Alright, closing the votes here.
Adhoc vote count started by Naron on Feb 22, 2024 at 5:26 AM, finished with 25 posts and 13 votes.

With only a single dissenter, Malenia will certainly dig a little into Morgott's and Wendy's circumstances.
And that's how we learnt that Morgott was an excellent cook and would make a perfect househusband.

But unfortunately for all the swooning ladies in the back, he already has a child to take care of, and wants to dedicate his time to that.

If they want another similar to him, they can go to his twin, he may not be as calm, but he cooks just as well.

You better like spicy food though.
[X] Tell them about Fairy Tail
It will be safer for Wendi to be amongst her people, even if it will leave Morgott alone.

Edit : I am was too late to the party.
10. The Old King
[] Learn more about the pair

Malenia inclines her head at Morgott. He is courteous enough and the pair in combination stokes her curiousity.

"Slayer magic is rather prevalent among scholarly discourse, Dragonslayers in particular. None have been seen in centuries. One quality all types of Slayer magics share is a sharpening of the senses. Whatever ailed her nose, we would hardly notice."

She leaves it at that. The faint nod Morgott gives tells her that he drew the right conclusion.

It is tempting to just start prying, but Malenia feels that constantly speaking around problematic subjects would be too bothersome. First of all, she turns around to her fellow students. "Now that your curiousity is sated, I believe it is time the lot of you return to the academy."

There is some disappointment and a few clarifying questions that Malenia dodges; she knows what an Omen is because they originated from the same country as she, is all they learn. Morgott watches silently, which likely facilitates everyone taking their leave and not looking back.

Once they are gone, Malenia turns back to him. A glance wanders to where Wendy is taking deep breaths, eyes closed.

"You and her make an unusual pair. How did you find her?"

Morgott glances over as well, then starts walking past Malenia. His motions are so unlike the Omen she fought before, fluid and almost graceful instead of lumbering. Only the deep impressions in the packed dirt speak of his weight, there is nary a sound to them. Malenia follows the silent prompt and walks with him.

"The girl is broken," he begins. Malenia's arched brow is ignored, but the elaboration given all the same: "She was given into the care of a restless spirit as a child. That spirit, not from malice but a desire to aid, created the illusion of a community for her to be loved by. But an illusion is just that. I noticed the moment she showed me to them, so part of the blame lies on me as well; I shan't speak of what terrible fate kept the spirit tied to this realm, but I resolved it. Wendy broke when she realised that it had all been a lie."

Malenia inclines her head, but does not interrupt the tale. She can sympathise to an extent, this is the natural conclusion of an ever-ongoing lie. The poor girl does not seem all that broken, though.

"She appears well enough."

"Indeed she does. I claim little credit to that development, but rather attribute it to her companion Carla and her own strong mind. Wendy broke, but she diligently puts the pieces of herself back together," he explains with clear pride. "A full recovery is unlikely. She smiles no more, her gentle nature has been tempered, but her kind heart yet remains."

It is an impressive development, she has to admit. If Morgott speaks truth, then Wendy is worthy of Malenia's respect. And she has no reason to expect falsehood at this juncture.

Morgott himself, unaware of her thoughts, makes to finish the story: "I am no caretaker, but there were no others who could take her at the time. So we remain as a pair until she will suffer my presence no longer; it is the least I must do after being part in her breaking. Wendy is a bright girl upon which the future will smile."

He even offers a faint smile of his own. Malenia's expression is unmoved, though she thinks that those two are unlikely to split up anytime soon.

A constant string of complaints draws their attention to the approaching Wendy; her cat companion hangs off her shoulder and fills the air with noise. The girl herself still covers her nose, but hurries to catch up to them regardless. Her eyes almost dissect Malenia, a certain caution to her motions that tips off the older woman.

"You told her of me," she judges.

Morgott nods. "Many a tale was told. Admittedly, I did not expect to encounter you of all people. She knows of the Golden Order, of Queen Marika the Eternal, the Golden Lineage under Elden Lord Godfrey. I spoke to her of Caria and the alliance with Leyndell, of Ranni and Radahn, even the heretic Rykard. And of course, the tales of kind Miquella and his faithful blade could hardly be amiss."

Wendy has caught up by now, nodding along to Morgott's words. "He told me you are the strongest of everyone, Lady Malenia," she adds helpfully.

The praise earns the faintest huff from Malenia herself, who glances back to Morgott. His face gives nothing away, even when he inclines his head as well.

"The truth must be spoken as such. Only one ever proved himself a peer, and in the end that could only ever be called a draw."

The way he swerves around the subject of Radahn gives Malenia pause. Wendy immediately asks questions of him, tipping her off that Morgott did not speak of The Shattering. Wendy is unaware of that war. She does not know they tore each other apart in pursuit of the Elden Ring.

Perhaps it is better that way, she reasons. If this child truly has suffered as Morgott claims, then she needs not hear more tales of sorrow.

"Have you met others?" she questions during a pause between the pair. Wendy glances at her, then up to Morgott, who shakes his head.

"Until today I believed I was the only one. What of yourself?"

The question gives her pause for a moment. Malenia should have known he would repeat it back at her. Now her hesitation already tips him off, she can tell. It rankles a bit to have outplayed herself, but she must accept her failures gracefully.

"Indeed, though but one. Ranni the Witch has found me not too long ago."

A thoughtful hum comes from Morgott at that. "Lunar Princess Ranni, you say?" He speaks her proper title with neither contempt nor joy, just plain interest. "She has not been heard from in an age, much like yourself."

"I see."

This is interesting. It fits Ranni to stay in the shadows, but Malenia does wonder what her elder sister planned to do. Considering her stated goal, which is heresy against the Greater Will itself, Malenia can hazard a guess that it was something intricate. But to take an age without accomplishing it remains curious.

With Malenia volunteering no further information, silence settles upon them for a time. Wendy does not seem willing to interrupt, still covering her nose. She transitions to Morgott's other side to escape the scent of rot soon after.

"What are your future plans?" Malenia inquires after a time. "Certainly, the suspicion you face is uncomfortable?"

He utters that derisive snort again, primarily at the words themselves instead of her. "Fiore's overall reaction to my person is acceptable. There is tension and wariness, but I can work with both. And aside from that, I stand by my words: for now Wendy and I shall travel to learn about this realm. The future is uncertain, no Greater Will to guide us, and so I will not formulate any great plans for the moment."

He pauses there, raising his head into a soft breeze.

"Retirement does not sound so bad."

There is something unsaid Malenia can not figure out. Wendy seems equally stumped, but clamps down on whatever question she has.

"I understand. My situation is quite similar." Malenia does not say anything about Miquella, though it feels like he knows anyway.

Instead of staying on the subject, she turns to Wendy: "You seem fairly capable a fighter. I understand that Dragonslayers develop such abilities as part of their nature, but are you keeping up practice as well?"

Wendy is a little surprised and hesitant to speak of it. Morgott needs to prompt the girl a little, but she admits that she trains 'a little bit'. Definitely not enough for Malenia's sensibilities, but she accepts that Morgott prioritises teaching the girl etiquette at the moment. It is quite an interesting discussion to have with a Slayer wizard in person; the power comes without a weapon, nor any instincts or aptitude for one. Effectively, it can be compared to a special type of martial arts.

Wendy could theoretically pick up a weapon, but she will have to learn it from scratch. There is no visible interest in doing so, although Malenia recommends it; even at the speed wizards can fight, the increased reach and options are still worthwhile to explore.

"I will think about it," the teen promises at the end.

She must have grown comfortable about their discussion, seeing that she launches into questions of her own. About the Haligtree and how life was for Malenia. She tries to skirt around the Rot, which is appreciated if unnecessary. Malenia long since stopped fretting over its hold.

By the time they part, she bears the faintest smile. Malenia only realises when she sees herself in a mirror.

Morgott does not plan to stay in Crocus for longer than a few days at the moment. He mentioned Wendy needing to file paperwork about her former guild, which was populated only by spirits and her. How they kept operating for years without anyone noticing is anyone's guess; Malenia suspects negligence or corruption.

That evening, as she sits in the small space she rented and only ever uses to sleep, Malenia carefully fills two crystal glasses from a decanter of wine. Not a single drop is spilled, though the display is hardly tasteful with the lack of decoration. Still, appearances and all that.


Her voice is calm, a whipcrack in the silence. Ranni follows the beckoning call a moment later, the projection of her body glittering like distant stars. She materialises in the chair Malenia already picked out for her, fingers steepled before her chest.


They stare at each other for a moment. Ranni looks comically large in that chair, seeing that it was made for the people of Fiore. Her imperious air easily makes up for the sight, though. The younger sister nods back in greeting.

"I encountered an Omen today."


Ranni picks up the drink and swirls it around with practiced ease. Even though this is clearly not her real body, she then takes a sip. The liquid vanishes, followed by a pleased smile from Ranni.

"Acceptable, as well as one can expect outside of court. Speak of yonder Omen, sister mine, and speak truth."

Malenia nods, she was planning to. First, however: "Miquella?"

"Alas, not yet. I can confirm he is not in Fiore and Bosco, but no more."

Unfortunate, but she expected something like this already. It has not been too long yet. So with the question asked, Malenia begins to explain about her encounter with Morgott. Ranni listens intently, brow furrowing as she mentions Wendy travelling with the old Omen.

"Curious," she judges by the end. "He spoketh no more of Leyndell? Of the Golden Order?"

"Not as such, no. Do you have any insight into how an Omen can be in this world? Us Empyreans I can understand are of importance, but this seems rather random."

Ranni's brow furrows a little further. "Random, or arbitrary?" she muses idly, once again looking past Malenia. "I will need to investigate this Omen myself, if only to sate mine curiousity. By how you spoke of him, he appears to be unlike any other of his kind."

"I thought much the same, though I admittedly encountered precious few."

"Oh? Did none seek shelter in Elphael, under the Haligtree's canopy?"

Malenia shakes her head in response. "Those few that came were violent, barely reasonable, and overall unable to fit into peaceful coexistence. I still can not tell if they were brave or foolish to face the Cleanrot Knights or even myself over expulsion from Elphael."

"Desperate, perhaps," Ranni suggests. Her comment rams a spike of doubt into Malenia's mind, if not for long. Peace and order needed to be maintained. Miquella's dream could not flourish if people fought each other under his guidance.

But then, maybe if she drafted those Omen into her forces, made use of their brutality....

Ranni lets the silence linger as each of them sips their wine. Malenia needs to examine this matter, but her memory has too many holes from that time to determine if she did not make such an attempt. Moreover, now is not the time to be weighed down by indecision.

"What did you mean with 'arbitrary'," Malenia questions her sister. "This implies someone had a hand in our arrival in this world. Do you speak of an outer god?"


Inclining her head a fraction, Ranni puts down her glass to steeple her fingers again. A glint of moonlight shines through the window, impossibly bending to illuminate her crimson locks and deep blue eyes.

"I had originally missed that Omen in my sweep of Fiore," she explains. "Perhaps his movements let him slip past mine gaze, perhaps it happened when you drew mine eye. But his name, 'Morgott', I know of it. An old story that Blaidd once carried to my person.

"You ask yourself, Malenia, why a mere Omen would warrant the same attention as us," Ranni deduces, rightfully so. "I tell you it is because this one is no 'mere' Omen. Indeed, I need not even cast mine gaze upon him to know it true."

"When the Elden Ring was shattered, the harmony of the demigods fractured in turn. Queen Marika vanished alongside King Consort Radagon, and with her the threat of Destined Death. Alliances were forged and abandoned, companions becoming enemies and turning allies again by the turn of the year. Armies marched across the Lands Between and Leyndell herself came under siege from all sides. And yet one of our number stood tall in defense of the eternal city."

Ranni pauses there, a rare look of nostalgia on her face. Malenia knows just as well that she speaks of the Conqueror of Stars, General Radahn. Ranni's younger brother. Malenia's peer.

The air feels heavy in remembrance of his valour and ability. As if his presence still pressed down on them both.

Ranni slowly takes a miniscule sip of wine, eyes closed.

"But at the cusp of the Haligtree's involvement in the war, another emerged. Where so many of our number sought to overthrow the Golden Order for their own designs, none had stood to my brother in that time. His prowess allowed him to hold the great walls of Leyndell, but his troops were too few to carve through countless assailants. Even I know not the exact events, Malenia. But from one day to the next, another declared himself king of Leyndell, with Radahn's blessing."

Her eyes open again. Were Malenia a lesser woman, that gaze would pin her to the chair she sits in. She understands where this is going now, surprised though she is.

"An Omen among the demigods?"

Ranni smiles, a gesture devoid of warmth.

"Indeed. And not just among our number, no. Morgott the Grace-Given, of the Golden Lineage. Son of Queen Marika and Elden Lord Godfrey. Squirrelled away beneath the capital like all his kind. Yet that day, he marched into battle alongside Radahn. Together they broke the siege at last, chasing hostile forces halfway across Altus."

"We art not dealing with a 'mere' Omen, sister mine. He is your brother in truth and mine by adoption, and likely older than the both of us."

Malenia nods, the warning appreciated. "Yet he is not Empyrean," she still answers to forego needless paranoia.

"Indeed," Ranni offers. The carafe begins floating and refills her empty glass, from which she takes another sip. "Yet he was indeed king. His aspirations, we doth not know. It may be he speaketh truth, it may be he doth not. His presence can not be overlooked in either case."

"I concur."

Malenia wonders idly why he did not say a word of this. Ranni could be lying, but it makes far more sense for another demigod to be here than a common Omen. His not being intimidated by her mere presence also speaks to that fact. But this still leaves the question of who brought him here, much like Malenia and Ranni.

And what exactly is Ranni planning, anyway? She seems supremely assured in their fledgling alliance, even though it can fall as easily as Miquella giving the word.

Malenia's brows furrow delicately as she considers this. A thought occurs.

"Is it a match you aim for, sister? Is that your plan to ensure my cooperation when Miquella is found?"

At first she thinks the faint smile Ranni gives confirmation. Then her sister shakes her head, gently placing down the cup.

"No, sister mine. You speak true that a match would tie us three Empyreans together indubitably. Alas, I refuse both yourself and Miquella as mine spouse, each for their own reasons."

That is a surprise. Malenia did not expect Ranni to be so insistent on it; marriage is one of their tools, and a potent one at that. Just like Leyndell once buried hostilities with Caria, when King Consort Radagon was wed to Queen Rennalla, Ranni's mother.

"May I hear your reasons?" Malenia inquires curiously. She is not angry at the rejection, if anything the denial confuses her.

Ranni in turn agrees to do so, first taking another sip.

"Miquella, first of all, is not to mine sensibilities. His curse of eternal childhood makes him an unsuitable match to begin with, the curse itself for the purpose of an heir, his physical state in terms of public relations. I could overlook this much, but he is also a ruler whose views are opposed to mine. He wishes to rule benevolently, I wish for no gods to rule directly at all. Perhaps a match can be arranged if we reach a favourable agreement on this point, but no sooner."

That makes sense, though it also grants Malenia some more insight in the issues Ranni sees. She has an actual reason to withhold knowledge of Miquella; if those two come at odds, there is no question which side Malenia will pick. So why is she telling her this much? Claiming his curse as the sole reason would have sufficed. Or perhaps she sought not to risk her reasoning to be taken as insufficient and an insult to Miquella?

There are still too many possibilities, Malenia decides.

"And as to myself?"

A soft huff sounds. Ranni arches an immaculate brow at her.

"Need I speak of the Scarlet Rot?" she queries. "I refuse to subject mineself to its presence, even with the control you gained, sister mine."

That is more than a fair point. Malenia could not bear children to begin with, any she sires by other means are quite likely to inherit the Rot. Not to mention that Ranni being close would be at risk if another outbreak ever happens.

For some reason, that draws a smile from Malenia. She never thought seriously of marriage, and it seems that every facet of her being agrees with the sentiment.

"Of course," she agrees. "T'was a silly question to ask."

For some reason however, Ranni leans forward. She is almost in Malenia's face, squinting at something that is not her sister. Malenia stays in place, refusing to back away from the scrutiny.

"What is it?"

"Or perhaps," Ranni murmurs softly, "you are asking questions subconciously. Have you not yet become aware, Malenia?"

"Aware of what?" she asks back, thoroughly confused now.

Ranni seems disappointed for some reason, as if her sister failed her on some fundamental level. She leans back, another impossible beam of moonlight illuminating her face. Her eyes gleam.

"Of the strings that bind you, Malenia. That drag you through this new life like a puppet."

Malenia has no idea what Ranni is speaking of.


[] Hug Ranni, she must be confused

[] Demand a duel over the indignity of such a claim

[] Let the Rot flow free

[] write-in

Do note that Ranni's recollection of events around Morgott and Radahn is not confirmed canon. It is my personal interpretation based on what we know; specifically, that Radahn and Morgott were both proponents of the Golden Order.

I reason here that it makes little sense for Radahn to be on campaign in Caelid while Leyndell is under threat or outright siege, unless he was certain the city would hold in his absence. This means either Morgott emerged after Radahn left and took the city from within, or they were working together. I personally like tales of bravery and camraderie in an age of strife and broken bonds, so them finding common ground and teaming up is the interpretation I chose to work with.

Again, this is my personal interpretation. I do not claim it the only reasonable path canon could have taken, but it is what this story works with.
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[X] Hug Ranni, she must be confused
She saw us, run for it!
[X] Explain....
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It is an impressive development, she has to admit. If Morgott speaks truth, then Wendy is worthy of Malenia's respect. And she has no reason to expect falsehood at this juncture.

I mean, while he did leave some little details out (like his mother's name), he didn't say anything untrue as of now.

So we remain as a pair until she will suffer my presence no longer
though she thinks that those two are unlikely to split up anytime soon.

I agree with Malenia, they have gotten attached, the both of them.

"Retirement does not sound so bad."

There is something unsaid Malenia can not figure out.

No Greater will on his back anymore, that is what is not said here.

The protector of the Elden Ring has done his work as well as he could, he has failed, but so did everyone, and there is no dishonor in it.

Malenia suspects negligence or corruption.

Given the world?

I would give it a fair chance someone saw the guild full of dead members still working, concluded ghosts, and moved on.

"He spoketh no more of Leyndell? Of the Golden Order?"

Ranni knows who he truly is, from that, she probably has a good idea of the main criteria for coming here:

Being related to Marika/Radagon.

And what exactly is Ranni planning, anyway? She seems supremely assured in their fledgling alliance, even though it can fall as easily as Miquella giving the word.

But it would take Miquella wanting to do so, and her goal is such that I would strongly doubt he would.

The thing being that Malenia doesn't know that Ranni has already won in a way in this world.

Ranni seems disappointed for some reason, as if her sister failed her on some fundamental level. She leans back, another impossible beam of moonlight illuminating her face. Her eyes gleam.

"Of the strings that bind you, Malenia. That drag you through this new life like a puppet."

Malenia has no idea what Ranni is speaking of.


I see you continue on your habits of making the voters a part of the world.

Very well, the strings are seen, let's show ourself then.

[X] Explain....
-[x] We are but watchers and guides, here to see the world but not rule it.

A little addition, just explaining doesn't seem enough for me, Naron, is the sentiment ok for what the subvote adds?
The sentiment is fine, but I make no guarantees that it will work.

Fair enough.

I do want to try at least once, one of my regrets about Bloody evolution was never managing to really get votes to speak directly to Binah to win, so you bet I am going to try to do it here.

At worst, Malenia may be a little confused by wanting to say that for some reason. :V

And hey, I could have gone for far more unlikely to pass, like this:

*Devolve into a puddle at seeing your waifu acknowledge you*
[JOKE] Blush like a tsundere highschool girl in front of Ranni ane-sama.

Obviously the best vote.

More seriously.
[X] Explain....

As for Radahn and Morgott, I thought that when the Shattering happened, Radahn tried to claim Leyndell and it was Morgott who stopped him at the walls, winning due to some tactical advantages over Radahn.
About the Explain vote:

Explain what?

As is, it's too vague to mean anything, Malenia doesn't know anything consciously from what we've seen so she cannot explain by herself without prompting.

Even if you don't want my particular subvote, we really need something more than a single word vote here.

Because right now, the expected result is a very awkward time with nobody having any idea what is supposed to happen, not Malenia who can't explain, nor Ranni who will just wait in vain.

I'm not asking for an essay, but there is a line between too succinct and too elaborate, and we are on the too succinct part right now.
The way I read that vote is that it asks Ranni to explain what she means, not Malenia.

Which I'm pretty sure is the opposite of how a good part of the voters are taking it....

It's valid, but it isn't really helping, she doesn't know much more than Malenia from what we can see.


That kind of possible misuderstanding is precisely why I want something more than one word in the vote, as is, it's way, way too vague.
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You know what, let's completely remove the ambiguity, it's drawing me mad:

[] Ask Ranni to explain more about that.


Not voting for it, I want us to explain ourself to her, not the other way round, so:

[x] Grant some understanding of us to Malenia.
-[x] We are but watchers and guides, here to see the world, not rule it.


To add to my reasoning:

In one of Naron's previous quest, Bloody evolution, some of our best moments where due to a mutual understanding between the character we guided and us, and I want to recreate that if at all possible.

Also, asking Ranni seems a little like asking the blind to lead the blind, I don't get any vibe of her knowing more than the fact that we exists, which she already told, so she can't really give any further explanation we cannot get ourself by acting.


In fact, let me add a good reason not to vote to ask Ranni for the explanation:

She is explicitly hostile to us.

If we let her control the narrative, she will present us in the worst possible light, a thing she had already begun to do with this little remark:
"Of the strings that bind you, Malenia. That drag you through this new life like a puppet."

For her, we are nothing more than something that attached itself to her sister and is dragging her along in their plots.

And we know how she treats this kind of things:

So, better to be the one talking and explaining, not her, and to use a way to do so that is as non-controlling as possible, to show our good intentions to the potential godslayer in the room.

The ball is in our court, let's use it rather than throw it away.
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