Hiratsuka Shizuka did not expect to wake up in the worst possible circumstances, as the fire alarm blared, indicating either a fire accident or severe dangers were coming.
Noticing there wasn't any fire or smoke, Shizuka could have guessed what happened.
It was nine at night.
"Son of bitches came, huh." Shizuka wore her safety shoes and slung her shotgun bag. "Let's see what they're coming about."
As Shizuka walked outside, all the teens were ready with their crossbows loaded and pointed forth. On the direction they pointed, twenty, maybe thirty people, at least half of which ride a motorcycle.
The combined sound of the engines was nothing short of annoying, almost deafening. So she put on her hearing protection.
Shizuka received a megaphone from Shunsuke, who refused to hide behind the makeshift barricade as the teens did.
Shun looked at her with utter disbelief. But he probably had to admit it was a great insult.
It was not dark at all. They purposely installed spotlights in their base camp, which prevent zombie ambush. Shizuka could see visible anger. Some gang members wanted to attack immediately but stopped.
Then the engine sounds died down.
"That's a bit rude, isn't it, Sensei?" A young man with a half-mask asked.
"Now, that's how you come to visit." Shizuka grinned. "What business you have here?"
"Nice base you have here. It would be a shame if it burns." A muscular young man remarked as he stepped forth.
This made Yumiko pissed. "Go to hell, asshole!"
She missed the onsen bath.
"Yeah, it's a shame it burned. So what's your business here?" Shizuka yawned.
"Leave." The man told Shizuka. "If you bitches leave this town, we'll spare you."
"Yeah? What makes you think we should?" Shizuka asked. "We even have permission from the mayor and the police. What rights do you have to tell us?"
"Sure. They reign in the school shelter, but these lazy cowards knew who owned the street." The half-masked man scoffed. "That's us, the Minakami-dou! You're sucking up our precious resources. You should go back to where you came from."
"I'm not interested in your spiel. If you have nothing to offer, leave." Shizuka said. "I hope you understand we have ranged weapons, and you do not."
"Old hag, stop bitching." One girl shouted as she twirled a folding knife between her fingers. "Or we'll turn you into nice crisps. I bet you can't get married for bitching so much. And your students are all pussies who only dare to hide behind their pillow fort and toys."
Old... hag?
Shizuka was about to tear her a new one. Fortunately, someone decided to take the heat off her.
Yumiko shouted back. "Duel me if you dare, you slag! I bet you can't even defend yourself without your Neanderthal boyfriend around."
"What?! How dare you!" The gang girl pulled out a knife. "I'll slice your face open, you skank!"
"Yeah? I don't even need weapons to beat you!" Yumiko raised her fist as she handed her crowbar to Hina. "Come here!"
Woah, Miura sure isn't holding back.
Hayato looked worried, but Hina and Yui stopped him. A show of strength is required if they want to deal with these sons of bitches. With Yukino and Saki missing, Yumiko is the only one who can do it.
"Looks like you're confident enough," Shizuka said. "No one interferes. If they do, they die."
Sachie was standing on the tallest watchtower with lights turned off. If the gang members make a move, she will open fire without reservation. And she will shoot to kill.
Yumiko was genuinely angry. Not just because of the burned camp but because they picked a fight without believable reason. A power struggle? What nonsense! If they could leave this town right away, they would!
"Don't blame us if she dies." One gang member shouted. "Shame, she's such a beauty. I'd love to fuck her."
"Yeah, with your two-incher? She won't even notice." Hachiman snarked. The Soubu students have two reactions: amusement and disgust.
"Goddamnit Hikio! Don't make jokes while I'm trying to focus!" Yumiko scolded him, but she also wanted to laugh.
"You! I will kill you, fish-eyed bastard!" The insulted member shouted, but Hachiman just flipped a bird.
The bite-resistant shirt can protect her from slashing injuries. However, she still has to worry about stabbing. That was why she was cautious.
But when you face a knife-wielding opponent unarmed, they either think you're stupid or something to run away from really fast. And unless the knife-wielding opponent is in a fighting trance, they would feel uncertain and have a second thought.
"You." The girl pointed her knife. "You dare?!"
Yumiko didn't flinch as she dodged and deflected the slashing and stabbing. In terms of technique, her opponent was lacking. And the more she failed, the more she was frustrated. While Yumiko couldn't dodge the flurry of attacks, none of the stabs went so much as beyond skin-deep, and the slashes did nothing.
In the end, the girl tried to stab Yumiko up close using a grapple. They thought Yumiko would be a goner.
Until Yumiko caught the knife with her left-hand glove and then pushed the girl to the ground, mounting her.
It was like time had frozen, and everyone had the same thoughts.
Oh shit.
Yumiko maliciously smiled and punched the girl's face with all her strength.
That's right. The industrial gloves were more geared to puncture and slash resistance than the more versatile and comfortable rigger gloves. It was awkward to wear and awkward to grab things with.
But Yumiko needed the protection the most.
That was the point when the biker gang girl's fate was sealed. Yumiko continuously punched the girl until she let go of the knife to defend her face. As Yumiko stood up, the battered girl ran away, crying and wobbling. One of her teeth fallen off, and her nose was bleeding.
"Be relieved I didn't stab it in your face, you trash." Yumiko folded the knife and put it in her pocket.
"Who's next?" Shizuka asked as Yumiko walked away and exchanged her glove with an unbelievably casual face. She high-fived Hina and Yui. "I'm sorry to tell you, but my students aren't pussies."
Enraged, the muscular young man howled. "WHAT ARE YOU FREEZING FOR?! ATTACK!"
The gang members brandished their weapons, but the Chiba teens unleashed a barrage of crossbow bolts and arrows. While not immediately deadly, the injuries inflicted weren't light. Anya also used the full-auto mode of the 22-caliber airgun she got from Sachie.
Even though the biker gang members were dressed heavily enough to mitigate the attack, they were far from immune.
"Beat their teeth out and send them back to where they came from!" Yumiko dropped her crossbow and raised her crowbar to rally the group.
The Chiba teens had no choice but to respond with force as they swung their weapons. They don't need to kill. They intend to disable their opponents by breaking their bones and fighting spirit.
"Sorry," Yui said as she jammed the upper end of her hammer into a gang member's stomach. It was blunt, but the sheer weight and force could not be ignored. Yui might hold back by not using the hammer point, but no amount of training can prepare for that gut shot.
Saika hesitated, but his fighting instinct took over when he used his hammer to block a baseball bat and smacked the attacker's knee with the same hammer. He was not a skilled street fighter, but constant fighting through waves of zombies hardened him.
Tobe and Zaimokuza were already at the level where they could fight two opponents at once without losing. Shizuka had nothing to worry about.
"Dare to challenge this warlord, you are courting death!" Zaimokuza shouted as he sumo-slammed a gang member with his gloved hand. "But I will be merciful because I strive for Buddhahood!"
"What nonsense are you talking about? Less talking, more beating!" Tobe used his pipe as a vaulting pole to drop kick someone's helmeted face.
Hachiman's father's body wasn't just for show, either. He put a simple boxing stance, yet each punch packed the power to knock people off their feet. The only one who could fight back was the muscular and boisterous gang leader, almost as tall as Shunsuke himself. And he was outmatched.
And Shizuka was utterly untouchable. She found it funny when she realized that fighting zombies is more difficult because they know no fear.
All in all, the biker gang found themselves gridlocked despite having a two-to-one number advantage. The other ten gang members seemed scared to join.
It was scary to think about. But they... they can't win this. Not without resorting to extreme methods.
A loud gunshot interrupted the fight, and one of the gang members fell without his head. He was about to throw a Molotov cocktail, probably realizing they couldn't win in melee.
They tried to burn the base again.
"Is that..." The musclebound gang member gasped as he took a few steps back from Shunsuke. "They have a real gun-"
His words were interrupted when his head exploded courtesy of Shunsuke pulling out a triple-barreled shotgun from his bag.
Another gunshot, this time aimed at one of the bikes, which blew up the tank. While it didn't explode as movies showed it, the bike began to burn when the spilled fuel touched the still-burning firebomb.
It was chaos.
"Firearms! Run away!" Someone shouted before falling with a hole in his head.
Sachie switched from the A-bolt to the FX high-powered airgun and shot at the running people without mercy.
"[Careful! They might turn into zombies]!" Sachie warned as she turned the lights on the tower and used the handheld radio to tell the students.
"They... they died?" Saika choked up. "They are dead?!"
Hachiman patted his shoulder. "It is us or them."
This is the reason why guns dominated warfare. It's still hard to master, just like any weapon. But achieving "good enough" is not that difficult.
It takes years to raise skilled archers and knights but a few months to raise decent crossbowmen and gunners. And while ancient guns were inferior to period crossbows, modern guns are the polar opposite. They're as deadly, if not deadlier. But faster and easier to use.
Strangely enough, they heard muffled gunshots from not too far away.
"You kids stand guard here," Shizuka said. "We'll check on it."
Sachie climbed down the tower and gave the airgun to Anya. "Shoot zombies on the head, and they will drop."
"Sachie-san, did you fully intend to..."
"Yes." Sachie nodded. "And I would continue to do that to protect my children."
Shunshuke loaded the empty chamber in his triple-barreled shotgun and locked it before putting it back in the bag behind him.
"I sincerely hope it wasn't the JGSDF soldiers." The tall man said. "But if it is, that would be funny."
"Nah. I know who they are. Either way, let's not brandish recklessly." Shizuka agreed as the three of them left.
As they found out... no. It wasn't the Self-Defense soldiers doing it. It was the Minakami police, armed with pump action shotguns, massacring the gang members with zero impunity until what was left of them gave up running.
"Why... are you... doing this?" One of them asked.
"You are guilty of multiple counts of murders, rape, aggravated assault, robbery, arson, and riding under the influence, and you still dare to ask why?" The old Chief scoffed. He donned his riot gear but didn't carry a shield with him. "I can't believe your younger brother is such an outstanding police officer."
"That bastard-"
"Which bastard are you talking about, Aniki?" Aikawa Fuyumi showed up. "This bastard?"
"You cunt!" The gang member barked as he removed his mask, revealing a familiar face. "Don't you dare to use the police for your petty revenge! Duel me if you dare!"
What? What the hell is this? Shizuka questioned.
"Revenge? I'm afraid you're mistaken." Aikawa shook his head. "You and I, our ties were nothing more than measly genetics. We have no personal beef with each other."
"But you know, Aniki. You fucked around in this town, and that makes it my department's problem."
The sounds of the suppressed revolver were unnerving. It was so quiet that the sounds of the exploding head overwhelmed it. It was less loud than the FX airgun Sachie used. If used in relatively busy places, it would be impossible to notice.
No wonder the Police force bet their lives getting the clamshell silencer produced.
"I see." Shizuka finally got it. "That person is the secret mastermind in this gang, correct?"
"I am ashamed to say, but that was half-true," Fuyumi said as he walked away and put his gun in the holster. "This person is the second in command of Minakami-dou. My elder brother, Aikawa Natsuo."
"We have to thank you for the relay installation, Sensei." Chief saluted. "Without it, our scout won't be able to track this biker gang's movement. We will pay back this favor someday."
Shizuka awkwardly saluted back. So, that's why the police wanted another relay.
"Of course, that was not the only reason." The Chief coughed. "We will put it to good use by securing this area and restarting the local industry."
"Certainly, that is a possibility." Shizuka laughed. "So, what are you going to do with these rascals?"
"Their leader and second in command died, and over half their member died. We have no interest or the capability to maintain a prison facility yet." The Chief said. "We'll let them go this time and confiscate their weapons and bikes. I hope you don't mind."
As the Chief said this, the other police officer shooed the terrified gang members. Who did not hesitate to run the moment they had the chance, scattering under the dim light of the street.
"Well, I doubt they dare to have a second go." Shunsuke snorted. "Speaking of which, my name is Shunsuke. Hikigaya Shunsuke. This is my wife, Sachie. We're the parents of two kids under Hiratsuka-sensei's group!"
"Oh, I see!" The Chief was surprised. "Did you come all the way here from Chiba?"
"That is indeed the case."
"Sorry, if you're not busy, can you help me clean up the bodies?" Shizuka asked. "My students might have been too terrified."
"Sorry, Totsuka. I should pay more attention to my student's well-being." Shizuka said. "You must be quite shaken."
"Ah, no. That wasn't it." Saika told Shizuka. "But Sensei, I'm worried about myself. Because part of me feels relieved."
"Unfortunately, it's human nature. Humankind does not evolve in peace, I'm afraid." Shizuka patted his head. "But is it not the human ideal to overcome animal instinct?"
"Certainly, it is hard to cling to our ideals when we're sent to the brink of civilization collapse like this. However, to realize our dream, we had to survive first." Shizuka laughed. "Did you remember the first thing I said when you killed a zombie?"
"Let us never forget that they were not born monsters. They were human and deserve a dignified death." Saika repeated her words. "Does that mean..."
"Those gang members are the same." Shizuka nodded. "You can kill them, but never spit on their grave."
Shizuka wished she believed what she said. To her, these gang members are worse than zombies. Zombies only follow their instinct, their will to live. In some ways, zombies are less mentally developed than most animals.
Nevertheless, her obligation as a teacher to teach the students good morals doesn't disappear just because Soubu High ceased to exist.
"Should you kill someone in self-defense, you can keep this in mind. Not for anyone, but for your own sake." Shizuka assured him. "You stop being human the moment you dehumanize others. It's the coward's way out to cope with fear and guilt. Nothing more than evil propaganda."
In this way, Shizuka was being honest. Human good and evil don't stop someone from being human. Shizuka will punch their face as usual.
"I understand, Sensei." Saika steeled his face. "Protecting myself and my beloved, that's what matters the most. Only then I could spare a thought about people who threaten us."
Shizuka raised both her thumbs.
"Thank you, Sensei." Saika laughed. "I don't think I can easily change how I feel, but... with Sensei around, I can feel safe."
"You can't rely on me forever, Totsuka-kun. But at least until you turn into an adult, you should."
...But really, Shizuka found her students mighty scary. Their growth in terms of combat ability is unreal. Until now, Saika was one of the weakest in the group, roughly equal to Ebina Hina and Yuigahama Yui. But at this point, all three could easily fight an average adult man in an armed fight.
And Yumiko? She danced in a knife fight. She even gets a few shallow stabs for her trouble. Even if she was confident with the strength of her gloves, that nonchalance in the face of deadly implements is scary.
"I suppose that's what it means to nurture geniuses." Shizuka winced as she lit a cigarette. "These kids will overtake me in six months."
Although Shizuka herself is still growing, the speed are different.
"So as I was saying-"
"Indeed, that was funny."
Shizuka was thankful that the Hikigaya parents had superb diplomacy skills. In no time flat, they managed to befriend the police force. Sure enough, ethanol grease was involved in the process. But what harm would a few cans of beer would do? They didn't even come here in their car.
Meanwhile, Aikawa...
"Sure enough, I know some lightweight adult, but I never heard anyone puking after one can of beer." Shizuka pondered aloud. "Do you have alcohol intolerance?"
"If that were the case, I'd be getting more than just nausea." He groaned.
"...That was a joke." Shizuka sighed. "I'm sorry for your loss."
"Nah." Aikawa crouched after he calmed down. "I have never felt more relieved pulling that trigger myself. I'm more disgusted with how calm I am."
Shizuka felt a sense of deja vu.
"Isn't that because of SAT training?" Shizuka asked. "You were originally tracked for Anti-Firearms police. Of course, you'd pull the trigger like it was featherweight."
Anti-Firearms Police were indoctrinated to stop threats at any cost, which includes shooting to kill. This is not something taught to the average officer.
"...Am I that easy to read?" Aikawa asked.
"Surprisingly, no." Shizuka chuckled. "Men are always guarded until they break apart. That's why I've been suspicious of you until now. But seeing you like this, my impression of you was completely off."
Or maybe Shizuka was weak against vulnerable men and hated not being in control of relationships.
"Like these police officers," Shizuka said. "I have never seen Japanese police being this cold-blooded at murdering people, yet they didn't do it out of anger. They did it after a hard-earned decision to inflict full-scale violence and break the back of the gang at their most vulnerable state."
"Does it not scare you at all? Seeing them being violent like this."
"The scary part is them being kind enough to sell me two guns." Shizuka scoffed as she threw the cigarette butt and stomped on it. "Knowing I had more shells than my pocket can carry."
Scarier than tyrants who took guns away from people are authorities who spread guns to the people so they could kill each other.
"It is because the Police knowingly used us as bait, so they have reasons to take action," Shizuka said. "And with the relay installed, you can monitor us."
"Are you not offended?"
"Being the playthings of higher authority is a Public Servant's job." Shizuka confidently grinned. "When Chief said I don't need to make a report, it might seem like he was expecting me to take down the gang. But that was never the case, wasn't it?"
Shizuka would admit she got fooled. She thought the police abandoned her.
"But it's not just about you, but your students too." Aikawa frowned. "I am mad at myself for agreeing with this plan."
"If we report it ourselves, we will have to make a legal explanation for our action. But if police 'just happen' to be tracking them after we beat them out of our territory, we have no reason to be responsible for anything." Shizuka shrugged. "That gave us a legal way out for free."
Japan has a harsh self-defense law. Any escalation of force from the attacked parties could be used to punish them in a court of law, no matter the circumstances. For example, if a person used lethal force to respond against two or three dangerous attackers, that person could still be indicted for murder.
Aikawa Fuyumi looked at her in disbelief. And boy, did Shizuka find that look arousing.
[ ] Flirt with him
[ ] Tease him, he's way too tense
[ ] Hold back and ask more about him