Dawn-Cast Erudition: a Tale of Octopi, Worms & Spiders

It would be a shame if Annette decided to play Reed's game and sent interference at the same wavelength that her collider used. If his device interfered with hers, I wonder what his device will do with a similar issue.
Well, so in this story the local equivalent of Reed Richards has killed thousands of people with his "experiment?"

The issue is that this means there is hundreds, thousands of versions of Zion and Eden and somehow despite being being that exists in several dimensions at once and use multiversal travel, they are not aware their alternates exists.
We (entities included) are so very small in the end.
That was lovely, please do continue. :smile:

There was a possible typo here:

"... disabled her harness whole she'd ..."
"... disabled her harness while she'd ..."
Reed Richards is basically the poster child for both "High INT, low WIS" and "the road to hell is paved with good intentions".

He's kinda in the same vibe as Robert House: a genius, yes, but terrible with people. Add in that very unfortunate ego that very easily tips over into "I'm so far beyond you, you should just accept that I'm always right and always know best" even---or perhaps especially---when he is actually and in fact dead wrong, and one easily understands how he tends to end up in Villian With Good Publicity territory.
I'm pretty certain that the Doc from this universe did die, and another doc's consciousness got implanted through the disintegrator. It explains why she remembers having a daughter when the records say she never did.
So, I think it's probably a sign of some memory stuff going on, but in chapter 2 Liv tells Taylor the accident was in 2005 and in chapter 5 she says 2008. Just wanted to point that out, in case it's NOT intentional.
The issue is that this means there is hundreds, thousands of versions of Zion and Eden and somehow despite being being that exists in several dimensions at once and use multiversal travel, they are not aware their alternates exists.
In which case Reed Richards may have a valid reason for locking down dimensional travel, even if he's being an asshat about it.
In which case Reed Richards may have a valid reason for locking down dimensional travel, even if he's being an asshat about it.
Honestly, to me the whole situation reads as Richards being the first to notice the potentially world-ending problem, developing the first workable solution to deal with the issue, then refusing to tweak the solution or let others review it due to a combination of Ego and the fact that the problem is "solved", and thus doesn't need to be looked at further.
Honestly, to me the whole situation reads as Richards being the first to notice the potentially world-ending problem, developing the first workable solution to deal with the issue, then refusing to tweak the solution or let others review it due to a combination of Ego and the fact that the problem is "solved", and thus doesn't need to be looked at further.
Also because he doesn't want people taking too close a look at the entire mess, less they discover his experiments.