Defiance Against the Abyss - ON INDEFINITE HIATUS

Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Ojou-Sama on May 25, 2022 at 3:20 PM, finished with 5 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] A masterful raider, capable of hunting down even the most elusive prey: Able to outfight everything fast enough to overtake you, while at the same time having the speed to escape any battleship with guns large enough to hurt you, the term Battlecruiser would be the best description that applies to you - and now, having returned at long last, the hunt on the Abîme, the Abyss, begins. Though, just about everything about the world, like staring in a mirror in a fun-house...
    [X] Long ago, you had served the fatherland as a noble Heavy Cruiser, protecting her interests over the entirety of the globe, with armament and speed unrivalled at the time. You fought brilliantly against great odds, extracting victory from the jaws of defeat, but eventually, sank at the hands of a ship that overpowered you in every aspect - a true warrior's death, and one you accepted with grace. But the days have changed, and your efforts are needed once more, even as a nagging feeling says something is very, very wrong...

Pretty sure something went wrong there boss...

Adhoc vote count started by Dutch on May 25, 2022 at 6:01 PM, finished with 76 posts and 30 votes.

  • [X] Long ago, you had served the fatherland as a noble Heavy Cruiser, protecting her interests over the entirety of the globe, with armament and speed unrivalled at the time. You fought brilliantly against great odds, extracting victory from the jaws of defeat, but eventually, sank at the hands of a ship that overpowered you in every aspect - a true warrior's death, and one you accepted with grace. But the days have changed, and your efforts are needed once more, even as a nagging feeling says something is very, very wrong...
    [x] The pride of the Navy, a battleship without compare, you were spent on the distant blockade before being assigned to escort convoys. In the end, you fought against an enemy that proved even more formidable than yourself and paid the price of the pyrrhic victory: Against this rot the Abyss seems to be however, history will change - your efforts and skills will ensure total victory, irrespective of everything thrown your way, burning away the shame of that defeat.
    [X] A masterful raider, capable of hunting down even the most elusive prey: Able to outfight everything fast enough to overtake you, while at the same time having the speed to escape any battleship with guns large enough to hurt you, the term Battlecruiser would be the best description that applies to you - and now, having returned at long last, the hunt on the Abîme, the Abyss, begins. Though, just about everything about the world, like staring in a mirror in a fun-house...
    [x] The depths of the Atlantic were your home, the silence of the seas your best friend, the humming of screws in the distance your ever-hapless targets. As a submarine that stalked the entirety of the oceans from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, your prey was everything that floated on the waves - which now includes the black hole of negative emotions you have termed the Abisso...
    [X] You had been the eyes and ears of the fleet, the Light Cruiser keeping an eye out for threats both on and below the waves while guiding the fleet's various destroyers and escorting the battleships. Captured while under construction, languishing in the slipways, yet completed by the enemy, it is...strange, to sail again, this time fighting against the regrets and pains of the past. After have so many, that it is hard to count them all. But fate had been upset once already - a second time is not impossible.
I know, I know. Really, how did it go wrong?!

Now that the vote has been completed...
Mercurio's world had been changed, but only very minorly, by her construction and completion. That is to say, it was well within the realm of possibility - and history afterwards proceeded as normal.

Mainz' world changed a bit more drastically, with her construction and completion aiding the Kriegsmarine...but not that much, as history largely proceeded as normal. After all, one more escort for the Lonely Queen of the North wouldn't change history that drastically, wouldn't it?

Queen Elizabeth, her construction and completion, changed history - after all, what if one more ship had been there on May 24th, making the enemy victory much more pyrrhic in nature? What if, instead of escaping, that dreadful battleship had been sunk?

Toulouse's construction heralded a drastic change in history. A powerful battlecruiser designed to shred treaty-compliant heavy cruisers, she participated in multiple battles against the Italians in the Second World War: She paved the way for a more powerful Free French Fleet and increased influence within the world, creating the circumstances for an earlier Operation Dragoon, and paving the way for an earlier Liberation of France...

Heavy Cruiser, ?????: Memories, now playing...
(That is to say, Dutch, kindly do not reveal things about her yet. Please leave it to after our first chapter and look at our dear Cruiser's past.)
Toulouse's construction heralded a drastic change in history. A powerful battlecruiser designed to shred treaty-compliant heavy cruisers, she participated in multiple battles against the Italians in the Second World War: She paved the way for a more powerful Free French Fleet and increased influence within the world, creating the circumstances for an earlier Operation Dragoon, and paving the way for an earlier Liberation of France...
Uhh. I knew battlecruiser was best. Farewell Toulouse-chan. You would have been epic.
Uhh. I knew battlecruiser was best. Farewell Toulouse-chan. You would have been epic.

She starts as a 1920s vintage design though, with literally eight 13.2mm Hotchkiss MG's and some 90mm Mle. 1926 cannons for AA defence, basically a take it or leave it kinda deal...and you can basically dismount them and not suffer a decrease in AA firepower. And depending on which ocean exactly the quest started - as it could just have been the Pacific Ocean, with carriers and bases everywhere - a lack of powerful AA firepower...would have sucked. Not that I would do such a thing though, there is such a thing as being too cruel of a QM.

Still would have been epic with the appropriate refits and remodels though later on though, that I cannot deny. Twelve 305mm guns in quad turrets, just look how much of a smoke cloud you can make by firing them all at the same time! :V
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I like divergence. It's my favorite part of quest. The more the better. Her impact on history is awesome, and heroic welcome by french dock crew for maintenance would have been heartwarming.
She starts as a 1920s vintage design though, with literally eight 13.2mm Hotchkiss MG's and some 90mm Mle. 1926 cannons for AA defence, basically a take it or leave it kinda deal
Pray tell how is a Imperial German cruiser going to be any better in that respect? If anything she'll be even worse off.
Damn, couldnt put my vote in. It would have been fun playing as a Submarine. Haven't seen many Kancolle quests do Subs.
Arc One, Chapter One - Awakening (Part One)
The scratching of a pencil on paper marks the first signs of your existence. You were...born, so to say, in the halcyon weeks of 1924: Eight years after the conclusion of the devastating War to End all Wars - but while the world breathed a sigh of relief and began to recover from the Great War, your designers already knew that, in the future, the scourge of mankind would return. Too many open, festering wounds remained, too many dead and broken forever, and all for such little gain: It would take perhaps a decade, maybe twenty years at most, but war would return.

And they wanted the fatherland to weather it the best they could. And to weather it, they needed to design the best ship for the Kaiserliche Marine - only the best for Germany's sons, which would fight in that future, coming war.

It does not take long before the design, the shape you will take, is prepared. A scale model is built, and studies in the feasibility of your design are made. The Kaiser and the admiralty are pleased with the prompt work of the designers - and as the funds are released for your construction, your slipway in the Kaiserliche Werft Wilhelmshaven begins to come to life.

'It is I, Heavy Cruiser Yorck, the most modern ship in the Kaiserliche Marine! Thank you for having me!'

The keel comes first, forming the basis of your hull. Frames, plating, internals, the deck - it all falls into place like pieces of a beautiful puzzle, and you watch over it with a grin, becoming ever more complete with every bolt, rivet and weld. Complaints from the British come and are ignored - yes, of course you are within the allowed tonnage limits! No, you do not weigh a couple of thousand tonnes over the agreed upon maximums, of course not. And who are they to complain, given their own much-vaunted heavy cruiser goes several hundred tonnes over the limit? Hah!

It takes more than two years before the shipbuilders finally declare you ready for launch - but as the time arrives, you cannot be happier.

'Thank you so much, Wilhelmshaven! Yorck shall never forget you!'

The ceremony is a grand affair, and men from all walks of life are present - from factory workers to bankers, to the Kaiser and members of the admiralty. There is a tension in the air, as the great crowd that has gathered to see your hull finally touch the ocean waters waits with bated breath - and as the bottle of champagne shatters against the bow and your hull rumbles backwards into the water, a great infectious cheer comes from shore, you wave and grin-

-and your optics eyes snap open, observing the world for the first time since...years, it feels like.

It took only a moment between drawing upon yourself and appearing, standing on the seas in a body of flesh and blood. It is the smell that hits you first, and it reminds you of home - the salty, deep grey Atlantic, your old hunting grounds - and then, the sound: Waves gently lap against your rudders feet, but for some reason not soaking what seems to be just normal leather shoes but wash off them like they are made of steel - perhaps a trait of your new hull body?.

Stretching your new body and observing just how it moved - you may have had Human crews, but they were raised with how they had to move! You had been a ship! - the examination runs quickly into a problem. Yes, you can look around - even if looking directly downwards is, thanks to the design shape of your body, slightly inconvenienced - but while as a ship you were aware of everything that happened all around you in a three-hundred-and-sixty degree circle, this body...seemed to be limited, if you did not make a full turn. Even without what resembled the aft and fore-ends of your hull flanking you, and the superstructure amidships attached to your back, your bridge head couldn't rotate enough before the pain in your conning tower neck became too much to bear!

You shake your head, looking out again over the wide-open ocean. It is the Atlantic, alright - and every memory that you can drag to the forefront agrees with that assessment. With the inspection of your body done and results noted, now is just the wait for your Kapitän zur See to give orders! As you wait for the aforementioned officer to finally make his presence known, a small being dressed like a Leutnant zur See climbs out of one of your four turrets - it looks like someone took a human, made them only a couple of centimetres or something tall, and then made clothing to match. It is cute!

"Ze, ze ze. Zeeee."

The news it delivers, though, is not something you wish to hear.

"What do you mean, no captain? How does a ship even function without one - and no, I do not want to hear anything about 'sailor councils'!" You glare at the tiny being, who did its best impression of that Tommy bureaucrat that had inspected your hull while it was under construction, holding its hands up and backing away - right into the flank of the 21cm turret it just crawled out of - and now trapped. "Kapitän zur See Ritschel wouldn't dare abandon his ship!"

"Ze! Zeeeee....ze." couldn't be true. Kapitän zur See Ritschel, who was your captain from what you remembered, had been a punctual man, ensuring everything ran like clockwork - and now he was gone? How and why?! You had a feeling that the being was telling the truth, as it looked far too terrified to lie to you now... But you were stuck now - without a captain, who would dispatch orders, put the crew through their paces, what could you do?

"A...alright. Leutnant...?" The little being began to nod rapidly, and you point to your hull rigging. "I want a count of every crewmember on board and my general status, make it a list. it inside the same as it was...back then?" It nods and snaps a cute salute, and you let loose a relieved sigh. "Sehr gut. Go from the highest ranks to the lowest. And should you find Herr Ritschel..."

"Ze, ze ze. Zeee!"

"Gut. Go now."

With that little being - Perhaps a manifestation of your old crew? - checking the ranks, from the highest officers to the lowest seaman, you quickly began to check your weaponry. Four turrets, embedded in what probably represented the fore and aft parts of the ship, slowly rotate to accommodate your inspection: The eight naval cannons that form the basis of your design, the long barrels of the familiar 21cm SK C/25, are fitted into the aforementioned twin turrets.

Anton, Bruno, Ceasar and Dora respond quickly to your thoughts and orders, aiming at what you want to shoot if their position allows it. Sixteen smaller 10,5cm cannons in their customary twin mountings, their forms miniature compared to the real deal but still as deadly as their full-sized counterparts, remain locked in their positions - With no surface targets in sight, they are unneeded - and the pair of triple torpedo launchers you were fitted with just before commissioning are still perfectly functional, as are the couple of 13.2mm MG 18 TuF machine guns.

...But it is all just a distraction. There are no orders from the Kaiserliches Oberkommando der Marine, and with Herr Ritschel missing, you really do not know what to do: And there are no humans nearby too from what the observers can see for many kilometres around, and nothing of the rotting tar you felt in the abyss of the sea...

You returned, yes, but are now well and truly lost. Which way will you even go?

"Ze! Ze, ze. Zeeee!"

You get pulled out of your pondering as that little thing from before pops up, this time not crawling out of Anton but instead out of the collar of your uniform - you really do not know how, though - with a wad of paper clad in its hands. It gives an adorable salute, boots clicking together, before immediately launching into an explanation.

The good news? Most of the crew is accounted for, from the ratings and the music band to most of the officers. Apparently, the little guy in front of you is the highest-ranking officer left. He shrugs while explaining, biting into an apple he apparently brought from the storage down in the hull, and continues. Apparently, every little bit of ammunition, from those for the 21cm cannons to the 13.2mm machine guns, is present, the floatplane is fully fueled and supplied, and the mess hall is stocked with fresh food and produce - but it does miss an apple. An apple that he seemed to be holding.

You stare at him with disapproval. He takes, oh so slowly, another bite, with a grin bordering on the insubordinate.


You groan and pinched your nose, closing your eyes and ignoring the smacking noises as the...fairy? Crewmember? You had decided on the latter, but the former just sounded right... the fairy finished devouring one perfectly fine apple. "Next time, just mark it when you requisition food. We are alone on this sea, my dear Leutnant zur See - it wouldn't do for me to scuttle myself thanks to a certain member of the officer classes giving the rest of the crew the impression that they can just grab from my stores whatever they want." It at least seemed to have some capability to feel shame, judging from the way its cheeks went as red as Freiherr Von Richthofen's famous triplanes.

"Ze! Zeee! Ze, ze ze, zeee!"

The Leutnant is saved from his embarrassment by shouting from another fairy crawling out of your hull, who rushes over to your side and salutes: You recognize his uniform, that of the observation detachment keeping an eye out for anything that may threaten you, and the fairy begins his report - and it fills you with...not precisely dread, but also not something you can call excitement.

Smoke was spotted one minute ago, at the range between 18 and 26 kilometres. Unknown vessels are likely approaching at speed estimated around 21 knots, no contact established and no radio signals detected.

What is the plan?

[ ] Fall Rot

Caution should be preserved. While you cannot feel the Abyss, that rotting taint that tried to subvert you, it is...suspicious that this group of ships is sailing towards you, not even sending morse or radio messages between them - it may just be an inauspicious coincidence, but...something tells you it is not. Sending up a floatplane to get some more detailed information on this force, and preparing for possible combat, may be for the best.

[ ] Fall Weiss
Perhaps, in the time that you lay on the bottom of the sea, communication frequencies changed. You...cannot feel the clinging rotten taint right now from the Abyss, and this can, possibly, all just be resolved peacefully - unless these ships are pawns from the Abyss. But should the approaching flotilla be just like you, the spirits of ships from an age past, then a diplomatic approach would be for the best.

Unless they are
French. Eugh.

[ ] Fall Blau
Write in! Subject to QM veto though, so do not go overboard.

Yorck's statistics page. See Informational Tab no.1, renamed to Character Sheet.

For correctly guessing all four guessable options, a substantial bonus has been allocated.
While this bonus may not immediately become obvious or exert influence, one may find that several future options have been positively impacted and that requirements for Yorck's first remodel have been lowered substantially. Should Yorck be sunk, which at this point requires actively taking options to get her sunk, this bonus will be fully expended - in exchange for raising her above the common maddened Abyssal masses...
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Unless they are French. Eugh.

Both you and me girl, the FRENCH, yuck.

Anyways, we have the float planes. We could send them out. Keep a sizeable distance until the planes check them and make sure they're friendly. We could even have them fly with white camo, flashing in morse code about not doing hostilities and stuff. If they be abyss or hostile. Well the float plane has been sacrificed well.
First off: Yorck a cute! I love her dress.

Second: given the mentions of possibly becoming an Abyssal, but not of it being a bad end, I'm guessing there'll be a chance to try and break free of the Abyssal hold?

On the vote... best to be prepared, I think. Fall Rot is my choice. Since there's no moratorium...

[X] Fall Rot

Ayep! Since these chapters will not be as large as those in A Restoration of Order and Peace (24K!), there is no need for it right now.

Second: given the mentions of possibly becoming an Abyssal, but not of it being a bad end, I'm guessing there'll be a chance to try and break free of the Abyssal hold?

I do not wish to spoil this just yet, so I am afraid I will have to keep this a secret. What I can reveal without spoiling it, going down and becoming an Abyssal... it will not be the end of Yorck's story. The Abyss is very interested in her and what she represents...
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I do not wish to spoil this just yet, so I am afraid I will have to keep this a secret. What I can reveal without spoiling it, going down and becoming an Abyssal... it will not be the end of Yorck's story.
"Does this mean we could potentially play as an Abyssal an experience the roll of the villain? Could we perhaps even play as an Abyssal princes? This information is very interesting, very Interesting." musings of a Mad(shipwo)man.
[X] Fall Rot

Information is key here we don't know who or what these unknowns are after all so let's fix that.
I know one thing with absolute certainty: We will never let Yorck sink!

Yorck will be one of the strongest German ships in the beginning, if I understand correctly?
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