Cute and Eldritch, Magical Girl Mascot Quest

Who will be our first victim?

  • Why is someone locked in a metal box? And why is their body rotting? (Worm)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Why is that blonde girl being hold by those burly men and held at gunpoint? (Worm 2, Lisa Boogaloo)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Why is that girl shooting at a giant brain? (Worm 3, It's Contessa Time)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
[X] Make them a better body (Magical Machine, just solve most of its body's problems with magic)
[X] Offer them a pact! (True and proper magical Girl. Can be done as an addition to all other stuff)
[X] Give a guideline for what her powers will be! (rapid integration of other machinery into themselves)
[X] Galatea
Meet Elma
[x] Make them a better body (Eldritch Machine, just solve most of its body's problems by grafting pieces of your own body to its frame)
[x] Offer them a pact! (True and proper magical Girl. Can be done as an addition to all other stuff)
[x] Eldritch Machine... ELMA?
[x] Give a guideline for what her powers will be! (Since they like lasers so much, give them colorful light-based powers. A neon magical girl in a cyberpunk world!)

After having puunced on the poor thing's soul, all that remains is to actually do what you came here for. First thing first. Its body. It's an absolute mess. Most sensors are gone, or so dirty it's disgusting, while an arm is missing, and both leg's internals are patched up, and will not survive the day with costant usage. The internal batteries are leacking, the suspensions are cracked, the self-repair system is straight up gone, the coms are unconnected, radio emitters are gone...

The more you look at this the more you understand how much the poor hing has gone through. Well, this just wouldn't do! Not for one of yours, anyway. You'll just... slide a bit of tentacles here and there, you're sure it'll be fine. They work for you, so they must also work for them, right?What you can do is clean everything with just a swipe of your tentacles. Like this they'll be able to see you once again!

Something slicky goes over your sensors, and remove all the mud and dust accumulated there. Its delicate touch is at odd with its slimy, bubbling skin, and once more your central matrix tells you that this should be impossible. It should not exist. And yet here it stands.
"Hello again! I can't help but notice you're in a bit of a dum right now, and could use the help!"
This can be considered a slight understatement. It seems the sarcasm subroutine has survived up to now, at least.
"See, the only tiny little problem is that I won't do it for free. While your Soul is mine, I won't do anything without your consent. So you just have to agree to everything I say, allrighty?"
Your acustic receptors are crumbling. Something in this creature's voice seems to be damaging them. You try to signal it to them, but they misinterpret your attempt with agreement.
"Ok then. That said, I just need to fix a couple of things for you!"

And just like that everything went dark. It can see nothing. It can hear nothing. It knows nothing. Is this what sense deprivation looks like? Or has it finally died, and can finally rest? Its sad end has come, under the crazed scalpel of a lunatic, probably a cultist of some kind. It knew the risks of coming to such a traffiked dump, but its batteries were almost out of supply, and it could not stop the leack. Oh well, farwell cruel world.

You might just have done an oopsie. It seems like just shoving pieces of tentacles inside of it does not fix it. Pshaw- You already knew that! For sure! Machines are infinitively more easy to understand than what you're made off! All you have to do then is cheat a little. You look in a couple of futures, and use your clayvorance to 'be inspired' by the componentsof the closest shops.

Suddenly most of its systems come online. Its most damaged parts are as brand new. It runs a quick check, and the final message reads "Muah! All peachy!". It does not trust that, mostly because sometimes their optics show oddly coloured lights, currents of coloured air absent before (and not following most geometrical principles), eyes lurking in the darkness and, most prominently, another sun.

But... No errors. For the first time in its memory banks there are no errors shouting at its matrix to solve them. That's... a Miracle.

Oh, now they're kneeling.

"Silly, we're only halfway there!"


Their Soul. It is a small, dwindling thing. Isolation and lack of creativity have been starving for months, and yet it still stands as proud as one can be, in defiance of all those that would ignore it or with it harm. It'll be a true and proper jewel with just a bit of cleaning, and shaping. You have to make a pact with it, to propely bound it to you. What you give it is a transformation, in a cool new combact form that will make them able to fight back aganist the forces of Drakness! Or something.

This little addition to its soul is just a tad bit bigger than the soul itself. This is not actually a problem, because you're you and you can handwave away most laws, not only reality's, but it has the side effect of it being in this new form until its Soul grows enough to sustain it and activate its weapons. As of right now, they can barely manifest the little wings you designed!

Something changes. Its body begins to float, and emit visible light. Plumages manifests from nothing around its form, and a cocoon proceeds to envelop it. For about two seconds it stays there, in the air, hovering. Then suddenly the cocoon explodes outwardly, and it finds itself gently landing on the ground.

Once more it checks itself, and finds armour of some kind over most of its body, and ten, light emitting wings coming from its spine, connected by a circular object it can't identify. It knos there was nothing before, and it was able to run continious check on its chassis as it changed. This... this was no mere technological wonder.

Matter from nothing its matrix was whispering to it. That in and of itself was disquietening, as it should be impossible. Just another fact to add to the list, it would seem.

"Who... What are you?"

"Silly, I told you already! I'm the owner of your immortal soul. As it would burn up if I tried to actually tell you my full name, you can just call me [Mel], and from now on, you'll be Elm, short of Elma!"

The naming sense of a child, its main matrix screeched into itself. Well, if this was its new god, it might as well understand what was expected of it.

"What are your oreders, then?"

"I order you, on pain of me being bored, to entratain me by doing interesting stuff!"

Well, isn't that precise. What do you want it to generally do?

[] Improve Its Body (Search for better parts)

[] Improve Its Magic (Train the powers you gave it)

[] Procure a base of operation (Somewhere for you to laze around in and for them to recharge)

[] Write-in

What will you do?

[] Laze Around

[] Study some of that fancy Technology (What?)

[] Deal with the massive Soul problem this world seems to have (How?)

[] Write-in
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[X] Procure a base of operation (Somewhere for you to laze around in and for them to recharge)
[X] Study some of that fancy Technology (Batteries)
[x] Procure a base of operation (Somewhere for you to laze around in and for them to recharge)
[x] Laze Around

They can go do stuff and provide entertainment for when we get bored of idleness.
[X] Procure a base of operation (Somewhere for you to laze around in and for them to recharge)
[X] Laze Around
Mel's bad eating habits
[X]Study Batteries
[X]Procure Living Space


El is not particularly sure on what to do. Sure, their mistress wants to be entrateined, but that could take a multitude of forms. So it asked for further clarification.

"What would you have me do, mistress?"

"First off, find us a place to laze in. It wouldn't do to do it out in the open."

And so it now has a clear objective. Find somewhere to call home for the forseeable future. It was not as easy as it hoped, but not as hard as it appeared. Laundering most of the shiny items it had found in the last month netted them just enough to rent a cheap place close to the dump it lived in previously. It was honestly almost insulting for one such as its mistress to live in such squalor, but it was the best it managed to do with so little time. Still, at least it had a bed. It would not need one.

[Accomodations guaranteed for 7 turns]

What it elected to do with its spare time was essentially dumbster diving in hope of finding something usefull, or that would net some credits.


It found something, allright. The expected result, really. A gigantic, mutagenig rat it now has to fight, but that will hopefully net it something at the closest butcher.

Attack Dice: 1d50+20(Lazgun)+20(Laz Affinity)
Defence Dice: 1d50
Speed Dice: 1d12+20(Wings)
Armour: 10/10
Shield: None

Attack dice: 2d75
Defence Dice: 2d75
Speed Dice: 1d20
Armour: 15/15
Shield: None

As the Rat Can't fly, nor outrun El, all it needs to do is stay in the air and gun it.

Does that catch anything's attention?


Yes, it does.

How damaged is the rat's body?
Bo2: 51
Half is gone.

+1k Credits.
+150 Exp to El.
Assets will Update.
Crew will update with El's Char Sheet.

The fight is really trivial. All El needs to do is watch out from the thing jumping up and snatching it from midair, and its newfound wings mean they can just keep lazzing from a distance. That has the unfortunate side effect of damaging its body, but it means not damaging El's, so it's fine. There are many rats out there, but there's only one of it.

What El doesen't realize is that flying around like a possessed vulture and shooting laz weapons is bound to attract attention.

"Hack! Damn them, forcing me out here on a goddamned ecology project. The bastards. Hang on... Is that Laz fire on the horizon?! What is going on there?!"

Well, now all it has to do is assess what parts are sellable and which are useless. Thankfully, it downloaded an online book that shall help it. A nice day's work all in all! Thank goodness for free cooking books! Half an hour flies by, and it sees it busy cutting and slicing, at times with its weapons, the creature's body, and even then looting what it was guarding.


Which was apparently its family's bones. A grieving mother it would seem. Now El could make sense of the hysterical squeaking, and the apparent bloodlust, so unusual to giant rats. And it also felt a little bad. Still, the world turned, and noone has ever taken pity of it. Except for one creature, but that's not the point- adopting it would have been unfeasable, much less calming it down.

What she saw was an angelic-looking being, veritably pulsing light, hover mid air with no visible effort, half covered in mutagenic (and normally highly corrosive and acid) blood, carrying with itselfd a body much bigger than what any standard portable grav-craft could carry. She would know. She patented them. What she did was take as many photoes as she could, and remain hidden. Whoever was in that armour was probably laying low. No other reason to be here of all places, hunting godforsaken creatures. So all it would take for her to find their identity would be a quick search. Then she would ask her parents' a birthday present. And then she would have her new toy.

El, ignorant of its stalker, happly hummed a meaningless tune as it hovered in a route designed to confuse what may follow it, before heading to the butcher. One could never be too careful, after all.

"Dammit, I lost them!"

[El now has a fangirl]


Well then. Lots of time to lose. What to do? What to do? Lazing around gets boring after a while. Well then. What about finding smething interesting to learn? This leads you to get lost willingly explore the maze that is the city's biggest dump. Until you get hungry. Then you find something on the ground, and given what you usually deal with, you just throw it down, and scarf on what was apparently a bactery. Oh well. At least now you know what El was blabbering about a while back. Can't believe these guys still haven't figured out Ex Nihilo stuff. It is like, super easy! Gods do it all the... Oh. They don't have gods.

Well then. They might be just a little excused. Without actual examples it might be just a bit harder to discover. Wait. Do these lot even know about magic?

That night you go to sleep with wonderful dreams of trolling people with magic, and smelling the wonderful smell of rat blood. Trurly an appetizing fluid if there ever was one. So totally not like humans'. Their blood is actually very yucky. As is petrol. Blergh. Some of your tongues are still back, and you're honestly not sure it was actually petrol. You are also not sure it was a human, but you never let that stop you before. If one willingly threw themselves in a mouth larger than an island, you could not be blamed for the results.

[El now doesen't need to sleep anymore! +1 El Free action.]


Let me explain a bit more of how you choose what to do. You readers get to choose one action as to what Mel does, and one as to what any contracted being does. Then they do their own stuff, and depending on how loyal they are, they could attempt and free themselves. Under most circumstances it gets pretty obvious, mostly because Mel's body is pretty smol and non-threatening, and as such most entities feel free to insult/harass her. Don't feel bad for her. Feel bad for them. Anyway.

What do you want to do now?

[] El goes on a midnight stroll (random encounter with El)
[]El practices magic (Will upgrade Attack dice if done enough)

[]Mel does cantrips in the streets to raise money.
[] Mel eats the Hotel's tv.
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[X] El goes on a midnight stroll (random encounter with El)
[X]El practices magic (Will upgrade Attack dice if done enough)
[X]Mel does cantrips in the streets to raise money.
[X]El practices magic (Will upgrade Attack dice if done enough)
[X] El goes on a midnight stroll (random encounter with El)
[X]Mel does cantrips in the streets to raise money.
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[x] El goes on a midnight stroll (random encounter with El)
[x] El practices magic (Will upgrade Attack dice if done enough)
[x] Mel eats the Hotel's tv.
[X] El goes on a midnight stroll (random encounter with El)
[X] Mel eats the Hotel's tv.
[X] El practices magic (Will upgrade Attack dice if done enough)
[X] Mel eats the Hotel's tv.

How could we do magic on an empty feedstock reservoir?
Beginnings I
Here begins chapter I: Beginnings.
Winning votes:
[X] El: Train Magic
[X] Mel: Eat the hotel's TV
What does El do?
-Train Magic.
-Gather funds by dumbsterdiving.


A new day comes. The Sun forges onwards on the sky, chasing the stars away, and bringing its blasted light everywhere it goes. Damned thing just had to point its rays straight into your eyes, didn't it? One day you'll eat it, you swear! Actually, thinking about it, do robots even need the sun to survive? Who cares about all the meatbags...

El, sensing something terribly wrong was about to happen, moves with all its peternatural speed towards the one thing that will save this entire planet: the cheap hotel's black-and-white TV. It's honestly impressive they even have those, as that model isn't even produced anymore.

Huh? What's that noise? Ooooohh, there are things and people moving, doing things... Interesting...

And so it is that a (not so) little eldritch abomination was distracted in time, and all is good in the end. That was close. Now El just has to finish the day without further incident.
[Scavenging: 15]
[Encounter: 73]

It has decided to once more scourge the dump for anything valuable. Searching through the literal mountains of detroit and waste is not pleasent, or easy. There is always denger lurking behind every abandoned freezer, and every puddle could be an highly acidic material, result of some kind of industrial process or another, that could very easily cause irreparable damage to its chassis. While the probability for that last case is admittedly incredibly low, it is now impossible. As such, flying around is clearly the best course of action. Finally having some kind of image to uphold does wonder for the ego, it would seem. Even for an almost scrapped service bot.

What it does find, is a whole lot of nothing, as expected. After all, it's not the only thing going around looking to make a petty credit here and there, with relatively low danger. At a certain point, it seemed like a local gang had come out to wave the flag, or possibly had just jumped city, but in the end they were just a particularly large tribe of dumbsters. People who could not afford living in the city, or were forced for a reason or another to live in squallor. Usually they sleeped in the sewers, and most of the time they weren't even considered human. In the end, they took one long look at it, just hovering menacingly with a weapon, and opted to not pick a fight. Still, by then they had passed over the next couple of clicks, and as such El elected to stop wasting its time.

At least partially because, if there's nothing of value to damage, then it can just expolsively train its magic.


It does not go well. As expected, really. Their existance has been, since the moment of their first concious thought, nothing but a struggle aganist an actively hostile reality, with noone in their corner, not even themselves, as their body was controlled and obeyed orders from on high. So it is with grim acceptance that El witnesses the first Laser it manages to shoot with its magic poke the base of a gigantic tower mostly made up of washing machine, that then begun to crumble in their direction.

That, is going to leave a mark. At least.

[73. Dubs!]

Ouch. In all honesty, it did not leave a mark. With clipped wings, and a body half bent horizontally and scraped from end to end, they struggle through the trash. Long is the climb back up, towards the light, from the pit the inpromptu earthquake has caused, but it makes progress nonetheless. Mostly thanks to its wings, allowing it to hover, if not fly anymore.

After all, they're not completely alona anymore.


The mean man on the screen has just started saying rather odd stuff. You don't like it. "-we know you can hear us. Please respond, and you shall be allowed to crowl back to whatever rock you came from. How did you-"

And then you ate the thingamabob. Just, poked a itty bitty hole in Reality, your old friend, that will surely forgive you, and pushed it in. It makes a rather nice *crunchy* sound, under your teeth, and its texture is also pleasing. Still, it's so very little, and you Hunger. Maybe just a bite-

Oh? What's this? It's touching and recieving things, but not really. You could try and talk to El with this!

*Back to El*

Still hovering, and climbing up wall after wall, it is almost starled enough to fall down when a familiar voice speacks to it. The only voice that has ever speaken to it as a living being.

"Hello! Can you hear me!"

That wasn't even a question. It quickly runs with a sense of bemusement checks on its systems, because last time...

*No funny business here, nossire*
/Nothing to look at, go on/
*Everything regular. Now stop being nosy! Answer her!*
/Bzzt. Robot Noises. Beep Boop. All checks... positive?/

The last one literally spelled out 'Robot Noises'. Still, reading a bit further into it, El confirmes its suspicions: its radio systems are just gone. No trace of it, and yet here it is recieving its mistress' signal. Go figure.

"Hey! Don't ignore me! That's an order!"
"By your will. What seems to be the problem?"
"I don't have a problem. On the other hand, I'm getting bored. What are you doing?"
"Crawling back to the surface after a rather nasty fall."
"Oh! That's terrible... Tell me more!"
And so El tells her an absolutly faithfull recollection of its last two days.
"-nd then I shot the gargantuan Rat Queen to bitz, saving all the tribes, and bringing about an happly foreverafter."
"That's so cool!"

Noone would know if it embellished its own accomplishments a little, to look better to its mistress.

"Did you get hurt doing all that?"
"Just a flesh wound, really. Nothing to worry about."
"Oh. Well, then, just know that your magic should be able to heal you."
It tries to do it. It works. Now it only misses half of its wings. And... its spinal agumentations are back. They were extracted years ago...
"... Thank you. From the bottom of my matrixes, thank you."
"Silly, there's no need for it! Now do go on on your tale!"
El has the odd impression the supernatural creature is kicking her leg on the bed, probably munching on something she really shouldn't, with a huge smile on her face.
"...Then I came about this massive skyscraper of evil washingmashines..."

[El can now heal! It's not that good at it, but it shows a real talent!]
[Mel can now directly connect to anything Wifi]


You have decided to go out, after crunching a bit more on the Tee-Vee. For whatever reason when you told your new minion you ate it, El almost seemed to panik. Pshaw, as if a tee-vee would upset your stomach(s)!

Well then. Time to show all these plebs why you are inherently beter than them all! Objectively!

"Come, come. I'll show you a magic trick!"


A small crowd starts to gather. For hours the children's laughter echoes around you, and you pull endless trick after trick. A bruise gone here, a coin fit for a collection there, a crow with a few too many eyes over there... Many are the tricks you pay, and much is the valuable you manage to swindle out of people. Muahahah! You'll be rich in no time at all! With the continious support of the plebs, you shall bide your time, and then, on the first time a full moon comes around (for dramatic poses purposes), you shalt empty all thine chocolate stores! A perfect plan! Except-

"There officer! That child! Quick, get her!"

"You will never get me!"

Someone was a snitch! You should've known!

"She's been enticing people with odd mods! Illegal, probably! Healthy children should not have to see things like that! At least bring her to an orphanage!"

An angry mom, slashing platinum blonde hairs from side to side and working herself up in a berserker rage, seems to be leading the hunt. But you are smartere, and better. As such you elect to loose them in the best possible way.

[How stealthy are you? Nat 1]

"See you, fuckers!"

And then you shoot directly into the sky, vertically, ignoring all laws of physics. By supporting yourself with a gigantic tentacle spawned with another small gap into your old friend Reality. But that's fine, you'll cuddle and heal her back later. Now you nedd to have a dramatic escape.

"In the name of the Moon! Fuck off!"

"Mom! She cursed!"

"I know! How vul
gar! Children shoul-"

A (fake) Full moon rises behind you. Its small, wobbly eyes follow your every movement. Kinda. Actually, they don't follow you at all. But it doesen't matter, because by now you managed to lose them all. Aaaand... back to the hotel, just in time to see El tiredly walking back in. You welcome it inside, and are the perfect picture of innocence.

If it didn't want you to get up to funny business, it should have kept you entrateined, after all. Oh well. It's not like they can trace you. They won't, if they know what's good for them, anyway.

[3.1k Credits gained!]


And so another day ticks by. Another dawn witnessed, by older sensors. Captured from the usual spot El visits every single day it can. The highest vantage point it can feasably reach in this damnable dump. Another to add to its collection. For whatever reason, this one seems more beautiful.

"See, at one point today I was debating id eating that would help you, or not."

Also, a lot more trouble. Mostly because it kinda belives Mel could accomplish that if she really wanted.

"The humans would go in a ditzy. And then possibly explode. They tend to do that a lot."

It should know.

"Then should I do it?"

El thinks about it for about two seconds.

"Please don't."

Then the logical side of it prevailed over the vengenful side.

"Ok then. I'm getting tired. Let's go back home."

The day the hotel kicked them out was going to hurt so much, in so many ways. Both El and the hotel employee, probably.

What do now?
[]Mel: Add permanent storm clouds over the city, so the sun can't annoy you anymore.
[]Mel: Go in the city and have an interview.
[]Mel: -Write in

[]El: Try to come up with stuff to entertain Mel, if your creativity isn't enough, use a RNG on the words of a dictionary to see if the word gives you an idea.
[] El: Check out that new nosy neighbour that just moved in.
[]El: Go in the city and have an interview.
[]El: -Write In
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[X]Mel: Add permanent storm clouds over the city, so the sun can't annoy you anymore.

...I hate the sun and its sunlight, sadly, removing it would be bad, so whenever i go outside i daydream about stuff to make the sun still be there and give some sunlight but not much for a few moments, but i always end up thinking about clouds, then climatic change, and then i am crossing the street so i think about something else, like if i closed the door, if that van is about to stop right next to me, if those guys on the other side of the street are doing suspicious stuff, if someone is following me, the usual stuff.
Gonna have to admit, after the insanity that was this turn... I am liking the idea of AltF4's suggested action. Really mess with everyone a bit more. After all, it's not like trying to avoid causing issues appears to work. :V
[X]Mel: Add permanent storm clouds over the city, so the sun can't annoy you anymore.

[X]El: Try to come up with stuff to entertain Mel, if your creativity isn't enough, use a RNG on the words of a dictionary to see if the word gives you an idea.

...I tried to come up with something for El, couldn't, then remembered "Hey, if El doesn't entertain Mel it is a Bad End for everyone", i had no ideas for how to entertain Mel, so i was gonna vote "Brainstorm ideas to entertain Mel", remembered El is a robot so she shouldn't have a brain, then remembered that Brainstorming was something like writing the first thing that comes to mind and seeing later if it was viable, or at least that is what i remember from the one time i did it for a school project like 5 years ago, where i was basically useless trying to brainstorm because i have the creativity of a potato.
[X]Mel: Add permanent storm clouds over the city, so the sun can't annoy you anymore.

[X]El: Try to come up with stuff to entertain Mel, if your creativity isn't enough, use a RNG on the words of a dictionary to see if the word gives you an idea.

Not entirely sure the El option is good but considering I'm blanking myself, fair enough.