1/30 Gaap.
1/30 Ronove.

The nedben sets up some scanning equipment to constantly monitor the sea beyond the universe. Any sea monsters headed this way?
30/30 The Dead's Ire (Stored)
3/5 To The Death
The Speaker of the Dead looks at the Angels who have come to assault the world. His previous spell having annihilated the false faces of purity any Angel coming to earth could hide behind, their natures are bare before the world. He looks to his newly summoned allies. "So I had mentioned, and so too appears foes in league with our opposing force. These creatures, which you see bare, stripped of false faces by which they were called Angels, were created by the one who calls himself God, composed of his energy and the torn souls of once pure people, now having vice replace virtue. I wish battle was not our only recourse, but if ever a battle was required, now is the time."
The Necromancer pulls out a staff, with a hook shape attached at the end. It is a crook, and with it, he jumps into the army of angels. He rushes between them, catching them with the hook, and tugging. Wherever he connects, a burst of magic comes out, and the soul energy becomes separate from the wings composed of God's essence. He rushes around, doing this wherever he can, before dashing back out, carrying with him those souls. They somehow cling to the crook, and the crook seems to be slowly healing them. He says to himself, "One hand once reaped, another soothed. I now sooth alone, while another reaps. So it has been, so to shall it be until we reach Death himself."
Last edited:
25/30 From the producers of "Let's take a rocket to the moon"
10/10 Who shares the Name of the Big Clock ?? The Omni DONE!!
Items:Imp Essence(from the various experiments conducted on them)

(Omnitrix)The 10-Charge a Paradox was carrying suddenly bursts, a silent explosion of colour as shadowy forms flicker in the midst of Rainbow.They suddenly concentrate into a single figure. A Young Adult Male with an Omnitrix on his arm...the Shadow Ben walks over to the Methanosian and fuse with it...Ben Summoned, replacing the Methanosian and carrying 20 different Alien Forms...

(Actions)The two Paradoxes then combine their Efforts and the Multitool, creating a Twin Keyblade of Gentle Light of Imagination and the Blurred Mirage of Nostalgia and swing it at the Principalities at Earth, creating a Fire that burns all that is Cruel and Destructive on the World and Preserving all that is Kind and Hopeful...
Psychic Overcharge 4/20
Summon Allies 4/20

I use strategic mind-control to disrupt the angels attacking Earth. I take control of an angel in the backline of the army, have it stab/shoot/whatevertheydo to as many of its brethren as possible before it eventually gets discovered and eliminated, and repeat this on another angel. And another. And then two more at the same time. Eventually the distrust should significantly impact their morale.
6/20 The Wrong Tree
I feel like the math for the charges here is wrong... The Temple was 15 when TWT started at 1, so TWT 2->The Temple 16... 3->17, 4->18,5->19... alright, the Temple should be at 20. oops.

The Slime one sees Racyls'Strom is growing nicely (having retreated their shared body at the end of the Abomination's action.), and decides the most important thing it needs right now, is to grow. Faster! So, using some shamanic magic™ and a healthy dose of slime (all 6 currently present is sacrificed in addition to base action power) as power, he 'picks up' the 'space' his creation is in, and 'twists' it off from the rest. With some delicate cutting, he disconnects that space. Then, he transplants it into the fortress, what with its +20% to things, and 'attaches' it. The rest of the trees spacial connections remain the same, but a single speck of dirt in the fortress is actually a direct path to the tree, letting it grow much faster.
Excess power invigorates the tree directly.
1/30 adamant orb summoning
1/30 lustrous orb summoning

I pop into the fight and use a psionc attack to implant the entirety of 4chan into the nearest enemy groups heads. the sanity damage should be fun!
30/30 The Dead's Ire (Stored)
4/5 To The Death
The Necromancer looks at the souls he had collected. They are pulsing with energy, and hidden deeply within their energy is who they once were. He begins to cast a spell, and the souls begin to glow. Their original selves are slowly drawn out, and that energy begins to reconstruct the person they once were.
2/30 adamant orb summoning
2/30 lustrous orb summoning

I proceed to pull out a chainsaw and begin the massacure, carving into angles like a madman.

which i am!
Round Update 15
15/15: Slaughterhouse Rock. COMPLETE!
15/15: Snowball Fight. COMPLETE!
1/30: Elemental Storm.
1/15: New Dawn Derringer.
I check my watch, and blink. Ah, my charge is done cooking! I reach into whatever metaphysical corner of reality charge is held in and pull out the 15 charge. I then level it at the angels and imps, and the ground begins shaking. The charge whirls around me like Navi or something, and I pull out my wand, etching a pentagram into floor, which I then step into it. Protective bubbles appear over all AAs just in time, as the charge packet implodes, turning into a twisted mass of space, sucking in tons of angels and imps. They're trapping together in the gravity distortion, and I clap, causing the distortion to intensify, crushing all of our captured foes to dust. Not enough of them to OHKO all the PAs, but quite a bit. Then, I cast a couple extra spells, grabbing the souls of the recently deceased Imps and Angels, and stuff it into a sword! Soulbound Derringer created.
Soulbound Derringer: A curved blade infused with the souls of both demons and angels. Whoever wields it gains a attack bonus (at least when they use it in attack), and quite a large one. But! The Soulbound Derringer actually has a battlefield listing...
[OBJ] Soulbound Derringer. Immune to all attacks that aren't steal attempts. 100% Durability.
Durability goes down every time I use the Derringer, and if it hits 0%, it breaks and it destroyed. The sword current looses a average of 35% Durability per use, as it has not been upgraded at all yet. Repairing the Derringer requires at least 5 charge, and even then it cannot fully repair it. 5 charge equals about 50% durability repaired, and 10 is 100%. Finally, the Derringer has some charge invested in upgradability: Charges worth more then 10 can be invested in it to lower the amount of durability it looses each use and increase the extra damage it grants.

I summon Mr. Frosty's Factory of Fun and Murder inside the fortress. Here are its stats (I recommend you keep the list of purchases inside a spoiler)
Mr, Frosty's Factory of Fun and Murder. Very High HP. Snow: 0. (+10 Per turn). Gold: 0. The MFFoFaM has some special stats called Snow, and Gold seen above, It can spend Snow to do a variety of things, inspired by idle games. Snow is passively generated. Gold is not, and must either be bought with Snow, or you must buy Gold Generators. Gold can be used to purchase units.
Snow to Gold (Cost: Variable Snow) Gain Gold, 1 Gold for every 20 Snow.
Hire Snow Golem (Cost: 20 Snow). Increase your snow per turn by 5.
Purchase Freezer (Cost: 50 Snow): Increase the amount of snow you generate each turn by 20. Cost increases by 10 Snow each purchase.
Purchase Freeze Ray (Cost: 100 Snow): Increase the amount of snow you generate each turn by 40. Cost increases by 30 Snow each purchase.
Hire Santa's Elves (Cost: 500 Snow) Increase the amount of Snow you generate each turn by 90. Cost increase by 100 Snow each purchase.
Build Turret (Cost: 10 Snow) Summon a Snowflake Turret. It has lowish HP, highish attack, and will target any enemy who targets the MFFoFaM.
Hire Hitmen. (Cost: 20 Snow) Gain a stack of Hitmen. Yes, a stack, like status effects. Every time a entity attacks you, you may choose to expend some stacks of Hitmen to deal retaliation damage to them. The more stacks spent, the more damage doone.
Purchase Miner Squad (Cost: 200 Snow) Unlock a special. It is called Gold Rush, takes 3 turns to charge, and gives you 3x(x) Gold, where (x) is how many Gold Mines you own.
Purchase Orbital Cannon. (Cost: 150 Snow) Unlocks a special for you, called Orbital Icicle Strike. It takes three turns to charge, deals high damage to one target, and stuns them for one turn.
Purchase Gold Mine. (Cost: 2 Gold): Increase Gold Per turn by 1. Cost increases by 1 every purchase. Purchase Philospher's Stone. (Cost: 10 Gold). Increases Gold per turn by 2. Cost increases by 2 every purchase.

Purchase Alternate Universe Portal. (Cost: 50 Gold). Increases Gold per turn by 10. Cost increases by 15 every purchase.
Summon Snowman Warriors (Cost: 1 Gold). Summon two Snowmen Warriors.
Summon Icicle Sniper. (Cost: 5 Gold) Summon a Icicle Sniper. It deals high damage, but can only attack every other turn.
Summon Elftech Tank. (Cost: 10 Gold) Summon a Elftech Tank. It's a giant, awesome, tank.
Summon SWAT Snowmen Squad. (Cost: 50 Gold) Summon five SWAT Snowmen. They're like Snowmen Warriors, but better.
Summon Snowmen Cannoneers. (Cost: 100 Gold) Summon three Snowmen Cannoneers. They're like Icicle Snipers, but better. They still have the every other turn gimmick.
Summon Snowman Airship. (Cost: 400 Gold) Summon the Snowman Airship, a very powerful entity. It has a special that takes three turns to charge called Bombardment, which deals heavy damage to up to three targets, and summons 10 SWAT Snowmen. It also has a moderate attack, and can spread out its attacks to hit as many targets as it wants, damage to each one lowering with each extra target.
I agress the imps with the Soulbound Derringer AND Replica of Texas, dealing lotsa damage!

You crush many imps and many Angels into a fine powder with your distortion, dealing 100 damage to both! You also create the soulbound derringer-Oh shit. Uh. That's...intriguing.

You deal another 150 damage to the Imps with the derringer and Replica, and inflict another stack of burning!

24/30 From the producers of "Let's take a rocket to the moon"
9/10 Who shares the Name of the Big Clock ?? The Omni
Items:Imp Essence(from the various experiments conducted on them)

The Two Paradoxes Work in Unison with their Multi-tool,boosting Nedben's Actions by a Large Margin as they Invoke the Secret of Revolution.

You boost Nedbens actions!


They pray that God's will shall be on Earth as it is in Heaven, no? So, we must be beyond both of those places to stand a chance against Him...And besides, Hell is about to get monster truck'd.

In the space station outside reality, the Seed germinates. In the depths of Hell, tunneling outside of reality to join us on distant outsides, the Facility is completed. Obviously, this is more than a little disastrous, no? (hey, let's add some BGM)

"Let's do this." Hanove Rhongo says, as imaginary numbers twirl and the vaults of hell shudder, for the Noble Ancestors have willed this construct a gate out of their prison. Another research facility in the seas beyond the sight of God...and both powered by max charges.

One sea station full of plants, the other full of demons, both massive factories that have escaped the chains of Creation, at least for now. The Seed expands its tendrils throughout the shell of reality, mapping out the cracks through which it may sprout, infesting the wounds of the world that God has scabbed shut rather than healing. The Facility improves its magical processing, concentrating as a capital node of sorts in its own allied but distinct system. It's time for snowballs. The Nedben laughs as the brilliant circuitry-vines from his engine of creation blossom into reality, while demons scurry about in congratulations as the launch goes off flawlessly and the reality spawners can now be dedicated to external phenomena and maintenance behavior as well as just construction.

Let's just say these facilities produce charge on their own through their nebulous large magical powersets so we can add more capabilities to them as we go, have them develop projects on their own, or use them to boost our own processes. The rest is window dressing or abilities they can make up with their own actions, but probably constitutes regeneration and basic defenses. NPCPCs, they called it in some games? Whatever, they're here.

The action of the Nedben himself for this post is very much assuring these exits and activations occur unhindered, and that communications, generators, etc. are all online. This will work.

You finish your charges, summoning these bases outside reality with your demonic powers, in order to use them for charging! Oh, this'll be interesting.

5/20 The Wrong Tree

The Abomination, rather then being displeased, seems... intrigued, at most, by the new development. perhaps by the low intelect it indicates in their so-called allies... Regardless, it silently calls its forces to it.
Instead of a normal formation, the Grey angels and Principalities are in a very, very loose cloud. not a soulless, regular block, but a hundred coordinated individuals, or perhaps more, arriving from every angel. The Principalities soar freely through the air above, ragged claws zoning targets and downing their once-equals. The grey angels have no former equals to test their metal against, but the unnatural limbs they've gained accelerate far faster; maneuvers previously unknown are trivial. With the amount of preperation and muscle-tensing a biological being requires to move, it'd be childs play to duck out of the way.

To the particulars. The Angel of Antithesis Soars with the principalities,easily out of place even disregarding the massive wings of flame they carry. The White fire around them makes it too risky to come close- It may be (somewhat) less virulent then the Abomination's, but the Principalities don't know that, and it's just Wrong to look at. They Soar through the airspace, leaving gaps for wedges in the loose formation of the enemy as principalities back away,and grabbing lone principalities to convert.
The Principality of the Pure is no close range fighter; they simply advance in a continual manner, surrounded by Grey Angels: coordinated, if not visibly organised. The aura they emit is less visible, but just as deadly: a war of Attrition is in their favour, and the entire section fighting them feels subtly off, messing up their actions even as their bodies degrade.
The Archangel of Annihilation... they're not so team-minded. They dive directly into the melee, loping off heads, dueling the promising fighters, ducking, weaving, and dodging with energy impressive for one dead. And even over the course of the battle, they move faster, reacting more easily,this shadow becoming more used to the range of motion allowed by their new body.
This is all supported by the element of surprise, as no angel has returned information on any of our forces- least of all the three newly-empowered troopers. but there is a second secret hidden in this battle: A conductor behind the scenes. or, as luck would have it, right at the front. The Abomination is in the fray, tearing a line of carnage, of corrupting oil and broken limbs, as its arm flashes out at every target in reach. For all the Greys are tangentially of the same species, the Abomination is a perfect speciment of what a grey can be. The remainders are but shadows, and so the Abomination is easily the most influential... or they should be.
Observing the battle as a whole, the three troopers are each more influential then the abomination- though the Archangel's only saving grace is that their corpses will rise eventually, even without its effort- the Abomination choses not to, in this instance. why?
Taking the power they stole from this bodies owner, the Abomination has decided to take a slightly more laid back role. They orchestrate, and they Push their vision of reality, of this skirmish, into the world, letting their soldiers act flawlessly, the abilities burn brighter, the lopped off heads hiss just a little louder with drops of melted abyss's liquid.
So they'll know. So the Angels will All know that the Abomination is Not to be messed with... and neither are its subordinates.
It never hurts to be too careful.

<Action + entity order summary: The Grey angels and principalities join the three Abomination troopers, charging into the Principalities army,wrecking its guard with nontraditional organisation, perfect coordination, and the fear the White Fire of the Abomination- and seeing it there, again, when it just killed the strongest of their leaders-, while the Abomination uses a power (from the original body, this time, instead of either it or the slime) to make sure the rest of the army succeeds very, very well.>

Your entities will do as you say!

Ultra Foundry: 7/30
Factory Upgrades: 7/30

I demolish Crusher's unauthorized portal with a Dimensional Fragmentation Bomb, turning what was a stable means of transportation into a swirling vortex of spacetime shear guaranteed to shred anything going through. It still technically exists, but anything going through is just going to wind up right back where it started in very small pieces.

jet zeppelin command
Status: Nominal
Hull: 750/750
Shields: 325/325

Dodge System Engaged: 35% dodge rate
Defensive Negatron Blasters active: 3/3 attack negates, 100 damage to source of negated attacks

Self-Repair: 50/turn

Missile Array: Reloading 1/2
Main Negatron Beam Battery: FIRING, Primary Target: Archangels, Secondary Target: Principalities

All other attack-type Entities, attack the Principalities on Earth.

Interdimensional Dark Matter Machine: Target Principalities on Earth

You tear apart the portal, leaving a messy, dangerous cut in spacetime behind! Damn, feel bad for anyone who falls for that one.

2/30: Elemental Storm.
2/15: New Dawn Derringer.
I draw another pentagram on the floor with some colored chalk.

You draw a pentagram!

1/30 Gaap.
1/30 Ronove.

The nedben sets up some scanning equipment to constantly monitor the sea beyond the universe. Any sea monsters headed this way?
As far as you can see, nothing within the waters is aware of you. Though that might change...let's hope it doesn't.

30/30 The Dead's Ire (Stored)
3/5 To The Death
The Speaker of the Dead looks at the Angels who have come to assault the world. His previous spell having annihilated the false faces of purity any Angel coming to earth could hide behind, their natures are bare before the world. He looks to his newly summoned allies. "So I had mentioned, and so too appears foes in league with our opposing force. These creatures, which you see bare, stripped of false faces by which they were called Angels, were created by the one who calls himself God, composed of his energy and the torn souls of once pure people, now having vice replace virtue. I wish battle was not our only recourse, but if ever a battle was required, now is the time."
The Necromancer pulls out a staff, with a hook shape attached at the end. It is a crook, and with it, he jumps into the army of angels. He rushes between them, catching them with the hook, and tugging. Wherever he connects, a burst of magic comes out, and the soul energy becomes separate from the wings composed of God's essence. He rushes around, doing this wherever he can, before dashing back out, carrying with him those souls. They somehow cling to the crook, and the crook seems to be slowly healing them. He says to himself, "One hand once reaped, another soothed. I now sooth alone, while another reaps. So it has been, so to shall it be until we reach Death himself."
You attempt to tear out the souls from these Principalities, but you fail! Upon closer examination, you can see that unlike the Angels of the lower tier, the Principalities essence is fully divine! So, God only puts the mangled souls in the bottom rung, huh...

25/30 From the producers of "Let's take a rocket to the moon"
10/10 Who shares the Name of the Big Clock ?? The Omni DONE!!
Items:Imp Essence(from the various experiments conducted on them)

(Omnitrix)The 10-Charge a Paradox was carrying suddenly bursts, a silent explosion of colour as shadowy forms flicker in the midst of Rainbow.They suddenly concentrate into a single figure. A Young Adult Male with an Omnitrix on his arm...the Shadow Ben walks over to the Methanosian and fuse with it...Ben Summoned, replacing the Methanosian and carrying 20 different Alien Forms...

(Actions)The two Paradoxes then combine their Efforts and the Multitool, creating a Twin Keyblade of Gentle Light of Imagination and the Blurred Mirage of Nostalgia and swing it at the Principalities at Earth, creating a Fire that burns all that is Cruel and Destructive on the World and Preserving all that is Kind and Hopeful...

You summon Ben, and he replaces the Methonasian! Oh my, those are a lot of Aliens.

You use your newly made Twin Keyblade to attack the Principalities, delaying significant damage. 95 damage!

Psychic Overcharge 4/20
Summon Allies 4/20

I use strategic mind-control to disrupt the angels attacking Earth. I take control of an angel in the backline of the army, have it stab/shoot/whatevertheydo to as many of its brethren as possible before it eventually gets discovered and eliminated, and repeat this on another angel. And another. And then two more at the same time. Eventually the distrust should significantly impact their morale.

As you force the Angels in the back to attack their comrades, you can see the chaos begin to form. Angels that you know you did not control begin attacking other innocent Angels, paranoid and provoked at the slightest twitch after seeing others attack. This does a hefty job on their armies. 70 damage!

6/20 The Wrong Tree
I feel like the math for the charges here is wrong... The Temple was 15 when TWT started at 1, so TWT 2->The Temple 16... 3->17, 4->18,5->19... alright, the Temple should be at 20. oops.

The Slime one sees Racyls'Strom is growing nicely (having retreated their shared body at the end of the Abomination's action.), and decides the most important thing it needs right now, is to grow. Faster! So, using some shamanic magic™ and a healthy dose of slime (all 6 currently present is sacrificed in addition to base action power) as power, he 'picks up' the 'space' his creation is in, and 'twists' it off from the rest. With some delicate cutting, he disconnects that space. Then, he transplants it into the fortress, what with its +20% to things, and 'attaches' it. The rest of the trees spacial connections remain the same, but a single speck of dirt in the fortress is actually a direct path to the tree, letting it grow much faster.
Excess power invigorates the tree directly.

You transplant the tree into the Fortress! It will definitely grow faster now.

1/30 adamant orb summoning
1/30 lustrous orb summoning

I pop into the fight and use a psionc attack to implant the entirety of 4chan into the nearest enemy groups heads. the sanity damage should be fun!

The amount of disgusting, horrific knowledge now implanted into their minds...the Principalities are flummoxed, confused, angry, terrified! Some of them are in awe at it, wondering how such horrid beings could be Gods favorites. Could..God be wrong? Do humans not deserve to be treated with such mercy? They ponder this, many of them on the edge of rebelliNOn-oh shit, what's this? The ones thinking of rebellion..they're vaporizing. It's...horrifying. Their wings are rotting off, their faces burning away...soon the ones who have even dared to think of rebellion are gone, left dead as..an example, I think? Either way, 100 damage to the Principalities!

30/30 The Dead's Ire (Stored)
4/5 To The Death
The Necromancer looks at the souls he had collected. They are pulsing with energy, and hidden deeply within their energy is who they once were. He begins to cast a spell, and the souls begin to glow. Their original selves are slowly drawn out, and that energy begins to reconstruct the person they once were.

As previously mentioned, you do not have any souls collected from the Principalities!

2/30 adamant orb summoning
2/30 lustrous orb summoning

I proceed to pull out a chainsaw and begin the massacure, carving into angles like a madman.

which i am!

You chainsaw through the Principalities! 60 damage!

M=--\End of Turn Battle/--=M>

The Grey Angels and Principalities Attack first, flying into the Principalities on Earth and tearing them apart, while the three Abomination troopers lead and deal great damage with their power! They manage to deal a whole 250 damage!

The Dimensional Dark Matter Machine fires at the Principalities, dealing another 100 damage to them! This is followed up by the Distractobots, Biobominations, Big Robodog and Dominus Airstrike Drones attacking them all en masse dealing...woah, 300 damage!

In Heaven, the Jet Zeppelin fires at the archangels and Principality with is Negatron Particle abeam, dealing 200 damage to the Archangels and 150 the Principalities. The archangels are dead!

Acterik orders his Skeletons to attack the Imps, and they obey, flooding towards them to fight! The imps probe harder to hurt than expected however due to their numbers and size, and thus are only dealt 50 damage. Acterik follows this up by using Locust Swarm, sending dozens of tiny, infectious and deadly insects towards the imps! They are, for once, unable to keep up with them due to the speed and size of the insects! Irony at its finest, 100 damage!

The Principalities and the Imps continue focusing on each other, with the Principalities seemingly having the advantage this time. They stay back, not attacking directly, and fire off beams of light into the swarm. Whenever the Imps begin moving forward, they fly around them and continue the attack while retaining distance. This strategy works well, and they deal 200 damage to the Imps!

Another group of Principalities repeat what the others did last time, trying to lift through the portal...unfortunately, due to what I Just Write did to it, they find themselves torn apart in the anomaly, and die messily! The other Principalities see this, and are unlikely to try to replicate it! 300 damage!

The Principalities on Earth, meanwhile, begin attacking! They focus on the air based enemies, and fly towards the DAS! firing off beams at them and trying to tear them apart midair. The DAS have practice fighting Angels at this point however, and are able to easily avoid them, and are only dealt a small 50 damage!

<M=--\The Battlefields/--=M>



[PA] Principalities: 6260/7235

[AA] The Enlightened: 106/106

[AA-JOEbob] Grey Angels: 70/70

[AA-JOEbob] Angel of Antithesis: 700/700

[AA-JOEbob] Principality of The Pure 700/700

[AA-JOEbob} Archangel of Annhilation: 700/700

{AA-JOEbob]Slime: 15/15

[AA-paradoxdragonpaci] Gargoyles: 1500/1500

[AA-paradoxdragonpaci] Ben 10: 200/200

[AA-JOEbob] Grey Principalities: 50/50

[AA-I Just Write} Distractobot Factory: 105/115

[AA-I Just Write] Reality Minelayer: 105/115

[AA-I Just Write] Dominus Drone Factory: 95/115

[AA-I Just Write] Big Robodog: 115/115

[AA-I Just Write] Dimensional Dark Matter Machine: 115/115

[AA-I Just Write] Robot Recycling Engine: 115/115

[AA-I Just Write] Distractobot Army: 250/315 Has MagiTech

[AA-I Just Write] Assimilating Biobominations: 109/180 HP Increases By 10 Once Per Turn

[AA-I Just Write] Dominus Airstrike Squadron: 52/150

[AA-I Just Write] Cybernetic Tanks: 69/115

[AA-I Just Write] Rocket Knight: 150/150

[AA-Ender_Smirk] Undead Buffing Tower: 105/115. Giving all undead +10 MHP each turn. Current Benefiting: The Enlightened.

[AA-Ender_Smirk] The Long Since Fallen: 7810/7810

[[AA-Winkinsr] Human Squad: 135/135

[AA-Winkins] Witches and Warlocks: 50/50

[AA-FlamingFlapjacks] Flapjack Fortress: 170/220 Output Increased By 20 Percent

[AA-FlamingFlapjacks] Mr Frosty's Factory Of Fun and Murder: 2250/2250

[AA-Part] Barrier: 40/40. Preventing unauthorized entry into the Fortress.

[AA] [OBJECT] Reality Mines: SEMI-ACTIVE


[AA] [OBJECT] IJustWrites Portal: EXISTS. Leads to Heaven. Will send unauthorized users to nasty places.

[AA] [OBJECT] Winkins Portal: EXISTS

[AA] [OBJECT] Dimensional Jammer: 115/115 [OBJECT-PART] Misotheistic Shield: 80/90 Seer-Blocking Cloaking Field Active (Enhanced by VOID, LIGHT, and LIFE) Stealth Field Active

[AA] [OBJECT] Temporal Shunt Device: 105/115


Flapjack Fortress:

[AA-FlamingFlapjacks] [OBJECT] Booster Modules: 115/115. Give +3 to owner's Charges: 3/3

[AA-FlamingFlapjacks] Robot Assembler: 115/115. Robots: 0. +25 every turn. Can expend robots to buff a ally or damage a entity.

[AA-JOEbob]Raclys'Strom: 180/180 Sinful Soil

[AA] [OBJECT] Vat. Growing Project Aleph.


Project Aleph: 25% Complete.


Weapons: 20%

Body: 30%.

Core: 70%

Armor: 20%


Heavens First Layer:

[AA-FlamingFlapjacks] Flapjack Clones: 88/115

[AA-FlamingFlapjacks] FlamingFlapjacks. 15/15 Hp. 1 Regen Current Weapon: Miniature Replica of The State of Texas

[AA-paradoxdragonpaci] Methanosian: 115/185.

[AA-Ender_Smirk] Risen Dead: 190/190

[AA-I Just Write] Reality Minelayer: 115/115

[AA] [OBJECT] Reality Mines: SEMI-ACTIVE

Note: Giant Hole in the Sky leading to the Second Layer.


Heavens Second Layer:

[PA] Principalities: 6605/14900

[PA]Imp Invaders: 25000/26000 BURNING x2 Poison

[AA-I Just Write] [BOSS] Jet Zeppelin: 750/750 Shields: 305/325. Maniacal Missile Mayhem: Ready

[BOSS] Acterick, Spirit of Famine. HP: 880/900Promotion: 3/3. The Black Death: 3/5.

[AA-FlamingFlapjacks] Skeleton Horde: 1980/2000

[AA-FlamingFlapjacks] Clownboy From Hell: 370/470 Sunset: 3/3. Rain of Light: 3/3.


Heavens Third Layer:

[AA-I Just Write] Meriphiel: 50/50

[AA-I Just Write] Dimensional Termites: 5063/5063. Attack is 25% of current HP. MHP grows by 50% of current HP each turn. Stealth: Unbroken. Will be broken upon reaching 10,000 or more MHP.[/color]
Last edited:
30/30 The Dead's Ire (Stored)
5/5 To The Death
"I ask thee, noble dead, to aid our comrades in the defense of Earth against the apocalypse."
Having said that, the undead rush to overrun the Principality army. This would not be painful for them as well, but the Necromancer happens to cast a spell on the Long Since Fallen, which gives them energy to fight on against any they are more virtuous than, drained from those very foes. Since it is already fairly well established that these angels are not humongously virtuous, and the army the Speaker summoned was from the most virtuous humans, the results are fairly predictable.
Having done that, the Speaker stows away another gem, loaded with another charge.
Last edited:
7/20 The Wrong Tree

The three abomination soldiers(along with the Greys) continue their assault. It's not a surprise as much any more, and the Abomination isn't spreading its support so much among them any more, but most of their advantages remain in place, and few angels have realized their weakness, compared to the Abomination.
The Abomination has decided to take things back into its own hands. minions are useful, but some things... they need a personal touch.
That is not to say the Abomination is rejoining the Earth battle. No... it is the second layer that demands its attention.
well, not demands. Draws.
There is a great melee there, Principalities fighting Imps, and both clashing with a great ship. What matters here is the Imps.
The Imps have resisted conversion. something of corruption? Bah. the Abomination has dealt with corrupted beings before. corrupted minds. corrupted villagers. It doesn't matter. Sin and holy light, by any definition... extremes are what makes them pure. pure sin is black and pure goodness, white.
The corrupted will be pure, too. pure in their corruption. Perhaps a new color to their palete, red? Regardless, the abomination is confident. Its arm lashes out, grabs an imp. drags it away with deadly silence. The Imps are not 'good'. So,perhaps...
The hand on its head begins to smolder with white fire. onto the imps wings pours black liquid. and each calls out to its own essence, concentrating the imps meager goodness into the facial region and the sin into the wings. As the imps wings grow long and ragged, sharp and torn and spindly, its head begins to almost glow with whiteness,white eyes and a crazed smile. what remains is turned red, pure red, by whatever corruption is already there.
Should this have worked, the abomination corners a small group of imps, knocks them to the ground,traps them in a cave of slime, and converts them one by one.
once all's done, it returns to earth.
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26/30 From the producers of "Let's take a rocket to the moon"
1/5 Quintessence
Items:Imp Essence,Holy Feather(from principalities)

A Paradox is Invoking!!

"now, I invoke the Epitome of Enough Dakka, that which bears the Universe of Bullets destroying Bullets and reconstructing Bullets in an Endless Loop such that the Name of it is God-King-Bullets and the Magic has all been Bullets"

Iit rains down a Shower of Subatomic Guns shooting off force-Bullets of the Strong Bullet force and the Weak Bullet Force,causing all matter to have holes as they collapse into itself/radiate away into Bullet Radiation at the Principalities, as the Paradox invokes one of his Domains,Nearly Enough Dakka.

Meanwhile the other Paradox is picking up the Holy Energies dropped by the Principalities and condensing it into a Singular Feather...
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Psychic Overcharge 5/20
Summon Allies 5/20

I continue to spread distrust in the angel's ranks with mind-control.
30/30 The Dead's Ire (Stored)
5/5 To The Death (stored)
While the armies clash, the Speaker begins ro focus his magics, trying to see how these angels are related to the ones summoned previously. Specifically, he tries to see if they have anything that is like a soul.
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3/30 adamant orb summoning
3/30 lustrous orb summoning

I Shoot at the principalities with my Coconut gun.

It fires in spurts!
27/30 From the producers of "Let's take a rocket to the moon"
2/5 Quintessence

The other Paradox is Invoking!!

"Now, Place of Invention, Place that which SCIENCE is done in, the Infinite Laboratory that allows for all Science to be done it.In which all things may be studied, learnt and tested.Forever improving upon themselves, thus is where all Things may be Improved.I invoke It"

The other Paradox invokes one of his Domains, the Domain of Research and Mad Science as he brings all his Gargoyles into this Infinite Laboratory and infuses the Imp Essence and Holy Feather into them, such that they will be effective against the Forces of Hell and Heaven, a Dual Contradiction that spits into the eyes of Reality and runs away with it's wallet.The Gargoyles are Upgraded into the Anti-Apocalypse Chimera.

The other Paradox is using the Multitool in the shape of a Wrench to repair the Fortress.

Commands:Ben 10 to take a form that can hurt the Principalities like Four-Arms or something,AA Chimera to Attack the Principalities
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4/30 adamant orb summoning
4/30 lustrous orb summoning

there is only one thing to do. I invoke the power of dank memes, and dab upon the enemy!
Gaap 2/30
Ronove 2/30

The Nedben updates the Star of Ethics effect over the space/sea station to be visible from further away on the Battlefield, and provides space/sea station access codes to allies so if/when God boots us out of reality we have somewhere to hide out in.
8/20 The Wrong Tree

They head over to Racyls'Strom. The tree... it really ought to be bigger. I mean, the Slime's spent, what... 10 or so turns on it, now? so ~10 actions so far? maybe 7 or 8?
And it's got a bit over 0.6 C of health and probably only a Charge or two of growth...
So, The Slime plops a time-accelerator field (pilfered by one of the scientists labs, probably) on it for the turn, giving it a pile of raw health, like 280 or so I think? shrug. The Slime half plops all the slime generated during this accelerated time into a generator to run the field, keeping it from being a side-effect.
Ultra Foundry: 8/30
Factory Upgrades: 8/30

Anyway, the Temporal Shunt Device currently isn't proving terribly useful. Time to weaponize that thing. Considering that this thing is capable of accelerating time over an ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM, this strikes me as a recipe for extreme DOOM! Making some alterations to the machine, I've now got it into a convenient cannon form able to fire a blast of chaotic temporal distortions. Victims on the wrong end of this thing are going to have shit happen like their circulatory systems go haywire due to different parts of the heart pumping at different rates and blood getting stopped at random points due to getting timelocked in the pipes, organs will get starved of nutrients for hours due to the circulatory disruption while also spontaneously combusting as parts burn through all their energy at an extreme rate and generate loads of heat, any movement they were doing will get randomly amplified and dampened to completely shred the target. As one last note, this thing can cover a truly immense AoE, more than enough to catch entire armies in the 'blast radius'.

Thus, I finish converting the Temporal Shunt Device into the TIME VARIANCE CANNON, and test it out by firing it directly at the Principalities on Earth.

jet zeppelin command
Status: Nominal
Hull: 750/750
Shields: 325/325

Dodge System Engaged: 35% dodge rate
Defensive Negatron Blasters active: 3/3 attack negates, 100 damage to source of negated attacks

Self-Repair: 50/turn

Missile Array: Ready
Main Negatron Beam Battery: FIRING, Primary Target: Principalities

Movement Orders: Re-Deploy To Earth

Entity Orders
Attack-Type: Attack Principalities on Earth

Robot Recycling Engine: Remember to heal allies

Dimensional Dark Matter Machine: Fire at the Imps
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Gaap 3/30
Ronove 3/30

Nedben pulls out a gun. Not just any gun, but an echo of Godgore Raygun! a gun that builds and modifies things! Like the Scribblenauts notepad thing but a lot more configurable and in easy shooter format, so I can shoot whatever it is I just made up at whatever I'm aiming at, like firing random abstract concepts as projectiles without any concerns for ammo. Yes I am aware a DTG player had this as a gimmick before me. Shhhh.
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Ultra Foundry: 9/30
Factory Upgrades: 9/30

Having some additional time, I proceed to fuck with time even more! Namely, I stick a microscopic wormhole in a particle accelerator. One end gets spun around at ludicrous speeds to induce relativistic time dilation, soon creating a closed timelike curve making it possible to pass information and energy backwards or forwards in time. That's not what I'm going to do; instead I slam the two wormhole ends together, merging them into a shuddering, arcing wound in the fabric of time. This is a Paradox Spark. Neatly confined it forms the center of my newly-minted Temporal Paradox Reactor, a device quite useful for all sorts of temporal technology.

Now if only I could figure out what I wanted to do with the thing...

Psychic Overcharge 6/20
Summon Allies 6/20

I make a random angel's head explode. I also add a memetic effect that makes this cause a disproportionate amount of terror, making the other angels think that their own heads could explode at any moment.