and the addition of the events since the beginning of the thread.
The only things different about the current opening crawl is some of the typos (but sadly not all of them as a discussion with someone else revealed to me) have been fixed, and the addition of the events since the beginning of the thread.
Well... guess I'm wrong?

Eh, I'll still argue that I just got sent here and don't know how. Presumably it was some weird space thingy that just happened to be at the same time as the people deliberately lowering the shield.
Well... guess I'm wrong?

Eh, I'll still argue that I just got sent here and don't know how. Presumably it was some weird space thingy that just happened to be at the same time as the people deliberately lowering the shield.
Alright, if you want. But if I decide to let the Godmodder just let you leave, then it's up to you to figure out how to handle it.
Okay, important question. Has the Godmodder done any heinous shit I'd be able to find out about with some in-depth scrying and maybe web searching? As in this specific one.

Either way, I'm staying. It'll just change which side I'm on.
I... don't actually have any specific crimes or reprehensible doings in mind for him yet, although he's certainly done some.

Figuring out WHAT he's done might be somewhat difficult though. As crusher's exploding goggles demonstrate, it's hard to gather information on Godmodders.
What is the Godmodder looking for?

What does the man who has everything get himself? He's omnipotent, right?

But there's levels of omnipotence. He has a health bar. It's shielded, but it's there. He has the OP scale to prevent innediate death, but the slow, sustained assault of a forum game can kill him just as dead.

So he has two parts to his weakness. He can die, and we can kill him.

He's gotta be looking to fix that. He's searching for player-style immortality, or he's looking for a way to permanently shut the gates to keep us out forever.
man, i'm really bad at staying active
Hey, that's okay. Even inconsistent posting is still posting. Any contributions at all are appreciated.

What is the Godmodder looking for?

What does the man who has everything get himself? He's omnipotent, right?

But there's levels of omnipotence. He has a health bar. It's shielded, but it's there. He has the OP scale to prevent innediate death, but the slow, sustained assault of a forum game can kill him just as dead.

So he has two parts to his weakness. He can die, and we can kill him.

He's gotta be looking to fix that. He's searching for player-style immortality, or he's looking for a way to permanently shut the gates to keep us out forever.
Not omnipotence. A rule I run by when running DTG is there's no such thing as true omnipotence.
You'll find that no matter what character you run into, there will be limits on their powers SOMEWHERE.

But this is a very good theory. Well postulated. Won't say if it's right or not because SPOILERS, but I do like it.
I wonder if #LookingForSomething is related to #ADragon? This universe's version of the red dragon being either the object of the search or a guardian of whatever they actually are looking for?

Unless they're just looking for a regular rank-up.

Probably thinking too much like the past games. Shrug.
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That's another really good theory. Although I can say #ADragon might be related to #LookingForSomething if you draw certain connections, the Red Dragon's not hiding in the planet where you are.
I don't even know if the Red Dragon's going to make it into this version of canon, but if it does, it'll be as an outside force, as opposed to one you just run into.

Is Mercy's Special acceptable? I'm fine if it's not, since it's pretty good, but I do want to know now.

Also, existencesuccess Entities are listed as AG, but he's Neutral. As he just demonstrated by attacking an AG.
Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and let Mercy have that special just this once.

I'll fix existencesuccess's entities being listed wrong, it'll be fixed next update.