[X] The crew.
-[X] Continue mainly working on the crew, but have Kattarin assigned to take care of you when you are exhausted. Talk to her then.
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Crew is also tempting, of course, but it may be nice to have some sort of tether to normalcy and the undead do not provide.

You have the wrong crew in mind
This vote is about the human crew and not Dagwoods

Also I highly doubt Kattarin will provide any of the 'normalcy' you have in mind nor that we are in particular need of that at the moment

You have to remember for Kattarin we are some random potential hostile stangers that just tried to take over their ship, therfore expecting any kind of kindness of comfort would be rather foolish, unless we manage to charm her beforehand

Also another thing is that Camilla has a distaste for Kattarin on the base that she is a noble brat, therefore I doubt she would actively seek Kattarin out for any kind of 'normalcy' since from Camilla's PoV Kattarin would not be able to provide any of that, especially if Camilla seeks her out to spy on her, which you just voted for

Finally I don't think that Camilla is in the need nor desires a 'nromal enviroment' since
1. It would just underline how she doesn't fit in and thus remind her of her horrible experience
2. the 'normal enviroment' for somebody of Camilla's station is a shitty place to live in

I think what she currently needs the most is to build up her confidence so that she can overcome both her trauma and her fear that everything will go to hell

-[X] Continue mainly working on the crew, but have Kattarin assigned to take care of you when you are exhausted. Talk to her then.

Sorry to disappoint you, but it doesn't work like that
1. no write in option,
2. That is the wrong crew you are voting for here, the crew in this vote is Kattarin's and not Dagwoods
3. Even then we would not be able to further help Dagwoods crew at the moment since we decided we would stick with Az for the first recruitment campaign which will happen soon, if it not has already started
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You have the wrong crew in mind
This vote is about the human crew and not Dagwoods
Oh darn it, I think you're right. Since we're on the other ship now and all...

Well, the crew is still tempting, possibly more so, but now for different reasons.
Also I highly doubt Kattarin will provide any of the 'normalcy' you have in mind nor that we are in particular need of that at the moment
Disagree here. She's a human with human tendencies acting humanly. Compared to Ghost Pirates and the Lord of All Tyrants, that's plenty normal.

Are we in particular need of such right now? Eh, probably not. Might it be nice to have, something to keep us centered and gravitated? The possibility exists.
You have to remember for Kattarin we are some random potential hostile stangers that just tried to take over their ship, therfore expecting any kind of kindness of comfort would be rather foolish, unless we manage to charm her beforehand
I expect nor need neither of those. Your worst enemy can be just as much of a focusing influence as your best friend.
Also another thing is that Camilla has a distaste for Kattarin on the base that she is a noble brat, therefore I doubt she would actively seek Kattarin out for any kind of 'normalcy' since from Camilla's PoV Kattarin would not be able to provide any of that, especially if Camilla seeks her out to spy on her, which you just voted for

Finally I don't think that Camilla is in the need nor desires a 'nromal enviroment' since
1. It would just underline how she doesn't fit in and thus remind her of her horrible experience
2. the 'normal enviroment' for somebody of Camilla's station is a shitty place to live in

I think what she currently needs the most is to build up her confidence so that she can overcome both her trauma and her fear that everything will go to hell
We have no confirmation that Camilla disliked Kattarin necessarily, just that she can only think of her as a noble right now, and we voted to interact with her.

She can fit in decently well, being entirely human externally, and normal doesn't mean 'exactly the same as before', it means 'hey not undead people exist'. Which I now realize the crew could also provide as well or better than Kattarin, but for several reasons my vote stays.

And I agree with you on that last point, to be honest, but none of the current options particularly facilitate that.
Oh darn it, I think you're right. Since we're on the other ship now and all...
I was under an impression that we are replacing them with Dagwood's, at least temporarily.
A representative may join me to petition the Council of Confederacies over the return of the ship after the payment of an appropriate penalty, while the rest of the crew shall be left with adequate supplies to return to their nearest confederates, which in this case shall mean longboats with food and water and some means of signalling the rest of your fleet."
Nodding, Az says, "Most excellent. I ask the surviving crew to attend to those caught up in the fighting and to prepare adequate supplies to be set adrift while I converse with my allies on the preparation of a prize crew. Lady del Torros, if you might prepare the records for my examination after, that will greatly smooth things over."

Everyone just sort of mills around in shock for a moment before Kattarin barks at them all to get moving before the maniac in their midst starts killing again, at which point they begin the process of evacuation with remarkable alacrity.
Otherwise I don't know why they would evacuate now.
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I was under an impression that we are replacing them with Dagwood's, at least temporarily.

Otherwise I don't know why they would evacuate now.

hmm now that you mention it

I was under the impression that we would at least keep some of them on the ship and that we would interact with these then, that might however not be the choice here

Let's better just ask the man himself

@Academia Nut the crew that we can interact with, would that be Dagwoods crew or would that be the human crew ?
Ok, that piracy didn't go as I had expected. It went far better!

[X] Kattarin
Kattarin introductions
You consider the implications Az is making before you say, "I should interview her..." you glance at the chaos as the crew begins the process of abandoning ship and add on with a sigh, "Once all of that is cleared out."

The waxing crescent of the moon is not yet halfway across the sky when the little flotilla of longboats is shoved away and the sails of the captured ship billow out as the skeleton crew aboard begin to have it follow in the wake of the Spritely Sinner. For your part you're sitting on one of the upper decks, having been informed by Az to let your introduction wait until after Kattarin has finished assembling the full ship's manifest, the abbreviated one for the issuing of a receipt - Az was truly insane! - having been included with the raft of boats for the rest of the fleet to find. Finally, around what you estimate to be a little after midnight you hear the door to the captain's cabin open and the noblewoman peaks her head out.

"Glad you could join us for this witching hour," you note with a tired and bored tone while half looking out at the starlit ocean.

Kattarin gives a "Hmph!" and almost closes the cabin door again, before she has the sudden realization that she is still a captive and instead asks, "Who are you and what do you want?"

"I'm Camilla and what I want is for you to either confirm that you're going to sleep, or to know what you're doing still up," you say, perhaps a bit more snippishly than is necessary. You're tired and not entirely certain what you're supposed to be doing, but still up because you're pretty sure it's expected of you.

"I'm doing the job that maniac you take orders from asked of me!" Kattarin snapped back.

You're about ready to launch into a full blown explosion before you shake your head and say, "Okay, you know what? I don't think he needs either of us to snap to right away. You, me, we need to talk in the morning. I'm getting some rest, and I suggest you do too."

Initial impression now thoroughly blown, you head to the eerily empty below decks to hop into a hammock and get some shut eye.

Come the morning, and neither you nor Kattarin are in much of a better mood. She's clearly stressed out and didn't sleep well, and seeing the half-living crew of the Spritely Sinner in full light clearly isn't helping her mood. While sympathetic, seeing her in full light somewhat sours your mood. She is every inch the aristocratic Semish lady at prime matrimonial age, and something about it annoys you on a fundamental level. You think in your prior life you had some sort of interaction with those sorts, and they weren't good interactions. The perfect height to be of noble bearing and able to loom over others without being mannishly large, she has fine boned features and smooth, pale olive skin free of blemishes. Hair that is obviously supposed to be naturally dark has been fashionably bleached blonde and then dyed a vibrant red of just a perfect shade to actually go with her complexion, the individual strands then gathered up into dozens upon dozens of fine braids that have then been arranged into a coil atop her head - you think on the mainlands women attach elaborate wigs, hats, and props to these sorts of structures. While rumpled from the late night, she is wearing a long dress of brightly pigmented red and blue layers. Everything about her screams wealth, both in her accoutrements and the fact that she has to have both extravagant amounts of time and servants to put such care into her appearance.

You note as you chew on a biscuit that you're also feeling rather self-conscious about your own appearance. Your hair has started to grow back, but the scars on your skull mean that the straw fuzz there is coming in patchy, and you will probably never have nice hair in your life.

Glaring at you, Kattarin asks in imperious interrogation, "Are you ready to interrogate me then?"

Snapping off a chunk of the hard tack to begin labouriously chewing it, you say, "Sure, let's call it that, Lady del Torros. I'm Camilla, I guess what amounts to second-in-command for Az for the time being, and he wants me to come to some sort of conclusion about you. So, tell me all about yourself."

Sitting down all prim and proper, Kattarin sticks out her chin at you and says, "Very well. As you heard last night, I am Kattarin d'Jauney del Torros, daughter of Imperial Representative to Torros, Emeil d'Jauney del Sorrosos. I elected to remain with your group as the most competent person of the ship to argue in the favour of Semish Empire."

You idly note that there is an undercurrent of fear and disgust when she says that, and you ask, "Any other reasons."

Kattarin looks perturbed and disturbed, and you wonder if perhaps there is some tell from the use of your sensory magic that no one has mentioned, and after a moment she said, "I... actually, yes, I also felt that I would be safer with your 'Az' than stranded on a boat surrounded by upset sailors and my father incapacitated. His attitude seems... structured and thus I judged my chances of remaining unmolested were highest this way."

That is a fear that you can understand and you nod and say with full sincerity, "That is something that I can assure you shall not be a problem here. Neither Az nor Dagwood and his crew has any interest in that sort of thing... okay, maybe Az has a sexual side, but he hasn't expressed it to me."

The look that crosses over Kattarin's face is both subtle and infuriating, but she quickly smooths it over and says, "Something to be grateful for, to be sure." After a moment, she asks, "You seem to know him well enough, do you think he would be open to legal arguments for the return of this ship to the Empire, or if his decisions are proof against outside arguments."

You consider the question while noting that her asking that gives you a number of clues about her. After a moment you shrug and say, "I think he would welcome you arguing your case... I just don't think you'll be able to win."

At that Kattarin's hackles are raised and she states, "I will have you know that I am no stranger to rhetoric or the study of the law, so I ask that you not assume that I am incapable of such."

You note that this is an obvious sore point, but stare at her blankly for a moment before saying sarcastically, "That you think that comment reflects in any way upon you rather than Az ironically does reflect upon you." Sighing, you then ask, "You really need to get this ship back, don't you?"

"For honour's sake, I must fight for it as hard as possible in every way possible," Kattarin states firmly. After a moment's reflection, she adds on, "That is most definitely the largest reason I had for accompanying this ship: the fight for it is not over. I will admit my chances are slim, but simply relenting now would bring further shame on my family."

You mull over what to say to that before you reply, "Honestly, I don't think its possible for a loss to Az to truly bring shame. Az is just straight up not fair to fight against."

"I'm honestly not," Az says as he sweeps onto the scene, a bottle of rum in one hand and a trio of silver goblets in the other, everything clearly taken from the captain's quarters. Plopping himself down leisurely on the deck nearby, he looks at the two of you from behind his mask, which you now recognize as a modification of a sort of carnival mask, and he asks, "So, you two getting along?"

Considering the question, you answer before Kattarin with a blunt, "Not particularly. I mean, not really fighting, I just don't think we're 'getting along', per se."

"Give it time, give it time," Az says with a smile as he pours a measure of rum into one of the goblets. He then asks, "Grog ration, either of you?"

Both you and Kattarin consider the request and slowly say, "No."

Az shrugs and says, "Okay, well, there will be some for you if you decide you want your share."

Kattarin assesses Az quietly as he drinks, and you assess her. After a few minutes of awkward silence, she comments, "From last night, I would not have pegged you as a drinker."

You know that this whole thing feels out of character, in that while Az hasn't really been around alcohol for the past month, above all other things he definitely needs to be in control, over himself most of all. All you can figure is that he's doing something peculiar with all of this. Testing her, testing you maybe?

"Not really, but the enjoyment of good craft is its own reward," Az says. He holds up the bottle of rum to the light, letting the sun shine through the thick, dark glass and the liquid sloshing about within.

Everything is eerily quiet, the crew content to not interfere with things and you and Kattarin mostly watching Az drink as the sun rises into the sky. There is the occasional bit of chatter, but there is a definite tension in the air from everything, before Az finishes off his third of the bottle and asks once again, "Either of you care for your share?"

Once again the both of you answer with a slow and deliberate, "No, thank you."

Hopping from a seated position to standing with a flick of his body, Az stretches out as if he hadn't just spent the whole morning drinking and asks, "So, Councillor Camilla, your assessment of our guest?"

You blink owlishly at the fact that apparently alcohol does nothing at all to Az and why would you expect anything less and then say, "The Lady d'Jauney is extremely concerned with mitigating the dishonour your seizure of this ship has brought upon her family and is hopeful that with preparation and study she can find some way to argue the return of the ship."

Rubbing his index finger and thumb on his chin thoughtfully, he shrugs and says, "It's not impossible, but the ship itself is is obvious violation of treaty, to say nothing of the cargo."

"More of this treaty nonsense! I have never heard of Confederacy of..." Kattarin begins, before trailing off at the foreign term that had been used the night before.

"Xoiharl Confederacy," Az helpfully provides.

"Xoiharl Confederacy, or of the Treaty of Thirteen Cities. The Semish are part of no such thing!" Kattarin protests.

"I will admit that there is not much of the Xoiharl Confederacy, but I am in fact a lawful executor of its duties and responsibilities, and the Twelve Cities are most definitely the same Twelve the treaty refers to, the Thirteenth being the Xoiharl capital. Since the Semish claim continuity of government as far back as there have been Semish, and the treaty by its writing would not have been annulled, they are bound by it. The failure of the Semish and Xoiharl to fulfill their treaty obligations up to this point is regrettable, but I intend to see to proper compliance of all parties going forward."

Kattarin considers this in confusion for a moment before her brows furrow, and then a look of shock crosses her face and she says accusingly, "You mean the First Empire!"

Az takes a melodramatic bow and says, "The blood of emperors flows in my veins, and I have studied the treaties made by the organization most carefully, better than anyone else since the passing of the First Emperor. One could accuse me of using old laws as a cover for naked force, but, let us be honest, a law that no one follows is not a law, and there are many laws that we find convenient to ignore unless there is force to back them."

Kattarin struggles to figure some response to this out before she proclaims, "Then fight the enemies of the Semish!"

Az smiles, his mask giving his features a strange and unsettling accentuation, before he says, "But of course! The treaty does obligate the Confederacy to render military support and aid to the Twelve Cities and their territories, although if they wish me to render support more extensive than what materials I can obtain by my own initiative, they will have to stop acting out of treaty and grant control over their forces and foreign policy to the Confederacy, as represented by the War Council, which currently consists of me, Camilla, and possibly Nathaniel. Not sure if he wants the position to be honest. Also, I'm planning on executing him as soon as possible for all of his piracy, and that makes the politics of the situation so much more complicated."

You gasp at Az's blunt admission to planning to kill Captain Dagwood, but you look around in confusion at the blank stares of the man's crew and feel like you have missed an important conversation somewhere. After a second it dawns on you that Nathaniel wants to die, and in fact his piracy has been related to the fact that he can't die and is looking for a cure. Is this just Az being his weirdly honest yet deceptive self? You'll have to talk to him about this later.

"Why is she on your council?" Kattarin demands.

"Because she is skilled and useful. Why, would you like to be on my council?" Az asks.

Both you and Kattarin blink at that question, at which point Kattarin demands to know, "Why would I want to?"

"A way to influence and control me, maybe a way to whisper in my ear 'inspect the Semish less, attack the Juntlunders more', or perhaps a simple desire for power?" Az suggests, pausing slightly in feigned consideration. "I mean, once I find a way to safely get you back to your people you are free to go, but I suppose the question you should ask yourself is if you want to go? I've been learning a few things, and I'm sure you know that the governors of the colonies are not drawn from the supporters of the current Emperor, but from the loyal opposition. A way to get certain inconvenient people away from court at home. The loss of a warship, that will look poorly for your father, now won't it?"

"Joining up with a mad cultist-" Kattarin begins to spit, only for Az to interrupt her by moving in close and placing a finger on her lips. While the uncharacteristic intrusion is actually surprisingly gentle aside from the invasion of personal space, it immediately causes Kattarin to go dead silent.

You also feel a slight flush of jealousy upon your cheeks that you immediately try to suppress out of embarrassment. You're not interested in the First Emperor!

Even though you have to admit that he is really quite gorgeous in his own somewhat malevolent way and you've seen him move and-

No! Bad thoughts! Back to the matter at hand!

"That I claim use of the legend of the First Emperor and the laws he laid out, including the fact that they are written so that despite his passing they could not have been annulled within the past two thousand years, does not in any way mean I worship him. I have no time for such foolishness," Az explains, and you marvel not just at his ability to spin lies out of truth but the fact that he does it so quickly and effortlessly.

"But yes, if you wanted, I could bring you into the inner circle of this merry little adventure. I'm thinking I will seek a figurehead to be captain at first. You being the pirate queen while I work from the background as the dangerous figure of menace and dread would have its advantages, don't you think? And were you 'captain', it would require considerable effort on my part to get you to go along with interfering with the Semish Empire and its allies," Az details out, and while you're still not sure why he's pushing this offer, you're starting to get a feel for the slippery, sideways way his mind works at times.

"And then what? What do you want? Is this all just a lust for wealth wrapped in a desire to somehow seem like you're in the right instead of just another thug at sea?" Kattarin demands.

Az smiles that enigmatic smile of his and picks up the silver goblet he had been drinking from and the bottle of rum. "Do you ever consider what goes into making these? The miners, the woodcutters, the farmers, the distillers, the smiths, the carpenters, the sailors, the soldiers and constables, the bureaucrats, and all the other people who go into turning lumps of ore and vegetable matter into the luxuries you see before you? Do you ever think about the churning mass of humanity these simple things represent? I don't want rum and silver, I want all the things that go into rum and silver, to put all the little things to order."

He then turns to you and asks, "Tell me Camilla, would you feel better if you were to put Kattarin here to order? I did see your work with Marcus and the rest of the crew."

Your blood runs cold at that, as you realize he is asking if you can change Kattarin, to reach into her mind and soul to prune and rearrange her thoughts, emotions, and memories, to make her the perfectly loyal lieutenant. You honestly don't know if you are able to, at least not with any proficiency, but he is definitely looking for an answer, even as Kattarin looks on in concern and confusion.

You answer...
[] Yes
[] Not yet
[] Maybe?
[] I can't
[] I won't
[X] Yes

1. Cause that is the reason we gave Camilla these skills, I know hardly a justification, but we need to remember that we watned these skill in the first place
2. Kattarin won't help without some serious persuasion and while I do think Az could do so given time, this would mean the creation of a rival, which means inner conflicts and politics fown the road, something I wish to avoid for as long as I can, so better nip the bud and 'recruit' her ourself and maybe install some love/lust while we are at it in order to avoid a betrayl
3. This whole thing is a test from Az, how we react to unknown situations, how far our willingness to accomplish our goals goes, what we are willing to do to help him etc. better fulfill his expectations and get into his good gracesby doing this instead of saying flat out no and lowering our value to him
4. We need to get over our fear and hestiation of our abilieties, and I think here saying yes would be the quickest way to do so, we have them and we must use them if we wish to survive the coming tidings, it will only get more difficult from out here, after all we have left the 'tutorial/initial area' beyond us and once Az has his ship and his plan comes in motion, real opponents will come our way, seeking to stop Az and for those we must prepare
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[X] I won't.

I think that our character should argue against this on basis that circumstances may arise in which using our powers to warp the mind of others is necessary but it should not be done trivially or when other options are available.
[X] not yet

Let's be honest with the nice tyrant god who pulled us out of the living hell of being possessed.
edit: vote change
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I think that our character should argue against this on basis that circumstances may arise in which using our powers to warp the mind of others is necessary but it should not be done trivially or when other options are available

The thing is we gave Camillia these very skills to be used trivially, as an easy way to gather informationa, subvert enemies and recruit follwers and not using them outside of the most direst of circumstances will not only make us useless to Az in most cases but also will us left unskilled in them since we would never use them
You have to remember There is also no promises that even if we do refuse here that not something worse will happen to Kattarin, you need to remember that while Az might have been nice and charming to us so far, he is still the first Emperor and won't hesitiate to force the issue if he has to, he just hold himself above such things most of the time

Another thing people need to consider is that we are playing a Tyranny-esque scenario her, meaning that might makes right in most cases and That some small evils now might allow us to more and greater good down the road

In this case the example would be saying yes, thus getting over our fears about the skill and converting Kattarin to our course of action, so that we can later use our skills without hesitiation in a time where it might safe somebodys life
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The thing is we gave Camillia these very skills to be used trivially, as an easy way to gather informationa, subvert enemies and recruit follwers and not using them outside of the most direst of circumstances will not only make us useless to Az in most cases but also will us left unskilled in them since we would never use them
You have to remember There is also no promises that even if we do refuse here that not something worse will happen to Kattarin, you need to remember that while Az might have been nice and charming to us so far, he is still the first Emperor and won't hesitiate to force the issue if he has to, he just hold himself above such things most of the time

Another thing people need to consider is that we are playing a Tyranny-esque scenario her, meaning that might makes right in most cases and that we better should look out for ourselve until we are powerful enough to safe other people

I realize that we will eventually reach the point where our character regularly uses her power but I think that it should take a lot more persuasion and corruption for our character from Az. I think that a story where our character is gradually corrupted by her involvement with Az is superior to a story where she simply abandons morality. Her use of mental manipulation to help Captain Dagwood is an excellent example of what I would like to see more of.
I think that a story where our character is gradually corrupted by her involvement with Az is superior to a story where she simply abandons morality.

The thing is Camilla has no morals, she is perfectly fine with lying to others, stealing their stuff and with manipulating them if it helps her in her survival

Her hesitiation to use her skills also doesn't come from any form of moral highground that she might claim, but from her own Trauma

Her use of mental manipulation to help Captain Dagwood is an excellent example of what I would like to see more of.

Only that this was an extreme case that I don't think we will see again for quite some time,

After all can you imagine another situation, barring extreme cricumstances, where people want and need soul and memory manipulation and where Camilla would still 'help' people ?

I think even if we would find a situation where we could help people with our skills, there would still be a high chance for us to be betrayed, hunted or attacked for possing such an 'awful' skill/magic

While we are at it @Academia Nut say how does the skill system work, at which level would be be considered proficient at something ?
The thing is Camilla has no morals, she is perfectly fine with lying to others, stealing their stuff and with manipulating them if it helps her in her survival

Her hesitiation to use her skills also doesn't come from any form of moral highground that she might claim, but from her own Trauma

I don't mind you trying to vigorously argue your point and try to sway people, but don't start lying. You aren't Az, it's not as convincing.

" You are somewhat frightened by the combination of pure skill and brutal, callus disregard for the sanctity of others the demon had to have had to do its job so quickly and efficiently."

This is a very clear moral stance expressed in the previous update. If necessary, I will gladly go fishing for more quotes. The point is, she has morals and she's traumatized.

This is why I chose "I won't." because that's the most in character response that isn't Maybe? because she only recently escaped from the life she was forced into. So argue for moving the character forward with "Yes" all you want, but don't start lying about it. Or selling alternative facts.
Then why '[ ]Maybe' and not simple '[ ]Not Yet' as the choice, this is after all literally what you just said ^^
I knew somebody would ask that.
Because choosing "not yet" makes her put it off for now, while with "maybe" she considers it, or so I hope. She might even have a discussion about it with Az, though I doubt it.

Edit: Not sure if I expressed my thoughts correctly. In short, "Yes" seems unrealistic to me and "Maybe" looks like the next fastest option to get her on that path.
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This is a very clear moral stance expressed in the previous update. If necessary, I will gladly go fishing for more quotes. The point is, she has morals and she's traumatized.

Ivy my sentence was

The thing is Camilla has no morals, if it helps her in her survival

Outside of it she naturally has morals, she isn't a sociopath after all, however if Camilla thinks her future might depent on it, such as it could be the case here,

It is why '[]Yes' could also be considered an in character response, beause she knows that she can't escape Az and therefore needs to stay in his good graces, it is the response where she puts her surivival before her morals

Sorry if the structure of my sentence was a bit confusing, english is not my first language and as such some higher skills in it are lost to me
It wasn't my intention to do something like that, sorry Ivy

This is why I chose "I won't." because that's the most in character response that isn't

I think it's etablished that AN can write anything into being the in-character response
Other then that I think Thatby directly stating I won't we will permanently close Doors and might even cripple Camilla in an unconventional sense, since we would give her strong morals/convictions about her skills/magic in a setting where it would be incredbile inconvinient and where it might come back to bite once Az comes around to recruit more followers

Remember that when we created Camillia we had the very thing in mind that you want to deny us now and that if we close her that door now, we won't have many others things to rely on since Camilla doesn't have many other skills that she can boast of