You step outside the tower after buying the new equipment and getting a haircut from the local barber-surgeon, and find Suki and Kiyoshi waiting for you. Kiyoshi makes a comment that you're wearing a child's backpack and asks if you knew the shop carries adult sized bags as well. You try to ignore it, proceeding to the gates with your new coworkers, stopped briefly by Maggie. She hands you some bandages and dried meat, asking you to stay safe out in the wasteland. Tucking your things into your bag, you try to ignore the feeling that Kiyoshi has more material to mock you with. Suki says it's time to proceed south, to try and ignore any distractions on the way into the swampland. Are you ready to finally leave your home, The Hub?
[X] Promptly explain to Kiyoshi we'd rather carry a 'kid' sized backpack so that we can run away faster when the skin spiders or bandits come than carry anything bigger and be too overburdened that we'd be left behind.

You tell Kiyoshi you'd rather carry a kid sized backpack to avoid getting bogged down by the weight, and he tells you that you'll never make a big haul with such a small backpack, not unless you find some really valuable things. You come across a dust bandit campground on the river leading into the swampland, and both Suki and Kiyoshi make it through with ease. You however, end up tripping over a sleeping bandit, waking them all. The largest bandit, likely a local boss, swings at you and leaves a nasty wound. Behind him, seven more bandits rise to follow, as others laugh around a campfire.
Dust Bandit #1: YOU GOT IT BOSS!
Dust Bandit #2: WE'LL CHOP EM GOOD!

Suki and Kiyoshi are already in the swampland waiting for you. You're not sure you can take this guy, but he does have a lot of cats on his belt.
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There's good news and bad news. Good news is that the two crossbow users got distracted by a drifter swordsman and split off from the squad, not before planting a bolt in your backside. The bad news is that the six remaining dust bandits are relentlessly chasing you through the disgusting bog with murder in their eyes, it's almost like they hate you for merely being alive. You see a village nearby, maybe you can find some help there?
[X] If we go to the village we'll be questioned by the authorities about what we're carrying. Go to the nearest pack of bone dogs or skin spiders to distract the bandits then head towards where Suki and Kiyoshi went. If any wild animals decide to follow you instead of staying to attack the bandits, throw some meat wraps in their general direction to distract them, they're smart enough to understand that it's easier to go for meat that stays still than one that can run and fight back.

Edit: If we don't have the Hash yet, just go to the village.
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[X] If we go to the village we'll be questioned by the authorities about what we're carrying. Go to the nearest pack of bone dogs or skin spiders to distract the bandits then head towards where Suki and Kiyoshi went. If any wild animals decide to follow you instead of staying to attack the bandits, throw some meat wraps in their general direction to distract them, they're smart enough to understand that it's easier to go for meat that stays still than one that can run and fight back.

Is Kenshi logic really gonna apply? And are we even carrying hash yet or are we just on the way?
BARELY BROKE A SWEAT (someone else did)

Leading the dust bandits to the swamp village, screaming for help, the local guards make quick work of them, barely taking a hit. Of a team of five, they cut down the six bandits and resume patrolling the settlement. One particular guard loomed over the twitching bodies of the attackers, still alive, and glances your way. It seems they aren't blaming you for leading the attackers their way but, aren't quick to thank you for it. The sign above the gate seems to indicate the place is named Rot, and you wonder about the fate of the bandits. You could leave them to die yet by this point, you feel a certain... responsibility. You've saved quite a few starving bandits in the Border Zone by now, and doing that made you feel a certain goodness, like the old man used to talk about. Perhaps the path of medicine is your destiny? Doctors are well paid, whether your patients are awake or not.
[X] loot everything the bandits own but patch them up afterward. Sell the loot for cats and buy back whatever medicine was expended at a profit, then try to meet up with Suki and Kiyoshi.
jesus kenshi forgiving everybody. I endorse this though

[X] loot everything the bandits own but patch them up afterward. Sell the loot for cats and buy back whatever medicine was expended at a profit, then try to meet up with Suki and Kiyoshi.
[X} The old man was a sentimental drunk, loot the bandits and abandon their corpses for the skin spiders to eat. Sell any loot for cats and join up with Suki and Kiyoshi.
[X] loot everything the bandits own but patch them up afterward. Sell the loot for cats and buy back whatever medicine was expended at a profit, then try to meet up with Suki and Kiyoshi.
Gatwood the Soft knew what was up.

[X] Loot everything the bandits own but patch them up afterward. Sell the loot for cats and buy back whatever medicine was expended at a profit, then try to meet up with Suki and Kiyoshi.
Hmm, the protagonist going through a path of medicine sounds good.

My vote:
[X] Loot everything the bandits own but patch them up afterward. Sell the loot for cats and buy back whatever medicine was expended at a profit, then try to meet up with Suki and Kiyoshi.
-[X] See if the bandits had something that it might be worth for us to use, rather than just selling all the loot.
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[X] See if the bandits had something that it might be worth for us to use, rather than just selling all the loot.
[X] Loot everything the bandits own but patch them up afterward. Sell the loot for cats and buy back whatever medicine was expended at a profit, then try to meet up with Suki and Kiyoshi.
-[X] See if the bandits had something that it might be worth for us to use, rather than just selling all the loot.

Stripping what things of value you can from the dust bandits, you patch up their wounds, none of them will die today. You even find a few hundred cats in the purse of their leader, along with an expensive looking robotic arm! After selling the equipment, you clean out so much of the general store that the scruffy looking gentleman can't even pay you the full value of the arm. Perhaps if you buy some things from him, he can afford it? There's also a maniac nearby yelling about drugs and fish, or is it fish and drugs? The man in front of you can't be a day over twenty though - is this even his store? He might be manning it for a relative. He looks at you with a complete lack of enthusiasm, as if you are responsible for this cruel fate.
[X] Buy the hooded helmet to cover the overflow from the prosthetic to conceal your face from being recognized, then buy the map offered if it's cheap and use our literacy skills to fabricate it to be a fake treasure map with fancy Holy Nation calligraphy indicating locations to old 2nd empire ruins containing lost Holy Nation artifacts in the swamps using our knowledge of Holy Nation from our grandpa. Offer that map to the person offering fish & drugs by saying you stole it from an important-looking Holy Nation official in exchange for a 30% discount (open to bargain) to load up on as many drugs as you can fit on your small backpack (if it's possible to buy more then buy the basket and use it to fill up on more drugs) and go find Suki and Kiyoshi.

(Try to ask for this village name and the person you are buying from to remember who you are scamming)
Edit: If the drug dealer someone who the shinobi thieves have any ties with or is it some rando selling drugs? If its someone who can tattle on the shinobi thieves then just buy drugs from him like a regular person without scamming him.
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