Deserter [a Pokemon AU Quest]

[X] When can you see your family? – Mom and Lana have got to be somewhere in this place right?
[X] What did Quartermaster Shaw mean by refills of certain items being "not free?" – Does that mean you buy them? Can you buy stuff? With what money?
[X] What will Basic Training entail? - It would be nice to know what's coming this time, you know, instead of another, 'hi, here's a written test, oh also: MURDERHIPPOS NOMNOM SAM.'

Well, Sam is going to love Basic Training. And not being able to see her family.
You briefly consider explaining that you didn't know any of this going in yesterday, but think better of it and respond with an affirmative nod and a, "Ma'am, yes Ma'am."
Good job, Private Demetriou!
What is she-? Ohhh… Nevermind, you already got that talk from a former co-worker of Mom's back at Mesa General, complete with slides, pamphlets and disease pictures... And he let you sit-in for the live birth of a Girafarig, which had been equal parts cool and gross in your opinion, though you suppose that not all children have the same tolerance for blood and squishy bodily fluids that you do…
"At ease," she looks mildly amused, nothing like the stony gaze of the siblings' mother, "so formal, you could learn a thing or two from this one baby Blue Jay."
Hehe. Meanwhile, Sam notes down the nickname in her memory.
"Flo!" Jason looks annoyed.
Ah yes, Flo gets introduced twice in this chapter. ^_^

[X] When can you see your family? – Mom and Lana have got to be somewhere in this place right?
[X] What did Quartermaster Shaw mean by refills of certain items being "not free?" – Does that mean you buy them? Can you buy stuff? With what money?
[X] What will Basic Training entail? - It would be nice to know what's coming this time, you know, instead of another, 'hi, here's a written test, oh also: MURDERHIPPOS NOMNOM SAM.'

Yup, agreed with veekie and Andelevion's reasoning. Nevertheless, I'd be ok with the other questions too. They're still useful, and it could be good to get an early third-party perspective on stuff like specialties.

Though, I'm tempted to ask something like:
[ ] So, anything helpful to know about Cadet Blue Jay?

Each group of recruits get a general amount
gets a
between your and her son
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[X] When can you see your family? – Mom and Lana have got to be somewhere in this place right?
[X] What did Quartermaster Shaw mean by refills of certain items being "not free?" – Does that mean you buy them? Can you buy stuff? With what money?
[X] What will Basic Training entail? - It would be nice to know what's coming this time, you know, instead of another, 'hi, here's a written test, oh also: MURDERHIPPOS NOMNOM SAM.'

There's no way personal hygiene items aren't classified as essential, but stuff like painkillers we gotta buy ourselves. Need to figure out how, and soon.

E: it's kind of amusing that a reference to cycle got a warning of its own.
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[X] When can you see your family? – Mom and Lana have got to be somewhere in this place right?
[X] What did Quartermaster Shaw mean by refills of certain items being "not free?" – Does that mean you buy them? Can you buy stuff? With what money?
[X] What will Basic Training entail? - It would be nice to know what's coming this time, you know, instead of another, 'hi, here's a written test, oh also: MURDERHIPPOS NOMNOM SAM.'
I would really like to know the answers to the other questions but these do seem to be the most important to our survival. If we are really lucky we'll get real answers.
The votes are in & voting is now closed! Sam's gonna ask about her family, supply-related things and Basic Training! Priorities! Great job everybody! :]

[X] When can you see your family? – Mom and Lana have got to be somewhere in this place right?
No. of Votes: 9
Oh I am slain!

[X] What will Basic Training entail? - It would be nice to know what's coming this time, you know, instead of another, 'hi, here's a written test, oh also: MURDERHIPPOS NOMNOM SAM.'
No. of Votes: 9
Oh I am slain!

[X] What did Quartermaster Shaw mean by refills of certain items being "not free?" – Does that mean you buy them? Can you buy stuff? With what money?
No. of Votes: 7
Oh I am slain!

[X] What was that Specialty-thing Quartermaster Shaw mentioned earlier? - ???
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 9
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Arc 0.1: The Hope Spot (is Probably a Lie but it Soothes the Grief)
Ugh, this took foreeeever… Accounting transposition errors are evil and classes have been kicking my ass these past weeks, bleh.

Implied past child neglect, past verbal abuse, complicated grieving.

Arc 0.1: The Hope Spot (is Probably a Lie but it Soothes the Grief)
Now that Sam isn't running or fighting for her life, Sam burns with curiosity…

'Sam should stop referring to herself in the third person, like some Nature Show hack.'

'It's like Lana's right here, bringing her sunny personality and criticism everywhere she goes,'
you can't help but think, suppressing a sigh.

"Wait," you say, looking back at Private Shaw as Jason makes moves to leave, "I have some questions, Ma'am."

"Fire away," Private Shaw responds easily.

"When I got here," you start carefully, "I came with my Mom and sister, where can I find them?"

"Oh?" the teen looks confused, before laughter colors her voice, "oh! Feeling a bit homesick yeah? I know it's a lot to take in, strange new place, buncha people you've never met before, an entirely new life? A bit much for only a few days, yeah?"

'Feels longer than two days,' you think as you nod; though what you really want is for her to stop prattling and tell-!

"Your Mom and sister are going to be integrating into their new lives here, just like you," Private Shaw smiles reassuringly before asking, "your sis not in your group?"

"She's seventeen," you supply helpfully.

"Ah," Private Shaw says understandingly, "a mite too old for your grouping then, well, if you haven't seen her 'round, she might've been assigned to another sector."

"Sector?" You echo back.

"Just means where different stuff is produced, jobs and such, like Engineering, Medical or the Greencaves Corps, jus' to name a few." Private Shaw fiddles with some equipment and lockers before taking immediate pity on your resulting confusion, "they're basically greenhouses, 'cept they're underground..." before adding, "in the mountain."

Mountain? From what you can remember from school, the most well-known mountain in Orre is Mount Everius, better known as, Mount Battle, which was home to the most famous Colosseum in the region. Mount Everius is a major seat of power in Orre, with two colossal cities there, one at the base of the mountain, Old Pampeii and about a third of the way up, New Olympia, home of the largest military powers in the region and the closest thing resembling a Pokémon League in Orre. Mount Everius's western face stretches out into a long, treacherous range of mountains that curl even further westward for thousands of miles until finally cutting into the sea, almost splitting the inhabited part of Orre from the Wastes…

You're getting off track, this Community can't possibly be anywhere near Mount Everius, the military arm stationed there wouldn't allow for it; you're probably somewhere in the Sunderalps Range, which doesn't narrow it down all that much to be honest, but it's a start.

[ You discover the Navigation - Wilderness Field Ability at Rank NOVICE. ]
[ You gain 7 EXP in the Navigation - Wilderness Field Skill. ]
[ You gain 25 EXP in the Knowledge Mental Skill. ]

"Maybe I could find my sister there, Ma'am?" You offer hopefully, "my Dad ran an Apothecary before, Lana used to like it there."

"Mmmmmayyybe," Private Shaw drags out pensively, slamming down the lid of a large storage container, "I could ask around, I think one of my old squaddies works down there now..."

"Would you?!" You blurt out brightly as you clasp the strap of your new bag tightly, then you flush, "-uh, that is, if it's not too much trouble Ma'am."

[ You gain 5 EXP in the Charisma Social Skill. ]

"No problem, Cadet," a soft smile, "what 'bout your Ma? What'd she do before?"

"Hospital nurse, Ma'am," you respond.

"Hm, you didn't see her in Medical?" Private Shaw questions.

"No, Ma'am?"

Private Shaw's expression cracks, and grows unreadable as she breaks away from your gaze, and mumbling something you don't catch.

"You haven't been here long, so you probably just haven't run into her yet," the girl then says all too-quickly, smile plastered on her face as she looks back up at you, "'sides, the whole Community is your family too now, you know? You'll run into your Ma eventually, probably after Basic."

You need to find out more.

"I just want to check on her," you press, "she hasn't really been the same since… Well, I just need to know if she's doing alright."

You see a glimmer of nervousness enter Private Shaw's eyes and Jason's been off in lala-land for the past few minutes, thank Arceus for small mercies, "well, I can't say I know what your old home was like, but here? The Community takes all sorts, and we take care o' our own."

[ You gain 1 EXP in the Perception Mental Skill. ]

"Ma'am, I just-" you begin, before the older girl cuts you off with a gentle squeeze to your shoulder and an even gentler smile...

'"Don't worry, the bad stuff can't last forever; I'll see you at dinner and it'll be great, you'll see."'

Your body stiffens and the memory brings an awful, bitter taste to your mouth, memory soured in its contrast to your present. Suddenly, that tangled knot of melancholy and anger that took up residence in your life years ago howls in your chest and you hate it; and in this moment, you hate Private Shaw too.

But you tamp it down, do your best to bury it deep, and deeper still; your thoughts now a tinny manta of, 'not the time Sam, not the time...'

[ You gain 5 EXP in the Fortitude Mental Skill. ]

"I know, but you need to relax and concentrate on your training; don't you worry, your Ma's in good hands," the girl says, drawing the hand back, brow furrowing, now more subdued.

Your throat feels tight and your eyes prickle with moisture; if Private Shaw notices, she doesn't comment and for that you're grateful, and you can even forgive her a little. But you manage not to cry, thank fuck; and with a deep breath and a steady voice you ask, "Ma'am, what did Quartermaster Shaw mean by some items being 'not free?"

Gone is the warm, easy air between you, it feels heavier as you flush with embarrassment and internal self-admonition, 'way to go moron, you always ruin everything-!'

"M'kay, Community economy crash course, sit," Private Shaw says with enough zeal to give you whiplash, motioning you and Jason to sit back down on the bench while she parks herself against a storage crate, "here in the Community, once you graduate from Kiddy Quarters, depending on what Sector you're assigned, you get a basic wage. Base pay for cadets is twenty-five coppers a day 'til you graduate to Private, which you can spend either on non-essentials like better equipment, extra foodstuffs and other stuff."

A quick calculation means that you'd earn a wage of one silver and seventy-five coppers a week, which is pretty terrible to be honest, not that you can complain… You think back to an empty fridge, an irate landlord, old radio warbling out the Blues echoing through empty halls…

'Stop it Sam.'

"Notes or coins?" You ask robotically, recall Dad complaining once, about turning away some foreign customers who tried to pay with paper money from another city. Banks in the region started issuing banknotes a few years ago, similar to other regions; there are a lot of places out in the deserts that still don't take banknotes however or cities that won't take the banknotes from other cities... It sounded pretty unreliable to you.



"So hygiene items don't cost anything to refill?" You question stiffly, trying to hide your disappointment.

"'Course not!" Private Shaw reassures, "that'd be ridiculous, though if you need more of that ibuprofen, which outside of the Med-Bay issue is girls only, meds ain't free unless you're sick or dyin'."

In the corner of your vision, Jason snaps out of lala land, not out of interest, but with-


-a startled yelp.

Rake sidles up to your booted feet looking rather smug, and warm, sinuous muscles lean against the sides of your calves.

The howls hush, the knot in your chest loosens.

Jason had been zoned out for the most of conversation so far, you feel relief.

"Awareness of your surroundings is a priceless skill Cadets," Jason's sister says with all seriousness, "inattention can cost the Community many things, equipment, lives... Careers."

The last word is spoken wistfully, and it's weighty and bitter; Jason looks down at his boots, shame-faced. Well, you've already got your own emotional minefield to live with, poking around in the one's of people you just met is not something you need right now but… If you didn't know any better, it almost sounds like an olive branch, an unspoken apology wrapped up in a warning, and it makes you uncomfortable.

What you wouldn't give to deal with a snide Lana or her devouring the paltry amount of food in the fridge before disappearing without a trace again, those things were familiar, they make sense.

[ You gain 5 EXP in the Perception Mental Skill. ]

You and Jason both nod, and you ask, "so what's Basic Training like?"

"Hell on Earth Cadets," Private Shaw's struggle to regain the emotional momentum she'd had earlier is palpable, "physical conditioning, survival courses, weapons training and close-quarters combat is just the tip of the iceberg, I'm talking late-night drills, ruck marches, basic equipment handling and maintenance-"

"Learning to ride!" Jason butts in, barely-concealed excitement coloring his tone, "the cavalry squads are amazing!"

"Cavalry, huh?" You echo pensively, cavalries are common for Orrean military outfits, well-trained Pokémon steeds saved on fuel and could fend off attackers if push comes to shove; armed cavalry escorts between Orrean cities is a huge business… Also bandits, cavalries are extremely popular in bandit outfits, they're the reason Jaeger had been assigned to Peter in the first place.

"Yeah…" Private Shaw is more subdued now, "or Field Medics, they're pretty cool too you know?"

Jason is not deterred, and you can practically see the stars in his eyes as he faces you, "they ride out, they scout, they protect supply caravans, fight bandits and travel with the Kingfather to faraway places!"

It sounds promising actually.

"Don't think about that right now," Private Shaw hedges, "what you really need to worry about is one-upping Todd's little basta-! I- I mean, making it through Basic with all your limbs intact!"

Private Shaw's rather chipper now… This does not fill you with confidence.

"We'll be fine," Jason waves off his sister's concern, "it'll be great! You and Ma will be proud!"

"Just don't get sent to the Pit, yeah?"

"Duh," Jason responds, rolling his eyes as he picks up Thistle and stands, "uhh, Sam, we gotta go or the best beds'll be gone."

"'Kay," you say, your jaw really hurting something awful as you heft your new duffel bag to rest more comfortably at your side, "thanks so much for answering my questions, it was very nice to meet you Private Shaw, Ma'am."

"Happy to help Cadet," the older girl chirps-

Suddenly Jason is tugging you off the bench by your bag-strap, dragging you along with one hand and carrying Thistle in the other.


Rake dashes forward and lands a heavy swat to a heel of Jason's boots, rattling snarl in his throat, probably meaning something along the lines of, 'mitts off my partner you tail-stomping shit.'

You probably might need to have words with Rake about this thing later, Jason's pretty okay for someone you just met yesterday.

Jason releases your bag strap, eyeing a humorless Rake warily, as his elder sister calls out to you both from some distance behind, "don't be strangers Cadets!"

"We won't!" Jason grunts back hoarsely as you both move toward the warehouse doors, "Sam, seriously, if we don't hurry? We're gonna get stuck in a middle bunk and I don't want to live in a middle bunk, so c'mon!"

Then Jason's sister calls out, "you better do this bean-counter proud, Cadet Shaw! I know where you live!"

Jason freezes, then he flushes with embarrassment as he dashes through the doors, with a hoarse, "yes Ma'am!" Leaving you and Rake no other choice but to follow; scaling stairs, through maze-like hallways, passing corridors left and right, leaving the Warehouse and Jason's mom and sister further and further behind.

You both finally come to a stop and, ffff-! Your everything still hurts and you hate it, but power through it without complaint anyways.

[ You gain 5 EXP in the Fortitude Mental Skill. ]

When your party finally comes at a door, above it is a wooden sign painted, black blocky lettering:


You and Rake follow Jason inside and at first glance, the room is rather spartan; two rows of beaten metal bunk beds line the middle of the long room, with two rows of off-white lockers along the longest walls. It's brightly lit, windowless, and atop each unclaimed bunk lay a set of neatly folded sheets on them, waiting to be made. To your left, Jason is already laying claim to a corner bunk nearest to the only door in and out of this room, setting Thistle down on the floor.

Thistle huddles at Jason's feet.

You move to stand near Jason while looking around, there are other kids milling about, some putting stuff into their new lockers, others chatting among their fellows; and you notice that everyone here seems to range from the ages of seven to twelve. Among them, you spot kids from yesterday, the freckled girl, Aisling with a group of two girls and a boy you don't know the names of, all chatting amicably in the narrow walkway between the bed rows, all a bit bruised and battered, but looking no worse for wear.

Aisling also has a Zigzagoon by her side, perching primly on the bottom bunk next to her.

[ You gain 5 EXP in the Perception Mental Skill. ]

There was also that brother and sister duo, Paul and Dinah? All squared away in the farthest corner of the barracks, no Pokémon, Dinah's arm is in a hard cast, and one of Paul's eyes is swollen shut.

'Ouch,' you wince in sympathy.

And then you see… Seriously?!

It's a familiar shaved blonde head, parked on a bed somewhere toward the middle of the barracks, it's Mystery-Douche. Next to him is one of those weasel-looking Pokémon with red eyes and yellow sclera. But you knocked him out, even if the point was just to survive the arena, there was hardly enough time, how does he even have a-?

"Yeah, I don't look forward to bunking with him here either, he steals food," Jason says with distaste, "Amos's Pa is a lieutenant in the Kingfather's Circle."

Well shit.

Thankfully, Amos doesn't seem to notice you at the moment, in fact he looks a bit... Mellow, considering the beating you gave his skull yesterday, and, oh, he's probably on the good drugs. Unfair.

[ You discover the Sneak Field Ability at Rank NOVICE. ]
[ You gain 2 EXP in the Perception Mental Skill. ]

Your face and jaw throb jealously, you have some ibuprofen now, maybe-?
[] take some ibuprofen (uses 1 pill) – you want your face and wrist to stop hurting yesterday.
[X] don't take ibuprofen – you're not sure what other drugs you have in your system, suffer through the pain, you'll live.

Remembering the multi-tool that you'd looted off of Amos earlier as you set your bag down next to you, you bring out the tool and upon closer inspection you find a small set of "G. C." initials engraved on the handle-

"Sam," Jason grabs your attention, "c'mon I'll show you how to make your bed up to Community standards-"

"Mhm," you mumble an assent, shoving the multi-tool back into your pocket.

Rake climbs up to the top bunk, standing proudly, tail held high as he surveys all in the room; well at least one of you is happy…

"-as long as I get top bunk," Jason finishes jauntily.

"Uh…" you say blankly, and after thinking a bit, you:

[X] let Jason have the top bunk – your jaw hurts and Jason's been nice so far, you're tired and you want breakfast.
[] say no, you want the top bunk – it affords more privacy, and Rake is a Zangoose who likes high places, so you want it.

[ You gain access to the Bunk Drawer beneath your bed in Cadet Barracks C. ]

You claim a locker right next to Jason's, and there is an older boy with sharp eyes who inserts a nametag into the front slots of your respective lockers. You store your new bag full of stuff before noticing that there aren't any locks, and fervently hope nothing gets stolen.

[ You gain access to Locker #27 in Cadet Barracks C. ]

Growing up in Mesa has given you a healthy awareness of the criminal element, because more numerous than the Mesa Militia are the cartel businesses that are spillover from Pyrite Town, which is really more of a city, but you digress.

You sigh, leaning against your locker as you passively look at everything and everyone around you as it finally sinks in, this is your life now, you're probably never going home. You're a trainee, a Cadet in this strange Militia, and ironically, you're going to be like Peter; only, not for Mesa, and you're not sure how to feel about it.

But you watch Rake explore around you, his tail twitching with interest as he slinks around the beds, eyeing the other Cadets and Pokémon warily; but the Pokémon maintains a certain degree of closeness to you, and it's odd because you're used to being alone-

Your throat feels a bit tight and your chest hurts.

'Don't get your hopes up dumbass,' an ugly little thought crows inside of you, 'everything always goes to shit when you're involved.'

You try to brush it off, it's fine, you're fine and-


"Oh, hey Rake, done exploring?" You ask shakily, realizing that Rake has planted himself back at your side without you noticing.

"Maow," a single butt of Rake's head to your legs before moving off to bother a twitchy Thistle, and it makes you feel less alone, like he might've said, 'I'm with you, stupid.'

'Seize these opportunities Sammy.'

Never let it be said that Samantha Demetriou wasted her opportunities, you and Rake are going to shine here.


Later, you and your un-infirmed roommates are herded to the Mess Hall and you find yourself more thankful for oatmeal than you've ever been in your entire life; it's soft, easy to chew and doesn't hurt your jaw to eat. You also get a piece of salted hardtack, which you pocket for later.

[ Added Salted Hardtack x1 to pocket. ]

Service Pokémon partners also took their meals in here, so Rake tucks into his bowl of mixed mystery meat and kibble with a slow sort of gusto on the floor.

There's no way to completely avoid people this time, the tables are packed but you and Jason manage to snag seats at the end of a table and Jason sits across from you, sneaking a happy Thistle pieces of fruit under the table while you discreetly observe your new acquaintances.

Jason is, well, not horrible, and you don't have any friends your own age back in Mesa to compare, but Jason's been all sorts of nice so far. His family is okay too… Your shoulders droop, it was weird watching Jason interact with his family, felt like you were intruding, and you guess they're all pretty close? It's hard to tell, you were never very close to Lana before, and after Dad and Peter died, Mom was practically a ghost and Lana hated everything-

'Are you seriously going to cry?'

Even you.

'I wish Mom and Dad had never brought you home.'

Especially you.

To be honest, it's been getting harder and harder to remember what life was like before the Fire, what was even the point of remembering? Who cares if it was any good? It's gone forever, just like Peter, Jaeger and Dad, never coming back...

You've always done your best to not think about it, move on, but right now, you can't help but think…

Naught but ashes, and a hollow, empty husk of a shop.

You huff out a shaky breath, this place could made a family like Jason's so… It makes you hopeful, calms the uncomfortable knots in your stomach, which is more hope than you've had in what feels like forever. You even resolve to try talking to Lana again, later, when Private Shaw finds her... You'll see Mom again, soon, you're sure of it and maybe, just maybe this place will be good for her, for all of you.

'The whole Community is your family too now, you know?'

You want to give this place a chance, maybe you can all be a family again, you, Rake, Mom and Lana.

"Heyth Sh-am," Jason asks through a mouthful of oatmeal, then with a swallow, "you okay?"

"Yeah," you answer with a little grin, "I think I am."

'Storms don't last forever.'

Maybe things are finally looking up for you.

After breakfast, some uniformed instructors' inform you all that you have the rest of the day to get settled and heal up as best you can, this is your 'last day of freedom' until lights out at 9PM tonight. So with this time you're going to:

[X] Try to memorize the layout of this place {1 sub = 1 Action}
– it's an Arceus-damned maze and you don't want to get lost the moment you're alone, find a map.
-[] Back to Medical – search for Mom
-[] Search for the Greencaves – search for Lana, you have nary a clue where this place is though
-[] the Pits? – it sounds… Mysterious?

-[X] Wander around - ???

[X] Back to the Barracks – to organize your bedspace and locker, Peter used to say that drill sergeants were anal about these things and you don't want to chance it.

[] Socialize with your peers {1 sub = 1 Action} – introduce yourself to your other fellow Cadets! What could possibly go wrong?
-[] Aisling – she seems pretty popular
-[] Paul & Dinah – they seem pretty lonely
-[] Amos – against your better judgement, you're going to attempt some diplomacy, which may or may not get your jaw re-dislocated.
--[] The multi-tool – WRITE-IN {what are you going to do with it?}

[X] Spend time with Rake – now that the threat of death by sand hippo is no longer upon you, you two can chill for a bit, get to know each other in a calmer setting.
-[] Write-in {where/what?}

[] Stick with Jason – it's worked out for you so far, he said something about stables

[X] Go find Blon- you mean, the "Kingfather" – he seems relatively amiable, you can also thank him for saving you and Jason's grumpig bacon earlier.

[X] Take a nap {can be taken twice &/or with "Spend time with Rake"} – rest, you're tired and just need to pass out for a few hours.

Holy shit I did it! *Collapses* Feelings are hard! Can anyone say nepotism? Heh, but yeah, anyways, Sam is still grieving not only the loss of her brother and father, but also the rest of her family to their own grief. Now Sam isn't necessarily drinking the Kool-Aid, but it's tempting her; because let's face it, Sam's still a kid, a smart, independent kid, but still a nine year-old child trying to keep her shit together while dealing with a lot of crap(also the Dice Gods were a bit 50/50 this turn, still useful, but pretty split). So far she's had a near-death experience but has a semblance of the beginnings of two friendships, this rates as the best two days of her life so far, which is really, really sad.

Anyways, again, tell me what you think, I'm always looking to improve my writing, so spelling/grammatical errors, writing flaws(do you think there were moments that deserved EXP but Sam didn't get any? Well query GM and see), or even just blabbity-blahs of what you enjoy/ponder/dislike so far, I hope you all enjoyed this.
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The one of the two pictures is still borked

Good update overall — will consider options when I'm more awake tomorrow Cx
Was in the middle of fixing when you commented/pointed it out, should be fixed now, thanks much @Ψυχή. :D
[X] don't take ibuprofen – you're not sure what other drugs you have in your system, suffer through the pain, you'll live.

[X] say no, you want the top bunk – it affords more privacy, and Rake is a Zangoose who likes high places, so you want it.

Sleep off the pain.
Privacy and Rake's comfort, yes. I'm a big fan of top bunks, Jason will deal.

[X] Try to memorize the layout of this place {1 sub = 1 Action}
– it's an Arceus-damned maze and you don't want to get lost the moment you're alone, find a map.
-[X] Wander around - ???

[X] Back to the Barracks – to organize your bedspace and locker, Peter used to say that drill sergeants were anal about these things and you don't want to chance it.

[X] Spend time with Rake – now that the threat of death by sand hippo is no longer upon you, you two can chill for a bit, get to know each other in a calmer setting.
-[X] Take a nap {can be taken twice &/or with "Spend time with Rake"} – rest, you're tired and just need to pass out for a few hours.

[X] Stick with Jason –
it's worked out for you so far, he said something about stables
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[X] don't take ibuprofen – you're not sure what other drugs you have in your system, suffer through the pain, you'll live.
[X] say no, you want the top bunk – it affords more privacy, and Rake is a Zangoose who likes high places, so you want it.
[X] Back to the Barracks – to organize your bedspace and locker, Peter used to say that drill sergeants were anal about these things and you don't want to chance it.
[X] Go find Blon- you mean, the "Kingfather" – he seems relatively amiable, you can also thank him for saving you and Jason's grumpig bacon earlier.
[X] Try to memorize the layout of this place {1 sub = 1 Action}– it's an Arceus-damned maze and you don't want to get lost the moment you're alone, find a map.
-[X] Wander around - ???
[X] Spend time with Rake – now that the threat of death by sand hippo is no longer upon you, you two can chill for a bit, get to know each other in a calmer setting.
-[X] Take a nap {can be taken twice &/or with "Spend time with Rake"} – rest, you're tired and just need to pass out for a few hours.

Save the painkillers, if we need them later we'd have some.
Bunkwise, I think Rake's happiness is worth more to us than his.
Start mapping as well, we need it.
Finally, take a nap with Rake, they're probably going to wake us up at some ungodly hour next, so make sure we are rested rather than dazed when that happens.

Generally, avoid making enemies, avoid drawing attention.
Haven't read any yet; posting so this draws my attention once I have time to read it.

[X] Don't take ibuprofen
[X] Let Jason have the top bunk

[X] Try to memorize the layout of this place
[X] Back to the Barracks
[X] Spend time with Rake
-[X] Take a nap
[X] Socialize with your peers.

Learn your surroundings, hoard your supplies, give them no reason to suspect you are anything but perfect, and gather allies. Top bunks are traps, it's too easy to get locked in place; same reason you don't take a corner bunk. Multiple exits from any situation.

I'd almost rather simply observe our peers, get an idea of the ongoing dynamics and existing cliques instead of trying to integrate with them immediately, but Aisling's a good compromise. Jason's alright, but he's a boy (ick) and he's just not going to get some of Sam's problems.
[x] don't take ibuprofen – you're not sure what other drugs you have in your system, suffer through the pain, you'll live.
[x] Let Jason have the top bunk
- Not a big deal. This whole dorm is soon gonna be Emperor Rake's domain anyway. ^_^

[x] Socialize with your peers {1 sub = 1 Action} – introduce yourself to your other fellow Cadets! What could possibly go wrong?
-[x] Aisling – she seems pretty popular
- Establish some basic friendliness with Aisling

[x] Spend time with Rake – now that the threat of death by sand hippo is no longer upon you, you two can chill for a bit, get to know each other in a calmer setting.
-[x] Take a nap {can be taken twice &/or with "Spend time with Rake"} – rest, you're tired and just need to pass out for a few hours.
- Sleep and Rake.

[x] Stick with Jason –
it's worked out for you so far, he said something about stables
- Firmly establish to others that they're a duo, and have each other's backs.

[x] Go find Blon- you mean, the "Kingfather" – he seems relatively amiable, you can also thank him for saving you and Jason's grumpig bacon earlier.
- Start sucking up early and often. ^_^

"You haven't been here long, so you probably just haven't run into her yet," the girl then says all too-quickly, smile plastered on her face as she looks back up at you, "'sides, the whole Community is your family too now, you know? You'll run into your Ma eventually, probably after Basic."
"Ah," Private Shaw says understandingly, "well, if you haven't seen her 'round, she might've been assigned to another sector."
Uhoh. *starts speculating about possible reasons for the quest title to come true*
"Hell on Earth Cadets," Private Shaw's struggle to regain the emotional momentum she'd had earlier is palpable, "physical conditioning, weapons training and close-quarters combat is just the tip of the iceberg, I'm talking late-night drills, ruck marches, basic equipment handling and maintenance-"

"Learning to ride!" Jason butts in, barely-concealed excitement coloring his tone, "the cavalry squads are amazing!"

"Yeah…" Private Shaw is more subdued, "or Field Medics, they're pretty cool too you know?"
"Don't think about that right now," Private Shaw hedges, "what you really need to worry about is one-upping Todd's little basta-!"
Hmm? I wonder which person this is.
Rake climbs up to the top bunk, standing proudly, tail held high as he surveys all in the room; well at least one of you is happy…
Caption: Emperor Rake surveying his new lands. :3
You try to brush it off, it's fine, you're fine and-


"Oh, hey Rake, done exploring?" You ask, realizing that Rake has planted himself back at your side without you noticing.

"Maow," a single butt of Rake's head to your legs before moving off to bother a twitchy Thistle, and it makes you feel less alone, like he might've said, 'I'm with you, stupid.'
Good Rake. *headpats*
"Heyth Sh-am," Jason asks through a mouthful of oatmeal, then with a swallow, "you okay?"

"Yeah," you answer with a little grin, "I think I am."
Good Jason. *headpats too* ^_^
[x] don't take ibuprofen – you're not sure what other drugs you have in your system, suffer through the pain, you'll live.
[x] Let Jason have the top bunk

[x] Socialize with your peers {1 sub = 1 Action} –
introduce yourself to your other fellow Cadets! What could possibly go wrong?
-[x] Aisling – she seems pretty popular

[x] Spend time with Rake – now that the threat of death by sand hippo is no longer upon you, you two can chill for a bit, get to know each other in a calmer setting.
-[x] Take a nap {can be taken twice &/or with "Spend time with Rake"} – rest, you're tired and just need to pass out for a few hours.

[x] Stick with Jason –
it's worked out for you so far, he said something about stables

[x] Go find Blon- you mean, the "Kingfather" – he seems relatively amiable, you can also thank him for saving you and Jason's grumpig bacon earlier.

This sounds about right CX
I don't want to voluntarily seek attention of Kingfather

I don't really get what those who do expect to accomplish?

Keeping our head down and avoiding notice of authority seems safer.
[X] don't take ibuprofen – you're not sure what other drugs you have in your system, suffer through the pain, you'll live.
[X] say no, you want the top bunk – it affords more privacy, and Rake is a Zangoose who likes high places, so you want it.
[X] Back to the Barracks – to organize your bedspace and locker, Peter used to say that drill sergeants were anal about these things and you don't want to chance it.
[X] Go find Blon- you mean, the "Kingfather" – he seems relatively amiable, you can also thank him for saving you and Jason's grumpig bacon earlier.
[X] Try to memorize the layout of this place {1 sub = 1 Action}– it's an Arceus-damned maze and you don't want to get lost the moment you're alone, find a map.
-[X] Wander around - ???
[X] Spend time with Rake – now that the threat of death by sand hippo is no longer upon you, you two can chill for a bit, get to know each other in a calmer setting.
-[X] Take a nap {can be taken twice &/or with "Spend time with Rake"} – rest, you're tired and just need to pass out for a few hours.
The Vote so far: bunk vote is tied and vote closes in ~1hrs. Also, existing ties after the vote closes will get decided by the Dice Gods.


[X] don't take ibuprofen – you're not sure what other drugs you have in your system, suffer through the pain, you'll live.
No. of Votes: 6
Muer'ci, Malaquez, Oh I am slain, veekie, Ψυχή, RagnorakTres

[X] Let Jason have the top bunk
No. of Votes: 3
RagnorakTres, Oh I am slain!, Ψυχή

[X] say no, you want the top bunk – it affords more privacy, and Rake is a Zangoose who likes high places, so you want it.
No. of Votes: 3
Muer'ci, Malaquez, veekie

[X] Spend time with Rake – now that the threat of death by sand hippo is no longer upon you, you two can chill for a bit, get to know each other in a calmer setting.
-[X] Take a nap {can be taken twice &/or with "Spend time with Rake"} – rest, you're tired and just need to pass out for a few hours.
No. of Votes: 6
Muer'ci, Malaquez, Oh I am slain!, veekie, Ψυχή, RagnorakTres

[X] Go find Blon- you mean, the "Kingfather" – he seems relatively amiable, you can also thank him for saving you and Jason's grumpig bacon earlier.
No. of Votes: 4
veekie, Malaquez, Oh I am slain!, Ψυχή

[X] Try to memorize the layout of this place {1 sub = 1 Action}– it's an Arceus-damned maze and you don't want to get lost the moment you're alone, find a map.
-[X] Wander around - ???
No. of Votes: 4
Muer'ci, Malaquez, veekie, RagnorakTres

[X] Back to the Barracks – to organize your bedspace and locker, Peter used to say that drill sergeants were anal about these things and you don't want to chance it.
No. of Votes: 4
Muer'ci, Malaquez, veekie, RagnorakTres

[X] Stick with Jason – it's worked out for you so far, he said something about stables
No. of Votes: 3
Muer'ci, Oh I am slain!, Ψυχή

[x] Socialize with your peers {1 sub = 1 Action} – introduce yourself to your other fellow Cadets! What could possibly go wrong?
-[x] Aisling – she seems pretty popular
No. of Votes: 3
Oh I am slain!, Ψυχή, RagnorakTres

Total No. of Voters: 6
Last edited:
Okay, vote is now closed! See the above post for the tally! Save the meds, bunk vote tie will be broken by the Dice gods, spending time/napping with Rake, finding the Kingfather, wandering around and organizing your place it is!