Defiance Of Destiny (Worm/Disgaea)

Hmm, I remember a channel that had pretty through videos of all the animations. Let me do some looking.

There's definitely a whole mess of skill showcase videos from various games floating around, I have seen/used a few for research in the past, but I've yet to stumble across any that actually use the timestamps system or w/e it's called, where you can skip to various labeled sections of the video tracking bar.

Obviously, this is because that system is relatively new, all things considered, and I'd also be happy with one that simply lists the class timestamps in the description or something instead (like many multi-hour music compilations do), but i don't think I've seen that either offhand.

If you do happen to spot one, though, def lemme know! Doesn't matter which game/s, either


Edit: got curious as to what Youtube actually calls the system, apparently they call them "Video Chapters" for whatever reason.
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Not finding the channel I remember but there are a bunch of videos spread out between people.

Here is a massive playlist that seems to have basically everything.

All the older games don't have chapters but they are tightly categorized. For newer games I found some chapters.



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Ah, not to be annoying, but after just rereading the fic here, I was wondering if you had any idea of an ETA on the next chapter? That said, I must say that I find what was said in the Beginning Letter of Intent that was written by the now Ex-Overlord was one the better "You're here now deal with it!" Messages I've seen. The fics a great one as well.
For newer games I found some chapters.

Oh, that weapon skill one will def be very useful!

I was wondering if you had any idea of an ETA on the next chapter?

Ideally sometime late this month. My New Years Resolution was to get at least one chapter a month done on any one of my stories, ideally 2 if I can fit it in.

Unfortunately the past two months were a real shitshow for several different reasons I won't get into, and it's possible this month will be as well, for similar reasons as this past month. I just may not have the time, irrespective of what I want to be doing, lol.
Yeah, I get the shit show of life thing. My mom is FINNALY getting her second hip replaced. The hold up was the paperwork. In particular the SHARING of said paperwork. The doctors for the life of them seemed utterly incapable of use the novel thing called email. I wound up driving my mom all over town to pick up the paperwork here, and then take it there in person for the doctors so they had all they needed to ok her surgery after like two and a half months of them not doing it themselves. I fear for the future of medicine. In fact, I know of many an old doctor who are now going into early retirement due to the new doctors coming in, while only knowing Jack and Shit, and decided that they are NOT going to deal with these bozos.
Yeah, I get the shit show of life thing. My mom is FINNALY getting her second hip replaced. The hold up was the paperwork. In particular the SHARING of said paperwork. The doctors for the life of them seemed utterly incapable of use the novel thing called email. I wound up driving my mom all over town to pick up the paperwork here, and then take it there in person for the doctors so they had all they needed to ok her surgery after like two and a half months of them not doing it themselves. I fear for the future of medicine. In fact, I know of many an old doctor who are now going into early retirement due to the new doctors coming in, while only knowing Jack and Shit, and decided that they are NOT going to deal with these bozos.
The most positive answer I can give to 'using paper instead of email' is that it's both more secure (can't be hacked), and it can still be read later, while information stored electronically is at much, much greater risk of becoming unreadable later on. This is also why a lot of organizations still have paper archives, or are starting to go back to paper archives, AFAICT.

Of course, that's all anecdotal, but it makes sense.
You alright Ashkari?
You've spun such a wonderful tale!
Keep Going! Keep Crafting your Wonderful World in the Vast ocean that is the Multiverse
May the Muses sing to you their song and help write the story you have drawn.
Unfortunately the past two months were a real shitshow for several different reasons I won't get into, and it's possible this month will be as well, for similar reasons as this past month. I just may not have the time, irrespective of what I want to be doing, lol.
Here's hoping things turn up for you soon. We love what you wrote.
Here's hoping things turn up for you soon. We love what you wrote.

May the Muses sing to you their song and help write the story you have drawn.

Alas, the past month the latter has been the problem. Things have been much better for me in the general, it's just that every time I sit down to work I find myself swiftly distracted. And that's been the case for all my stories — including the sporadic potential new ideas I get from time to time, heh.

It's not for lack of trying, sadly.

It'd probably help if I knew exactly where I want to take the next scene; I have a lot of ideas for things I want to happen in this fic, but not real plan for linking them all together.

In this particular instance, it's a matter of determining ways to get Ash some additional fights so she can start settling in her Evilities and then making build choices, but I really don't wanna just dive right into item world, because I feel like outside of a few individual scenes of them first experiencing it and/or hitting milestones, that's the sort of thing best left to happen in the background via short 'this is what unimportant we did the pst week' summaries at the start of a new arc/scene/etc.

…The issue being that first couple days of Ash getting her potential Evilities & special skills settled in (even if they aren't yet purchased) are too important narratively to just gloss over how she arrived at that point.


Tbh, the past week-ish, I've been considering maybe loading up several of the games and just like… playing the first episode of each of them just to get a feel for how Disgaea likes to lead into the general story. See if that prompts any ideas.

From memory though, there's usually some kind of unrelated-ish problem the main character already needs to deal with that leads into the greater picture, but for the fic it's too early to start deliberately focusing on tackling various canon plotlines / personalities? Dunno atm.
Tbh, the past week-ish, I've been considering maybe loading up several of the games and just like… playing the first episode of each of them just to get a feel for how Disgaea likes to lead into the general story. See if that prompts any ideas.

From memory though, there's usually some kind of unrelated-ish problem the main character already needs to deal with that leads into the greater picture, but for the fic it's too early to start deliberately focusing on tackling various canon plotlines / personalities? Dunno atm.

I know for Phantom Brave, and Promise Unforgotten, the plot is mostly driven by jerks showing up and personally tracking down the heroes as they try to achieve their semi-related goals.

Could start by having a lot of people trying to get a piece of Ash before they're ready, forcing more of a scramble instead of the "build preparation" you're thinking of?

Maybe have Ash be forced to ruin their build slightly for short term gains, just due to the pressure from outside agents who might assume they're the cause of all the weirdness, or otherwise want them defeated?
I know for Phantom Brave, and Promise Unforgotten, the plot is mostly driven by jerks showing up and personally tracking down the heroes as they try to achieve their semi-related goals.

Could start by having a lot of people trying to get a piece of Ash before they're ready, forcing more of a scramble instead of the "build preparation" you're thinking of?

Maybe have Ash be forced to ruin their build slightly for short term gains, just due to the pressure from outside agents who might assume they're the cause of all the weirdness, or otherwise want them defeated?
Heck, anyone that comes across the claim of working with a precog could probably come after them.
Tbh, the past week-ish, I've been considering maybe loading up several of the games and just like… playing the first episode of each of them just to get a feel for how Disgaea likes to lead into the general story. See if that prompts any ideas.

From memory though, there's usually some kind of unrelated-ish problem the main character already needs to deal with that leads into the greater picture, but for the fic it's too early to start deliberately focusing on tackling various canon plotlines / personalities? Dunno atm.
You could throw in a couple more fights with skinheads, then one with Rune or Alabaster as the episodes 'boss', setting up the E88 as the initial problem. At some point in a episode 2 or 3 you can have a different gang jump in mid episode to derail things.
And, at some point you could have an invading gang be a problem. Not all the gang issues Brockton faced came from inside the city, after all.

Maybe have the Endbringers redirect attention at least once.
From memory though, there's usually some kind of unrelated-ish problem the main character already needs to deal with that leads into the greater picture, but for the fic it's too early to start deliberately focusing on tackling various canon plotlines / personalities? Dunno atm.
I dont think that's a bad thing. Maybe montage some skirmishing with the empire or use the netherworld to access smaller towns with smaller time villains and non powered gangs to level against. Skip Lung, since it only serves to connect Taylor to the undersiders. Then you can join the canon train at the bank. If you make the bank a series of encounters that continue into following the undersiders escape route, then that can follow the disgaea chapter structure too, maybe end up with recruiting a parahuman if you really want to follow disgaea structure. I suggest panpan, since she really wants to escape from her family and powers.

Alternately, do have the lung encounter. meet the undersiders, get the same payoff with the bank, but get to do the disgaea staple bank raid mission instead.
In this particular instance, it's a matter of determining ways to get Ash some additional fights so she can start settling in her Evilities and then making build choices, but I really don't wanna just dive right into item world, because I feel like outside of a few individual scenes of them first experiencing it and/or hitting milestones, that's the sort of thing best left to happen in the background via short 'this is what unimportant we did the pst week' summaries at the start of a new arc/scene/etc.
You're envisioning it wrong. Aside from those reactions, milestones and "testing new thing" shit, mindless grinding serves as an excellent backdrop for social.

Just people chatting with the odd skull caved in for punctuation. Granted, this works best when the fighting isn't turn based, since there's a smoother flow to it where you can assume everyone is in their own scrap and can chuck a stray head at someone for a colorful comment.
In this particular instance, it's a matter of determining ways to get Ash some additional fights so she can start settling in her Evilities and then making build choices
Hmm... Could you have her "repeat a stage", to have her face a similar group of mooks for sake of "grinding experience"? Heck, since your story has the game-mechanics baked into reality, these terms could be explained to her by someone.
, but I really don't wanna just dive right into item world, because I feel like outside of a few individual scenes of them first experiencing it and/or hitting milestones, that's the sort of thing best left to happen in the background via short 'this is what unimportant we did the pst week' summaries at the start of a new arc/scene/etc.
Ooh... One word: montage. Rather than simply glossing over it completely, you could have snippets of Ash going through the Item world, with exposition sprinkled throughout.
Say, you come out of a line-break with ash beating an opponent- let's go with an archer, and saying something to one of her prinnies, who moves away from a different opponent- let's go with a spirit- before turning to shoot it with a ranged attack. Then line break again, and they're walking through the portal to a boss floor, while expositing again.
…The issue being that first couple days of Ash getting her potential Evilities & special skills settled in (even if they aren't yet purchased) are too important narratively to just gloss over how she arrived at that point.
As for this... You could feasibly semi-gloss over it. You could just... not specifically mention them until they become relevant. Like, maybe she glances over them, but then she doesn't give them a proper look-over until they're relevant.

Heck, you could throw the last two ideas together, and have Ash muse on her evilities during the montage.
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Could start by having a lot of people trying to get a piece of Ash before they're ready, forcing more of a scramble instead of the "build preparation" you're thinking of?

Heck, anyone that comes across the claim of working with a precog could probably come after them.

You could throw in a couple more fights with skinheads, then one with Rune or Alabaster as the episodes 'boss', setting up the E88 as the initial problem. At some point in a episode 2 or 3 you can have a different gang jump in mid episode to derail things.

These are all valid ideas that I've considered already, my main issue is that it's too soon for someone to be trying to muscle in on things.

Keep in mind, as things stand at the end of Chapter 7, Ash has been on Earth Bet for all of… maybe 5 hours, tops. I'd have to reread certain segments to peg it better, but it's only been about an hour-ish since Taylor's trigger, and the locker event occurred during approx the. 7:30 - 8:45am window. Give it a little extra time for her to be rushed to the hospital, them maybe ~30-45mins for the discussion & reincarnarion, and we're at like 9:30am.

That's just way too soon for any of the gangs to know about things, barring possibly Coil as stated, much less react to them.

And it feels… idk..? Out of character? Cliche? Something like that, anyway — to just have Coil like… just be all over Danny trying to take him hostage without having first having Tattletale at least investigate the new capes on the scene to see if they're worth his while. He's far too meticulous & cautious to just dive like that.

Hmm... Could you have her "repeat a stage", to have her face a similar group of mooks for sake of "grinding experience"? Heck, since your story has the game-mechanics baked into reality, these terms could be explained to her by someone.

This is actually not a bad idea, if I can think of a good way to justify how it actually works to repeat a fight.

Unfortunately, why you can repeat things is something that's never really examined in any way in the games, despite the obviously deliberate replacement of bosses in boss stages by the devs.

I mean, admittedly, time travel existing is canon to both Disgaea and Worm, even if in the latter the entities avoid it like the plague due to power requirements.

I suppose I could justify it as being something along the lines of an odd usage of the dimension gate that lets you 'relive' alternate versions of past events along with a bit of lampshaded 'Don't think about it too hard, dood', lol.

Edit: Followup:


Okay. Heh.

Had a funny thought, and idk why tf it never occurred to me before.

Fanon (in several situations) often likes to refer to Coil's power as "opening and closing alternate timelines" even though it canonically very much is just a simulation that he views real time while his power puppets him through the 'choice' he was always going to 'make'.

… But what it if it wasn't, lmao? What if he really does open & close timelines… because his shard's job is testing/iterating on that particular element of Dimension Gate functionality?

Because that's how demons are actually doing the repeat thing?

I think I could work with that.
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frankly speaking easy capes for any character to have a reason to fight

Hookwolf and several different E88 members and also the merchents

this would also allow you to have them be put on the radar for people escpelly if someone like hookwolf were to accidently get killed

as for coil, his power wouldnt function well at all with the power set up you have given both your MC and taylor, yes his power would try but it would quickly realise it has very little in the way of being accurate and thus would heavily fudge the numbers to the point things would start to fail for him quickly

tattletales shard is a OCP solver so she while she would have issues she would be the only thinker on the planet that could make any head way and dinha will be all over the place with prediction escpelly as the cast gets more and more OP

and ziz would probably be a mix of all three of these types
Tattletales shard is a OCP solver so she while she would have issues she would be the only thinker on the planet that could make any head way

Not true. Disgaea magic/etc is not OCP for the Entities in this fic. Merely poorly-understood. They've already been to and destroyed one Netherworld, so while they don't understand the fine details yet, they certainly know what it is and have a good idea of what it can do.

As per Wildbow WoG on them encountering magical settings, they're in the 'wait, watch, study, & experiment the fuck out of it' phase.
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Okay. Heh.

Had a funny thought, and idk why tf it never occurred to me before.

Fanon (in several situations) often likes to refer to Coil's power as "opening and closing alternate timelines" even though it canonically very much is just a simulation that he views real time while his power puppets him through the 'choice' he was always going to 'make'.

… But what it if it wasn't, lmao? What if he really does open & close timelines… because his shard's job is testing/iterating on that particular element of Dimension Gate functionality?

Because that's how demons are actually doing the repeat thing?

I think I could work with that.

Fun thought experiment: what happens to the Coil in the dropped timeline?

Either they also still have powers, in which case they themselves just keep opening timelines, frantic to fix the instance where their power closed the "wrong" timeline when they went to do so (not realizing that they themselves are the Coil of that dropped timeline, because surely they can't be). Essentially every Coil is hooked up, in every timeline.

Or, only Prime Coil is powered, and once he "closes" the timeline, the Coil of that line is actually not powered. Leaving that Coil high and dry. Essentially only one Coil is powered, the others are just powered until their timeline is dropped. XD
but it's only been about an hour-ish since Taylor's trigger, and the locker event occurred during approx the. 7:30 - 8:45am window. Give it a little extra time for her to be rushed to the hospital, them maybe ~30-45mins for the discussion & reincarnarion, and we're at like 9:30am.
You're right that a reaction that fast is pushing things, but there will be a response very quickly. It's in the PRT's system that he as a precog reported a trigger event and it actually happened. There is an old WoG that organizations have torture methods that are semi consistent at forcing a person to trigger, but not even Contessa can make a path to find a random person about to trigger. So Ash has shown an entirely new ability that has massive repercussions to parahuman society.
I think I could work with that.
Disgaea loves key items to unlock features. To replay stages, we need the crystalized brain of Coil.