What should Tommy's familiar be named?

  • Eos

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • Soleil

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Fiere

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Flamebeau

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Illumine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Augustas

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sunrise

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Agneyastra

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Solastra

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Helios

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Interlude: The Familiar
You inscribe your spell onto the concrete of the basement floor. Seven circles, ancient symbols within, represent each facet of your contracts, as well as yourself. next, you connect these circles with lines, forming a heptagon. You enclose the heptagon in a circle exactly Three feet across, representing Earth as the target of your search. Finally, you inscribe some minor chants and symbols from the book, designed to give basic enhancements to your summoned familiar.

Familiars represent the animal form of a humans Magic, their spirit animal. The familiar, once bound, becomes better than other animals of it's species, allowing it to fight harder, fly longer, run faster than any normal example of it's species. They are capable of finding their masters across dimensions, and sharing senses with those they are bonded with. In short, they are a vital helper to even the weakest mage. And soon, you'll have your own! You wonder what you might summon. Perhaps a dragons, fierce of flame and wind? Or a leviathan of the deep, whose control of water outmatches all others?

Shaking your head to clear such fancies, you stand up and step back. You cut open your fingertips, scattering blood across the circle. One by one, the smaller concepts light up, followed by the connecting lines. Finally, the outer circle begins to glow. Slowly, the light grows stronger, from a candle flame, to a roaring bonfire, before peaking at the blinding radiance of the sun. Then, all at once, the light vanishes. You try to blink the spots from your vision, half blind from the light.

And then, you hear a caw. A rustle of feathers, and a bird flutters up to perch on your shoulder. Your vision finally restored, you turn to look at your familiar. At first glance, it appears to be a raven, but the underlying feathers of deep red give away it's true nature; you've summoned a phoenix! You hop in place, just barely holding back a whoop of excitement. Phoenixes are remarkably strong familiars, with a primal connection to fire and life.

Even better, they're one of the few familiars capable of healing without an innate connection to Light Magic! While quite versatile, Light Magic is one of the stereotypical signs of a 'Good Guy', and would hurt the reputation of neutrality you want to cultivate. The never ending conflict between Heaven and Hell is not limited just to the demons and angels, after all. Instead, both sides are renowned for recruiting those whose magical inclinations match up with their ideologies! But, that is not something you have to worry about. Your familiar, and therefor your magic, seems to be rather neutral, leaving you with a plethora of options in your future!

Humming happily to yourself, you create a small nest for your new familiar, before crawling under the covers. Today was a good day after all.


I thought it a bit of a shame that i forgot about the 'Summon Familiar' spell, so I wrote a small interlude to show the summoning. This takes place after your Social Link action, so you can consider it a free action. If anyone has any suggestions for a name, feel free to post them, and i'll make a poll up top! Anyway, the actual story update is taking it's sweet time finishing, as i'm having trouble with the dialogue, as well as not having a ton of time to actually write it with my travels and all. Anyway, see y'all soon! Happy New Years everyone!
So, I'm gonna call the vote, as [] Social Link: Ciara has won unanimously. I'll try to get the update out by tonight, dependent on whether I've got the time and all. Happy New Years y'all!
New Years Celebrations got away from me a bit. I'll have a killer hangover in the morning, i'm sure, so in the meantime, have a blurb on familiars and magic, kinda. If it's rambling and nonsensical, i apologize. Have a happy New Years everyone, and welcome to 2017!

Familiars are the closest representation of the primal instincts of the soul. These noble companions are summoned through a ritual older than the very idea of communication. In a time before comprehension, The great spirit Gaia entered into a pact with all the beings of the earth, from the oldest dragon to the smallest rock, and became the embodiment of the planet. She took note of the bond between her and all the things in existence, and tried to recreate it. These experiments created the first familiar, and although a pale imitation of what Gaia achieved, it pleased Her. As such, any familiar ritual must invoke Gaia. When a mages familiar is found, those most similar to the mage are queried, given the chance to accept the contract or to refuse. When the contract is accepted, the animal is enhanced, becoming faster, stronger, wiser, smarted, and more agile, so as to stand out from the rest of it's species as an example of Gaia's will. In species with any basic hierarchy, this instantly elevates the creature to the top, giving it power and authority over kin.
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1.4 Hot damn, the dice dont' like y'all!
You decide to head over to see Ciara. She seemed pretty excited about her newest contract at school, even though she wasn't talking about it to much, and you wanted to learn more. Ciara has been an immense help with your own magic, having been the first to tell you where your powers had come from. You walk to the nearest bus stop and sit down to wait. Ciara lives in an apartment near school on her own, looked after by summoned servants, so as not to be distracted by the constant summoning's of her parents. However, on the weekend she stays at her parents house out on the edge of the swamp. You aren't actually sure what Ciara's parents do, just that it heavily involves summoning various beings.

After catching the bus, you walk on up to her apartment. You can feel the scrutiny of some unseen phantom, likely some security measure taken to protect Ciara. Despite the uneasy feeling of eyes following you along, you make it to her door with no incidents. You knock, then lean back and wait; this late into the afternoon, Ciara is likely experimenting in some way with her magic. Sure enough, you hear a series of muffled pops and crack, mild cursing, a concerning large surge of mana, and the ever louder stomps of an angry 11 year old. The door is suddenly wrenched open, and from the frame (made of iron, you note), a pair of rather irate eyes peer out.
Social Roll 1d50: 1
"What do yo- oh, it's just you, Tommy. " her angry tone peters out halfway through her sentence, as she recognizes you. However her tone quickly grows incensed again. "Why are you here?! I'm in the middle of something! Go away, we can talk later!" And before you can get a word in edgewise, she slams the door in your face. You consider knocking again, confident in your ability to fix the situation, but the unseen presence returns, and you begin to sense barely restrained malevolence. You decide to come back later.

Once again catching a bus, this time back home, you begin to contemplate the turn your life has took in the last year or so. You don't know much about your birth parents, besides the fact that they are dead, and that they in some way interacted with the Hidden World. You're current parents, Cole and Sara Marsh, adopted you when you were four, bringing you back to live with them in Miami. You aren't as close to them as you feel you should be, as they had a child less than a month after adopting you, and subsequently lavished the majority of their attention on their newly born daughter, Lily Marsh. You don't really mind however, as the distance has allowed you to grow independent quickly. You first learned of magic while visiting Agatha, as her mother, Freyja, chose that moment to visit her daughter.

Although she had taken steps to prevent notice from outside the house, she had not anticipated your presence within, and thus did not shield her descent from the Bifrost from you. Having had magic revealed to you in the most spectacular way possible, there was no way that you weren't going to try and use magic yourself. That night, you sat upon your bed and looked inside for something, anything that might mean you could do magic. And, lo and behold, something answered. A Presence, greater than you could ever comprehend, touched you, and you found yourself with power. To control plants, manipulate sunlight, summon women who look to have walked out of trees, and more. It wasn't until you met Ciara that you learned what your ability's were, what the Presence that had taken notice was; you had contracted with Gaia. Somehow, you had a connection with the Elemental of the Earth, and this unusual occurrence has given you her personal attention. And so, you have done your best to live up to these expectations, learning more about what spells you had already learned, and a few new ones. You had made your own, minor, rituals, allowing you to learn more of magic. One of the first rituals you had done was essentially a magical heritage test, and although the results came out garbled and unintelligible, you had learned a single key fact; your parents were magic. This new discovery had lit a fire within, and you have spent the past few months trying your best to learn more about your parents. You haven't had much luck however, and with the new contract you've gained, you have a choice ahead of you. You come out of the daze you were in, your deep thoughts concluded for the night. Not to long after, the bus pulls up outside your house, and you head down to your room. As you fall asleep, you think about what to do tomorrow. After all, it is the weekend now! That means plenty of free time to do all kinds of exciting magic things! or, you know, boring training. Even if you do need the help...

Which do you choose to focus on? (Grants a minor questline, although the quest may not start immediately.)

[] The mystery of your Parents

[] Your new contract with the Elements

Pick Three to do Tomorrow

[] Social Link
-[] Ciara
-[] Vlad
-[] Lykos
-[] Samairia
-[] ???

[] Train
-[] Hand to Hand
-[] Sword Combat
-[] Medium Armor
-[] Nature Magic
-[] Elemental Magic
-[] Mana Sense
-[] Physical Attributes

[] Tinker
-[] Research Artificing
-[] Research Alchemy
-[] Research Ritualcraft
-[] Research Gaia
-[] Research Foci

[] Write-in


Hey, y'all! I finally got another update out, and it's much longer than almost anything I've written before! Better yet, despite being so long, it's not as forced like the last long update i had! So, i had a social link planned out for Ciara, but I've decided to use dice a bit more in the quest. And then, of course, I rolled a natural one for the Social interaction. Therefore, Ciara is having a bad day, and you managed to show up at the worst possible time to talk with her! Whoops! To blunt the blow of that, I've given you guys a minor questline, with some vastly out of proportion rewards! Have fun!​
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[X] Your new contract with the Elements
Pick Three to do Tomorrow
[X] Social Link
-[X] Ciara
[X] Train
-[X] Physical Attributes
-[X] Nature Magic

There's no way in hell i'm letting a bad dice roll get between us and someone who can watch our back when we have to deal with all the sneaky shit like the fae.

Also after looking at our character sheet it became painfully oblivious that we need to work on our physical abilities and our Gaia contract since those are directly tied to our main ways to defend our selves, and right now there to low for my taste.
[X] The mystery of your Parents
[X] Social Link
-[X] Ciara
[X] Train
-[X] Physical Attributes
-[X] Nature Magic
I'd like to start writing, but how can I update if the is no consensus? If someone could please tiebreak...
Awesome, I'll get writing. Also, did anyone happen to notice the dark grey text denoting the roll? i wanted something unobtrusive yet still visible as opposed to invisitext, but if it's to hard to see...
1.5 Never mind, the Dice love you
[X] The mystery of your Parents
[X] Social Link
-[X] Ciara
[X] Train
-[X] Physical Attributes
-[X] Nature Magic

You've spent quite a bit of your life trying to find out more about the your true parents, and you resolve to not let that effort go to waste. Nodding to yourself, you decide that finding out more about your parents will be your focus for now. And, you have an idea of where to start. You come out of the daze you were in, your deep thoughts concluded for the night. Not to long after, the bus pulls up outside your house, and you head down to your room...
{Unlocked New Research Options: In Memorium}

For now, however, you have other things to do. Despite having had your Formalized Contract with Gaia for nearly a year now, you have a rather lackluster collection of spells. Admittedly, the spell you do know are fairly powerful, but Variety is the spice of life, or in your case, the spice of Magic. Not to mention, You're feeling pretty pumped about learning something new right now. and as you walk out of your room, the reason why hops onto your shoulder; Eos, your new Familiar. You aren't actually sure how to tell the difference between a male and female Phoenix, but a feeling in your gut is telling you that yours is a girl. Having not only gotten a fairly complicated and unique ritual correct on the first try, but also having summoned such a powerful familiar, you are in high spirits.
Skill Increase Roll 1d10: 8
And so, you get to experimenting. While, normally you simply train with the spells you already know, this time you are trying something new. Instead of triggering the predefined matrices in your head that would form and launch a spell for you, you instead begin to call upon raw Natural Mana. According to Ciara, there are three ways to get new spells within a Contract: The first is to impress someone (or thing) within the contract enough they decide to gift you a new spell. The second, is to modify and experiment with your existing spells enough to create something new. And the third way is to simply play around with raw magic and hope you stumble upon a working matrix. Unfortunately, the easiest way to impress summons is through battle, and you aren't strong enough to fight something truly impressive yet. And the second method runs the risk of distorting a matrix, meaning you could actually lose use of a spell, at least for a while; you know enough about your current spells to recreate them from scratch, if necessary.
Spell Gain Roll 1d100: 18 Bonus Inspiration Triggers Reroll: 100... WHAT. Gaia Dammit. Or rather, Gaia Bless it.,
And suddenly, something clicks into place. A new matrix forms in your Grimoire, and you Cast it, eager to see the results of you breakthrough. You feel the mana shifting through you body, but no Circle forms. You are disappointed; it seems it was a false alarm. And then, Eos hops off your shoulder, fluttering up to the makeshift perch you glued to the ceiling. You are now confused, but only for a moment, as your body suddenly Twists. You find your self much, much shorter, not to mention rather warm. You open your mouth to say something, but notice something rather odd; you have a beak. The realization hits you like a bus; You've learned a Shapeshifting Spell! You've done quite a bit of studying into past Druids and their magic, so you know the most basic form you gain is the one your spirit most resembles. And, seeing as you have a familiar, that gives you quite a clue into your current accommodations. Spreading your wings, you flap your way into the air, rising to land next to Eos on her perch. She regards you curiously, but with no hostility; It's obvious that she knows it's still you. You flutter back down to the floor, before recasting your spell. Once more your form twists, and you return to human form. However, you do not feel the presence of any additional transformations, and therefore conclude that you have only learned Lesser Shapeshift.

You glance down to your watch, then sigh. As much as you want to play about with your spell, you have already decided that you need to get some exercise in. Even with the skill boosts given to you by Odin, you are not the strongest of 11 year old, something you have resolved to change. Even if it's only so Agatha stops kicking your ass so easily. As you walk out of the basement, Eos once more sitting on your shoulder, you sense something. Behind you, the circle from your familiar ritual has exploded with light. You turn, startled, but quickly summon your sword and armor. You don't really know whats going on, but you most certainly will not be caught off guard! However, as the light fades, you quickly dismiss the summoned items. You recognize the woman standing in the circle quite well.

You are naturally quite surprised. You may be relatively new to this whole contracting thing, even if you would never admit it, but even the newest mage know that embodiment's of planets don't just pop on over everyday. Before you can do much of anything really, She speaks

"Thomas, you have held my interest for quite a long time. Ever since you were a wee babe, i have been watching over you. You had a shroud of potential over you, marking you as someone who could change everything. You still do, infact, even if it has been hidden away. And today, you have impressed me more. Shapeshifiting, even in its lesser form, is quite difficult to simply stumble upon. Not many can naturally grasp the state of mind required for a complete change of one's being without outside help." She turns suddenly, looking of to the east with rather angry eyes. "However, it seems I cannot stay to chat. Go now, continue your day, but know you hold my interest, and my Blessing." Her hand stretches out, and the tip of her fingers brushes your right hand. Pain hits you, ripping through your body for the barest of moments. When you regain you feeling, Gaia is gone, leaving only a small Ash sapling where she stood. In addition, your Right hand now sports a green pattern on it, resembling a tree growing up your arm. You aren't really sure what happened, but you know that this is big. No, this is huge! You do a quick run through of all your spells, seeing if anything has changed. Besides your summons being oddly respectful, you have found that you control of Lesser Plantlife has grown. You can now control all Non-Magical plants in a radius of 100 meters, including the Ash tree left behind by Gaia. In addition, you now have a greater ability to sense information about the plant, as well as the immediate area surrounding them.

Given the excitement of the morning, you decide to spend the rest of the day doing experiments with your magic, as well as the Ash tree left behind. Naturally, the Tree is quite magical, although you aren't really sure how. Despite the magic running through it, you find yourself capable of controlling it as easily as any other tree. You aren't really sure what you want to do with it, but you decide to take a cutting with you when you go see Ciara tomorrow. Maybe her parents would be able to learn a bit more about it? As you curl up into bed, you realize you forgot to do your exercising for the day. You decide to take your bike to Ciara's house tomorrow. That should be plenty of exercise, right?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You wake up rather early for a Sunday, a little past ten o'clock. Yawning, you stretch your arms a bit before rolling out of bed and plodding over to get dressed. Clad once again in your casual outfit, you enter the main room of the basement. You send a quick text to Ciara asking when a good time to head over would be. As you wait for a reply, for use your new control over plants to get a few small clippings of your new Ash tree. Hearing a rapping at your
chamber door window, you open it up to allow Eos in. Seeing as you didn't have any food for her, you had left the window open for her last night so she could go look for food. You aren't really sure how it got closed though. You shrug it off, Eos is quite intelligent and probably closed it. You head into your bathroom and had yourself a shower. You are in the midst of brushing your teeth when you get a reply from Ciara; If you leave now, then by the time you actually get there you should be good. You shrug, and grab your bike. It shouldn't take more than an hour to get there.
Exercise Roll 1d3 for Strength: 2 1d3 for Vitality: 1
As you finally reach Ciara's house, you decide this was a horrible idea. You hadn't really focused to much on fitness in the past, and a multi mile bike ride through the humid Florida heat was an absolutely terrible idea! You summon a water elemental, and ask it to give you a quick shower. Despite its head being a featureless blob of water, you just know its giving you a look right now. Nonetheless, it complies, and soon enough you are no longer smelling like a tannery. You send out a magical ping, asking permission to enter the wards. A few seconds later, you get a response, and the protections shift slightly to allow you entry. You walk up to the door, raising your hand to know, when Ciara opens the door, giving you a look.

"Thomas," She begins. You quickly chime in, unable to resist the chance to annoy one of you close friends. "Yes, Ciara dear?" You know the smile on your face isn't doing you any favors, but by this point you can't help it. The look only intensifies, but she continues "Why the hell are you so late?"
"Well, there was a bit of excitement yesterday, so I didn't really get a change to exercise," you start to explain, "So I decided to bike over here, get a workout that way."
She opens her mouth, likely to call you an idiot, before she thinks better of it. It's not like you'd actually listen, after all. Instead, she asks you about the 'Excitement' yesterday.
"Oh you know, Gaia just summoned herself into my basement, gifted me with a new spell, gave me a blessing," at this, you raise your right hand to show of the pattern on it, "and left behind an ash tree imbued with some sort of magic I can't recognize" You turn back to Ciara, having at some point turned your head away to emphasize you nonchalance, to see that the Look is back. She grabs you by the collar, pulling you into the house and up the stairs. "Come on, I'm getting my parents to check you over, you idiot." She pulls you along to an office, giving a polite knock before entering. You follow along, aware at this point that Ciara might actually be a wee bit upset. She repeats your story to her parents, who in turn stare at you. After breaking out of their momentary shock, they begin to cast spells on you, explaining the purpose of each spell. They don't seem to actually find anything, and so let you go on with Ciara. You hand over the clipping of the ash tree, quickly growing it out into a small sapling and asking if they wouldn't mind examining it to see what magics it contains. They agree, promising to give it a look if they can keep the sample afterwords. You agree, and they tell you they will send you the results in about a weeks time.

You head downstairs with Ciara, to a small room filled with games, TV's, game consoles and other forms of entertainment. You spend most of they day with Ciara, talking about random gossip at school, your new contracts, and other menial things. However, you eventually have to go, as you still need to pick up some items for Eos, who you left to her own devices for the day. You want to wait to show off your amazing Familiar until school, so you can show everyone at once. Before you leave, Ciara hands you a scroll, saying it's good for two uses of the Storage spell, so you don't have to bike home. You pop your pike into the pocket, before pocketing the scroll. You give her a quick hug, then jump off the porch, Casting Lesser Shapeshift as you go. Your body goes through the familiar Twist, and you are once more in your phoenix form. You fly off, heading back into town, before stopping at a pet store near your house to pick up some bird food, a proper perch and some other little items for Eos. You struggle back to your house under the heavy load, half dragging everything behind you.

Random Encounter Roll 1d50: 25, No Encounter
You eventually make it home, dragging everything downstairs. Thankfully, your parents and sister are out of town this weekend, so you don't have to explain your new purchases to them. You find Eos already back, and she watches as you set everything up. She seems to quite like the new perch, so you decide it was worth the extra effort. However, you are quite tired from today's events, not to mention more than a little sore from you bike ride earlier, so you head to bed, quite content with the day

What do you plan to do after school tomorrow?
Pick one:
[] Social Link
-[] Vlad
-[] Lykos
-[] Samairia

[] Train
-[] Hand to Hand
-[] Sword Combat
-[] Medium Armor
-[] Nature Magic
-[] Elemental Magic
-[] Mana Sense
-[] Physical Attributes

[] Tinker
-[] Research Artificing
-[] Research Alchemy
-[] Research Ritualcraft
-[] Research Gaia
-[] Research Foci

[] Special
-[] The Ash Tree
-[] In Memorium

[] Write-in


Anyway, forget what I said last update, this is the longest thing I've ever written, period. I'm actually quite tired, but pretty happy over all. If anyone have criticism for any of the dialogue, don't hold back; I know I'm pretty bad at it. Next update will probably be short, but they can't all be this big! The 'Inspiration' Bonus was added kinda on the fly because i wanted you to actually gain a spell this time. However, the dice gods decided that obviously they wanted to help! Now, originally, a nat 100 on a training roll would just give you a spell from the next tier up, but i wanted to kick of a bit of plot this update! Gaia has show special interest in you, as has Odin. Now, other beings are beginning to wonder why you're so special, so watch out! Also, my next semester is gonna be starting soon, so updates might end up slowing down a bit. I really need to bring my grades and such up, or I'm gonna be in a lot of trouble. But, you didn't come hear to listen to me complain, so i'll see you all later! And of course, Enjoy!

[X] Social Link

Holy shit. Not only did we get a blessing from Gaia but now our luck is maxed out, talk about a god turn.

Anyway since we just finished up some rather productive training let's go see our best buddy.
Yes, given the bullshit that is the dice, i figured it would make a good trait. However, the luck stat, and indeed most of the stats are mostly cosmetic at the moment, since they haven't really been needed yet. I do assure you, however, that the training is helpful; I'm simply figuring everything out still! Luck will probably end up as a modifier on certain rolls, as will the rest of the stats. I'm just not sure how heavily i want to rely on rolls yet...

Also, if anyone notices spelling errors, please feel free to point them out; I've got dyslexia, and while spell check help a lot it doesn't cover everything!
1.6, School Daze 2
You wake up on time today, to the sounds of your family upstairs. Blinking the grogginess away, you rise from your bed and start up a shower, making sure to crank up the water temperature to near boiling. After keying in a temperature that gets the small computer to bleep a warning at you, you step under the steaming spray and relax. You've noticed that heat is less harmful to you now, likely a result of your newly bound familiar, and quite possibly your new shapeshifting spell. You shrug, wash the last of the shampoo from your hair, (and you really should get a trim soon), and step out of the stall. A quick twist of your form into your phoenix shape, a backwards hop, and all the water that was previously soaking your form falls to the floor, making a slight splash.

You finish getting dressed, throwing on the plain white shirt, loose black tie, and durable black cargo shorts that makes up your casual wear. You sigh to yourself as you tug your shorts on; you had meant to get the pockets enchanted, to allow for more storage, but you had ended up spending the funds you had squirreled away on the perch for Eos. Shaking your head to clear your mind, you tromp up the stairs, taking a quick left and sliding into your seat in the kitchen. Soon enough, you are making polite conversation with the rest of your family, all the while waiting for the characteristic squeal of your bus pulling up. Within minutes, you are seated in the back of the bus, ferried onward towards another day of boring schoolwork and lessons you already know.

You meet up with your friends in homeroom, chatting about the weekend. Vlad got to get a new Mark, one of the distinctive tattoos that werewolves use for their magic. Ciara is bragging about the illusions and glamors she's been learning from her new Faeries; you contemplate showing off the growing pattern adorning your right hand, the representation of Gaia's blessing. It's started getting a bit bigger, and while it seems most people can't see it, you worry about its eventual size. Thankfully, it seems to mostly be switching between various stylized shapes, and even better, it seems to be settling into the shape of an:

Pick One

-[] Animal, although recognizable as some creature, the characteristics of the best are still shifting
This option will change Lesser Shapeshift into Nature's Form allowing you to obtain new animal shapes through various deeds; For example, a Vision quest where you must fulfill some task for a phantasmal version of the form you seek, etc. You also gain some characteristics of the animals in human form, so a Bear form might make you tougher or stronger, whereas a lizard could make you faster.

-[] Tree, which seems to be moving in time with imaginary weather
This option upgrades Consumes Control Greater Plantlife and Solarbeam, granting in their place the skill Biosphere. Biosphere allows for complete, if slow, control of plants, as well as minor weather effects. Stand in one place and 'Planting' yourself allows your Control and power to grow. Can be improved through various trials, such as surviving extreme weather conditions with no premade gear.

Instead of revealing it however, you decide to wait. Although it looks like it's stabilizing, you don't feel like revealing it until you're sure its done with its transformation. Instead, you ask everyone to meet you in the back courtyard for lunch, promising to show them something awesome. As the bell rings and you head off to Algebra, you wave to Agatha and Ciara as you leave.

Soon enough, the lunch bell rings, and you rush out to the back courtyard. It's a fairly small space, with a few trees, a small pond and an old wooden picnic table. Using your new control over plants, you case the tree above you to sprout a few apples, which quickly ripen before falling into you hands. You really do like these new spells, you decide. Soon enough, the rest of your small group shuffles out. Vlad and Samaria give you curious looks, wondering what your surprise could be. Agatha looks kinda distracted; you should probably ask about that later. Ciara has a smug look on her face; She obviously knows what you're gonna reveal. Finally, Lykos looks disinterested, not that you really blame him.

Nonetheless, after everyone's finished their lunch, you Call down Eos. After a minute, you get a bit worried; you knew she was nearby when you Called, so you don't know what could be keeping her. As soon as the thought enters your head, though, a piercing caw resounds from overhead, and Eos comes swooping down from the sun. Her plumage looks much better than usual; it takes you a second to realize her underlying feathers are literally glowing red, giving her black body the look of an erupting volcano, lava running down the peak. Everyone makes the appropriate noises of awe and appreciation, and you give them her name and the (slightly embellished) story of her summoning. Soon enough though, lunch is over and everyone heads back inside for afternoon classes.

English and Earth Science pass quickly, and as soon as the dismissal bell rings you're out the door. Sending a quick text to your friends explain you have some research to do, you assume your Phoenix form and start winging it home. You slip quietly into the back door; you can hear Mom in the other room arguing on the phone with someone. You head downstairs, and immediately start poking and prodding the ash tree still growing into your floor, physically and magically. It seems oddly receptive to your Greater Control spell, not only moving far more fluidly to your will, but also capable of changing it's properties like hardness and flexibility. With it's extreme malleability, you could likely hide it as an accessory, before turning it into whatever shape you need, be it sword, staff or spear. It also seems to work a bit like a focus, giving you greater control and power with the magic you use to examine it.

Do you Use it as a focus?

-[] Yes, gain Artifact level focus, capable of altering shape anywhere from a small seed to a medium size tree. It can also grow as hard as steel, or as soft as foam. It is capable of enhancing your magic, although not as well as a purpose built focus; Still, it seems to be equal to a Rare quality staff. However, so long as you are wielding it, you cannot continue your research.

-[] No, continue your research. If you really need it later, you can always take it up then, right?

With your research done for the night, you decide to plan out the rest of you week before going to bed.

Pick four:
[] Social Link
-[] Vlad
-[] Lykos
-[] Samairia

[] Train
-[] Hand to Hand
-[] Sword Combat
-[] Medium Armor
-[] Nature Magic
-[] Elemental Magic
-[] Mana Sense
-[] Physical Attributes
-[] Gaia's Blessing

[] Tinker
-[] Research Artificing
-[] Research Alchemy
-[] Research Ritualcraft
-[] Research Gaia
-[] Research Foci

[] Special
-[] The Ash Tree (Note, cannot be taken if you choose to use it as a focus)
-[] In Memorium

[] Write-in


This was not nearly as painful to write, and it only took me 45 minutes! Anyway, if you are wondering why all this good stuff is happening, it could be because of the the dice. Or, it could be because you'll need it soon! *Evil QM Laugh* Anyway, next update will be kinda filler-y, although i'll be starting random encounter rolls then! Random encounters can happen anytime, and can be both good and bad. The first encounter won't really be random, since I plan to kick off some plot, but the dice roll will determine whether or not you guys are screwed over or not. Better start praying to RNJesus!
-[X] Animal, although recognizable as some creature, the characteristics of the best are still shifting
-[X] Yes, gain Artifact level focus, capable of altering shape anywhere from a small seed to a medium size tree. It can also grow as hard as steel, or as soft as foam. It is capable of enhancing your magic, although not as well as a purpose built focus; Still, it seems to be equal to a Rare quality staff. However, so long as you are wielding it, you cannot continue your research.

[X] Social Link
-[X] Agatha

Thou must seduce the childhood friend!
[X] Train
-[X] Elemental Magic
[X] Special
-[X] In Memorium
[X] Write-in: You know, we haven't thought much about the broader, global supernatural community.*
*Remember that thingie about the York Coalition and Barbagialla I wrote?