Here's Hoping there's approval voting.
[X] Albinea: In the frozen wastes of Albinea, they have neither king nor lord nor emperor. They do, however, have judges, who study in years-long apprenticeships to recall the traditional law (set down in verse) by heart. Disputes are resolved by councils and assemblies of these judges, with the highest authority being the annual assembly of judges at Beira.
[X] Brigid: Depending on how you translate the Brigidian word brèni, Brigid is absolutely lousy with kings; the ruler of even the smallest fishing hamlet is a brèni. Not all kings are equal, though, and ultimately, they all bow to the MacNeary king in Ruadàn. Cycles of gift-giving and tribute bind them in allegiance and fealty, even as the MacNeary now bows to Enbarr.
[X] Morfis: To believe the Morfisians, they executed their entire royal house, down to the last bastard descendant, centuries ago, and will never tolerate another to grow there again. Instead, they are governed by a collection of magistrates elected by popular assemblies, paramount among them the two Rectors. However, only members of the patrician families are eligible for election.