Curze Quest: Code GEASS

[X] Walk into the room and congratulate him on his third child being born, you have always wondered what having a sister would be like
[X] Walk into the room and congratulate him on his third child being born, you have always wondered what having a sister would be like

Well if we're going canon, I'm at least gonna get my jollies fucking with people. Kinda curious what pa's reaction will be.
[X] Walk into the room and congratulate him on his third child being born, you have always wondered what having a sister would be like
[X] Wait for several hours before you inform him, it's best to wait until after the child is born.
-[X] Confront Lord Stadtfeld for his unfaithfulness.
[X] Walk into the room and congratulate him on his third child being born, you have always wondered what having a sister would be like
[X] Walk into the room and congratulatehim on his third child being born, you have always wondered what having a sister would be like
[X] Wait for several hours before you inform him, it's best to wait until after the child is born.
-[X] Confront Lord Stadtfeld for his unfaithfulness.
[X] Wait for several hours before you inform him, it's best to wait until after the child is born.
-[X] Confront Lord Stadtfeld for his unfaithfulness.

Because we don't stand for unfaithfulness. Relationships are all about faith and love. If there's none of that, then it's a sign of a bad relationship that needs to be terminated.
[X] Walk into the room and congratulate him on his third child being born, you have always wondered what having a sister would be like
Voting closed

[] Walk into the room and congratulate him on his third child being born, you have always wondered what having a sister would be like 7 votes

[] Leave and don't inform him, 2 votes

[] Wait for several hours before you inform him, it's best to wait until after the child is born. 2 votes

[] Confront Lord Stadtfeld for his unfaitfulness (nno violence just aksing questions, he is not going to kill anyone yet)

[] Wait for several hours before you inform him, it's best to wait until after the child is born.
-[] Confront Lord Stadtfeld for his unfaithfulness. 6 votes

Prologue 03
[] Walk into the room and congratulate him on his third child being born, you have always wondered what having a sister would be like 7 votes

While most would question the wisdom in walking up to your supposed sire and congratulating him on his illicit affair with a foreign woman, whom none are supposed to know of. You see the with perfect clarity what such an action would do. After all it would both inform your father that you know of his infidelity and that he should not let his guard down around you. It was always much more fun to break them while they believe they are prepared, the expressions people like that wore never seemed tiring for you and you did enjoy seeing the horror that was reflected in their eyes.

You shake your head as you are not here as Night Haunter or even Konrad Curze. You are currently here as Conrad Stadtfeld current heir and eldest child of Lord Stadtfeld, also you note that you are the only legitimate one as well. Not that something like inheritance has ever concerned you. Petty trifle that.

You decide that the best approach for this is the direct one, the girl will be born in a few hours or even as you are here contemplating what to do.

Finally as you reach his study you open the doors, like always you are still able to come and go without a sound or trace unless you wish to. Right now you walked in as you normally did without a sound so your second father did not know of your entrance.

You wait for a about five to six minutes before you decide to speak savouring the silence before you break it. "Congratulations Lord Stadtfeld" you speak in soft yet unnerving tone.

On his part your second father leapt around stumbling and fell out of the chair he was sitting in bumping the back of his head on the desk. "Conrad?" he questions "haven't I always told you to refer to myself as father?" he asks. Evidently he has noted that you have have a habit of referring to him or his wife as Lord and Lady Stadtfeld instead of as Father and Mother. It seems that he is now aware of himself since that knock to the head might have left him a little dazed "Conrad this is well past your bedtime?"

You look at him with an amused expression, but a polite one as well "as I said before, congratulations" you repeat "your third child has a been born" you inform him. "She is a girl with your red hair, more than her older brothers at any rate."

Hearing this your second father's face loses it's colour and he becomes almost as pale as you are. "I don't quite know what you are talking about Conrad."

"Her mothers maiden name is Kōzuki, her older brother's is Naoto, their mother is of Japanese origin and they currently reside in Japan, where you were when you sired the two of them" you state blankly. "I am two years Naoto's senior and es I am well aware of your infidelity, so don't try to hide it."

It may not have been possible but Lord Stadtfeld's face became even paler "How did you-" he began but you cut him off.

"I learned of your unfaithfulness many years ago" you inform him "while I am not sure if it is my concern or not, just imagine what mother will think when she finds this out, though given how well you cover your tracks she may never find out, hopefully otherwise your life would become difficult indeed." You now look at the man who is your second father "and as to how I discovered it, do you really wish to know?"

The way your voice trailed off was ominous and had the desired effect as Lord Stadtfeld didn't reply to that, a fit of polite coughing hitting him as he sweated bullets.

"There is no need to worry" you say "I have no intention of telling her so those three are safe, just know that I know of your doings and there is nothing that you can keep from me that I will not discover eventually."

With this you spirited yourself out of the room leaving your second father alone in his stud to mull over what you said and try to guess how you knew. That is one thing that he will never discover, though it will be amusing to watch him try.

The Next day you go about your daily business as if nothing occurred, your father seems a little out of sorts when you are around but he keeps it well hidden so that only a few can tell that he is troubled by something, you know well what ails him but speak of it to no one.

The days draw into weeks and weeks draw into months and before you many have realised it more than three score years passed. As always you have not been idle, preparing for the day Night Haunter becomes reality once more, you have already gotten a list of names whereabouts, habits ,schedules, likes, dislikes ect of people whom you have decided need to be killed.

Being patient is one thing, but you are taking this to another level entirely. Given the fact that you have acquired all of this information on your own most would find impressive, yet you are still not satisfied, there were perks to being one of the twenty primarchs, some of them you are not experiencing, though you did discover that you are more than able to utilise your limited telekinesis, just that there hasn't been much call to.

Even so you have experimented with that, once putting out all the lights at a ball you were forced to attend and then slipping out after spiking someones drink before the lights came back one, the Lord did not leave that hall alive. But it was a good test to see if you still had it. No one has come to you yet accusing you of his murder and it has been more than nine months so you are relatively safe.

The downside to that is that you now are rarely permitted to attend these as your mother Lady Stadtfeld is worried that something like that could occur again. Then again people might link your family to being present every time something like that occurred and you would be found out eventually.

You have heard that your father is going to Japan again, usually from your visions he does this indirectly stopping there for a short time, never going directly from Britannia or the 'homeland' as the natives call it to that country. PErhaps you could use this chance to go with him, see your half siblings in person than in visions. It would be a new experience for yourself.

[] Request to accompany Lord Stadtfeld on this trip.

[] Leave him be, there are better things to do than discover what your half siblings are like.

[] Go with Lord Stadtfeld but stow away so that he doesn't realise you have come along
[X] Request to accompany Lord Stadtfeld on this trip.

Vote change.
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[x] Leave him be, there are better things to do than discover what your half siblings are like.

A waste of time we need to focus and kill the corrupt and evil nobles
[x] Leave him be, there are better things to do than discover what your half siblings are like.
[X] Request to accompany Lord Stadtfeld on this trip.

We won't be killing anyone any time soon
[X] Go with Lord Stadtfeld but stow away so that he doesn't realise you have come along.

At least keep the Oathbreaker on his toes.
[X] Request to accompany Lord Stadtfeld on this trip.

In all honesty, even though killing corrupt nobles would be ideal, there's the fact that we can't exactly let Lord Stadtfeld go on an easy leash. From the sounds of it, we already have everything planned, too. So I think it's safe to say we can do this action. And if anything does happen, we can immediately go back and kick some butt.
[X] Go with Lord Stadtfeld but stow away so that he doesn't realise you have come along
[X] Go with Lord Stadtfeld but stow away so that he doesn't realise you have come along

Can't let ourselves get soft after all.