DARK-LORD TERRANCE QUEST: alien invaders and corrupt cops beware... there's a new... VILLAIN in town?

episode 0.5: blinding skill
OK, time to show them what REAL evil is...

"TAKE THIS!! " a little blinding spell will do...." FEAR ME!!!"

"AH!!!! MY EYES!!!!" one of these moron's says, OH MAN this is good. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?!" the other says, man these guys SUCK "OW I SHOT MYSELF IN THE FOOT!!!" ooh that's smarts, ah well time to put them out of their misery.

"and SWEEP!!!" one sweeping swing bellow the legs and TIMBER. "now you know not to mess with THE DARK-LORD THAT IS I..."

"ooooooohhhhhh.........." they moan out, huh, guess these guy's can't really take a hit. AH WELL, that's there problem.

"now then... AS i w" then i look around with everyone being shocked. "... what? never seen a super villain beat up a bunch of posers?"

"THAT WAS TOTALLY COOL!!!!" some... KID yells that our from one of the tables... wait he means me? "your like a SUPER HERO!!!!".... WHAT... did he just call me?

"h-h-HERO!? what in B" i didn't get to finish as people started CLAPPING, ok SERIOUSLY HERO!? i'm A VILLAIN!!!! "ok there is a MAJOR MISUNDERST" again didn't get to finish

"ok WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?" says some COP coming up behind me, dude had that... GLINT in his eyes... CORRUPTION... GOD i hate backstabbing bastards like this, all they do is try and worm their way to the top. "what in... wh... WHO TOOK THESE GUYS OUT?"

"YOUR LOOKING AT THE V.." again i'm interrupted by this KID, seriously, if he keeps doing this i'm going to get MAD.

"he's A SUPER HERO!!! he did this cool flash thing and them hit them in the legs with his STAFF, it WAS TOTALLY WICKED!!!".. ok the super hero part i dislike... but i'm at least glad he can take pleasure in the fact i'm AWESOME.

"... well..." he's looking around and frowning, yep, defiantly connected to these guys. "congratulations i guess.... have a nice day..." he then leaves, GOD this guy just OOZES backstabber.

wonder what i should do now?

~next action~
[X] finally get that food.

[X] ask about the officer just now.
[X] finally get that food.

just a question can we write write ins?

also is it wierd that I imagine them with an invader Zims voice

also will they get a secret identity?
Why would we need or want a secret identity?
the thing his mom told him about being a teacher stuck to me for a bit you know currupting the children of this planet by being a sub or full time teacher? and his disguised being a noticable mustache and thick rimmed glasses and Herbert in a parrot or teddy costume

edit: also a bit traditional
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to answer the question rite in's WILL become more common later one once the setting and decision in this arc will be resolved, but for now the decisions will leave the write in's for combat and certain situations, also the whole secret identity thing COULD happen but to him that comes last, but the vote for it will be added further along
episode 0.6: would you like evil with that?
I know exactly what to do now.... "... ok back onto what i CAME HERE FOR.. goes up to the counter and places a credit down. "how much can i get with this?" the cashier looks at the credit, and goes wide eyed, seriously what is so special about one CREDIT?

"uuuuhhhhhh................................... you can probably buy every single item on the menu 5 times over sir...".. f.. FIVE TIMES OVER, holy crap.. "so what would you like....?"

"m... i'll take... one of everything on the menu... and............................... um.... i don't know do whatever the hell you ant with the rest..." seriously how would my CHANGE LOOK LIKE...

".... uh ok sir.." he then grabs a mic, and speaks into it. "attention all fast-food goers,next thousand meals are on the house... please enjoy" he turns back to me. "would you like mayo or ketchup...?"

(third person view)

Terrance walks out of the restaurant, FULLY RECHARGED, and not only that, also looking MUCH more energetic. "AH!!!!! nothing like the taste of PURE EVIL to help turn every bit of fat grease and inedible substances to actual power and protean... though i find it REALLY ODD only the FRIES needed that treatment... rest of the stuff was honestly HEALTHY.... WEIRD..." he says this as he walks away.. "now... onto my NEXT STEPS IN WORLD DOMINATION... BWAHAHHAHA!!!!!" he says this... as it begins to rain...

"... well SHIT, better find somethign to get out of this, or else the only clothes i own will be WRECKED..." he says this as he heads to the only open place avialbe that would not draw any attention... a JUNK YARD. "this will have to do..."

~later at the junk yard~
(Terrance pov)

ok this place will have to do for NOW... just gotta find somewhere to sleep in this wreckage.. AH THERE, that small metal hut will have to do just gotta...

"HEY!!!!!!! your the JACK-ASS that BEAT UP MY CREW TODAY AIN'T YA?"..... oh COME ON, another foolish person trying to take ME ON? well let's see them tr HOLY SHIT that's alot of dudes... "nobody messes with the SCRAP CUTTER GANG AND GET'S AWAY WITH IT...

"... um... uh oh..."

~next actions~
[X] take these goons by yourself, they'll be EASY PICKINGS
- [X] write in

[X] well with my powers back, it's time i show them why I'M THE BIG BAD, MINIONS!!!!
[X] Plan Let the world know your might!
[X] take these goons by yourself, they'll be EASY PICKINGS
-[X] Let's show these fools how outmatched they are.
--[X] Stay rooted and give them a free attack, let them break their arms upon you.
---[X] Taunt "That's it? I expected more."
----[X] Beat them down, break a bone or two but let them live
-----[X] Summon Minions and conjure fire or lightning to instill fear in them.
------[X] "Flee! Pathetic dregs! Let all know the might of Lord Terrance!"
[X] Plan Recruits (^▽^)
[X] take these goons by yourself, they'll be EASY PICKINGS
-[X] (give a hearty clap) I'll give a gold star for spirit in your audition on being my MINIONS but if thats all you got then that just wont do. soo how about you guys start as my lakies then will see if I could train you guys up to MINION status ok. Herbert can you give them the orientation please.
-[X]Let Herbert test the new recruits while you criticize they're performance.
i hope everyone is enjoying the quest so far, but we'll need a deciding vote to continue, or do you want me to combine the options together to form a single action?
episode 0.7: demonstration of power
... so bunch of random goons come before me... thinking they are better then me... well then... let's SHOW THEM WHY THEIR WRONG..." i would give you a gold star for spirit for trying to be my minions, but you'll have to try MUCH HARDER THEN THAT i must say... after all i don't even think you can even do a THING to me" that's sure to get their aten. OW..... OK got shot in the eye, damn that's gonna be a pain for a bit, "is that all you GOT? a few bi bi guns? let me show you what a REAL VILLAIN CAN DO.... and his SPIDER COMPANION..." alright herbert... show them what YOUR made of...
(3rd person pov)

the gang was CONFUSED, this guy just let a tiny spider like thing out, and it was starting to glow green... and grow bigger... and bigger, until it was THEIR SIZE... "now herbert... be a buddy and show them the ROPES..." the spider SCREECHES at the gang, making them PANIC, and then Terrance makes a magical field. "oh your not trying to RUN ARE YOU? i'm just getting WARMED UP!!!" he says this as he starts causing their weapons to MELT IN THEIR HANDS, causing them to drop them, lightning flashes in the sky... and then... the gang now being frightened by the PURE WIZARDRY that Terrance was pulling off. "ok, i think that's enough of a DEMONSTRATION.... now it's time forth REAL DEAL..."

Soon metal from across the junkyard started to gather... as they formed into clumps of rusted iron and other parts... before being covered in BLACK MIST.... the creaking and cutting of metal was heard... and the mist fades... revealing 20 silver and copper colored beings where formed. "BEHOLD FOOLS!!!! my NEW MINIONS, CRAFTERS!!!!" he shouts at the weird creatures. "... show these MORONS THE DOOR..."

The gang then RUN FOR THEIR LIVES, with the barrier keeping them in now gone. "LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!!!!!!" one of the goons said. "W WAIT FOR ME YOU NUMNUTS!!!! I AIN'T DIEING TO SOME CRAZY SUPER VILLAIN!!!!" their leader says, all of the goons are soon gone, leaving the crafters and Terrance alone.
(Terrance pov)

"well that was easier then i thought, though who needs spineless fools like THEM in my army anyways, besides, I GOT NEW MINIONS already, now... come on herbert let's find a place to sleep, almost lost track of what i was doing" my loyal spider companion shrink back down, and hops on my shoulder, ah Herbert, what would i do without you?

anyways, time to rest, into the metal hut i go... and... MAN is this thing DIRTY, bunch of random clothes, a few dozen random objects, a television, some books, a gun r... OH... this was their base... "well sucks for those metal cutters, THIS IS MY BASE NOW, HAH!!!... hm.. what to do now though?"

~next action~

[X] clean the base up, every villain needs a clean base to concentrate

[X] get some rest, it's been a long day.
[X] get some rest, it's been a long day.

Think it'd be funnier if people come in and the base is a literal trash heap still
episode 0.8: cleaning OF DOOM
seriously, who can SLEEP in a place like this at the moment. "ALRIGHT BOYS!!!! it's CLEANING TIME" i use my magic to form some cleaning supplies, and grab a duster and cloth. "grab a tool and let's MAKE THIS PLACE LIVABLE..."

(3rd person view}

Terrance and the crafters got to work, and all while listening to a local radio playing a song called 'dare to be stupid', which the minions enjoyed listening too as they mopped the floors. "alright be careful with the WA!!!!!!!!"then Terrance get's splashed with a dose of paint from some minions painting the roof. "...... that's it, you 2 are on GUARD DUTY FOR A WEEK..." he says this as he washes off the paint.

during all this the minions and Terrance himself work hard to make the new lair more livable then a shack in a junkyard, it was now looking like a fully fledged evil lair... in a junk yard. the walls where redone with a sturdier metal, the roof was given a good coat of black paint, the floor was sparkling and clean, and most importantly, it now had running water and a working bathroom. "FINALLY, man that was great work done... finally the place is LIVABLE.... don't you agree herbert?" terrance asks the spider, which responds with a few noises. "well ya i know it's not much, but it's a st..." then.. a knock on the door is heard. "... who could that be?"

~next action~

[X] answer the door while trying to keep your cool and not instantly blast whoever is there.

[X] answer the door with staff out and glaring.