Defeat The Apocalypse

The End Of Days are here. High in the skies, a great army of Angels fly and sing the praises of the Lord. They let the people of the world know that the time has come, and that paradise is at hand. Many unbelievers will die and the faithful will be tested. Very soon the seven seals will be opened, and the world will end in fire to be reborn as paradise for those who believe.

But not everyone is okay with that.

As the end times come, certain boundaries begin to break down. Not big ones of course. The ones that present a danger to the Heavenly host are being willed shut by God. But there are some beings who fight against what is said to be inevitable, sorcerers, lesser demons, people who should not exist falling through the cracks in reality caused by the destabilization the Apocalypse brings, and many more….

The ones who have gained this power have chosen to stand up in the face of The End and battle against it. The Angels are confronted by this resistance, who stand in defiance of the Lord's plan. Thus, the Angels descend, to smite these heathens who dare to fight against fate and the armies of the Divine.

You are these Heathens. You are the Resistance. Now you must fight against all the armies of Heaven, to save the world and all who live in it, not just the Believers, but all the other good men and women who face destruction.

It's time to Defeat The Apocalypse.

Angelic Army: 1000/1000


Welcome to Defeat the Apocalypse! A game based on/inspired by the Destroy the Godmodder series and it's other spinoffs. In this game your goal is to battle against Heaven and God to prevent the apocalypse, using creative and well thought-out attacks and strategies, as well as creating and summoning powerful entities. And of course, teamwork. (Friendship yaaaay)

Here are the main rules:

  1. No double posting. Please wait until at least one person has posted after you to post again, and do not post more than two times a turn.

  2. Attacks cannot instantly annihilate an enemy.

  3. You cannot summon an Entity that is stronger than the current opponents.

  4. Be kind and respectful to all other players of the game.

  5. Please don't fit many actions into one post, limit yourself to a reasonable amount.

  6. Finding well thought-out loopholes in these rules is encouraged and respected.
Now, let's elaborate on the game mechanics.


Each round, a player details what they are going to do and how they do it. Actions and attacks have a higher chance of succeeding the more creative and well thought-out they are. Players can also work together to increase the chance of success.

The end of the round is when the opponents react to the players actions and their effects, as well as performing their own actions at the end of the turn.

Players do not generally die, but on certain occasions they will gain health bars and take damage. If your health goes to zero at this time, you are dead and have to wait a full round to respawn unless another player helps. On very rare, very unlikely to occur occasions, respawning might not be an option...

Enemy Types

Armies: The main type of enemies, armies represent a large number of enemies that work as a group. They have large health pools, but (depending on the army) take a lot of damage fast and are less resistant to attacks.

Squadrons: Squadrons are a group of enemies working together, similar to Armies, but there are less of them and the enemies are more powerful. They have less health than armies, but more than bosses. While they are more resistant to attacks they can be dealt with fairly easy with effort.

Bosses: Extremely powerful enemies, Bosses are singular individuals who are often the leader of Armies or Squadrons. They have the least health but are the hardest to kill. They all have one or more special attacks, and many of them drop Great Treasures (described in the section below)

Individuals: Individuals are not as powerful as bosses, but still have something unique or interesting about them that warrants being apart from the main group. An example would be a prisoner taken in battle, or an Angel whose specific job is to scout ahead of the rest of the army/squadron.

Great Treasures

Great Treasures are weapons and objects wielded by Bosses. They are awarded to the person who lands the killing blow on the Boss. They all have special powers, which can be used after a charge time. The charge time depends on the strength of the Treasure and it's abilities.

Treasures can be traded to other players, but a player cannot regain a treasure that they have traded away.


Charging is when you take multiple posts to ready an attack or summon an entity. You can have up to two charges active and you can only charge for 30 posts.

The strength of an attack or entity created by charging is dependent on how long it is charged:

1-10: Weak attack, low entity health

11-20: Medium attack, medium entity health

21-30: Strong Attack, high Entity health.

It's important to note that charges do not mean an attack is guaranteed to work, nor does not charging mean it is guaranteed to fail.


Entities are creatures that have been summoned by players or coerced to their side. Like enemies they can be grouped into armies, squadrons, and bosses. Boss level entities take much more damage than regular bosses however and do not normally have Great Treasures, but have a higher health pool to make up for it. As said above, the strength and health of summoned entities depends on how long they have been charged.

Have fun, and enjoy!
1/15 Something simple.
1/5 The Basics.
I arrive! DOO DOO DOO!
I then demand religious freedom! This of course, means freeing the angels. From their bodies. With guns. Pew pew pew pew pew pew pew.
1/30 SEED: The seed awakens within the depths of power, held within the Nedben's internal world. From alien snowscape begins the warmth of a flower-shell, gathering energy from the matters of spirit.
1/30 FACILITY: The starlight factory remembers the scope of this world. In the depths of hell somewhere, a few old friends gather in the demesne of an allied minor noble and plot out a building.

The nedben emerges from the crumbling framework of existence: not a falling star as that of the Noble Ancestors who stood against the demiurge and were yeeten, but a floating up again from a momentary blurring of the world. A demon whose shellform is something like a black spacesuit hovers, before its helm whitens and retracts to reveal a man with leaves growing in his hair, and the rest of the suit dismisses to reveal casualwear.

"Huh, so it's the end already?" he comments lightly, looking up as if expecting God to say 'well yeah, duh' or something.

With an eyeroll, the nedben floats down and pats the ground gently. Magic forms the sigil of an an old ally: a 'detect hostiles' spell, which floats up as well and begins mockingly displaying something like a radar. An army of angels nearby, but the Old Man probably had something better up his sleeve. Any results other than the obvious angels nearby? Scouts, perhaps, or maybe a flanking party. Either way, it's set to indicate if there's anyone nearby so he can get a good battlefield readout.
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I do a silly dance.
Then, a carnival falls from the sky and crushes the angels flat.
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2/30 SEED: It grows. it grows. Growth within growth, magic within magic. A snowballing acceleration.
2/30 FACILITY: The noble and various conjurers look over the drafts, and begin conjuring necessary materials. Creation ex nihilo, an ideological jab against an architect whose laborious finish is bound by prophecy.

The nedben raises a portal-type barrier to deflect some incoming hostile action from the angels back into the horde: they'd probably get the idea of ranged attack since they were being bulleted out, buuuut who knows what could happen.
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I impale a angel with a Cheeto lance. Chester Cheeto then fires his cheese laser from the Snack Heavens, incinerating a few angels in cheesy goodness.
1/15 Something simple.
1/5 The Basics.
I arrive! DOO DOO DOO!
I then demand religious freedom! This of course, means freeing the angels. From their bodies. With guns. Pew pew pew pew pew pew pew.

The Angels at first are amused at the idea simple mortal bullets could harm them, and you watch as the bullets are harmlessly burned away by the shining light their bodies gave off....before they start getting hit in the wings.

Apparently, it never came to His attention that bullets would be capable of hurting His soldiers. The Angels begin acting defensively and raise their swords to block the bullets. Regardless, the damage has been done.

1/30 SEED: The seed awakens within the depths of power, held within the Nedben's internal world. From alien snowscape begins the warmth of a flower-shell, gathering energy from the matters of spirit.
1/30 FACILITY: The starlight factory remembers the scope of this world. In the depths of hell somewhere, a few old friends gather in the demesne of an allied minor noble and plot out a building.

The nedben emerges from the crumbling framework of existence: not a falling star as that of the Noble Ancestors who stood against the demiurge and were yeeten, but a floating up again from a momentary blurring of the world. A demon whose shellform is something like a black spacesuit hovers, before its helm whitens and retracts to reveal a man with leaves growing in his hair, and the rest of the suit dismisses to reveal casualwear.

"Huh, so it's the end already?" he comments lightly, looking up as if expecting God to say 'well yeah, duh' or something.

With an eyeroll, the nedben floats down and pats the ground gently. Magic forms the sigil of an an old ally: a 'detect hostiles' spell, which floats up as well and begins mockingly displaying something like a radar. An army of angels nearby, but the Old Man probably had something better up his sleeve. Any results other than the obvious angels nearby? Scouts, perhaps, or maybe a flanking party. Either way, it's set to indicate if there's anyone nearby so he can get a good battlefield readout.

God doesn't see fit to talk to this new arrival as he expected. Or at least, the Angels waving swords in his face are all the talking needed.

There are no other Angels coming, from what you can tell. At least not right now. It seems these ones were meant to be the equivalent of a Heavenly megaphone to announce that the End Of Days are here. The only reason they are attacking is to deal with the heathens and oddities that are trying to stand up to them, but it is NOT a planned attack.

I do a silly dance.
Then, a carnival falls from the sky and crushes the angels flat.

You do a silly dance which, to the amazement of all, manages to summon a carnival.

Many of the Angels are capable of flying out of the way, however the ones who had their wings shot are not that lucky. Some of that group die from the impact, others are simply stuck in the Carnival and VERY confused.

2/30 SEED: placeholder
2/30 FACILITY: placeholder

The nedben raises a portal-type barrier to deflect some incoming hostile action from the angels back into the horde: they'd probably get the idea of ranged attack since they were being bulleted out, buuuut who knows what could happen.

Who knows, indeed.

You raise the Portal barrier.
I impale a angel with a Cheeto lance. Chester Cheeto then fires his cheese laser from the Snack Heavens, incinerating a few angels in cheesy goodness.

You manage to bum rush an Angel and impale him with...Cheetos. Interesting. All of the other Angels are confused as cheese pours from the sky all over them. While not incinerated, they are disoriented and annoyed, their natural light diminished as they are covered in cheese.

The Battlefield
The Angels within the carnival burst out of it, turning it into debris with ease as they regroup with the others.

The army attempts to send forth a blast of pure light towards you, but it is send back to the, by Nedbens Portal. While it doesn't harm them, it does force them to be spread out from each other as they recoil and move from the blast, temporarily disorganizing the army.

Angelic Army: 987/1000

There is flaming Carnival debris all over the place.
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4/5 HoNk HOnk

Suddenly, the ground shakes...
And the Carnival EXPLODES!
At the spot where the Carnival once was, there's now a *huge* sinkhole..
Infernal laughing can be heard from it, and random fire and magma is occasionally spat out, burning some Angels to death...

((As a note, no-one touch the sinkhole, please. I have plans.))
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1/10: Starter Summoning
1/15: weak Super move

I claw myself from the hole Flapjacks created, wearing basic Praetor armor, after panting, I take a few steps away from the hole and lie down, trying to make myself unnoticeable to the Angels. "So...tired."
1/30 Giant Flying War Machine
1/30 Dimensional Fragmentation

I fire up a Dimensional Incursion Jammer, tuned to locally block access to Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory. It'll be much harder for the Angels to get reinforcements if dimensional access is locked down.
1/30 The Long Since Fallen.
1/30 The Dead's Ire
A Necromancer walks onto the battlefield, resplendent in the garb that one would presume for one of such stature. As he sees enemies all around, and knows not the intent of the rest, he begins by setting about, using chalk and old glyphs of power to make a magic circle. These things are infinitiely useful, as they can repel any type of magical force, from demonic to angelic, dependent only upon the magical capacity of the maker, and how much energy they put into it, although the defense is usually larger than the usual abilities of the mage in question. He then begins the rituals for two separate spells which may be done simultaneously with no ill effects. (The charges)
5/5 HoNk HOnk ENACTING.....
1/6 let's play a game. honkity honk.

I look at Medieval. I look at the hole. The laughter is getting louder.
"Run. Now."
Then... oh god.
SOMETHING bursts from the pit, a giant, writhing mass of flesh, tentacles coming off of it, a huge, gaping, smiling mouth, faces covering its skin.
It continues its insane laughter, and whirls around to face the Angels.
It speaks.
Welcome, one and all, to the SHOW! In other words, this abomination of a demon, the Love has been summoned! It's rather weak, but let's take a look at what it can do.

[Anti-Gods-FlamingFlapjacks] [Carnival] The Love. High HP. Moderate regen. Open: 1 / 3.
I am Fear: The Love spooks a entity, raising Mirth by 5% and dealing low damage to them.
I am Terror: The Love speaks, every single one of its 666 mouths screeching in a unknown tongue. A entity of your choosing gains -25% damage this turn.
I am Mirth: Raises Mirth by 25%. Requires both actions to use.
Tentacles: The Love smacks a enemy.
Open: The Love rips open, a portal to the Greatest of Carnivals opening. Summons a unknown entity that will be revealed when it uses this. Open takes 3 turns to charge. Kills the Love.
Mirth: A passive all Carnival entities have. Mirth is a global meter, ranging from 0% to 100%. It depletes at the end of each turn, -5% for every 25% the meter is filled. So if the Meter is a 50%, it lowers by 10%, then 5% next turn. Mirth increases the Damage of all Carnival entities by the current percentage of Mirth.
Tentacles: The Love has double action.
The Love will use I am Mirth, then Tentacles on the Angels.
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3/30 SEED: Shells within shells. The snowscape turns to sunsoaked and blooming. Blue cubes in memory of another world's moon as the light of an internal realm flows.
3/30 FACILITY: The architects confer, and map out how best to place the basis, to dig for foundation and all that.

The nedben facepalms. He was going to do something about preparing a dimensional out, but then multiple contradictory intents emerged. Seeing little else to bother with at the moment, he declares a side attractor sigil in midair that will safely accumulate the energy repelled by the necromancer's magic circle, glancing over their paraphernalia of choice and making a guess at profession based off the narration.

"So, uh. I presume you've read the script too?" he mentions offhandedly. "There's going to be a shortage of dead when the Emperor steals 'em all from Hades and the ocean. What're you planning to do when that hits?"
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2/6 let's play a game. honkity honk.
I create a shield for the Love.
2/30 Giant Flying War Machine
2/30 Dimensional Fragmentation

Not wanting my Dimensional Incursion Jammer to get immediately demolished, I construct a MISOTHEISTIC FORCE DOME GENERATOR to defend my Jammer, fueled by sheer hatred for all supposedly divine beings.
3/6 let's play a game. honkity honk.
I set up the Clown Donation Agency! Donate stuff to the Carnival's cause, and we'll make sure not to brutally murder you!
2/30 The Long Since Fallen.
2/30 The Dead's Ire
The Necromancer continues moving his two spells forwards, while also trying to subtly add to the defensive nature of his circle. As he mutters words, and draws more glyphs, there comes a gaseous green aura around the circle, seeming to show where the barrier between him and all others resides.
4/6 let's play a game. honkity honk.
I summon up more clowns from the depths, who lunge onto the Love, merging into it, and buffing it.
3/30 Giant Flying War Machine
3/30 Dimensional Fragmentation

Looking up from the pocket dimension where I'm constructing my long-term projects, I decide to test the waters by slapping together a machine to see how useful a chargeless boss is.
decoy atomech
A nuclear-powered giant autonomous mecha constructed with great haste, this Mech focuses much more on attack than defense. In addition, it mounts an energy-draining self-destruct, guaranteed to strip whatever Entity scores the killing blow of their divine power.

Orders: the DECOY ATOMECH will attack the Angels, duh.
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2/10: Starter Summoning
2/15: weak Super move
1/5 Armor recharge
As the Love exits the hole and I look at the love, my eyes go wide with fear. "Oh no, they've followed me!" I shriek in terror to myself, I then get the heck away as my Armor starts to charge up to full power.
4/30 Giant Flying War Machine
4/30 Dimensional Fragmentation

Sneaking around behind the Angelic Army, I subdue one of their number with an anti-divine tranquilizer dart, kidnapping them for the purposes of horrendously unethical experimentation.

OOC: So, I'll be going with a general Mad Scientist theme this game.
I will attend to updating the game as early as possible tomorrow, please try to avoid adding many more posts until then.

Though I'm appreciative of how active this game managed to get on its first day. And judging by what I see all of you have made and done...we're gonna have a great time together.
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3/30 The Long Since Fallen.
3/30 The Dead's Ire
As his longer spell is prepared, the Necromancer tries to do something simple. He summons up rage from years long since gone, of people's who were never given courtesy by a God who had yet to speak to those on earth. He takes a sample of that rage, and hurls it, in the form of a magical projectile that whirls with a purple energy, straight at the angels.
5/30 Giant Flying War Machine
5/30 Dimensional Fragmentation

With my captured Angel in tow, I drag them back to a disposable backup laboratory and subject them to several extremely unstable chemicals and energies, turning them into an ANTI-ANGEL. They haven't changed in appearance, personality, or abilities, much. The only difference is that they will annihilate on contact with regular Angels and produce an explosion that puts nukes to shame, just like matter and antimatter.
5/6 let's play a game. honkity honk.
I build up some foundations near the hole as some more clowns bounce out from the hole.