Desperate Struggle: Separatist Quest

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Well it's a droid, droids are logically going to be stronger then organics, I just doubt that a super tactical body would be the most durable of upgrades, I just prefer the contours and redundancies of the ig-100 as well as the intimidation factor they provide.

I'd at least want us to get a backup body if our primary one gets damaged, I want us to not be caught withoue ovotic pants down.

we just have to survive with our head intact, and we'll be good. We're not an organic after all. Plus, I'm fairly sure that with our already greatly improved body (for combat) and our Magnaguards, we'll be able to at least fight a delaying action for us to escape. Our initial upgrade to combat was basically just to have us survive being in combat, which, considering we're on the lower end of clone captain on the power scale, should be plenty fine.
To take this talk somwhere related to us, super tactical droids will eventually be rolled out as a upgrade to the T-series and it would be a good upgrade bur do we really want to go super? Since we are liable to have jedi on our ass I'd say requesting a spare ig-100 chassis or one from the eg series would be a good call, especially if we can layer ourselves in phriik or cortosis.
We could also make a custom variant of the ST, and the upgrade towards ST is going to be software upgrade alongside a hardware time Auper Tacitcals are rolled we should have the funds and pull to commission for a good custom frame
We want to be underestimated, and to be fair to the super tactical droid body, it's pretty ergonomic. If you really wanted to improve on it, just coat it with beskar, and give ourselves b-2 blasters and rockets in our arms. That'll be plenty I think.
We want to be underestimated, and to be fair to the super tactical droid body, it's pretty ergonomic. If you really wanted to improve on it, just coat it with beskar, and give ourselves b-2 blasters and rockets in our arms. That'll be plenty I think.
I just really don't like the hands, the super tacticals three fingers rub me the wrong way, if people just want to stick with the super then okay, just replace the arms with ig-100s or a more human model's one please, I don't want to be mister three fingers.
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You do not account for production and converter production. The B1 was used throughout the clone war and was virtually unchanged. There's a reason for that - B1 is the most massive and cheapest droid they could produce and they HAVE spent a lot of money on it to create a working and well-established infrastructure. There's not much we can do here, because no one will allow us to have any serious impact on the production line (if only because we're just a droid).
We are specifically a warlord.
[] Warlord- One of the only competent Strategists to pass General Grievouses rigorous standards of command and doctrine. Though to say you had his favor would be a stretch, but he loathed you significantly less.
A role for aiding in the overall wars execution and doctrine.
We decide how the war is executed and doctrine. If we leverage our successes to push for a software upgrade to the B1, we can get it mostly adopted, especially if we do so with a Cranky Greivous standing next to us in support.
So there's really not much we can do here in terms of improving the design of existing units (unless we create a draft of mass improvements to the battlefield and send it to the creators, but whether they'll solve it though is a million-to-one question). What we can really do is not to turn off the droids themselves to save resources, but to force them to develop and maybe improve their software somehow.
This is a QM preplanned upgrade he informed us of. There is an entire game mechanic of personal designed projects to upgrade existing droids or introduce new ones. There wouldn't be a point to that if he wasn't planning to allow the technologies to propegate. Sure, other factions might ignore us, but the trade federation is the biggest producer of B1s and they'll shift just to get back at the other factions and have an excuse to raise the price on them.
The cheapest and most effective way, as I see it, has to do with the software part of this droid.
The QM mentioned upgrade I am interesting in pursuing is software based.
improve B1 software wont help much if the hardware cant deal with it, better push for commando droids and super tactical droid ASAP
The QM isn't going to give us a faulty upgrade thats meant to boost the B1s performance and then "Ha! Surprise! You spent all this time researching how to make the B1s use proper tactics without needing a control center, but there chassis can't handle the new maneuvers.
Yeah so part of why you'd build your own infra. is because you could produce your variant droids on a larger scale. Testing them out, proving their field uses, trying to spread it or sell it to the other groups. You may not be able to shift the entire military production... but good luck stopping Grievous from getting additional factories and supplying key warlords with the high end product.
Exactly. The trade federation will adopt it because it lets them charge more to the others as the main producer of these droids, and Greivous and any of the really good leaders will decide the expense of the upgrade is cheaper than the B1s current attrition rate.
In general, globally, we are unlikely to change anything, and if we can, then once, and then we will be increased attention from all sides.
Galactically we may not change what comes out the factories, but if we can convince our Benefactors to make the switch with third or even a quarter of their production, thats tens of millions of droids that can fight tactically in the event the central command is taken out.

Add some programming for Guerrilla warfare doctrine we develop, and suddenly the GAR has the loss of a command Center is not only not the end of a battle, but that B1s could drag things out for multiple months after the republic has effectively won, tying up vital clone divisions in the process.

When the trade federation start performing better than every other faction because they made the changes on some level, what choice do the others really have? Keep dealing with us showing and rescuing there asses with superior B1s while there influence wanes? Total adoption isn't feasible, but if we leverage our faction and position well we can at least force a partial adoption that we can exploit in a variety of creative ways.
But yeah, so far we want for research to get tri-fighter droids early, improved B-1's, variants of the Droideka and the updated buzz droid. Is this good so far? Because commado droids will come pretty soonish, and they're great at base, so I don't see any real need to improve a already great design. I personally see a lot of potential in B-2 droids, especially the ones with jetpacks and wrist rockets. They'd fit pretty well with mobile AAT detachments and elite formations, I'd say.
Yeah. The other factions will design commando's on their own. It's something Dooku and Greivous recognize the need for early on and pressure the CIS as a whole to adopt. We need to focus on things they didn't make or things they took too long to make. Super Tactical will be eventually but it's probably something that will be easier to do once we demonstrate our own worth and upgrade ourselves into one, at which point all the faction will want their own model doing what we do.

The best part of making ourselves into the prototype? Quest version of Super Tactical will come with the same Reinforced Chassis we have, so Jedi will have a harder time taking them down.
Although I wonder if it's possible for us to do propaganda and public relations to increase our popularity as the story progresses?
Show up enough times at major confrontations, turn the tide, and provide Nute Gunrey with battle footage, and he'll do it for us. Nothing a corporate bastard loves more than rubbing his superior product in everyones faces. That it makes us look heroic is just a side effect. Save the other faction generals once or twice by intercepting a Jedi team, and faction relations will improve, reluctantly.

before getting any sort of Fortress world, I'll be pushing for the creation of our own factory ships, since the ability to actually pick up and move our production capabilities with our fleet is HUGE.
Colossal mobile factories isn't something star wars really does. We'd have to design the factory in question from scratch, which could take months to a year and then we have to build it, which will be expensive, and a single factory that isn't unthinkably huge and thus slows us down significantly in hyperspace travel isn't going to have much of an effect on our available droid army compared to the thousands of CIS factories already spanning the Galaxy.

As part of a galaxy spanning military with the backing of said military's highest ranking general, we can likely travel half a day to a day in any direction and find a droid factory owned by the trade federation. It's fairly easy to reach anywhere in the galaxy with a a few days to a week or two of travel in hyperspace. There is also just the logistic issues of supply such a factory as it followed us potentially deep into Republic space. Mobile factories just aren't something we need or would be cost effective to create.

As for our fortress world, it's more just a personal fief we'll be fortifying in prep for when the republic tries to take it back from us. I found a gem called Gorse which has a resource critical to the creation of capital ship turbolasers I'm hoping to deny the republic and sell or trade to the CIS to fund our opperations. It's well positioned in roughly the center of known galactic space for interfering in a number of battles and reaching just about any of the wars battles in good time.
In fact, I would like to see not only fighting, but also revealing various dirty secrets of the Senator and the Republic, playing on the contrasts and other things that are dear to my heart. That is, to conduct an information war with them, pitting them against each other. We didn't just get the information hacker, did we?
We have republic data, but the problem is the GAR is clone manned and Jedi lead. Not really a lot of scandals that we could possibly discover that would do more than give palpatine headaches from scream filled senate sessions. We are better off using our Data Warfare to strike at their logistics and production networks, and predict where they'll strike.

We are, as stated by the quest 'One of the only competent Strategists to pass General Grievouses rigorous standards of command and doctrine'. That said, using saboteur tactics to destroy planetary defenses with our fleet in orbit? That's certainly in the books, I'd say.
Or identifying important rebel fuel reserves and destroying them right after conquering their main starship fuel provider.
I was taking it as you wanting us personally going out and infiltrating places like a knock-off Skywalker, which, to be perfectly, honest sounds BORING when you consider a lot of the Clone Wars series was basically just sneaking around and sabotage.
I too prefer a more lively approach to war. The blitz. Get in, blow shit up or drop a bunch of droids and only stick around long enough to ensure the main objective is accomplished, leave. Obviously we'll also participate in major battles as well, and given the scale of them, they might even take up a serious chunk of our time. I really like the idea of being the reason the GAR can't have nice things, by showing up unexpectedly and destroying them.
I propose to immediately move on to counter-guerrilla operations - it will be fun.

What about them? We're not going to send commando droids to explore an entire planet. What is our tactic?
So, Skywalker and Ahsoka are crawling though some tunnel to reach central command, we blow up the rough and start flooding it with clankers and ask "did you really think I wouldn't install motion sensors in such an obvious security weakpoint?"
To take this talk somwhere related to us, super tactical droids will eventually be rolled out as a upgrade to the T-series and it would be a good upgrade bur do we really want to go super? Since we are liable to have jedi on our ass I'd say requesting a spare ig-100 chassis or one from the eg series would be a good call, especially if we can layer ourselves in phriik or cortosis.
I like the idea that we become the first super tactical and as a result future super tacticals come with Data warfare and personal combat specialty so Jedi have a harder time killing them, even if the elite commanders will dispatch them easily without Greivous's gift, but if their tacticals they'll be smart enough to buy Magna guards of there own.

As for Cortosis, I think with our combat abilities some cortosis weave plates on our droid forearms should allow us to block a few lightsaber blows at critical moments without slowing us down too much or costing more than a small fortune.
Theres actually already a droid for that :p

V2-series commando droid

The V2 commando droid was an advanced battle droid used during the Clone Wars. The V2 was designed to be used in surgical strikes and was not generally deployed as a front-line combatant. They often worked in small four unit groups and were very adept at using explosives to accomplish their...
I wonder how expensive a thousand of these would be, and how much explosives I would need to provide them to level the bottom hunded or two hundred floors of the galactic senate building would be, so I could drop it several hundred meters down and assault it with a smuggled in droid army with orders to shoot to kill, counting on the drop to daze any senators or chancellors left alive.
…did you not see what upgrades ended up winning? We will NOT be in the line of fire anyways, unless you were planning for us to charge their frontline? We've already got upgrades to both our body and weaponry. The paranoia is unreal. We'll have a base camp, that's for certain, and bodyguards. Anything further is just overkill.
Yeah. We don't need to make stay alive upgrades a priority at this point. They can wait until we are getting ready to slaughter the republic senate and chancellor, causing anikan to come at us vader style.
The current plan I want to go is have droid army being fully networked, a grand web with nunerous nodes of various sizes. You have the centeral nodes like main command centers and centeral computers, followed by smaller smaller command center, comamnd units, command post, and down level it goes till you hit B1's and other infantry. Their is no centeral node that if destroyed will wipe army, with various points fall back on to supplement their capabilities, and while it would make us a bit more vulnerable against E-WAR as we have everything networked, just means we have to work on cybersecurity, which I'm pretty sure is already on the docket
That's too expensive and Jamming isn't something the republic is incapable of employing. Networking all the droids is less effective than giving them superior on site commanders and ability to function without them.
The best plan for 1 v 1 attack and overall command is just being a ship. An entire ship that'a just one droid.
Star wars tried that, and went several extremes higher. They made an entire fleet of 200 slaved battlship class ships. It was a complete disaster that saw the fleet disappear for hundreds of years when something went wrong, and fuck was that an expensive fleet. There's a reason that the CIS builds capital ships for Droids to pilot rather than builds capital ships that pilot themselves.
we just have to survive with our head intact, and we'll be good. We're not an organic after all. Plus, I'm fairly sure that with our already greatly improved body (for combat) and our Magnaguards, we'll be able to at least fight a delaying action for us to escape. Our initial upgrade to combat was basically just to have us survive being in combat, which, considering we're on the lower end of clone captain on the power scale, should be plenty fine.
Agreed. Jedi aren't going to be tactically astute enough to corner us for some time, and our 3rd and 4th traits bring us to average or above average Jedi knight rank when you factor in flexible programming letting us adjust to lightsaber styles.
I just really don't like the hands, the super tacticals three fingers rub me the wrong way, if people just want to stick with the super then okay, just replace the arms with ig-100s or a more human model's one please, I don't want to be mister three fingers.
I think our goal is to become a super tactical by upgrading to acquire the advanced programming trait, not alter our chassis to the shape and hardware of a super tactical. If anything, we will save the super tactical from various design flaws by being the model it is based on. I expect the 3 digit hand will be dropped in favor of something better suited to a personal combat specialty.
Bah humbug, let's shelf that until we actually get noticed for our deeds, we need to start buksing up a rep with our gorse strategy, prevent the ryloth campaign from devolving into a never ending insurgency without having to go 'fuck it' and bomb the planet and it's population centers because wat tambor is a idiot who only understands efficency and profit.

Even if we are a Warlord we can realistically do hearts and minds programs/ campaigns because the foundations of the confederacy are in our code, freedom and liberty from Republic tyranny. Having a reputation as a even-handed general who actually helps planets would to wonders for the confederacies legitimacy, we need to prove Sepratist casue is just so that the public opinion don't go down in the drain for us.

The more planets hate us, the more we will be stuck fighting pointless battles while we could spend the time better fighting the Republic and spreading the tenets of the confederacy, the victory will be hollow if literally everybody hates is.
We are specifically a warlord.

We decide how the war is executed and doctrine. If we leverage our successes to push for a software upgrade to the B1, we can get it mostly adopted, especially if we do so with a Cranky Greivous standing next to us in support.

This is a QM preplanned upgrade he informed us of. There is an entire game mechanic of personal designed projects to upgrade existing droids or introduce new ones. There wouldn't be a point to that if he wasn't planning to allow the technologies to propegate. Sure, other factions might ignore us, but the trade federation is the biggest producer of B1s and they'll shift just to get back at the other factions and have an excuse to raise the price on them.

The QM mentioned upgrade I am interesting in pursuing is software based.

The QM isn't going to give us a faulty upgrade thats meant to boost the B1s performance and then "Ha! Surprise! You spent all this time researching how to make the B1s use proper tactics without needing a control center, but there chassis can't handle the new maneuvers.

Exactly. The trade federation will adopt it because it lets them charge more to the others as the main producer of these droids, and Greivous and any of the really good leaders will decide the expense of the upgrade is cheaper than the B1s current attrition rate.

Galactically we may not change what comes out the factories, but if we can convince our Benefactors to make the switch with third or even a quarter of their production, thats tens of millions of droids that can fight tactically in the event the central command is taken out.

Add some programming for Guerrilla warfare doctrine we develop, and suddenly the GAR has the loss of a command Center is not only not the end of a battle, but that B1s could drag things out for multiple months after the republic has effectively won, tying up vital clone divisions in the process.

When the trade federation start performing better than every other faction because they made the changes on some level, what choice do the others really have? Keep dealing with us showing and rescuing there asses with superior B1s while there influence wanes? Total adoption isn't feasible, but if we leverage our faction and position well we can at least force a partial adoption that we can exploit in a variety of creative ways.

Yeah. The other factions will design commando's on their own. It's something Dooku and Greivous recognize the need for early on and pressure the CIS as a whole to adopt. We need to focus on things they didn't make or things they took too long to make. Super Tactical will be eventually but it's probably something that will be easier to do once we demonstrate our own worth and upgrade ourselves into one, at which point all the faction will want their own model doing what we do.

The best part of making ourselves into the prototype? Quest version of Super Tactical will come with the same Reinforced Chassis we have, so Jedi will have a harder time taking them down.

Show up enough times at major confrontations, turn the tide, and provide Nute Gunrey with battle footage, and he'll do it for us. Nothing a corporate bastard loves more than rubbing his superior product in everyones faces. That it makes us look heroic is just a side effect. Save the other faction generals once or twice by intercepting a Jedi team, and faction relations will improve, reluctantly.

Colossal mobile factories isn't something star wars really does. We'd have to design the factory in question from scratch, which could take months to a year and then we have to build it, which will be expensive, and a single factory that isn't unthinkably huge and thus slows us down significantly in hyperspace travel isn't going to have much of an effect on our available droid army compared to the thousands of CIS factories already spanning the Galaxy.

As part of a galaxy spanning military with the backing of said military's highest ranking general, we can likely travel half a day to a day in any direction and find a droid factory owned by the trade federation. It's fairly easy to reach anywhere in the galaxy with a a few days to a week or two of travel in hyperspace. There is also just the logistic issues of supply such a factory as it followed us potentially deep into Republic space. Mobile factories just aren't something we need or would be cost effective to create.

As for our fortress world, it's more just a personal fief we'll be fortifying in prep for when the republic tries to take it back from us. I found a gem called Gorse which has a resource critical to the creation of capital ship turbolasers I'm hoping to deny the republic and sell or trade to the CIS to fund our opperations. It's well positioned in roughly the center of known galactic space for interfering in a number of battles and reaching just about any of the wars battles in good time.

We have republic data, but the problem is the GAR is clone manned and Jedi lead. Not really a lot of scandals that we could possibly discover that would do more than give palpatine headaches from scream filled senate sessions. We are better off using our Data Warfare to strike at their logistics and production networks, and predict where they'll strike.

Or identifying important rebel fuel reserves and destroying them right after conquering their main starship fuel provider.

I too prefer a more lively approach to war. The blitz. Get in, blow shit up or drop a bunch of droids and only stick around long enough to ensure the main objective is accomplished, leave. Obviously we'll also participate in major battles as well, and given the scale of them, they might even take up a serious chunk of our time. I really like the idea of being the reason the GAR can't have nice things, by showing up unexpectedly and destroying them.

So, Skywalker and Ahsoka are crawling though some tunnel to reach central command, we blow up the rough and start flooding it with clankers and ask "did you really think I wouldn't install motion sensors in such an obvious security weakpoint?"

I like the idea that we become the first super tactical and as a result future super tacticals come with Data warfare and personal combat specialty so Jedi have a harder time killing them, even if the elite commanders will dispatch them easily without Greivous's gift, but if their tacticals they'll be smart enough to buy Magna guards of there own.

As for Cortosis, I think with our combat abilities some cortosis weave plates on our droid forearms should allow us to block a few lightsaber blows at critical moments without slowing us down too much or costing more than a small fortune.

I wonder how expensive a thousand of these would be, and how much explosives I would need to provide them to level the bottom hunded or two hundred floors of the galactic senate building would be, so I could drop it several hundred meters down and assault it with a smuggled in droid army with orders to shoot to kill, counting on the drop to daze any senators or chancellors left alive.

Yeah. We don't need to make stay alive upgrades a priority at this point. They can wait until we are getting ready to slaughter the republic senate and chancellor, causing anikan to come at us vader style.

That's too expensive and Jamming isn't something the republic is incapable of employing. Networking all the droids is less effective than giving them superior on site commanders and ability to function without them.

Star wars tried that, and went several extremes higher. They made an entire fleet of 200 slaved battlship class ships. It was a complete disaster that saw the fleet disappear for hundreds of years when something went wrong, and fuck was that an expensive fleet. There's a reason that the CIS builds capital ships for Droids to pilot rather than builds capital ships that pilot themselves.

Agreed. Jedi aren't going to be tactically astute enough to corner us for some time, and our 3rd and 4th traits bring us to average or above average Jedi knight rank when you factor in flexible programming letting us adjust to lightsaber styles.

I think our goal is to become a super tactical by upgrading to acquire the advanced programming trait, not alter our chassis to the shape and hardware of a super tactical. If anything, we will save the super tactical from various design flaws by being the model it is based on. I expect the 3 digit hand will be dropped in favor of something better suited to a personal combat specialty.

Erratic basically confirmed that factory ships were on the table, and honestly, I can see us converting some Lucrehulks to producing some stuff to replace our losses of simpler droids, like b-1's or b-2's.

Bah humbug, let's shelf that until we actually get noticed for our deeds, we need to start buksing up a rep with our gorse strategy, prevent the ryloth campaign from devolving into a never ending insurgency without having to go 'fuck it' and bomb the planet and it's population centers because wat tambor is a idiot who only understands efficency and profit.

Even if we are a Warlord we can realistically do hearts and minds programs/ campaigns because the foundations of the confederacy are in our code, freedom and liberty from Republic tyranny. Having a reputation as a even-handed general who actually helps planets would to wonders for the confederacies legitimacy, we need to prove Sepratist casue is just so that the public opinion don't go down in the drain for us.

The more planets hate us, the more we will be stuck fighting pointless battles while we could spend the time better fighting the Republic and spreading the tenets of the confederacy, the victory will be hollow if literally everybody hates is.

I'd like to ask, but what makes you think we could get to Gorse of all places, considering it's in the inner rim? Plus, Grievous will probably command us to take objectives in the mid-rim, like key planets on the hyperlanes, and industrial worlds.
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Well it's a droid, droids are logically going to be stronger then organics, I just doubt that a super tactical body would be the most durable of upgrades, I just prefer the contours and redundancies of the ig-100 as well as the intimidation factor they provide.

I'd at least want us to get a backup body if our primary one gets damaged, I want us to not be caught withoue ovotic pants down.

...You guys really should taken the repair protocols lol. Still a thing you can develop mind you.
Erratic basically confirmed that factory ships were on the table, and honestly, I can see us converting some Lucrehulks to producing some stuff to replace our losses of simpler droids, like b-1's or b-2's.

I'd like to ask, but what makes you think we could get to Gorse of all places, considering it's in the inner rim? Plus, Grievous will probably command us to take objectives in the mid-rim, like key planets on the hyperlanes, and industrial worlds. Also, we're probably going to be too busy to do 'hearts and minds' stuff, and ultimately, I think it'll be pointless, because we can't stop the other warlords from committing war crimes galore.
I think recontruction ships would be a better goal. Fact is there are thousands of factory's and filling up half a dozen or so Lucrehulks with industrial equipment to build droids and another half dozen Lucrehulk freighters with the materials we need to build droids is less space for droids from the thousands of planet based droid factories that dot the galaxy we could be arriving with instead. But if we repurpose so 2 or 3 Lucrehulk battleships to process droid salvage and replace our losses over time that has strategic value.

CIS worlds dot the Galaxy giving us a number of worlds to resupply on after leaving geonosis that will be within striking range, and the war has just started. The GAR lacks a proper loggistic network, and the act of scrambling to Geonosis means they certainly haven't have time to establish hyperlane patrols over lesser hyperlanes let alone put a fleet guard over an off the beaten track mining world. Also it's more mid rim I think? Doesn't matter.

We can reach the Hydian way given the GAR must be approaching from Kamino where Yoda would have picked them up. We can follow it for a good ways and split to resupply at Cato Neimodia, and then follow minor hyperlane to zeltros before stopping outside the system and calculating a jump to Gorse, or accept a longer trip through hyperspace and simple chart a course strait from Cato Neimodia to Gorse without relying on Hyperlanes.
Killer Robot Fashion
You were a unique specimen among your kind. That much was quite obvious, yet there was literal physical distinctions to your form as well to consider. What color had you chosen for your chassis? What was your voice synthesizer like?

Choose Your Decal Color

[] Write-In

Choose Your Voice

[] Standard- It was fairly straight forward, you didn't care if you sounded unique.

[] Droid- Simply don't communicate in galactic common, you are a machine.

[] Terrifying- Having studied Grievous in depth during your wargames. You realized terror was most useful.

[] Write-In

It was time for you to open the gift from the General. He had sent to you units to ensure your security. In this way you had four droids delivered to your ship. Four Duelist Elite Droids, designed as the highest quality sparring droids a Jedi could ask for. Each painted in Sepratist Blue and Grey, Wielding... Red Lightsabers. You genuinely didn't know how to respond to this great gift. A note attached mentioned that in return for his generosity he would not mind being given any lightsabers you collected with them.

How do you respond to this? Choose one

[] Begin Training with them.

[] Pledge any Lightsabers Gotten to Grievous

[] Prepare a Gift for Him as Well.

[] Write-in
[X] Dark Blue with Gold highlights
[X] HK47
[X] Prepare a Gift for Him as Well.

We'll be sending him those lightsabers anyways as a suprise gift! But he's a warrior, so he'll probably respect our training. Dark Blue and gold highlights (kinda like my profile pic) for now, because we're a simp for the CIS.
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[X] Slate Grey
[X] Terrifying- Having studied Grievous in depth during your wargames. You realized terror was most useful.
[X] Prepare a Gift for Him as Well.
[X] Slate Grey
[X] Terrifying- Having studied Grievous in depth during your wargames. You realized terror was most useful.
[X] Pledge any Lightsabers Gotten to Grievous
[X] Dark Blue and Gold highlights
[X] Terrifying- Having studied Grievous in depth during your wargames. You realized terror was most useful.
[X] Begin Training with them.
[X] Grey with Blue stripes
[X] Standard- It was fairly straight forward, you didn't care if you sounded unique.
[X] Pledge any Lightsabers Gotten to Grievous

Patriotic colors, for a true blue Separatist hero. beyond that I can't really find a need to scare people, we're a liberator after all, no need to play into the niche that grievous fills.
[X] Slate Grey
[X] Terrifying- Having studied Grievous in depth during your wargames. You realized terror was most useful.
[X] Pledge any Lightsabers Gotten to Grievous
[X] Dark Blue and grey with Gold highlights
[X] Terrifying
[X] Prepare a Gift for Him as Well
Voting is open