quick question, any chances that Ranni is talking about Naron rather than the voters in which case he got strings on all of them?
just that Ranni is self conscious about her own string? or is that too meta even for Naron? am i looking a bit too deep into this?

i was about to write something about
"whether or not Melania trust us or Ranni would depend on her but technically would be Naron's view on how Melania would realistically see the situation"
and got derailed into "Ranni is referring to Naron".

from how panicked the non-write in option are, i presume it's us. but... any chances it's just a red herring?
"The characters know they are in a story" is a meta layer I try to be very, very careful with. It is easy to mess up and can quickly become stupid rather than intriguing.

For the purposes of this story, you can assume that Ranni is only aware of 'me' in the same sense that she is aware of 'you', the voters. She does not know they are in a story, or that I have total control over the entire world and herself.
Given that I am not trying to have us tell that we're in a story, but that we are an independent entity, I do think there is no problem with my vote.

Ranni is seeing us, but she is not seeing the fact that we are voters in a forum, she is seeing the actual character we control, who is not Malenia, but something that influence her decisions.

I thought that much was clear, I don't want to have the story see that it is a story, I want to acknowledge that we are not controlling Malenia directly.
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I thought that much was clear, I don't want to have the story see that it is a story
I was responding to the post above mine, not to your discussion. I felt it was a significant and poignant enough consideration to say a few words about. What you discuss is more a matter of opinion rather than whether the narration is pulling a fast one over you.
It should perhaps be obvious by the fact i voted for it but I do think impressing upon malenia that no, we're not here to puppet her or anything like that, is not only good in the long term, but will be much easier to do now before ranni says that we are in fact that exact thing

ed: like I think malenia becoming suspicious of us and cutting us off is not only possible but worst case scenario, since that sounds to me like a <game over> scenario, we no longer have a link to this world to influence or view it at all... it will probably happen eventually if we work with ranni but I dont want it to be a foregone conclusion or at least i want it to not happen too early
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It'd be funny if Malenia encounter God Serena and the latter gave her a first impression of being a weirdo with his posing.

Or it's the first time she see someone this wacky compared to other people she encountered in the world of Elden Ring.
Now that discussion seems to have concluded, I will close the votes.
Adhoc vote count started by Naron on Feb 29, 2024 at 3:08 AM, finished with 53 posts and 19 votes.

And after deducting the people who approval voted, we have a tie. If you recall, that rule was changed a few weeks back; approval voting is not allowed anymore.

I think I will keep both options instead of picking only one, though. This one will be fun.
11. The Witch's Gambit
[] Grant some understanding of us to Malenia.
-[] We are but watchers and guides, here to see the world, not rule it.

[] Explain....

Your choir is at odds.

Now that Malenia knows to listen, she hears. At the edge of her senses, your voices echo infinitely. Countless tongues that intertwine into a singular whole; a being she does not understand, can not comprehend in full. She hears your voices, words so carelessly spoken, but does not know to interpret them.

While she sits frozen in concentration, Ranni meets one of your gazes with polite mirth. She swirls her wine, a single brow raised in challenge. Just like Ranni knows to spot the threads wound through her sister's very being, Malenia begins to sense them also. Gossamer strands no thicker than inidivual atoms entangle her from the ether.

And Malenia growls.

She has been at the mercy of not one but two gods all her life. Constantly rotting and in pain, unable to ever live as she would have wished. Forced onto a path not of her choosing by the Greater Will. Ranni, too, knows the feeling of being consigned to her fate. You know no more of her, for something repells your grasp; she found a way to guard herself, now that you long chose not to entwine her instead.

Malenia does not care what your intentions are. The flashes of understanding and positivity you convey are ignored. The Scarlet Rot churns and bubbles outward, flushing her entire body. A crimson gleam follows, the Aeonia encapsulating her entire body; it races across every vein and muscle, every cell in search of the strings you put upon her.

Many rot away, torn, but more yet remain.

Policy Change: write-ins are now prohibited

Your hold of Malenia lessens, but it does not fade in full. All the same, you know it is but a matter of time. She is aware of you now, ready to throw you out of her body and mind with everything she has.

"I will not be shackled by another," she hisses, then turns to Ranni with glowing eyes. "Explain. Is this the being that hides behind yonder moon?"

The older Empyrean takes a gentle sip in turn. Her every motion is soft now, as if to not agitate a great beast unnecessarily.

"No. Little I could unearth thus far, but this I know to be true. The god observing Earthland from afar is not the same as the one clinging to you. That first one's name is Ankhseram, and their purpose is adoption. They seek those powerful enough to ascend into divinity, as Ankhseram is the only true god that remains in this realm. Loneliness, one could claim its motivation to be. Crassly oversimplified, of course. They can not understand that their 'test' of a life that lasts ten thousand years is torture to a being so short-lived."

Malenia has been lulled into a calmer state by her sister's velvet tongue. Upset though she still is, violence no longer sits at the forefront of her mind. Curiousity slowly takes over, guided by your tendrils; she knows what you do, but is powerless to stop it for now. She decides to reserve fighting your instructions for those she does not agree with.

"You seem well informed for professing to only basic knowledge on the matter."

Ranni displays a wry grin in response. "Tis but a trifling amount of knowledge. There is much to learn and even more to do, Malenia. But you understand, now, why I am so cautious of you. Your actions art not your own, not even your agreement to our alliance is. We can not truly act in accord until your thoughts art once more yours. On the day I find Miquella, in truth, I will withhold knowledge of him until this matter is resolved. We know not this other god's desires, after all."

Malenia nods her agreement. She sees Ranni's reasoning. Shallow it may be to favour her own position for the moment, her sister is right nonetheless.

"It will take time to get rid of this influence."

"Indeed. For what it is worth, my darling sister: from my observations, their intentions seem not malevolent. You need not race the process unless that changes. Slow and steady wins the race."

The sudden change in position gives Malenia pause. She peers at Ranni, who seems utterly unaffected by the scrutiny.

"First you make me aware of their influence, now you speak of allowing them to remain?"


A single word, cold as the night. Ranni's voice almost cuts Malenia physically, her gaze just as stern. "Do not mistake my words, sister mine. I do not condone its presence. However, I will not suffer your destroying yourself to be rid of it all the sooner. It made you agree to my proposal instead of opposing you to me. You have hardly struck at another on its command, either. Hence why I believe you need not focus all your effort into throwing it out; the process has already begun, now that you art aware. It can not be stopped, for you will not ever be stopped."

The trace of admiration sneaks into Ranni's explanation by the end; it lends her kind words all the more credence. She is right, too; Malenia will not stop fighting the influence. But thinking back, she has made uncharacteristic choices since her arrival; granting life where death was deemed the only mercy several times. And she was not worse for it yet.

"I see. And I concur. Thank you for your kind words, sister."

Ranni smiles back. She daintily takes the final sip of her glass and places it down with a quiet click.

"I will see you in due time, Malenia."

"Until next we meet, Ranni."

She fades away just like that, gone as swiftly as she appeared.

Malenia is left with many thoughts she dares not think, worried about your knowing them. She spends the night in fitful slumber, then rises to return to her work.

Not a word is spoken to Morgott or Wendy, nor anyone else. This shall be a secret only Ranni and her share. In time it will pass, and so she moves on as the Rot keeps on corroding your hold of her.

Only a single week passes until news catches her attention, though; Fairy Tail, it appears, is on the warpath.

From the developments Malenia hears, the first casualty of a sort was the guild's headquarters. The guild itself only struck back after an assault on some of their wizards, however. Whispers carry from far Magnolia that the revered Wizard Saints leading Fairy Tail and their rival, Phantom Lord, will finally settle the long-standing argument of their respective power.

Malenia does not feel any great desire to get involved as it is not her fight. She does, however, count Fairy Tail wizards among her associates. Moreover, the tale of those Wizard Saints draws her curiousity; she knows there are a total of ten, the four strongest of which are recognised for their might across the entire continent of Ishgar.

Which is why she foregoes another mission and leaves Crocus to visit Magnolia first; with a bit of luck, she will be able to witness this power on display.

As usual, Malenia is careful to only take wing away from prying eyes; useful though they may be, the form they take could easily disturb the people of Fiore. Not to mention the risk of spreading her Rot on accident.

Malenia quickly traverses half of the kingdom, her path charted beforehand; a map and the many train tracks make it simple to stay the course.

What awaits her in Magnolia is despondence, though. The people are subdued and wary, with many a cautious look thrown her way as she walks into town. Directions to Fairy Tail are only given hesitantly.

Overall, the city seems in good condition; there are no signs of fighting outside of the guildhall itself, which remains standing despite being pierced by half a dozen pillars of iron. Malenia studies the precarious balance for a minute, then pushes open the gate.

A cozy-looking taproom greets her at first glance; empty tables and barstools speak of the current desolation. The faint tap-tap of Malenia's feet fills the large room as she walks around. The place is not deserted, though; Malenia can hear voices from below, though the stone mutes them too much to be understood.

She does not need long to find the entrance into the cellar behind the bar. From just behind the door, she can hear agitated voices arguing now. Something about a failed attack and a sickness that she lacks the context for.

After listening a minute longer, she reaches out and raps her knuckles against the door. The voices fall silent in an instant.

Armoured boots can be heard on the other side at first. They remain in front of the door for a moment before it is pulled open. A redheaded woman greets Malenia with narrowed eyes; they size each other up for a moment, easily understanding the other is formidable. Young the lady knight may be, but she wears her armour with familiarity; there is a faint tension to her posture, a readiness for battle at any moment.

The moment passes.

"Who are you?" the other woman demands in firm voice. Her tone promises pain for disobdience, but can not faze Malenia. She simply arches a brow.

"Greetings. I am Malenia, a mercenary. May I presume that this is where Fairy Tail gathers?"

"You may," the lady knight grinds out, thoroughly unimpressed with her introduction. "But we are not seeking to hire mercenaries, now or ever. Whatever you heard, there is no work for you here."

"I was not meaning to offer my services anyhow," Malenia corrects curtly. "I have no need to stoop so low as to journey advertising my blade when there is ample sanctioned work to be taken. Nor do I need to entertain a whelp's yapping. Whatever your thoughts on mercenary work may be, they do not seem to reflect reality."

Her rebuke serves to rile up the younger woman somewhat, but she does not lose her temper yet. She snorts derisively, arms crossed. "You dare call me a whelp?"

"Why, yes. You have yet to give your name after all."

Just then a soft giggle sounds and another woman steps forward; she sidles up to the redhead, one arm wound around both her shoulders. She is just as tall, if with hair as white as freshly fallen snow. Where her contemporary scowls, she smiles a friendly smile Malenia can not tell the authenticity of.

"Now now, don't be such a sourpuss, Erza," she chides, earning an annoyed look in response. She ignores it to peer up at Malenia instead. "Please don't hold it against her, the guild is on high alert at the moment. Besides, Erza is Erza."

The scowl levelled at the young lady deepens, though neither of them pays its owner any mind. Malenia understands a little better now and inclines her head at the newcomer. "Of course, miss. I am well familiar with the vice of pride." Then she turns her attention back to her fellow redhead, offering another nod in recognition. "And you are Erza Scarlet, or Titania as the public dubbed you. Well met."

This makes Erza relax somewhat. She nods back properly, rubbing her forehead. "It seems I got a little carried away. My apologies. What brings you to these parts?"

"Idle curiousity, in truth," Malenia admits without missing a beat. She has both womens' attention now. "I heard much of Fairy Tail's prowess, so I sought to behold it with my own eyes. Alas, I seem to have missed my chance."

Erza scowls again, as does her companion. Where the redhead's expression remains in place however, the other one's quickly vanishes. Her bright smile does not seem fully honest, but she does admirably in hiding it.

"Well, you may get your chance yet," the young lady offers almost impishly.

"We are not a circus act," Erza spits back at her companion, who shrugs.

"But Phantom will be once Laxus gets back."

There is no response beyond a pointed huff. Erza turns around and walks away, leaving Malenia with but one woman to contend. She offers another nod to her.

"May I have your name, miss?"

"Ah, of course! It's Mirajane, also of Fairy Tail. Do come in, please. We don't have much in terms of drinks right now, but we can hardly turn you away after you came all this way."

She could and they both know it. All the same, Mirajane makes room for Malenia to step into the cellar, though she has to bend forward to pass through. Her coat rustles faintly in the expectant silence of several dozen people; they must have watched the entire exchange.

Malenia scans the crowd, finding few she deems as actual threats. Some with potential, but none beyond that. Erza, perhaps. Though the way she almost sulks at an otherwise empty table makes Malenia wonder about that assessment.

Then she spots a familiar face, one of a handful not turned her way. Lucy sits with her shoulders bent, staring at the empty table in front of her. Her posture radiates distress, far more so than anyone else.

Malenia's steps almost echo in the quiet, but nobody stops her from approaching the young woman. Lucy remains unaware of her presence until a prosthetic hand nudges her shoulder, though she seems listless even then. Only after recognising who stands before her does she become fully coherent.

"O-Oh, Malenia, hello! How long have you been here?"

"I only just arrived. May I sit with you?"

"Of course, by all means."

With permission obtained, Malenia settles opposite to Lucy. The blonde seems dishevelled, now that she can get a closer look. She has to field some questions about knowing Malenia from her guildmates, upon which she quickly reiterates their first meeting some weeks back. Curiously, the guild's overall disposition seems to improve rapidly from that.

Once Lucy is done talking, Malenia approaches the subject at hand: "You are forlorn, far more so than anyone else in the room. Why is that?"

Lucy winces in turn. Some others do too, but nobody challenges Malenia on her observation.

"It's my fault," she finally admits. "That we're getting attacked. The kidnapping, the master, all of it."

Several people object loudly, but Lucy shakes her head at them. Unshed tears glisten in her eyes, but she keeps them back valiantly. "It's because my father is Jude Heartfilia, the owner of Heartfilia Railways. Master Jose told me that he wants me back home. So he hired Phantom Lord to bring me back."

The words sound bitter. Malenia well notices the surprised reactions to Lucy's full name, although the concept itself is familiar enough. Noble daughters who seek to walk their own path are seldom given that right without a fight. Malenia was lucky in that regard, for Queen Marika decreed that all her children had to make something of themselves.

"What of your master?" she asks after a moment; this is the one part she can not follow at the moment.

Lucy clams up, grimacing as if in distaste. It is a young man at a nearby table who answers, scowling: "Some dude from the Element Four ambushed him when we went to beat down Phantom Lord. Released all the Ethernano from his body. We don't know if he'll make it."

That is grave news indeed. All organisms on Earthland need Ethernano to live. Her studies revealed that the particle does not only release magical powers in the right configuration, no; due to its abundance across the planet, every form of life is imbued with it since conception. To deprive an organism of Ethernano for prolonged amounts of time means a painful death.

"I see," she answers the man who unconciously began undressing. "So the question of power between the Wizard Saints is answered."

Seeing the general confusion around her, Malenia elaborates: "Trickery is a tool employed against those one can not conceive to defeat fairly. Just like one needs not poison an enemy they do not fear."

There is value in subterfuge, even she will not deny that. But when the question is might, subterfuge is not the correct answer. Others seem to agree with her sentiment as well.

Lucy just sighs, apparently not interested in the subject. "Even if it's not my fault, I still blame myself. And I can not even do anything about it because I lost my keyring."

"How will keys contribute?" Malenia can not help but ask. She can guess that they facilitate Lucy's magic, but not what they actually do.

The younger woman perks up a little, confused as much as she was downtrodden before. Then understanding follows. "Right, I never got the chance to explain last time. I'm a Celestial Spirit Wizard. I call spirits from their world to fight with me. That's what I use my gate keys for." She sinks a little lower and ruffles her hair then. "Ahhh, stupid Lucy! Why didn't I learn any more gates?! I only have Aquarius down and she will have my hide for dropping her key again!"

Malenia lets her melt down somewhat as she sorts the new knowledge. Mirajane passes by at that point, nudging her shoulder for attention. "Don't believe a word she says about difficulty," she whispers to Malenia. "That girl is a prodigy, to the point she thinks a year of practice is normal for learning a Zodiac gate. It's more like four years for anyone else."

"I understand. Thank you for the warning."

Mirajane moves on with a little nod, leaving Malenia to ponder. Summoning is a familiar practice to her, although Spirit Ashes do not call on realms beyond. She can not help but feel a smidgen of curiousity about the particulars of these Celestial Spirits.

Then she remembers with sudden clarity that there is such a key in her pocket. She never had to sell it, simply carrying the thing around as a memento of her work on Galuna Island. The exact type Lucy apparently uses.

Lucy has stopped lambasting herself in the meantime, though she went back to brooding instead. Malenia considers what to do, only to suppress a sigh. She can now feel your presence strengthening. Another choice not her own is upon her.

[] Give Lucy the key

[] Do not give Lucy the key

[] Set Malenia free

From this point forward, you have the option to 'set Malenia free'. This explicitly means releasing your hold on her voluntarily.
From this point forward, you have the option to 'set Malenia free'. This explicitly means releasing your hold on her voluntarily.
I assume that would mean turning this into a fanfic instead?

[X] Give Lucy the key
Celestial Spirit magic doesn't feel like Malenia's cup of tea to me.
on one hand
Policy Change: write-ins are now prohibited
on the other
From this point forward, you have the option to 'set Malenia free'. This explicitly means releasing your hold on her voluntarily.

Edit 1: i love how our bickering made the result WAAAAY worse.
the result of either option would have been not as bad.
like if it's us explaining ourself, she probably won't believe us. not right away anyway. maybe placing some seeds of doubt, that we are not trying to control her, but nothing more.
ask Ranni to explain would probably still make her try to cut us off but she won't be able to locate us as fast.... probably.
but us bickering which action we should take and in turn exposing ourself like that? oh boy that's some bad first introduction.

edit 2: forgot to add
[X] Give Lucy the key
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[X] Give Lucy the key

Let's see how Malenia reacts. If she feels weird/bad enough we can just let her go. Or perhaps after she's seen how useful mercy or Fairy Tale can be...
[X] Set Malenia free
Although I'm not entirely sure if this option means withholding our vote in this case specifically or denying ourselves means to influence her fully, I'm fine with both.
I don't think it's possible to earn anything aside from begrudging tolerance from Malenia at all. So, pushing her in such trifling matters will only backfire when actually important choice arise.
[X] Set Malenia free

You know, if you were already bored of running this, you could have just said so.
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