(Terrance pov)
hm... well... after begin inside a pod for quite some time a new haircut WOULD be welcome. "how about a haircut?" the spider makes clicking noises, it's eyes looking in a mocking way. "what do you MEAN that's a dumb first action? i think it's a really good idea..."
the place i landed in seems so old compared to back home, nothing even suggesting they even have anything beyond the most basic of robotic's and engineering, though at the side of the primitive street, i DO see a pole with red, white and blue on it, maybe that's the place i need to go?
entering this place... ya definitely a place to get a haircut, that's for sure, after all, why else would so many people be here having their hair washed and cut. some weird otherworldly cult of nut-jobs?
"AHEM" OK, everyone is looking my directions now, good. "i would like a haircut please... sorta need one after being stuck in that pod for 5000 years.... so bring me the BEST person you have here.." OK s..
"alright sir, we'll get you someone to do your hair, payment will need to be made in advanced."...payment... RIGHT forgot that was a thing... wonder if they take galactic credits..
"um... do you take this type of currency?" i then place down a standard credit, mostly a emerald gemstone cut into a card form, not worth m... wait why is everyone starring? "um... something the matter?"
"... sir... i think you MAY be overpaying... would.. you like to have the VIP TREATMENT?" the receptionist says,SLACK JAWED... why was she slack jawed, it's only 1 CREDIT, sheesh.. how valuable can one credit be on this planet?
"uh... SURE?" once again Herbert is making clicking sounds and looking at all the other people in the room "ya i' as confused as YOU ARE..." soon the receptionist takes the green credit... and walks into the back of the building.... then a VERY spiffy person walks out.
"ah you must be the customer, please come this way..." the guy says, SHEESH does he really need to use THAT MUCH GEL? it looks like his hair is PLASTIC. damn he looks WEIRD... "let us BEGIN..." he says this once i'm in a chair, and Holy this guy works fast, his hands are a blur...
"wow your working pretty fast" huh, my beard and mustache are gone now, EXCELLENT!! and now soon i'll no longer look like a mangy beast... a.. wait... THE BRIGADIERS BALLISTA!? "WHAT THE?! why did you cut my hair into this... THIS CRAZY SPIKY STYLE?!"
"why it's the most POPULAR vip cut we HAVE, the true WILD.... you like it?" he HONESTLY says that... my hair is literally now like a mix of being spiky and smooth, I've now got bangs that covers one of my eyes, and the most shocking of all, i feel like i'm straight out of some... MAGAZINE COVER....
"LIKE IT!?!?" i yell out.. " I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!!!!!! i feel like a TRUE VILLAIN again, man and i thought my OLD ONE was evil, but this one, the spikes of a dark madman, the slickness of an evil mastermind, THE EDGE OF A TRUE DARK-LORD, and the style of a MANIPULATOR, worth every BLOODY CREDIT i paid for it, BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"
"ooh glad you like it, make sure to come back at least once a month mr vip, after all you DID buy the lifetime membership option" this guy was smil... wait LIFETIME? seriously how much is a single credit worth here? but now what?
[X] time to search for a NEW base of operations, every good baddie needs a good base
[X] time to find some grub, seriously it must be even cheaper then the hair cut