... so bunch of random goons come before me... thinking they are better then me... well then... let's SHOW THEM WHY THEIR WRONG..." i would give you a gold star for spirit for trying to be my minions, but you'll have to try MUCH HARDER THEN THAT i must say... after all i don't even think you can even do a THING to me" that's sure to get their aten. OW..... OK got shot in the eye, damn that's gonna be a pain for a bit, "is that all you GOT? a few bi bi guns? let me show you what a REAL VILLAIN CAN DO.... and his SPIDER COMPANION..." alright herbert... show them what YOUR made of...
(3rd person pov)
the gang was CONFUSED, this guy just let a tiny spider like thing out, and it was starting to glow green... and grow bigger... and bigger, until it was THEIR SIZE... "now herbert... be a buddy and show them the ROPES..." the spider SCREECHES at the gang, making them PANIC, and then Terrance makes a magical field. "oh your not trying to RUN ARE YOU? i'm just getting WARMED UP!!!" he says this as he starts causing their weapons to MELT IN THEIR HANDS, causing them to drop them, lightning flashes in the sky... and then... the gang now being frightened by the PURE WIZARDRY that Terrance was pulling off. "ok, i think that's enough of a DEMONSTRATION.... now it's time forth REAL DEAL..."
Soon metal from across the junkyard started to gather... as they formed into clumps of rusted iron and other parts... before being covered in BLACK MIST.... the creaking and cutting of metal was heard... and the mist fades... revealing 20 silver and copper colored beings where formed. "BEHOLD FOOLS!!!! my NEW MINIONS, CRAFTERS!!!!" he shouts at the weird creatures. "... show these MORONS THE DOOR..."
The gang then RUN FOR THEIR LIVES, with the barrier keeping them in now gone. "LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!!!!!!" one of the goons said. "W WAIT FOR ME YOU NUMNUTS!!!! I AIN'T DIEING TO SOME CRAZY SUPER VILLAIN!!!!" their leader says, all of the goons are soon gone, leaving the crafters and Terrance alone.
(Terrance pov)
"well that was easier then i thought, though who needs spineless fools like THEM in my army anyways, besides, I GOT NEW MINIONS already, now... come on herbert let's find a place to sleep, almost lost track of what i was doing" my loyal spider companion shrink back down, and hops on my shoulder, ah Herbert, what would i do without you?
anyways, time to rest, into the metal hut i go... and... MAN is this thing DIRTY, bunch of random clothes, a few dozen random objects, a television, some books, a gun r... OH... this was their base... "well sucks for those metal cutters, THIS IS MY BASE NOW, HAH!!!... hm.. what to do now though?"
~next action~
[X] clean the base up, every villain needs a clean base to concentrate
[X] get some rest, it's been a long day.