Deliver us(B&W+DA/ME+Multiverse Quest/Empire)

Fire Wall, it'll probably be useful both offensively and defensively.

Any advice on how to make it better for the next time?
Diversifying/adding more to the viewpoint would be a good start, have Arch flying about using her aerial superiority to wipe out scores of darkspawn at once by tooth, claw and clever uses of fireball. Perhaps trading fireballs/dueling with the leading mage of the darkspawn.
Having big L use flashier and nastier miracles, yet still having to limit himself lest he collapse the entire chamber, to destroy entire sections of darkspawn before moving on to the next.
While Art focus on the more personal of not a single darkspawn getting pass.

Also quickly was used too much as a modifier :p

Hmm speaking of diversify if someone wants to write an omake for Arch or Arts view of the battle you could earn another boon.
Looking for some more votes, hope to start writing the update tomorrow if I get some.
[X]Improving the Dalish's draft animals these Halla, in what way? Strength boost Perhaps they won't turn blue this time?
[X]Time to see what these new followers can do, time for some action. Tactics? Eliminate a group at a time, bum rush them all, have ranged units/elves snipe them from Archimedes' back etc Never much cared for those scum either
[]You note that there seems to be a number of dangerous things on the mountain path, and you shall defeat them, how?
-[]With fire of course, its the only way to be sure.

You debate with yourself for a time, the strengthening of the Dalish this Sabrae clan's draft animals would surely be a great boon worthy of song and praise as well as a long lasting source of trade and good will but eventually the desire to smite something, anything wins out as you eye this mountain this Sundermount. You sense that many bloody battles were fought upon its slopes in ages past, and that creatures, shades and worst still prowl its caves and paths attacking any unwary traveler. That will not do. Your decision made, cleansing fire will remove the filth from Sundermount, you begin to float up the path only to find that the Hawkes and Merrill have started up the mountain as well you quiz them on the matter. "Well… when a big ol dragon asks for a favor after saving you from a horde of darkspawn, it is rather difficult to say no eh?" Replies the eldest. True enough. I agree. If I been degraded into an easily killed easily squished mortal yes. Only if I had a master archer, mage and warrior in support would I dare say no. Ouchies hurt. As you state your agreement you note a spike of power as the eldest adjusts her backpack as the group hikes upward. Adjusting your senses you find a most unusual amulet is within the pack. The inlaid central gem seems oddly familiar, tis a soul Phylactery, a rather powerful one at that.

You wonder who crafted the device as you drift upward with the Hawke, your cleansing blue flames makes short of the most obvious dangers on the path, chief among them giant spiders as large as small horses. Of course the mountain isn't left alone solely because of the obvious dangers of giant spiders and you are surprised three times during your journey.

The first is the most obvious in hindsight, normally exposed corpses shouldn't last more than a few months out in the open, let along the centuries since the last great battles without some outside force keeping them from deteriorating. So if you would imagine your surprise as you pass by another drab twisted and broken tree in the broken path up the mountain when one of those corpses you've long since stopped paying any attention to decides to lurch out and grab Carver by his ankles, tripping him up and causing him to fall forward hard. Hard enough and fast enough that he barely manages to get a single painful gasp out, alerting the other Hawkes before his faces meets the rocky ground and he crashes into unconsciousness. As you apply a quick healing spell to remove the worst of the trauma his brain has just suffered, dozens of other corpses begin to arise from their torpor and lurch towards the group as they circle back to defend their fallen comrade. As the ungainly horde moves ever closer you use your power over fire to wipe out those furthest away reducing them to ashes.

Bethany and Merrill which seems to surprise the Hawke sisters for some reason, did they think the staff was for show?, weave spells of their own. Bolts of fire and stone dart forward setting aflame, crushing and knocking back many among the horde of risen corpses. Yet it is not enough the horde continues onward ignoring their fallen as they push ever closer, forcing you to stop your own fire lest you harm the Hawkes and Merrill. Yet the group does not despair pouring on more and more, Jane removes stores of flash powder, balls of ash and smoke and more from her backpack throwing them at the horde to distract the corpses as she darts from one to another easily avoiding their own strikes as she delivers her own calculated ones removing heads from shoulders with a few brief flashes of her blades...

Eventually the horde begins to thin to nothing and as the panted breathing of your fellows attests not a moment too soon, the last of the corpses falls to a combined fire, stone and backstab attack. As Jane begins the grim work of checking that none of the corpses arise again and apparently something called looting. "Junk... Junk... *Throws broken sword over shoulder* Super Junk. *Finds an unmarked bottle of something brown.* "Hmm." *Opens bottle and takes a sniff.* "Ugh Maker's sweaty socks, that is foul. Suppose the mother of all stink bombs might be worth something." *Keeps*...

The younger sister pays little attention to her elders antics instead focusing on healing her twin. With a bit of an extra push from you the youngest finely begins to stir from his bout with the ground. He groans, slowly edges up on his elbows, eyes the corpses and asks what happened? *Stuff that happened.* Grudgingly he thanks his siblings and elf for the save before stating that he is feelingly well enough to move on. And while his first few steps are shaky enough that Jane offers a hand, which he off handily rejects, his movements normalize after another few and you continue up the mountain.

The second you actually manage to see coming if but barely as you sense something is amiss as the group passes by another cluster of dead and twisted trees. Hey Listen! Did that shadow just move? "Ambush!" You shout as the shadows begin to shake loose from the mountainside, Carver just barely manages to rise his blade, the ringing of the shadow strike against his steel highlights the very real danger they are in. You suddenly feel an immense deep pain as shadowy arrows begin to pierce your frame. Ouchie. Make it stop! You barely manage to focus, you find the shadow archer that was busy making you a very odd looking pincushion and with a blast of blue flame remove the threat. Gingerly you attempt to remove the arrows yet even a single pull causes PAIN stopping you immediately. Opinions you ask your inner advisers. MAKE IT Stop and think. Shift around the arrows instead of attempting to remove them. You focus do so and they fall out as you shift back into your "normal" blue light. Surveying the battlefield you find the Hawkes and Merrill have been driven back the shadows only being minorly inconvenienced by the attacks of Jane and Carver while Bethany and Merrill still winded from the last fight can barely hold them back. That will not do. Tongues of blue flame swiftly descend upon the advancing shadows, incarcerating many while driving back others with a hiss the remaining shadows begin to blend back into the mountainside. "Uh Jane, I think we should be going." Jane waves off Carver as she studies the residual remains of the shadows, she carefully brings out some empty flasks from her pack and scraps a good chunk of the remains into the flasks. "Alright now we can go..."

The third surprise occurs after much additional fighting and the finding of your villagers and directing them down the mountain through the way you have already largely cleared. It occurs after fighting your way through several more waves of not truly dead corpses, shadow warriors and even a magic wielding dead thing your companions called an arcane horror which was rather difficult to put down due to its use of a magical shield thing that even your miracles had difficultly breaching. Well some difficulty after all there is only so much fire even a perfectly serviceable shield wall can block out and even the undead don't much care for a slow boil. Interestingly the phantoms staff does not catch fire and even with the grime, blood and muck is apparently better than the staff Bethany Hawke wields or so chides Jane as she tries to pawn it off to her. "Its disgusting!" "And? It is a much better focus for your magic, oh don't give me that look. I know these things I'll even wipe off the worst of the grim for you. You big baby." One no two, alright five quick wipes on the ground and her sleeves later and the worst of the grime has been wiped off, a sudden burst of wind removes even more of the grime from the staff though it "accidentally" seems to land right in Jane's face. Carver gives a muffled laugh. "Such odd winds patterns these kind of mountain get." Innocently states Bethany as she gives you a silent thanks as she accepts the staff. Jane says nothing in return simply giving her and you a glare before wiping off the grime and marching further up the mountain path..

The sudden appearance of a magical barrier while shocking in that it could stop even you yet was not particularly surprising as the build up to it was hardly non noticeable. That the elf girl gave the barrier one look before walking up to it and before even you could figure out what exactly she was doing had pulled out a rather wicked looking dagger and slashed herself and released a dark power you found oddly familiar at the barrier which crumbled nigh instantly. Da F..? "Blood Magic." Hissed Carver as he angled himself between the elf and his sisters. "Oh stop that." Drawled Jane as she lightly popped him upside the head, you note only a slight hitch in her voice as she pushed down her doubts and fear and continues. "If she wanted to turn us into bloody puppets she could have done it ages ago while we were all distracted by the big uglies going for our throats. Though next time you might want to warn someone Merrill." Merrill simply nods towards the waiting stone table that signals the end of the journey, you note the removal of the barrier had taken a fair bit out of her. Jane dug the amulet out of her pack and placed it on the stone table and Merrill began a little quotation you did not readily recognize as the final surprise of journey was unleashed.

Perhaps you were trying too hard to decode the words that Merrill spoke, perhaps it was simply exhaustion after the long journey up the mountain but either way you did not notice the slow build up of energies around the amulet until it was far too late. .... HEY LOOK! You focus back on the amulet, the energies surrounding it had reached a high point as the last of the quotation was quoted and with a small shudder the central gem, the Phylactery shattered in a dazzlingly sphere of light which rapidly focused into a roughly human shape. The dragon made human that had saved the Hawkes and had been saved in turn gave a polite little nod, "her" eyes flickering upward for a brief moment. Even with your invisibility a slight chill ran through you, "she" had seen you as witty banter was exchanged with the mortal rescuers, a slight hiss chilled you again. Ah I see I am not the only one to have been reborn. What are you? You feel a gruggle of amusement from "her". That is the question is it not? Witch, bitch, god, dragon, demon, spirit, abomination, trickster, savior, lover, mother and murderer. All these and more I have been called and taken as my own. Flemeth is as accurate as any. I would love to stay and catch up by I am needed elsewhere but I leave you with a question of my own. What are you Lachesis? Before you can reply or even think of a suitable reply Flemeth shifts into the dragon that the Hawkes describe had rescued them and is gone

The walk down the mountain is quiet and quick as none stand against you, the mountain silent as it has not been in for centuries while you doubt it will last the change is enough for the elfs who with some grudgingly words agree to listen to you, for a time at least.

Hawke Relationship gain: You have fought and "bled" with the Hawkes through the Mountain of deathly things also known as Sundermount. As long as you don't do anything blatantly "evil"/stupid they will follow and listen for you. (Half way to converting the entire group into hero units)
Sabrae Clan: You have gained your very own Dalish clan, while their mobility is currently rather limited they will at least grudgingly listen to your words, and while your own people are still innocent enough to just treat them as oddly shaped members of their own it is liable to be a good idea to find a place for your Norse to settle elsewhere lest the Dalish decide to take out their resentment on the humans of their world on yours.
Codex: Ain't nothing super about the supernatural: Certain kinds of supernatural threats can harm even gods. As of now the shades of the ancient elves are the most obvious of these threat you are aware of.
Corpses: Demons in Thedas possess any number of things when they travel beyond the veil. Dead bodies or corpses having no will of their own are taken over by the weakest demons/spirits who are often driven mad by their own slowly decaying nature with no way of release outside of some outside force "killing" them. Weak individually, threatening in large numbers. Members of the undead(Possessed)
Shadow Warriors: The faded remains of once great ancient elf warriors, they guard the mountain path against threats long since forgotten in the mortal realm often attacking unwary travelers(and gods). Come in sword and board, two handed sword, archer and more varieties. Threatening individually, deadly in groups. Members of the Unsent.
Arcane Horror: The dead remains of a mage are often prime targets for demons/spirits. The Arcane Horror often has access to any spells the mage had in life as well as the demons normal resistances/"spells". Deadly individually, thankfully don't group up often. Members of the undead(Possessed)
Flemeth: Even a brief meeting has shown her to be a being of immense power. You think it wise not to ever piss her off. Member of the ???

[]Time to see what these new followers can do, time for some action. Tactics?
-[]Load archers on each Archimedes' back and have them ran death upon groups of bandits, providing fire support for each group of warriors they accompany. The two groups are to be lead by a hero unit each, one gets Artura the other Glorfindel.

Bandits are scum, mercs at least can sometimes have codes of honor and be bought out. Bandits mean while hurt everyone with their robbery, murder and general wickedness. While it is true that some may have turn to a life of crime because of bad luck, and no other lawful opportunities presented you have a feeling the bandits that camp with human skulls in their tents, children and animals in too small cages, etc etc are atad beyond ever rejoining lawful society again. So you decide to wipe them out, all of them. You divide your forces in twain having Artura and Glorfindel lead a group each. In this fight you notice the similarities and differences in their leadership while both lead from the front, Artura leads with a berserker's fury, letting out war cries and curses as she charges into the center of the groups with reckless abandonment, blood and gore quickly coating her as her axe makes deadly music against any that stand against her. Meanwhile Glorfindel is silent and focused, searching the bandit groups for their leaders and removing them in quick and but for the clash of their arms silent duels. He is precise, centuries of experience against foes multitudes stronger, smarter and swifter than mere bandits having honed his reflexes and tactics to a razor's edge. With their leaders slain and their formations broken many of the bandits make to turn and run but to be cut down by arrows from up high guided by precision that is almost unworldly...

The work is bloody and the bodies many but no mere bandit can face a force that has seen true battle and they fall like wheat before the harvest. Your forces have cleared out many of the bandits and a sizable village space has been cleared. Now comes to the matter of the bodies of the fallen and those that having seen your bloody harvest have surrendered. When you inspect those that have surrender you find that the majority are new to the life of bandits, most having only started a month or two ago and are refugees from down south. Seems Kirkwall doesn't have enough lawful jobs for all...

-[]Burn them. You have seen the dead arise again and do not wish to repeat the experience so as is the custom of this land you burn them and send their spirits to their rest.
-[]Tosh them into the sea. They are trash only fit to feed the sea life.

-[]Extract promises from them, that they will no longer harm others, will not return to banditry... then...
--[]Release them. A quick divine lightning on any that further error will surely keep the rest in line.

--[]Have them join your village. More hands are always needed and perhaps with a fresh start they can redeem some of the harm they caused others.
-[]Escort them to Kirkwall. Surely banditry is illegal and the mortal authorities have some manner of proper punishment.
-[]Kill them. They are scum, they worked with scum and if they remain alive they will surely harm others again.

With the day coming to a close it is time to decide what you shall now focus on for the coming month(Can select all, but more options selected the more divided your attention)
[]Pain, those things on the mountain top hurt you. You do not wish to feel that kind of pain again and you have decided with some help to fashion a type of "armor".
-[]Purely yourself, you decide to fashion an armor of pure divine might. Highly customizeable, major drain on godly might/PP.
-[]Interact with Creatures, your creatures have a few tips and tricks they may show you. Medium option.
-[]Mortal Equipment, your Norse villagers have a few blacksmiths among them that would be willing to fashion a godly armor. Utterly mundane, minimal customizeable, no drain on PP.
-[]Something else? Write in

[]Story/Question time.(each individual story time counts as for divided action, any additional questions to ask?)
-[]Creatures, while your fly back to the village gave you some thoughts and stories from your Creatures. You feel they have more to share. Such as why were they fighting, why didn't they say anything/do anything while the boy was drowning, and just what is the air speed velocity of an unladen European swallow?
-[]Hawkes. The dragon was sure something perhaps you should ask about that? Also why does the eldest use humor to deflect her worries, why is the youngest such a stick in the mud and something something Bethany.
-[]Merrill. Blood magic, it worries you on some level and yet seems rather potent. She may also be able to tell you more about the Dalish and the ancient shadows that attacked you on the way to the stone table. Furthermore you also feel like she has a request for you.
-[]Lady Keeper. While you feel less hostility radiating from her than when you initially met she still seems worried about something or perhaps someone?
-[]Glorfindel. He was silent, methodical and just a bit scary in the way he removed the bandit threat. He is also the best source of information you have on what is occurring across the wide sea.
-[]?? A short fellow with a very lovely crossbow has ran up to your village. He seems concerned about something...
-[]Someone else? Write in

Creating time, it has been awhile since you've created instead of destroyed. You feel like you should change that.
-[]Creation(Life): You decide to change an elf/human/horse/creature/etc into something else, something better. Why doesn't matter, only the how. (Write in what you want to do make better about the creation, any cosmetic changes, etc)
-[]Creation(Object): You decide to infuse some of your power into a weapon/wagon/object making it better. Why again doesn't really matter, only the how. (Write in what you want to do make better about the creation, general appearance, etc)
-[]Creation(Structure): Remembering your bridge you decide to make a godly strucutre in this Thedas as well. (Write in what you want to do make and general appearance)


General Actions*

Intelligence Actions**

Research Actions***

Heroic Actions****

The number of slots per action can increase by pop increase, dedicated time spent using general actions to increase a specific slot(only one general action may be spent per turn to increase any of the specific actions) or quest rewards
*General Action is any action that doesn't really fit in with any of the other categories be it setting up new upgrades for the army, setting up trade lines with others or building roads. Can have as many as you need, but too many may lead to penalties for them occurring as planed.
**Intelligence Actions: Any action that needs spies, counter spies or what have you.
***Research a better sword, magic, etc right here. If anyone has a decent idea for a tech tree like thing for middle ageish settings, I'm all ears.
****Heroic/Personal: Your heroic units and you can do things as well, either independent of any other or a bonus if suitable.
*****Military actions: Only open up when you declare war on a specific problem.

Oh and if you go for the armor option, a pic would be nice.
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-[X]Burn them. You have seen the dead arise again and do not wish to repeat the experience so as is the custom of this land you burn them and send their spirits to their rest.

-[X]Extract promises from them, that they will no longer harm others, will not return to banditry... then...
--[X]Have them join your village. More hands are always needed and perhaps with a fresh start they can redeem some of the harm they caused others.

I'll leave the rest of the planning to someone more capable. Provided our people find a way to feed themselves quickly, there'll be plenty of room in the resulting economy of a new village, i figure.
-[X]Burn them. You have seen the dead arise again and do not wish to repeat the experience so as is the custom of this land you burn them and send their spirits to their rest.

-[X]Escort them to Kirkwall. Surely banditry is illegal and the mortal authorities have some manner of proper punishment.

With the day coming to a close it is time to decide what you shall now focus on for the coming month(Can select all, but more options selected the more divided your attention)
-[X]Interact with Creatures, your creatures have a few tips and tricks they may show you. Medium option.

[X]Story/Question time.(each individual story time counts as for divided action, any additional questions to ask?)
-[X]Hawkes. The dragon was sure something perhaps you should ask about that? Also why does the eldest use humor to deflect her worries, why is the youngest such a stick in the mud and something something Bethany.
-[X]Merrill. Blood magic, it worries you on some level and yet seems rather potent. She may also be able to tell you more about the Dalish and the ancient shadows that attacked you on the way to the stone table. Furthermore you also feel like she has a request for you.
-[X]Lady Keeper. While you feel less hostility radiating from her than when you initially met she still seems worried about something or perhaps someone?
-[X]?? A short fellow with a very lovely crossbow has ran up to your village. He seems concerned about something...
-[]Someone else? Write in

Creating time, it has been awhile since you've created instead of destroyed. You feel like you should change that.
-[X]Creation(Life): You decide to change an elf/human/horse/creature/etc into something else, something better. Why doesn't matter, only the how. (Make your villagers more muscular with higher resistance to cold, bigger minimum 6 ft tall with whit eyes. increce the elves restance and life span)
-[x]Creation(Structure): a well or spring with healing properties

Research Actions***
[X] create runes for your people to use

-[X]Burn them. You have seen the dead arise again and do not wish to repeat the experience so as is the custom of this land you burn them and send their spirits to their rest.

-[X]Extract promises from them, that they will no longer harm others, will not return to banditry... then...
--[X]Have them join your village. More hands are always needed and perhaps with a fresh start they can redeem some of the harm they caused others.

[X]Story/Question time.(each individual story time counts as for divided action, any additional questions to ask?)
-[X]Hawkes. The dragon was sure something perhaps you should ask about that? Also why does the eldest use humor to deflect her worries, why is the youngest such a stick in the mud and something something Bethany.

-[X]Creation(Life): You decide to change an elf/human/horse/creature/etc into something else, something better. Why doesn't matter, only the how. (Make your villagers more muscular with higher resistance to cold, bigger minimum 6 ft tall
-[x]Creation(Structure): a well or spring with healing properties

[X] create runes for your people to use
-[X]Burn them. You have seen the dead arise again and do not wish to repeat the experience so as is the custom of this land you burn them and send their spirits to their rest.

-[X]Escort them to Kirkwall. Surely banditry is illegal and the mortal authorities have some manner of proper punishment.

With the day coming to a close it is time to decide what you shall now focus on for the coming month(Can select all, but more options selected the more divided your attention)
-[X]Interact with Creatures, your creatures have a few tips and tricks they may show you. Medium option.

[X]Story/Question time.(each individual story time counts as for divided action, any additional questions to ask?)
-[X]Hawkes. The dragon was sure something perhaps you should ask about that? Also why does the eldest use humor to deflect her worries, why is the youngest such a stick in the mud and something something Bethany.
-[X]Merrill. Blood magic, it worries you on some level and yet seems rather potent. She may also be able to tell you more about the Dalish and the ancient shadows that attacked you on the way to the stone table. Furthermore you also feel like she has a request for you.
-[X]Lady Keeper. While you feel less hostility radiating from her than when you initially met she still seems worried about something or perhaps someone?
-[X]?? A short fellow with a very lovely crossbow has ran up to your village. He seems concerned about something...
-[]Someone else? Write in

Creating time, it has been awhile since you've created instead of destroyed. You feel like you should change that.
-[X]Creation(Life): You decide to change an elf/human/horse/creature/etc into something else, something better. Why doesn't matter, only the how. (Make your villagers more muscular with higher resistance to cold, bigger minimum 6 ft tall with whit eyes. increce the elves restance and life span)
-[x]Creation(Structure): a well or spring with healing properties

Research Actions***
[X] create runes for your people to use
-[X]Burn them. You have seen the dead arise again and do not wish to repeat the experience so as is the custom of this land you burn them and send their spirits to their rest.
No. of votes: 4
Chargone, edmantgoog, Tel Janin Aman, LordPanther14
-[X]Extract promises from them, that they will no longer harm others, will not return to banditry... then...
No. of votes: 2
Chargone, Tel Janin Aman
--[X]Have them join your village. More hands are always needed and perhaps with a fresh start they can redeem some of the harm they caused others.
No. of votes: 2
Chargone, Tel Janin Aman
-[X]Escort them to Kirkwall. Surely banditry is illegal and the mortal authorities have some manner of proper punishment.
No. of votes: 2
edmantgoog, LordPanther14
-[X]Interact with Creatures, your creatures have a few tips and tricks they may show you. Medium option.
No. of votes: 2
edmantgoog, LordPanther14
[X]Story/Question time.(each individual story time counts as for divided action, any additional questions to ask?)
No. of votes: 3
edmantgoog, Tel Janin Aman, LordPanther14
-[X]Hawkes. The dragon was sure something perhaps you should ask about that? Also why does the eldest use humor to deflect her worries, why is the youngest such a stick in the mud and something something Bethany.
No. of votes: 3
edmantgoog, Tel Janin Aman, LordPanther14
-[X]Merrill. Blood magic, it worries you on some level and yet seems rather potent. She may also be able to tell you more about the Dalish and the ancient shadows that attacked you on the way to the stone table. Furthermore you also feel like she has a request for you.
No. of votes: 2
edmantgoog, LordPanther14
-[X]Lady Keeper. While you feel less hostility radiating from her than when you initially met she still seems worried about something or perhaps someone?
No. of votes: 2
edmantgoog, LordPanther14
-[X]?? A short fellow with a very lovely crossbow has ran up to your village. He seems concerned about something...
No. of votes: 2
edmantgoog, LordPanther14
-[X]Creation(Life): You decide to change an elf/human/horse/creature/etc into something else, something better. Why doesn't matter, only the how. (Make your villagers more muscular with higher resistance to cold, bigger minimum 6 ft tall with whit eyes. increce the elves restance and life span)
No. of votes: 2
edmantgoog, LordPanther14
-[x]Creation(Structure): a well or spring with healing properties
No. of votes: 3
edmantgoog, Tel Janin Aman, LordPanther14
[X] create runes for your people to use
No. of votes: 3
edmantgoog, Tel Janin Aman, LordPanther14
-[X]Creation(Life): You decide to change an elf/human/horse/creature/etc into something else, something better. Why doesn't matter, only the how. (Make your villagers more muscular with higher resistance to cold, bigger minimum 6 ft tall
No. of votes: 1
Tel Janin Aman
Lets see burn them won, could use a tie breaking vote for what to do with those that surrendered, and any additions to the turn plans are still welcome for awhile more.
[]Burn them. You have seen the dead arise again and do not wish to repeat the experience so as is the custom of this land you burn them and send their spirits to their rest.
Not wishing to have a repeat performance of the dead rising to munch on the living you order your followers both old and new to gather up the remains of the dead bandits and rest them on pyres of dead trees and flotsam from among the coast and ringed with small stones. As the final preparations are completed one of the captured bandits begs a brief reprieve to say a final prayer for his erstwhile companions. Having little reason enough to deny him you permit it.
...Draw your last breath, my friends, Cross the Veil and the Fade and all the stars in the sky.
Rest at the Maker's right hand, And be Forgiven…
As the bandit's bodies are consumed by the fire and flames and soon after the prayerful chant is complete you note a small bit of twisting and turning energy flows forth into the darkening sky. Perhaps these funeral rites have some small amount of power in them?
Task: Create a formal funeral service, when one or more of your followers die a bit of the prayer power that they would have given you in life is given to you for each completed service.
[]Write In
Warning tie detected: OMMT Increased.
[]Extract promises from them, that they will no longer harm others, will not return to banditry...
Have them join your village. More hands are always needed and perhaps with a fresh start they can redeem some of the harm they caused others.
[]Escort them to Kirkwall. Surely banditry is illegal and the mortal authorities have some manner of proper punishment.
As the last of the pyres begin to die back down
heh, your thoughts turn to the bandits that surrendered to your followers. Their deaths in battle would have been so much simpler, a nice quick burn and your troubles such as they are would have been dealt with. Giving them to the mortal authority had an ample amount of approval likewise some sort of redemption path also spoke to you. So with the buzzing of uncertainty you converse with yourself...

Eventually you settle on asking Artura and Glorfindel for their opinions, surprisingly enough they both agree that if the mortal authorities had any true claim on the bandits then they should have cleared them out years ago as such if you wish to offer forgiveness and a chance at a better life then you should stop dithering about and make the offer already. Quite right. Doing so you find that 24 recant their previous actions and agree to live a (hopefully) peaceful life under your protection and guidance.
Of Many Minds Trait(Moderate): A division between yourself has expanded further, even combat may not calm the rumbling of your mind. G&TT increased.
Villagers(DA) Gained:

[]Pain, those things on the mountain top hurt you. You do not wish to feel that kind of pain again and you have decided with some help to fashion a type of "armor".
-[]Interact with Creatures, your creatures have a few tips and tricks they may show you. Medium option.
Not wishing to feel the PAIN you felt upon the mountain path anytime soon you decide to create a sort of armor for yourself over the coming month. You start small deciding to begin with a more humanoid set of armor which draws inspiration from both your mortal and creature followers. Consultation with your Creatures scraps your initial idea of a wholly golden armor which while looking suitably impressive would hardly offer any true protection against mortal arts without severely compromising the amount of power you would have to wield to keep it steady and useful.
As you wish to have both mundane and spiritual protection you first start by scouting, finding and securing a number of ore veins deep beneath the surface of this world that have not yet been overran by darkspawn or other hostile forces. You find that even with the blight to the south having relieved much of the darkspawn pressure this adventure takes a fair bit of time. Yet after a week you have found good quality ore, gems and other such things suitable for your purposes of which you remove, refine and begin the forging process. An observing blacksmith manages to catch and correct an error during the initial processing that would it have been allowed to pass have greatly stressed the resulting material causing it to be overly brittle and prone to shattering. As you continue you decide to focus on making...

Craft a battle avatar
Crafting Style
[X]Medium: Designed to be a compromise between a fully godly and fully mundane suit your armor will protect you moderately well against both mundane and spiritual threats. Given its partly mundane state your armor can be readily improved as better materials, crafting styles and general experience in armor making are found. Given its partly divine state a limited amount of self healing, shapeshifting and miracle making can be expected from your armor.

owl armor

Color scheme
Must have [x]Blue in some form
[]Write in

Armor type
-Weighing practically nothing this armor is made for a combat that is swift, brutal and focused on avoiding hits when ever possible. You are the tip of the spear, striking fast and fading back against your foe(s).
-Built thick and strong this armor allows you to take and laugh off hits from all but the strongest beings that you would ever face on the battle field. Will greatly impede your battle speed while in combat.

Anything else?

As your set begins to cool you start drawing in your own will and power to inscribe a number of protective or other runes onto the armor.
Choose one
-These runes protect against the heat of your and other's flames, ice, acid, etc. Flat increase against "special" damage types, will roll a die for specific type protected against beyond fire.
-These runes allow a 1d3 use of a type of damaging miracle without needing to spend Prayer Power. Please note if you want a fire ball, storm, etc miracle.
-These runes allow you have a burst of speed at important junctions. Allows reroll of (a) bad attack dice.
-These runes allow a small amount of health to be regen throughout combat or a quick burst of health regained.
-These runes will allow a 1d3 worth of nullification of (a) strike(s) that would otherwise injury you.

ooc: For now I'm going to use elements from the dragon age tabletop rpg quick start guide for some of the combat rules for anything that you/your followers don't immediately outclass.

Story time
[]Hawkes. The dragon was sure something perhaps you should ask about that?
After a long day trek of finding and cataloging nearby ore supplies you decide to attempt to learn more about these Hawkes. You start with the most obvious, who or what exactly was the dragon lady?
Unfortunately it seems the Hawkes know only a little more than you at the moment, stating again that she saved them from a mass of darkspawn and tasked them with delivering the soul phylactery to the mountain top altar. While the younger sister Bethany regales you with a few rumors about her, this witch of the wilds as she was known to them. How she is an apostate mage that has taken many lovers and had many female children over the years, how she has trapped and tricked many a would be templar that has attempted to find and kill her for many an age. You note a certain amount of sanctification as she regales you with a tale about a large, nosy and aggressive group of templars that passed through her village on their way to the wilds to burn the witch out. "...
only a single half scared to death templar made it out. He ran so fast I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't stop until he hit the lake..."

Also why does the eldest use humor to deflect her worries, why is the youngest such a stick in the mud and something something Bethany.
Coping mechanisms you decide after another day of chatting with the Hawkes, the younger brother Carver allows his annoyance and jealously of his twin and his elder sister to drive him to act rash and speak harsh. Annoyance at being forced to move from village to village due to his father's and sister's talents never being able to make proper friends or settle down lest they be discovered and taken away. Along with just a hint of jealously at being always second best even at sword play due to his own siblings talents. As your own Norse followers care little about magic and mages and Carter's skills in blade work are seen as impressive enough you have noted that he has begun a slow mellowing out throughout the month, having even discovered a few like minded individuals in your growing village to spend time training with.

As for Jane you find that her humor is not solely for deflecting her worries deep seated that they may be, the loss of her neighbors due to the darkspawn and near loss of her sibling to an Orge has given her a certain amount of justified worry, but also she has a certain amount of levity in her personality she can find the humor in any number of situations and greatly enjoys making others laugh if only for a time. During the past month she has made it a project of sorts to find a way to make Glorfindel laugh. Stuffed chickens, witty and even risque remarks, truly ridiculous outfits and procedures, and more are tried to get a laugh out of the elf. They all fall flat throughout the month surely a few scoff and even you find the red cloak, thrice spoken chant and the cake batter a good laugh but Glorfindel remains stoic throughout the month seemingly unimpressed by it all or perhaps he has already seen it all, the way he described some of the events from his homeland suggest that he took part in a great deal of them personally even those centuries upon centuries apart. In the end it takes a rather low brow bit of physical comedy involving two mushed fruits, a sack of flour and a bruised rib to get the elf to laugh and laugh and laugh some more...

[]Creation(Life): You decide to make your villagers more muscular with higher resistance to cold, taller to a minimum of 1.8 meters tall with white eyes. increase the elves resistance and life span.
With story time and your armor projects compete and making progress respectively you turn now to further refining and improving your followers while the human and elf body is a rather impressive bit of interacting systems chugging along at a relatively successful pace for a few decades at least. It still could be so much better for example if you stuck say one of your average followers bare naked in the polar regions of this planet during winter they would be lucky to last more than ten minutes,
I said I was sorry and you did manage to revive him, before dying of exposure. You think of and puzzle out a few ways to correct this flaw, increased fat reserves and greater body hair coverage, no increases risk in warmer climates of heat stroke...
Before inspiration finally hits the water bear! Tis a simple matter of simply adjusting your followers ability to digest starches and produce certain kinds of sugars such as trehalose and other materials when your followers are in cold environments. While true no fucks given about hard vacuum temperatures are abit beyond even your abilities as of yet. The tweaks help prevent the formation of ice crystals reducing the chance of frostbite of the extremities. Interestingly after asking and getting volunteers for the modifications you followers report that this increased sugar levels also apparently makes your followers' blood taste something sweet, blue and just abit thick in colder temperatures. You are unsure how exactly that information was gathered, or how one tastes blue, only that the young elf known as Merrill was in some way involved. Almost as an after thought you also push the test subjects bodies to grow several cm taller while the increased surface area is a tad counterproductive to cold resistance the ability to have longer strides, see just abit farther and so on seem to outweigh the cons. Ooc: Don't really get the point but... /ooc You also make your followers irises white(?) before moving on to your next project. Life extension for the Dalish.

As you examine the Dalish you quickly find the problem, tis not a physical limitation per say but spiritual. The Dalish one and all have torn souls, well shredded might be more accurate, some have been so damaged that they are little more than hundreds of smaller bits and bobs of soul barely hanging on by thin threads of soul to each other and to the physical shell that is their body. They are also oh so faint even the strongest is but a flicker as compared to the bright flames of the humans and Glorfindel's band of elves. So while it is quite easily to strengthen the physical body the Dalish soul is not so easily mended. For one you have no clear way to do so, for another you can't be sure they will not simply fall apart again once you are done. For whatever reason you note that Merrill's soul while just as dim and perhaps even dimmer than her fellows is also remarkably more put together having only been torn into twain and twain again.

Quest: Soulfire: How did the Dalish's souls get so trashed? Who did it? What can be done to repair it?

[]Creation(Structure): a well or spring with healing properties
As you search for and find numerous ores during the month you also find a number of underground rivers and streams while many are sadly befouled by the darkspawn filth a single small stream is found some distance away from your village. It takes many days of careful tunneling to divert its course upward and through a proper circle of stones permeated with traces of your power that infuse the waters that pass by with a minor healing miracle that heals all that wash or drink of its waters of their injuries and diseases.

Artifact gained: Well of Health: A godly well of water and stone, its divine powers heal all that drink or bathe in its waters.

[]Research: create runes for your people to use
As you study the creation of runes you find many difference in this world, those runes that carry power inherent in their very selves of frost and fire, lighting and of the void and those that are simply ways for mortals to write down a more permanent record of their lives, of their orders and of their stories. So you decide to grab both, a writing system for scribes of stories and more and those that can be infused with power and placed on armor and weapons.

Rune(written): You have crafted a simplified system of writing based off your Norse followers' spoken language and the scratching of your creatures talons.
Rune(power, moderate): You have crafted a number of runes that when infused with prayer power will produce numerous miniature miracles. Currently up to expert runes equivalent.

Turn Plan
General Actions

Intelligence Actions

Research Actions

Heroic Actions
[X]2 owl

For those actions, is it "see previous lists" or "come up with things yourselves"?
Ok, my brain's not cooperating so well on the planning front, but it strikes me that as a costal village we could do with (if our people don't build them) some sort of dock for trade as such, walls, to keep the many and various nasties out, a quarry so as to have stone to build with, and a proper temple.
Education's also significant, and with Runes as a starting point may net us some sirt of mage.
Depending what we have access to, factories would be good. We're a tech god, after all.

The Dalish's soul situation's a big deal and certainly something to look in to.
-owl armor
[X]black with midnight blue hilights
-Built thick and strong this armor allows you to take and laugh off hits from all but the strongest beings that you would ever face on the battle field. Will greatly impede your battle speed while in combat.
-These runes protect against the heat of your and other's flames, ice, acid, etc. Flat increase against "special" damage types, will roll a die for specific type protected against beyond fire.
-These runes allow you have a burst of speed at important junctions. Allows reroll of (a) bad attack dice.
witch ever wins

Turn Plan
General Actions
[X] make the dalish faster, more agile and have better senses

Intelligence Actions
[X] search the surrounding area for any sentients other than human and elf

Research Actions
[X] the souls of the dalish

Heroic Actions
[x] ask the hawk family what the local gods/religions are and how they will react to our presence
Could use some more votes/discussion.

Also no Dalish power ups until you complete/reach the midline of the soul tear questline.