DC Trinity: A Wonder Woman Quest

[X] Princess Diana of Themyscira
Since 4/5 of the previous voters have voted in favor of Diana.

I am closing the vote.

Diana wins!

I'll have the next update up later today.

The first few updates are going to be fairly short. It is much more of a character creation than full updates and chapters. After the origin arc, chapters will be much more developed.
So origins from the list on page one im intrested in.

Born of Clay
Daughter of Ares (especialy if QM keeps his character closer to the real myth. He is way less EVILLL in myth than DC makes him out to bee)

If write ins are alowed some minor greek gods.

Daughter of Asclepius (God of medicine, health, healing, rejuvenation and physicians.)
Daughter of Hymenaios (God of marriage ceremonies, inspiring feasts and song.)
[X] Bruce Wayne
I choose this guy because I see technology as the way to go.

EDIT: Never mind, I didn't look through the thread if the vote ended
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Origins: I

Bosnia: June 28th 1914

Sweat covered his brow. His hands shook even as he wiped them against the fabric of his woolen pants. His steps were somewhat jerky as he made his way through the crowd. The noise was deafening. Could he do this? He loved his country. He hungered for its independence, but could he kill a man in cold blood? He waited. The motorcade was on its way. He hoped it took forever. He couldn't do this. It was too much. He wasn't strong enough. It was like a whisper in his ear. The harsh caress of an unrelenting lover seemed to enter him. He hated that man. He was empowered. He would fire the shot that would see his nation freed from oppression.

He laughed as the motorcade drew closer. His power grew. He moved forward with an unnatural speed from the crowd. The gun was pulled from his belt in a fluid motion.

Screams rang out among the crowd as he fired. The Archduke died instantly, his head exploding in a shower of blood which covered his wife. Gavrilo fired again, delighting in the horrified expression on the woman's face. His nation would be free from oppression.

Gavrilo did not feel the pain as guards tackled him. He only laughed.

Themisycra: June 28th, 1914
Miles away, you run along the along the beach of your island. You are unaware of the war which is about to engulf mans' world; you laugh in delight as you leap over a sea turtle which was slowly making its way along the beach. Such a delightful creature! You have always enjoyed your mornings runs, the power of the Gods coursing beneath your skin. You pause in your run, choosing to look out over the crystal blue sea. You had always known you were different...the only child born to the Amazons, but you had never known how different. Your mother's words had spoken of your birth. You had been conceived:

Conception (Determines your connection. Are you more connected to the Gods? Or connected to Humanity?) Choose One
[] [Conception] Molded by Clay
[] [Conception] Born of Hippolyta

and By
[] [Father] Zeus
Daughter of the Sky
Level 1: Speak with Flying Creatures; Proficiency in Religion, Perception, Acrobatics, Insight, Deception.
Level 2:???
Level 3: Flight
Level 4: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 5:???
Level 6: ???
Level 7: Lightning Weapon
Level 8: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 9:???
Level 10:???
Level 11: Lightning Bolt
Level 12: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 13: ???
Level 14: ???
Level 15: Telekinesis
Level 16: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 17: ???
Level 18: ???
Level 19: ???
Level 20: Attribute Score Increase (+2), ???

[] [Father] Hades
Daughter of Death
Level 1: Speak with The Dead; Proficiency in Persuasion, Nature, Medicine, Stealth, Science
Level 2:???
Level 3: Phase Step
Level 4: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 5:???
Level 6: ???
Level 7: Necrotic Weapon
Level 8: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 9: ???
Level 10: ???
Level 11: Summon the Dead
Level 12: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 13: ???
Level 14:???
Level 15: Control All Undead
Level 16: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 17: ???
Level 18: ???
Level 19:???
Level 20: Attribute Score Increase (+2), ???

[] [Father] Poseidon
Daughter of the Sea
Level 1: Speak with Sea Creatures, Proficiency in Performance, Nature, Athletics, Insight, Acrobatics
Level 2:???
Level 3: Breath Underwater
Level 4: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 5:???
Level 6: ???
Level 7: Ice Blade
Level 8: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 9: ???
Level 10: ???
Level 11: Summon Sea Creatures
Level 12: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 13: ???
Level 14: ???
Level 15: Hydrokinesis
Level 16: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 17: ????
Level 18:???
Level 19:????
Level 20: Attribute Score Increase (+2), ???

[] [Father] Ares
Daughter of War
Level 1: Proficiency in Martial Arts, Athletics, Acrobatics, History, Intimidation; Visions of War
Level 2:???
Level 3: Flight
Level 4: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 5:???
Level 6: ???
Level 7: Fire Weapon
Level 8: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 9:???
Level 10: ???
Level 11: Fire Bolt
Level 12: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 13: ???
Level 14: ???
Level 15: Pyrokinesis
Level 16: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 17:???
Level 18: ???
Level 19: ???
Level 20: Attribute Score Increase (+2), ???

[] [Father] Hephaestus
Daughter of the Forge
Level 1: Black Smith, Proficiency in Athletics, Science, Nature, Insight, History
Level 2:???
Level 3: Hiraishin (Literally the naruto ability, though nerfed)
Level 4: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 5:???
Level 6: ???
Level 7: Perfect Weapon
Level 8: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 9: ???
Level 10: ???
Level 11: Metal shield
Level 12: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 13: ???
Level 14: ???
Level 15: Telekinetic Weapons
Level 16: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 17: ????
Level 18: ???
Level 19: ???
Level 20: Attribute Score Increase (+2), ???

[] [Father] Hermes
Daughter of the Messenger
Level 1: Proficiency in Acrobatics, Athletics, Performance, Persuasion, and Stealth; Telepathic Messages
Level 2:???
Level 3: Superspeed
Level 4: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 5:???
Level 6: ???
Level 7: Double Punch
Level 8: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 9: ???
Level 10: ???
Level 11: Sonic Punch
Level 12: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 13:???
Level 14: ???
Level 15: Speed Force
Level 16: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 17: ???
Level 18: ???
Level 19: ???
Level 20: Attribute Score Increase (+2)

[] [Father] Hecate
Daughter of Magic (Technically a mother)
Level 1: Proficiency in Magic, History, Nature, Religion, Deception; Magic spells unlocked. Every level up you learn new spells.
Level 2:???
Level 3: Magic School of Choice
Level 4: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 5:???
Level 6: ???
Level 7: ???
Level 8: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 9: ???
Level 10: ???
Level 11: ???
Level 12: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 13:???
Level 14: ???
Level 15: ???
Level 16: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 17: ???
Level 18: ???
Level 19: ???
Level 20: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
[] [Father] Write-in: Greek God/Goddess
Daughter of the ????
Level 1: Proficiency in 5 Skills. One unique communication ability
Level 2:???
Level 3: One unique travel ability
Level 4: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 5:???
Level 6: ???
Level 7: one unique weapon enhancement
Level 8: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 9: ???
Level 10: ???
Level 11: one unique weapon attack
Level 12: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 13:???
Level 14: ???
Level 15: Special ability
Level 16: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 17: ???
Level 18: ???
Level 19: ???
Level 20: Attribute Score Increase (+2), ???

You shook your head. You needed to focus. The tournament was this afternoon...

Voting Format

Conception: Choose One
[] [Conception] Choose One

Father: Choose One
[] [Father] Choose One

7 Hour Moratorium on Votes.

Write-ins are accepted only within this time frame.

Discuss :)

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[] [Conception] Molded by Clay

[] [Father] Write-in: Dionysus

The world needs more merriment.
[] [Conception] Molded by Clay
[] [Father] Ares

I think this is an interesting combo. We could be some kind of ultimate warrior created by Ares, only to be stolen away by the Amazons and raised by them to protect the world instead of destroying it. Gets us a cool internal conflict and likely an interesting relationship with Ares.
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Question. Can we make new format for stats of the gods already there, if we followed their mythology?
Yup. I'll allow it.

[X] [Conception] Molded by Clay
[X] [Father] Ares

I think this is an interesting combo. We could be some kind of ultimate warrior created by Ares, only to be stolen away by the Amazons and raised by them to protect the world instead of destroying it. Gets us a cool internal conflict and likely an interesting relationship with Ares.
Voting is not open yet. 7 hour moratorium

Here is my idea for a new Hades format.

Daughter of the Death
Level 1: Proficiency in Persuasion, Martial Arts, Intimidation, Medicine, Science, and Acrobats. Skills. Be able to speak to the dead.
Level 2:???
Level 3: Flight
Level 4: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 5:???
Level 6: ???
Level 7: Necrotic Weapon
Level 8: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 9: ???
Level 10: ???
Level 11: Summon the Dead
Level 12: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 13:???
Level 14: ???
Level 15: Be Able to Control All Undead
Level 16: Attribute Score Increase (+2)
Level 17: ???
Level 18: ???
Level 19: ???
Level 20: Attribute Score Increase (+2), ???

Really the only things I changed are three skills (which are Martial Arts, Intimidation, and Acrobats) and Flight. Does this work?

Daughter of Ares (especialy if QM keeps his character closer to the real myth. He is way less EVILLL in myth than DC makes him out to bee)

On the other hand, he's kind of a bumbling idiot in most original greek myths, to the point where a form of worship for him was basically "please, go share your (lack of) tactical acumen with our enemies, thank you!".

That being said, I do admit it's a tempting choice for this quest.