Deathly Particles [Harry Potter AU]

It doesn't look super great that he blamed Neville for messing up the potion, but it really was Neville's fault. He wanted to keep working with Neville, and didn't realize it'd look like throwing him under the bus to blame him. Trust me, he's learned the lesson, and he won't be making that mistake again.

The mistake of blaming Neville, or the mistake of partnering with him? :p
It's obvious. There is no Voldemort.

Ivy's mother staged the whole 'Death Eater' thing via copious application of obliviates and memory changing potions and memory charms, with a bunch of help from Gilderoy Lockhart. Neither of them liked the way the wizard society was working so they tried to force through some change.

Frank and Alice Longbottom were some of the few wizards who figured it out and stood against them, so they had to be removed from the picture. Gilderoy, generally useless twit that he is, botched an obloviate that went off course and smacked into Neville, accidentally implanting all the real memories of Gilderoy into the baby Neville, while leaving a scar.

And now that he's growing up those memories are affecting him, trying to get him to remember what really happened on the night his parents died, but painfully clashing with a mind set in 10 years worth of experience.

I don't know why you guys can't see what's right in front of your faces.
The dialogue feels a bit stilted at times. Hermione sounds too old when talking to Ivy about the restricted section, and Quirrel saying "You got me" to an eleven year old, with no chuckle or anything, struck me as very odd.

Other than that, great chapter! Detentions with Professor Mom ahead!
If I can really stop You-Know-Who from coming back—"
So Quirell isn't Voldemort here? Intresting...
And we saw in 1.4
I know that's what it was last time... but I really mean it this time! And... my scar is hurting. It never did before. Like... something hot, stroking it. It's giving me bad dreams
Neville's scar hurt in Potions. Could this mean that Lily out of all people has Voldemort here?
That would fuck up Ivy pretty badly, but wpuld be a cool twist!

Really loving this story
And Potions was also a freecast discipline of a sort, since potions could be freely modified and composed and torn down to the particles
Can't tell if this is ominous foreshadowing, regarding the title, or you being a deliberately misleading author. Or both.

I mean, people are mostly liquid by volume. They're like potions.

"Don't worry about it, Hermione! No one gets expelled for sneaking into the Restricted Section, and it's not like I'm going to get caught anyway. Mum gave me Dad's old Invisibility Cloak. It's really good, no one will know I'm even there.
A few days before school started:
"Just thought I'd let all my other co-workers know that I gave Ivy her father's invisibility cloak, so if you want to keep her out of anywhere after curfew make sure you set up a charm."
"So... out of the library?"
"Yeah, that should cover it."
"I'll just charm one of the books in the restricted section to 'shout' at her to go back to sleep in my voice every 5 minutes, in that case."
"Oh, see if you can record it! It'll be hilarious! She'll probably trip over half the library trying to run away."

Standing right behind her was Professor Flitwick!

He was Ivy's head of house
"As any good Ravenclaw should be," Quirinus said, smiling again. "I am proud you made it into my House, by the way."
Just checking here: Quirinus was in Ravenclaw, correct?

It almost sounds like you're saying he's the head of it (my house), but I'm guessing that's not the case.

"Er..." Oh, right. Hermione was Muggleborn. She really doesn't get it. Oops. "I'm kidding! I swear I'm kidding, it's just a figure of speech, we don't actually duel...
Ah, 'duelling'. Is that what kids call it these days?
Yeeeeah. It really does seem that Hermione sicked Flitwick on Ivy. Like, that kind of thing genuinely deserves a prank retaliation. Or just cutting off the budding friendship entirely. Like, that is a tattletale to the highest degree. This wasn't to protect Ivy or anyone else, it was to get Ivy in trouble. That's genuinely malicious, even if Hermione doesn't think of it in those terms.

Though, there is a chance it wasn't her, so maybe.
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